u u - " " ' ' r - -- . ' ' ' ' : ' " ' - , ' " . . ; , 5 y . . ' ' ..- ' .1 : j. ... ..... ' ' ' 1 - -' tf " V : .--' ' ' i THISFAFZS: shushed emy evening. Sundays tx eepted by JOSH T. JAMES, SPITOK lin FRO PKTXTOK. S0B3CBIPTI0N8 F03TAaii7FAn: , year f--" Slx atha, $2.08., Three months. $1.00 ; One month, 35 cents. , The paper will be deUrensil by carrl free charge, in any P3 otttia city, at the above rtte8, or 10 cents per week. , - Adteetlalcg rates low and HberaL (j-Sabecribers will report any and all fan. to receive their paper regularly. 1 i c- Tue Daily Beview has the largest hra fide circulation, of any newspaper liahtd, intnecuyoj. wu.mngion. Tint, han is a r-y f a Gslveston studying .hfop-wter problem isarbor. in Galveston Mr. Arthnr is said to be rraiigins lis affair3 for a trip tcf Europe fifter March 1. . ,. , . : " ' benjamin fl.Bristow is now talked of as the Mugwump represcntatiye in theJ Cabinet. ".: . . 4 -. . - Senator Teller appeal to have the inside track in the Senatorial race in Colorado. A'r-C ' "v; . m- --' - . x-Senator McDonald declines to be a candidate in Indiana for the United States Senate. Irreverent freshmen of. Harvard re cently painted red the statue of the ven erable founder of that institution. " ... i . The four Kepubhcan members of Congress from Minnesota who voted for the Mormon bill have: been re elected. ' . - ; , ' V --- "Some people," says the Boston Acrald, Independent, ."think that it wa not Rum. Romanism and Rebel lion, but Blaine. Ball and Blackguard ism which defeated the Republican Mr. Gladstone has written a Latin version of the hymn, 'JRock of Ages,r and Dr. Bridges, organist of Westmin ster Abbey, has pet it to music. The work will be included at the next per formance of the Birmingham Musical Festival. , Mr. Gonkling,when asked by a friend the other day whether he was a candi date lor the Senate, replied: VI thank you for your solicitude, but I know' ot no inducement thatcould draw toe cearer to poli'ics than iny profession calls me." .T . - ' " . - Sir John Macdonald, the Premier ot Canada., is receiving many attentions ioEngiand. He Is to be the guest ot the Prince of Wales, and while at Sandringham the Queen will confer upon the Canadian visitor the cross of the Order ot the Bath. Capt. Chetwynd, of the British navy, who has been pouring oil on troubled waters, concludes that although tbebil thus used may be ot great use to ships in an open sea, it is ot no practical advantage to lifeboats having to pass through large breakers. Hon. Barclay Henley, of California, one of the two Democrats of that State who stood by his party in support ot the Morrison bill, is re-elected to the ntxt Congress, while the four members who voted with the Republicans gainst the bill are defeated. "Two goods thing have happened," says the Sunday Union and Catholic Times; ' Mr. Blaine has been driven out of American public life, and re ligious ideas have been driven out- of American politics. Both are for America's honor and glory. Let ns. re joice!" ' - ; .. ; Mr. Astor gave as a wedding present 10 his daughter Carrie, now Mrs. Wilson, $100,000 In the form, of a five Percent, water loan certificate of th ly of Boston. The certificate was Ksued in favor ol tha United States Trust Company of New York, the trui- Mor Airs. Wilson. - : i be combined pluralities of the- solid yemocratio Congressional Delegation ,rm New York citv is C6. 472. while electoral ticket got only 43, 130 plu: 7, a falling off of 23,342 votes which aybe taken as indicative of the ex- fe&tof the trading done in the local cdidates on the one side and the Re publican electoral ticket on the other. : A heavy wheat trtin pulled ' into rgo by one engine, a few days ago, Q the Northern Pacific railroad; 'con eu ot no cars." loaded with wheat. would make, allowing 550 bushels the car, a weighi of 3.630,009 pounds le the cars weigh 9,729.000 pounds, diking 6,330,000 pounds pulled by one motive, or over 3.190 tons. The train was over three-quarters of a mile ' ' . 9 . 'length. High Praise. ' tne of the editorial Writers of the Jjnaon DaLy Sportsman, in an inter w with the Australian cricketers, jmen, athletes and gymanasts, states "ie confirmed opinion of all : that Jacobs Oil, for the cure of pain, Jo! f and bodily ailments has no coVnuS reputation as such Is re SDj2ed wherever it is known. . LIE i)iHjT . : fiETTEW" ' : - u.r ; ;ti..! - : - i -,?-''? : -. -, ; , , .., ... t YOI, VIII. W LMINGTONJ N. C, WEDNES DA Y NOVEMBER 26..I884. A prominent dentist calls attention to an interesting fact suggested by the possioie aoopuon of cremation. False teeth, as now made, are entirely on w, j UKJ uivbv ioiense neat, so that if the body oXa persan wbo-had nterl false teeth should be iocinerated, the' teeth would come out of the retort "P10 an? Pearlj white, ; although nothing of the body might remain but n small residum as ashes. The Supreme Court of Indiana re- ntly rendered a decision inn divorce esse in tbeso words: "You voluntarily chose a drunkard for a husband, artf you should discharge the duties of i drunkard1 wife. His failure to keep a pledge of reformation made before mar riage does not justify you in deserting him. leaving knowingly married a drunkard, you must make yourself con tent with the sacred relationship. The Mabdi is a radical total absti nence man, even to coffee and tobacco, which be won't even allow in his camp. In fact, he lately gave a refugee 150 lashes for smoking a cigarette. But he rnakfs up for this by having thirty-nine wives, and keeps within the letter of the Mohometan law. which allows only four wives, at a time by an ingenius system of divorce, by which he always has thirty-five spare wives in waiting. How can Mrs. Smith wear - such a handsome velyet coat?" My dear child don't you know her husband used to Eay all his money to doctors, but sicc3 e took to using Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup be gives it alt to her to spend. "OCAL NEWS. i IH DEI TO NEW aOVERTISEUEITS. C W Tatss Stationery Davis A f oy-Apples B M McIntiee Lad es' Wraps O M SxiTHDEATv Bookkeeping GEO B TBfHCU A Soxs Best Stock HjcdtsbkbqR Bookseller and Stationer. F C Miixek -Friends and Fellow Citizens For other locals see fourth page. Dressed turkeys were selling this morning at 20 cents per pound. There will bo services in St. John's Church at 11 o'clock to-morrow morn ing Thanksgiving Day. There is an abundance of deliciou fruit in the market, and it is selling generally at a reasonable price . There will be appropriate giving services at St. Paul's Thanks (Episco pal Church) at 11 o'clock to-morrow mornicg. Polo Caps made to order of beautitu casslimeres and worstedsjf or fifty cents by Dyer. Only a limited number to make, order at once. t There was no City Court this morn ing, and there was an atmosphere o general dullness in the vicinity of the City Hall during the day. - - - M , . - -, L To-morrow will be Thanksgiving and a legal holiday, iu consequence of which there will be no paper issued from this office until Friday evening.' The excitement of election has entire J y suoBiuea and all - nanus are now buKy engaged earning meat aud bread for themselves and their families. We are requested by Postmaster Brink to state that the Posloffice will be closed to-morrow, Thanksgiving day, from 9.30 Ja. m. to 4.30 p. m. Mails dispatched as usual. This was a cold, raw, rainy, uncom fort able morning, but after awhile the sun struggled through the clouds and gave some degree of cheerfulness and warmth to the atmosphere. The Board of Managers of the Young Mod's Hebrew Association held a meet ing last night and desided to five their first entertainment for the season at German! Hall on Monday night, De cember 8tb. Business seems to be growing more active and there is a livelier appearance on the business streets than thero has been for the past two or three months- There is yet a chance, however, for a decided improvement. . Indications. For the South Atlantic States, light showers, partly cloudy weather, winds generally from. Southwest to , North west, with slight changes In tempera- tare. . . . . Dismissed. - . . - Tho case of the city vs. S; Schriver, charged with violating city ordinance in selling second-hand clothing, which was heard before the Mayor last week, has been dismissed. NORTH .'CAROLINA PJEBENCE. CON Journal of Proceedings! - The North CarolinaConference rf the E. Church, South, assembled in It, fbrtyighthf annual session i at the Front Street M. E. Church, in this city at 9:30 a'elock this morning, Bishop Linus Parker presiding, who opened the Conference with religious serfices. Ionald fW.tBain,i Secretary f the last tCpnference, called the rollf to which a large number responded 1 Donald W. Bain was. on motion of Rev. S P. Adams, elected Secre- tary. - ': " 4 vr t . ... . i. m. (jurney was elected Assistant Secretary; C, W. Byrd Recor(linirSec retary; J. B. Carpenter Statistical See- retary, and James H. Southgate Finan- cial Secretary. The third window of the Church was designated as the bar of the Confer ence. . ' Un motion of Rev E A Yates, D D, the hours for opening and adjournment) or tee Conference '-were fixed respec- . . . . i ttvely at 9 o'clock a m and 1 o'clock pni. On motion of Rev R b Burton, D D, Rev E A Yates. D D, Rev W I Hnll. and W M Parker and J W Craig were appointed the Committee on Public w worsnip. On motion ot Rev J B Bobbitt, DDE Ardrey, F E Asbury, J H Weeks, D the Presiding Elders were constituted a committee to nominate the standing committees and to fill vacancies n the Boards ot the Conference. Rey W 8 Black; D D, introduced the following resolution which was reau ana unanimously aaopted. It is with profound regret that wo learn that the continued illness of Drs NHD Wilson and H T Hudson will prevent their attending our annual w --wm meeting; therefore be it. Kesolved. That we tender to these brethren beloved our warmest sym & L. J 11 Y1 . - pabuy m ineir amicuon, ana tnat we will continue to pray for their early restoration to neaith, and will hail with . A WTW m m . grauiuae to our iieaveniy f ather any signs ot returning strength. W S Black. L W Crawford. Thos S Campbell. Kev L W Crawford delivered to the Conference a fraternal message and greeting from Dr Wilson, and Rev T 8 Campbell spoke as to the present phy- wuw wDuuwB w j;r nuason, ana i Mn - t- tt .1 UOUY61CU uis mwsagcv Ji. Ihe report ot the Agent and Book committee of the Southern Methodist laousxung nouse, aatea duly 1st., was reaa ana, on motion of Rev T . T? li, u: . t Ti r i . . - I v. mj. iiyuuin, u. teierreu io tne VU1UU"11 o uooks ana A-enoaicais. Mr. L. D. Palmer, Manager of the Publishing House, was introduced and addressed the Conference in the interest ot tne nouse ana stating the object of bis visit. A communication from Rev. David Morton, D. D., Secretary of the Board of Church Extension of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, was read. and on motion ; of Revr L. W. Craw- ford, referred to the Church Extension Board. r : .- . from ' Rer J W Hiuton, D D, editor of . the Quarterly Review, ot the f Methodist. .Episcopal Church; South was read and referred to the committee on that subject, which was, on motion of Bey R S Webb, ap I pointed as follows: Revs J T Gibbs, W S Creasy and J T Bag well, D D. a communication from jeremian y. d " " vis - I Holt, fraternal messenger to this body j from the North Carolina and Virginia Christian Conference of the Christian Church, wis read and Rev A Yates, D D. was designated to make suitable response. Question 20 was taken up. viz; "Are all tbe preachers blameless in their lifeaijd official administration?" xne lonowing passea tne annual ex aminailon or character, and their applications for continuation in the supernumerary relations were referred to the Committee oa Conference Re- ations : Thomas W Smith. Isaac F Keeracs, William H Call, Thomas C Moses, Jeremiah J Craven and T J Eudaily. The following passed the annual, ex- animation of character and their appli cations for continuation in the Super annuated relation were referred to the Committee on Conference Relations: Robt P Bibb, Georgo E Wyche, Willis S. Hal ton. John W.Floyd, Henry Gray. Daniel Cnlbretb, James W Randall, i Miles Foyf WiiUam VT Albea, Thornai L Boyle. Gaston Farrar, Edward lowland. William H ? Watkins, William J Hall, Henry H Gibbons and Marcus C Thomas. 1 Key Joseph H Wheeler passed an ex-1 amination of character. , RT T J Browning passed an exa tui tion of 'character nod his application. tor a supernumerary relation was re ferredto tue committee on Conference Relations. He was continued in the class of the third year Rev Joseph R Wilson, D D, of the First Pre byterian Church, . and Bev Thos . H . Pritchard; D D, of, the First Baptist Church., of this city, were intro duced to the Conference. , , KeT T H; Pegram was appointed to fill vacancy on the Board of Church Extension. , If Ua motion- of Rev S D Adams, the becrctanes of the Conference were cort tltuted the committee on publication of the Minutes.,. i Ti. : ... J-uo were aumutea on - ltriaI ia the conference : RevsBiscom A xoriC- William K Wall, Miles M Mc- Farland. Samuel R Belk, Condor P Jerome. Evan Dan Cameron. conference adjourned with benedic tion by the Bishop. The following Committees were ap Pointed: books and periodicals. Kevs'A li Bonett, A A Willis, A T N IStevenson, W C Willson. G W Ivev B Hall, P D Herman, A PJ Tyer, 11 H Gibbons. J W Jenkins, L J Holden. W A Moore. Laymen W S Hester, A G Headin, T L Rawley, C G Mont I i gomery, M Av White, L J Hovle. W Laue, G T Simmons, Charles Latham. cuurch propebiy. Keys B B Culbreth. L T Nash. A F Bumpass, F A Stone. P F W Stamev. F W Wheeler, J Ed Thompson, M W I - F - Bay les, J E Thompson, G L Croom,' J M Lumley, R L Beaman Laymen J I H Tomllnsnn n W Rvnnm a wn-. - -w ' 11 1 -. w w W W M M ' - - A m. mm lOii H W Spinks. M O Showell, J T John son, J C Brown, H C Wall ' J D O Culbreth, P Holland. J W Heptinslall, A B Nobles. BIBLE CAUSE. Revs J J Renn, J Tiliett, J W Lewis. J V Ronnd. J H Page. J W Jones, G VV, Hardison. W BDoub. J B BaHey, j d Carpenter, R S Webb, T PRicaud. Laymen Dr J 15 15eckWltb. J H SonthcatA. P 1. Wright, J W Manney, M W White, T W Carver, W J Boykin, J W Lamb. K K Council. W A Darden. G A Woodard, Rov C Hightower. CONFEBESTCE RELATIONS. 1 . - K0V8 J B Morton. LH Gibbons. I. W Crawford. G Rush. J W North. .1 n Hartsell, S M Davis, W G Chaffin J C Crisp. LS Burkbead. J A Brooks. J H Cardin. I TEMPERANCE. Revs W S Rowe. T A Bonns. C II Phillips. T W Smith, W 8 Bagley, G W Callahan., Z T Harrison. C M Pepper. A G Gaunt. J N Andrews. J R Griffith, F A Bishop, . AuotlierKobbery. At an early hour this morning, the wife of Capt. Wm. Kinion, of the steaming. Boston was awoke; by a noise which proved to be occasioned by a thief who had raised iho window of the sleeping room and was iust with I drawing a cane, upon ' which he had tome of her hnsband's clothing. She aroused tapt. KUnion and the latter immediately started lor the thief, : who fled as soon as be saw that be was dis- covered, and after a lively chase sac- ceeded in securing his coat and trouser', which the scamp had dropped j iia nis nigui. ine tniei, wno was. a t mi . colored man. managed to escape cap tare, in consequence of which Capt. Ktmpn lost his vest and watch. This occurred at the house of Mrs. Annie Burch, on the corner of Front and urange streets, where Capt. Kinion and his wife are boarding. f The city is overrun with these mid night marauders who lite by stealing whatever they can lay their hand upon. If they cannot find a chicken coon or a hen. roost they do not hesitate to break into tbe houses, and thev will : rniinn the business until a fw of them have been made acquainted with the merits of cold lead Ger. barque Godtffray, Sicoic. clear ed to-day for Liverpool with 1JBA0 bales cotton, valued at $84,559. shiDoed bv Messrs 'Alex Sprout is Son. Rev. Dr; W. M. Rbbey will preach at the First Baptist Cbnrch to morrow night 7:30 o'clock." " " 7 Bilious - Comrlaints. - Constinatinn. Naosea, are all relieved and cured QJ AyertltUs. t; iv. To every. Housekeeper a eobd substantial cook stove is an important inecessitvand onr rpadera will flnrl th best at . Factdry prices 1 at JacorTs (Hardware Depot. t W U. "o2 . Jf IS W A P VERT IS KMEXTS I - j KS A Good Assortment Eeceived this CARPETS & DRY GOODS. OIL CIXTHS all widths. We are noy 18 DIED. f In thin city, Nov. 26th. ia4. Urn. CATHR15E FORT, f pneumonia. In tbe S.th year of her ajre Funeral serrloe will take place from the residence cf Capt. S. W. Sklncer. ou Fifth bx., between Dock andOranKO, to-morrow (Thurs day) at S o'clock, p. m. ? - NEW ADrEKTISiaiENT. Apples. gQ BBLS. APPLES BY TUESDAY'S STEAMER FOR SALE CHEAP. nov 26 DAVIS A SON f LESSON 8 IS BOOKKEEPING, to be V given at Blent, and 15 to Writing tn, i. riven In the e- ening, by G. M. SMITUOEAL. author of Smltbdeal's Bookkeeping and Pres. Ment 8. B. College, GrecnaboTo N. C Terms in advance. Ladles and Gentlemen In both classes. Call at Lee Bouse, or address Wilmington. nov 56 It Best Stock. jgUYERS OF BOOTS AND SHOES WILL find at our place tbe LARGEST STOCK. GREATEST VARIETY OF STYLE AND FINISH and LOWEST PRICES. We Invite an examination of Goods and Price. Geo. IL French & Sons, KB NORTH FRONT STREET nor fid Lost. QN THE 23d LSST., A HOUND PUPPY, brown eolor, five months old. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving him at No. 16 South Frrnt Street. novii QT ALL KINDS, SUITABLE FOR LAW- yers. Merchants, Teachers, Ministers and others. ; We saake a snecialtv ol Blink Rnnk ni Stationery for the nse of Counties and County Orders for Ensravlnflr Checks. Draffs Vnif- School Protrammes, Invitations, Visiting Cards, Ac, wUl meet wlih prompt attention - riaaus ahd ORG 4 N8 w are agents for the leading Piano and Orsran manufacturers nf the country, such as fiohmcr. Decker Bros.. E Gabler Brs., Cloogh A Warren, Goo. Woods A Co., Mason A ilamllo, Swrllojc Organ Co.. Ac, and are able to offer extra. lmlucemntR. either for cash or on Instalments. Second tnnd Instruments taken in exebange. lAlfifi' ituua STORK, nov 24 119 Market st, Wilmington N C Just Arrived I CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY CAKES AND CRACKERS. French Jumbles, - . . , Orange Bar, vaniaa Jelly. , Iced Drop Cakee, Cooa Drops; Koko Cakes. Lunch Milk, elegant. Cracker Dust, Also, Bright, New Breakfast Strips. Pig Feet. Pix Hams, five pourd average, and everythlcg osnaUy found in a first class Fam ily urocery. Q. M. CRAPON, aoviS 23 South Front t Hardware QF ALL KINDS AND IN ANY QUANT1 ty. Wholesale and Retail at ROCK BOTTOM prices. W. K. 8PKINGKR A CO.. 19. 21 Market Street, noy2 Wilmington. N. C, Florida Oranges I Florida Oranges I JUST ARRIVED A CHOICE LOT OF Orangea, direct from Hhe arrovea of I lorida. A fall supply of Bologna Sausage. Liak sns age, Garl o Sanaage and Liver Podding, direct Irota Kl;hmod. va A full lne of Family Groceries always on hand. Live Turkers. Dressed Tnrksvs tni Chtckena always on hand - . STJ" Old Lost Cabta and Brn na trick Pr1at Stock Whiskey, sre sUll boomleg. , unuiruDcnn 01 proaooe soucited. ' - CSAIU A TlinilAK. Produce Commission Merchants and Pesters m uroeenea, uqaors, Ac, No. 113 snth Front fit., almost opposite tne Market. nov 22 , . Carolina Yacht Club Cigars, "pKST 5 CENTS CIG AR OX THE MARKET. Good Whiskey, Beer. Oysters. Ao. ... OLD NORTH STATE 8AL005. nov 13 South rroatStrteU 6T ir Vf bs gia4, to jraecrs ecnaaaicaCta Craa ftUTfrtocU ensxy ac3 fall fsnsctsf -, Xht xoat of the wrUer ntut aJwaya b: Ksheat9th3EStor. . . CoamrmTcanona mnst ba wtttt one aldaot the paper. . Personalities nest be avoided.; And It la espedaTJy and. partlcnUrly ttf e Stood that tha Erf'tnr rfno. nn I therTlcw ot corrcBFondcnta calw tr suit 1 Ja the editorial ooJnwA r. , ... NEW AOVERTISEatliNTS. Si 4 .: i i ' CORNrpiC0lF,iIE9 r,oc. seliiDg goods very cheap R. R1. r.7clWTfKE. i r- - 3 t-i STOCK AHD REAL ESTATE BROKER nd Acetioncer or fieoeral Merchandise ot every descrlpUo-o Officfl corner Princess ami Water afreets. sCrenly & Morrlss' old Kad. fJJ5,lul given to sale of horees and vehl-lea at private sa?oof at auction. Con. SETH W. DAVS. sept ti AncUoBocr. UEINSBERGE.R, Book-Seller and Stationer. DEALERIN iMANOS A D ORGANS, FAJNCY GOOUS, WEDDING PKESKJJS. GUITARS, VIOLINS, ACC0RDB05S, BAK- JOS, STRINGS, Ac nov 24 Conoley's Drug Store. 21 0 MAKKfcT STREET." WANTEDA few good cuttouiirs to buy Vu ,C?? X 8 -on8h Syrup, Con. lev's To Vhyt o (for Corns) Conoley's None Such and io? JV 8 3?.K. anything elsoSi my nov 22 , -r . 'siviiviau'l 1UUBCCO. J W. VONOLir. Wext Week-. HUMPHREY JENKINS will -j receive, at their Oyster hous o, 1 No. 112. t-outh frnntSt iy Ions of froeh New Riter Oysters everr dav uruTS wr wees. Those wishing Oysters dnrlnjr Conference will pleas, leave their 'or. lit- Jfter Promptly delivered In original ttSfV1!11 JJ2T Ansnlity wntcd. Also you FA1?da5i.anC8''Jkl,P,e8. Cabbajes,. hl,p8' nl2?' "wect nt Irian Potatoes noi 2? a gg- 0yBte" 0,,t c- O. J. Another Large Invoice QT ZEPHYRS AND ALL THE VAB10U3 Wools In use ALL COLORS. Children's, Misses and Ladles Jerseys. . Gloves and Handkerchiefs. " Fancy Hairpins, Hat Ornaments, Ac. Millinery-Full stock. 'Hats, Bonnets. Vel vets, Fcatters, Birds; 'Ac. Stampinz done in latest designs. reltA II colors. Elder Down, PluehAc MISS E. KARRER. nov 24 Efchanjee Corner. Oysters.Oyters; AT 1 1 lirin '' between Front and ecox J. You ca?iEet;Tcw RIvcr vsters fresh eveiydly. . -. w m: uiiuu . imp rrna nov iV, i- mujipe k any part of the State. H. L. Stores for Kent. - . above now oocapio4t;y 4Ieasra H. 'Joiinson Co. 8tpre and ofllcea above bow occu ' pled by a. Dumeiandt. wcc" .n7( "hirt' Zi'- Miween; Places. aag li aty copy 3t , IgaoS8ET A CO. Real Estate. HOUSES AND BUILDING LOT f .'i ift n tt u U ir uie m an parts of the city. Cash or on tbe Instalment pan. aog SO 2aw 3m aat m Real Esute Agent Norlblk Oystersrlv At the GEM RESTAURANT, mm- 1"UI (Jl'ril, . . WILL WJLST. Ostrich Tip s JHOR 51 AND C5 CENTS PER BUNCH. Ne ttyles In Felt, Velret and Straw Hati ani Bonnets. ,c i' a4 nomas, . Fancy Feathers, Blbbons, Satins. Velvets, Zephyrs. Faxony, c, at 1 ,1 . r . ;Mi KATE WlNEa', Nflu 110 North tnnA Kt.t w -w s "tt - Bet.'C hettnnt and Pxlncesa sta -FE1SS.D3 AS fiLlflI7:CIIIZEH: lent, that ye may hear. .CoJognes, Ea tracts. Toikt aol Sachet Po: Fan ilheoIDrngsA Pxerirtious a g! w acj Jl C. MILLETT3,

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