every evening. Sundays ex . ecpted by JOSH T. JAMES, epitob and rsorxxxTos. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: 4.00. six montns, xnree months, fl-00 1 One month, S3 cents. Tt,e pip" w ' charge, In Put of the cltT at tne r.tc3. or i" nw Advestislng rates low and liberal. -Subscribers will report any and all fall. their niTW rrnlftTTw ' esr TXe Daily Review has the largest ina friz circulation of any newspaper r1iblishcd. mthe cuy oj tvumxngion B'.icc,s renting the', Windom man- e;.in s ili keeps him on Uaiamity bquare. John Kelb'a campaigning ended -in sQch bronchial troubles that be" is on the sick bed. - West Virginia will no longer be ab October State Au amendment to her mnsMiution corrects that nuisance. 'ow the i armor rejoices, because wet weatber permits the planting ot small grain " Seed time and harvest shall cot fail." - , - r .' "A- ; , ' A sen ot General Pickett, ot Confed erate iame, is to have the only vacancy inlhe United States Array. 1 r : Michigan Democrats have issuedO0 rfficiai proclamation ana ciaim mat, under the circumstances, no men nave a better right to crow over ckcliuii. Cleveland' Expert book-keepers may be m x de mand" at Wastington when the new administration comes into power. Will the Republicans burn the books to con ceal fraud? . . The Boston Post says: "Rev. Mr. Barchard. Mr, Blaine's friend, has two sou3, both of whom voted for Cleveland All of Judse Hoar's sons voted for Cleveland. The boys seem to be head slrong this year." Mrs. B. Ole Tayloe. who died re cently in Washington, had been a lead er in a select circle of refined people there for half a century. She was noted lor her hearty hospitality and great gen erosity and charity. Mr. St. John was in the minority at the meeting of the Kansas State Tem perance Union in Topeka a few days a?o. Some resolutions endorsing the Republican party, though bitterly op- posed by the defeated candidate, were passed over his head. President-elect Cleveland, says the World, cut himself off from visitors vesterday. The Executive Mansion was closed to visitors. The turkey o the most thankful man in the Union was eaten peacefully in the family cir cle, with none but relatives as partici pantS. fr it is announced that Prince Alber Victor will visit this country, if Par liament grants him $50,000 a year spending money. Parliament ought not to gag at a trflle like that. It isn every country that has so many princes to be proud of and to spend money on as England. An intimate friend bt Senator Don Cameron says he is in no way respon sible for the suggestion now going the roands of the press that he is going to organize, or try to do so, n system o keeping Republicans in office after the 4th of March next. Senator Cameron is not that sort of a politician. ft President-elect Cleveland wishes be may become an occupant of the White House before March 4, It is announced that, following the example set by Mr. Hayes, President Arthur has invited his successor to make the White House his home while preparing for the ceremonies of inauguration. "The other $300,000 please find en closed my check for," was the way Mr. Wm. II. Vanderbiltputitinhisletterto the College of Physicians.and Surgeons. It is most awkwardly phrased, but the Physicians and surgeons of New York do not seem to have minded that much. The check was good, if the English was bad. The doings of the French in the East bavc had the effect of stirring the British Government up,to the necessity f patting its coaling stations and' ports in that quarter of the world in a tetiter tate of defence. Guns and wrks are to bo provided at such im portant points Aden and Hong kon2. For a beffinninir. 200 tons of torpedoes have just been sent to the Chinese coast. - -V,r , - It is told by Tobias Lear; that when General Washington first complained of his cold he advised him to take soiueihing. No," answered Wash ington, yon know I never take any- uung tor a cold : let. it go as it came.VJ nt it went to his lungs, and in a few tfays the nation mourned the loss of its ther. How significant the warning? Dr. Bull's Cough. Syrup can be obtained of every druggist. ? t " : -: c , We observe quite a fine display of hew Rtoolvers for very reasonable Prices, ap-Tacobi's Hardware Depot.! 1 VOL. VIII: W rLMINGTON. N. C FRIDAY. NOVEMBER LOCAL NEWS. IXDEX TO NEW AQVERTISEMEITS. C W Yates Stationery B D Hall, Mayor Notice American Legion of Honor Sailing Days N Y A Wll S 8 Co W J H BELLAMr, M D Notice : D MacRaje, Prest Annual Meeting U El wgBKROEK Family Bibles, Albums, Ac r C Miller Friend and Fellow Citizens - The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot op 1.485 bales. Clarendon Council, No. 67. A. L. of Honor, will meet to-night, at 8 o'clock. Have a neat Polo Cap made at Dyer's they cost only 50c, and are.going fast: V ; The du3t i3 now completely laid and the streets are fast beeominer muddv andsloppy. Rev. J.N. Andrews will preach at the Fifth Street M.'E Church to-night at the usual hour. " - 1 We were unable to obtain the pro ceedings of Conference tc-day, but will endeavor to give them to-morrow. Five pistol shots were heard in rapid Succession, in th3 Eastern Dortion of the city at about 11 o'clock last nizht. The Board of Church Extension of the M. E. Church will hold a meeting at Front Street M. E. Church to-ni?ht, at the usual hour, at which intercstinir addresses will be delivered. The Raleigh Visitor notes the fact .that on 1 Wednesday last Wilmington was represented in -Raleigh in the persons of Hon. George Davis, Lieut- Governor-elect C. M. Stedmao. Hon. D. K. McRae, Hon. 1). L. Russell, and G. W. Williams, Esq. :Br. steamship Elslow. Robertson, cleared to-day for Liverpool with 400 bales cotton, 13 cases shuttle blocks, 30 barrels tuberose bulbs, valued at $214,- 931, shipped by Messrs E. Lilly and Alex. Sprunt & Son. Indications. For the South Atlantic States, cloudy . t m a m weatner ana ram; variable winds, pre ceded by Northeast to Northwest winds. In Southern portion nearly stationary temperature; in East portion slight fall in temperature; in West portion falling. followed by rising barometer. Public Lecture. Prof. G. M. Smithdeal, whose card appeared in our columns on Wednes day evening, will deliver an address on "Busines Education" at tho Cape Fear Academy at 8 o'clock to-night, to which the public, find especially the ladies, are cordially invited to attend. The Rain. At length we have been favored with a rain "as is a rain." It began raining soon after midnight and there were frequent and copious showers during the morning, and, indeed, through the principal portion of the day. It did no1 come a minute too soon, as it was much needed in all the Eastern section of the State. Killed a Fox. Frank P. Toomer, shot a fox at about half past 6 o'clock this morning in his yard on Sixth street between Bladen and Harnett. The animal was not killed outright by the shot, so Toomer knock ed him in the head with the butt of his fowling piece, in consequence of which the piece was broken. The fox had wire around its neck, acd was evident ly about a year old. The Day. Many of .our citizens went to church yesterday ; some went a gunning, other played ball and quite a party gathered in the afternoon at Giblem Lodge, on the corner of Princess, and Eighth streets to indulge in the exhilerating pastime of roller skating. We noticed some very fine skaters among the ladies and gentlemen and of the former there were several who moved with ease and superb grace. City Court. Tho first case for the consideration of the Major this morning was John Richardson, colored, charged with dis orderly conduct. The defendant was found gui'ty and a fine of $5 was im posed for tb.8 offense. Scipio Hill, colored, and an old of tender," was charged with disorderly conduct and .was sent below for five days.. - v:.-y;- ; - Alice Hall, a colored damsel who has frequently figured in poiice circles, was charged with disorderly conduct, for which she was sent below for twenty days., .' ; : ,- . . ; For the care of pales achesv and the innumerable ailments of man and beast for which a ready remedy is needed St. Jacobs Oil is known to have no equal. NORTH CAROLINA FERENCE. CON- SECOND DAY. Thursday, Nov, 27th, 1884. The Conference assembled at 9 o'clock. Bishop Parker in the Chair, and wa opened with religious services conducted by Rev S D Adams.;8 The roll was called and several res ponded who were not present on the first day. . .. r , On motion of Rey L W Crawford the urther call of the roll after to day was dispensed with. The journal of yesterday was read and approved.. Question 20th was again taken up. viz: "Are all the preachers blameless in heir life and character?" H T Hudson passed the annual ex amination of character and his appli cation lor a superanaated relation was referred to tho Committee dn. Confer ence relations. On motion of Rev S D Adams the application of Joseph H Wheeler for the same relation was referred to that committee Question 1st was resumed, viz: "Who are admitted on trial?"" John Jobson Gngg, Laurinburg Cir cuit, Fayetteville District, John -Alber1 Hornaday, Ashepole Mission, Eayette- ville District; William Franklin Cof fin, Cartbage Circuit, Fayetteville Dis trict;. Duncan A. Futrell, Fifth Street Station. Wilmington District; Joseph Gillspie Nelson, Straits Mission, New bern District; James Russell Betts, Snow Hill Circuit, Newbern District; and William A. Rose, Roanoke Cir cuit, Warrenton District, having been recommended by their respective Quar terly Conferences and approved by the Examining Committee, were admitted on trial. , Decatur F. Morrow, Columbus AILssion, Shelby District, whose re commendation was presented, was not admitted. On motion of Rev. J. E. Mann, the Presiding Elder of the Shelby District, was authorized to employ D. F. Mor row, Rey L W Crawford presented the re port of Greensboro Female College, which was, on motion ot Rev W S Black, referred to the Board of Educa tion. Rev. M. L. Wood. D 1), President of Trfnity College, presented his report Rev R O Burton moved that it be referred to the Board of Education with instruction to submit its report on or before Monday next at 10 o ciock a m, and that said report be made tne special order for that hour Question 4 was taken up, viz : "Who are admitted into lull connec tion?" Revs John H Hall, Clater W Smith, and Charles O. Durant passed the ex amination of character, were apprqyed by the Examining Committee and ad. mitted into full connection on condition of their examination by the Bishop in open Conference. Question 2 was taken up, viz : Who remain on trial? Marcus D. Giles and Thomas S. El. lington passed the examination of char acter not having been before were continued on trial. " The hour for Thanksgiving services having arrived, the business of the Con ference was suspended. A discourse was delivered by Bishop Parker, and collection was taken for the Orphan Asylum at Oxford, N. C, amounting n Qifti fin s The Conference resumed its session On motion of Rev V A Sharpe, Rev R S Webb was appointed to receive the centennial contributions. Question 4 was again called, viz : 'Who are admitted to full connec tion?" Revs Leigh O Wyche, Barna B Hoi der. Edward L Pell, William J. Crowson. Isaac A White. Enoch L Stamey, Alpheus McCullcn, Charles W Byrd, and Jacob A Lee passed the examination of character, were ap proved by the examining committe and admitted into full connection on con dition of their examination by the Bishop in open Conference. Changes were made in the commit tees of the Conference, as follows: Rev R A Willis in place ot Rev J R Brooks, on the committee on Confer ence Relations. Rev D L Earnhardt in place of Re? F W Smith, on the committee on Tem perance. - . Rev H W Splnks m place Harris, on the committee on Conference Records. J . I of J T District Rev J W Bryan in place of Rev JB Williams, on' the Church , Extension Board. The Conference adiourned with the benediction by Rsv W S Black D D. Sad Death. Mr. John II. Bradley, son of Mr. Richard Bradley, of Wrightsviile Sound, died in this city, this morning in consequence of internal inguiries re ceived by a fall a little more than a week ago. The deceased was 37 years of age and unmarried. A Fox Hunt. A party f gentlemen of this city went out with their hounds on a fox hunt last night and succeeded in cap turing two foxe3 Afterwards one of he foxes was tied to a horse and drag ged through our street?, chased by the hounds, who awoke the city with deep- mouthed yelping. The Delegates. The Conference i composed of a fine body of men. They will averaee con siderably above the medium size, both mentally and physically, many of hem being more than six feet in height. One of them facetiQsly and truthfully remarked last night that he was about as high as any man in Jones county and we were not disposed to doubt him or be is very near, if uot quite, six feet and a half in height. A Generous Gift. Miss Amy Bradley, principal of the Tileston Normal School has presented a beautiful and complete set of botanical charts to tho Union and also to the Hemmenway public schools of this city The charts were imported from Lon" don, and these two sets, in addition to hose in her own school, are the only ones in the Southern States, if not in he entire country. An Escape. A party of young men. among whom was one of the clergymen here in at tendance upon Conference, were sbooi- ing at an oyster shell target with au air rifle at Wri?htsville - o a. t yesieruay, wnen oy some acci dent one of tho balls glanced ' V t . ' mm . ana nit tne minister on tne lobe ot one of his ears, inflicting a slight wound. It was fortunate that the wound was not serious. . Wedding Bells. Our townsman, Mr. Pembroke Jones, was united in marriage to Miss Sadie daughter of Hon. Wharton J. Green at Fayetteville last night. In speaking of the matter, the Charlotte Observer of the 27th inst., says: At Fayettyille to-night will be cele brated what we are assured is to be the grandest wedding ever known in this State, when Mr. Pembroke Jones, of Wilmington, is to be united in matri mony to Miss Sadie Green, daughter of Congressman Wnarton J. Green Three thousand invitations were issued and as early as Tuesday evening guests 1 . Z 171 A.M. Ml- ' T It uegau tiu uiuve x aYcLiuviiie m x: un man cars from Washington City. There will be tuiiv one one thousand guests present. The newly weddod will go direct to Washington CJity, where they will reside witnCJol. lireen. Criminal Court. The following have been the proceed ings before this tribunal since our last report: State vs Miranda Farrow , nuisance. Nolpros. State ys Eliza Singleton, assault and battery. Nol pros. Slate vs Josiah Williamson, assault and battery. Guilty. Judgment $20 and costs. " State vs Jane Brown, larceny. Not guilty and defendant discharged. State vs Richard Gile, larceny. Nol pros. State vs J Graham, larceny. Not guilty and defendant discharged. State vs. David Foyles. assault and battery. "Plea: Autre fori convict Plea sustained and defendant discharg ed. State vs Thomas Gillespie and Sarah Gillespie, larceny. On trial. Jury out. DIED. BRADLEY In thla cltr, on the 27th fast J UN 11 ILL, son of Eichard and . J. Brad ley, aged 37 years. . funeral service will be held at St. Jamei Churh, tomorrow (Saturday) morning, at ICS u o dock, tnence to vaxdale Cemetery. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WILMINGTON, N. C, No. 23d. 184. rj! HE ANNUAL, MEETING OF THE Stock holdei's f tfec NAVASSA GUANO COMPA NT, cf WILMINGTON. wUl be beld at their Office in this city, on THURSDAY, December utn, is, m 11 o'ciock, a. m D. Macrae, ' nov 38 4t rov t3 dec 1 8 10 rreaa. CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C. ' . MAYOR'S OFFICE, J '-'"'' Wilmixgton, N. C, Hot. e, 1SS4. .r 3LL PERSO Ns AB E , FORBI DDEN ' TO throw Banana Peel on the sidewaUc Those arrested f or so doing will be pnul bed. . BOV 3 It . E. I. HALL, ZZijQT 28, 1884. NO. 284 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Notice- BE-rfCTFULLY ISFOBM MY Patron and fi lends that my place of residence will hereafter be on the Northeast corner of Second atd Orange etreets- W. J. II. liELL VMY, M. nov.8 2t frl tu l. Family Bibles. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF FA MI- ui BIBLES. In various fctyles of. binding, BOOK STOKE. ut received at the LIVK Albums. The largest and best selected assortment of ALBUMS ever brought to this city is at 1IE1N?UK.KUEK'. LATEST IMPORTATION! DIRECT FROM PARIS ! Large assortment cf Music Boxes Kofc wood. Mahogony, Black Walnut, Carved Gut ta Percha. hell and Tin. Large, medium and email, at 11EIN3 BURNER'S. nov is live Book and Music st s New York-& WilmingtOD Steamslilp Co. FROM PIER 34, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK At 3 o'clock, P. M. GULF STREAM. . Saturday, Nov 29 -1 B NE FACTO B . Saturday. Lec ( GULF STREAM.... Saturday, Dec 13 BENEFACTOR..:. Saturday, Dec 20 FROM WILMINGTON : BENEFACTOR.. .....Saturday, Nov 29 GULF STREAM Saturday, Dec BENEFACTOR Saturday. Dec 13 GULF STREAM Saturday. Dec 20 This ateamor has been epcolally reflttctifur passengers. Throxurh ' Bills Ladlnz and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from Polnte in JNortn ana soutn carouna. For Freight or Passage apply to H. G. 8 MALL BONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. THEO. G. EGEB, Freight Agent, New York. WH. P. CLYDE no.. Oenera) Agent, 35 Broadway, New Yora. nov 28 tf. Apples, 50 BBLS. APPLES BY TUESDAY'S STEAMER FOR SALE CHEAP. nov 26 DAVIS & SON Best Stock. B UYERS OF BOOTS AND SHOES WILL find at our place the LARGEST STOCK, GREATEST VARIETY OF STYLE AND FINISH and LOWEST PRICES. We Invite an examination of Goods and Prices. Geo. It. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET 26 " nov STA.TI03STER-Y QF ALL KINDS. SUITABLE FOR LAW yers. Merchants, Teachers, Ministers and others. We make a spec' the i laity ol Blank Books and Stationery for use of Counties and County Umciais. Orders for Engraving Checks, Drafts. Note?, School Programmes, Invitations, Visiting Cards, &c, will meet with prompt attention PIANOS AND OKG ANS W are agents for the leading Piano and Organ manufacturers of the country, such as fohmer. Decker Bros., E Gabler & Br., Cloogh & Warren, Geo. Woods & Co., Mason A Hamlin, Sterling Organ Co., &c. and are able to offer extra indncements, either for cash or on instalments. Second hand Instruments taken in exchange. YATE6 BOOK. !ORE, nov 24 1 19 Market st. , Wilmington N C ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, The un dersigned having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of the late Robert S. Radciiffe, of New Hanover County, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the same to present tbem on r before the 19th day ot 'c tober. 1885, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of them. Those who are indebted to tie same will please make Immediate payment. WM. J-ARKIN:. oct 10 law Cw frl Administrator ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix upon the es Uie of the late Mary P. Pickett, notice is here by given to all persons - having claims against the same to present them to me on or before the 17th October. lfcS5, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of a recovery. Those indebted to the same will please make immediate pay ment. . ' - " MRS. S. J. BAKER,Atimx. . .October 17, 1K4 . , - et .iSg:jr3otice. - HAVING QUALIFIED AS ABHINI3TBA lor on the estate of Gnllford L Dudley, deceased, notice Is hereby git ca to all persons Indebted 10 his estate to make Immediate pay ment, and all perrons- having claims against sild estate will present them for pajment within the time prescribed, by law. or this notice will bo pleaded la tar of tJieir recovery, oct Zl lawSw th E. tt. tlAUTIiJ, Adnr TTt WlU be glii la receive eonironcauoa fxoa crux fr!cni ca atj trd HI ;trtj icu; gtseral r&rest bet -' r ; ' TLe raae of tie wrltet jnuit arway be: nlibM to the Edlwav i &r'& Codmunlcaaona must be wrltm ca ea oae tide of the paper., '" ; . IHaeonatttfes must be avoided.;. ' AjkJ ft to erecUIfy and pirtlcuixry tt Ca tood that Tthe Editor does ret arwayi cadcia. the Tleira of ccrrcapoBdeate aleiw t.r fcn the editorial ooIukisa. ' . J Ni;W ADVERTI3K3IENTS. S. H. Trimble, STOCK ASD , REAL' ESTATE BROKER and Auctioneer of (inrnl Mf TrhniiiA nt evey descrlpUoa. Oftice corner IMncess actl water streets. Crcnly & Mo riss old ttanrt. rcrsonal attention eiven tn Rib. nr h : .T-ta ami vchi-le at private atoor at auction. Con. st-umenu sollcItetL SUTH W.-DAVfS. seP AucUoneer. Conolej's Drug Store. 2 1 0 MARKET STRE ET. WANTED A few good customers to buy Cono'ev'a Cons-h Srrnn 'HnnclAt. ri Fbvslo (for Cornsl (JanolvA Vnn k...k ...i ConoleT'a t cloirne, ana anything else In my nov -i J W. CONOLEY." Wext lAeelc. ITUMPHREY A,tRNiriNartii rtA JJL receive, at their Oyster house. I f 3 ions of ' fresh New Hlrrr nrttoT. BrnTT.. o. in. rosm rrnn!L. rnrtKak jf during th week. Those wishing Oysters during Conference wlil pleas leave their or- UtlS OV6ter8 ProniDtlv dollrPTAfi In r1cHr1 ' packages In anr nuautitvw&ntori. aia can fin Florida Oramrra. Aimbo riol.M.. Turnipa, Onion. Oweet and Irish Potto!r - v-niciena ana Jtggs. f Oysters sent C.O.D. - Benj. W. Davis, (Formerly with W. E: Davis & Son, Wllmlrg. , ton, N.C.) - . . 09 Barclay St. New York, General Commission Merchant "QEALER IN COUSiTRi: PRODUCE, Ap. pJes, Game. FUh, Terrapins, Egfte and Chick ens. Highest market prices, ami nmmnt . turns guaranteed. A trial Is all I ask, Rf r b-r permleaion to K. K. Rn dent First National Bank of Wilmington, N.C; Mono. xi. inaaDourn & uo.. Steam Saw Mills; P. L. Bridgers &:co., Grocers; P. Cum ming & Co., Grain and Feed dealers ; Davis A Son, lco and Fish.' . . Southern Produce a Specialty, oct 1 Gm Home Comforts. - A GOOD COOK STOVE, A GOOD IJEAT- . ing Stove, a eood Iamo. a irood Kpmctii'. St"vc, a .-rood Door Mat, a good Toilet Set. a gooa tap. isoara, a good Cako Box, a gotwl coffee Biggin, a good Feather Duster. Our nave nous as if to sav thafa ro. and adii a Porus. . ' ' ..., PARKER & TAYLOR. I PURE WHITE OIL. uov2t Another Large Invoico j QF ZKPIIYRS AND ALL THE VARIOUS Wools in use ALL COLORS.' Children's, Misses and La-fica Jerseys. Gloves and Handkerchiefs. - . Fancy Hairpins, Hat Ornamerts, Ac. - ' Millinery Full stock, 'Hats, Eonnets, Vel vets, Feathers, Birds, &c. Stamping done in latest designs. ' Felt All colors, Elder Down. Pluth, Ac. RcApectf ally MISS E. K ARRER. nov 24 Exchange Corner. Oysters. Oysters. A Tt VTa HI II inrmm rmm between Front and Second. You can get New River Ovsters fresh every day. nov 17 lwk wm yyvuiia smppea to any part or tne state. 14. DIXON. Stores for Kent. II r A REHOUSE AND OFFICES t f above now occupied by Messrs. U. Jnhneon & Co. Store and offices above now occu pied by A. Dumelandt. Both on North Water st. ; between Princess and Chestnut. Apply to . x"c augl3 Htarcopy3t DeROSSET A CO. - Norfolk Oysters ! ; QAN NOW BE FOUND . , , s At the GEM RESTAURANT 'V No. to North Fr nt St"eet, nov 15 . ; , W ILL. WEST. - Florida Oranges ! ; v " Florida Oranges ! JUiT ARRIVED A CHOICE LOT OF Oranges, direct from the groves of Florida. A foil eupplr of Bologna Sausage, Link Sans age, Garl c Sausage and LAier Pudding, direct from fiihmondVa ,. . . A fiUIlinc of Famil Groceries always on !iTtaz Ut? Turkejs, Dressed Turkeys and Chickens always on hand. lld Log Cabin and Brunswick Private Stock Whiskey, are sUll boomln. Consignments of produce solicited. . s f CUAIG A THOMAS.' Produce Commission Merchants and Dealers in Groceries, Uquors, Ac., No. 113 South Front St., almost opposite the Market. noy 23 ;- r-;- . . . Ostrich Tip 5. . JpOR S) AND C3 CENTS PER BUNCH. v New 8 tries in Felt, Velvet and Straw Hats and Bonnets. - ' '' '. . . Oetrlch Tips and Plumes, Fancy Feathers, -Ribbons, Sstfns,' Velvcls; Zcphjrs, Saxony,' Ac, at - '--..' 1 ' " " " MCS. K ATE C- WINE, . No.-l 13 Hotth Second Street, -nov to tt Bet. t hestnut and Princess sta JJEAB ME foil Mi;CAU3K AN , BE j. lent, that ye may !;'. 4" ' ' ' j Colognes, Entrusts. Toilet and PaehetTow ders. teoap. TurkLsh Towels, Toilet Cm - FnU Khe ot Drugs 4c. i 'ic-crlpUoni a s.ty. . .. .. r. c. i:iLLr.r.'3,

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