XHI3PAPEB every evening. Sunday ex cepted by JOSH T). JAMES, KDITOB AND PBOPMETOB. " ; ' ,T7TPrTONS POSTAGE PAID: cear -w' Six months, . 92.08. Three 00; one montn, o cents. nancr win ; : . i- any pax oi uvo city, at ww outo rff!Jwcenu per week. , - astls'ng rate3 l0W UboraL tSSrlbers will report any and aU fall ,n r6-ive their papef regularly. The Daily Review has the largest - frtt circulation of any newspaper fished, in 'te cily.of Wilmington: a tool as Burchard" is now r VOL. VIII, W ILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 29, 1884. . NO. 285 It is announced that the illustrations alone id Harper daring the past year! cost oyer $80,000. NORTH CAROLINA FEJRENCE. THIRD DAY. CON- ference was adjourned with the ,bene- diction by Rev. J. E. Mann. lb buz - - most forcible expression. ;10,000,000 in American gold ;a has found its way home from Eng land ami Germany aince August 7. The salary oi the Governor of Ver mont has just been raised from $1,000 a year to the princely.sum of $1,500. The Chicago Times suggests that Mr. Batlcr should write personal letters tanking the men who noted for-him. A crank named Eugene C. Austin, put in an appearance at Albany recent ly. Being interviewed by a pres3 re porter he said that he was a candidate for the vice presidency and produced a letter written upon executive chamber paper promising, him a cabinet position ii ne would w undraw. This was sign, i Led with Cleveland's name. The man waited in the corrider all day without seeing Governor Cleveland. The FOURTH DAY. Saturday, Nov. 29th, 1884. Conference assembled at - a temoie mistake was maue oy a burglar in New York the other day. Liate in tne evening he was passing a house that was very dark and quiet and Fred Archer, England's famous jock was among the passengers., who landed from tbe Bothnia in New York decided lo enter wi,hoat ringing, 03 Wednesday. The modest man will not decline ah office until it i3 offered him. Modesty appeal to be at a premium . in these days, hence the word of warning. and did po; but was paintully surpris- ; ed to find that it does not always follow because the parlor is unlighted that it is unoccupied, for he stumbled right upon the young lady of the house and a mus cular lover, who marched tbe intruder (jen. John Bratton h&s been elected promptly off to jail. to fill the unexpired term ot Congress man John II. Evins,. deceased, Irom ibefourtn oistncioi ouum uaiuima. Rev. Joseph E. Lee, colored Republi can delegate to the National Con en i Ition from Florida, and-leader of his The major of Philadelphia has ro race in that State, in an interview said . T 1. ... - . . . . ceived a letter from tne mayor oinew i ae believed Cleveland to be honest in Orleans asking that the old Inuepend- what he said and intended to dj right sent to the New Orleans Dy the negro, tne effect of which will be to unite the whites and b acks. Lee said there were many good Democrats who will not allow the rights of the colored men to be abridged. He con tinued: 'The election in Morula, as fair. Friday, Nov. 23th, 1884. Conference was called to order by Bishop Parker.. o'clock, a. m., Bishop Parker in the Religious services were conducted by chair, and was opened with religious Rev T S Campbell. services, conducted by Rev J B Car- Minutes ot yesterday's session were I venter. V read and approved. The journal of yesterday was read Question 5th. Who are readmitted? land approved. . was asked, but no response was made Rev L H Hendon presented the re- Oliver Ryder, an eider in the Method j commendation of the Quarterly Con- ist Protestant Church, having joined ference of Caldwell Circuit, Statesville the M E Church, South, and subscribed District, for the restoration of the ere to its doctrines, discipline and ordina- deatials of Rev James L Healen, a lion vows, his credentials werem pre- local preacuer of said circuit. On sented by J W Guthrie, P E. Charlotte motion, the credentials were restored. district, with application to be admitted On motion of Rev L L Nash, the into the Conference of the M E Church, name of Marcus C. Thomas was placed South. He was admitted. on the list of Conference claimants at N M Jurney reported "an additional the present session. amount of $25 for the Orphan Asylum. Rev L I Adams introduced the Upon motion of S D Adams, M L following resolution which was read Wood was appointed to receive the and adopted: moneys collected for Trinity College as Believing that it would better suo- ordered by the last conference. serve the interests oi our cnurcn, who- in toe Douuua ui uui vyuu.cicuuc, t- respectfully request Bishop Parker to Indications. - For the South Atlantic Sates gener ally fair, weather, Northwest to SiQth cast winds, becoming variable in the interior; slightly cooler on the coast; stationary temperature in the interior; higher barometer m East portion ; stationary barometer in West portion. . , Sad News. , . The wife of Rev. W. S. Black, D. D , who has been here with her husband in attendance upon Conference, receiv ed a dispatch this morning staling that rusAss. to tin. v .' WtwObaglad to weetra ecsxniicaUoa from osr fiSez.da ca any, ai all ttzbl ecu; gaiierxl latorl3t tnX : , Tha tJLzaa or tia wiitef xtztx afttaya ta.: alaned to tha Kdltcr. Ccnnaunlcatlona cut be wxlaa . o n cue aide of tne p&pei. . " . Pexsoaalldeamiutbe avoidoci t And tl especially and prt!cr!arry trtfe tood that the Kiltortf oca" est adapter cot therleureof correjporifwtt ti.a r XKW ADVERTISIIENTS. her brother. Mr. W. M. Fleming, a 0( lawyer residing in Spartanburg, S. C, was dying. She left on the first South bound train for the bedside of her dy ing brotner. Question 12. What traveling preach ers are elected elders? SJ McLeod, J nqft hia inflnence in the College of ence bell be Exposition. Mr. William R. Grace, whose term of office as mayor of New York City begins January 1st, took the oath of offlce on Wednesday last, be tore Justice far aa j kn0Wf was honest and Noah Davis, of the Supremo Court. The Democratic ticket votes and won." got the most Although the Paris cholera bulletins bave been stopped, isolated deaths from cholera continue to be reported. It ia estimated fully 100,000 left Tans daring oniy 50 cents the cholera epidemic. The people are now returning to their homes. in great numbers. - D Arnold and n A Watkins passed the examination of character and were continued in tbo class of the fourth year; (Joiin tr L.utie, Jno v jone3.iv S Warlick, J T Kendall J TFinlayson. J E Gay. W B North and W T Cutch- in nn.st;pd tha PTftmination of rliarac- ter and were elected to the office of blameless in their life and official ad elders. The class for admission into full con nection was called before the Bishop, who asked the usual questions, which wero satislactorily answered, and the BishoDS. to have our Annual "Confer ence, hereafter, to convene not earlier than on the first Wednesday in De cember ot each year (Signed) "S D Adams. FLReid. w ii bobbitt. .Question 20. Are all the preachers Personal. Mr. W. W. McDiarmid. of the Lumberton Hobesonian, accompanied f-tj Viia enn it in lh ftitv to-dflV. j - " - - - paoixrea ia anv ou W r. .ToseDheus Daniels, of the Wilson 1 can fin-i Flort ia Or 1 fimntna n.i.. Advance, is among the editorial frater nity whdare in the city to day. Mr. C. C. Daniels, of the Kinston Free Press, is in the city to day. Mr. A D. Jones, tbe recently elected Treasurer of Wake county, is in the city, the guest of Prof. Nobles. SETU W. DAVIS, Auriioncer. BY SV n. TCIMBWX ' BANANAS, PISE APrLiS, c, at AucUcn QN MONDAY. Dec., 1st, at 10 o'clock, I Kill dose out balasce el Baoaoas, Pine' Ap ple ana Sugar Cane, on board tchr. Equator, lvlDR t fOOt Of. DtCk tTCCt. -E0T29 It - ' JT Conoley's Drug Store. 1?1G MAItKRT STREET. WANTED A few-good cuEtfinurs i0 buy Cnno'ey's Congh Syruu, Coa les' Too anil , tnv line ; CIars, Ciireitc and Tobacco." nov J YV. coyoi-Er. Wext VlAeeki HUMPHREY A JENKINS will T) receive, at their Oyster houte, "5 3 ? No. 112 ioutb ront$t.,FottyGal- JE Ion a of Stcsh Ner Ktrcr Oysters e?cr day during ihi, wect Those wlehlnx Oysters aunnj conicrenco tmr piess Icave-lhblr ox U is Oysters promstlr deUTerul In orislns.1 . packages la any quantity wanted. Also you anges,. Apples, Cabbages, Turnips. Onlono. wcet and Irish I'ottoa. Chickens and Eggs. Oysters sent C O. D. BeDj. W Davis, (Formerly with W. E. Davis A Son, Wllmlng- lon, u-j 99 Barclay St. New York, ' General Commission Merchant DEALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, Api ministration? The tollowins elders passed tbe an nual examination of character K ALE I G II DISTRICT. The Fire. At about halt past 6 o'clock this morn ing fire was discovered on the platform of Hon. A. H. VanBokkelen's still in the extreme Southern section of the city, and such was the" inflammable character of the property that the still with considerable rosin and other prop- JJJJ Jjj Jj and Fced dca,e58" Da'18 erty was destroyed. pies, Garoc'Floh, Terrapins, Egps and Chick ens. Highest market prices, and promnt re turns guaranteed. A trial Is all I ask. Refr b permission to E. K. Burrnss, Prcsl dent FlrstNatlonal Bank of Wilmington, N.O.; fliessrrsj. 11. cnaaoourn as Co., btcam tavr Mills; I". L. Btiugers &.Co. Grocers; I. Cum- The still was not working and bad it been running the flames were discovered where it would S D Adams, W C Norman, B C Phil- n . -1 .1 1 tu,.: 1 1: t u iuu:n- r i"v di.n T4 R r"nl I . . . . . . . . Itthe fire-prate and fire-irons cost ri:uoP savo "letuaigcuuuiuunuii t,uit up, o " " . v have Mccu impossiDic lor mem to nave - rt I a 11 . - . I . r-m T t A r K. a. fiftv dollfirs. what will a ton of coal proiession ana practice in inrisuan ex- orein. u oarreu, v o nuue. .j reached, from which there is no douDt come to? Ashes. St. Jacobs Oil costs perience in their personal life and espe-4 Gibbs. J B Martin, J.J Renn, Isaac W th' t : was ilc work of an incendiary. LOCAL NEWS. The Government of Eneland after re cering evidence concerning the condi tion ot thing in the Isle of Sxye, has or dered the military and police expedi- IttOEI TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTf. C W Yates Stationery S H Tkimbi-K Fruit t Auction 11 KIS8BEHOEB Family Bibles, Albums, Ac F C Milxxr Friends snd Fellow Citizens cially in their works as mibistcrs. Rev Dr R A Young, Secretary of the Foreign Mission Board of the M Church, South, was introduced to the Conference, and requested , at his con- Avent, FL Reid. 1IILLSBORO DISTINCT. NH D Wilson. T A Boone, Lyon, J Sandtord, L L Nash, There was no insurance, as it was not obtainable on such property. Loss J 1 between &3.000 and S4.000. The fire V" A I Anarfment. vera a nrnmnt 1 f in ftttendancfl Sharpe, John Tillctt, J O Guthrie, L H I anj effective service in keeping the venience to speak to the cause which be Gibbons, R A Willis, P Greening, A Wjaje3from spreading and destroying represents. The Bishop announced that Saturday at 12 o'clock be the service of the Mis sionary Day. Question 10. What local preachers iT:rl fifofoc RfJniot Tre11 writes vnoromAnr thia waaIt nna adnlh and are elected aeaCOn8." USWer U D Thi rPoirffl rf nntfcnn t thi nork to tion not to proceed any further. Quiet day foot up ?59 bales has been restored among me croiters. ; lnere were two interments in aene Man gum GREENSBORO DISTRICT. R O Burton. L W Crawford, T H Pegram.C H Phillips, RF Bum pass, R T N Stenhen&on. M L Wood. J B Camenter. J W Lewis. C A Gault, J other property. to friends that he intends to - return to one child. America whether bis resignation is ac- There were four interments in Oak cepted by President Cleveland or not. dae Cemetery this week ; Three adults He will not return for political reasons an(j one chjia. his literary work. J WMb I It 4 V V WW WW w mmm w ' ; w There were two interments in t xr i.A of Ko uoresiemeiery mis wees, one in iew vftieuus, uu ius i.u, .... i .jnra.o and lahor anaonecnua. Pine adult Services To-morrow. Services will be conducted by mem bers of Conference to-morrow as fol lows: , Front Street M. E. Church at 9 :30 a. m., Love Feast conducted by Revs . J . N. Andrews and J. H, Wheeler. At 11 o'clock a. m., sermon by Bishop Parker and ordination of Deacons ; at 3:30.p. m., Sacram' at of the LordV Hen- assembly a marked feature was the fraternitv existinsr between black and wh.te laborers, two-thirds ot the or ganizations being composed of colored men. . - Th Y.i.'njiai. Tlanublican savs if the - " - v- -X ; - oartv iTfiins in Missouri for the next r w o-" " four years as for the past four, the State Becton, Carteret circuit, ewbern dis. R Scroggs, S H Helsabeck, S D Peeler. trict; W C Ecklins, Aurora circuit; C W King, N E Coltrane, A R Raven. Wm Lowe, Bath circuit; and R B Gil- J C Thomas, J F Heitmau. Ham, Swift Creek mission , Washing- salihury district. ton district; B A York, Alexander clr- W S Black, Joseph Wheeler. G A nnit. Stalo.villft district: T J BailVi Offleshv. G F Round. W C WilUon. W Wilminffton district. S Creasv. Zebedec Rush, S V Hoyle. Supper, conducted by Rev. L. L. si.: 14 . I t tp.m:. rv a Cfnn n t. T?ornhrdt 1 dt en and J. A. Cunninsin: at 7:30 I 1 - J 1 .1 O Annn.. ITnna I fin I TOCirir I f TT8TDT(r I til . . SeriHOU bv Rev. S. D. Adams rirtmmittAfton Con ferenca Relations L C Hendreo. J T Harris, W M I ordination of elders. made its renort i-ecommending for Bairby,. J W North, B F W Stamey, J Fifth btreet M. i,. ChurcU, at u a Siinemumerarv Relation J Eudaily, I C Rowe. J H Page. G W Ivey, Hugh m. services conducted by Rev. L. S If you want a nice Polo Cap for your J om:i, x p Keeran. W H Call v wsw M V SherrilL W P McCor- Bulkhead; at 3 p. m. Love Feast con . t - - . ' I i. . . . m Doy,youcan nave u maue at Ajer i rp q Moses rand for Sunerannuated I bin. .Tampa Willson. Moses J Hunt. M ducted oy Kevs. j. v. l nomas ana for 50c. A fine selection of patterns w.af. w R ,Ttfn t w p.ovli t? Ut r, j t. TrWutt. now on bancL t p Bibb, Henry Gray, Daniel Culbreth, shelbt district. t- kvv-vt Rnnnpo n Wriio j w Rmii - Mil Fnv. B R Hall. T S Campbell. J F There is an unmallable Government stamped envelope, yellow, remaining in the postoflice. in this city. and barnue wi'l be doubtful It the party loses in cleared to-day lor tiamourg wun a,oto y v Amea, l nomas o noyie. uaswu musuiuurA " " other States as it has lost in New York barrels rosin, valued at $4,700, shipped Farrar, Edward Howland, W H ban. J C Hartaell. J W Wheeler. t: u..r..r. ft will no hv Messrs. S. P. Shotter & Co. Watkins. W I Hull. II H Gibbons, J On motion, in each case, the Bishop iuuiciua, vb. w iwui jww, ..... j . ... l. . nr r F. N. Robinson, a photographer oi woou oy upf adopted. North Carolina; J T Heitman Frofes- Howard County. Dakota, has thehonor on the wharf by a.boy and le it at tuis stion Who remahl QR ifM B gor iQ Trinity College, and T L Trip- ofbeiDKthefirstarfistinthe world to omce.wnicn tu uwu uu A Bowles. R P Troy. J E lett, Principal of Oak Institute, Moores successfully photograph a tornado. .An llluo lul"l opportunity was afforded him by the We have been blest with beautiful c C Brothers, H M Blair, J B Hurley, The hour of noon having arrived, the great cyclone which passed pver Miner weather to-day. although we had heavy i b John, F M Shamberger, M A Bishop introduced the subject of Mis- county iast August, and the result was j rains during last night, accompanied gmitb, T J Daily, passed the examina-J sions as the special order, llymn 741 T. highly vivid and strikfng picture. Mrs. John Jacoo Astor gave the newsboys of New York City a sumptu ons feast on Thanksgiving Day. She directed that a fine dinner be provided for the boys, comprising everything in abundance, and that they be made as iolly as possible, regardless of the cost, she agreeing to defray the expenses. Ia New York Tuesday, the suprema court decided that Becky Jonc3, the witness who is imprisoned in Ludlow street iail for refusing to answer ques tion put to her in the Hammersley wil contest, cannot be released from prison a a writ of certiorari.. The court holds that the commitment was not void or illegal. who has been send- in? Stnrias Irnm Atlanta, (ia.. bOU democrats cutting' off negroes1 cars and keeping them as reminders of the lata n mfwtmtin vJr.tnrv. W83 horse- shipped on the street last Wednesday hJ the neero of whom- he had claimed lo have received his information. ; l& w3 released upon begging the pardon hi assailant. " Whom the gods love die y ouug.V sSt Bvron : but why die when you can cure the cold or congh, which neslertAI mpans death? Dr. Bull's ugh Sytup mayn't be in favor with the gods, fc it keeps thousands from taeir gra ut mortals, who take it, Praise ' -- foratimebyquiteaseverealeofwind tlon and paS3ei to the class of the was sungland Rev Dr L S Burkhead led from the Southwest. It blew very second year ; and J E Woosley and A in prayer. hard for awhile, but we have heard of E wney passed examination of char. The Bishop and Rev Dr R A Young no damage resulting from its violence. acter and were continued in the class bf addressed the Conference, after which t:, r T.a i.i thr-ft the first vear. tne wwewnco tojoaroea wnn us wu- i xvuiwo4 w . I . l:: k r- v..., Ouesuon 7. wnoare aeacons oi one j uuB. white and two for colored couples.- yearr juj liuu, " n,..t. tha A4Tifil vwr fiommencins burne. R M Hoyle. VV li iirissom, o i Criminal Court. The following have beerrthe proceed- n0..nThr let .1883. und ending No- Keen. J T Abernethy, C P Snow, bav- . . . t 1 Sl m. L. I.' m cm I yember30th,1884, both inclusive beiias mg oeen approyeu dj uw. ""'" report: . i . "r e Pnmmidsa onH Vinvinrr ni9t;pd thft PT- I ifiQnpri marriage licenses. ui vumiumv iu,.-B r- which were for white and 116 for col ored couples. Accepted. Rev. J. W. Primrose, pastor of the Presbyterian churches at Oxford, Grassy Creek and Shiloh. in Granville oonntv haa nrented an invitation to animation of character, were continued deacons of one year. W. T. Nelson wanted his character passed ajra granted location at his own request. A communication was received from I J. W. Alspaugh. President of the tfoara State vs Morley Nixon, false pre tense. Defendant and J. D. Nixon recognized in the sum of $50 for ap pearance at next term of Court. State ts Edward Brvson, selling liquor on Sunday. Nol pros. It ap pearing to the Court that the defend ant is in a dving condition, the defendant Is tea au luviumuu w TrnatcGS of Trinity College, and after "-i"rCli-lA.u. ... a:. become pastor of the Second Fresby te- - - - - . lh BMrdof " - i mis sea. "i v. u: ivA mill n rr'im here with his family next week. Upon lhe molion of R. G. Burton, as Collision. amended by the Conference, it was or- As the steamtug Blanche was towing dered that a committee be nominated a brig down the river this morning, by the Presiding Elders to take under inaf-.ua she had reached the first reference the Conference of 1S8Q con- ietties, the steamship Benefactor, also cerniog the division 6f the Conference, bound down the river, struck the brig Upon motion of W. H. Bobbitt. the and. as the channel was rcry narrow, Treasurer oi the Conference Trustees drove her ashore and stove in her rail. was ordered to pay over to the joint After the Benefactor -had pas?ed . the Board o( Finance the moneys that are Blanche succeeded in hauling the brig m his hands from the funds of the Con offwhen the latter CAt4e to an, anchor, ference, ; We did not learn the name ot the brig, -The usual announcements- for; the nor the extent, of the damage she. sus- committee meetinss rere made. i Sned? . ' , After l2iin-tbpdoxc!ojy th3 .Cca- State vs J. Williamson, atsault aod hatterv. Guilt?. Judgment three months in County House of Correction James Anderson, assault and bat tery. Gnilty. One month in County House of Correction. State vs W Bolden, assault and bat tery. ivo pros. State va R Bellamy, larceny. Aoi pros. KiatA ts C. Crowell. concealed wea pons. Kol pros. . . " We observe quite a fine display o ncxr xiC Vol vers icr very iu--uLiui(-j P. Ricaud. First Presbyterian Church, at 11 a. m., services conducted by Rev. R. A. Young: at 7:30 p. m.. by Rev. J. J. Renn. Second. Presbyterian Church, at 11 a m., by Rev. J. B. Bobbilt ; at 7:30 p m.. by Rev. 1. H. Gibbons. First Baptist Church, at 11 a. m., by Rev. W. M, Robey ; at 7:30 p. m., by Rev. B.C.Phillips. St. Paurs Evangelical Lutheran Church, at 11 a. m.. by Rev. W. C Norman; at 7:30 p. m., by Rev. W. C. Gannon. First Congregational Church, at 11 a. ra., by Rev. Sol. Pool; at 7:30 p. m., by Rev. T. H. Pegram . St. Stephen's A. M. E. Church, at 11 a. m by Rev. T. J. Gattis;at 3 p. m;. by Rev. J. n. Cardan; at o p, m.. by Rev. L. L. Nash. St. Luke's A. M. E. Zion church, at 10 a. m., by Rev. J. B. Hurley; at 3 p m.. oy iev. y . ts. xxorm; ai o p, m.. by Rev. J. C. Rowe. Chestnut street Presbyterian church. colored, at 11 a. m., by Rev. R. B. John : at 7.30 d. m.. by Rev. J. M. Lumly. Mt. O ive Church, colored, at li a. m.. by Rev. M. J. Hunt; at 3 p. m.t by Rev. J. H. Tart. First Baptist Church, colored, at 3 p. ., by Rev. John H. Hall; at 7-J20;.pA s B,B. Holder. Southern Produce a fcpcclalty. oci i bin Home Comforts. A GOOD COOK STOVE. A GOOD TJEAT rx Idr etoTC, a cood Lacap. a Rood Kerosene htve. a cood Door Mat. a cood Toilet Set. a pood lap Board, a good Cake Box, a good ooneo uigsin, a gooa earner uustcr. our uavencas as tr to say tnavs so. and atla a rorus. PARKER A TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. nov 24 - ' - Another Large Invoice QF ZEPnYES AND ALL THE VABIOU3 Wools In use ALL COLORS. Children's, Misses and Ladles Jerseys. Gloves and Uandkf rcbiefs. X Fancy Hairpins, Hat Ornaments, Ac. Millinery Full stock, Hats, Bonnets, VeL Tets, Feathers, Birds, &c. 8taraplnc done In latest designs. Felt All colors, Elder Down, Pltuh,Ac. Bespectfully MISS E. KARRER. nov 24 Kxchange Corner. Oysters. Oysters, jT NO. 13D MAKKltT ST., between Front and Second. You can get New Elver Oysters fresh every dy. a ico, me oeai oi lonoa uranges. tysters smppea to any part or tne state. ii. nov 17 lwk L. DIXON. Stores for Kent. YlTJlltKUUUSlS ' Al OUMCE3 J. IT aovo now occupied bv Mcsers. f-r4? U. Jnhnf-on A (Jo. Stnre anJ offices above now occur pled by A Damebtnctt. . . jtjoifi on jiortn water Bt, ; oetween iTiucs and Cbe8ti.ut. Applvto aug 13 ttsx copy 3t BkROSSKT A CO; Norfolk Oysters ! . QAN NOW BE FOUND t At the GEM RESTAURANT, nov 15 7 No. SO North Front Sfcet. WILL WltST. ' Family Bibles. A N ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF FAMI-, X. just received at tha Albums. ix BIBLES, in various styles of blndlnr. LIVE BOObL STORE. The largest and best selected assortocent of ALRUMj ever brought to this city Is at ' LATEST IMPORTATION - DIRECT FEOit PAEI3 ! Largo assortment of Music Boxes Boce wooU. Mahogony, Blsek Walnut, Carved Got t Fere ha, fcnell and Tin. Largo, mxltrnn sad small, at liKINelifcU JEU'i, nov 28 , l-ve Book and Musloet res Ostrich Tips m. m.. by Rev. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Real Estate. TTOUSES AND BOILDINQ LOTS for sale In alt parts of the city. Cash or on the Instalment pan. Annrvto D. CCOXNut. ang 30 isw 3m sat m '. Seal Estsla Agent y ' ' I OE 5J AND C5 CENTS PER BUNCH, New ttyles in Felt Velvet and SUaw HaU and Eoncets. v ,:: 1 Ostrich Hps and Plumes, Fancy Feathcrf, hwvvut, kMiui, iviltWi C)Ui)n, iBUJiiJ , c, at .. . . MRS. KATE C. WIN E5 Noi 119 North Second Street, - " aor 23 tf Bet. thettnut and Prlocesa sts Applep. f-r ff BBL5. APP1X3 BT TUESDAY'S BTSAIUISFOS SALE CHEAP. - - I jTJE 4B M S FOB ITCAUSE AS BE Bl- bnt r t mv uoioprocs, tracts. Toilet asdFacbct Pow ders.; soap, Turiisa Tosrels. Toilet Ca Foil V&s o Drazs tiz Pxecii; tlos a i- Jc Ulry. At . v. ".IL. . ...

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