1 will bt nUd to receive tomzaanlcauoa front our friends on any asd HI :abtcU; KCEeraitBtereatbst -1 - Tte nnj of tbo wrltex mit inrijk b tlaisa to Uie Edltcx. , , ComapplcstleEa but c wrists . o 01 oseeldeof tha rapcx. rcrscmalltles must be avoided ; . - And It la especially and p&rtlenlarly utde tood that the Editor does sot al ay exidc b the views of corrccpoivdeni un!o e stai t In the editorial cclris. ' ' 00 cepted by JOSH T. JAME3, IJlTOB AKD PROPKIETOK. .CSIPTI0KS POSTAGE PAID: Vi.OO. Six months, $2.00. Three 1 11 1 ,8 fi.CO; One month, jo cents. 3' Trill be delivered by carriers free ft2 t ' n?t nf tho r.ltv. a thfl above . . .,- 1:1 a-ijr I '..st'Mn' rate low asd HberaL AtVui,scrroerswlU report any and all fall VOL. VIII. WELMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 6, 1884. NO. 292 ;lvc tbelr paper regularly. to ' buano-i every evening. Sundays ex E Daily Beview has the largest : Z fide circulation, of any newspaper , .;:,;i ii the cxiy oj tvumingcon. -s-j ,'nuTi-annual dividends payable 1 ,The Baltimore American says : "Democratic organs before election preached civil service reform. Now they daily proclaim that Republican officers must go. Consistent fellows, Flat Sank. A Pretty Place. The strong Southeast wind blowing One of the handsomest displays made DIED. ifi.A-iV wMoh of rJmoa omannM t in WilmlnAn ie ht rf lVTinsllpr'a I oipniueria, MAKlUi, (uugOiCr OI UT. a. il month" and -4 aya. the magnitude of a gale, caused a good Novel y Store, on Second street, be- deal ot commotion on the river. Near twecn Market and Dock. It is a genu- BALDWIN At 8 o'clock this mornirg, of; phtberla. MARION, daughter of Dr. A. M and Beitee J. Baldwin, airct 4 years. 10 Funeral to mo.row rr.ornlne at 9 o'clock . thin month a-2re2ate3 972,- U3"":''k ..WBf deal ot commotion on tbe river. Near twecn Market and Dock. It is a genu- from residence on Third treeC between Or- every cscription. umcTOrner rrincess axii 15,?- n U !S J ' these Democrats'" Of pnursp qav5 a if... j ... i- 1 nt( and Ann thenre to Oakdile Cempwr? Water streets. Cronly & M01 r is old stand. 0 tut e democrats. ui course, sajs the upper compress a flat wai sunk.leav- iDe toy store, and the display is very aoge ana Ann, teence to oakdaus cemetery. Femnal attcntlOTI Rea to Balo of hortea the Savannah News, they are consistent. v,.,vtf ,.:v. Rn0 n an,i - vehties at private sak; or at auction, con- NEW ADVEKTISEMKNTS. S H. Trimbla, STOCK AND REAL. ESTATE BROKER and Acetlonecr ot General Merchandise of erery description. Officvcorner Frlocess axftl ing the cotton with wnich it was laden j fine, embracing many new, pretty and jfEW ADVEKTISEMEXT8 the Savannah News, they are consistent. ... IT . . ...1 1 iT:i.oriitw hoa this voorlUOff fiM WP. DftVB AnVLnin? lilrA oivii I a .; l p 1 . I J :U1 il: i u i : l .. tiorvnril uiii,a"j j 1 - e I uuaiinz un mo suriaCo iluli ClvlDil DOaL I ucaiiauic luiucls lur iiiu liuiiuav nam . .... -f.iafitB. 1.00G being in the aca service retorm until we turn the ras- mf,n , niftnfV nr vnrt fnr a short timA The attention of onr rpaders is invited DCDA UAIICC Mgnraents soliciteil. SETU W. DAVIS, , s.'pt'JJ Aactloccer. deniic department. i: tenant Doty, of the navy,-recent- Israel Hart, a Jew, has just been tialeil on ine ruropean sia- i uu-iseu wajur 01 jeicesier, jngiauu. in gathering it together and landing it. to the attractive adv. in this issue. .urtmai' Kelisrtous Items. Rev. Dr. VV. II Bobbitt will preach Brilliant Entertainment. One of the most brilliant amateur O.M SIGHT ! WEDNESDAY. DEC. 10. Hurrah ! r n han been sentenced to two years' The general interest of the lact lie3 in at the Front Street M4 E. Church at 11 entertainments which have ever been gQ3pen5ion. Everybody' Favorite Comedian, Mr. GUS WILLIAMS In bis bewildering success, JOHN MISIILER. The Benevolent Gftman Policeman, In ONE OF THE FINEST ! A story of the Pavements of New York Under the management of John 11. Robb. Jewry wall, a portion of wh ch is still wUl preach there at the usual hours t6- The musical portion ,f the programme AeVn0cfYhe 5eoVk ftiS AvS the circumstance that about the year o'clock to-morrow morning and Rev. rendered upon our boards, will be pre- 1 vnn Simnn rip Afnnl f.-rt P,rl rf T.pJ- I T T U'onJoll mill nt-noK f fVr eomn 1 ntnrl in tho Oni-r TToiisa Fndnv Tbe crowu iowc.o ""--"--Mcester, granted a charter to the borough nlace at 7:30 p. m. night, the 12th iost.. by a number or reaisof immense vatu we ; for the total exclusion of the -Tews from xtev D H Tuttle the newly aDDoint-Mi08 an ecntlemen, for the benefit of vr,Kinrl thfl p.oflin at the lun-l. . ...... . . I ... , j i on a tray . ieicester, ana tney look reiuge near me ed Dastor of Filth Street M. E. Church. I ine v nmmgcon iiorary Associauor eral ot me iaiu I. nt the 34 000 newspapers of-the world preserved. ... .. i torly 32,000 are publishea' in i-arope A ,aj.ge number ot dude8 c0lectca at Hurrah ! SANTA CLAUS IIA8 MADE III? HEADQUARTERS AT morrow. LOCAL NEWS. The order issued by the Pennsylvania roil combination for a general suspen sion of work at the mines the first the market to-day. TueNewCouo. lhe new code governing tne fetate Mrs. Kahnweiler and Mr Each little darling was speedily cured Guard ha3 bee,n published, after consld- Mayer, with the Arion Quartette in erable delay, and will at once be issued. tneir happiest, renditions. Prof. Luzzi's It wus prepared by a board of officers, band will render tbe orchestral music, which met at Asheyille last summer. The literary portion of the programme This board wa3 composed of the Adju- wju De a novelty, and from the rehears- tant General, Inspector General. Col. ais now going on daily, which we have Jno. W. Cotten, Capt. A. J. Edington, witnessed, it will be a most interesting Lt. Robertson, ot Asheville. and private one. Tennyson's "Dream ot Fair John L. CantweU, of Wilmington. Women" and Longfellow's "Hanging of the Crane" will be recited in character and illustrated in tab- TKnr. woa .,o r n,o,ta !n I k f:.i,f rt: leaux. Josh Green and his spouse : lnnninn little nirar I - 1 1 i. o t-'l l L I H orth Aiuerica, icimug an xposeu corner last oauuui, wuere -i aaa r.r nil the rest ot the world. me winu was nign, ana causnu corns. i WU General" Farnswortb, of Albany, a by Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. member ot Grover Cleveland's staff, seems to be the coming United States Marshal for the District of Columbia. Ohio is now the only State to hold (i. tober elections. West Virginia hav- ine iust adopted a constitutional amend- ' . . . ... .! !i meat abolishing tuat political enornuiy. will include instrumental music by as they arecalled the finest Police m the 'I A V I A I K Si l A A A ht- t i j hi- c r World. XiiX JUVXl U XllJlJLIl.Xl lici l.qvenrlor finrl Mica Marc IlPKnc. I ""nu . ' ' " seat on eaie at items Dergers aionday stn. set. and solos bv Mrs- Wattere. Reserved seats si. deceit Nathan INDEX TO NSW ADVERTISEMENTS. C W Yatks Holiday Goo is (Ofeb v House G us Williams Mueller's Northern Novelty Store 11RIN8BERGER The Holidays arc Coming F C Miller Friends and Fellow Citizens Day's length 9 hours and 49 minutes. Fatal Accident. Mr. Simon Pemberton, aged 84 years. NORTHERN Novelty Store 17 So. Second St., WILMINGTON, N. 0. Mr. 'A. Lcssman's former Store. F.at on thP r!Rrolinn flRnfral Rilrnfld. Visiuug tuc iitUu.t u.B., ,eekin December has bee. rescinded. finnBet te. aftafnnnn , 4r, Polkton. at about noon yesterday " " 13raEa'tAFraI"I'4Mllu i w vv-.wHw-w- l w t rvi r t iiu uiuriiTiru in mm irM mtv mh i it nnrl tnc anhtt It i I lrl I hn onrr noof OQ XT I I minj-uuc iuu ... . : . " . . ' tho rlPPPftswl wRlkino- unon the track : w . -i-. n 1 1 r O J Jl ! . 1- . I " D I I i mi . C 17 7 J T .1 4. 71 I I A I IH I IHI IP n f 1 ff I I 1 I 1 M C , representative, rqnippea wnu t.ri. The receipts of cotton at this port to kiw v.;Q tt.i,;cn wh5oh -.nri Mr young laaies. ine rvmow Deu.,u I UVO. uuiio, I anuy uuo, asiern dav foot un 1.151 bales. I t ti, ui oV,.,i,i will also bo presented. Aiiogemer it marry photographs, to search tue cities for women willing to c them. Ponihorlnn I n nrlr rvol" hia shnilldftr. '"-'"" " ' :n i i 1 1 f tf; K.inmc i .oi,ono buthedidnotleavothetrack.andasthe wmuoik UUVB1 auu CiCauw " FINE CROCKERY, AND GL1S3WARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. with an lmmansc stock of DOLLS, In every size and style, , DRUM, trumpets. Games, Blocks. HOUSES, Wagons. Velocipedes, WHIPS, Rftlns, Bells, And thousands of other things for the little ones. You arc all Invited to call and se the Grand Toy and Holiday Goods Opening, Together with a new stock of 1 aolcs' Hats, Ribbons, Flowers. Feathers, Breasts, Birds, Wings, Tips, Velvets, Plushes and Satins. o IUST RECEIVED : A new line of Laces, Lace Collars, Handkcr- within tho last few weeks. A the Itev. Dr. Barchard is said to have received very flattering offers Irom a lecture bureau he is probably in a position to test the truth of the adage that it is an ill wind which blows no body good. The storm signal was hoisted About 1J o'clock this forenoon. .1 : I IUKUL. Ullll IUI ILO UVKIl llictlb, luucuun train was on a uown graue it was uipus- Japanese Goods and Sundries. In North Caro, chiefs, In Silk and Linen, sible to stop it in season. The deceas- dent ot lls wprthy obi ec o win do neari una. and all the Southeast. " , at edwas quite demand he might not !1y snpported by the public. have heard the whistle distinctly. His Thevarletvof stvlcs and very low piices will enable evervoue to f uit himself, the as- Thfi male members of the Second Uortment oompiislni? a lull line of articles , . . i u t i ransinj? from r cents to $20, every solitary Presbyterian Church are requested to item of which Is a bargain. Christmas is com meet at their house of worship at 8 i"?.ear, nd f ?des sPC'yjSllL?0."0 Ttin nnmmilfoa o rvrrt ntorl t r aolorf 1 o'clock next Monday niffht on busineS3 ken. and to avoid the rush of the last weeks. J.UC lAIUUil.UbU HlpviUfcvu v-r 0v..wv I " I . , . , ... . , . . ; . on all r.uatomera . c .1 4U. A.-i-r : 1 uanorsenu your oruerts 10 uis xcjiui- There were three interments in Belle- 7 J " . Mr Fred Seilter, a German, died ters.at Appearances, now indicate that we head was severed from his body. shall haye a stormy, rainy night. NflW i?0nk Cleveland collars are all the Vage - I 1 i, f nja c.-o-;,. noni, ki.n fkn i.-.-.;nnfnn TiKranr ml imnortance. Mr John Roberts, M. lr., owns aooui. i uu uau ue uu .o x j ui a ivj cwi. i uuviks mo huhusk'-'" - A new line of Gloves. A nw line of iland Satchels, pocket books. A new line of Jewelry. A new line of Underwear and Hosiery. A new etock of Children's Worsted Uocds and Sacks, BabieR Cloaks, &c, &c. Also a new line of Silk and Alpacca Um- 300 wrr.9. of the land on which Liver pool is built, containing at present 7,500 1 vue Cemetery this week, one adult and Dave cxPended about $160 in new yester(ay at bisresidence.corner Fourth muellei'S northern novelty store breiias, and win ij sold at remarkably low houses, with a population of about 40,-1 two children. 000. o liquor saloDns are permitted on the property. in material for the reading public. The and NixOQ street8t and wiU be buried books have arrived andbeen placed upon u , f a.m m rrnm Rt iuc " "v'"' faurs i;v. lutneran tjnurcn. cervices There were two interments - . . ct rauis Xjv. jjuiuciau vuuiu Forst Cemetery this week, both of f ite an im ortant and valuable Lf ha , will win t - . . I i u : l ,1 I . . ..I " "w " " TheRev. Joe Lee, a prominent negro iwooiq werucuuuiuu. addition. The works recently Dougnt a. m. 17 South Second St., Wilmington, N. C. dec 6 Conference is Oyer oreacher and politician in Florida, has nphr werp. four interments in Oak- consist mainly of fiction, and are of For durable coloring the walls of . ..I i - - i " eome to the conclusion that alter an jae Cemetery this week, two adults the best writers. Of the older rooms in beautiful tints, at little cost the Republican party is "not a neces- and two Cneildren. novelists there are the works nothing equals the Mableine sold at of Bulwer, Lever and Dr. Warren, Jacobi's Depot. while the more recent novels are repre- B UT HUMPHREY & JENKIN8 are receiving dally, at their Oyster .... 1 1 S 1 I wwZ 1 1 VA sity, tnat uieveianu s eiecuuu vm i benefit to his race, and in fact Joe Lee is jolly. House. No. 112 South Front Street, from 40 to 50 gallons of one new Kiver uyeters. we also keep a full supply of Green Groceries, Chickens ana Jrggs. uysrers sent u. u. u. dec 5 The fastest time ever made on an Eng lish railway wa3 recently done between Paddington and Swindon Stations, on the Great Western road h m'lles in one hour and twenty-seven minutes, being 534 miles per hour. No stops were made. H Real Estate. OUSES AND BUILDING LOTS In the South, turkey bones are thrown away to the dogs. and cats. In th Vnrth thov nrn P.arefullv Collected The steamer Wave, which at last ac- counts nad oeen raised, naa noireacueu . mnra w;n-;. nrtiiin. nimi-nli Serviees To-Morrow. I OCULCU Ujf lUC T Ul aO VX 1 V UAHJ WAI - rw tue uitjr u,xuv tu otWoV. Anthony Trollope, Miss Muloch, Grace St. John's Churcn, corner Third and Red m, , . .. ,x T t -r-. -r. -r Cross streets. Rev. James Carmlchael. D. D. inere were quite a nuniDer oi uai Agllilar, W . JL. ttoweil, tu. l . uoe, u. Kcct0r. tccond Sunday in Advent, December s-. c -.xrA of tho InoL-a to.ilav. I r rvku Tin onrt nihora 7th. 1S81. Mominsr Prayer and Holy Commu- luau3 Wl i. v,au - c... Union at at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 3 30 for sale in all parts of the city whioh was heinir sold at reasonable Thnrp. are about A150 now in the treas- nVlor.k. u. m. Evenina: Pravcr at 7.30 p.m. ury, which will be used to further in- 1, Baptist u a: tU.. T !Kro. r ll" 6"-. "c:i x, """Vor- nnrr nfi w 3m sat m Beal Estate Aecnt . I l"l Mil !' lilt-. I I' ! 1 1 I I I 1- 111 .ILLi: 1 111 L 1 1 V I A L U . L. I H'J U HIT Pmri'S 111. II 1- 111. . 1 III! I . 1 I 11. 111. I - , . . TI T..:.l.t I lnnon . mnnM o 1 V m n f I w vi-w Mw - 3 ii. . - TT .. "r- - xue rujsiisLui ui jv.w iodhuu , Aftpr tho. morninsr services the Lord's Supper ry as soon as me commiueu uuu wv will be administered. Sunday School at 3 30 p. m. Prayer and praise meeting Thursday night at 7 30 o'clock figures.- i. fit-tiil H riinro lioonoPS this WPnlc. tWO Of which wprefor white and four for colored UP incir couple?. Personal. First Presbyterian Church, corner Third ain Oransre streets, llcv Joseph It. Wilson Mearlv every 6ne is afflicted with a Rev. D. II. Tuttle, the newly appoint- fas ton eryiceB at 11 a m and 7.30 t..t annn eAnnd to make cold, and this is just the sort of weather ed pastor oil ifth Street M. L. Church, Fifth street M. e. Church, between Nun and fihttomake Soup, aecona U) make , nnniOM9nt Q th nWsnrn of a nail this morn- Church streets, Rev. D. II. Tuttle, Pastor. S500 Reward DOLLARS WILL BK -piVE HUNDRED paid fer Information which will lead to the conviction of the miscreant who tampered 1n- u:-A v,lro npwt hnttons laVOraDie to caicuiu tuis uupiuiisa un i gttvu ua luc jjivaauiv w mi t n - m andSp.m.: Class meet , KnnA nina disorder. ing. and we trust that he will can again. jn? astor. with the Switches of the Railroad Companies and pine stems. Turkey bone pipe stems retail for twenty cents each and Rpv. Dr. R. A. Yates lett here last We were blessed with some fine . . . f R!,n;mftrfi to attend the Meth- at 3 p. m. ; Prayer mcetins Thursday even- at Sixth and Nisth streets, and caused the ac- Ing at 7Vfe o'clock. I Front Street M. E. Church, South, corner of cldent to the fast mall Jast Saturday night, the Front and Walnut streets. Rev. Dr. k. A. prices, at Taylor's Bazaar. W N. B. EVERY PURCHASER OF J& TWO DOLLAR'S WORTH OR MOBE WILL RECEIVE A TICKET FOUAar 3-CHANCE ON A HANDSOMELY r Je5TDRESS.D,JOINTD, BISQUE DOIX7 The Ladles arc Invited to call and see at TAYLOR'S BAZA Alt, 118 Market St dec 3 WILMINGTON, N. C. Brass Fire Dogs, Shovels and Tongs. gOMETHING VERY NICE ASD VERY CHEAP. GH.ES & MURCIIISON, dec 1 3.S and 40 Murchlson Block Home Comforts A GOOD COOK STOVE, A GOOD HEAT- J. Ing Stove, a eood Lamp, a good Kerosene Stivp.. a trood uoor Mat. a. iron. The Companies appeol earnestly to every g0Ofi Lap Bokrd, a good Cake' Box, a good third Sabbaths, at 8 o'clock. Seats free and are hempht. at wholesale for about S a. , uni.nt nht ami thuv i v.t. Poctnr Hvrvim nt ll a. m. and lib 30th of November. suoweis UUU..K M odist Centennial. wqic& win oeceieora- ;:M;tBm.,?. M. Parke'r, I mprp Tpopated at intervals during tne I . t.. .;. ,m Tnocdov n o t Ir BinMrintndnnt- Pravcr meeting and lecture I i tcu iu Hint. Wednesdav cvcnuijr at 8 o'clock. Christian , ... cocee liiggin, a good f eather uuster. uur The annual report of., the Controller morning hours. Yates will deliver an address upon that Association Tuesday evening after first and citizen m the community to aid in bringing Dave nod8 a9 lf to Bay that's so. and add a i.... r "r I of currency shows that tnere re -,oi National banks in existance, located as tollows: Eastern States 10 banks, cap ital Sl0.0OOt Middle States. 25, capital fl.S12.250; Southern States 30. capital 2.yo!,ioO: Western States, 102, capital $$.905,889; Pacific States, 5, capital l?SO,000; Territories, 19, capital $1, Cotton seed is the Southern bonanza. There are three and a halt pounds of seed to every pound of fibre; and more an 4.000 tons are produced annually. A ton ot seed yields 35 gallons of oil. pounds ot cotton and 750 pounds of fcke, used tor fattening cattle. The ue ot these proucts is $19. The oil s Urgely used for making fine soaps, when refined properly can hardly k distinguished from olive toil, which Jtis superseding for many purposes. Philadelphia Times: Of those who seek office, not one in five will be successful : of those who shall happen to be successful, not one-half will bet- their condition even for the present, of the other half, only the bitter css of disappointment and belplessles3 W be their portion. Not one sabor- dioate in 500 ever rises, above the posi tion of a dependent. It i j a worse than sted lile to many; a profitless life to a'!- Don't. Whv i Twvr Uwvm who has left .v. J I. 1 - UDraotirta Ii'Ita rVi on nm prion in na- . - -vHvo, :Dre? In one we see causes withe ffects,- effects of St. ' Jacobs Oil are to use a cure in ail cases. There was no City Court this morn- occasion . strand aid visitors cordially invited. this wretch toiustice whose infamous .cuon ine and tbe guard house was without Dr. .N. h . Kelly, treasurer oi ijuok- services at St. Mark's Church, corner Sixth endangered the lives of every passenger and a boarder, which speaks well for the lin county, Mo., is here on a visn to n V'ciock m 1 . T J. i l L. I I C r Thai s v l H I I m ro -rr r 1 V( I w r morals ol the city. holidavs. regular .. . . , ith whom he Will pass tne m. On Saints' days. Morning Prayer at 7.30 . ,. , tt r i a'.AA : tl,;cla. m. and 43 p. m. Sunday School at St hiirU tra Ho fnrmp.rlv resided in tnis I c..rfrvc.0. nn cn4.. .t t on mere will oe iao usuai . f , . .g6g d hag re. m. S. Mark's Church is a free Church services at .the First Baptist church .... .T.c-ot7or a;np Religious services in i Tlleston Upper-Room r. . x:. , siutu iU4.ilMUuv. .-v. every Sunday at 3 tr jul. iruonc coruiauy iu lO-morrow,at wuiuu xvct. x,. ... w pa-hftn. after an ab- vited. IIVi 1 A. - .w w y JNO. F. DIVINE, Gea'l Sup't II. WALTERS, General Manager. dec 5 3t fri sat mon ard. the pastor. Will officiate. 1 . trtt.hfti.itJ st Thomas' Pro-Cathedral. First Mass at 7 " : : : . r . : : u ",,rrw..wV Wii;rM at riiHEBK will be a mkkiu We learn that there nave Deenspienum Mast night, uuring nis aosence no vis 1 J ' X rains on the line of the Carolina Cen- hted his former home at Wheeling. " Christ church (Congrcgaaonalist)Nun street Toilet Set, a Box. a crood Coffee Biggin, a good Feather Duster. Our Dave n Porus. PARKER & TAYIX)B. PURE WHITE OIL. dec 1 Another Large Invoice QF ZEPHYRS AND ALL THE VARIOUS Wools In use ALL COLORS. Children's, Mlescs and Ladles Jersey s. Gloves and Haadkcrchlcfa. Fancy Hairpins, Hat Oinamerts, Ac. Millinery Fall stock, JHats, ;Bonnets, Vcl citizens at the Rooms of the Produce Ex- tral Railroad, and that the farmers are rest Virginia, where he attended the Jg pJMni change, at 12 o'clock, M, Monday, the sth.:;to vets, Feathers, Llrds. c basyinsowine wheat and otner smau 35th anniversary ot tho cnurcn irom m. ands o'clock, p. m. Pastor's Bible class hCM. lhc report of the Committee on the Rail J .... . , i it. at 12 is ti m. Pravcr and Praise meeting. grains. which he entered tllC ministry, lit, is Wcdncsdayi 8 o'clock, p.m. Snnday School, . eurvcya rrem Wilmington to New River, - M M I 1 m . wh h KJ nn I nil rf T" a I II I " in "ood health anu enjoycu nis mp oociwi if- iu aiuuiuii ...v.. .... much. Ilev. Mr. Teschau having returned to the city, there will be regular services at the usual hours at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church to-morrow. and Nun sts. "One of the Finest- Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between Church hnd Castle streets. Rev. u. X' aud from Wilmington to Faycttevlllc. A full Pator. Services at 11 a. m. and a p. m dAv School at 9 a. m. Pravcr meeting every fina Williams, the inimitable Dutch, Tuesday night. u .mai;on TxrHlonnoar if- tho First Baptist Church, (col.) corner of Fifth character comedian, will appear at tne n,mtlKpii ctreeta. a. m. conwav. pastor. Steamboatmen who arrived here this Opera House in this city on the night J--3 p-ra- an1 I'30p' morning state that, while there were of the loth inst., as vapi. utiwucr. m frequent showers on the Cape Fear above named play. Some idea of the To every Housekeeper a good during last night, there was no con- play and Gus Williams' acting may be substantial cook stove is an important irfpmh1 rainfallnot cnoueh to make gathered from the following, which we necessityand our readers will find the nnvmatPrial increase in the depth of clip from the Detroit Kcws of AugusM best at Factory prices at Jacobi's King, attendance is desired. bun B. G. WORTH, Chairman. Wilmington, N. C, Dec. 4, 15S4. dec 4 td 25th : One of the Finest." which opened Hardware Depot. any water. Tho storm centre, at 10:30 o'clock ... at tho Detroit opera house Step ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's this forenoon, was near St. Louis and iast night to a very largo audience is a Depot. t moving in a Northeasterly direction. fSM&f XSoSte -"vrw PR1VTP B04PDING HOUL This would indicate a storm from the ogter.provoking scenes and epi- r Ml Alii hUAUUlXU Southwest in this vicinity and storm d PWie b wages to g KortnwCBt of ond M1 Market sts. signals were ordered up for this city, great deal of laugn out ot . uas iases o hri vrt MRoon the part of the benevolent policeman, -es a. g. black takks pleasure Smithville and tort Macon. and at a certain stage in the perform- JV1 m announclni: tohernleBdaandthepab- rn1tnn.flon. ance when he appeared clothed partly lie that rejUrtable and trtnrient board can lnulCailOUS. anw . . f t :n k;T ni. be had at the above location, the most conve- . . . . Ct .no aWlw in a night dress and purtly in his nni- tto business of any In the city. Rooms For the South Atlantic States partly f is ahown on the street posters, a lme wcu ventued and weu fomianed. cloudy weather and local rams, lower yell arose w&icn neanj uiok um I odteM. - K55 : v.tnrn nr1 SniltneiSt W1DU9. I uu tu uwujv,. WUifcinwtu The Holidays are Coming, a ND 1 AM NOW MAKING A LAR9E Stamping done in latest designs. Felt All colors, Elder Do vrr, PluthAc Respectfully MISS E. KARRER. dec 1 . Exchange Corner. Just Arrived and for Sale. BOLS. MAIDEN AND ROE MULLETS, M Bbls. No. 2 MullcU, V) Bbla. and half Buls. Mackerel. S3 BbU. Afcsortei Apples, must be sold, dec 2 JDAVIS 4 SON Paris, Vienna and American markets Oy SterS. 0 JfitCrS, The selections will be appreciated by the most relioed tastes. rjwosE FAMOUS HORNE OYS-. Elegant Show Cases are filled with the most TERS can be found at the Okl North beauUful artlclea. gtaU paIoon m Tbey tre the beit hTonffhi to Parties can now cill and make selections be city. Cigars, Wlnea, Beer, and old ClemJ fore the rush. mer Whiskey, always on hand. Call at the A cordial invitation is extended to all at OLD NORTH STATE jJALOO.V, dec 1 6 South Front Street. HEINSBKR3ER'S, dec 4 Life Book and Music tt res U q f pWd TG BY SENDING YOUR LIGHT COLORED ' ; ' fY ALL KINDS AND IN ANY QUAJITl goods to MONACH'3 Steam Dje Works. 16 yj - second St.. and hathxg them made darker for ty. Wholesale and Ketail at ROCK BOTTOM Fall and Winter wear yon'U aare tne expense prices. W. is. SPKJNGKB A CO., ot buying a new suit or drea. Complete and 19, 21 S3 Market Street, ' ; fresh lot dye stnUjuat recelTed. dec 1 WUmlnOa, N. C.

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