bH5Eed every eYexiln. Sunday eepted by JOSH T. JAMES, . IDITOB AXD PBOPMSTOH. nRlPTIONS POSTAGE PAID; 5 too. 81x months. . $2.00. Three TTths tl.00; One month, 35 cents. ftpcr will be delivered by carriers tree! Ire In any part of the city, at the above ; riat,etiS!DK rate low and MberaL 3ut,acrlber9 will report any and all fait Wcelvc their paper regularly, SlJ1" m I II II I Tht Ta,ily Review has the largest ff ; -r jsftcd. tVe city of WUmington. Tvernor Cleveland's entire staff is to j retained by Mr. win. - r' : be Tnim CiUev, ninety-three years Old, Ja? a horse in a Democratic torchligh1 procession at Colebrook, other n5-hL N. II , the I nw that the campaign is over, it is public without a bouquet in his are I" buttonnOie. r I X wi - . I , 11 rnmsrboil a vi Q i t rk r In I Amt 1 ever sa, "UJai,"'u - . w ,v,a ivpsident-elect. "I am the first one Tpversaw ut" tj smuiuj, i reply- After all the newspapers and politi eians liaye fixed up cabinets for Presi dent Cleveland, how would it do let i:m iru n hand at the business.'' it !Wm to us that he has about as much (uteres t in the matter as anybody. When Gen. Grant came into Presidency in less than sixty days m " . , I the i ilfl issued notices ot recall to all the foreign uisters and consuls. The appoint ments were made by Mr. Lincoln and were very good. Now they inveigh n;ncf. this line ot Drocedure. This J-JMIUW " t rue it is their ox that is to be gorea. The report of the Utah Cojnmission to Secretary Teller, of the interior de partment, states that the work of the pr.mmission has resulted in excluding ail poloygamic Mormons from the ex- i .i Unnkid rafora I IK bS ui iue ci;hi uaumifv, iwm w .nriMinn fnr nnlvmv nlro.adv had II 1 1 1 1 1 I I.AIJlllI aiAVIka u Hi mm r w br of recommendations as to further legislation which they consider neces sary to the accomplishment of the poli cy of the Government for the extm-l guUhment ot the evil. ' Gov. Holden is soing to write a his- torv of North Carolina, embracing the period hetween 1860 and 1884. As he irasaa imoortant and influential actor in that thrilling drama ot political com- jQotica which produced so many ex- tiuag scenes, nis iorin-comiug will be hailed with aeepest interest ana will command a ready sale. lie is a nan ot the heaviest mental calibre, ba An inexhaustible mine of informa- tion, ana wieias tne pen wnor iorco auu perpiscuity. There is not a man in tne State more familiar with those events or better qualified to portray them than this large brained ana accompnsneu writer. Wilson Mirror. nr.-1 - Ah! Is it possible that the individu a! mirror! to above is the same wno preached disunion in '60 and treachery in 61? The same who invented that grandiloquent expression of 'the last dollar and the last ditch7' in speaking of his undying hatred of the universal Yankee nation? The sanio who three years afterwards endeavored to betray those he had led into the war into the bauds of their cue mies? The'same who was made pro visional governor of North Carolina, bv the same hated Yankees, Gov. Worth, of generous memory, haying been made to give way to this malig nant viper? The same who made war upon his native State.threw some of the best and the purest men iu North Caro lina into loathsome dungeons with filthy negro outlaws, imported Kirk and bis CQUhroats to organize military tribu caUiorthe trial of innocent people nd suspended the writ of ha beas . comuj in a time of profound peace? Is this the miser able wretch who after a fair and im partial trial was solemnlv conyicted of high crimes and misdenreanousand for mer debarred from holding any place Of trust nr pmnlnmpnt under the minority of the State? Is this the pan whom the Wilson Advance so lands? And does thtr Wilson Advance know anvthinf? of the biozraphy of the se wretch whom it praises? If it s, then God save the mark! Warren Hastings was an angel of mercy when Spared with W. W. Holden. The Temperature.1 The temperature of the water of the Cape Fear is taken daily for the benefit of the Fish Commission, who propose stock the steam with ' such fish as ould Kn mnCf ont . to thrive. The mperature to-dav was 55 degrees on tile surface and 54 degrees at the bot toai of the river. The changes during year are onlv a few degrees. Br. baraue Teviot, Remon. cleared ay for Bremen with 1468 bales ton, valued at $70,000, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprnnt & Son. Nor, arque Bertha, Hanerold. cleared Tor Br8tol. Emr.. with 3.575 barrel rosm. laiedat S4 562. shipped by. Messrs rterson TWnincr &. Co.. makinz f ?taioi Prnrtrte fnrflin amounting to IN r H VOL. VIII. LOCAL NEWS. IIDEX TO XEW AnviBTISEMESU. Davis & Son For Fale F V B Yorr-Brlcklaylng S VanAmmsigk Legal ad C W Yates Holiday Good R M MclKTIRE Things Useful IDiiksbxrqeh Christmas Goods F C Miller Friends and Fellow Citizens The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 783 bales. The best 25c Balbriggan half hoes sold at Dyer's ; a new lot just in. t We have seldom seen such beautiful SeftSOn Beautiful colored bordered handker- uuvij b ljci s unmet muuu aiieuiiuu and are selling to fashionable buyers at very reasonable prices. f Santa Claus is coming and the li tie ones are on tip toe with excitement at the prospect of his wild night visit laden with good things. Mr.F. V.B.Yopp offers his services as i i i x ! uricKiayer arm plasterer in idis issue. He is well qualified for the business and will give good and faithful work wher" ever he may be employed. After tho appearance of Gus Wil liams, on the night of the 10th inst there are no engagements at the Opera House until the nights of the 31st inst and Jan. 1st. 1885. when "Peck's Bad Boy" will be presented. There i3 a double white camellia at Conoleys drug store, which i3 four inches in diameter and is one ot the finpst wr hftvfi fivfir spfiii. It was rais- - I ed bv Mrs. liarry wetD, tne uonsi, and has been an obiect of much delisnt r ed attention during the day. The River. Steamboatmen reporS that tho lecen rams have given the Cape .rear a rise of about 12 feet and that there is now a plenty of water, which they think will continue dunnff the Winter. Ihey re port large quantities of freight, espe cially naval stores, awaiting transpor- tation to the city wbich will keep the boats busy with full cargoes for some time. Some Notes of the Weather. Vennor's almanac for 1885 has many weather prediotious. The weather prophet says: "There will be a mild, nn9fttt.iftd winter, with a ereat deal of ' downfall in the shape of snow or "rain. 1 look for - a green Christmas and a mild new vear. Snow will be lato in coming, in many sections me year closing with little on the ground, and very little anywhere. Mild weather will prevail until unusually late, not- withstanding a possible early term ot onnaioWfthla severity, during which. I for a time, the prospect will be that winter is setttnz in unusually early, Open weather with heavy rains in some sections aud but few frosts is likely to continue well into the new year, result- ing in heavy, murky and unhealthy conditions. " In fact, the winter of 1885 will be wet and open. There will be exceDtions. as a matter of course, u- u nr:n ALt lavtaiu kwwvwm w - w - v m am a r i ucm i mux w -. n 1111.11 au will maintain its sway. A hot or cool Summer, which? is the question next house at a little before 7 o'clock yes in order. From what I can gather the terday morning, and was not out of the vaWiinh ct tho maioritv of the ex- perienced not the guessers is in tne heat. I am not UaWK v m. "w - - inclined at present to this view; on the contrary, I judge that the line of low temnnratures will rise very gradually, hrough next Spring and early Summer, xrivinar us a creat deal ot cool to cold and wet weather up to nearmid-bum- maf ofrer whirh ft warm reaction will set in, resulting in a warm autumn," A, New Cardinal. T,n r?athoiiVa in this citv will be glad to know that it can be stated now as an absolute fact that Archbishop Gibbons, r iim mAtrnnnlitan see of Baltimore and delegate apostolic to the third Plen. - 11 Vis merm a cardinal ary wjcuw., - . AH;n..rnmcnt nr thn nresent ocoio iuc auJUuluv. ... council or at least oeiore jauumj. . LL:.. n .t..hnnn. lUlS.wasucieiuiiuwuK" oil of American Uisuops uetu ah xwmo cuw auicuwu . . , . - . . v. i i 1,1 . Dnmo last Nn vp in her , Alier Ills cieviiuuu last govern oer. ai w the cardinalate it is t.keiy tnat oe wui be Riven a coad'jutor, on account of the increase of work in this arch-diocese Tn sneh nn event the Assistant Arch bishop will probably be chosen from this province, although he can be se lected from any part of the country Dr. U oonneu. war i aprretary tothe consiaere,a j r thn Coun Til. is very young and an especial aI'1:? r iho ArhhTshoo.v who. it IS site to wcs"nm'e,wiil exert bU Isfla- ta bebairot Dr-O'ConneU. , Mffif WILMINGTON. N. C TUESDAY. DECEMBER City Court. The only case lor the Mayor's con sideration this morning was that ol Thomas Gardner, the colored boy ar rested yesterday morning charged with Arson, but which was noatnonpd nntil ner, was duly arraigned and was repre-1 sen ted by Mr. F. H. Darby as counsel. The accused is apparently about 12 yrar3 of age, although it was stated on the trial that he was but 10. lie is not a wicked looking boy. After the wit nesses tor the prosecution had been sworn, ou the request of the defendant's counsel, they were separated, so that one should not bear to what another might testify. - Reuben Burners, colored, the first witness, stated that he was in the em ploy of Mr. B. F. White; that it was his duty to open the store mornings, and that when be came down and open ed the store yesterday morning he found the room full of smoke. Did not see any fire and knew nothing about the matter further than he had been told. Robert Miller, a colored boy, about 12 years old, testified that he got up at 20 minutes to 7 o'clock yesterday morning, and. came out on the back piazza of the house in which he lived. on Second street, and saw a blaze un der Mr. White's store, on Market street, and also saw defendant, Tom come out from under the building and run along the fence to Mr. Judge's steps. Called his brothers, who came out on the piazza and also saw iom Saw no one else, and swore positively i - . that lorn was the boy whom ne saw uross - examinea py mr. taroy. but the testimony was not materially changed George Johnston, also colored, and ovJrlpnt lv ahnnf, 14 vears of flffe. testifi- ed lhat he wa3 in his room when Rob. ert (the last witness) called and said to him to come there quick as he had something to show him. Went out on the piazza and saw the blaze and saw the defendent running along by the fence and up to Mr. Judge's steps. J Cross-examined by Mr. Darby, when witness stated that be ran around to Mr. Woodcock's, who lives over Mr. White's store, and told the people of the fire. Then went to help put out the fire. Tom came back there and pulled a basket from under the build- hng. Asked Tom if he didn't eet the a wiipn ti, latter said no. he didn't. ' Tom was the boy he saw. Never had any quarrel with defendant. Mr. B. F. White testified that he was proprietor ot tne store ovcrwnicn tne nre was discovered. The boxes m which goods were received, together with the packing, were placed under the build- ing for further use. Occupy the entire first floor- Have stove but have had fire only once this year, which tvas about four weeks ago. Have seen de- fendant in my back yard and driven him out on two or three occasions. This pnded the testimony for the prosecution and, as tho first witness for the defence, after being duly sworn. Mr. Judge testified fitbat the defend- ant rmrt wen in his emniov ior tne past . .. . . . i t i.4 tun w-c ci irnni hno i w. i h i ilcu uj vaauw w - w -c - and a faithful servant. Came to the hrmsa aftpr that until the alarm was given. Pmiia ATAmined bv Mavor Hall, tne witness started that he was not up when the boy knocked. Got up and let i-: :n A Ktr wont trt hnildincr 11 1 1X1 IU aUU kUfe " - c gres. sure Tom was not out of the hnnifl ,n-nr he came in until the alarm house after he came in until the was given. Jordan Walker, colored, testified that he saw defendant about 7 o'clock j on the steps at Mr. Judge's door. The door was shut. Did not see him after that. Feed horse in same lot at about ; rvwtr in the morninc and do not leave until about 7. Did not see the Coy during that time and if the latter had been there would haye seen him. Mr MrshRll. yiuea"J T1. or,fl , th. imocrtant tcsti- - , Uony bearing upon the case, when, I .. . . f U otmao Inr i niipr & unci aftuuJvuii " , .;t Li0rnflnt the Mavor announced tha1 - . , . hold the defendant for the ; M.ider Criminal Court, whether, under the circumstances, bail should be allowed. Incltcatlons. Fortho South Atlantic States, gener ally fair weather ; s nearly shuwumj - inr ftnd Northerly winds. TounsUto YeUo v kaue Park next season mght encounter a rionnwesi urn wrd. If ihev are wise men they will take a soppfj ol I Dr. BuU'a CouSh Syrnp. the famous llfllW. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "JTHh i in USKFUL AS WELL AS ORNAMENTAL 'PJ1ESENTS AUK NOW ORDER. SUCH AS xl JM1C0 JJrCSSj A Nice and Cheap Carpet A Box of good Hose, Box of good Handk'fs, Nice Table Linen, Napkins and Doylies, A pair of good Blanketsf Paisley or Brochet Shawls, Children's Cloaks. HOSIERY of all kinds. Ladies', Gents' and Children's UNDERWEAR. Curtains. Curtains, Curtains Special offering during the Holidays of NEW LACE CURTAINS. EXTENSION CORNICE, CORNICE POLE?, &c, R. IVi. (VlcinJTIRE. dec 9 Gus Williams. This talented character comedian and universal favorite, with an excellent company, will appear at the Opera House to-morrow night in the Comedy of 4One of the Finest." in which Mr. Williams will appear in his popular character of Capt. Mishler. It will be his first appearance in this city, but from his well known reputation as one of the best comedians of the present uay' lu 18 aa,e lu oaj . . greeted with a crowaea npuse. .tie served seats are now for sale at Heins berger's. Tlie Library Association. The entertainment for the benefit of the Wilmington Library Association, which will be given at the Opera House on the night ot the 12th inst., promises to be of .unusual merit. The pro gramme will be varied and attractive, consisting of vocal and instrumental music, recitations, tableaux &c, and those who will participate are actively eneasred in perfecting their respective paris so that the affair shall be worthy the city, the occasion and the laudable object for which the entertainment is gotten up. There will undoubtedly be a crowded house to do honor to the amateur and professional talent which aaYe volunteered their services in this god cause. Reserved seats are now for sale at Heinsberger's, and are ing rapidly taken. be- Literary and Musical. The Young Men's Hebrew Associa tion held another of their excellent entertainments last night at Germania r,vu.., varied, consisting of yocal and iustru- mental music ana literary exercises. ine entenainmenc concmueu vritu Hop. which was participated in by a large number ot those present, mere was a large attendance, the order was excellent and the entertainment was entirely successful m every particular. A new stage has been erected for ttie convenience of the -Association, a feature which satisfies an important demand. When Sam Devcre was cured of I . i i r i l. 1 . rheumatism dv ot. jjicods un, ue sum: " i e nam was aevuic, uui tu uuicu i . old Sam Deyere NEW ADVJERISBMENT8 ricklaying. FT. B. YOPP, CONTRACTOR AND Jobber, tenders his services to the citi zens. He is prepared to d all work in Jii6 line with promptness and dispatch. Setting Ranges and Grates a specialty. mot Orders left at Mr. S. W. Holden's shop promptly attended to dee Iw F. V. B. YOPP. For 45 BUNCHES CELERY, 50 Bbls Apples, 25 Bbls Potatoes, 59 Bbls Roe Mullets, 95 Bbls Mackerel, 10 Bbls Herring. Come and eee us at our fish Market, dec 0 PAVIS & SON State of North Carolina, New Ilanover Co. In Su pes ior Court. Eliaha Porter. Plaintiff, vs. . John E. Wood. Exr of Defendant. Jackson Wood, dec' d. The purpose of this acfton is to require the nnM.ra.nce of the Defendant in order to col lect an account against the estate of Jackson Wood, dee'd, by way of a Creditor's Bill; the Defendant wiU take notice that be is required to appear befor. the Clerk of the fcuperlor Court of New Hanover county, on rlday, lath dT February. A. L. 18S3. at 10 o'clock. a . if.. Kn answer or demur to the complaints in said action or the Plalotia will apply for the relief denaam ed in me eompiami, 8. VakaMRING". Clerk of superior Court. J I S. M. Km pie. Attorney of puinuu. dec 9 lawGw tu NEW PRIYATE B0ARDI5G HOUSL Northwest corner of Second and Market aU. MS BS. A. G. BLACK TAKES PLKASURE ansounclnz to her fx leads and tne poo- i i lib that Tcralxr. table and trjnslent board can I l .mr m tKa itwiM ln..i1nn tHtt moat rnnve- Blent to business or any in tne oiy. - nooms i.r wen TenPiated and weu xorsianea. I Table rapplled with the best the market af xoxda, Terms moaerate. aec t u NO 294 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TCJsefnl. IN A Nice and Pretty Wrap. OPERA HOUSE. OSE NIGHT ! WDNESDAV. DEC. 10. Everybody's Favorite Comedian, Mr. GUS WILLIAMS In his bewildering success, JOHN MISHLER. The Benevolent German Policeman, in ONE OF THE FINEST ! A story of the Pavements of New York Under the management of John H. Hobb. CARD "One of the Finest" Is ihe title given each member of the New Ycrk Police Force, as ihev are callei tho finest Police in the World. Seat on eale at Helnsberger's Monday 8th. .Reserved seats $1. aec t OPERA HOUSE. FRIDAY, December 12,1884: Grand Musical and Literary Entertainment TOR THE BENEFIT OF THE WILMINGTON LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. To consist of Instrumental and Solos Ailon Quartette Music, Pantomimes aad Tab JCHUX. General admission 5"c: reserved eeats chairs and iront srallery row. 75c. : reserved seats, parnuette. 50c. Box sheet opens Tuce' day morning. 9 o'clock, at nelnsberger's. dec 8 3t mo tu f rl nac. Notice. JS HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPI.ICA- tion will be made to the (ieneral Assembly of North Carolina, at Its session la January, 1SS5, for a charier for the "Wilmington Saving Bank and Loan Association" of Wilmington, N. C. dec 2 3t tu Notice- JS HEREBY GIVEN that application will be made to the General Assembly of North Car olina, at Its session In Januarjr, 1SSS, for a charter for the Gcrmawla Mutnal Fire Insu rance Company of Wilmington, N. C. dec 2 5t tu Christmas Goods. JS ENDLESS VARIETY; TOO NUMER oua to Itemize. Fancy Extravaganzas, Im ported Oddities, Japanese Curiosities, and ex- tensive collection of gools of every dcscrlpl lion Imaginable, from nearly all the prlnclpa manufacturing cities in Europe and America Please call early to avoid the rush, and Bee the Immense dlsiday of Beautiful Cbristmas and New Years Cards. A cordial Invitation is extended to all at UEINSBER3ER'S, live Book and Music S t res dec 8 Another Large Invoice O1 F ZEPHYRS AND ALL THE VARIOUS Wools In use ALL. COLORS. Children's, Misses and Lale3 Jerseys. Gloves and Handkerchiefs. Fancy Hairpins, Hat Ornamerts, &c. Millinery Full stock," SHata-, Bonnets, Vel rets. Feathers, Birds, &c. Stamping done In latest des'gns. , Felt All colors. Elder Down, Pliuh, Ac Respectfully MISS E- KARRER. dec 3 Exchange Corner. Holiday Goods 1 JN ORDER THAT THE LADiKS MAY select their CHRISTMAS PUESENT early and avoid the usual zu&h, I have opened up a large and handsome stock of Christmas Goods! in point of elegance and variety mrpasaing sjiTthlnsr heretofore offered The finest selection ot Children's Books ever brought to the city CaU and examine stock and prices. Prompt anl polite attention to ail C W. YATES, decs 119 Market St., WUmington KC Brass Fire Bogs, Shoyels and Tongs. SOMETHING VERY NICE f ANU VKRY CHEAP. GILES MURuHISON, dec 8 28 and 40 Murchison Block Hardware o F ALL-KINDS AND IS 'AST QUANTl I i j. UUiCJ" oSvJiVi tWi " f vnces. W. E. 8PEINGEE & CO- - j 13. Zl & 23 Market Street, Wuaington, N.C. j 9, 1884. wwiat?9Klad to " reoclra ccrajaxmiciCoa froia cor Irlcads on any asd aHsahjaeU. -general Interest tut " ? . " Xh naae xi tha writer must arv&ya b latod to tuiax. Vi."' - ' ? Z ComnnT.lcaaoaa taxut b wnrua c on ' , caaeMeot the paper." " . . Fsnonantlca must be avottea.; , ; And It la especially and partlculax;; ttce stood that tho Editor doc not aHrsja enUcis v tbe views or correspondents cn - to :atae . 1 in the editorial corcsins. ; . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR THE Extra Bargain s AT- 116 tiarket St. Biack Silks at SOc, TO, $1, 1.25 per yard. Cashmeres, all shades, from VZo up. Ladled Cloth Tricot Kens. v Flannels. Dojmans, Shawls. Blankets, Spreads, very low. Ladies', Gents and Children's Under wear. s 2,000 Handkerchiefs, from 3c up. Table Linen?, Towels, Napkins, at ex traordinary low prices V Velvets and Velveteens, all shades. THOUSANDS Ob' AitTICLES txo numerous to mention bought below Manufacturer's cost, and SELLING L'OWER THAN EVER BEFORE. A call will conyinco my patrons lhat if 7 for XMAS GIFTS it is ECONOMY to buy something useful as well as desi rable of M. M. KATZ, 1 1ft Market St. dccS ,7 S H. Trimble STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER and Auctioneer of General Merchandise of every description. Office corner Princess and Water streets. Cronly & Motrins' old stand. Personal attention given to sale of horses and vehicles at private ealo or at auction. Con signments solicited. SETII W. DAVIS, sept 22 Auctioneer. Conolcy's Drug Store. i21 MARKET STREET. J WILL OPEN IN A FEW DAYS A FINE assortment of XMAS GOODS. My friends (and the Ladies especially) are invhed to call, and examine. My prices will be reasonable.' fjonoiey s coiogxe is unscrpasscu oy any other. Very Respectfully. decs J. W. CONOLEY. Crew Notice. jLL PERS3NS ARE HERVBY gxZ forewarned not to trust or barbor "yi any cf the crew of the British 4y b:!g LKAU, ai nelthertbe M"""1" - or conclgxieei wlil be responsible o. jo.nks, Blaster dee 8 St U El DE CO., Consignees Fire Extinguishers. flTE HAVE ON HAND THE CELEBILA-, ted Harden Hand Grcnde Fire Extlxgalshers rccotnmendeil by the D. S. Naval Board, Fire Icsurancc Go's and Heads of Fire Depart ments throughout the United Ftatcav They arc In uee in Hotels, Tfccatrea, Factories, De pots and Private Residences of all of the cltiea of the North and West a'd In a great many Southern cities. They ara invaluable about Cotton Yards, Turpentine Distilleries, Lum ber Yard and in alt factories where the pro dncts are of a r ighly ltflammaMc nature. The pubdc a re invited to call nd examine them- U. If GRANT & CO.. dec 8 St 113 Front Street Oysters. Oysters, qMIOSB FAMOUS HOENE OYS-gs Jl - V I 1 ERS can be found at the Old North i State alooa. Thev arc the Leit lrou?tit to this city. Cigars, Wlaes, Beer, and old C!cm: mcr WtiUkey, always on hand. Call at tho OLD JvOnril .STATE SALOON, ico 1 6 South Front Street. IJ.:: Now if Ever, i X T THE CHBISTMAS DINNER CLOSE . J. at band joa expect vour friends, WLea ' joubU dojrn-1 no-i that Tor Ley burnt on one sdo and raw cu ths Oaber, that Cake half done, you wlil make some side rrmtrks to lh? coox (will n?t mention thera ) She- will im ply remind yon of that Old fctove. 'Euy a new '. one in tire and eare temper. . PABKEK & TAYLOE. ' . PUKE vTlUTE OIL, dee ft - I.

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