THIS PAPER .lisned every evening. Sunday, ex oepted by JOSH T.JAMES, SDITOB AK PBOPETBTOB. SUSSCBIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: ear $4.00. Six months, f.2.09. Three sionths, $1.00 ; One month, 35 cents. Tae paper will be delivered by carriers free charge. In any part of the clljv at the above . ostislr-ir rates low and HberaL. 13-Snbscrlberg will report any and all faU- to rwCSlvo wen in jri ixuiaiy, . 2TA 2)aiZy Review has the largest wq fAa circulation of any newspaper .listed, in the city of Wilmington Tht?re are now pending in ' the Sape f0r and Circuit Courts of Chicago 674 divorce suit?. . .. .. . Dr. Tanner, who achieved notoriety by his protracted last, is now residing C3 a ranch in Mexico. n. , . - Weather Prophet Wiggins sees fit to ,eoy the rumor that he had joined the lionera of the Salvation Army. (lea. Logan's moustache ba3 lost it nrcstina clorv. It has been trimmed t3 moderate length and shows gray aairs- . a worm which thirty years ago de strnveJ many of the pine trees in North Carolina is again makiag havoc this season. Seven or eight persons have been fro zen to death in the northern woods oi Wisconsin this year, and Winter has not yet begun. Mr. Bancroft, the historian, Is, or V" - - - - has been, an unlucky user of horses. So many have failed him that he has given up riding. - . Hon. Eugene Koliey, President of the Kew York Electoral College, donated hi salary ( S60) to the Little sisters of - w - the Poor of Albany. Tbe first Regiment of Chicago, one of the crack military organizations ot the West, is making arrangements to visit Washington on inauguration day. Great as the central postofllce build inss in London are, they aro to be en larged, a church and a hotel being re moved to make room for the addition. Mr3. Lans-try will live for a time to come in London, having hired the .house No. 86 Eaton Square for eicht months. She will play a long engagement in that city. Miss Kate Sprague Chase, the daughter of Chief Justice Chase, is now residing at Fontainbleau, France, de- voing herself to the education of her family. Tbe annual expenses of Jay Gould's yacht Atalanta are $70,000, and her owner expects to start with her on a Southern trip the latter part of this month. The wife 5 of Lieutenant Greely ex cites the enyying admiration of her friends by displaying on her parlor floor a large rug of seal fur, a relic of her husband's Arctic life. Yale College is the name of a man who lives in Boston. College is a colored man who was a slave in the South be fore the war. Uis owner, who gave him his name, was a graduate of Yale Mr. Manning's organ, the Albany -Arqus, states officially that all gifts sent to Governor Cleveland will be re turned at once, and that all offers of an MMrt to Washington next March will declined peremptorily. It U announced that Mayor Edson, of New York, has decided to appoint as commissioner of public works Fitz- John Porter, now police commissioner. ia place of Hubert O.Thompson, whose term expires next Wednesday. n M. Victorien Sardsa once hired a house in the country to pass the Sum- friar .1 . t r W , anu weal in searcu oi a laruuei w uu tad a milch cow. Having found one lie said 1 -l ir rmnA man rriT anrvant iil come every morning to buy a pint of milk." "All right. . It is eight ous." "But I want pure milk very pare." "In that case it is ten sous.' Vou will milk in the presence of my fcrvant." ."Then it is fifteen sous." - mmm The fund for the family of therlate A. Sullivan, started in the House of Emmons, reached nearly $4,000 at first meeting. Cardinal Manning president of the committee, and 3"ng its members are such distin guished Liberals as Sir Henry James, 8 attorney general, Sir Wilfred Law ton, Jacob Bright, Laboachere, Byce historian and Passmore Edwards The hard timAa nra having a, nsxtien- distressing effect in New York. Quartets' of well known club men havo caught within a month dining for 8 for the party. Most clab men are wiser than this, of course, and the ex fUve committees report that they ,JTe their bills persistently unpaid, so y newspapers are recalling the fact the old Armv and Naw.New York lal Travellers' clubs died from too ach of that sort of thing. . l4 7 VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C.. SATURDAY. DECEMBER Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt, the wife of John James Piatt, who is tbe American Con- buI at Cork, has written a volume of verse and the book has just been pub lished by David Douglass, in Edin burgh, under the title of "An Irish Garland." Sir Moses Montefiore has fully re covered from his recent indispositiont though he is much depressed by the recent death of his housefe eeper, an old lady forty yeara younger than Sir Moses and for forty years past hi a faith ful attendant. On Thanksgiving day there were 88 deep-sea vessels disengaged at San Francisco. Their tonnage was 1 10,750. At the same date last year the tonnage of disengaged vessels at that port was 130,247. In 1SS2 it was 65,133, and in 1881 it was 20,000. - . Miss Alice Pollard, now 96 years old. and of sound mind and body, is the old est parishioner of Dr. Barto! church, in Boston. She bears the name of her ancestress who came out in the May flower, a little romp, who was the first to put foot on Plymouth Rock. ' General Arthur Gorgey has finally been declared by his old comrades in nocent of the charge ot treason, under which he has suffered since 1849; but it is authoritatively declared that Kos suth not only refused to countenance the performance, but never will do so. and still believes that Gorgey betrayed Hungary in his surrender to the Rus sians at Villagos. In a sermon at Baltimore Archbish op Ryan said that care for the poor is not only a divine and ecclesiastical law, bn it is the highest wisdom of the po litical economist. '"One half of the world, does not know how the other half lives," he added, "but that other half will soon let them know, and as sure them that they do not intend to live so any longer." A prominent clergyman of Brooklyn, while boxing, received what the boys call "a jolly black eye." On Sunday he chose his text from Timothy, 5th chapter, 7th verse: "1 have fought a good fight. I have finished my course." Then he used St. Jacobs Oil. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J W Coxolet For Bent Corolina Lodge 434, K of H ' C W Yates Holiday Goods Wanted A Competent Cook OPEBA House Grand Concert II kins bergek A Gift for the HoMaya F C Miller Friends and Fellow Citizens Days length 9 hours and 43 minutes. Sunset to-morrow afternoou at 47 minutes past 4 o'clock. y The receipts of cotton at this port to. day foot up 879 bales. The best Boston Garters are sold by Dyer for 25c per pair. t Thero were no interments in Oak dale Cemetery this week. There was ona interment in Bclleyue Cemetery this week, that of an adult. There were two interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week, both adults. The atmospheere has felt and appear ed during the day as it snow might be expected. The tooting of the horn is heard in the land, indicating that Christmas is not far off. Five persons were received into membership in the First Baptist Church last Thursday night. Rev. F. H. Bishop will preach at the Front Street M. E. Church at 11 a. m., and 7.30 p. m. to-morrow. The Register of Deeds issued three marriage licences this week, ono of which was for a white and two for colored couples. The ordinance of baptism will be ad ministered to several candidates at the conclusion of the services at the First Baptist Church to-morrow night. The thanks of the local are due Mr. W. II Styron, the tobacconist, for a magnificent Indian reed pipe stem, a lot of which he has just received from Florida. Rev. Dr. E. A. Yates, who is attend ing the Methodist Centennial at 'Balti more, preached at St. Paul's M. E. Church, ia that city, last Sundaymorn- ing. As Christmas tune approaches a war upon Turkey becomes daily more jm minent. ;In fact hostilities have already commenced and quite a pumber oi that tribo bare becbslaughtered. Opera House. The Musical and Literary enter tainment at the Opera House last night, for the benefit --f the Wilmington Li brary Association, was a most pro nounced success, not only in ihe rendi tion of the different parts in the pro gramme, but also in the financial re sult. The house wa3 crowded with a fashionable, cultured and appreciative audience and, with the exception of one or two slight delays, the programme was fully carried out without hitch or failure. Those who took part in the entertainment have been making thorough preparation lor the occasion for some time, as was manifest last night by tbe precision, skill and ex quisite taste with which the several parts wererendered. Tho selections for the occasion were excellent, as the fol lowing programme will slnw: PART FIRST. Piano Duo The Witches' Flight. Jiussell. Misses Lavender and DeRos set. Statuary Exiles in Babylou. Misses Bolles, G. Gore and Greenewald. Guitar Solo Hernandez' Prison March. Mrs. Sears. Humorous Recitation How Ruby Played. Mr. T. S. Radcliffe. Descriptive Song The Raft. Pin suli. Mrs. Watters. Illustrated Poem "The Hanging t the Crane," W. H: Longfellow, recited by Miss . . W. Myers. Illustrated by Miss V. Gore and Mr. B. G. Empie and by a series of Tableaux 1. "The New Home;" 2. "The Light of Love ;" 3. "A Royal Guest," Little Horace Clark; 4. "The Crown is ou his Sister's Brow," Little Elliott Emerson; 5. "The Table Garlanded with Guests;" 6. "Chronicles of Pain." Tbe Golden Wedding Introducing the Minuet by Miss Jessie Kenan, Miss Agnes Daniel, Miss Carrie Myers, Miss Lettie Green ; and tbe Ringing ot the Marriage Bells by "Troops of Chil dren." PART SECOND THE SOLDIERS1 MONU MENT. Statuary The Course ot True Love 1. Making Love. 2, Quarreling. 3, Making Up. Miss FraDky Clark and Master L. II. Myers. Piano Solo Polka do Concert Bart Iclt. Miss H. A. Lavender. Character Recitation Widow Be dotte. Mrs. Sears. Statuary The Sculptor's Studio Ophelia. The Avenger, Sea Nymph. Miss Bolle3, Miss Draper, Miss G. Gore. Vocal Solo Vcspri Sicilians. Mr?-. Kahnweiler. Illustrated Poem A Dream of Fair Women Tennysoru Recited by Mr. T. W. Strange- Impersonations Helen of Troy MissM. DeRosset. 'A Daughter of the Gods." Iphigenia Mrs. Sears. "My Youth was Blasted with a Curse " Clpopatra Miss -A. S. Meares. "A Swarthy Queen, brow-bound with Burnished Gold." Jephthah's Daughter Miss J. W Myers. "How beautiful a thing it is to die for God and for ray Sire:" Rosamond Miss Vic. Gore. "Whom men call lair." . . Margaret More Miss A. T. Lippitt. "O, true and loving heart." Joan of",-Arc Miss Lelia Hart. "Light of ancient France." Eleanor of Castille Mi3s M. Greene wald, "Faithful unto death." Mr. Joe H. Hart was stage manager for the occasion and performed his difficult duties in a manner highly satisfactory to all. Tbe German Band. As announced in our issue of the 11th inst , some of our German fellow citizens assembled at the Hall of now" ard Relief Engine Co. last night to take measures looking towards tbe or ganization of an instrumental band. Mr. E. W. Doscher was called to the chair, and Mr. J. G. L. Gelschen was requested to act as secretary. A com" mittee was appointed to draft a consti tution and by-laws for the band, with instructions to report at the next meet ing. A committee was also appointed to confer with individuals who miht be induced to become members of the organization. The meeting was quite earnest and enthusiastic and unani mous in the determination to organize a first-class instrumental band. After transacting all necessary business the meeting adjourned to meet again at the same place next Wednesday night. ' Mr. T. L. Vaughn, Tobacconist, Winston, T. -C, says: "Having been a member for some time of tbe Mutu al Trust Fund Life Association, I am well pleased witlu and heartily reconv mend it , to the public as entitled to confidence and patronage." Set Personal. Rev. J. W. Primrose, the new pastor ot the Second Presbyterian Church. with his family have arrived in the city and are seopping for the present with Mr. W. H. Sprunt. Indications. " For the South Atlantic State?, fair in the Northern portion ; partly cloudy weather and rains in Southern portion; lower temperature and Northerly winds. , Cotton. The receipts of cotton at this port from -tho 1st inst. to date foot op 9 108 bales, as against 9.208 bales from De cember 1st. to 15th last year, a decrease this month of 100 bales. The receipts of the crop year to date foot up 75.517 bales, as agiinst 71.237 bales to De ce ruber 15th last year, an increase this year of 4.2S0 bales. The Next. Our music loving citizens will have the benefit of another rich musical en tertainment at the Opera House next Monday night, when the Cornet Con cert Club will give a concert and favor the audience with some of their selec tions, given in their best manner. It will be a treat well worthy the patron age ot our people and we hope that the house may be crowded in appreciafion ol the efforts of the Club. Citv Court. There were several parties before the Mayor . this morning, charged with failure to pay the licence tax as re quired by the city ordinances. The cases were continued until Monday morning. Tom Whitfield, colored, was charged with breaking into the store of Mr. J. M. Hard wick, yesterday morning, as re ported in our yesterday'3 issue. He was represented by Mr. Marsden Bellamy, as counsel, who asked for a continuance. The request was granted and the case was continued until 3 o'clock this afternoon. Post offices. We learn that a movement is on foot to have two new PoUofiices established in Caintuck township, Pender county, for the convenience of the people. . The new oflices wili be named, respec tively, "Lonely," and "Keith." These will necesitate a new postal route from Viola to Colly and return, yia the two new offices named above. If estab lished they will prove a great conven ience to many of tbe people whose nearest Postoffice now is from seven to tea miles distant. The necessary peti tions have been drawn, signed and for warded to Hon. W. J. Greene who never fails' to look out sharply for the interest of his constituents. Exports Foreign. - Br. barque Elizabeili Childs, James, cleared to-day for Bristol, Eng., with 3,962 barrels rosin, valued at $4,747, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Down ing & Co. Nor. barque Sidon, Jor tensen cleared for Liverpool with 1,513 bales cotton, valued at $74 000, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son . Ger. barque Der Nord, Wegner, cleared for Glasgow with 550 casks spirits turpentine and 4,000 barrels rosin, valued- at 12,200, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son, making a total. of exports foreign amounting to $90,947. , For Safety's Sake. The side door at the Opera House should always be in such1 a condition that it can be opened instantly in case of au emergency when an entertain ment is being he!d there. Last night the house was crowded, and had there been any alarm of fire or other cause ot excitement mere was only one means of egress, and incase of a panic or Tush serious injuries to persons must have resulted. The key to the sidodoor should always be in the bands of some reliable person on the premi ses, so that it could be opened in a moment. This was a subject of much comment last night and this morning, and, we think, very justly, too. To-day is the anniversary of the battle of Fredericksburg. ; Va., which wa3 fought on the 13th day of December. 1862, just 22 years ago. The writer of this paragraph was in that battle and was severely wounded early in the con test. ' - .;: ' ' MrJvC. S:eveuson has been elect ed Assistant Superintendent oi the Sunday School of the First D apt it Churcb, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. A. P. Yopp. We observe quite a fine display ol new Revolvers' for" very reasonable prices, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot.t 13, 1884 NO. 298 uEight years ago to-day, on the 13th lday of Decern ber,187f5, the first cumber lf tne Daily Review wa published. It has not been a long period of tiise and yet the Editor and Foreman are the only two persons on the paper to day who labored in getting out the first issue. The programmes used at the Enter tainment at the Opera House last even ing were very handsome and vory. unique. 1 ney were gotten out by Messrs DeRosset & Mearcs. Services to-morrow at 11 a. ru., and 7 30 p. m at Second Presbyterian Church, conducted by Rev. J W. Primrose. Glided five cents are going for five- dollars gold pieces, but Dr. Bull's 1. C 1- Irl J! . . 1 - yuugu oyrup neetis no gliding 10 mane it go. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. Carolina Lodge 434, K. of H. gRETIIREN Vtu are hereby summoned to attend tha regular annual meeting of voar Lodge at your Lodge Room, on Monday "eve ning rext. 15th inst., at 7.30 o'clock. Election of officers anil other imiwrtast business v!U demand your attention . JBy order of the Dictator. H. B. WILLIS, Reporter dec 12 It Star copy Cook Wanted. COMPETENT COOK can hear of a good situation upon application at this oflice. A good situation offered. dec 13 It For Rent -pttOM JAN OAR Y 1ST, lfcSo. liousa iio. 211. N. Third Street. Call at Store, 316 Market Street, for par.iculars. dec 13 It J. W. CONOLliY OPERA HOUSE. GEAND COXCEET, MONDAY,' DEC. 15. JgY THE CORNET CONCERT CLUB, as sisted by Mrs. KAHNWEILER, Mrs. WAT TERS, Mrs. TAYLOR ad Miss LAVENDER Tte AUION QUARTETTE fiiil rotive'y render some of their fine selections. Reserved seats on sa'e at Hcinsbergcr's Admission 51 cents; reserved teats 75 cents. Doors opened at 7 o'clock. Performance to commence at b o Cock, dec 13 2t A Choice Gift Bock for the Holidays. BZ -A. T I 33. JY HENRY TIM ROD, "1 he Keata of American Song.' Printed on heavy plate paper, beautifully i'l mstrateaana elegantly uouna in c:oin, iuu minated -vvi'h ati original design in gold ami colors, smalt quarto, $1.50. E J Hale & Son, Publishers. Just received and for tale at IIEINSBKRSER'S, dec 13 Live Book and Music it res The Excursion and Pic Nic gEASON IS OVER AND THE THEATRI CAL AND B ALL Season has orened again and JOHN WERNER, the practical German Bar ber and Perfumer, is personally in attendance at his Hair Dressing baloon, 23 Market fctreet, between Water and Front, Wilmington, N. C. dec 11 Wanted. A GENTLEMAN WHO WRITES A BY good, clear hand, light work to do, In tbe way of copying papers of any kind. Pleaai com municate with S. W. C. d8c!21w care of Daily Ekview. To the Public. jyE CLAIM NO EXCLUSIVE RIGHT, but we have the DUFJY' MALT WHISKEY at less than tl per quart at the "GEM " des 11 WILL WEST. Board. MORE BOARDERS, EITHER FEW table, regular or transient, can be accommo dated with comfortab e rooms and the best the-i market affords, at MRS. ROBERT LEE'S, 113 Market bl, bet. Front and Second, nov IS if Monday ND ALL TILE WEEK YOU WILL find Chickens, Kggs and another country produce Tneae gods must be sold at once. CaU on A. W. Rl VEND ARK, The LiTC'Grocer and Commission Merchant, 114 North Water St., sept 15 Wilmington, N. C. Groceries, &c. gQ BHDS. PRiME CUBA MOLASSES, 100 Uhd3' rrime Porto m MOLASSES, gQQ Half Rolls Standard BAGGING. 1 QQQBJlfllie,r Arr ties. J 5QQ Bata pieced TIES, gQQBbla. FLOUR. JQQBbla. SUGAR. . 200 8 comDE' " LIME, CEMENT, PLASTEEAcl Ail at lowest prices. -- " ! " . WORTH & WORTH. K win t glad to 'reoelvs coraiatnlcaCon iron our frier di on an? aa - all ;Vwi2sU, gssfixal iatcrcfft but , The ritao of the writer meal ar&?B b CoaiauxiicatJoifl raa b rrf;uia c oa one ride of tha fpcr, t , Fert50aaaaamarto3 avoldtid.; Xr l It is erpc!aUj aad yaxilmlirly de Wood that the Editor doo not always cede: a ILe views of eorrftjHjndsnt u) c m' In the editorial coaikub. . sevt Advertisements. FOR THE A Larce Stock of Sensible Articles for i H o I i d a y P r e s e n t s h I RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN TION OF4lUE LADIES TO TBE FOLLOWIVG : SniKr Biack Cat haxereTcrp cheap. Meiinm and low priced Press Goods at great bargains. 0 . FOB THE HOUSEKEEPER : We ha c a splendid stock "ol Table Damask, .Napiinsand Coyles wi.h the handsotr.ebt stock of Toves eve .m ported. c- FOR THE iOUNG UD1ES: A superb lo: of Handkerchiefs, cer fty and quality, Hand Satchels, Handsome Jewelry, etc. FOR THE GENTLEMEN : Cukred Bordered ami White Hemstitched IJahjkerehicfe, ilemetltchetl Chlaa tllk. Handkerchiefs, Neckties, gcarrXios, Sleeve Buttons, line Suspenders, wl'h a variety of other handsome ami useful articles. FOR THE BOYS : Silk and Linen Handkerchief , Windsor 1 le?,' Breastpins, Sleeve Buttons, Bu-k Gloves, handsome and he xy Hosiery. O : FOR THE SERVANTS i - Cheap Dress Good-, low priced Cloaks, from tl to $20, fehHwls, Hosiery, cheap Vests, Coverlids, Counterpanes, Ac, Sec t will the test eioek of Nolio:p3 in the city. - JUST OPENED : An inroice of iaiportcd Dress Buttons-lOO kinds fold at half value. It is a well known fact lliat in my specialties I fetrind unrivalled . The public will gain by an examination of my Mock, as I am offering extraordinary Indu;emcnt3 in tlie way cf prices. Very Respectfully, JNO. J. IlflDRICK. S. H. Trimble, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER and Acctionecr of General Merchandisi nf every description. Office corner Princes fnd ZfZaAl ateDVou lvcn to 8ale ot howes and vehicles at private, sale or at auction. Con. signments solfclted. SETU W. DAVIS sept -2 Auctioneer. Oysters, Oysters. rjMIOSE FAMOUS LIOBNE OY8 TERS can be found at the Old North fetate saloon. They are Iho best brought to mwT, vC1ar? Wlocs- Beer and old uiem mer Whiskey always on hand.' Call at the OLD NORTH STATE SALOON. f3cc 1 0 South Front Strtet. Merry Christmas . TO ' All the Little Folks ! yE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF MILLINERY, Hats, Bonnets, Hoods, Velvet Caps for litt-e boy and i-ls. IIOLIUAV TOYS, of every description. , Crochet Uood Sacks. Infants' Cloaks. Our goods are cheap and all will flodJttj their advartige to call and ex. amine ojr 1 1 jek before purchafcing. decla im HR3.J3. J. BAKER Wevv Ciar Store. Hirschbersr's. fi N: Frnnf Qt rjlflE PUBLIC CAN SEE THE PROCESS or mannfActare of tar gjods. Oa:v ihi tJi H OtIDAYS W,.kncn emplQjtd. Ko tenement house labor, , nor children, ncr Chinese. The tobacco used fat the manufacture of ef,jja la natcrallr ami properly cored. -All my Wk la don? to ?S. tily and under m7 personal nperruSfc A call at my factory where my sever' ,. , I. IliRSCIIBZRO. - octllU 0.5Korth Trout 6t . -. ft i.

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