THIS PAPER mbnsiied every eveju Suadayi . ex epted by '' .r JOSH T. JAMES, ' 1 KDITOB A3 D PEOPXEETOK. . 3U3SCUIPTIOXS POSTAGE PAID: ina year $4.00. Six, months. $2.00.. Three months, 41.00; One month, 35 cents fi& paper will be delivered by carriers frea of charge, In any part of the city, at the above rtes, or 10 cent per week. , ; w v Advestlalng rates low and liberal. -VSabscrlbeT8 will report any and all Tall area to receive their paper regularly. TTatilllbjfljd to cc!v eomaaaJcaUoa from ctar mends on aay aad ; all mSJrv. fcnsraliitercatbat. .' It t . Taa Ejjae cf tie wri'xr cuzt always be latcd to the H jitor. ; '. : -Conmcxtcatloiii mast b rrUta os cm cnee:3ecf tie paper. . - And it la especially and particularly tide ' too4 that tae Editor does ncV always end'oi s the views of correspondents ualaa o state YOI,. VIII. W ILMINGTONv N. C. " MON DAY. DECEMBER 15, 1884. NO. 299 mtneednarux eonsBins.v l M4 JL'JLJ gf The Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper wblished, inthecity of Wilmington NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Grand Display of ' ' ; AT TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, Keeps the atbre crowded with Lad'ca and , little ones, toee those handsome Boll, Drums, Trumpct3, Games, Tool Bcxea, Parlor Se tfFurLltnre,, r.ritanla aed China Dishes, Writing resks, Velocipede, lloraej. Wagon, Doll Carriages, Girls Propeller?, Ac, Ac. But we have not forgotten our duty to the olMer folks as well, and in this column we t uumeratc a few articles especially suitable Ur Christmas Gifts-to grown folks. Glance your eye ever them and see if you cmnot find something that will suit : Just Think, Ladies extra heavy Black and Colored Hose, full, regular made for onlyltwenty-flve cents Ja pair, worth fifty Just Think, Ostrich Tips at sixty three cent3 a bunch. Just Ththk. A Lace or Embroidered Handkerchief for only twenty-five cents. Just Think, A SpaDish Lace Fichure worth $2.50 for only one dollar and thirty-nine cents. - Just Think, Blbbon in all colors, Vo. 9 aid 12, for fancy work, at fifteen cents a yard. Just Think, A Boy's Polo Cap for only twenty-five cents. Just Think, A good Muslin Chemise, finely trimmed, for only fifty c:nts, Just Think, a bciutlful Album, a little soiled, former price one dollar, for only twenty-five cents. ' " Just Tliinli, Of a large Express Wag on with seat for only one dollar and twenty five cents. Just Think, Children's Worsted Caps in various colors, for seventy-five coots. Just Think, Fancy Wax Candles and holder, for Christmas' fixings, only -fifty cents a box. Just Think, Men's Heavy Merino Shirts, la all sizes, 40 pr ct. wool, for only fifty cent. Just Think, Gent's Linen Cambric Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs, 3 for twenty- Ova n a . ' " - Just Think, A Lady's fine Linen Handkerchief, pHln and colored bordered, 8 for II ft r r.pnt.A CJ U31 XUxUJVj Extra heavy, double nor a n n mr raw, black Ohenille Fringea, true'value $1.5, for only one dollar and twenty-three ccita per yard. t-1i mi. sJJlV UllSt XllllXli., Ladies and Children's Jersey Gloves, ten button length, all colors and sizis, for only thirty seven cents per pa'r, Just Think, ,Th above, together with a new. ttock, at equally low prices, of HATS, TRIMMINGS and a thousand other articles too numerous to mention. A call will convince you of the above fact at TAYLOR'S IJ AZ AAR, 118 Market St. WILMINGTON, N. C. -o ff - , , I , TnWELsY at M per cent, less than Jf -rices. We will keep cpen rntii 9 LOCAL NEWS. fXDLX TO MEV7 lDVEKriSZMTX. Hktssbekoeii A Gift for thc.Holidaya D A SJOTnFurnlture ' 1 T CCkait Holiday Goods Mbs Joe Peksox Remedy E M McIktike Drees Gool M Jl Katz-Fot the Holidays Parker &. Tavlok Now if Ever Geo K Fkesch & Soxs Very Kicc QTatlor's Bazaar TIkj Grand Di play P L Bjkidozbs A Co Krcc distribution , Miss K Kareek Another Large Invoice F C Miller Friends and Fellow Citizens Otter bourg Where the Shoe Pinches Them . , - The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot op 737 bales. That magnificent full column ad of Taylor's Bazar in this issue, makes good reading matter for everybody. Pender county Superior Court, Judge Avery presiding, convened at Burgaw this morning. There have just been recieved at Djcr's the finest line of scotch wool underclothiDg ever introduced in Ibis city. . ' "f There were three case3 before the Mayor this morning charged with fail ore to pay a license tax. Judgment was suspended in each case. . The ordinance of baptism was ad ministered to two ladie3 at the First Baptist Church last night, the pastor, Rev, Dr. Pritchard, ofiicialing. , The 'entertainment for the benefit of the Wilmington Library Association netted just $205. It is. to be hoped that the entertainment may be repeated Dan. barque Biallo, Hansen, cleared to-day for Montevideo, for orders, with 250 barrel rosin and 263.320 feet lumber, valued at $5,076.45, shipped bp Messrs. E. Kidder & Son. There, has been a fall of about four feet in the Cape Fear, but we- "guess" that the rains of last night and to-day will cause a rise equal to the falling off, and the steamboatmen will not be troubled for want af water. Appearances indicate that the concert to-night will be well attended. The box sheet is all cut up already. We are glad to note the fact, for the. Cornet- Concert Club have done noble work in perfecting themselves in skill and taste with their respective parts. There were heavy showers last nighty acconmanied bystrouc breezes. In fact, for awhile it blew a gale of wind. We have heard of no damage, as yet. We learn that .the rainfall was quite general throughout this' section of the State. Indications. Forth South Atlantic States, clear ing weaiher. North to West winds and -tower temperature. lersoual. Masters George Worth, son" of Mr. David G, Worth; Jos. N. Jacobi. son of Mr. N. Jacobi, and Leopold Froh- man, .nephew to the Messrs. Brunhild, have returned , to the city Jrom the Bingham School to spend thoholidays here. Master Worth brings with him the Greek and Latin medals and Master Jacobi the Latin medal. Tlie Exposition. Mayor Hall was in receipt of the fol lowing dispatch, which speaks for it self, to-day: - Washixgton, D.C., Dec. 15, 1884. To Ui Mayor of Wilmington: The Board of Managers of the World's Exposition, at New Orleans, request the honor of your presence, with such citizens as you may desire to accompa ny you, as a committee to witness the opening jo( the Exposition by electricity by the President of the United Stales, at the White House, Washington, D. C, Dec 16th, at one o'clock p. m. In case you are unable to have your oity represented kindly send me a dispatch that may be read on the occasion! F. C. Morehead, Commissioner. "Katie." . This is the name of a charming poem of Henry Timrod's, which Messrs. E: J. Hale & Son. of New York, have just published in book form and which has been sent to us through Mr. Heinsberger, of whom it may be had. Timrod was one ot the sweetest singers the "South has ever produced and Katie is "worthy to rank 8LPag his most delightful productions. i is the story of the love ot a Southern youth for an English, maid en, and is told in the most rythmic strain . The book is printed on heavy olato caper, abounds in aeutifut il lustrations andis very handsome. It would m;ke e v ornam -J""", . -;aw highly lab itrsas, e t v. ornamental and New Year XKW ADVERT1SE5IEVT8 WE ARE SHOWING SOME REAL NICE THINGS FOR THE HOLIDAYS AND IN Black Silks we have decided bargains. -:. BLACK 600DS,: such' as Cashmeres Surges, Alma Cloths, Henriettas, . And various other things we can show at LOWEST PRICES LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WRAPS ! Almost anything in this line that can be called for. JERSEYS of all weights. CARPETS AM) CURTAINS, c ' You may have redd of cheap good3 in this line, but we think we can "cap the climax! Call and see us. - R. Hfl. McirJTIRE. dec .15 ' - - : 1 We ace iFfeFOBug NO SPECIAL DRIVES THIS SEASON ! 1 Every garment in our store is a bargain in the true sense of the word. Every garment sold by us is solid, perfect and worth more money than it costs you to buy it ! Whatever you want that we carry in stock come and ask for it.examine it, note the price marked upon it, and if you wish to compare qualities and prices with those of any house in this city, and be con viuced that our goods are finer in quality and much lower in price than all others. - We Will not liave in our Honse imperfect Goods. We will not buy them at any price. We warrant everything we sell to be just what it is represented by us to be. Wecan afford to be generous, but never dishonest or deceitful Business is good with "us every day in the week, ad every week in the year. For tbis our' thanks are due a discerning public, whoee steadily manifested confidence for years, we fully appreciate and ever hope to retain . - ' THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, v - . 114 MARKET ST., dec 8 Deputy Sheriff Hand, of Pender county, was in the city for the purpose of "taking Hp four colored prisoners who have been confined in jail here for safe keeping, to be tried at the present term of Pender Superior Court. One of the prisoners is charged with : a capita offense. ; English Outfitters. The Indian, China and Colonial Out fitters of gentlemen's hosiery and under wear, Messrs. Webster , Brothers. 2G Lombard street, London, E. C, Eng land, ! write: "We have found great benefit from the use of St. Jacobs Oil, more especially for the cure of rheuma tism and sciatica, and we have much pleasure in adding cur testimony in its iavor. NEW . ADVERTISEMENTS Very Wipe, F OR CIIBISTMAS PRESENTS, a i pretly pair of Shoes for ife, a nice Slipper for pa, a neat little Shoe for' baby? We cau farntsh . " . - ; every style and show great variety, and prices .-' r very reasonable. Call in ami make selections' Geo. R. French & Sonsj, 108 NOJRTH FRONT STREET ! dec 15 . Vi ' HAVE TO TJ SEEN YATES DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS Goods ? If Hiot do not delay. Our counters are laden with PRETTY- THINGS of eery de scription. We claim the largest and wost va ried stock of NOVELTIES ever exhibited in Wilmington. Handsomely illustrated GIFT ROOKS of all linda. at prices to snit all com. petition. BeautifurX;:niyo"B and JSrgravings. in bronze and gold frames. Handsome Frames: all sizeaT- Hand-painted Panels, Plaques and Brackets, Gi t, .Leather and Bisquo Goods, Blocks, Games. Picture Books, Toys, 4c, for the litt'e ones. Bibles, Prayer Books and Hymnals in tets'. Hymn Books aod other re ligious books suitable for presents, Auo and Photo Albums. &c, at dec 15 YATES BOOK STORE. MRS. JOE PERSON, MANUFACTURER 'VF - Mrs. Joe Person's Eemedy w ILL BE AT THE PUCCELL HOUSE, Wilmington,. K, C Moadsy, Tuesday, Wcd iieiay. and Thar&iay. Dec 15th, lbia.lith, and lath, and at M 16 Kate Stewart's, at Slih- viUc, on Fitday.atdrday, Mniay ana aie daythe I9lh, aoUi. 2Jnd and 23d instfu. where she would be pleated to have parties interest ed in the subject of her REMEDY call cm fcer. rhg ran eie them more extended information than she can by letter, - When the parties cannot conTcnlentJy caU Mrs. Person will take pleasure in calling. If requited to do S3. Icformation ia both caeej rRlii-i. " dec 15 NEW ADVEICISE3IENT8. FREE DISTRIBUTION ! TE HAD DECIDED TO GIVE EVERY boy and girl in Wilmington A PRESENT this Christmas, but have now decided t3 giro pres- ents to the boys alone, both while and colorcd. Next year we will look oat for the girls. 1 he manner in which these presents wUl be dislrlb uted will be announced la'.er. WE ARE HEADY TO SERVE YOU WITH FULL LINE OF XMAS GOODS. ROYSTER'S CANDIES ! In the Greatest quantify. ! MiojcMear, plum Pudding, - 41 v 4 ?- - j rl -i 'i 'NeufcbatefCbeesc-Bretzels. P. L. ' BR1D&EES & 00 HO North Front 8t.-. dec 15 Another Large Invoice i ZEPHYRSl AND ALL THE VARIOUS Vools in use ALL COLORS. :' , - : - CMldren's, Misses and ladies Jerseys. Glove and Handkerchiefs. -. , Fancy Hairpins, Hat Ornaments, Ac Milliner Full stock, Ilats,? Bonnets, Jel vets. Feathers, Birds, &c Jltamplxjg doae ta latest deslcna; ; FeU Allrcolors Eider D?wPJuh, Acj Respectfully; i, J f J MISS E. KARRER. , dec 15 Jtxcaanie " Comer. .How ifEvgir.i4 A T THE-CHRISTMAS- DIN NKR CLOSE Rt hand Toa e x peel ronr friends.' When I you, sit idovn. t find that Turkey burnt on Ma Vr4 MW All fhfl At fiW tVin f k1l WM CUU w n wm vmks. swt voao imn dose, you will make some side remarks to the cook (will not mention them She will sim ply remind you of that Old Store. Buy new one in Use and save temper. PAlUUIii & TAYLCn. perm VfTnTu oil. c.sis NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR THE Extra ins -AT- n i 116 Market St. Black Silks at '60c, ; 70, $1, $1.25 per " . -yard. . ; .v ... v Cashmeres, ali shades, from 12c up. i LadlesV Cloth Tricot Rep3. A Flannels, Dolmans, Shawls. Blankets, Spreads, very Jow. ; Ladies', Gents and Children's Under wear.' 2,000 Handkerchiefs, irom 3c op. Table Linens, To wels, Napkins, at ex - traordinary low prices Velyets and Velveteens, all shades. THOUSANDS OF ARTICLES too numerous to mention, bought below Manufacturer's cost; and SELLING LOWER THAN EVER .BEFORE: , A call will convince my patrons that for XMAS GIFTS it is ECONOMY to buy something useful as well as desi rable of m. ai. katz, 116 Market St. dec 15 Where the Shoe Pinches :Them! . JJAVE YOU NOTICED HOW THE Cloth Ing Merchants in Wilmington' have "WOKE UP" in the way of advertising, Ac, . since the establishment of Otlerbourjr's Men's Wear De pot in-the city ? Well, it's a fact, even if you haven't noticed it, though we believe you have. Eevrybody in town knows tliat we have drawn to our Store two thirds of the patronage of the publte; and we do not wonder that they make a great blow and bluster, for it is perfectly natural for them to feel badly over the idea of having lost such a good soft thing as they bad for years previous to our advent. JJert is vshere the thoe pinches them. The suits they ask you $12X0, $15, $17.30 and $20 for. we sell at 10. $12.50. $16 and $17.60. The clothing they sell you are, we admit, fairly -well put together, but painfully lacking that style and finish that makes the perfect garment, and gives satisfac tion to- the wearer and a standard reputation to the teller. - Our stock of Beady-Made Clothing is enor mous. We have hundreds of fruits for Men, Youths. Boys and Children and; about 100 Overcoats which we are bound to sell before Christmas AND KIGHT TUB Kb. la WHJULB THK 8 HOE PINCHES DS. These Overcoats HAVE 0 BE SOLD; Ihe money MOST come out of them, even ifwe are forced to "BCSTM the shoe wide open ami sell them at AN Y PJUCE.- . . . :.. ... Our eplendid location and mammothestab lishment' enable us to carry ami display a larger stock than the average dealer, and we make it a rule to keep the BEST G OD3. We make no blow ia advertising;- but state plain, unvarnished facts. Therefore convince ycur self by calling on or send'ngyour orders to ::6tterbotjrg,4 : KING CLOTHIEB, dec 15 WlbailBgtonNC; CtC AFT. . I CISAFT. 1884..Holiday. Goods. 1884. W HA VK THEM IN PSO FUSION, from the most elejant Chamber m! Parlor Eults to Toy 'Carriage!, Wagon. , Csrts, Velocipedes, Dexter, Chairs, Desks, Lounges, CMCbnler, Ac We Invite all to call and se the hand some tllsplay of the LEADING FUItNITUIiE HOUS3. ' T. C CHAFr, Agt , - d?cl5 ul. (ATZS NE7 ADVEKTISEMENTS. FOR THE HOLIDAYS: 'A LarceStock of Sensible Articles for Holiday Present! I RISPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN TION OF,tnS LADIS3 . TO THE ' . w , s . ...... .' . FOLLOWISG : . . . Super Black ckshmcvcrp chsap. Medium and low priced Dress Good at grca for hnt housmEPiR : We Iuitc a gplendia! stocV of. Table' Damask. f i f -. 4 ? , ' , - :. j Napkins ahdXoyles wl.u Ihe handsomest Towels ejer .m ported. rt j f.f7rJHErloillO UDIES: - ! i.J. 1 i , .til A superb lot of Handkerchiefs, ccr style and iuapty, (Haid Satchels, Handsome Jewelry, etc. v f- . - FOR. THE GENTLEMEN : Colofed oldcTcd and White .Hemstitched Handkcrchiefsji Hemstitched China Silk - Handkerchiefs,- NcckOes, Bcarf Pins, Slefive Button , fine Suspenders, " with a 1 variety of other handsome and useful articles.' -0 FOR THE BOYS: : : Silk and Linen Handkerchief, Windsor lies, " Breastpins, Blcave Bnttohs, Buck Gloves, handsome and heavy Hosier. ;r.n l,;.';ll.o.'.l ... ') f,. vuc. ;..:;: FOR THE SERVANTS I " - r i" - ' . -. ' . . Clieap Drees Goods, low priced Cloaks, from $1 to $20, 8hawls, Hosiery, cheap Vests. . Coverlids, Counterpanes, Ac, &c. with - - , t the best general stock of Notions la the clty- . 4 i JUST OPENED: An invoico of imported Dress- Buttons 100 kinds told at half value. It is a well known fact that in my specialties I stand unrivalled. Tlie public will gain t ; by an examination of my stock, as I am , i offering: ex traoirdinary inducements In the way of prices. Very Ecspcctf ully, JNp. J. HEDRICK. .dec 12 . ., . . . .., . . . . . . ;;S;:Furriiturei'V JEW STOCK FOB FALL TRADE, - ABBIVING EVEIIY DAY . ' 3 . ' - ----- - Mannfactared expressly Jot this ' market. New Styles and Low Prices. Call and exam- lneour extensive variety of New and Fash. ioaable Goods, all made this Bet son. ; . D. A. SMITH. IFurnlture Dealer, N. Front Street dec 13 OPERA HOUCE. ; CLASD COSCEET, HOSDAL- W. 13; B Y THE COEXIST CONCERT CLUB, as sisted by Mrs. KAHNWEILEE, Mrs. WAT- TEES, Mrs. TAYLOR and Mbis LAVENDER. Tie ABION QUARTETTE will posit! vc !y render some of their fine selections. " t Reserved seats on sale at Ucina1ergcrg. Adolission 5J .cents; reserved teats 73 cents. Doors opened, at 7 o'clock.: Performance to commence at s o'c'ock. ,. , - . . dec U 2t - . ... i.; ;, :. H. Trimble, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER and Auctioneer of General Merchandise of every description. , OOca corner Princess and Water streets. Cronly & Motriss' old stand. Personal attention given to sale of horses and vehicles at private sale or at auction.' Con signments solicited. SETU W. DAVIS, . sept 22 Auctioneer Oysters, Oysters; fJIIIOSB FAMOUS IIORNE OXSV'JN TERS can be found at the Old North lJ-) State Faloon. They re the hest brouf ht to this city. Cigars, WincS, Beer, and oil clem, mcr Whiskey, always on hand. Call attha - OLD NORTH STATE 8ALOOS. dcel : " . . e South Front Street. . . ITJarifod. B Y. A GENTLEMAN WHO . WEITr: A gocl, clear hand, li?ht work to do, ia ttj wr.7 r:r:r:.-t3 v,i;a - C. . C, ctiiiw care cf Daily lu;r:uvi'.