THIS PAPER ' ocbll&hed every - evening, Sundays ex eeptcd by JD9HT. JAMES, . - ". .. i KDITOB AITD FBOPKTJBTOR. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: ' Oae year $4.00. Six months, $2.09. Three Months, $1.00 ; One month, 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers free of charge, In any part of the city, at the above rates, or 10 cents per week. Advestising rates low and liberal. ff2Subscrlbers will report any and all fall ares to receive their paper regularly. The Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper rfiblished, in the city of Wilmington. JE& CO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Grand Display of AT TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, Keeps the store crowded with Lad'es and litt!o ones, to ice thoae handsome D6113, Drums, Trumpets, Gamea, Tool Bcxc3, TarlorStt?, Furaiture, Brltania a ad China Dlshos, Writing Desks, Velocipedes, Horse3, Wagons. Doll Carriage, Glrla Propellers, Ac, 4c. But we have not forgotten our duty to the Mer folks as well, snd In this column we enumerate a few articlc3 especially suitable for Christmas Gifts to grown folks. Glancejyour oye over them and see If you cannot find something that will suit : MUSI AiiiiiXL) Ladles extra heavy Black and r olored Hose, full, regular made for onlytwenty-flve cents ;a 'pair, worth fifty Just Think, Ostrich .Tips at 6ixty thres cents a bunch. O lis t A liliin., a Lace or Embroidered Handkerchief for only twenty-five cents. O U31 A llLUlkj a Spanish Lace Fiehure worth $2.50 for only one dollar and thirty -nine cenU. Just Tliinlc, Bibbon In all colors, No $ atd 12, for fancy work, at fifteen cents a yard. Just Think, A Boy's Polo Cap for only twenty-five cents. Just Think, A good &fuslin Chemise finely trimmed, for only fifty cnts. T 4- mi.jnlr el U3t Xliillil A l)eutlful Album, a little soiled, former prlca one dollar, for only twenty -flvo cents. t 4- rrtKiir uUSl AlUlllijOf a large Express Wag on with seat for only one dollar and twenty five cent3. (JUSt 1111111 Children's Worsted Caps In various colors, for sevcnty-flTO cents Just Think, Fancy Wax Candles and holder, ftr Christmas fixings, only fifty cents a box. - Just Think, Men's Heavy Merino Shirts, la all sizes, 41 pr ct. wool, for osly fifty cents. Just Think, Gent's Linen Cambric Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs, S for twenty five cents. . Just Think, A Lady's fine Lisen Handkerchief, plain and colored bordered for fifty cents. Just Think, Extra heavy, double row, black Chenille Fringe j, true value $1.75, for only one dollar and twenty-three oects per yard. Just Think, Ladies and Children's Jersey Gloves, ten button length, all colors and sizas, for only thirty-seven cents per pa'r. Just Think, Th above, together with a new stock, at "equally low prices, of HATS, TRIMMINGS and a thousand other articles too numerous to mention. A call will convince you of the above fact at TAYLOR BAZAAR, 118 Market St. WILMINGTON, N. C. T. S.JEWItLY at W per cent, lets than Jewelr$vrices. We will keep open until 9 f .UtrJ commodate tho public, until rur- I ' - , . . . . - Jpj VOL. VIII. W ELMINGTOR N. C FRI Bayard's Delaware supporters are opposed to his entering the Cab- net. A poor family ha3 been found in New York, sewing shirts at the rate ot thirty cents a dozen. The fashionable mm 'shops keep run ning in New Yoik on Sunday in open defiance of the law. The Chicago presj is compiling for publication the speeches made by Mr. Blame during the recent campaign.' It is now darkly hinted that' Mr. Blaine is working to defeat President Arthur for the New York Senator- ship. Bob Ingersoll characterizes a3 an impossibility the prayer which the Chaplain offered for wisdom in Con gress. Eleven hundred and nine woman were registered in Boston this year to vote for School Committee, aga'mat 701 last year. In 1832 General Jackson wa3 elected President, receiving 219 electoral votes, just as Governor Cleveland has. It augurs well. The people ot Florida voted at the late election in favor ot holding a con vention to revise Their State Constitu" tion. The vttj was: Yea, 31,684; no, 28.130. Cape May is early in the field with an invitation to Gov. Cleveland lo spend a portion of next Summer there. He replies that next Summer is'too off, yet, to made plans for. Louisiana is teeling .the low price received tor sng3r, and in common with all the sugar producing districts of the South, will next year greatly re duce the acreage planted in cane. The exports of general merchandise troni the port of New York for. the week ended Saturday, December 6th, amounted to $9,456,220, or more than $4,000,000 increase on the previous week. John McDonald, of Porter township. Schuylkill county, Pa,, was willing to die as soon as a Democratic President was elected. Scarcely had the electors donetheir work when McDonald ex pired. Mr. Blaine claims that Senator Gorman, Chairman of the Democratic Executive committee, was instrumental in inducing Dr. Burchard to make the "Rum, Romanism and Rebellion" speech. . A Canadian constable, who by gross negligence allowed a prisoner to es cape, has been sentenced, after convic tion by a jury, to pay $5 fine and $65 costs, and to be imprisoned until he so pays. : The Missouri State Board of Health rnncdes that an unregistered doctor may sell hi3 patent medicines, but in sists that he cannot advertise them withnnt renderiner himselt liable, to prosecution under the S.ate laws. The people of Nevada rejected at the late election a proposition to hold a con vention to revise the Constitution ot their States, the vote being 3,571 against it and 2,810 in its favor, a total vote o1 6,381, against 12.797 cast at the same time for Presidential electors. Col. Vilas, of Wisconsin, depicts an atmosphere of sweet content and bland serenity as having descended upon the great Northwest since the election ot Cleveland, and attributes it to the fact Republicans expect anything of Cleveland, and no Democrats desire anything. According to an elaborate investiga tion prosecuted by C. L. Greene & Co., New York, the data available kfor an estimate of the cotton crop of 1684-,85 indicate a production of 5,800,000 bales The crop of l883-'84 was "5,714 000 bales; that ot lS82-'83 was 6.932.000 bales. The losses by fire in the United States in the first eleven months of the current year amount to about twice the interest on the public debt, and about equal the internal revenue receipts ot the Government. The losses in the last seven years are within a small fraction ot the value ot three cotton crop combined, though in the last five years there has been a steady, and latterly a rapid, increase from year to year. ; : - -' - - " - - A man mowing took off the top of a rooster'f head He pasted it on and used St. Jacobs Oil. He says it UI crow arain. ' . ; . Now York has just let the contracts j for a $12,000,000 water supply. It is to be built in three years. . " ' Gov. Robie, 4f Maine, has issued his proclamation officially making" known tlje fact that tho "prohibitory amend ment to the Constitution of that State was adopted at the September election by a vote of 70 ,783 in its favor, to 23.- 811 against it and that it will accord ingly become a part of the Constitution, and take effect on tho first Wednesday in January next. Demosthenes, the Grecian orator. cured his stammering by having bis mouth full of pebbles, and many are the modern orators who have cured their hoarseness by an occasional dose of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. LOCAL NEWS. TO MVY ADVERTISES! EMTS. New York Hera'd F C Miller Holiday Goods C W Yate Holiday GooSs IIays A JoxE8 "One of the Finest" Hkiksbkkoek Choice Holi5ay Books J W Conoley-Conoley's Drugstore Mkltox & GA.RHELL Now for Chrislmis For other locals see fourth page. The storm signal was flying to-day. There were four white tramps lodged at the guard house last night. The thermometer this morning at several points in the city indicated 18 degrees above zero. Richard Stowe, colored, was charged with disorderly conduct for which the Mayor this morning imposed a fine of $3. Notwithstanding the cold there were plenty of people seeking for Christmas goods to-day, making the streets and stores have a lively appearance. Have you seen those beautiful hem stitched plain white silk handkerchiefs at Dyer's? They are the best goods in the market, t This is splendid weather in which to kill bogs and from what we hear from friends in the country the time is being weli improved for that purpose. Near ly all the farmers who have hogs to kill are busy making meat of them. We learn that the Rev. Wm. IL Lewis, of tho Diocese of Pittsburg, has accepted the call of the Vestry to the Rectorship of St. James' Parish, in this city, and will take charge on the 18th ot January, the Second Sunday after Epiphany. Rev. P. J. Carraway, Presiding Elder of the Wilmington District of the North Carolina Conference, will preach a1 Fifth Street M.E. Church next Sunday morning and night at the usual 'hours. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered after the morning sermon. Christmas is drawing nearer, and with each succeeding day the little ones are becoming more anxious to know what good Santa Ciaus will bring them.- The old gentloman ba3 always proven kind to the children of Wilmington, and we predict that he will maintain his reputation for generous thoughtful- ness on the approaching holiday. occa son. We hope so, at any rate. ' Indications. Forfthe South Atlantic States, fair weather, Northerly winds, stationary, followed by higher, temperature. The Christmas Market. Meiss. Melton & Garrell are making biff DreDarations for their Christmas Market next week. In addition to an unusually larpe supply of fine meats tbey will have a fall line of poultry of all kinds and roasting pigs and in view of the fact that it will be a busy week. they beg of their customers to send in orders at once, guaranteeing prompt delivery in every instance. See ad vertisement elsewhere in in this issue. George W. Murray, it is said, is not to be the keeper of the county jail when the present year has expired, Emanuel Nichols, a well-known colored man. having been appionted to that position, to take efiect on January 1st. 1885. Messrs, Hays & Jonc3, of the New Market, advertise in this issno "One of the Finest" car loads of beef received here this season. It is direct from Western Notth Carolina, and will be on sale at their stall to-morrow and thereafter. To ..eTery Housekeeper a .good substantial cook stove is an important necessity and our readers will find the best at Factorj .prices "at JaCobi's Hardware Depot. 4 - t . ' We observe quite a fine display ol new Revolvers lor very :. reasonable prices, at JacobPs Hardware Dspot.t DAY. DECEMBER-19, Election of Officers. At a regular council held by Chero kee Tribe No. 9, Improved O. R, M., on the Sleep of the 18th Sun, Hunting Moon, G. S. D 393, the following were elected chiefs for the eosuiog term : V P Charles Craig. W S-O.H. Kennedy. 8 S J. H. Criag. J S A. B. Shiver. C of R Geo. Ziegler. K of W J D II Klander. The above chiefs, together with the appointed chiets, will be raised to their respectiro stumps by Geo. Ziegler, V. G. I., and James T Anthony, G. P., on th8 Sleeep of the 1st Sun, Cold Moon, G. S. D., S94. The New Pilot .Boat. In making our enquiries a day or two since regarding the pilot boat now in course of construction at the dry dock, we tailed, in the short space of time at our command, to obtain some impor tant particulars regarding the pretty little craft. She is being constructed for Mr. Thomas Evans, ot this city, and when completed will be a credit to his enterprise as well as to the work manship of those who have the care ot her construction. She will probably be launched in the early part of Janu ary, although she will not be fully pre pared tor service for a week or two after that time. Her name, of course, will not bo announced until the launch ing but there is already much specula tion at the subject. The Festival To-Nlsrht. We again call the attention of our readers to the above entertainment to be given by tho ladies ths. evening at the "Holmes" house, coruer of Third and Chestnut streets. The delicacies of the season will bo prepared in such a manner as to tempt the palate ot the most abstemious, and bright eyes and graceful forms will give an additional charm to the festive gathering. It is not, however, for the simple gratifica tion of the appetitejhat we call the at tention of our people to this festival but for the higher reason that it is given for the benefit of St James' Home, one of the noblest charities in our State, and one that is doing a work of incal culable good in our city. The Scriptures say, "to do good and distribute forget not," and we hope to see the injunction carried out most fully this evening. It could not be done in a better cause. Tie Weather. We have been told repeatedly during thejday, and especially in the morning hours, that it was a cold day. In fact, it was said to us so frequently that it became monotonous, only varied by the difference in the descriptive adjec tives which accompanied the declara tion. We knew that it was cold weather all the time, without being told of it. Wo found out by actual ex perience that it was growing rapidly colder in the early hours of last night, and, bad thero " been any daubt, the rain, which froze as fast as it fell, would have dispelled the illusion. , It grew colder all night and this morning was the coldeet by far we have had this year. It ii doubtful If we have any colder weather during the remainder of the season, and we would be entire" ly satisfied with a more genial atmos phere from now until the daisies begin to bloom again. Llppiucott's Magazine. LippincoWs forj January opens with the first instalment of a serial entirely different in character from the ordinary novel, and mudh better suited to publication in this form. It is entitled On this Side," and will depict the experiences and impressions of a party of English people, a baronet and his friends, during a tour in the United States. They have not yet made their appearance on the scene, bat Mr- Job Ketchum, an eccentric but thoroughly generous and hospitable Westerner, with a pretty and gentle English wifet has been notified of their coming and is making preparations to receive them There is a rich vein ol humor in the dialogues and descriptions, and what especially challenges attention is the thorough knowledge, of the peculiar habits and characteristics , of typical Americans and English shown by the writer, and the fine touches by which their contrasts are brought out in con versation and action, with plenty of playful satire bnt with a total , freedom from caricature. The author is Jr.: U. Baylor, whose former serial, ; "The Perfect Treasure,' proved Terj. attrac- tive to readers of the Magazine.' There are of coarse many othgr fine articles and attractive papers ia this issae. Lippin colTs opens the New Year handsomely with this issue. 1884. NO. 303 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "One of the Finest" J ROVES OF MOUNTAIN BEEF EVER brought to tola city. Just received from Shel by, N. C., and will be cut up and sold at Stall No. 4, Front Street Market. mr Come soon to-morrow morning and avoid the the rush. dec 19 It IIAYS &, JONES. Conoley's Drng Store. 15 IO MARKET STREET. JgK'lDE HAVING A LARGE AND well elected stock of Drugs and Fancy Dressing Cases for the Holidays, I hare just received a floe lot of Toys for the C hlldren . I am selling my good at very reasonable prices, it will ba a treat to call and look at my stock. Respectfully, J. W. CONOLST. P. S, To make my store comfortable dur ing tha cold weather, my front door will be closed, but I wiUhave my store open from 7 o'clock, a. m., until 11 o'clock, p. m. Jus turn the knob of the door and come In . Very Heapectfally, dec 19 J. W.CONOLEY. Now for Christmas ! -yyB AEfl MAKING EXTKAOBDINAET preparati.os for our Christ ocas Market an will have tu most extensive display of Meats and Poultry erer made ia the city of Wilmington. We will have splendid Stall led Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Sausaje, Pudding', frcsii Tot'k, Corned Pork, Ac, and a fall line of Dressed Toultry, Turkeys, Ducks, Geese and Chilens and last but not least, IiOASXIKG PIGS, to which we lnyite special attention. Plea 96 note IhU: It wll be a busy week with us and therefore the sooner orders for Poallry, Fij?s, Ac . are sent in the bet'.er It will be for all cancerned. 43" WE ARE BOOKING ORDERS NOW. PLEASE SEND IN YOURS AT ONCE. Prompt delivery guaranteed. MELTON A GARRELL, dec 19 St Stalls 1 and 3 New Market NEW YORK HERALD. WEEKLY EDITION, ONE DOLLAR. A YEAR. -o Brightest, Most Newsy and Accurate Weekly Journal in United States. Sketches. Cartoons. And numerous other features have been add ed. Also a complete, exhaustive summary of the news in all departments. It Is read by up wards of half a million people and is a good advertising medium, reaching factories, farms idu uomeB 01 an uescripuons in every part of the country- A Pekfect Nkwapapeh. Tt contains all the general news of tha dailv edition of the Herald, which has the largest btruuijuvu ui tug uuitcu ot&iea. - IlTOETEirDEXT IK POLITICS, . It Is the most valuable chronicle of political news In the world, impartially giving the oc currences and opinions of all parties, so that all sides may be known. In the departmen tot XUUtlOH PIE WB nas always been distinguished by of its cable despatches. The new c telegraph cables will increase the Herald nas alwa the f ullneaa transatlantic telegraph cables will Increase lacuiues. The Farm Depaktmbxt of the Weekly Herald Is ptactlcaL It goes to the point, and does not give wild theories. The fanner will sare many more than Okb Dolub a Tbib from the suggestions of the farm department alone concerning soil, cattle, crops, trees, uuuuiujs, uauemng, .Douiry ana agncuitu- rilMrmuimv f ral economy Instructs tLe "The Hoke Instructs tLe housewife and the children in re Srd to economical and tasteful now dishes, e fashions, and the making of home com ions, to auuiuon, are given latest reports 01 trade and Peoducb Markets. " . 5 the condition of money, columns of miscella neous reading, poetry, speci s.1 novelettes, wit and humor, both social and political, sporting news, pepular science the doings of well-tnown persons of the world, a depart ment devoted to the dramatic and lyric stage. While the Weeklt Herald gives the La ted and bestnews cf the wor.d. It is alsj a Jour nal for the family. Subscribe one dollar, at any time, for a fall year. Postage Free to any part of the United States or Canadaa. W A good advertising mediam. Adrer t'sementa should le eent la nos later than Tuesday noon. IHB NKW YORK HERALD, la a Weekly Form, ' ONB DOLLAR A TEA& AddreM, NEW YORK HERALD, dee 19 Broadway and Ann Streef s MALAGA GRAPES. . S PECIAL SALE OP FIFTY BARRELS at the following price: ORIGINAL PACKAGE, $5 COpexBbl ! REPACKED. 7 CO per Bbl 1 1 r Orders raepectuBy solicited. BE5J, W. D ATI 5, General Commiaaion Ifercbant, dec OS 1 -For durable coloring the walls of rooms in beautiful tints,- at littlo ccst! nolhias enuab iba' Haeixixe sold 'tt jACOErs Depot. - . . IT'S will be Iliii to HcMorrs comanzicaCLoa from oox friend oa asy sad - all ahjes tenerillntareat ttrt Th name ol tha writer meat always b T&3ua to tLeEEtor.:' -' - 1 Cora m galea tlona muz t be wtftto o e one side cf the paper. ? Peraoita'ntteB must bavoidel And It la especially and pixUcuUrJy cade tood that the Editor dec not always erode! a the views of correspondents tnla re stut tn the editorial columns. v NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOB THE HG-CIDIYS, A Laree Stock of Sensible Articles for ' H o I i d ay P rep e n t si I RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN TION OFIIHE LADIES TO THE . FOLLOWING : . . Super Black Caehmcxo verp cheap. i; Medium and low priced Dress Good at grea bar&ams. I FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER : We hae a splendid stock of Table Damaac, Kapkins and Doyleawijithe handsomest stock of Towe's eyer imported. . . .-.-. - ' VfA FOR THE YQUXG LADIES : A superb lot of Handkerchiefs; every sty and quality, Hand Satchels, Handsome Jewelry, etc. 11 0 : FOR THE GENTLEMEN : Colored Bordered and White Hemstitched Hana kerchief a, Hemstitched China Silk Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Ecarf PIni,' Sleeve Buttons, flue Suspenders, with a variety of other handsome and useful article. FOR THE BOYS : Silk and Linen Handkerchief, - Windsor 1 ics, Breastpins, Sleeve Buttons, Buck Gloves, ' . - . i handsome and heavy Hosiery. .'. " ri,-. FOR THE SEBVAMTS : - Cheap Dress Good?, low priced Cloaks, from $1 to $20, ShawJfJ, Hosiery, 'cheap VeHti, Coverlids, Counterpanca, Ac, &c, with the test general stock of Notions in the -. city. - - - ; - JUST OPENED : An invoice of imported. Dreds Buttons 100 kind cold At half value, v ' . It Is a well known fact that In myrpcclaltles I stand unrivalled. The public will gain by an examination of my stock, as I am offering extraordinary inducements in tho way of prices. - ? -4 t . .Very Begpeclf ully, JNO. J. HEDRICK. S. H. Trimble, STOCK AND, .REAL ESTATE 'BROKER and Auctioneer of General Merchandise of every description. Offlcft corner Princess and water streets, croniy & Alotriss' old stand. Personal attention given to sale of horeoi and vehicles at private sale or at auction. Con signments solicited. arJTll ,VY . DAVIS, OhdiceT Holiday'Bobks. CHOICE HOLIDAY" BOOKS CLEARLY take the lead theprcEont ecason.' HEJNSBER- GKR'd LIVE '-BOOK STORE Is the Place you can buy them. , There yon can aUo find an elegant assort ment of FANCY GOODS and Tojs of every description. Also, Fine Steel Engravings, Olio graphs and Oil Paintings, all , be aut?f ully framed. . ..,.,.-., .,.. . PIANOS AND ORGANS from (he beet man ufacturers in the country. ' . , Please call and eee the finest and largest dis play of above articles ever brought to Wil mington. " - ...deslC Produce Exchange AND Headquarters for New River 106 s. Front St., Just Next to Seaman's Home. ' -"- -: ... , . W. H. TOPP, Proprietor. J BEG LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE TO MT friends and tte pubfic In general that 1 have oined as above a place of baslnese for the sale of all kinds of country produce. New Elver Oysters a specialty. Goods delivered promptly.: Alt I ask Is a trial. Orders from the country for Flih acd Oyeters solicited. &ccl71wd lmw . : - v . Oysters Oysters. mrrnoie Vawrrrta nnnwi rival TEES can be found St the Old North State Paloon. They are the best brought to this city- Cigars, wines. Beer, and old Clem mar Whiskey, always on hand, call at the - OLD NORTH STATE 8ALOOS. decJ N t South rroat Street. rjanted. I IgY: 'JL' GTCTfLElIAJI - WIIO -"WRITES ;A sood clear hand, light work to do, In the way cf copying papers ot any kjnd. Please cota- duxlcatn with- , " b. u. eeuiw tzn of DailtHztizw.

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