THIS PAPER - , ' nabiiahed every : arming, Sundays x oepUd by . JOSH T. JAMES, KDITOX 1KD nOPRKTOK. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID; ' one year $4-00. Six months, $2.M. Threa months, $1.00; One month, S5 cents. Tho paper will be delivered by carriers free of charge. In any part of the city, at the above rites, or 10 cent per week. Advertising rates low and liberal. "Subscribers will report any and all fall ares to receive their paper regularly, 1 . - - PL5AEX ffOTiCJt v TTt ma t i'to rooeiTe eenatsil&aBoa froa ocj tAsniM oa uy aad an fabjcti; general interest but - -.33tiume cf tha writer must aiway b rZthed to the Editor. . Ccith Truncations cut bt writ: o oa omaaldeot the paperr Personalities must be avoided -' And It la especially and particularly txde Wood that the Editor docY at always eadoa tbe views of correspondents unUaa so stai la the editorial eohuoxa. ; " f 1 VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1884. NO. 304 mm 1 1 I WW II A JLJ V Y -0 The Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington EW ADVEKTISEMENT8. Tlie Grand Display of 37. f3 S3 AT TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, Kc-ps Ue store crowded with Lades and !i!t!o one, to tee those handsome Dolls, L nines, Trumpets, Games, Tool. Br xea, Tarlcr Set V Fi-nlture, Hritaala and China Dishes, Writing Ceaks, Velocipedes, Herges, Wagons, Dull Carriages, Girls Propsllera, Ac, c. o But -vtc have net forgotten our duty to the Mtr folk H9 well, and in thU column we ronmerate a few articles especially suitable for Christmas Gifts to grown folks. Ulacccfvour eye over them and see if yoa cannot And something that will eult : Just Think, Ladle extra heavy Black and Colored Hoeo, full, regular made for oulytwenty-five cents !a "pair, worth fifty- Just Think 5 Ostrich Tips at sixty three cents a buncb. Just Thihk. A Lace or Embroidered Slandkerchlef for only twenty-five cents. Just Think, a Spanish Lace Fichure worth $S0 for only one dollar and thirty -nine cent j. Just Think, Blbbon ia all colors, No 9 and 12, for fancy work, at fifteen cents a yard. . ' Just Think, A Boy's Polo Cap for only twenty-five cents. Just Think, A good Muslin Chemise, finely trimmed, for only fifty cxnta. Just Think, A beautlfal Album, a little soiled, former rica one dsllar, for only twenty-five cents. Just Thinks a large Express Wag on with seat for only one dollar and twenty five cents. Just Think, Children's . Worsted Caps In various colors, for seventy-five cents. Just Think, Fancy Wax Candles and noklor, fr Christmas flxlnes, only fifty cents a box. Just Think, Men's Heavy Merino Sklru, in all sizes, 40 pr st. wool, for oaly fifty eeots. Just Think: Gent's Line Cambric Colored Bordered Uandkerchiefs, J for twenty five cents. Just Think, A Lady's fine Liaea Handkerchief, plain and colored bordered 5 for fifty cent. Just Think, Extra heavy, double row, black Chenille Fringe j, true value $1.75, for only one dollar and twenty-tbree cents per yard. Just Think; Ladles and Children's Jersey Gloves, ten butlon length, all colors and 8i:3s, for only thirty-seven cents per pa'r. Just Think, The above, together with a new stock, at equally low prices, of HATS, TRIMMINGS &Ed a thousand other articles too numerous to mention. A call will convince you of the above fact at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St. WILMINGTON, N. C. P. S. JEWELRY at f per cent, less than Jewelsr'g prices. We will keep open nniil 0 M ., to accommodate the public, until fur ther notice. dec 15 LOCAL NEWS. INDEX T3 NEW ABVE8TISEHEITS. Grind Ball F C MllXBB Holldly Goods C W Tates Holiday Goos Miss E Kahkek-Come and See Gko F Tillev 100 Pound Ox J R Tubeestisk Assignee's gale Hkihsbeeobb-Christmas Present i P L Bbidgers & Co 1 roe distribution WE Davis & Sox Extensive Preparation For other local 3 see fourth page. Lay's length 0 hoars and 44 minutes There was one interment in Oakdale Cemetery t hi week, an adult. There was one interment in Pine Forest Cemetery this week, a -child. There were two interments in Belle" yue Cemetery this week, both adults. The Register of Deeds issued two marriage licences this week, both for white couples. The E & W collars are sold by Dyer: the very latest shapes are now shown acd there is an endless variety of new things. t We were glad to receive the Golds, boro Messenaer thi3 morning, restored to its original size and in all its former freshness and vigor. Thoma3 McDonald was bound oyer by the Mayor this morning to the next term of .the Criminal Court in the sum of $25 on the charge of vagrancy. The young people of Smithville, as will be seen elsewhere in this issue, will give a grand ball at Hotel Bruns wick on the night of the 23d inst. Mr. Geo, F. Tilley ha? secured a 1.000 pound ox, stall-ted, and raised in this city by Mr. Win. Ulrich, which will be on exhibition at his stall in the New Market on Tuesday next.. It is a splendid beeve and will be sure to at tract much attention. Last night was as cold as any we have experienced in a number of years. It was terribly cold. Those who were not well provided with fuel, clothing and comfortable tenements must have suffered intensely. God pity the poor sailors on such a night. The steamer D. Murchison presented rather a novel spectacle when she ar rived hero this morning. The after portion of the boat, and about the wheel, was covered with ice. and icicles were pendent from every place where the water or steam could secure a fas tening. Indications. 'For the South Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather and local rains or snow, higher temperature. Easterly winds. election of Officers. At a meeting of Endowment Rank K. of P., Section 221, held on the night of the 18th inst.. the following officers were elected to servo for the ensuing ysar : President F. C. Miller. Vice President G. Rosenthal. Secretary John L. Dudley. Medical Examiner Dr.; George G. Thomas. For the Needy. We have been informed by a valued subscriber to the Review that several oases of extreme) destitution have been called to his notice within the past day or two. If any of onr readers can fur us with authentic instances of par ties in destitute and needy circumstan ces tbey would confer a favor by leav ing the name and residence at this office, and steps wiil be taken to secure prompt relief for the sufferers. We Hope He Will Come. It is said that Hon. Samuel J. Rans dall will pay a visit to this section of the South during the holiday recess of Congress and we learn that an effort will be made to induce him to stop one day in Wilmington. Our people, and really the people of the entire South, are deeply indebted to him for the no" ble cause he took in opposition to the odious Civil Rights bill, and he would be sure of a cordial welcome from our citizens. JusticesMeetinir. The meeting of the Justices of the Peace of New Hanover county, adver tised in this issue to be held at the Court House next Monday forenoon, will be of especial importance and in terest to our citizens, and it is hoped that there may bo a very general at tendance. Tho ajourned meeting which will be held at 7:30 p. m. of the same date, will also be of great importance, and our citizens would do well to attend. German barque Albert Newman Ber lin, Eichmann.teleared to-day for Lon doh, with 1.206 barrels rosin and 98 casks spirits turpentine, valued at $3, 838, shipped by Messrs. D. R. Morchi 8on & Co. ; and 1.500 casks spirits tur pentine, valued at $20,728, shipped by Ma3sr3. Paterson, Powcing & Co.. making a total of exports foreign amounting to $24,566. Cotton. The receipts of cotton at this port for the week ending wjth to-day foot up 3.593 bale3, against 3,471 bales for the corresponding week last year, an in crease this week of 122 bales. Tae re ceipts of the crop year to date Soo up 97,110 bales, as against 74,708 bales to Dec. 22d, last year, an increase this year of 4.402 bales. That Bijr Oyster. That is a big oyster which appears to day in Messrs. W. E. Davis & Son's attractive advertisement and it is a fair illustration of the . splendid New Itiver oysters they are offering now to the holiday trade. They have ordered largely to meet the demand and dealers and consumers both are requested to send in their orders a3 early as possible. For Christmas. Tho attention of the ladie3 is invited i to tho new advertisement of Misa E. Karrer in this issue. She has many beautiful things for the holiday trade and the prettiest thing of all is that her goods are useful as well a3 ornamental. Her stock is large and varied and the assortment i3 very handsome and there are articles there adapted for the young folks as well as for their elders. , ' The Herald. Elsewhere wiil be found the adver tise oi cut of the New York Weekly Herald, a paper which presents in one sheet the news of the week, the world over. The weekly is worthy of the daily and the value of the latter and its position in iournalism i3 known of all men, in all civilized lands. As it is useless for us to attempt to paint the jrose or to whitewash the lily so we must content ourselves with merely in viting the attention of our readers to the advertisement as it appears in this issue. Masonic Election. At a meeting of Wilmington Lodge No. 319, A. F, & A. M. held recently, the following officers were elected for the ensuing Masonic year, viz: W. M. H. P. West. S. W. W. P. Oldham. J. W. R. E. Heide. Treas. Isaac Bear. Secretary Jas. W. Monroe. S. D. S. Behrends. J. D Wm , Otersen. Stewarts E. W. Manning, H. Went zensen. Marshal J. L. Cantwell. Chaplain C. H. Robinson. The installation will take place on the 27th inst., St. John's Day. A Fearful Experience. On Thursday last two boys, aged about 13 years, living at Masonboro Sound, named respectively Clinton Hewlett and George Costin, went out on a gunning expedition with a boat. They went up the Sound about 4 miles and ran the boat into a creek, where tbey landed and Went ashore. They succeeded in capturing a coon and when tbey returned to the boat the tide had receded and they found it im possible to get her afloat. Their cloth ing was wet as were also the matches which they had carried with ''them, so that they were unable to start a fire ft finally they were compelled to lie down beside a log for the night. They had two dogs with them and through the warmth of these one of the boys man aged to keep some degree of warmth while the other suffered extremely from tbe intense cold of the night. As night approached and the boys did nonreturn their parents be came naturally very much alarmed and started out with the neighbors to hunt for them. One of the searchers, Mr. James Walton, hunted for them nearly all night and discovered them yester-' day morning a3 they were trying to launch their boat. He assisted them home, but when they reached the land ing place both bojs were unable to move and had to be carried to their homes. We are glad to state that both are much better to-day and in a fair way of recovery. They had a fearful expe aience. All the keys of Windsor Castle were recently stolen, but even this does not interfere with the rapid sale of Dr. Bull's Congh Syrup. White Shad. The Newbern Journal pt the 16th inst. brags because there were three white shad in that market en the day before, and in mentioning the matter goes on to state :hat they hare bee a caught as early in the season as the 2Gth ofNovember. This was in the year 1375. It u undoubtedly quite early in the season for Newbern people to have white shad, but here in Wil mington we had them on the 2nd of November, 1883. They wero caught at the fishery of Messrs W. E. Davis & Son, and were noticed at the time and no great fuss was made about it either. Our Advice. No, young man; the best and safest way to obtain a fortune is not by speculating in stocks in Wall street. You might make a fortune, and you mightn't, with the chances strongly in favr of the latter. The best way to make a fortune is to work for it. Good, faithful, sturdy work, well laid on, is the only certain way and that is not only the surest, but it is the very best thing in all creation for all the moral mental and physicial ailments of which you may be possessed. Six days of good labor every week for fifty two weeks in the year, with tho practice of reasonable economy, wiil not only keep the wolf from the door, but you will find yourself with some money in your puree with which to beg is the next year. Follow this through the week and go to church regularly on Sunday, be just to yourself and all the rest of creation, keep your face and hands clean, love your wife, take the Daily Review, read it carefully and pay for it promptly like a man and you will live long, be respected, and die happy in the glorious thought that you have been a good and useful citizen. Josh Biilings. says: The best med isim I kno for the rumatiz, is to thank f be Lord it aint the gout and use St. Jacobs Oil. MARRIED. 8PRU5T PAR8LEY On the 17th Inst., at 8t. John's Church, this city, by the Sector, Bev. J. Carmichset, D. D.,T. EDWARD SPRONT, of Savannah, Ga.( and AMANDA NUTT-PARSLEY, daughter of the late Col. William M. Parsley. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Grand Ball. AT HOTEL BRUNSWICK. PAVILION AT PmlthvlUe, M. Cen Tuesday Evening, Dec. 23d Inst. X anclng begins at 6.30 sharp. Music by Italian string band. Supper 50 eta at Hotel. Stmr Louise leaves Wilmington at i 30 p m.. returning leaves Smithville at 7 a. m. Admleslon Gents $1. J. H. Jones, Ed. F. Davis, Sam. 8. Drew. Committee. dec 2) tf QHRI3TMAS CARDS, from 3 cents up. MTJNDS BR03. A DEROS8ET. J-EW YEARS CARDS. Hind Painted, ; MUNDS BROS. & DeROSSKT. LL FANCY GOODS 10 pr ct, above cost, dec 20 It MUNDS BROS. & DeROSSST. A 1,000 Pound Ox W ILL BE ON EXHIBITION AND SALE next Monday and Tuendsy, at Stall No. 6, Front Street Market. It was raised by Mr. Wm. Ulrich of thi3 city, and is one of the finest bveves raUed in this section for many years. Respectfully GKO. F. TILLEY. dec 20 it Stall No. C. Christmas Presents, jMONQ. THE VERY MANY CHRISTMAS Presents not mentioned yet, ate a large and fine selection of MUSIC BOXES, frm tl.75 to $35 ALL NEW; Prayer Books and Hymn Books fc r all the Churches, Family Bibles, Diaries for 1SS5, and many other Presents. The largest and finest, selection of CHRIST MAS and NEW YEAR'S CARDS In the city, can-be found at most reasonable prices at HELSSBKBGRR'S, dec20 Live Book and Music Stores Assignee's Sale! QN MONDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1S4, commencing at 11 o'clock,' and eontinuinz un til the whole stock Is old, I will cause to be sold at auction, at the store Northeast corner cf Princess and North Water tree a, the bal ance cf the utock of gocd3 recently conveyed to me by deed of assignment. Stock consists of Flour. Sugar, Coffee, Canned Goods and all other articles found generally la a retail gro cery store. Also, a well selected stock of Liqoors, Wives ani Brandies, either by the barrel or In smaller quantities. A good op portunity for housekeepers to lay in their Christmas supplies J. S. TUERENIINE. . Ae&lg&et dee SO it NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. COME AND SEE! rjHE nANDOMEST LINE OF ChrUt as(Presents in the city, consisting in part of TIDIES, CANVAS WORK, SILK AND LINEN HAND'FS, NECKWEAR, GLOVES, TOWELS ASD TABLE LINEN, and ether articles too numerous to mention. Millinery Department. This department is, as usual, well filled with all the latest sty ies of Tiimmed and U illum ined Hats and Bonnets, Feathers, Wings, Ac . Respectfully MISS E. KARRER dec 2) . Exchange, Corner. Extensive Preparation ! JJAVISG MADE EXTENSIVE PREPAB- atlonTfor XMAS OYSTJfRS, we guarantee to fill promptly with BET NEV -RIVfiB OYSTERS. fall orders, intrusted tt-u and ;we call upon our country friends to lire ua their orders as soon as possible ; It will aid us In making you all happy Xmas. dec 20 - W. E. DAVIS A SON NOW FOR THE BOYSTI yyE ARE FULLY PREPARED TO CAR ry out our promise t the BOYS, la regard to glvlag each one of them a beautiful XMAS PRESENT. Every Boy In Wilmington, undor twelve years of age,' must be at our store MONDAY, athtlfpast I tclock, sharp. Children that are too joung to como alone must come with their nurses by 4 o'-clook. You will get a Pres ent whether you bttornot. TUESDA Y AFTERNOON, at the samo time and place, every COLORED BOY in town will be treated In like manner. COME IN TIME OR YOU MAY L03E YOUR CHANCE. P. L. BBIDGERS & 00. HO North Front 8t. dco.20 The Justices of the Peace O F NEW HANOVER COUNTY ARE call ed to meet at the COURT HOUSE, on MON DAY, Sid inst., at 10 SO o'clock, A.M., to con sult with the COMMISSIONERS with refer ence to th-5 CRIMINAL COURT and other COUNTY matters. Cltitens generally are in vited. W. W. HARRI3S, Chairman, 4 e An ndjonrned meeting will be held at same PLACE and DATE, at 7.30 o'clock, P. M., for the consideration of matters connected with the Crlminsl Court, to which ALLCiTI ZENS are respectfully invited dec IS 2t th rat Conoley's Drug Store. 210 MARKET STREET. JJEUDE5HAYIN G A LARUE AND well selected stock 01 Ini and fancy Dressing Cases for the Hoiids, I have iOel received a fine lot of Toys for the Children. I am selling my goods at very reasonable prices. It will be a treat to call and look at ray stock. Respectfully, J W. CONOLET. P. 8. To make ray store comfortable dur ing the cold weather, my front door will be closed, bat I will have my store open . from 7 O'clock, a. m-, until 11 o'clock, p. m. Jus turn the knob of the door and come In Very Reapeetfally, , dec 13 J. W.COOLEY. We observe qtite a fine display of new Revolvers for verv reasonable prices, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot.f NEW AOVEUTI8EMENT3. FOR THE HQ LI&AYS. A Larse Stock of Sensible Articles for Holiday Presents! I RISPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN TION OFJJHE LADIES TO THE FOLLOW I Vo ; Super Black Cashmere vcrp cheap. cuiuui auu ww pnevu xst? uocue ai grea 'bargain. " x 1 m FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER : We liate a splendid stock of Table Dama.k, Napkins and Dorics wLhthe handsomest tock of To we' s ever .mported. c FOR THE YOUKG LADIES: A. superb lot of Handkerchiefs, every sty and quality, Hand Satchels, Handiome Jewelry, etc. FOR THE GENTLEMEN t Colored Bordered and 1 hits Hcmtltche3 Hanokerchtefa, Hemstitched China Silk Handkerchiefs, Neckllea, Scarf Flos, Sleeve Buttons, flue Suspenders, with a variety of other handsome and useful articles. . o FOR THE BOYS : Silk and Linen Handkerchief; Wlndaor lies, Breaslpins, Sleeve Buttons, Buck Gloves, handsome and heavy Hosiery. o FOR THE SERVANTS : - Cheap Dress Gooda, low priced Cloaks, from $1 to $20, Shawls, Hosiery, cheap Vests, ... ...... - Coverlids, Counterpanes, &c.t Ac, with ,-...; - .i-A , t - the best general stock of Notions in the city. . - ., m OPENED: V An Invoice- of imported Dress Buttons 100 klnda--f old at half value. It is a well known fact that in my specialties I stand unrhralled. The public will gain .' by an examination of my stock, as I am i i ii . . . . . uuerwg ;i.uauiTuuary inuueemcuts in the Vray of Trices.' ; - . , - v ' i , Very Ecepcctlly, - JNO. J. HEDRICK. dec 12 n - a mmm - n. i rimDie, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER and Auctioneer of General Merchandise of every description. Office corner Princess and Water streets. Cronly & Moriss' old stand. Personal attention given to sale of horses and vehicles at private sale or at auction. Con. ignments solicited. 8ETH W. DAVIS, sept 22 Auctioneer. Now for Christmas ! ARE MAKING EXTRAOBDINART preparations for our Christmas Market anl will have tbe most extensive display of . Meats and Poultry ever made In the city of Wilmington. We will have splendid Stall Fed Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Sausage, Puddings, Fris! Pork, Corned Pork, &c, ami a fall line of Dressed Poultry, Turkeys, Duck, Geese and Chill en and last but not leat, ROASTING PIG3, to which we lnTltc special attention. ' Pleae note thu : It wll be a buy week with us and therefore the sooner orders for Poaliry, Figs &ct re sent In the better It will Ihj for all concerned. . . , - WE ARE BOOEINU. ORDERS NOW. PLEASE SEND IN TOURS AT ONCE. ' Prompt delivery guarantee!. MELTON &, GARRELL, dec 19 3t tails 1 and 3 New llarkot Oysters. Oysters, rpOOSE FAMOUS HORNE OY8 A VaV i-rwrn i - i j. . me ... liuuauioeiinuiuaiuieuiaoorui State Saloon. They are the be it brought to this city. Cigars, Wines, Beer, and old Clem mer Whiskey, always on hand. Call at the OLD NORTH STATE BALOOS, dee 1 : 6 South Front Street. Wanted. BY A GENTLEMAN WHO WRITES A good, clear hand, light work to do, In the way of copying papers of any kind. Please eora munlcate wita a. w. cue of Daxlx Cxyicw.

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