II THIS PAPER rijCAS.'s ,"QiJtv oubiished every evening, Sundays ex cepted by JOSH T.JAMES, . EDITOR AND PBOPSDBTOB. : SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID, one year $4.00. Six months,' $2.04. Three months, $1-00; One month, 39 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers free of charge, In any part of the city, at the above rites, or 10 cents per week. Advertising rates low and liberal. r Tft win b glad t9 rccdre ccsaaxmicaCoa Cffaftr alts tare tlrol " - Ta aasaa of t&a writer lanat always ba eUhedto theKCtor. ,- CammTnucaGonamuxt hm wriun .o cm PeraonaCUca mnat b. aToidea v - And it la especially and particularly cxde Wood that the Editor does not always endcia VOL. VIII. W ILMINGTON. N. C. MON DAY. DECEMBER 22. 1884. NO. 305 the Tlewa of correspondent a&k o ctatt tatheedltorUI eohmna. Daily -Subscribers will report any and all fan cies to receive their paper regularly. The Daily Review has the largest bona -fide circulation, of any newspaper ..uKlished.inthc city of Wilmington. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Grand Display of "3? AT ' '.- TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, Keeps tlic 6tore crowded with Lad es ami little ones, to iee those handsome Dolls, Drums, Trumpets, Game3, Tool Bcxe?, rarlorScts, Furniture, Britnda and China Dishes, Writing Tests, Velocipedes, Horses, Wagons, Dull Carriages, Girls Propeller.?, &c, Ac. But we have not forgotten our duty to the oi ler folks as well, nd in this column we enumerate a few articles especially suitable for ChriBtmas Gifts to grown folks. Glance '.your eye over them and see If you cannot find something that will eult : Just Think, Ladies extra heavy Ehick and Colored Hose, full, regular made for onlyltwenty -Ave cents ;a pair, worth fifty- Just Think, Ostrich Tip3 at Bixty-tlm-e ccnt3 a bunch. Just Thihk. A Lace or Embroidered Handkerchief for only twonty-Qve cent3. uu3t llllUA.) a Spanish Lace 1 lchure worth $2.50 for only one dollar and thirty -nine ctaU. Just Think, Bibbon in all colors, No. 9 ad 12, for fancy work, at fifteen cents a yard. UUSt A. 1111111) A Boy's Polo Cap for only twenty-five cents Just Think, A good Muslin Chemise, finely trimmed, for only fifty c-nts. Just Think, A beautiful Album, little soilcJ, former price one dollar, for only twenty-five cents. Just Think 5 Of a large Express Wag on with seat for only one dollar and twenty- five cents. U list A lilim, Children's Worsted Caps in various colors, for seventy-five cents Just Think, Fancy Wax Candles and liaMer, for Christmas fixings, only fifty cents a box. Just Think, Men's Heavy Merino Shirt, in all sizes, 40 pr ct. wool, for osly fifty, cents. Just Think, Gent's Linen Cambric Colored Bordered Uandkerchiefs.3 for twenty live cents. Jnst Think, A Lady's fine Llaen Handkerchief, plain and colored bordered 3 for fifty cents. Jnst Think, Extra hoavy, doublo row, black Chenille Fringes, true value $1.75, for -only ono dollar and twenty-three cent per yard. Just Think, Ladies and Children's Jersey Gloves, ten button length, all colors and sizss, for only thlrty-ecven cents per pa'r. Just Think, Tin above, togethef with a new stock, at equally low prices, of HATS, TRIMMINGS and a thousand other articles too numerous to mention. A call will convince you of the above fact at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, IIS Market St. WILMINGTON, N. C. P. S. JEWELUY at CO per cent, lesa than Jeweler's prices. We will keep open tint 119 f- M to accommodate the 'public, tintllfur tuer notice. . . ,L - idee 15 The Philadelphia Ledger is the moat profitable newspaper Drooertv in America. Its rimfits ar Si.m onn at- nur.j. T. I , .v,um. oougni me meager wneu u was losing si.uuo a week. , Lard cheese, which up to a recent date was the latest adulteration of that bod, te now rivaled by cheese made chiefly from cotton seed or hp r, - I v. Count Herbert Bismarck will shortly enter the German foreign office as tern- porary under secretary, retaining in u u i. c . iic mcituuuio m post oi minisier at i the Hague. The managers of Lulu Hurst have rennivPd nnW hv WnV o an:,,, ' I medium that her wonderlul powers will be taken Irorn her when sho is wenty years old. Experiments at certain school cen tres of London have proved that a pen. ny is sufficient to pay all expenses for a substantial and nutritious dinner for schoolchildren. John Jacob Astor and Miss Cathe' rine Wolfe, of New York, are co-oper ating in an effort for the establishment of a college in Florence, where Ameri can women can pursue any branch of art. Capt. Merry, on of the corporators of the company which was lormed un der the Presidency of Gen. Grant to undertake the Nicaragua Canal, says that the whole affair slumped when the Marine National Bank failed, as James D. Fisk and Grant & Ward were the trrpfit pnnif.nl isffi who worn frninr fn rrnt . ... . The gossip of Washington i3 to the effect; that Senator Salisbury, of Dull- ware, made a vow tvventv-four vears that ho would not uiarrv aaain un- til another Democratic President was elected. This bavin" occurred, it is said Ahat the Senator is looking about for a new wife with the vigor common to widowers of long standing. ' The prefecture of police in Paris has insisted on the models of all the Christ mas toys being submitted for censor ship. All models recalling the war in China were prohibited. Mandarins and Black Fla'ss were not allowed to ba caricatured; but a figure of Mahdi was passed, according to which he is a port- iy imK.u.muc iwu v- touched by a spring. In a lately published account oi Charles Dickens, he is said to have had a great disuke to the name oi grand- father, and to have substituted a sen- invented term for the use of his grand- children. 4Vecerables ' was his adopt- .i . .i.t j... - c i : I ea name, ana to mis uay suui oi ui grandchildren speak of him. by his sell. invented name. Dickens had his cranky notions, like many other eem- uses. PiHehnror hns mnrfl labor troubles to the lot and block than any city in the m. "k-" o i country. The strike ot the precnption rriflCJ Wnwprs nromises to be one of the o mnsn stUDDorn. i lie suieia iu other weusupfun,., - places, it aocs seem mat wuu iuo is the greatest "protection" to inaus tires there is the most dissatislaction among the working classes. ! 7T ' -rw. if. t now sain mat tne liev. utm Burchard, who is so widely known on account of his famous and foolish "Rum.Romanism and Rebellion" ut- " " . . . . , ... a i-- HniArkm -T" rT I MU III lerance, ia a uuu""1 Wl w- m 1 . . a rt O n tsurcnara wno many years ago effectually suubbed by Aaron Burr As the story goes, Dr. Burchard was annoyed because Col. Burr came late guilty of a criminal offence against the Almighty, sir, and on the last great day I shall appear at the bar of God as your accuser." This was very un pressive. but Kurr was equal to tne ... i. l'ausiog at tne aoor or his pew .... . -r .he smilingly said: In thel course of a large and varied criminal practice. doctor, I have observed that the greatest crimnals are always the first to turn State's evidence." All the Burchards seem to. have a talent for fretting into hot water. lP..a 1,1 hHhfi sHffhfnii idea that the paragraph published 'in the Home- rtrmnrni last week, about the removal ef Gov. Holden's disabilities, would , ja. r K nave oucuueu iuo uuuyi v LU &KlVli:U lit OVJUbUAlUb www. I V 1 I 1 K LUUIUUUUII - - n. 1 ..J ( mAnthl (111(1 Cnmlot? tltn tnrtnr nnhliolv renroveu I c- nnn offpr TOlilPh She Will I 1ftir J . . . . . I ' - . - . . . Kni-iii ma .md friends arc reencctfully the offender savine : 1 ou nave Deen rflSme her resuiar business oi towing t. nttpni thft fnnprai from the residence of miDgton Review and Star, wc certain- case 01 ieauy wu"uuw -Iv would never have printed it. We had o'clock this afternoon. rni-rrrtf tpn i hat the Review and Star had : . i . ii u.- ; i tiij..; ever opposea tne removal oi uuiwua disabilities, and did not intend our re- mark to aDnlv to them or to any other ed - ..f?.! "M n m m m v- a m iiviib ill vr j m. m mm m 1 1 ka trwm. m a. al.a m m. m v a meau-hcarted fellows" J 'tc nuu i"r"t -r. :z . . sented us dariDg the days of recon siruction. The Star and Review are generally pretty "toacbous." and while we shall not bother ourself very much to please them, wo think we ou.ht to say that we regret they took offence at the paragraph mentioned, as we would not allude to them or any otner respectable Editor in that way. vnarloUe mmt and democrat. xaies explanation is coruiauy ucccpieu anu wun us now n is as 1 ... - though the offensive words had never been uttered. - umier me tjiiy. - Mr. Johnson , 09 Cheapside. London. jngianu, graces mat mts. ianc inomp- w i a i - w w m V I sou travelling on the under ground runway, wns turown vioienuy, owing : i -l i . , . t n a ait el (i an lorl- nnH ranmnnrl a anr'nm sprain to the arm and wrist. St. Ja- cobs Oil was applied and it immcdi- ately cured the stiffness and pain as it has done in thousands ot similar cases. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Horner School D A .Smith 1884 SuiUER Our Platform F C MIL.LKR Holiday Goods C W Yates Holiday Goos Mrs Hate C Wines Millinery Wr E Spkixgek & Co Hardware Mns S J Baker Christinas Gootfs Geo R French & Sons Very Sice Hkinsbekoeb Christmas Piesentj Humphrey & Jenkins Oysters, &c Parker & Taylor The Cold Wave J W Cosolev Conolcy's Drug Store Otter eoukg A. Verdict by 20.C0O Teople Giles & Murciiison Our Holiday Goods Change of Sailing Days of New Yorjc & Wil- mmgton steamship Co For other locals see fourth page. There was no City Court this morn- Tneircceipts of cotton at this port to- , . . day foot up 357 bales Tnere has been a remarkable change in the temperature of the weather since naay morning. Mr. D. A. Smith advertises in this .issue a nice lot of Christmas goods at his furniture rooms on North Front street. There were heavy rains at Smith- ville yesterday, accompanied by high winds, but so far as we have learned, no material damage was done. Yesterday was a miserably rainy day, in consequence of which many Were deterred from attending church. xntJ suu peepuu ouu uusiuuauy , uuu did not stay long. : The handsomest line oi coioreu bordered Handkerchiefs we have eve1 seen, are at .Dyers, ana the prices are very low. - T Th snn , manv f ..q . pl. .mnl:G(1 with . i f , . an uni00ked.for emergen- and as a conseauencc the dravmen were severely taxed to supply the de, mand On Saturday night 9 white tramp. .. , r. i accomnTodated. On Sunday nnn ipn irr nn no- n.r, lqh liusiiu iiuusvj i . . , 10 , 2 colored tramns T ? ........ .1- anniifin au toe bumu iusiiluliuu iui iuc 3ame obj'ect and they also were accom modated. Uumallaule. c. Chauncey, Chauncey's Store, N. c . DOStai no address, beginning, Dear mm porrip- d W . Williams. Hildred . I . . -r . r J T?U.;ni Alia station, . v,; i..a ur u, Henrietta xyru, uu - Alton, fc. -zz I MjT am B MVk r VU "l "ci"l,i" I . T TT If L! 1 wmr AO hc steam tug vm. wmuu burned and sunk about a week ago nas been raised and was taken down to tne Marine Railway to-day. where she vessels about the harbor. Magistrate's Court. Monroe Byrd, colored, who keeps a Market street, lost seven . g frQm a CQOp in the rear o his I, ' . f 0 vwk- Ust Saturday uwtcan .iuwui. - He went tQ thc ..Laborer's iebt Union Store," and there found two tur- wfaich fae idcnlified as being a part nfihnA stolen from him. This led to wa v - - v ww-- the arrest of a colored man, who had sold them, and a hearing in the matter CI r morio at 1 O ClOCK 1' Jl. Af . . . j a- wc" , I wi T-v TT . 11 I lln nnnnseil firflYiyi that he bought them of John Beatty, .1 onlnra. in conseauencc of 1 wuicn . nr:soner tne prisoner AihrfTiH. Thnl r,i;i -5 : -i i t- o-rvr iiniiaptppirer a cuuu I t1-. amrxr nrTi5Pirp.erer a kwu v-'""-' ' . - . Sllb5tanttal cook stove is an important 1 0os:ft.nd ftnr readers will. And the nrse hni ini miirniiii juat.iivia w S-t nt' Factory prices at J,tSSS& m tt 1 rf t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WE ARE WILLING TO LET YOU inspection or comparison with goods from any house in this city, and if oar goods are not superior to all others and at least from 15 TO 25 PER CENT. CHEAPER, or when our customers are not perfectly money. We protect our patrons, tt , v -ni x v U UUI1 IU1S riailUrni WO IlcbVc DUllfc UU UUf XiUUrillUUtS Trade ! THE LARGEST RETAIL CLOTHING RUSINESS IN THIS CITY ! We do not wonder at the daily increase pf our trade. People soon find out where they can save a dollar. We can convince you of the lact that we can give better value for your money than you can find elsewhere ! Why is it ? Simply because we give you ask you to pay for what you THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST., dec 8 The German Baud. The members of the German band, which is being organized by the How ard Relief Fire Engine Company, will hold a meeting at the Engine Hall to- lllgui, uuu win bu&c auiiuu ujuu t-LiKs AAnclitntlnn nr1 hv.lnnra wllioll im tn , 4 . f ,. . be presented for consideration by the committee appointed to draft them. They will also elect officers ior the en- suing year and will appoint a committee to select and purchase tne necessary instruments for the members. No Quorum. The meeting of the Magistrates ot New Hanover count v. called to assem- ble at the Court House at 10.30 o'clock this forenoon, was attended by only 18 of the entire number. As the presence of 22 magistrates were required to con stitute a quorum, no business was transacted and the meeting adjourned. Lp. - t PMin snmft fnf . which will probably bo on the first Monday in January 1885. Attemptea liurjriary. R , veeri the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock this morning, Capt. J. M. McGowau, wa8 awok0 by-some one on his piazza trvinir evidently to break into the house. Hearing the noise, Capt. Mc Gowan started, pistol in hand, to in . . . vite the intruder to vacate the premises, but he fell over a chair, the noise of which caused the dog to bark and the would-be burglar left. An examina tion of the premises showed that the blind to one of the windows had been i . .. - i . 1 . TJL TZZ when so much bad been accomplished wueuBum.uUrt" -v-Th the intruder was ingntenea away the intruder was frightened away. This makes the second attempt to bur- glarize Capt. McGowan's residence within the last ten days. Qnly two more days lor the school children and then will come the vaca- tion for the Christmas holidays, wnicb will continue until Monday, Jan, 5tb, iCOe The prettiest sieht in the world is a pretty woman's toot m a Jersey j.uy hoot, and since Dr. Bull's Cough Sy- I " " rnn nnrm alt sorts Of colds a 1 women 1 .J can wear them. EIEl. oaTMANK-in thiscity to-day. Dec 22, issi. invited the parent, corner Fifth and Trincess streets, to- NEW ADVERTISES! EBTTS; HQillinery. "DEAUriFUL and uskful cu kim 111 Presents m Millinery and Taney Goods at MES. KATE C WINE'd, No. 119 North Second St dec 22 lw Hardware kF ALL. KINDS AND IN ANY QUANTI .V wins.! 4H PoIaII t ROCK B'JTTOH I .V. uuiv-'.'v . . prices. w. el smrNGi n 21 m 3 Market Street. dec 22 wummpon, Oysters. TTUMPHliEY A JENKINS n i n - m.MivnnTnesdavand Wed Unireciive on Tuesday ana ea UftdaT'100 Gallons Oy tera for ClrUtaaa m A m mm-M j & ico. dec NEW AD VEltTISEMENTS, TAKE ANY GOODS HOME FOR satisfied we will cheerlully relund the good judges and roor judges alike. r i . -ri honest goods at fair prices and only get. No nonsense of any kind. The Cold Wave H AS BEEN WORKING UP OUR CUS tomers to the Importance of a STOVE, 'and out they go. More left. No time to write about them. PARKER & TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. dec 22 Our Holiday Goods i RE NOW OPEN. AND OUR LADY friends are invited to criticise our aelections. GILES & MURCIIISON, dec 22 33 & 40 Murchlson Block Grand Ball. AT HOTEL BRUNSWICK PAVILION AT Smlthville, N. C, on Tuesday Evening, Dec. 23d Inst. l ancing begins at .3U snarp Music hv Italian Strlnir band. Supper 50 cts at Hotel, atmr. Louise leaves Wilmington at ami p ixi.. iciiirning reiycn uuuinuia ak t .A . 1 O .lU( 11h n. T M m. Admission uents l. J. H. Jones. Ed. F Davis, Sam. 8. Drew Committee. dec 2t it HORNER SCHOOL, OXFORD, N. C. A CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL AND Scientific Academy with Military organization and discipline Thc Snrlnz Term of 1SS5 will begin the sec ond Monday, the 12th day of January. An ample corpB of able instructors Is pro vided and thc school Is thoroughly equipped for efficient work. Terms for loard and tuition, the same as heretofore. Send for Catalogue. Oxford, N. C, Dec. 22, lfiSL dec 22 2aw3w Christmas Presents. MONG THE VERY MANY CHRISTMAS Presents not mentioned yet, are a large and fine selection of MUSIC BOXES, from $L75 to $85 ALL NEW; Prayer Books antl Hymn Books for all the Churches, Family Bibles, Diaries for 1SS5, and many other Presents. The largest and finest selection of CHRIST MAS and NEW YEAR'S CARDS In the city. can be found at most reasonable prices at HElNBBEBGKR'S, dec 22 live Book and Music Stores Christmas Goods jyjRS. S. J. BAKER CALLS ATTENTION to a well selected stock of HOLIDAY GOOOS, just received and they will be sold at thc low est priccj. Persons wishing to purchase will please call and examine the han-lsomc Toys She has also a very handsome stock of MUlin. eryGcods. MRS. S. J. BAKER, des 22 122 Market St. Conoley's Drag Store. 216 MAIiKET STREET. F OR HOLIDAY PRESENTS CALL AT my stjre, I have a full supply and poHleclcTks to wait upon customer. MY CHRISTMAS COLOGNE Is far ahead of i ny that I have offered yet MY TOYS are aU imported and I sell them at low prices. Drugs and Patent Medicines as low as the ""5" - - lowest Cigars, Cigarette, Ac J. W. CONOLEr. m T. 8.-A large lot of FANCY CARDS for Children, to bt given away. dec 32 J. W. CONOLEY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Verdict by 20.000 People! WlLfAIMGTOM'S POPULATION DECIDE IN OIliEBOU the" iisG-moiniER I GOOD JURY WILL,. WITH A FAIR understanding of their case, render' a GOOD verdict. Thus it Is tht with a thorough knowledge of men. and with eyes f nllv opened to self Interest, the masses ot Wilmington tne people who wear COATS. PAN16 and VEST3 have whh one common asrent, voted 0 1TEBBOURG the leader la the Clothing busi ness in tWls cltr, which means that he carries THE LARGKsT STOCK to select from, THE MOST STYLISH tsTOCK to telet from, THE REST MADE STOCK to telect 1rcna And THE CHEAPEST STUCK to select from : OTTERBOUUG. therefore, krtowlog full well the real conndenee Imposed in him. has . determine! to REDOUBLE y.ll his ircvlcui efforts, by showing RIGHT NOW subsUntlal appreciation for the kind patronage hereto - lore given nun., - Christmas Week Redcctioxs. rjar Cbildrns Melton Ov'c's, worth $2 Stnow fl.CO Reversible , " - i s.oo oto Bovs Mcltou c II l 10.10 7.C0 12 00 " 8.f 0 17.t0 - I2.t0 S0.C0 ' 1G.C0 Ac. : Men's Chinchilla Men's Reversible Business Suits, : ' &c. Ac C. Red and White FUnnel Underwear at coat Elegant lice of Nockwear, Susijcndera ad Furnishings a Gicatly Keduced Prices. Call or eon 1 orders to OTTEItBOTJRG, KING CLOTHIER, dec 22 Wilmington, N C New York & Wilmington Steamship Co. FROM PIER 34, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK At 3 o'clock, ,P. M. ' BENEFACTOR .........Saturday, Dec 27 " 1SS5 . REGULATOR.. .............Saturday, Jau 3 BSNE FACTOR ..Saturday, Jan 10 REGULATOR Saturday, Jan 17 FROM WILMINGTON : - REGULATOR. .......Saturday, Dec 27 - " ' 1685 BENEFACTOR........; Saturday, Jan 3 REGULATOR.. .....Saturday, Jan 10 BENEFACTOR.. Saturday, Jau 17 Jtsr Through Bins Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from Points In North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H. G. 8 MALL BONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C THEO. G. EGER, Freight Agent, New York. WM. P. CLYDE CO.. nra) Aceatr, 35 Broadway, New York, dec 22 tf . ; - j. . 1884. 1884. CHRISTMAS. AT I) A. SMITH'S Furniture Wareroomsy Can be found a large assortment of ; VALUABLE GUTS, , suitable for everybody. . V The public, and especially the ladles, ate respectfully Invited to call and examine prices, Ac. t D. A. SMITH. Furniture Dealer, N. Front Street dec32 " Very Wice, jpOR CHBIST3I AS PRESENTS, a pretty pair of Shoes for wife, a nice Slipper for pa, a neat little Shoe for baby. We can famish every style and show great variety, and prices very reasonable. Call la and make selection Geo. 11. French & Sonsj t. , - . . 103 NORTH FRONT STRXET- dec 22 ; S. H. Trimble, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER and Auctioneer of General Merchandise ot every description. Office corner Princess and Water streets. Cronly A Morrlss old stand. Personal attention given to sah) of hones and vehicles at private sale or at auction. Con-.-slgnmcnta solicited. CETD W. DAVIS, -sept 22 -Anctloneer. - Oysters.. Oysters. fJtHOSB FAMOUS 1IORNE OYS-vfJj TEES can be found at the OMNort uJj y t - State Paloon. They arc the best brought to thiscity. cigars, WInea, Beer, and old Clem mer Whiskey, always on hand. Call at the - OLD NORTH STATE 8ALOOS, s dec 1 ft South Front Street. ' 5 i i i ! 1 1 ' 1 1 Vv. 1 U y