THIS PAPER abttshed every evenlns, Soadiy " ex cepted by ' " JOSH T. JAMES, . editor axd rsorxxxroB. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: Use year $4.00. Six months, $X0O. Three months, f 1.00; One month. SS cento. The paper will be deHvered by carrier free of charge, la any part ol the city, at the above rates, or 10 cent per weex. AdvestlsiAg rate low and liberal. , .WSubscribers will report any and all fail ares to receive their paper regularly, gr The Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in Ike city of Wilmington NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Graiid Display of AT - - TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, Keeps the etore oupwd-d with Lades and little one, toree those handsome Dolls, Emms, Trumpets, Game3, Tool Bcxea, Parlor Seta, Furniture, Britanla and China Dishes, Wrlttng Deska, Velocipedes, Horse?, Wagons, Doll Carriages, Girls Propellers, &c, 4c. Rut we have not forgotten our duty to the older folk3 a3 well, nd la this column we enumerate a few articles especially suitable far Christmas Gifts to grown folks. Glance your eye over tliem and hog if you cannot find something that will suit : UUM A 11I11JV) Ladies extra " heavy Black and Colored nose, full, rc.ular made for onlvtwenty-flve cents !a pair, worth fifty Just Think 5 Ostrich Tips at tixty three cents a hunch. Just Think. A Lace or Embrolderc Handkerchief for only twenty-five cents. O liat A lllUIk, a Sninish Lace lichure worth $ LEO for only one dollar and thirty-nine cents. Just Think, Bibbon In all color, No 9 and 12, for fancy work, at fifteen cents a yard. Tr,4- m.lT O Uat AlllilJlj a Boy's Polo Cap for only twenty-five cents. Just Think, A good Muslin Chemise llacV trimmed, for only fifty cmts. Just Think, A beiutlful Album, little soiled, former price one dollar, for only twenty-five cents. Just Think j'Jf a large Express Wag on with seat for only one dollar and twenty five cents. yllM A 11 1 11 It Children's Wcrstei Caps in various colors, for Ecvcnty-flvc cents Just Think, Fancy Wax Candles and holder, for Christmas fixings, only fifty cent ; a box. Just Think, Men's Hetvy Msrmo Sblrts, in all sizes, 43 pr ct. wool, for oily fifty cents. UllOL AillllH, Gent's linen Cambric Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs, 3 for twenty five cents. Just Think, A Lady's fine Liaen Handkerchief, plain and colored bordered S for fifty cents. JUSt Think) Extra heavy, double row, black Chenille Fringes, true value $1.75, for only one dollar and twenty-tbreo cents per yard. Just Think, Ladies and Children's Jersey Gloves, ten button length, all colors and Blsas, for only thirty-seven ceata per pa'r. Just Think, Thv above, together with a new stock, at equally low prices, of HATS, TRIMMINGS and a thousand other articles too numerous to mention. A call will convince yqu of the above fact at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St. WILMINGTON, N. C. v P WEU2.Y- at "CO per cent: leas than irf-s. e win ifcn open until a '- l - '-. rntil fur- r VOL, VIII. W LMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY: DECEMBER 23, Mrae. Ristori doesn't object to the clling of her age, which is 63 years. Dr. Oliver Swaine Tavlor, of New York, who was gradaated in the case of 1809 at Dartmouth College, was 100 years old on Wednesday. Mr. WiDthrop'd chief wish ha3 6ecn to be able to deliver his address oa the completion ol the Washington Monu ment, at the laying ol the corner-store of which he was the orator. Most,ot the traveling dramatic com panies arc submitting to a reduction of twenty per cent, in salaries. It has come to a choice between that and !is bandment, so bad is business. A Scotch colony, consisting ol abou 2,000 persons, is now being organized to go to Los Angeles county, Cal. Many well-to-do Easflishruen are also con stantly coming to this country, and the price of land i3 going up. The Chinese soldiers1 uniform con sists of a blue tunic and as many more duds as ho feels like getting inside of. A good many of them use their ahoes for breastplates aqd stuff collon in their ears to keep from being scared. Gen.B. M. Preutiss, who recently vUitcd the battlefield ol Shiloh, urges that the bones of the unknown Con federate dead be removed to the Nation al Cemetery and their last resting place be properly marked. Mile. Columbier is undergoing a fort night's confinement in prison. This is the extent of the punishment which she incurred for her authorship ot the libelous book about Sarah Bernhardt, entitled "Sarah Baruum " The board ot Erin, the highest au thority in the society of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, have ordered the expulsion of Henry F. Sheridan, of Chicago, from the order, because he tried to convert it into a quasi-political organization. Fanny Ellsler left a million of francs in bank witk Ihe Rothschilds, and this sura now gde3 to one of her cousins and her own grandchild. A long time ago she wrote her memoirs, but after she had read them carefully oyer she burned them. .The spot where the gunboats lay when bombarding Vicksburg i3, now a bank of eand, the course of the river having changed materially, and it is feared that the city will socn b.3 left in land, the old bed of the sircam close to the bluff having become a stagnant laKe. By the will ol the late U. K. Springer, of Cincinnati, the amount given to charitable associations isaboutgSOO.OOO. Every Catholic charity is remembered and Music Hall gets $75.000 ; tha Col lege of Music $0,000, and the Art Mu scum $25,000. The estate will aggre gate about $3,000,000. ' m Transatlantic cables cannot bo laid and ooerated bv everybody. The cost of the Bennett-Mackey cables is said to have been $7,300,000, and it is stated that the repairs necessitated by the rpne nt hreak will cost 500,000. The Western Union Company claims that it is not afraid of competition, and boasts that the (Acserican Union cable was 'operated at a loss of $5,000 per day. Bennett and Mackey, however r dptermined to enter he field of competition at an early day. What consolation is it to a man who has slipped and broken though a cellar grating, to be tola Dy unnsuan men io "flare up, hit it harder and then use St. Jacobs Oil ?" LastrNight's Showers. The showers last night extended a good ways South of us. Passengers arriving by last night's train from the South, inform us that it rained heavily at Florence, S C. and that the showers were much more severe at that place than they were here. The rain seems to have been general all along the line of the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad, and also along the line ol the Care Fear river. Vandalism. The shade trees which border our streets are 'beautiful to look upon aj well as pleasant in protecting the sids walks from the glare and heat of the noonday sun ; bnt we have beard seri ons complaints oboat the use- ot them as an advertising medium. Within the last two weets hundreds of these trees that were planted for the purposes of shade and beauty, haye been disfigured by hand bills announcing the efficacy of some nostrum, much to the annoy- nseVof hnnrfrci rf ertr cit?-"-. V ' Daily LOCAL NEWS. 1KDEX TQ KHV ADYERTISEMEITX. F C iliLLEu A $15 Prize . vVasteb- v Jb Preesmin Geo F Tilley Tomorrow C W Yates Holiday GooJs Jons R Maxsiiall Notice Ckaig A Thom-as Attention W T Ceoom -For Christn a Oeinsbkkgek Christmas Present) W E Davis & Sox Extensive Pre para ion For other locals see fourth page. There was no City Court this morn ing The receipts of cotton at tLis port to-day foot up 424 bales. Christmas suits are now being made by Dyer. Call and leave your order for a fine suit of clothes made to meas ure, t Mr Geo. F. Tilley, at his stall in the New Market, will to-morrow cut up that fiuo stall-fed ox. Leave orders early. Four tramps three white and one coloredapplied for lodgings at the guard house l ist and were accommo dated.! Ger barque Carl Max, Beyer, cleared to-day for Bremen, with 1.105 bales eotlon, valued at $54,000, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Sou. Mr. John It. Marshall has opened at No, 24, North Water 6treet, for the sale of produce lie offers in this issue some nice goods for the holiday season. Head his ad. and give him a call. One of tho mast beautiful things we have seen this Xmas is a basket and hail ornament, made of liny white shells, now at Conoley'a drug store, and to be raffled. It must be seen to be appreciated. Chicken thieves raided the premises of Mr. O. Fennell last nightand stole 16 chickens, the entire contents of the coop. They wore very nice and fat having been fed for about two weeks with an express view to Chjistmas. Gcldsboro is moving heartily for water works for that beautiful and thriving city. We are glad of it. and would say to them: Go ahead and do not stop until your city is well supplied with water for may arise. any emergency that A thunder shower is something un usual for the month of December, hut last night was an exception to the rule, and for an hour or two the heavens were illuminate;! by frequent flashes of lightning followed by heavy peals of thunder, and accompanied. by a heavy shower of ram. Indications. For the South Atlantic States, gener ally fair weather, lower temperature and Northerly winds. . Organized. At the meeting of those interested in the organization of an instrumental band by members of the Howard Re lief Fire Engine Co., held at their hall last night, the committee appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws pre sented the same and they were adopt ed. A committee was al3o appointed to putchasothe necessary instruments- An election of officers was also held which resulted as follows: President E. W. Doscher. Vice President M. Rathjen. Treasurer C F. VonKampen. Secretary J. G. L. Gieschen. A Serious Affair. Lsst Sunday morning, just after the opening of the Methodist Sunday School at Fayetteville, one of the girl pupils fainted. In a lew moments one of the boy pupils also fainted, but it was thought for a moment that his trouble was only a sportive imitation of the fainting of the girl, but this idea wa3 f oon dispelled by tho fainting of three others in quick succession, and soon by others until nearly or quite twenty had fainted. There was, as may well be imagined, intense excite ment and alarm at such a frightful SDCctaclc, but some of the most ac tive of those present, thinking that the trouble might be caused by gas escaping from the coal stove with which the room was heated, opened wide the doors and windows and with the advent of a plenty r f fresh and pure air. the sufferers soon revived, with the exception of Mr. John C. Thompson, ihc Secretary of the school, who was prostrated and helpless for a consider able time, and i now confined to his bouse from the effects of tho Sunday morning's accident." - Step Ladders, all leugths,Jat J acoei's D-ct.' t A Noted School. The Homer School, at Oxford, N. C , is one nl the noted and really meri torious educational institutions of the State. Mfssrs. J, U. & J. C. Homer, its principals, are among the best educa tors in the South, and the course of in struction pursued is precisely what is needed for the young people, to prepare them for the duties ot life. The Spring term will begin on Monday, Jan. 12th See ad. elsewhere. A Suffsjestion. It was a remark of one of our best and most energetic merchants last night, as he was apjmiring the display in the widows of the stores on Market street, that it would bo a good plan for our merchants to keep up the attract ivenes3 of their stores during the entire year, by so disposing of their goods in the windows as to give a pleasant and inviting appearance This could be done without any outiay or expense further than a tax upon the kill and taste of the merchant. As a general thing the store windows in the city are attractive and even elegant, but there art; instances where a little care and taste in adorning tho wiundows would make an .improvement. At any rate the suggestion was a good one. Vessel Ashore. The three-masted schooner Isaac L. Clark, Capt. Cranmer, bound from Fernandina, Fla., to Phiidelphia, was wrecked on fcriday last on Hatteras Shoals. The crew were saved. On Sunday morning the schooner drifted ashore at Messrs W. E. Davis & Son's fishery, on Stump Sound, and as soon ?s the sea subsided so as to make it possibi to go on board of her, Mr. Henry, who has charge of the fishery, with a crew, went to her in a boat for the purpose of saving whatever was possible from the cargo. When she drifted ashore all her sails were blown away excepting the foresail, which was sot She also had a signal of distress flying. Her deck load was lumber, but it is not yet known here what constitutes her cargo below deck. The Isaac L. Clark is 335 tons burth en and was owned at Camden, N. J., by E. A. Cranmer. She was built at Bridgeton, N. J., in 1874. Personal. Mrs. Joe Person, who has been at Smithvillo tor several days, came up from there to-day and is registered at the Pure l! House. Mr. W. Aldcn James, of the United States Engineer Deparment and sta tioned at Georgetown, S. C, is in the city and will remain here during the Christmas holidays. Maj. C. W. McClammy was in the city to day and gave us the pleasure of a call. Miss Kate Foster, who has been vis iting relatives and friends in New Hampshire and Mas3aschusetts since last July, returned to the city Saturday night. Mr. R. K Bryant Jr.. of the Fay etteville Hun, was in the city to day en route for. his old home at Seott's Hill, where he will srend the holidays. He gave us the pU-asurc of a call this after noon. Prof.E. A. Alderman, ol the Golds boro Graded School, and Mrs. D G II , West and son, of Newton, arrived in the city last Saturday night and will snend the Chri tmas holidays with their father. Mr. James Alderman. A Live Paper. The New York World, since coming under its preeent management, has achieved a success which is entirely un precedented in American journalism, and stamps its proprietor, Hon. Joseph Pulitzer, as one of the foremost jour nalists of the country. In taking con trol of the World, considerably less than two years ago, Mr. Pulitzer found many obstacles to contend with, which to almost any one would have seemed almost insurmountable in the struggle for an equal position among the great wealthy and influential metropolitan journals. This has long since been ac complished, ani now in all that per tains to a live, great and influential newspaper, the World leads them all, This fact is established by the adver tising patronage it receives, which "shows the just estimate that the peo ple form of the value ot newspapers. On Sunday last the World appeared with 24 pages or 163 columns of mat ter. Of these there were 82 columns. containing 2.125 separate advertisc mnnfji. Evidentlv . the ITorW "do move," whatever the sua may do. For durable I coloring tho walls of rooms in beautiful tints, 7 at littlo cost nothing equals tha Habuhne sold c .Tiri'-i Jv-. ----- -- -- - - 1884. NO. 306 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. HATE OT HAND A FINE LOT OF IT IX) RID A ORANGES. AUo. pickled MULv LETS ud ROE. Just received to-day EGGS at the lowest market pries. can and see ior oirseir JOHN K. MARSHALL, dec J lydAw . , No 24 North Water St A $15 Prize. SPLESriD SATIN ! INKD RUSSIAN i L.E ATHER LADIES DRESSING CASE will be presented to the party buvlnz the largest amount of Holiday Goods between this . date and January 1st, &?5. Come and sec the prize at dec 23 rVtrver Fourth and Nnn sta Wanted. BOY KNOWING SOMETHING OF running a Job Piiulng Press, can get employ ment at S. G. HALL'S, dec 23 It Job Frinting House For Christmas. WILL RECEIVE TO-MORROW, CHRIST MAS KVE. FIFTY GALLONS of those fa mous Shepherd and Hine's Garden Oysters from New River. Guaranteed sweet and fresh atd as fine an Oyster a has ben seen here this season. leave oiders early. Delivered promptly In any part of the city. w. r. euuoiu, o Front Street, near tho New Market d3C 23 Attention ! Attention I w E II AVE ON HAND A CHOICE LINE of Family Groceries, together with Chickens, Eggs, &c, A choice lot of Florida Oranges just arrived. A ch olee lot of Xmas Candles, Fire Woris, &c. We also Invito attention to our Whiskeys, Old Log Cabin, Bruuswlck Private Stock and Buckingham Kye. Also, N. C. Corn, Wines, BrandieB, Gins, Ac. CRAIG & THOMAS, Commission Merchant! and dealers in Grocer ies, Liquors, Ac,, No. 113 So, frort Street, almost opposite tbe Market, dec 2i Tomorrow TE WILL CUT UP THAT SPLENDID CALL FED OX. Leave orders early for Choice Cuts. Will also offer for Christmas a lot of Dressed Turkeys, Chickens, &c. The attention of my friends and the public is respectfully invited GEO. F. TILLEY. dec 23 It Stall No. 6 New Market Extensive Preparation ! H atloi AVING MADE FXTENSIVE PRE PAR - atlon for XMAS OYSTKRS, wc ruaraotce to mi pi romotly with BEST NEW RIVER OY&TKR-Mall orders intrusted t us and we call upon our country friends to 1tc their orders as soon as possioic; n win am as iu maklnsr yon all happv A mas. dec 23 W. E. DAVIS & SON The Cold Wave H XS BEEN WORKING UP OUR CTJ3 toniers to the impor tance of a STOVE, ;and out they go. More left. No time to wiite about them. PARKER A TAYLOR PURE WHITE OIL- dec2 Conoley 's Drug Store. 1S1G MARKET STREET. F OR HOLIDAY PRESENTS CALL AT my etore, I have a full supply and poalc cIctLs to wait upon customers. MY CHRISTMAS COLOGNE li far ahead of ny that I hive offered yet. MY TOY3 are aU imp:rtcl an! I sell them at low prices. Drugs and Patent Medicines ai low as the lowest Clears, Cigarettes, Ac - J..W. CONOLEY. ; j. . ' a. " " " 1 -'1- . - - '" '-- . -" -' v -r P. Sw A large lot ol FAJJCY CAED3 for CJldren, to b g Iven away. ' ' ' " f B . 'i 1 " t ' ' ' ' ' FLXA3X SOTIC'S . TT wlUtwrUd l ztcdTa fgr.trnnicatloa firoa our frlesda oa any aad all I subjects. -reneral hi teres ttmt Tha name of the writer must always t . -Wwx to tho Editor, ' - ' : . , , Coaaaunlcaaoaaanat b wrincs o om one aide of the- paper. Personalities must bo avoided.! , ; - AtJ It la etpcclADj and particularly ude stood that tho Editor does sot always eodoi a the views of ccTrciponilenU cs)c ao tat tBtheemtorlat tnHtamL " NEW ADVEKTISE3IENTS. Our Holiday Goods RS NOW OPEN, AND OUR LADY friends arc Invited to criticise our Rejections. GILES A 1XUECUI30N, . dec 22 - - -SS & 40 Murchlson Block Christmas Presents. JMOSO IIIB VERY MANY CHRISTMAS Presents not mentioned yet, are a - largo and fine selection of MUSIC BOXES, from $L75 to S ALL NEW; FrajTer Books and Hymn Books ftr all the Churches. Family Bibles, Diaries for ISSj. and, many other. Presents. The lirgC3t aad finest selection of CIIRI3T- MAS akSBW YEAR'3 CARDS la the city, can bo found at most reasonable prices at 11 ELN 3 BERG MtS. dec 22 Lire Book and Music Stores Christmas Goods M R3. S. J. BAKER CALLS ATTENTION to a well selected stock of HOLIDAY GOOOS, - jut received and they will oe sold at tuo low est piicea. Persons wishing to purchase will please call aod examine the hau Jsomo Toys . She has also a very handsome Block of Millln. eryGcoda. . MRS. S. J. BAKER, - do; 23- 122 Market St 1884. 1884. CHRISTMAS. -AT D A. SMITH'S Furniture Warerooms, Can be found a large assortment of VALUABLE GIFTS, suitable for everybody. . The public, nnd eapeclally the ladies, are respectfully invited to call and examine prices, &c ! . D. A. SMITH. Furniture Dealer, N. Front Street dec 92 HAVE YOU SEEN YTES DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS Goods ? If sot do not delay. Our counters arc laden with PRETTY THINGS of every de scription, wc claim the largest ana most va ried stock of NOVJCL1IES ever exhlblteMn Wilmioetoa. Handsomely illustrated GIFT BOOKS of all I imls. at prices to suit all coau tctuion. liciiutuui LrayoaB ana Kgravings, r 1 on ami 1t f rw Hand rrvr n IT! TYim all sizes. Hand painted Panels. fJaqucs and Brackets, iiit, icatrier ana ru&uuo uoou, Blocks, Games. Pictura Books. Toys, Ac, for the iitt'c one3. Bibles, Prayer llooks and Hymnals in tcts. Hymn Books acd other re li.ious books suitable for presents, Au'o and ruoto Albums, c, at dec 15 YATES BOOK STORE. Produce Exchange '. AND " ;.; V, : Headquarters for New River OYSTERS. W 8. Front St , J ust Next to SeamacJ Home. W..U. YOPP,?Propr'xtor. J BEG LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE XO MY f riend and tt e public In fxncral that 1 have opened ss above a place of business for the sale of all kinds ot country produce. New River Oysters a . specialty. Goods delivered promptlr. Alt I ask is a trial. Orders from the country for Fish and Oysters solicited, dec 17 lwd lmw S. H. Trimble, S TOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER and Auctioneer of General Merchandise of every description. Office comer Princess and Water streets. Cronly A Morriss old stand. Personal attention given to sale of horses and vehicles at private-sale or at auction. Con. signmenU solicited. SETH W, DAVIS, . sept 22 - - - - Auctioneer. Oysters. Oysters. rpIIOSE FAMOUS HOBNE OY8- fjs A TEES can be found at the Old North State faloon. They are the best brought to this city. Cigars, Wines, Beer, and old Clem mer Whiskey, always on hand. Call at the OLD NORTH STATE 8 A LOOS, -dec 1 6 South Front Street fJillinery. JJEAUTIFUL U3RFUL C11SXSTMAS Presents fn Millinery and Fancy Goods at - : MS. KATE C WINS'S, Uc22 lw4 1 No. 113 North Second St AF ALL KINDS AND JH ANY QUAXT1- ty. Whoktfals tndictall at XIOCK EOTTOU prices. W. E. BPRINGZIl A CO.. ! 13. 21 A 23 Market Street, . dec 23 . VUxninstoa, N.O. Oyster Urn HUMPHREY A JE SKINS ffO 1"1 receive on Tuesday and TYed- Sy neIay, ,1?X) Galloni Oy. tcra for - Ctrlstxas order. TVreal?akeepafullfcupply of Green Greenes, Cl.'.c-trs v.zX 1'. 3. Ojrt?rs ft t o. t. "

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