THUFAFEB vubnshed mrtarr evening, eepted by . ...... . Saadaya x 'kdxtob Ixd roorxxxroB. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID. One year $L00. Six nonths, f2.Ct. Three month, $1.00; One month, S5 centa. ' The paper win be delivered by carriers tree of charge, la any part et the city, at the a bore rate, or 10 cents jper week. : -SubcrIbere win report aay and all fall, rm. t.-T-. t. r . Ma NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Grand Display of AT TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, Keeps the store crowded with Lad'es and little ones, to tee those handsome Dolls, . Drums, Trumpets, Games, Tool Boxes, Parlor Sets, Furniture, Brit&nla and China Dishes, Writing Desks, Velocipedes, Horses, Wagora, Doll Carriages, Girls Propellers, Ac, Ac. But we have not forjrrtten our dutytothe eldr folks as well, and In this column we enumerate a few articles especially suitable fr Christmas Gifts to grown folks. ... aw JUU oaaaot find somethini that will enlt : Just Think. T.. 1 J UIUKS extra heavy Black and Colored Hose, full, regular made tor OMiTliwentT-MTo cents & lnair. worth flffv- ' ? i J I Just Think, Ostrich three cents a bmncb. Tip3 at sixty- Just Thihfc A Lace or Embroidered Handkerchief for only twenty-five cents. el US u JL illQik j x Spaalah lace Fichure worttttM to - 1 eaata JnstTIiint, Blbbon ia all colors, No. 9 aad 12, fsr fancy work, at fifteen cents a yard. Just Think, A Bey'i Pole Cap aiy twenty-five cent. for JUSt TWnkjAdMuslui demise, . ... mT51y n-imraea, isr oniy nny cnw. elUSl JLuinU) a bemtifnl Alhum, I little silted, fanner price one dellar, for only twtaty-tfre cents. UUfll JL JUDlXnf a lsrre inrMiVTir. I rw t mm mm m m ' I with seat for ely ob dollar aad twenty- ' O A ' " a I ea five cents. ullol xHlltKe Oaildren'a Worsted Cap. in various eelors, for aTe.ty-five cent, Tmat -TTilwlr vi?v Au&iixjranoy wtcxcaadieaand elder, tor GfartatBai txlno, tmly iftyceiati abex. Just Think, lien's Keavy Msrine Skirts, ta an sizes, prtt. waol, for oaly fifty 4 eeeta. .fnc-f rTIUlv.Tr v uoi xuiuii) Gent's LInem Caasbrie Colored Bordered Hjmdfcerehlefa, 3 for tweaty- five cents. - Just Think, A Ladys flne " Handkerchief, plain and colored bordered 3 8or flfrv ce i -w- t-mrm - -m. I tlUSL IHIIIK5 Extra heavy, double row, black Chenille Fringe, true value $1.75, for only one dollar and twenty-three cento per yard. Just Think, Ladi oii riMi . jejrteyuioves, ten burton length, all colors and ir?s, for only thirty-seven ceats per pa'r. ?i8 1 Think , Th above, together with a new stock, at equally low prices," of HATS, TRIMMINGS and a thousand other articles too numerous to mention. A call will convlnse tou of the above fact at I TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St. WILMINGTON, K. C. T o t m mm mi TVr . JowVkScrW wif ifnL"1! t5R gESiSauata ii?S.Sita! tncroricey - - V . dec 15 1 H i y OI. VIII I j viiu t icvcr. Over 5,000 patents on churn3 have already beten granted by the Govern ment. c. s. stTei rick. I eters in England, has abandoned sport anu intends to en m;Co; nonary to China. The Philadelphia Press, the leading Republican paper in Pennsylvania, has again raised the standard of revolt against the dictation of Senator Came ron. A bill is pending belore the Alabama Legislature corupeliine persons carrying concealed deadly weapons to designate the fact on their persons by wearing a badge inscribed 4 I am armed." The Count of Paris recently had made one hundred cravat pin?, each bearing, in precious stones set in gold, the Rourhnn pmhinma nnA V - ;3 : , : L. am f . - , '! " , ' s',1, them to his political friends. Vermont, which had almost 100,000 children in her common school in 1810, has aow less than ?3,0C0 children in mem, tnrougn the number of those of the population under 20 vears of ao is only five per cent, less now than in im According to the Pharmaceutical Be --' ouavumica uc tuauc j! A. 1 ,. . .. . ui uwsappear oy an application ot citno acid night and merning. Dr. Duhnng advises an emulsion of almonds, to be applied until a slight amount ol des- qaamation takes place. Presidcnt Arthur ordinarily sees hisi callers in the White House librarv. When he IS talkinor wifh hl 0pnprni - visito he stands up. When he 13 re- ceiving special callers ho sits behind a : ,ii 1 1 1? siumi wiituig uesjs. anu, wneeung on on his revolying chair, talks to the vis- itor, who is seated in a chair upon thc jelt v Judge Canton, of Tennessee, attend ed tho inauguration of Franklin Pierce h. iZ Z " : r , '.IT': the Mansion Hftnp. nnnr Wniarrl'a t: v .rrr ifle juuge writes to irienas tnat ne would like to make arrangements for a week's board at Wiilard's next March f ho.j - " L'Evenejient, of Paris, denying certain 8tories about the Count of Paris, circa- Iated Y1' .Tfie tenor f the stories was inainnrin? 'pninsn sr rnmi . 1 .. . . . . .. I f hf tmi1H fln,w0 h?r f fiKf Dailfrl LLIB IjOlluL 111(1 Trlft Rflrr. ni nnrntino- day. McClellan says that the Count WUAV VJIUU1U UltU IU UUl CklJVtll&l was a brave fellcw. Tfl t.hft TTnif.or? StotOQ thnra la vrixr hm i 008 ve rove whose fruit is used in the manufaotureof oil. That is at Can- nuu b ruiui, ijreorgia. xne grove con- tains lc-o bearing trees. They were planted over a century ago, haying been brought from Spain by the United States Minister to that country. The grove yielded this year 200 gallons of i oil in three grades. "An old lady has lately died at Benares who was in many respects one of the most remarkable personages in North- em India. She was the daughter of a general in the Bengal Cavalry, and was in her 97th year. She was married at fifteen, had eighteen children, eighty grandchildren, seventy-three great grandchildren, and five great-great- grandchildren. She had never been out of India for a single day. I - A . a uo oujutj k luaiv.uicss iciuiui i ii i iJUglSUU ajrfCil IU UC1U VICnUljr Kiil lies I. Their present gospel is the inculcation f tne Due aD( brass buttons, white waistcoat, light gray trousers and powdered hair. If they succeed in this they will try to introduce the brown r501 with brass buttons, shawl pattern waistcoats, brown cloth knee breeches hgaiters fastened with adiamond buckle, and, square toed high-heeled shoes English phj-sicians have had strong discussions of late as to the truth o1 Dr. Crichton Browne's report upon over brain pressure in schools and its pernicious effects. The Lancet says: "We have grounds for believing that certain well-known depravities which progress with cerebral exhaustion are on the increase among these overwork ed children. Dr. Browne's protest has the support of the medical "profession. and, as a body, we distinctly endorse wnac ne nas saia. They say Bigelowis suins Bettie and the Baby" for half of their gift ; 4A4 nut. uauj iui noil v tucit gilb money, bat the baby dontcare a sou, so rongiitcanget plenty of Dr. Ball's Congh-Syrup. - MlL? WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 24, 1884. LOCAL NEWS. I30EX TO HVft ADSTUFME1TS. F C Miller a. $15 Prize C W TATKa Holiday Goo's nsiMBKRGEB Christmas Present Gix li FcKjicn A So's Happy Heixtj For other locab see fourth page. It ha3 been a disagreeable uncom fortable day for shopping and the mer chants have been affected to their det riment by the weather. The Crown Collars & Cuffs are sold only by Dyer. They are always kejt in style and are made of the very best material. j The Postollice will be closed tc-mor-1 row from 10 o'clock, a. ui , until 5 o'clock p-. m. The Registered letter and Money Order Department will not be open after 10 o'clock a. m. 1 banks to Mr. J. R. Marshall for a pleasant reminder of the happy season in the shape of some magnificent Flor ida oranges and Florida fishroe. sam- ple of those he offers for sale at No. 24 North Water street There were two white tramps lodged at the guard house last night. This morning they were ordered to obtain work or leave the city within 24 hours or they would be committed - as yagranis. Some one, who will not let his name L-nnwn hnt l, ; I " uucuv-uaaa um UUUIBC1- ation of mo.lMt. mnrit ,i c. K Wnn.h nratort mba , n.:.u! nae christm Jnrt-o. rw.i,.iM Lw ti, nntnn i,t a - 1 bus far the streets have not been so noisy as in former years at this seaon. The crackers henn tn mn nmi tii 1 cd r v f ...v hnrns hpffin tn trir-.f huf in moderation as compared with other holiday seasons. It is possible that the Dojsmay ne noiamg their ammunition i . .... ... until to-night. , ,s ludicatious. xox the South Atlantic States, part ly cloudy weather and local rains, followed by clearing weather, North : " " " " maeT 03 ' y. m. u. a The regular semi-monthlv musinai ndIlterary entertainment and hop of me i oung Men's Hebrew Association rtffu;a :n i uu o tt v UllJ TT 111 ui UCIU VJf U I ilia II 1 C Xlilll promises to be an' elegant affair and fully equal to any of its predecessors. Better Off. A Door little infant nhild. fiviflpnHo ' ... j bat a hours' old. was left at the res 11 c enc of Mr. J W Conoley on Third oucci, uctwH cesium auu.Muioerry, at aoout nan-past b o'clock lost night, Tt, WAS whllA fhllfl ond it rnrini. the night, although it received every possible care while it lived. There is uu as wuo was lae unnatural ana cruel hearted mother. Citv Court. John Garrison , a colored drayman, for disorderly conduct yesterday, was gned $5 by the Mayor this morninjr, John Dew, colored, and a" partial paralytic, hailing from Tarboro, was taken in charge by the police yesterday as a matter of safet'. Some boys were making sport of Dew when he took a brick to throw at them, but was arrest as stated. He wa3 discharged this morning At Smitliville. Tho grand ball at Smithville last night was a splendid affair. There 1. 1. IlII U.S.l.k.V U1L f . 11 U I ir. II 1 Ull x wvc .iciriii cirut; uuu jcjiuiuaj uuui Iwlbj ill U3IU ailU UIUUIU kept up until nearly 2 o'clock this msrnin?. The supper was excellent. the best ot order was preserved throughout and every one was satisfied. I "is was as might have been expected fur whenever the people cf Smithville start for a cood time thev are bound to have it Koyal Arcanum. At the regular meeting of Cornelius Harnett Council 231, of tueabove order, held on Monday evening last; the fol lowing were elected officers for the year 1885: Regent Joseph Price. Vice Regent Joshua G. Wright Orator J. C. Springer. Secretary- B. A. Hallett. Collector Jacob Weil. Guid e CV P. Mebane. Chaplain John H. Beery. Guide John Cowan. Warden W. B. Turlington. Secretary W. W.Shaw. . Trustees M. M. Katz.N. Jacobi and S. Northrop. - . . - JIAKRIED. JONES TAYLOR t the residence of the bride s father, No. St North Front Street, on li1 e vemn of the 17th Inst . by Kev. T. H. Pr t;hard. D. D.. Mr .J - P. .ION ks r,f Tirr Ga., and Miss MAGGIE. dautter of Mr. J. . na jars. r. a. 1 a jior. No cards. Fayetteylile parers please copy. NEW ADVEKTI SEM ETS. FOR THE C$ S" Extra Bargains -AT- 1. 1. KATZ'S 1 116 Market St. Black Silks at SOc. 70. SI. ftl.25 ner 1 ' w 9 m r " yard. rr,n llt.,i. n ra3umuitn' ail SI,uues irora up. Indies' Cloth Tricot Reps. flannels. Dolmans, Shawls. Blankets, Spreads, very low. Ladies', Gents' and Children's Under- wea 2.0CO Handkerchiefs, from 3c up. Table Linen9, Towels, Napkins, at ex traordinary low prices ! VeWeto and Velveteens, all shades. THOUSANDS OF ARTICLES too numerous to mention, bought below MfinnfnofnrAr'a cF on fiPT.T.Twn I wui, u.uv UiJUUlllVJ LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. A call will convince my patrons that I for XMAS GIFTS it is ECONOMY to: buy something useful as well as desi- rablc of IW. IVJ. KATZf 116 JTarket St. dec 15 Happy Hearts ! IHILDrbn' are happy s papa is HAPPY ! M Art a. 18 HAPPY ! andtheBABY 18 HAPPY! aU because Santa Claus bought those BEAUTiFTJL SHOES as a Christmas Gift from , Geo. R. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET dec 24 Notice. Y HAVE ON CONSIGNMENT a fine lot of loeida oranges. Also, pickled muo- KLOI prJc,a. call and see for vourself LETS snl ROE. EGGS at the lowest market JOHN R. MARSHALL. ' General Commission Merchant. dec 23 lydJkw . No. 24 North Water St COME AND SEE! rjiIIE IIANDSOMEST LINE OF Christ mas Presents in the city, consisting in part of TIDIES, CANVAS WORK, SILK AND LINEN IIAND'FS, NECKWEAR. GJ.OVE8, TOWELS AND TABLE LINEN, and other articles too numerous to mention; Mllinery Department. This department Is. as usual, well lined with all the latest stvles of Trimmed and Untnm raed Hats and Bonnets,' Feathers, Wings, Jte. Respectfully MISS E. karrer; dcc,2J JSxehanso Corner, NEW ' AD VERTIS EMENTSj A $15 Prize. 8PIESDID SATIN INED KUS5IAS IAuXTHER LADIES' DRESSING RASE trill be presented to the party baling ihe largest amount of IIolMsv Gocds between thU datn and January 1st, Conce and soe-Hho prize as P. C. MILLER'S, doc 23 Corner Fourth and Knn ata For Christmas. T WILL RECEIVE TO-M.ORKOW, CHRIST iAS EVE. TITTY ,ot U,o!0 ,. mous Shepherd anl IUue'a Garden Oysters' from ew Klver. Guaiantcid sweet and fresh ! uwuuu.uuj.ier nss oem seen nere mis season. J eave oiders carlr. Delireretl promptly In any part of the citv. dec 23 CKAFT. CKAFT 1884. Holiday Goods. 1884. HAVE THEM IN PROFUSION, from me most eiexant ciianiber ntl Farlor Suits to Toy Carriages, Wagon?, Crts, Velocipeles, Dexters, Choirs, Desks, Lounges, Chiffonierp, Ac. We invite nil to call and se the hand- soroe display cf the LEADING FURNITURE UOUSE. T. C. CKAFT. Airt . j w dec 15 2t 20 South Front St. Attention I Attention ! YJfE HAVE ON II AND A CHOICE LINE of Family Groceries, together with Chickens, Eggs, c. A choice lot of Florida Oranges just arrived. A choice lot of Xmas Candles. Fire Works, &c. We also Invlta attention to our Whiskeys, Old Log Cabin, Brunswick Private Stock and Buckingham Rye- Also, N. C. Corn, Wines, Brandies, Gins. Ac. CRAIG & THOMAS, Commission Merchants and dealers in Grocer ies, Liquors, &c No. 11$. So, Froct Street, almost opposite tbc Market, dec 2;t The Cold Wave AS BEEN WORKING UP OUR CU3- H tomers to the importance of a STOVE, and out they go. More left. No lime to write about them. PARKElt & TAYLOR. PUBE WHITE OIL. dec 22 Christmas Presents. A MONG THE VERY MANF CHRISTMAS Xa. Presents not mentioned yet, are a large and Une selection of music boxes. f tusn to $S5 ALL NEW; Prayer Books and Hymn Books for all the Churches, Family Bibles, Diaries for 16S5. and manv other Prnt The largest and finest selection of CHRI3T- MAS and NEW YEAR'S CARDS in the city, can be found at rcost reasonable prices at HEINSBERGER'S. dec 22 Live Book and Music Stores Christmas Goods. jJRS. S. J. BAKER CALLS ATTENTION to a well selected stock of HOIilOAY GOODS, just received and they will be sold at the low est prices. Persons wishing to purchase will ! please call and examine the handsome Toys J She has also a very handsome stock or MllUn. ery Goods. MR3. S. J. BAKER. dec 22 122 Market St. 1884. 1884. Christmas: AT D A. SMITH'S Furniture Warerooms, Can be found a large assortment of VALUABLE GIFTS, suitable for everybody. .are The pub'ic, nnd especiilly the ladles respectfully invited to-call and examine prices, Ac. D. A. SMITH. Furniture Dealer, N. Front Street dec ?2 Conoley's Drug Store. !J1G MARKET STREET. JIOR HOLIDAY PRESKKT3 CALL AT my store, I have a full supply and polite clCTks to wait upon customers. MY CHRISTMAS COLOGNE is far ahead of ny that I hive offered yet. MV TOYS arc all Imported and I sell them at low price a. Drugs and Patent Medicines a3 low as the lowest Cigars, Cigarettes, &c J. W. CONOLEY. ' P. 3- A large lot ol FANCY CARDS for Childrcii, ta b given away. ... ' . " - J. W. CONOLEY. TTa to fc g Ud la receive ecnaasicauc a toon ocr cada cn aay tad all faufcjecta. ceseraltatereatbst - ' Tbe eaae ct the writer cut always be v ftied to the Editor. : , CoamnT.lcattcai3 cttsnbe wrrnea a ea . one aide of the paper.. V , xPcraonallCeaiaaitta aTcei.; . ' AhdUla especial? , nd; par Mcttiarly ttfe ood that the Editor d(V Titt limn anil tn the editorial eoruenns. - NEWi -A DYEltTISEMENTS. FOR THE' hoiibiy: A Laree Stock of Sensible Articles for. V - U L e j r ' A - "Of 'day Pr6S6lltS! r tt ' val. hu ahm TION OFTIIB LADIES TO Till SaperB!iickCashaierG-Tcrp cheap. - "' .... Medium and low priced Dregs Goods at grca bargains. ' fQR TfJE HOUSEKEEPER : We hae a splendid stock of Table Damask, Napkins ami Doyles wl.hihe handsomes " . - s . 4 .. .. -. stock of Towe's over imported. " ' k , FOR THE YOUNG LADIES: A superb lot of Handkerchiefs, icry "st and quality, Iland Satchels, Uandso ' Jewelry, etc. t - o N FOR THE GENTLEMEN : Colored Bordered . and White Ilcmstitche Handkerchiefs, Hemstitched China Sfl Handkerchiefs, Neckties. Scarf Pine, Sleeve Buttons, line Suypendcrs, with a variety of other handsome and UBCful articles . - ; " ' FOR THE BOYS : "" IIankcr?hIef Windsor lies, Breastpins, Sleeve Buttons, Buck Gloves, handsome and heavy" Hosiery. o " '" " ' FOR THE SERVANTS : Cheap Dress Goods, low priced Cloaks, from $1 to $20, Shaw's, Hosiery, cheaply csts, Coverlids, Counterpanci, Ac, &c,N with the test general stock of Notions ia ific city. . JUST. OPENED : Au invoice of Imported Dress Buttons 100 kinds old at half value. M is a , veil known fact lhat in DrnM.JiUln I stand unrivalled. The public will gain by an examination of myetock, as I am . - : ,. ..... .... offering extraordinary inducements iu tbc way of prices. Very Ecspeclfully, JKO. J. HEDRICK. HAVE YOU SEEN XTATES DISPLAY OF rCUBI?TMAS Goods ? If aot do not delay. Our counters an laden with PRETTY THINGS of every de- - scriptlon. Wc claim thc larzcst and tno w- rictf stock of NOVELTIES ever exhibited in Wilmington. Handsomely illustrated GIFT BOOKS of all kinds, at prices to snit all com petition. Beautiful Crayons and Krgravlnjts. in bronze and gold frames. Handsome Frames; all sizes. -'- Hand-painted Panels, Plaques and Brackets, Gi t, Leather and Bisque Goods. Blocks, Games, Picture Books, Tove, Ac, for thc little onc3. Bibles, Prayer Books and Hymnals in fccts. Hymn Books and other re lii?lous books suitable for presents. Auto and Pnoto Albums, &c. at dec 15 YATES BOOK STORE. S H. Trimble. rtoh and real estate bkoker O and Auctioneer of General Merch&ndlsa nt every description. Office corner Princess and aier eireeis. roniy &. aiorriss old stand. Personal attention given to sale of horses and veniries at private sa:e or at auction, cnn. signments solicited. UJLtll W. DAVIS. sept 22 Auctioneer. Oysters. Oysters, IMIOSE FAMOUS IIOBNTE OY8 TV 1 &$iCo') TERS can be found at tho Old North r State Saloon. They are the best Lronrhtti thU city. CIsara, Wines, Beer, and old Olem , mer Wnlskey. always on hand. Gall at the OLD N OUTll ttTATE S ALO O M . -ecl 6 South Front Street. IVJillihery -gEAUrFUL AND USZf lL CHQISTM AS Prescntsn Millinery an J Fancy Goods at - . MS. KATJS C. FINE'S, , dec 22 lv No. 113 North Eecobd 8t . Hardware . QF ALL KINDS AND IN ANY QUANT1 ty." f Wholcralo and Retail at UOCK BOTTOU prlcsa. W. E. SPRINGES & CO., ' - 13. 21 n Market Street, dec 22, , . , ; . . . . WUmington, N. C. , Pysie?s.,; HUMPHREY & : JESE1NS Vs 11 rectlre on Tuf sday and , Wed- neday. 10) Gallons Oy tcrs for Christaas ordew. We also keep a full tuppy of Green Groceries, Clckeiis and L'a. Oysters sent v O. D. . i . fee Zi (I r f

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