oabOshed ererr rrenln, 5aiuUy ex epted by . ' " TOSH T. JAMES, -csrrox airr ntoraxstros. V SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: Ona year tH-00. 81x months, $2.00. Three Kiosths, $1.00; One month, S3 eenta. The paper will be delivered by carriers free of charge, In any part of ihe city, at the abore rites, or 10 cents per week. Advesttaliig rates lew and IberaL JSabaerlben will report any and an fall ores to reeetre their paper regularly. The Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. General D. H Hill, one of the Lieu tenant Generals of the Confederacy, has moved to Macon, Ga.. to pass the rest of his days. George V. Cable, the Creole story writer and lecturer, boasts that thit his income from literary labor amounts to $50,000 a year. Mr. Ruskm's discovery that Athene, the Goddess of Widom. wore bans will afford the girl of the peri xl some complacent reflections. There were five white tramps lodged at the guard house on Saturday eight, and fivo white and one colored tramps were lodged at the guard house last night. Sister Theresa, one of the inmates of the orphans asylum attached to St. Mary's Church at Wilkesbarre, is dan gerously ill and her recovery is doubt ful. Sister Theresa is a niece of ex. Senator Blame. By the Queen's command a large and handsome chair of polished granite has beea placed by the side of a private road at Balmoral as a memorial of the late Duke of Albany. That road was one ot his favorite walks. The lovely Miss Minnehaha, White Cloud's amiablo and accomplished daughter, is stopping in Chicago, and has expressed a desire to marry a white man. While in St Louis four aspirants appeared for the honor of her hand, but her heart was not touch ed, and it is entirely free to open nego tiations in Chicago. Michael II. Simpson, a Boston mil lionaire, aged 75, died recently. Four years ago he married a young girl fifty years his Janior.'and his gift to her on that occasion was one rail. ion dollars in bonds; His wealth is estimated at from ten totwelve millions, accumula ted in the manufacture of carpets. The sanitary inspectors of New York have been destroying candy colored with impure and poisonous substances at the rate of about 3,000 pounds a day for nearly a week, which will give some idea of the extent of the oaiemi practice. They chose their time well, the manufactrries having been all at work and quite overrun with orders for the Christmas season. Mr. Davitt, in his new book, -takes very reasonable and practical ground on the question of Home Rule, declar- ing for an Irish National Assembly, to day for Tarboro at which place the re sit in Dublin and have absolute control mains of his mother, Mrs. Drane, were of local affairs. This is, in iflect, what to have been interred this afternoon. the English Radicals are willing to concede, and Mr. Davitt gives a tacit assent to the doctrine of non-Interfer- ence with the Sovereign's imperial Lawrence Barrett has undertaken the ediinnt.ioi f o r.u r? w U BWU V tUC JUibV VJCllOl (XL I William F. Bartlett, of Pittsfield, Mass. ueuerai uaruett, who was one of the most distinguished officers of the Union side in the late war. died a fw years n 1 n .... . I ago, leaving an estate insufficient for me proper SCHooling of his children. The veteran was made happy n his aeatn-bed by the assurances of some of ms menus mat nis tamily should be well cared for. The farmers of Kansas and the ad joining States are said to be the revere ot prosperous at the present time, when in the interior towns nnrn la noil i n r nf from 15 to 18 cents a bushel and wheat Cred aPPrPriate addresses, at the con at 27 cents a h9hpi Th : .u- elusion of which Santa Claus and his TOi & . 1 . . I "uwncuumry aas couapseo, and many think it will never roaonear -. ThJ farms are said to be covered with mort gages, which agricultural produce at rr!iCeS WU1 DeYer eQabl? them to payfcff. ssenl pay Tkepablisherofthe Portland fMUr"!I,," tt0"- At mwhownsmd bT Mr. Blaine some years ago for alleged libelous t references to his domestic affairs has ,onf . . , , - UttI "as bf?".? ;ilair iC 7 "e "JS: l 7 t0 CVer retreat reminds me forcibly of th n sf la k l- l i ... , ProseLtL ?v h9 WUhdrew fron? prosecution in like case against mo , w Mtuc auu uiuur nuiuiais aim .men anu twenty.five years ago. Then it waslwnmnn ThA ..-n ... .utu years ago. xnen it was troubla in .regard to getting evidence- ZZ! Ifi?1! ? ? ?ltiS jary , very thin pretexts, both Mr. C. F. Predmore, Prescott Ont Canada, wnfot bf u o - Vur yu. lite . nacical pain destroyer, noon ' a valuable horsa that hiui ZlJVTZl t1ptl .uwiii uujo uo was COO' pietery. cored, making his mile Jnside i r i 1 ri VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C MONDAY. DECEMBER LOCAL NEWS. IIBU TO MEW AOVESriSE&E UTS. 7 The Science of Life F C MiLLKa v $15 Prize M f CHLoss More Room Ottehbocbq Overcoats J W CoxoLEr Drag Store Festival and Ckrlsturts Tiee Bedding A Co Free to F A XI DK T A 8 LociXM Consumption W H Topp rrodacc Exchange W E SparsroER A Co Hardware C W Yatics New Tears Presents SnEiEn Laboring Meo, Attention IIomphkev A Jjcnkies Jool Nevrs Gko R Fkench A Soxs-A'ctance i till Gilks A MtJKcnisox Our Holiday Gcods Arnual New Years Bill at Germaoia Hall P LBriduers A Co Our S ock of liqoars Passer A Taylor-Breech Loading Guns Hkinsbebgek To tfce Patrons of the live Book Store For ether locate see fourth page. The receipts of cotton at this port io day foot up 162 bale?. The goods offered at Dyer's at cost will be made into suits for the Dext thirty days. Select a suit at hnce. and get a bargain. . j Capt. F. M. James feels very grate ful to those of our citizeos who so gen erously contributed of their store to make his duties more pleasant and suc cessful in relieving the needs of the worthy poor at Christmas time. Mr. M. Schloss has rented the build ing on the corner adjoining the Com mercial Hotel, which will become a parfof that house. This has been ren dered necessary by the increasing de mand for accommodations. The loss on the lire at Laurinburg is variously estimated at foom $50,000 to $75,000 but it is likely that the former amount will folly cover it. The insur ance is thought to be less than halt that amount- Germania Lodge No. 4, K. of P., will celebrate the departure of the year 1831 and the advent of 1885 by a grand ball at Germania Hall. The committee of arrangements will spare no pains to make the occasion one of peaceful pleasure to all who may desire to at tend. Indications. For tke South Atlantic States, rart ly cloudy weather and local rains Northwest winds, and nearly Nation ary temperature. Personal. Wo rejjret to learn that Capt. W. M. Parker is quite sick and confined to his room Col. Jesse Hargrave. of Laurel Hill was in the city yesterday and left to- ' Mr. 11. C. Cantwell, ot Conwavboro. has been in the city with his wife, nassiiftr the nhristnm hniiriavc im relatives here. n C. .lAmp' fimilv wlin liuro .beCaintheci,ty tarlng lh holidW. nave reiurnca to menmonu. . Cliristmas Times. There was a Christmas tree prepared for the pupils of the Brooklyn Sunday School, and on Christmas mVht tho teachers Dresents were distributed. Kvfirv mi- pil received a present, and all were happy. There was a Christmas tree enterw tamment at the 'Lutheran Memorial Hall on Friday night at which there was music and recitations. Prof. Schaeffer, of the North Carolina Col lege, and Rev. F. W. E. Peschau deliv- wite came in and distrihntpd hnca f . . " . " oodies among the little ones. A Neat Decoration. Mr. S. G.' Hall had his residence, on the corner of Mulberry and McRae L - ; ... obicvw. very preituy ana appropriately A A 1 r .1 -m. . . ... . . 1'?! r r .., Z t. rZ ,u , I P , ' 7 J be to God in the Highest," together and star In the oorn ere is a representation of Mt. Ararat inthe ance with the ark resting r-. L A ,, ouu iiuui wuifu ilia wawrsjau receded while in the foreground are '.u r , , women. T undulating and ferns fr ana is composed of mosses thf, uv , Jt mnA ni0 r weU worthy aa 1DSPon and as it will not be removed for a nnraber of days, we trust that it may be visited by -t -.s.s- " Now is the Umetogive Smith's Worm ou; -w v. iya Vf &MIY There will be a festival and Christ mas tree for the benefit of the Second Presbyterian Church on Tuesday night, the 30th int. Presents will be distributed to the children, and oysters, cakes, and other casta bles will be fur nished at city prices. Jay Gould's wounderful rew vacht wiiJ, it is said, be mcst completely and ele-antly furbished. Among other use ful at.d indispensable things ordered fr it was a box of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. FESTIVAL AND CHEISTHiS TEEE. rpiIE PUBLIC ARK BESPKCTFULLY in 1. vited to attend a FESTIVAL, for the bAe- T,r.cconu rretuyecr-an sundav School, at I.TTI.E GIANT HA Li , TUESDAY EVE NING, Tec. 20th. At fame thr.e and place there wHl be a CBEMMAS TRICE for the Children or the feuncay School. Presents to be given at 7 o'c'k. ucc i:i is Coiioley's Drug Store. 210 MARKET STREET. T N CONSEQUENCE OP MY LAKOE Cbrit I reaa tric'e, l wilrEell the balance of my holi day goods at cost to m it c room for my Drugs, Patent Jleiiclces and such art'cles ss are usu ally tcpt in a Cist class retail Drug Store Very liespectfully, dej 29 J. w. COSOLfcY. Our Holiday Goods JllE NOW OPEN, AND OUR LADY friends arc invited to criticise our selection?. GIJ ES A MUKCIIISON, icc 2 J HS&tO ilurchieou Block hardware QV ALL KINDS AMD IN' ANY QUAMT1 ty. Whole alo an t iieiail at HOOK JJUTTOM prices. W. E. SPRINGEE & CO.. 19. 21 & -23 Market Street, cc 29 Wilmington, N. C. Breech-Loading Shot-Guns YOU WANT A FIRST CLASS GUN WE can suit you. No burs ticr ours Lamps, Bird Cages anl Children's Fancy Tra8 iii-it received. A lew more cf our new COLUMBIA COOK &TOVES on hand; cheap and gocd. I ARKE1I & TAYLOR. PUEK WHITJL3 OIL. dec 29 Good News; JJUMPIIIiEiX JESKINS will recti vc to-morrow, at their Oyster House, 112 South front St , 60 gallons ihote fine Mew liiver Oyatera and will con tinue to receive taem every day during the season. We also teep a full bupply of Green Groceries, Chickens and Eggs. Oysters sent V. u. dCC '23 More Room, , HAVING HKNTED THE ROOMS ON the cornrr of JIarkct and Second sti-eets. coa nected with the Commercial Hotel. 1 am still fur-her prepared to accommodate parties who uesire 10 secure peasant lougiDgs, withjor without board, 'jt'he location Is one of the moat pleasant and desirable in the cif y, cither In Si t i tv rr n r- WT ' i - M. SCHLOS. lo3 23 6t Prop. Commercial Hotel a l have a positive remedy for the above disease : bv its ase thoasandaof cases of the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. 1 ndeed, so stron i s my faith in its efficacy, that I will send TWO B0TT1,E3 FREE, together with a VALUABLE TKEATISK on this disease to any-BUfferer. Give express and P. O. address, DR. T. A. SLOCCSI, 1S1 TearlSt., New York. Annual New Year's Ball, UNDER THE AUSPICES OF Germania Lodge No. 4, K.ofP,, AT GERMANIA HALL, -December ;51st, 1884. Tickets $1 each. Supper famished at 12 o'clock. Committee Rosenthal. W. H. M. Koch, n C. Prempert, J iu s, 11 r2lloi3. (1C3 SO 2t To the Patrons cf the Live Book Store. J WOULD BETURS MY SINCJEBE thanks for tfcelr libera! patronage during the Holi days, and I do earnestly hope that their selcc tiors have proved satisfactory in ever- In stance I would als beg to remind them of the line assortment of New If ar Cards, and the greit variety of reaullfal and Useful NEW YEAR PRESENTS now on exhibition CaU at once andmake yocr selections, at llKUNdliliBURK'jj, dec 29 Live Boot and Music Stores FREE TO F. A. XL Bactifal EbstwIiij "! rcf . - of Symbols A recrntiy discovered in Ancient Mounds in Illinois sad &ootn America ; Also to lsrze illustrates Cataloroe of sMssnnic txoki sod trooda with bottosi prices. Also an offer of first-clasa business to F. A. M. REDDING A CO. Wasosic Publishers mod MacoXactarers. 131 Broad wav. Nw Yoife dec 29 d6t w2t New Year Presents. I HAVE QUITE A VARIETY OF ARTI CLES LEFT SUITABLE FOR New Year Presents, ' which I am disposing of at jrreatlT reduced prices. Call early and make your selectiocs. New Year Cards ! A fresh lot (Jest op?ned of Prai5tra hand some NEW YE R CARDS. Diaries forl8S5. Turner's N. C. Almanacs, tc, Ac. C. W. YATES, dec 29 119 Market St ElYIEW. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Laboring IF FULL VALUE FOR THE MONEY IS WHAT YOU WANT, TKADE at a Store where they do business on economical, honest an J square principles; and at Stores that do not try to mislead you by schemes or sensations, or try to make jou believe that they will give you a gold dollar for fifty cents. They are cot doing it, but yon can rest assured of getting full value for every dollar you invest, with perfect satisfaction, at SHRIEK'S, THE OLD RELIABLE We have built up a big -business, and we propose to bold it, by continuing Jhe fair, square dealing for which our house is noted far and wide. We do and can afford to sell Goos cheaper than sny other Clothing House in this city, and we make the same liberal offer to everybody. Il any article booght of us is not exactly as represented, or is in any respect unsatisfactory, it niay be exchaneed, or wc will promptly refund in cash the price paid for it. Exam ine our ood3 at your home, compare their quality and price with goods from other store?, and you will then see why our trade continues to grew and prosper. We arc now showing great bargains in Overcoats and Suits for Men, Boys and Children. See our prices and post yourself before you buy. THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER. 114 IViARKET ST., Overcoats y-E ABE NOT FOOLISH ENOUGH TO believe that our natural e'evernes alorc brlnga us the extensive patronage we have enjoyed an l da enjoy. Everybody says we are relia ble and generous 5n our dealings, which ii highly gratifying to us, or to any one striving to do the right; but our common sense tells us that ti3 our elegant, finely made, Btyl'eh cut, alwajl full assorred stock of SUPEUB CLOTHING that mainly deservea the credit for the unlimited patronage, and which brings to Our Store buyers who would uner ordina ry tircumstance3 feel obliged to paironiz some other establishment. A few days ago we predicted cold weather, and sure enough It has come. Overcoats, therefore are in order. We have got an im mense stock still on hand all the latest de signs in Beavere, CbiochiIla3, Meltons, Diago nals, &c, &c and are willing to sell them now for co3t and less, in order to close. Look crs and Buyers are ticitcd with uniform courteey by OTTERBOURG, KING CLOTHIELt, dec 29 Wilmington, N C Our Stock of Liquors 13 VEIiY FINE, andcwih 5 on to consider we'l bef:rc pur chasing elsewhere. Elegant Brown Sheny at $G per Gallon. Duff Gordon Sherry at $4 per Gallon. Eed aid White Scuppe noncr ot very fine quality, o Dublin Stout, Eudisli anil Scotch Ale. Imported and American Ginger Ale, El gint Clarets, In Quarts and Pinte. o WEaNEit'S EX. DRY CHAMPAGNE, $1 for quarts aud 0 ccat3 for pints- This is among the finest Wines made In tbla country. and we recommend It for general use. P. L. BRIDGEES & 00 HO North Front St dec 90 A Chance Still. J ARTLE3 WHO FAILED 10 Ma.BE themselves nd f anally happy by rot buying their Christinas SHOES, can be supplied from cur large azxi varied stock, and so hare a hap py New Year. Call tn-J tee - Geo. B. French & Sons, 103 KOETH FRONT STREET dee S9 29,1884. NEW AIVERTISEaiEXT3 Men, Attention. o Produce Exchange, 10G S. Fiont St .Just Next to Seaman's Kome. ! pOll SALE 500 pounds NEW North Caro- lim Tacon, Ham?, Shouldcrj and Sulci, th first of the season. Turkey?, Geeee, Chickens. Eggs, STausagcs ; and Liver I uddicg, from the country S Mullet Rce Dried and Salted. A large lot of those celebrated Norton YaitB, from Town Creek received to-day. oysters open and In the the 11. Your pat- Yours truly, The Science of Life. Only $1 BY MAIL POSTPAID, KNOW THYSELF, A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MARHC00. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline In Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from IndlscreUon or excesses. A boob for every man. young, middle aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of which la Invalu- able. So found bv the Author. whoR prnwi. ence for 23 years is such as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician? 300 Dajres. bound In liponMfnl itsviti.i mtt.iu bosscl covers, full gilt, guaranteed to 'be a finer work in evcrvRfiriRp. mpohnnoi litmKin. I arid prof essional-than any other work sold in this country for A2.50. or tho moncv will he refunded in every inetance. Price onlv $1.00 uy uiau, pobt-paiu. j nustrativc sample 6 cts. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author officers of which he refers. yoT.SlS'SSfcffi.S tV&IM There Is no member r,f unr.totv tn nrh book will not bo useful, whether youth parent Matinee Thurjday. Jan. lfct. No night per guardian, instructor or clergyman Argonaut. foriaancc on Thursday. ArtOrcss the Peabody Medical Institute, r Dr. W. II. Parker, No. 4 Bullfinch Street, i,iaa wnomay oe consulted on all J JS.."" ana experience. J ""- uuonu4wj uinvKnui uiai nave baffled the skill of aL g A other physicians a specialty, urn d f Lsi Such treated successf ul- I I O w v ly without an In- 1 n B ObLI" stance of failure. Mention this raper. dec SO daw 4w S Hats for the Holidays i Just Received per Express SUITABLE FOR THE HOLIDAYS, A fine lot of French Felt Hats, in white and all celw-3, some of the latest make. y for Ladies, Misses and Children. Holiday Feather , Holiday Rosis 15 cents per bunch, la all colorj. Holiday EH Gloves In all colors. Jersey Gloves for Ladies, M Uses and Children A fine lot cf Corsets, Ribbons, Laces and Underwear. We will tell a fine lot of Erscaded Velvets In all coIojs for One. Dollar and Forty Eight cents per yard full value $2.25, at Taylor's Bazaar. Just received a Cue lot of FILK, ALPACA AND GINGHAM UMBRELLAS. A which will be sold at remarkably low- No one urged to buy bat call and see at TAYLOB'S BAZAAB, - 118 Market St WILMINGTON, N. C. dec SI TTt will glad ta recdr eoBuoufilcallca. 1 &a ova friends cn aay $xd all ftrbjacti. !anral Interest but . The name of the writer moat always be BSahedtotheEdUor.- Cammtailcatlonarauat be wrUUa o oa one dde of Che. paper. PersonaKtlea must be avoided.; Audit la especially and particularly tle tood that the JEdItor doeaoi alwr8 endcia NO. 310llhQew,so crorapowleala ? statt I to the editor!! eolnsaca. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - FOR THE H0;LIDMS.: A Laree Stock 'of Sensible ' Articles for Holiday PresentsI I B?SPKGTrULLY CALL THE ATTEN TIOS OFjTIIH LADIES TO THE , FOLLOWING : : Super Illack Cashmere xerj) cheap.. Medium acd low priml Dress Goods at git?a bargains. " FOB THE HOUSEKEEPER : We hae a sp'endid stock of Table Damask, Napkins aud Doyles wi.h 1 lie haudsornea stock of Towe's ever stniorteU. o FOR THE YOUKO LADIES I A suierb lot of Uamlkerchlcfs, e-cr fet and quality, Hand Satchel?, Ilandso Jewelry, etc. FOR THE GENTLEMEN : - Colored Bordcrad and Whlt Henutitcho ' Ilan Jkerphicfii, Heaistitchod China isil Handkerchiefs, Neckties, ' Scarf Pins, Sleeve Buttons, flno" 8uspendcrs. with a variety of other handsome and useful articles. FOR THE BOYS : Si)k and Linen Handkerchief, Windsor 1 ics. Breastpins, Sleeve Buttons, Buck Gloves, handsome and heavy Hosiery. FOR THE SERVANTS: . Cheap Dress Goods, low priced Cloaks, from $1 to $20, Shawls, Hosier, cheap Vests, Coverlids, Counterpanes, Ac., &c, with the lest general slok of Notions in the city. o JUST OPENED: An invoice of imported Dress Buttons100 kinds fold at half value. it., , , . ' , , ' , 11 a well known fact that in my specialties T i ' i i- i mi I stand unrlvahcd. The public will gain . , .. . , by an examination of my stock, as I am . . . , , . . offering cxlraordinary lndoccmcnU in . the way of PncC3' I Vcry Kesioctf ully, L fN O .T TT "R "R "R T P TT I W JLLXilXVXV J FTS F tr n r ' O HELtA H O U S r" - U ""'J ! ffelwav, Dtcemtc'r 31st Funniest Play on Farth ! The Few Musical Version of . TlTlTr5t5 T i n T Air ? i vn PECK'S BAD BOY AND HIS PA ! I'LAYSD ONLY BY ATKINSON COME- CHARLES ATKINSON; MaDager. Reserve i tcata on salo at IIelna1errcr'n on Mono: ay next. c. u. W1LLSON. dec 27 St Star copy Maaagcr Opera Home HORNER SCHOOL, OXFORD, N. C. A CLASS1CA L, MAT HEM ATICAL AND Scientific Academy with Military organization ml discipline The Sprine Term of 1835 will beirln th wr. ocd Monday, the 12th day of January. yin am pie corps 01 aoto instructors is pro vided and the school Is thoroughly equlnoed for eflicicnt work. 7 m Terms for bnard and tuition, the. same as heretofore. Send for Catalogue. " J 11. & J. U. HORNER. Oxfonl, N. C, Dec. 22, 1S&4. dec 21! ?aw3w v , m th S. H. Trimble. STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER and Auctioneer of General Merchandise nf every description. Office corner prtnccfs and Water streets. Cronly. & Morriss' old stand. Personal attention given to sale of hones and vehicles at private salo or at auction. Con- slgnmeaU solicited. 8ETII TV. DAVIS," sytg2 Auctioneer. . Oysters. Oysters, rHTOSE -iTAMOUS HOENE OYS-4 . TER3 can be found at he Old North MgJy - State Faloon. ThCf are the best "brought to tals city. Cigars. Wines, Beer, and old clem mer Whljkcy. always on hand. - Call at the - OLD NORTH STATE SALOON. dec I - 6 South Front Street. JJEAUriFUL AND USEFUL CHEISTMAS Presents in Millinery and Faery Goods at , MRS. KATE C. WJNE'S, dsc2J It? . Ko.ll9Korthc5on4St ft li i t f i i " i ! , ' ! ! I i ! i ! ' i i , M