THiaPAPKB tubUsned every evening, Sundays ex cepted by JOSHT. JAME8, stditob Aim ntorarrox. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: One year $4.00. six. months, 1X08. Three months, tl.00; One month, 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by curlers free of charge, In any part of the city, at the above rates, or 10 cent per week. Advftstlfllncr rates lew anil Mhrl -Subscribers will report any and all fall- area to receive their paper regularly, x The Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. Mr. Bessemer steel process patents have yielded him $600,000 a year for twenty-one years. ; Richard A. Proctor, the noted Jectar- APnn tho sWAnPft nf tha I K it a mils .1 i l.rt r,rM fir. -T, a uc i niv " " -- iciia expressed by some astronomers that our earth will be damaged by . comets are not altogeather groundless. It is' possible that a comet may whisk its tai over this world and. brush as off into space." Judge King, of Buffalo, N. Y., has iii bis possession a letter written by tieorge vvasruncton to James Monroe in 1790. The present interest of the ' U : I t L i. jeiAer, uiiuenu uapuoiisaea, lies in Washington emphatic declaration that each continent ouuht to mind its own business. In other words, the seed of the Monroe doctrine were there in sowu. M Domingas Friere, a French pro lessor at Rio Janeiro, has succeeded in attenuating the Tims of yellow lever a la Pasteur, and has been most success ful in his treatment ol human beings. Persons vaccinated with the virus have a slight attack of yellow fever, but speedily recover. This is of more im- portance to humanity than if he had lound all the microbes in the universe, The commission appointed to tlx nn a fair price for the land overlooking x,K.CH. uavureponeu mat mey Z Zl. upery a, i.uuj- 000. The owners claimed an aggregate value of $5,000,000, but most of them - - - asquiecein the appraisement of the commission. The New York Legisla- ture will be asked to appropriate the sum named, and h is probable that a biilto that effect will pass. Tk i . . - -uusuwumiiuuiu giass noonng lor . v.,.,, lu uso .11 muse M81u,BWum nnoiue cei- iais.are uaea as omces. At tne neaor qasnen 01 ute reau iioonais. on tne ou,eTara 0e3 ItaUen., the whole ot the srouna noor. pavea wt squares 01 rougnenea glass em neaoea : 4 r- ...... . I ":"lm.e' a.nQ ucDcaiu in ere 13 mus sumcient iigM, even on dull days, to enable the cierss 10 worK w Uhoot gas. - C a nL . . . ..I Strange to say, China, that nation which of all others, holds literature tia. In . , j . . . Vvuautvj Bajr, us own ury-as-aust el r-T-lul-.rrr: I .ulSuWk.uUr,aHuSmau0 inirst for news of the present day that it pro auces fewer papers than any other na- tior with the smallest claim to civiliza tiont The proportion of newspapers to t hr nn nn lotion 1 a in (ha pi!a I on niih!ini!nn f o rwi nnAin,..u:,.,n r...Hv ."WvWmulllUI, The Chinese empire produces only ;n rmno. - tt- i:.. j uiuo iu xiiiisii auu one in French, The greatest fire that ever visited New York began lato on the nUht o! December 16, 1835. and raged with un- comtrollable fury through the greater part of the next day. Nearly the entire rains and partly cloudy weather ; North dry goods district ot that period was easterly winds and nearly stationary laid waste and several historic land- temporature. marks were obliterated. This great . Trpsicliorean fare destroyed 648 buildings and caused Germania Lodge No. 4, K. of P alow of between $20,000,000 and $25.- will dance the old year out and th W0.000. bankrupting nearly - every fire new rear in at Germania Hall. hvin. lnCuCcPa7 .iU ,th? United d Ht7; uc"""uiua"eOIs turned drict were Wall street on the north, uey on iae soutn, liroad thee Jt 1e8tanaifroat streftt on A remarkable casAM-onov . ... i just been brought to lieht in tho Rr.K L , "uiiwBuuc uas lyntaxoffice AlevrdM..;n ; darlJ LnZ J aD Cl" aeriy gentleman called nnnn on I Tanner and asked if there was such a thing as a conscience fund. He was loici that there was, and, when ques- ""Cu.aia mat ne represented a cjti- re" loog weapons ofwarareon zen who had not Daid nprsrnl o- due from him, for a number of years, which forms the passer-by that thev Duet-CTer the Waters. Xollurnino. and that he now desired to pay up. are the rewards of bravery from the Mrs. Kahnweillcr and Mr. Mayer, lie dul not, however, reveal his Identi- "Commander-in-Chief." Lieut. J. C. Waltz "A Toi." (To Thee;. Waldl ty, and departed with the remark that AIoisonhas a sword, which, though fuff. Orchestra, fae would return in a few days. Just not as formidable as the redoubtab.e Solo Were I a Violet. AU. Mrs. before noon Tuesday he reappeared. xy ot Sir William Wallace, Walters. in" ce nad secured the monev ac was doe the city, and handed the lector $230. IIe received a receipt iorjiis money and left without civi UIS name. 1 m 4If thn k.i. . . . with cares. th ,;e .aft " S6?1 dain,for he was one of those old-fashion- cares, the mist is 7imU t uu,'w ue waj oneo1 moseoid-iast ttiTXP WotUeof 6,1 "whp believed th.t there iS'K''";! butasmaU vial of that eepon"to be compared with a ;r 'Pmpound known TA nT" nfls 7 MwuasV ijnim Pnim-b g . I 71 1, uJLJ VOIi. VTI I mo TO SE anVEanUT5. F C $15 Trlze Grand Masque Caroival J It MAKSlLVLt Mullets R M MclMTlRE Many ThaDka S H Tkimble Horsea at Auction C W Yates New Teai-3 PreaenU Lbadstkeet's-A Weekly Journal KINSBEaOEtt To tie PAt rons of the 1 We J Book 8(oi'e For other locals see fourth paee. Thpro woe rn O: i i . i - r uur" tms raorn' The receipts of cotton at this, port to- ! day foot up 128 bale?. To-day has been nearly as warm as gu immer, and the woodpile and ooal bin have not suffered much. 1 Tenh-la XrA 13 ?n . . - uwjr win arrive in iiiis city to morrow and play some of his tricks upon tha unsuspecting at the wpera House to morrow nighr. Re served seats now on sale at Heinsbeit ger'f. Two white tramps were lodged ut the gnard house last night. This morning t A I? tur.p.1 krint!. 4.. 1 l r t vauiiwiiuw t' Keep ciear Trt ne city unless in gome usefui occupation and were taken across the river and lelt there. The year 1834 seems to be inclined to step into the past verv nnrl murely but the weather is so uncertain at this season of the year that the last day.oflhc year (tomorrow) may be cold aud disagreeable. Now is the time to get no suit madc to order for a little money. The season is drawing to a close, and Dver wants to knon hi ,a wams 10 Keep nis tailors e he will make suits for the days oniy at actual cost next thirty Thlo ?e humbug. - J-ne suaiiug rink in the Vollers build- iDT. opposite the new market, on Front . . ' street, on JNlew Year's n eht wi 1 offer ucro wm db a siiaung carnival 'en masque, an u mere will .also be excel- lent music to enliven the occasion. There will bmP(iinr,rtk. -r.n c,ub f . - ware store of Mr. Georee A. Peck. It ?a tn WnrA.M,i i -h i ., . , . . , ... . iair.C81-Uooddealof interest manifested and hojuuicu uuat. ixiuiu win na a that experioncc with ..doir anfl Wili be a subject for thorou-h discu,- siftrl " m. . . The thanks of the local are due to Sheriff Manning for a nice piece of I. . . venison, a portion of the spoils of a re r,,un? .i:xpeuu,onuPine JNortu- eaec river wun a party of relatives and friends. There were five inthe rrtv and tkoy succeeded in killing five decr. or one for each of the hunters me festival to-mght at the Little C,iant Hall there will be cakes, fruits, nnnfflfl,. ,. . , , WM4W",J4 V V1 u ,uo creara in i uuvt, uwmc utuei guoj mings. vc st atctl yesterday that there would be a mistake. There ever, of other good tlliD?s. so that no one need to be hun- ry" " Indications, For the South Atlantic States, loca1 ning to-morrow night. The committee of arrangements, who fully understand how to cater to the amusement, com- tort and pi easura nf thoir r,...f. I making every ' tndearor to have the -. - , "- oau pass on pieasanuy to all. Supper ..i . . . "ppei win ra onnmi : .1 : i. . 1 ii . i i Ub unuuiutaiiuiueiicK "e only bl' A lare attendance y oe reasonably expected. tnr Jt1 mr Va nmna Iq one of windows of Mr. T . S Bns' Pnarmacy, on the corner of Mrket,and North Front street, severa exhibition, and a mi2nt be made a terrible weapon of Punishment in the hands of an enraged foe Serseant R. L. Alien and Private w:S- B"ggs have gunar such as would nt - A nlH 'Nrao Tt.i r r .1 1 . " ."7"""' "iiw.n. waiuer m -.ius uutuneij. cnucKie wiui dis- was Wrlt ikAA ;f k r " ch greased wad. WfLMINGTON. . C. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 1884-1885. The cnsloai of watching the old year out and the new year in will be obse rved, a usual, at the Front Street M. K. Church. The services will be gin fit about 11 o'clock to-morrow night the 31st inst. and will conclude at a little after midnight, or when the new year has fairly beun. At Her AVliarf. The steam tug Wm. Kxce was brought up to her whar, t the foot of Dock street, this morninjr, and workmen were busy in clearing away the rubbish aud removing all the evidences of the late fire. She is in a woful plight, and will need a good deal of work be fore she will present the nice and trim appearance she had before her disaster, Personal. Col. L. A. Powell, of Sampson coun ty, was in the city to-day. Capt. V. M, Parker was somewhat worse last night, but was considerably bet; e r t h i s mo r n i n g. Mr. 13. C. Majuti, business manager or Mr. C. B. B sh p, the wll known eomelian, arrived in the city last uight. Mv Bishop, with a first class company, will appear at the Opera House here on Monday night, January 5th, in the play of Widow Bedott. mornmir for Co!dhom whPm h;a onr u.. i . . . vices have been secured in connection with the fire department of that city. Mr. Russell has many friends in this city, and especially among the members of the Little Giant Steam Fire Engine Oo., No. 1, with whom he hf.s been Ultimately associated lor a cumber ot years, and his deparJure for another r, i , , ... , sphere of usefulness will be regretted. Mr. O. O. Vollcrs, of Point Caswell, son of onr imrvl friend ami cnKCnnKn,. -n.i.i.j-i., , Mr L. Vilra. onnn ,K n, ni.nrr tarn home Ironj a meeting of theSouth eastern Amateur Press Association vrhich was held Jat Goldsboro on the 26' hinst.. aud ol which ho was elected pre5iUent for the ensning year. Mr. George I. Nowitzky, of Ualeigh, eaitor and nronnetor of Aninixl-ir ' wr. u. u. iiussell, tor many years an foc uueis, m Dim ana naif bbia, Fieh Hre, . , . ggs. Chicken?, A pp'ej, Pot toes, Ac. llust active member of the fcre department be sold, call and 8.e. cash oiiiera promptly of Lbl pi'? ,n lnr,, tilled. Corsisnmeits of all kinds cf Couutry ' lGlb cll- Wl,i leave to-morrow Produce solicited Terms cash. nthly, and well known in nearly ey ery portion of the State as the vender of Provnry medicines gave us the pleasure of a call yesterdav. He is in t ll ,"k rf-bTf.T J-. t tt . . i 1 1 1 . I in" iij uu. uusiuusa CUUUtiCWU Willi Ills I LW7in "uu r- ast Night's Concert The attendance at the Opera House last ni2ht was lar-e. appreciative and .i V M , BPL,ailvo anu L, ,,n,ior fi .M.;a - . r c.v. fliiu iui iuu benefit of tin Cornet Concert Club, and LUU 1 li:oilu wnicn nas uecn given by tne cub within a few weeks t was lUliy , ......... . ... . K iUitl m ,,1 Ul lutlR LU ine mbt occ t'eu uuu in &umu icapeois it was Perhaps superior. The selections were excellent as the following programme ... , will show: PART FIH3T. Grand March, Cornet Concert Club. Keller. Vocal Duet from "Dcr Freischutz." Mrs. Kahn eiler and Mrs. Walters. Flute Solo Saratoga Polka, (harp accompaniment). Batisquct, Sisnor Sammeartin. Solo 'Tis Known Alone to Me. Carl Itci(jg. Mr. Nathan Mayer. Four-part Song Serenade, GoldbcrV I Mr3. Watters, Mrs. Kahnweiler, Mrs. -Trio Instrumental Puritani. Verdi " ' an(j Grecnwald vuarieiie iteuiuiuuer imow xue vre- t i 'V' rri r- I r tr. u n .w i u tor. Messrs. Maver. M.itchell.: Welsh " St Wflif9!r Vtrpnii- .r,lflM. ATrs Ir . ., ' Kahnweiler. i r, nr ... t . : Schmit. Sammeartin, Willson, Mitch- ell. Alderman. Greenwald. second r art. Violin solo from S'William Tell" Ham SdIo Grand Valsa de Concert. 1 Lcccokc. Prof. Liuzzi. Champaign Song-Arion Quartette. Trio. A Moss v Pillow. Synarl. . . . . I - waiiz. .iUOTO. AITS. Jvannweiier, Mr3. Walters and Miss Lavender. Grand Finale. Verdi r-nrnt f!n cert Club. T'tT AL: , 7T4 ! wt.j, 11. uiceuwam auu jltui, JjIUZZi I were the accompanists. NKW ADVEKTISEMENTy. 1U HilLNUS AND PATRONS GENERALLY, FOR THE VERY LIB EOAL TRADE OF THE HOLIDAYS ! FOR THE NEW YEAR, WE HAVE MANY NICE THINGS AND Al 1'UOl'RIATE. AS NEW YEAR PRKSRVTS BROCKET SHAWLS CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. TABLE LINEN & NAI A NICE DRESS, Ye, that is just what we mean, ua,t iw ouu we win uo a iniie CARPETS AND CURTAINS. R. til. MclNTIRE. dec 30 Grand Masque Carnival TTllKKfcWSK KINK ON Tlmrz- ullets. A VOTllER CONSIGNMENT OF FINK, XJL SweetFlorida Oranges, lage and line John it. Marshall. General Commission Merchant, No 24 North Water at, Wilmington, n. C. d:cSQ ly,1&vy lr-i gCUkIULE u TAXMeichants. Traders, Brokeis, Keejicts of Hotels, Faiing House-,! Doanliog Houses, and aU others subicct ta eaid Tv hnr.i. nnfl.i ! , m , lax, aie Hereby notified that this Tax falls uuu i ii uiu isi uay or January, ltbo, and that th- kir requites that tve tame be paid duiingr thc.flr.hta.bvf thfi,nnn, .ot penalty stands jgainst you. , J. E. SAMPSON. ae 30 2t Register of Deed 3. mebchahts, bankers and sianufac TUREES SHOULD READ BRADSTREET'S A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE, FI NANCE AND PUBLIC ECONOMY. QK-frnW Tn.vAn An.m. Co I 1 .-. S I it a oSto sciy c.uutaaj. uimuntUBB Twenty Pages, sometimes Twenty- i 'in r r"Jio"JM FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. t 'i purpose of Ekadsxkeet is to he of practical service to basuees men. its P? epitome of bankruptcies throughout the unued States and Canada, and the summaries of, ase?t3 n(l liabilities, are alone worththe uccisions are exceedingly valuable. As com coming to be more and more conducted on a lBt.il1MnlW1a th fnfei.n.,,1 bkXds' n information contained In importance loth w proauccra ani mi ioiemcn. The Trade and Agricultural Situation tnroui?hput V.!3, UnU2l states and Canada 3 reported by Telegraph to Ukaustkeet's u to the hour of publication 3s 1 SINGLE COPIFS, TEN CUNTS. TfiK JJKADSTIiKET GO , 270, C81. ?S3 HHOAOWAr, dec 3) It NEW YORK CUT Seal Estate for Sale. JJY VIKTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A decree madc by the Clerk of the Superior Court, j In the ex parte caufo wherein John J. Barnet ctL are plaintiffa, the undersigned as Com ma.cirnf will rfCrv fAv coin . lie auction, at the Court House door In Wil mington. r. v.. to the highest bidder, on Wed nesuay, Dec 1st. at 12 o'clock. M. that nmn and premise situated at the touthwest and running back and bordering: on Eighth street 13Z feet K. if iurrv "i"? -?e A? j o-, . . ' " - uco iuww iu commissioner- 106 s r,ontst .wKMM,.......n XjjOR SALE 500 pounds NEW" North Caro- n hn Eacon Fams' StouMer3 and Side3' thc I first of toe season. ( Tur.ey, Gccfe, chickens. eS3, aufages and liver ruddin, from the country. O" aTnllet Roe Dried and Salted. A large lot of those celebrated Norton Yaw 8, from Town Creek received to-day. Oysters open and In tha theU. Your pat ronage earnestly to icited. X ours truly, dec ?9 2t W. II. YOPP. New Year Presents. nAVls QUITE a variety of arti- CLE 3 LEFT SUITABLE FOR New Year Presents, whlcli I am dlspoalng of at greatly reduced poc. car.y acu mue your setecuora. New Year Cards I S2.ET IE ?? CAJUW. Diaries for 18. - ixLruer Almanacs, c, &c. i1t.Tr V i - Vi In - tn4 11 a ri i- ft enraapque Hancinar Iranaedi'. ty after 'the I I'lSi'ni'wf V Y, LARC1K Ctriat- Medium and low priced DrcM Goods at grca Carnival. no f the beet bands in the cliv ' f V c 1 ee31 tne balance of Ty l:oli- u b h-sbeea engaged for the ccc:tfciou - lJ" goods at cost to ra itcroom for my l)rugs, bargains. ' i Adiulaslou for spectat-is 23 cents c,rt Wedlclces and such art'cJes as are uu- - E.M.CUiHISG, aytept m a flt class retail Drugstore . . --o - dec CO t'tar couv -t Mum .r ) , Very Uespextfully. ' .J. - o. n. wuUbiii. - - - I I I -VJ T ITT m tATV . t I C. W. YATES, u ll3HarkctEt 30, I884. NO. 312 AD V K liTlSISM K NTS. o SILK AND WOOLEN WRAPS, VrXTW VI TTCTT C PMTTPo and conclusive evidence is iust what we D?uer man ever before in both Conoley's Drug Store. 21G MAKKET STREET. Our Holiday Goods RK NOW OPEN, AND OUR LADY friends are invited to criticise our selection. dcc 2 33 & 40 Murcalson Block ardwaro QF ALL KINDS AND IN ANY QUANT1 ty. Wholesale and lletail at ROCK BOTTOM prices. W. E. SPRINGER & CO., 13, 21 A 23 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. dec 20 More Room. HAVING RENTED THE ROOMS ON the corner of Market and Second streets, cod nectcd with the Commercial Hotel, l am still farher prepared to accommodate partics.who io secure pleasant lodgings, with'or without board. The location is one of the most pieasant and desirable in the city, either In Summer or Winter. ;' M. SCIILOS3. Prop. Commercial Hotel dec 20 6t Annual New Year's Ball. UNDER THE AUSPICES OF Germania Lodge No. 4, K.ofP. AT GERMASIA HALL, December 31st, 1884. o'ciock18 $l CaCh' Suppcr fwnIehed at 12 Cottmittce 3 Rosenthal. W. H. M. Foch. H C. Pi-cmpert, J Duls, is liellola. ' To (lie Patrons of the Live Book Store. J WOULD KETURN MY SINCERE thanks for tbeir liberal patronage during the Holi days, and I do earnestly hope that their selec tions have proved Hxtisfaclory in eveiy in stance I would a!s beg to remind 'them of the line assortment of New Year Cards.nd! variety of Ecautlful and Useful NEW YEAR 5?TS now ?n exMWtion Call at once I JUUI bCJCSUOllS. at HEINSnKRKT:s dec 29 Live Book and Music Stores Hats for the Holidays ! Just Received per Express SUITABLE FOR THE HOLIDAYS, A fine lot of French Felt Hats in white and all colors, some of the lalcst makee, for Ladies, MJfcse3 and Children. Holiday Feathers, Holiday Eoss 15 cents per bunch, ia all colors. Holiday Eli Glovc3 la all colora. Jersey Gloves for Ladies, Si isscs and Children A fine Jot of Corsets, Ribbons, Laces and Under wear. We will tell a fine lot of Brocaded Velvets la all colors for One Dollar and Forty- Eight cents per ys rd full value $2.25, at Taylor's Bazaar. J ast received a fuse lo t of SILK, ALPACA AND GINGTiAM CSICEELLAS, which wiU be cold at remarkably 'tar prices. No one urged to bay but caU and see at . TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St. WILMINGTON, N. C. dec 27 Goodmaterials properly porportioncd which are the essential reflnis!ii?r fn KINS, FINE HANDKERCHIEFS, NICE LACE COLLARS. &c. Beadv mixed Paints Mn K wf.!nU!n Mimnery and Fancy Goods at m ww vvi MUaiU' I . edbyesinsthe N. Y.' Enamel Paint W a win t4 f 14 ta recarra cotastisjcattca ti enr frtoKUoaaaf and ail ;gb3eta anerallntercit bat xuo naae cf tse writer xnuei alwtTa b aka4 to the KOltcr. ; , ;-v j - OonunnnlcaBona meet be wri:Ua o on ona aide of the papers- V ' s.;-; ;,l Pcrsonaariea tnnat be avoided.; ' - AJ ltts cepeeliliy in-J ptrUonUrly ttde stood that the Editor lb0,80f corespondent bIvm tt NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. SI2TII W. DAVIS, Auctioneer. " ' liV 8. 11 . TC1MDLE. - T 3 &oat MOUUOW, AT H O'CLOCK, COCNKU aud Market etreeL,! will cell TWO GOOD 1IOKSE3. I dec SO It FOR THE HOLIDAYS: A Large Stock of Sensible , -amuies lor Holiday Pres e n t s ! K . ' I RFSPECTFULLY CALL Till: ATTEN , TION OF.TIIK LADIES TO TII12 FOLLOW! SO : Super Elaek .ucrc crj cheap. FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER : We have a splendid stock 6TabIe Damask, Napkins and Coyles wl.h the handsomcs slock of Towe's ever imported. FOR THE YOUKQ UDItS: A superb lot of Handkerchiefs, ever st ' and quality,' land Satchcla, Handso ' Jewelry, etc. 1 FOR THE GENTLEMEN : Colored Bordered and Whlta Hemititclic Handkerchiefs, Hemstitched China Sil Handkerchiefs, Neckties, . Soarf Pins, Sleeve Buttonii, fine Suspenders, with a variety of other handsome aud Useful articles. ' FOR THE BOYS: Silk and Linen Handkerchief, .Windsor lies. Breastpins, Sleeve Buttons, Buck Gloves, handsome and he vy Hosiery. FOR THE SERVANTS : Cheap Dress Goods, low priced Cloaks, from 1 1 to $20, Shawns, Jlosicry, cheap Vests, Coverlids, Counlcrpancj. Ac, Ac, with the best general fitock of Notions in iho cy. V.) JUST OPENED: An invoice of imported Drc&s : Euttons-100 kind fold at half value. ' " It Is a well known fact ih&t ia my specialties I stand unrivalled. The public will gain by an examination oi my etock, as I am offering extraordinary '. IndaccmcnM in tlic way of prices. Very KcsiKxtlully, NO, J. HEDRICK. HOUSE. One Sigh fldj ! l7edndajfC December 31st.f Matinee Thursday, Jan. let. No night er formanctt on Thursday. Funniest Play on Farlh ! The Few Musical Version of. . t PECK'S bad; boy and HIS PA! PLAYED ONLY BY ATKINSON'S COME- CIIABCE3 ATKINSON. Mini Reserved teats on sale at Jlelnsbercer's on Monday next. C. D- WIL.L&OM, dec 27 3 1 Star copy Manager Opera Uousa Benj. W. Davis, (Formerly with W. E. Dayla & Son, WllmlBg- 90 Barclay St. New York, General Commission merchant JJEALEIi IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, Ap ples, Game. Fish, Terrapins, Egga and Chick ens. Highest market prices, prompt re turns guaranteed. A trial is all I ask. Err b permission to E. K. Burruss. Presi dent First National Bank of Wilmington. N C -MessrrsJ.U.Chadbourn A Co.. toteam Saw Mills; F. L. Brtdgers & Co., Grocers; P. Cum mlng & Co., Grain and Feed dealers; Davis A eon. Ice and Fish. - . - - . , , : ma- Southern Prodnce a Specialty. - ' octl em - . J Oysters. Oysters. rpiIOSE FAMOUS UO&NE OY8- s TERS can be found at thcOMNorlliWr ' Fm-100?,' Th.are c brought to , thlacltr. Clears. Wines. Eecr. nd n mer Whiskey, always on hand. Call at the OLD .NOKTU STATU SALOOM. dec 1 . . 6 South Front Street, ' HJ i I liriery. TEAUIIFUL AND USSrUL CUBISTilAS ' - ' - lies. Kate c. wincs. dec 23 eoia at JAcoErs Pejot. f v