PUt ABB SOXUA w win be glad to by any ad alfKibjMtt, JOSH T. JAMES, bditob axd raontacTOB. arrRsnBfTTTOXS POSTAGE PAID: i of the writer n act AhrsTe us to the Bdttor. Commuatosttons post bt one Tr Six months, 2.oe. Tuxes wr' ..nnthi. 11.00: One month, 30 cents. one side of ths paper. The paper will be deliver! by carriers free of charge , to say part of the city , at the above rttee, or 10 cents per week. Advertising rates lew sad liberal. sarSubserlbers will report say sad all tsO PsrsonaatJea meat be solde&; ; And it la esp nsde VOIi. IX. WILMINGTON. N. C FRIDAY, JANlJlARY 2, 1885. NO, sot SlWP s nniss eadete correspondents, c state to receive their paper reguiariy, tn the editorial THE Daily Review. 1 ' d ' ' , ; J. x rjr The Daily Review has the largest jona fule circulation, of any newspaper published in the city of Wilmington . JB Monsignor Capel will reside in Rome Dext year. Cbiet Justice Waite is not recovering from bis recent illness as fast as many friends could hope. The Hon. H. E. Vivian, envoy ex traordinary and minuter (plenipoten tiary to Denmark, has been appointed to the same post at Brussels to fill the vacancy caused by the transfer of Sir E. B. Male t to Berlin. Theodore Rooseve'.t is on his way home from Montana, where be had some rare sport killing three grizzly bears, fix elks, several buffalo and a number ot an t elopes. One of tho bears weighed 1,200 poands. i - m m Codorus township, York county, Pa.. tas solidly Democratic as could be iahed. At the special election for Congressman last week Codorus cast 325 votes for Dr. Thorpe, Democrat3 and not a single one for his Republican opponent The charge which the Rev. Dr. Hague, a Baptist minister, beings against the Episcopal Church is very extraordinary. He says, in substance that infidelity is honeycombing its foundations, and that it is falling into manifest decay. 1 ,4- A collection of fans was sold last month at Madrid, when one of ivory, which formely belonged to the Princess Adelaide of Savoy, brought $750 A fan, painted by Boucher, sold for $950 ; and anothar, formerly owned by the Duchess of Medina-Cc'li. went for -$450. i. : i The forcers of Nebraska are not in a pleasant state ot mind. The past year the hog cholera has carried off about $2,000,000 worth ot hogs, corn is down to 12 cents a bushel, while coal costs 22 cents, and they find it cheaper to bnrn corn to keep warm than to buy coal. The very newest lashion at the din ner table in London is for .the hostess to have all sorts of quaint and curious little articles containing salt, pepper, oil, vineger, sugar, etc., placed before 5r guests for their exclusive use and enefk. No one else has anything like lem. Toe increase of duty on American petroleum which Germany proposes to make is equal to a differential duty against the United States of abont 7 per coots, advalorem, since Russian pe troleum, being imported in railway tanks, is not liable to an increased duty. -4- It seems probable that the scheme to bring the big ship Great Eastern Jo New Orleans will fall through for want of cooperation in that city. The amount needed to fit the vessel out is less than $20,000, but it seems probable the effort to secure this amount in the Crescent City will not succeed. . Tli hinnnaf tn lu r.i nin in V.1 bus, January 8, by the Ohio Democrat ic Club will be a notable event. Many distinguished Democrats have already accepted iutations to attend, and in let ters received there is nnanimity of opinion expressed that the incoming Administration will be distinguished for its adherence to the principles laid down in the Chicago platform. We have seen the name ot Hon. D. G. owie suggested tor toe position now . m . - j. by Mr. Samuel F. Philips, that of II . p rv, w oaj mail mc ac- - w&w . v rw iu UI tU13 UlilW uuiu ue an excellent one. We are iS " "' wo any uiis, oi me mat Judge Fowle is a citizen cf 1 I t m. loiVh rnt ma 1 1 .. uvw naut all ui - 7 wuiu ua.ni iv i sail 1.11 m . www w lull r i orth . Carolina, his friend . bertv. mnnnu tn n t.: r - " ait: mm ri - mm ior ice S. ""viutl too, are the premises, and that is St .T nrloro Vf mrla ham Anna woll r ... a mi uia 1 1 .1 . . i,un no uncifCS WQU St. US nils U ' - 11 : . w . uuyij , OBI U stlj and untiringly for its success and nrini, - - i M tinio Af kia ma na .1 L:. . L!l!i! -, . .utwu.- auu vi Uia itUllibieB fcwv bVTlilliUlCUl. u H having been heard in iu behalf erery section of the State. To every Housekeeper a good ostantial cook stove is an important my and our readers will find the LOCAL NEWS. flOU TO 1EW ABVEtTISCMEaTS. r J Miller r 15 Prise Jko B Melton 1 IssolHtion C W Y axes New Yeara Presents A K Walker. Cash'r Annual Meeting f Ixinsbergek -To My Friends and Custom era ' . i There was no City Court this morn ing. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 211 bale-. Four white tramps were of' , mo dated with lodgings at the gr l" aid Ui I hi ose ii The cold wane struck us last night with considerable force. It was ac companied by rain and wind, and this morning it was quite cold. Mashed strawberry ribbons sell at one dollar a yard, but yon can get a bottle of Dr. Iinll's Cough Syrup for only twenty-fiye cents. Br. brig Robert fc Mary, Baker, clear ed to-day for Glasgow, with 2.624 bar rels rosin, valued at $3 120, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. The steamer Benefactor, which wa3 due Irom New York on Tuesday last, arrived here fo-day. She was delayed in sailing from New York. When you can get a suit of clothes made to order by a tailor it is time to take advantage of the opportunity. Go at once to Dyer's and have a suit made at actual cost. f Marine Disaster Capt. Loof, ot the Ger, barque Texas, which arrived here yesterday reports that when in lat. 29 53 North and Ion. 75.10 West, he passed a two masted schooner with no one on board. A heavy sea was running at the time which washed the schooner's deck. Did not learn her name nor ho'w long she had been abandoned. Widow Uedott Mr. C. B. Bishop, whom we first knew as Mrs. Pluto, in the play of the "Seven Sisters," will appear at the Opera House in this city next Monday night as Widow Bedott, in the play of that name. Mr. Bishop seems to have a fondness for taking-female characters, for which he is well suited. As the Widow Bedott. he has ample room for the display ot his especial talent. The New York Sun says : Mr. Bishop is an amusing actor, and has a countenance of vast area. A large proportion of this area disappears as if by magic when he opens his mouth, and there is substituted there for a. hilarious chasm of fearful width and profundity. He is infinitely amus ing, and in his care the 'Widow' has a long lease of life." Personal, j We are glad to learn that the health of Capt. W. M. Parker has considera" bly improved. - A letter was received in this city a few days sinee from Mr. Asa A Brown, who was here for three or four months last year. He is now located at Paso del Norte, Mexico, where he is the agent of Wells. Fargo & Co's express. He was in excellent health. Mr. Benj. W, Davis, of New York, arrived here this morning on the steam ship Benefactor on a visit to his father aDd brother, combining business with pleasure. 1 Mr. John McGarity, formerly of this city, but now of Baltimore, is here on a visit to his family. . I A Sea Do?. On Friday, the 19Lh of December, 1884, the schooner Isaac L. Clark, Capt. Cramer, was wrecked on Hatteras, and on the Sunday following the wreck drtfted ashore at the fishing grounds of Messrs. W. . Davis & Sons, at Stump Sound, the crew having been saved by the men of the Life Saving Station. These fads were published in the Review of Dec. 23d, 1884, ou there is something yet to be told. On Dec. 23d. the day upon which we pub. lis bed the account of the wreck, Mr. J. J. Hicks went on board the wieck and rescued a dog which had been left when the crew forsook the vessel. The animal was of the St. Bernard breed, evidently quite young, a mammoth in size, and when found was nearly tarnished with cold and hunger, but true to his instincts, would not let his resourescome on board until after mnch coaxing. Since then be has been well fed and oared for. He was in onr office to-day and be is a magnifi cent beast, Rather a remarkable coin cidence connected with the affair is in the tact that Mr. Hicks, who rescued the dog, formerly sailed I with Capt, Cramer. j For durable coloring the walls of rooms in beautiful tints, at little cost nothing equals the Mablkike sold at i Jacobi's Depot. A Stranger' Suicide. About 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, while sme sportsmen were gaming on the opposite side of the river, one of the party. Mr. R. C. Smith, engineer at the Champion Compress, discovered the body ot a dead man lying at the foot of a tree about 300 yards North from the ferr , which the Wilmington Light Infantry have been in the habit of using in their target practice. The body was lying upon its back and on the right side of the throat there was a fearful gash. A small silver-handled knile. covered with blood, and a silver heade 1 cane lav by its side. The alarm was at once given and the news was brought as quickly as i ossible to ibis side of the river. Coronet Jacobs immediately took charge of the body and effects, the latter consisting of a handsome gold watch, about fifty dollars in money, a bank check book and two handker chiefs. There were no letters to indi cate the name of the stranger and no clue save the check book, which was on the South Bend National Bank, ot South Bend, Ind., and contained entries showing deposits in the name of L. B. Whitlaw, amounting to $2 300, against which there were checks amounticg to $800. The bbdy was taken to a house near the ferry and a guard placed over it In tne name of the Coroner, Chief of Police Brock telegraphed last night to tho bank at South Bend a statement ot the facts as far as known. An in-juiry was at once instituted to ascertain all the particulars possible regarding the man, but no information could be found at cither of the hotels but it was ascertained that a man an swering the description of the deceased had stopped at the Scarborough House, on Noith Water Street, at about 7 o'clock on Wednesday morning, and after obtaining a plate of oysters walk ed out. He came back again about dark and wanted a room, but his ac tions and language were so wild and incoherent that he was advised to seek lodgings elsewhere. He left, leaving his overcoat in charge of the clerk, and did not again return. This morning Coroner Jacobs em panelled a jury oi inquest composed as follows: Elijah Lane, foreman; T. II. Betts, Moroe Byrd, George F. Tilley. John D. Steljes and Thomas Pickett, who upon viewing the body and hear ing ail the testimoney rendered a ver d;ct that "tho deceased came to hit death by suicide." During the forenoon the following dispatcheswere received. South Bend, Ind., Jan. 2nd, 1885. To David Jacobs, Coroner. L. B. Wicklaw's relatives, at Mis hawaka. Ind., will instruct you. We have notified them. (Signfed) South Bend National Bank The seeond was from Misbawaka, Ind., and was as follows: MisHAWAKA, Ind., Jan. 2d. 1885. To David Jacobs, Coroner: Send description of L. B. Wicklaw, found dead. How killed? (signed) J. Z. Wicklaw.- The deceased was about 5 feet 4 inches in height, light complexion, and had lost one of his legs, the place of which had been supplied by a wooden one of the best pattern and make, and this, with other information, has been sent to J. Z. Wicklaw. Capt. F. M. James went over the river this afternoon with a coffin, into which the remains were placed and brought across and taken to Oak Grove Cemetery, where tbev were interred. ttaisiug of Chiefs. The Chiefs ot Unerofcec rnoe were raised up to their respective Stumps by Geo Ziegler, V. G. I., on the Sleep of the 1st Sun, Cold Moon, G, S. D. 394: V P Charles Craig. W S-O H Kennedy. S S J H Craig. J S A B Shiver. C of R Geo Ziegler. K of WJ D H Klander. . 1st S Jas T Anthony. 2st S Geo W Mitchell. 1st W Jas H He ett. 2nd W T W Howard. 1st B S J Ellis. G of W Geo F W dolin. Gof F A M Cbadwick. indications. For the South Atlantic States, clear ing weather. Northerly winds and higher barometer. There was a large attendance at the matinee at the Opera House yesterday afternoon to witness the presentation of Peck's Bad Boy. The play was received with uproarious delight and every one was sat isfied. The company left on last night's train for Charlotte, where they are to appear to-night. Statuary. There is on exhibition, at Messrs. M unds Bros. & DeRossei's, two pieces of statuary, repre enting two mounted knights in armor. They are the work of Masters Donald and Thomas Mc Caskill, aged 14 and 12 years respec tively, who are sons of Mrs. H. A. Mc Casktil, nee Miss Hattie Laspeyre, formerly of this city, but bow a resident of Georgia. One of the knights is represented with the visor closed while the other has his visor drawn. The figures are quite good, end when we remember the youth of t he artists, they are markable productious. The artists manifest undoubted Renins, and with age, experience and the guiding hand of a good instructor wi 11 achieve success The works are to be raffled for, the pro ceeds of which will be devoted to the education of the yonng gentlemen to be artists. The Fourth of March. All of our readers know that Cleve land is to be inaugurated on the 4th of March, but few of them have ever thought to enquire how it comes that the fourth happens to be inauguration day. In very early time?, whenMarch 3rd was supDoned to be the last day to which Congress could extend itself in the year with propriety, it would occasionally be found hard at work as the 3rd pass ed into the 4th. As the 4th ot March is the day for the inauguration of the exec utive department of the government of the United States that date has become the first in this nation. It was fixed upon in 1788 by action of the ContL nental Congress, which, on the 18th of September, adopted the following re solve, preceded by a preamble which set forth in order tho rea sons for the action ot that Congress at that time: "That the first Wednes day in January next be the day tor appointing electors in the several States which before the said day shall have ratified the said constitution ; that the first Wednesday in February next be the day for the electors to assemble in their respective States and vote for a President, and that the first Wednes day in March next be the time, and the present seat of Congress (New York) the place, for commencing the proceedings under the said consti tution." The first Wednesday in March, 1789. fell on the 4th of March, and hence the precedence of that day in ejhistory under the constituion. It was not till tne 30th of April, 1789, however, that Washington became President owing to various circum stance ; but in 1793, when he entered upon his second Presidential term, he was inaugurated on the 4th of March. Receipts and Exports. The receipts of cotton at the port of Wilmington for the year 1884 foot up 97,128 bales, as against 113,863 bales for 1883; spirits turpentine, 71,484 casks, as agaicst 81,027 casks for 18S3; rosin, 338,350 barrels, as against 434, 602 barrels for 1863; Lar, 69,781 bar rels, as against 82.229 barrels for 1883 ; crude turpentine. 49,124 barrels, as against 60,153 barrels for 1883. Tbe exports of cotton lor the year 1884 foot up 97,231 bales, of which 18,202 bales ent coastwise and 59 029 bales foreign ; as against 120,818 bales in 1883, of which 49,463 bales went coastwise and 71,355 bales foreign. The exports of spirits turpentine for 1884 foot up 71,354 casks, of which 15,710 casks went coastwise and 55,644 casks foreign; as against 82,135 casks for 1683, of which 30,511 went coastwise and 51,624 foreign. The exports of rosin for the year 1884 foot up 342,936 barrels of which 40.618 barrels went coastwise and 302,318 barrels foreign; as against 453,492 barrels for 1883, of which 64,723 barrels Nwent coastwise and 388,769 foreign. The exports ot tar for 1884 foot up 68,795 barrels, of which 49.449 barrels went coastwise and 19,346 foreign ; as against 82,666 barrels for 1883, of which 53,562 barrels went coastwise and 29. 134 foreign. Tbe exports of crude turpentine for 1884 foot up 39,903 barrels, of which 39,464 barrels went coastwise and 439 barrels foreign; as against 21,094 barrels for 1883, of which 20 507 barrels went coastwise and 58? barrels foreign. The exports of timber during the year Ljust ended aggregated 36.946.224 feet, of which 21.555.793 feet were shipped coastwise ind 15 390.431 feet were shipped foreign, The Last Pound. Mr, Walter Haynea, 147 York St., Sydney. N. S. W.. affirms that he would spend his last pound for a bot tle of St. Jacobs Oil. It cured him of rheumatic lumbago, with which be suf fered so be could not rise from his chair. NKW ADVKKT18EMKVT8. Animal Meeting. rpUB ANNUAL MERT1KG OF TUB Stock holder of the First Nstlons Bank ot Wil mington, for the election of Directors. Will be held In i heir Banking Bouse oa Tuesday, tbe I3ih lubt , at 11 o'clock, a. m. A K. WALK KB, jsn 2 3, 5, U, Vi Cashier Dissolution. rjHB FIRM OF HILTON A G ARRK1.I, kas this day been dlf solved. 1 he accounts of the firm will be placed In tbe han Js of Messrs J. J. Hopkins and C. I. Carrol1, who alone sre authorized to alga la Hi nidation. Accounts against the lsie firm must be presented to these gentlemen for liquidation. As Serolr Partner oi the late firm, 1 protest sgstnat the payment of any blU due the firm otherwise than above specified il JNO, R. MELTON, Partner late firm of Melton & Gar re 11. j an 2 It Star copy One Night Only ! ! j Monday, January 5th. 1 THB FAVORITE COM BDI AN I. B. BISHOP, Sur parted by a Company of Comedians and Lyric Artists, introducing tue popular songs and music of the day. In tho re constructed version of that Laughable Comedy WIDOW BEDOTT, N. B. Tte Companv does not leave Wi'- mington until Tuesday morn ng, hence the per formance will not be cut. but will be given in full. During the performance Miss iTUton, anas: er Kenner, ana the company will intro duce! eonr s. dances, solo. choruse", etc. com prising the popular songs and music of the day. The whole encimr with an old fashioned country dance. Seats on sale at Hcinsbei'gex's next siitur Ja v. January 3, ie5 C. D. WILLSON, Jan 1 31 Manager Opera House T New I TO- Mv Friends and Patrobs I AND- PLEHTY OP MONEY ! t -TO- Pay up your Account? ! WHICH ARE READY AND DUE. I I WILL SERVE YOU THE SAME WAY ! -BY- Presenting your Accounts 116 Market St. jan 1 1 New Year Presents. I HAVE QUITE A VARIETY OF ARTI CLES LEFT SUITABLE FOR New Year Presents, which I am disposing of st greatly reduced prices. Call esriy and make your selections. New Year Cards I 1 A fresh lot j-ifct opened qf Prang's band some NEW YI R CARDS. Diaries for 1835. Turner's N. C. Almanacs, Ac., Ac. i L W. YATES, dec 29 119 Market St More Boom. HAVING RENTED THB ROOMS ON tie corner of Market and Second street, con nected with the Commercial Hotel. I am still for her prepared to accommodate parties who desire to secure pleasant lodgings, with Mr without board. The location Is one of the most pleasant and desirable in the cli y, either in Summer Of Winter. M. SCHL03S. dee Wit Prop. Commercial Hotel Year - A DVKRTREMENTS. S. H. Trimble, OTOCK AND BEAIi ATE BROKER Vj and Auctioneer of rsl Merchandise of evexy description. Offies corner Princess snd Water streets. Cronly MonisV old stand. Personal attention si van aa nh v knruu mmt vehicles at private sal or at auction. Con signments solicited. BETH W. DAVfP, POR THE H 0 LI DAYS. A Large Stock of Sensible Articles for Holiday Presents! o I RISPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN e TION OF THE LADIES TO Tg FOLLOWP9U : Super Black Cashmere ern cheap. Medium and low priced Dross Goods at gre a bargains. FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER : We hare a splendid stoek of Table Damask, Napkins and Doyles wi.h the haudsooces stock of TowVs ever imported. FOR THE YOUHG LADIES: A superb lot of Handkerchiefs, cery st ? and quality, Hand Satchels, Hando Jewelry, jttc. FOR THE GENTLEMEN Colored Bordered and White Hemstltchc Handkerchief 8, Hemstitched Chios $il Handkerchiefs, Ncckticl, Scarf Pins, Sleeve Buttons, fine Suspenders, with a H '" ' - i i ' 1 - . I variety of other lrandsome and useful articles. FOR THE ROYS : Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Windsor Ties, Breastpins, Sleeve Buttons, Buck Gloves, iiandsome and heavy Hosiery, i FOR THE SERVANTS i Cheap Dress Goods, low priced Cloaks, from $1 to $20, Shawls, Hosiery, cheap Vests, Coverlids, Counterpanes, Ac, &c, with the beat general stock of Notions in the city. JUST OPENEO i An Invoice of Imported Dress Button 100 kinds f old at half yalus. It is a well knovj-n fact that In my specialties I stand -unrivalled. The public will gain I by an examination of my stock, as I sur offering extraordinary induce men ta la the way of prices. Very Bespcctf uBy, JNO. J. HEDRICK. dec 12 To My Friends & Customers A HAPPY NEW YEAR. 1 rjMI AN KING THEM, ONE AND ALL, fer their past f svors, I ask a continuance of the same, and promise to do all la my power to give satisfaction in all my dealings The LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE ea ters up an the New Ye'r with a desire to keep all Us? old frlenda, and by fair dealing asd courtesy to make many new ones. very respect tuny, jan 1 P. a. EIN8BE beb Notice. JS HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLICATION will be made to the General Assembly of North Carolina, at Its session in January, 1885, for a Charter for the "Mutual t ndowment Asso ciation of Wilmington, N. C." dec S lsw aw f rt i - Benj. W. Davis, ! (Formerly with W. E. Davis & Sen, Winning ton,N.C.) 99 Barclay St. New Yore, General Commission Merchan t -QEALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ap- pjee, Game. Fish, Terrapins, Eggs and Chick ens. Highest market prices, ned prompt re turns guaranteed. A trial Isall Isk. ! Bfr hr permission to E. E Burross, Presi dent First National Beak of Wilmington, N.C; MessrrsJ. H. Chadbourn 4k Co., Steam Saw Mills; P. L. Bridgers A "Co.. Grocers; P. Cam- A Co., ursin sua reea ae&jers; vira m Ice end Fish. Southern Produce a Specialty. out l cm Oysters. Oysters. npIIOSB FAMOUS HORNS OTS TERS osa be found st the Old North State Saloon. They am the best brought to city. Clears, Wines, Beer, sad old Clem wWeTalways on hand. Ceil st the alwa: OLD NORTH STATE SALOON. dec 1 6 South Front Street. NKW v

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