rArf JOSH T. SUITOR AMD TWO SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTALS PAID: . veer $.. Six montha, $2.0S. soothe, $1.00; One month,! The paper will be delivered by t are. la any part of the eliy. at the above AriTefltisftur rate low and liberal. aysobeertben wU) report any and all fan- (TM to receive MPT pipw nyiany, pjr 77k Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. A The building lundrr of the African Methodist Church at Grand Rapids Mich . was lost at faro by two of the trustees. A New York paper has a report that fr Tilden's will provides lor the establishment at Greystone of an edu cational institution. It is the opinion of Budd Doble that the time ot trotting horses will yet be broozht down to two minutes, and be v LJ bases it upon the fact that a quarter of a mile in thirty seconds is frequently done. Mr. Davis was at Vicksburg the oth er day, in good health and spirits. He thinks an era of good feeling has been brought about by Cleveland's election, similar to that secured by the success of President Monroe. . i A statue of Frederick Lauer. the Reading, brewer, who is sa;d to have made the first lager beer brewedn America, is to be erected In Lauer i'srk, Reading, under the auspices of the Brewer's Association. .' i An attempt to make Long Branch a winter resort is being made. Mr. John Uoey having fitted up four cottages for the purpose of making the test The cottages are furnished in the most com plete and luxurious manner. A tag with the words "when I am full take me home" printed on it, and a 'blank lined off lor the name and address of the wearer, was worn tied to the lapel of the coat last New Year's day by certain facetious New Yorkers. mm The French elenlent in Montreal so ciety, whioh has taken little in teres heretofore in the carnival, is bestirring itself this year. A fancy dress ball at the Windsor and a bal masque in the French quarter will bo new attractions- Roses in New York are very plenti ful, but high in price. La France sells at $6 a dozen, 50 cents each ; Nephetos are worth $2.50 a dozen; the Beauty ofStaplefort. Mermets, and Pearle de Jardine. $2 50; tie Sunset and Mare chal Kiel are $2 a dozen. 1 Rabbi Gottbeil. of the Jewish Church of New York, proposes to introduce a Sunday service for his congregation in addition to his regular Saturday sert vice. He takes the ground that here are Jews who will not attend a Satur day service who might be induced to attend oae held on the Sabbath. There is, howevor, strong opposition to the innovation. In the Chinese quarter of New York, a few days ago, the fallowing despatch was bulletined: "Not men but money is wanted. The Frenoa have only 800 soldiers in Tonquin ; we have 105.000, who are marchidg upon lacm. In two weeks there will not be an invader left upon our soil. Remit either to the Consul or home to the Zoong Li Ya men. A short time ago the local paper at Red Bluff. Cal., announced that "the prayer meeting at the M. S. Church will-be bell to-night." This typographi cal error, made many people beliefa that something remarkable was to take place at this meeting, and the church was crowded. The officiating brethren, greatly encouraged by the large audi dience, were inspired to eloquence, and the result was that thirteen converted persons united with the church. A. M. Trucedell. of Chicago, has been seat to the almshouse as a ya grant. Seven years age he owned sev era! millions of money, drove fast hors es. and was member ot the best clubs He speculated on the board of trade, and lost every dollar. Crazed at his losses, be took to drink, and sank low- er sou lower , nis last act being a re fusal to pay for his dinner at a restao rant. Mr. Sparhawk, of West Randolph v t., toot: oat a policy ot insurance on his factory one cay. w nne he was in the act of paying the money that made the in sa ranee valid the fire bells rang "How fanny if that should be my place P said Mr. Sparhawk. Ana sure enough the property destroyed was toe opar hawk nrnnertv insured 1U the DICK of time. New Jersey has a Baptist minister who claims to have baptized more peo ple than any other man in his enure. The community in which be resides has been grieved over his stubborn ooui?h that his interfored with his DOS torsi duties. A physician recommend ed Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup,. and conse quently there will be baptism in bis church next Sunday. , . . - i . i : : ! q . i-B.. M ,,i 1 l . tn1 i J . i, -r-g PLEASE SOTK A f II v wswuibaeim to isnsm ooaiiaieeta The Daily Review, wee. J mW.iaisWli; ' - - Ij, And It m arfisisns and parOeiilariy cnOe VOL. IX. LOCAL NEWS. Ill EI TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. r e Miller A $15 Prize uuiiBBuusK istark books . B M MclNriKB Brochet Shawls C W Yates New Years Present B J Jones, Com Commissioner' J W Thompson, ecVy Dividend Be port Notice Notice Application to the Board of Alder men Report of the (JonUion of the first National Bank of Wilmington, N C For other locals see fourth page. There was no City Court this ing. 9. morn- Tho recei pts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 405 bales. Three white tramps were accommo dated with lodgings at the guard house last night. It has been warm, rainy and misera bly muddy to-day, but it will be colder with a day or two see if it don't. Remember that Dude Bows, the im- prved Tensor, the fashionable Tuck.the Clandent, and the puffscarfs are shown In great varity by Dyer. The largest Stock in the city and the latest goods, f Indications. For the South Atlantic States, gener ally warmer, partly cloudy weather and local rains, followed by fair weather except in the extreme Southern portion where the temperature will fall slightly, falling barometer and Southwesterly winds. Widow ttedott. Mr. C. B. Bishop, the inimitable impersonator of . female characters, with bis really fine company, appeared at the Opera House last night in the above-named play, and, although the r- - weather was disagreeable, there was a large and enthusiastic audience to wit ness the performance. That the play was a good one needs no words from us, as it has been a tavorite with the play-goers for tho last dozen years or ever, since its dramatization. The character of Widow Bedolt was orig inally played by tho eminent comedian Neil Burgess, but it has suffered none in the hands of Mr. csnop. aou au dience last night were kept in roars of laughter, and if there were any imper fections in the piece, they were so slight that they were not noticed in the great amount of genuine fun. Citizens1 Meeting. - A large and enthusiastic meeting of the farmers and land owners of New Hanover county assembled in the Court House in this city yesterday afternoon, and the following proceedings were had: . On motion, Mr. R. E. Ileidc was called to preside and Mr. B. L. Mont- ford was requested to act as Secretary . The object of the meeting was stated by the chairman, to be the considera tion of the guestion whether New Han over county should adopt the Stock law or No-Fence" law, as it is commonly called. The question was generally discuss ed, Capt. E. W. Manning, Capt. A. A. Moselcy, Messrs J. A. Montgomery, B. S. Montfmd, J. A. Farrow, Col. B. R. Moore and others participating. In order to set the question in shape for the action of the meeting, Col. B. R. Moore offered the following resolution, which was, after farther discussion, adopted : We, the citizens, farmers nnd land owners of New Hanover county do re solve. That the agriculture and farm ing interests of New Hanover county most unequivocably and undeniably demand that the " No-Fence" law hail be in force in said county, and that we Willi nse all honorable means to secure the passage ot aa act of the General As sembly which shall put in force the Stock law in said county. Capt. A. A. Mose ey moved that Col. B. R. Moore be appointed a committee of one to prepare a bill embodying the sense of the above resolution, and to secure, if possible, its passage by the Legislature. On motion, the i chairman Messrs. Wm. Cromwell, from Fear Township, A. A . Moseley. H smelt. J. A. Montgomery. and Cape from from Mason boro. John Can ad ay, from Fed eral Point, and E. W. Manning, from Wrightsville, were appointed a com mittee to raise the funds necessary to defray the expenses incident to the uiaseure, and to give their aid in secur ing the passage of the bilL On motion, the city papers were re quested to publish these proceedings, On motion, the meeting adjourned subject to the call ot the chairman. Good materials properly pdrportioned which 'are the essential requisites in Jleady wixed Paints can be bj6t attain eu By using the N. Y. Enamel Paint sold at J A lcobi's Depot. WILMINGTON. N. C TUESDAY. JANUARY County Commissioner?. The Board met yesterday afternoon in regular session. The Treasurer submitted his report for the month of December, as follows: General fund ; balance on hand. $19. 085.04 ; educational . fund, balance on hand, $9,759.71 . Of the general fund $7,000 is in the form of a certificate of deposit in the First National Bank. Exhibited eleven coupons of the denomination of $3 each, which were destroyed in the presence of the B3ard. J. L. Cant well, J. P., submitted his annual report of fines and forfeitures, which was received and oidered on the record ot official reports and filed. John H. Savage, Superintendent of the County Poor House, submitted his official bond of $1 ,000 which was re ceived, ordered registered in the record ot official bonds and filed. John H. Savage, superintendent of the House of Correction, tendered his official bond in the sum of $500, which was received and ordered registered and filed. J. VV. Perdew, standard keeper, of fered his official bond in the sum of $200, which was received and ordered registered and filed. L Caleb Blouut and Geo. Grady were relieved from the payment of poll tax on account of physical disability. John Owens was granted license to retail spirituous liquors. The following preamble and resolu tions were adopted: V iiekeas, The provisions of the act in. relation to jurors for the Criminal Court of New Hanover county; being chapter 300 of the Acts of 1883. have been found in practice to be very bene ficial in their operation ; and, whereas, it would promote the better adminis tration of justice it the said provisions were extended so as to embrace the Su perior Court of said county; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That this Board do hereby respectfully petition and pray, that the Honorable, the General Assembly of this State, will pass an act in relation to the Superior Conrt of this county, which shall contain substantially the provisions of the act above mentioned. Icesotved, That a copy ot the forego ing resolution be presented to tno Gen eral Assembly m Such manner as the Chairman of this Board may think proper. The following resolution was adopt ed: j Resolved, Thajt the County Attorney be requested and instructed to examine and repprt to thejr Board; whether or not the parlous persons who claim to be exempt from j ury duty by reason of being members, active or honorary, in any fire company, are or are not le gally exempt, and also to report the names-ofsuch persons as are found not0 to be legally exempt. The following persons were drawn to serve a3 jurors at the February term of the Criminal Court : Wright Grady, Hezekiah Bonham, P. Donlan. O. H. Kennedy, W. W. Yopp, J. D. Jone6, A. B. Gibbs, Peter J. Smith. J. S. Sellers, B. W. Dunham, Jos. W. Taylor, Robert H. Dickson, Dvid Jones, J. G. Burr, G. G. Lewis P. Blomme, G. R. Parker, M. Walls, John D. Cottle, R. J. Bonham, Richard Hil', C. H. Alexander. H. C. Wright. J. IX. Orrell, D. L. (fore, James Hicks' John W, Barnes, Vyi.liain Hollis, J. N. Macomber, C. C.i Parker. The Board then adjourned, to. meet at the call of the chairman. L . . Installation of Officers. P. G, D. Clayton Giles installed the following officers of Carolina Lodge, No. 434, K. of H. last night: S. P. D. George A. Peck. V. D. John W. Perdew. A. D. Thomas F. Bagley. Chaplain Rev. D. H. Tuttle. Reporter fi. B. Willis. Financial Repnrter John L. Dud ley. Treasurer W. A. Willsdn. Guide J. W. Fleet Guardian James Quinn. Sentinel J M McGowan. Dictator-elect, James A. Fore, hav ing been out of the city last night, will be installed at a subsequent meeting. Within the last two months the order in this city has paid $4 000 endowment claims on two of its members. The order is now in a very prosperous con dition. The Weatiier. At half past 10 o'clock this the wind blew at the rate of forenoon 30 miles per hour. The signal office reports that at 9 o'clock this morning the storm was central over Lake Michigan, mov ing Northerly, and of great intensity, causing high Southerly winds on the Atlantic coast. Mr. M. J. Green. P. M.. at Nort I Buffalo, '-Pa.', staV.-s his feet were badly lrostee ami sunereu aiso wan pain iu the head, which St, Jacobs Oil. the great pain-reliever, completely cared. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS , j ! I ; ; 1 ; .i- Broohet Sliawls. A FEW CHOICE STYLES, PRICES LOW. -A. Sets' WILL SELL THEM 4 NEW M ARRETS, SILK PLUSH SACQUES, And other Black Goods FINE ALL-WOOL sblTINGS and COLORED ALMA CLOTHS, la all desirable shades. CARPETS. CURTAINS. CORNICE. At just such popular prices MATTINGS of all kinds. TURKISH jan 6 BATH SOAP 35c for 5 Knights of Pythias. At the regular meeting of Stonewall Lodge No. 1, K. of P., held last even ning in Castle Hall, the toll j wing offi cers were installed for the ensuing term Lby District Deputy Grand Chancellor Thomas D. Meares, assisted by Giand Master at Arms VV. L. Jewett, viz S. P. .C- Arthur Prempert. C. C.-R.B. Clowe. V. C. J. J. Hopkins. P. B. F. Murphy. M. ot F. W. L Jewett. M. of E. W. S. Warrock. K. of R. and S. W. H. Yopp. M.at A. H. W. Collins. I. G. -R. B. Jewett. O. G. L. A. Bilbro. "Alden's Juvenile Gem" Is the title of a new illustrated weekly paper for young people, the publication of which begins with the new year. It is a new departure of the prolific "Literary Revolution" and will there fore be examined with particular in terest by some hundreds of thousands ot readers who have come to look to that enterprise almost exclusively tor their reading matter. Its subscription price is only 75 cents a year, though it will rival the high priced magazines in the amount and quality of its attrac tions. A specimen copy will be sent to y applicant forwarding his address Xiy i- 1 - r-.i:kA. B. Alden. 393 Pearl street. New York. MARBLED. SWAIN PRIiGK In . Bmithville, on the 17th Dec. 18S4, in 8t. Philips' Church, by the Rev. Bennett Smedes, D. D., Mr. L. P. SWAIN to Miss MARY IDA. (laughter cf tbe late G. Prlgge. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice JS HEBKBY GIVEN THAT APPLICA- tlon will be made to the Hoar l of Aldermen at then next meeting, for the passage of an Act to amend the Charter of tbe City of Wilming ton, jan 6 It Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company., OFl lOE OF THE SKCBETAKY ft TKEAS., Wilmington, N. C, Jan. t, 1885. DIVIDEND OF FOUR PKR CENT. ON tbe Capital Stock of the Wilmington A Wei den K. R. Co., has been declared, payable to the Stockholders on and after the 15th Inst. J. W. THOMPSON, jam 6 3t I ' Secretary A Treasurer Commissioner's Report fW TUB condition ur xtis tuaauiu FUND, City of Wilmington. North Caro'iua, I' i January 1st, 1885: 8KCURI1IE8 HELD. 4 C Ity Bonds de in 1887 $ 420 00 1 City Bond due in 1889 100 OS 7 City Bonds due In 1892 3.600 00 50 City Beads due In 1897 5,810 00 13 City Bonds due la 1899 3.100 00 10 CHy Bonds due In 1901 10, 00 25 CitV Bonds due in 104 .0 t0 5 City Bonds due la 1910. 3,000 00 113 Bon as amounting to . .$50,800 00 Cash C on hand rUficate). (interest .... S.763 48 Tntal imrnint of Sinking Pond. Jan. xst, 18S5 $59 561 41 RICHARD J. JONES. jan 6 It Commis-loner FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON. 1VIDEND OP THREE AND A HALF PKR CENT, has been declared by toe jsoara of Directors of this Bank, payable on the K th Inst K. WALKER, J an S 7 tame Cannier. Mullets. A NOT HER CONSIGNMENT OF FINE, A. Sweet Florida Oran res, kwge and fflae Hoe Mullets, ln bbls and half bbls, Fish Roe, Eggs. Chickens Apples, Potatoes, Ac. Mnst be sold. Call and see. Caan orders promptly i oBsurnmenis oi i xmu ui ouun Terms cash. JOHN R. MARSHALL, No. 24 North Water St, dec 30 lyd Aw Wilmington, N. C. T Sfi I ,,rii , 'rrouuee soutnw. NO. 5. NEW BELOW VALUE. RUSSIAN CIRCULARS. BLACK CASHMERE, at the closest prices. as you will be offered them. OIL CLOTHS, Rugs, Mats. Arc. R. M. MclNTIRE cakes I Blank Books. JKDGtRS, JOUKNAL?, CASH BOOKS, Day Books, Invoice Boots, Bill Books, Trial Balancct, Time Books, Note, Draft and Re celpt Books, new styles; Check Bank of New Hanover. Checks First National Bank, Paper Legal Cap, Cap. Letter, Note and BIHet ;Peaj; Inks of all kinds; Steel Pens, Pencils, and many other articles, just received and for eale cheap at HINSBKBGBR'S, jan 6 ' - I ive Book and Music Stores! Report of the Condition THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON, at Wilmington, in the Statcof North Carolina, at the, close of buslu0ss f - . ' -. - December 20, 18S4: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts. . Overdrafts. .714.8IS 28 6,049 97 . 50,000 00 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation. . . Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents. . Due from other National Banks. . . . . Due from State Banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expeuses and taxes, paid. . . . Bills of other Banks, . ;V... Fractional paper currency , nickels, and pennies........ Specie... . Legal tender notes 03,975 21 42,003 05 5.12.S 23 5.300 17 71.691. liO 6.964 40 1 29,95 00 L 298 80 35,951 00 10,267 0 firerjoper cenFofcirculation.??. Total $1,043,258 80 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in. $250,000 00 Surplus fund........................ 44,981 94 Umfivided prolits. i . . . 8S.C3S 46 National Bank notes outstanding. ... 44,990 00 Dividends unpaid . . 1,844 50 Individual deposits subject to check ?7J,974-92 Demand certilleates of deposit . 27,869 86 Due to other National Ranks 32.285' 1 1 Due to State Banks and bankers.... 9S0 t2 Notes and bills rediscounted 58,487; 91 Bllte payable . v 12,500; 00 Total $1,043,258 39 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Count of Sew Hanovkk, as. I, A. K. WALKER, Cashier; of the above named bank, de solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. K. WALK hit, Cashier. Subscribed and swornto Ijcfore me this 5th day of Jan. 1835. A. J. HOWELL, Notary PubUc. Correct-Attest : E. E. BURIMI8S, ) ALFRED MARTIN, J Directors. D. G. WORTH. 1 jane Ship Notice. A LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY forewarned not to trust or harbor any of the crew of the Nor. barque CONDOR, as neither the' Master or consignees will be re sponsible CH. 3YVERTSEN. Master jan 3 3t HEIDE to CO., Consignees No Dissolution. rjlHE FIKM er MELTON A GARRKLL has not been disiolved, but will be as soon as the proper account of the partnership has been settled by the law. to which I nave resorted. by commencioar aa action yesterday. As an equal partner in tbe firm , I protest against the payment of any bill due it except to me; and aU the books, except the "pass book', are In my possesskn, and 1 will receipt payments. Neither Mr. C. F. Carroll nor J. X Hopkins Is authorized to collect for tbe arm. vl Partner tn present firm of jan 3 3t -j Mnlton A Parrell Notice. j WILL STATE TO THE PUBLIC THAT J. F. GARRKLL never was. nor to not now, an equal partner of mine, and as stated by noe In Dissolution Notice, no oae except tbe par ties named by me Is antborlzeU to sign lor tbe firm of Mel el ton to uarretl in nqaii liquidation. MELTON. lfY CUSTOMERS CAN, AS USUAL, ind the best of all kinds of Meats Oft wj StaJla, kept tn this city , and be supplied from them as Stalls Nos. 1,9 and S, City Market jan 3 5t Star copy it 6, 1885. ADVERTISEMENTS. W WRAPS LEFT Wl I iS I it nni tin Mei 1 1 linn milm ii w in 3 new of correapMlett ac as theedorfal columns. NEW ADVERT 9a. 8. H. Trimble, OTOCJC AND ESTATE BROKER and A MarctuuHTlae of every deserin Water streets. Cronly Motrins' old stand. Personal attention given to sale of homes and vehicles at private sale or a anciton. Coa signmenu soucitoo, SKTu W. DAVIS, SPpCiRI FOR THE A Urce Stock of Sensible Artieles for Holiday Present! 0 I RISPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN t XION OF THE LADIES TO THE FOLLOW I U : Super Biack Cash merle verp cheap. Medium and low priced Dres ttUD- at grea , m.m wrw. bargains. FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER We have a splenlld stock of Table Damask, Napkins ami Doyles wi.li the bandsoi T stock of Towe's ever .mported. Q FOR THE YOUNG LADIES j A superb lot of Handkerchiefs, cery . and quality, Hand 6atchcls, D . Jcwch-y, etc FOR THE GENTLEMEN : Colored Bordered ami White , HomstlU he Handkerchiefs, Homstitched China 6H Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Ccarf Pins; Sleeve Buttons, fine Suspenders, wilh h variety oothcr hancLsomf and useful artlclert. A- FOR THE ROYS : Silk and Linen Handkcrcmef, Windsor 1 les, BreaStpiiiD, liaudyiome and heavy Hosiery. FOR THE SERVANTS : Clteap Dress Goods, low priced Cloaks, from $1 to $20, Shawls, Hosiery; cheap Tests, Coverlids, Counterpanci. 4c, Ac., with the best genial stock of Notions In the city. JUST OPENED : An invoice of imported Dmi Buttons 100 kinds c old at half value. It Is a well known faot that In my sieclaltlea I stand unrivalled. The public will gain by an examination of my stock as I am offering extraordinary Inducements In the way of prices. v Very Respectfully, JNO. J. HEDRICK. dec 11 Hardware QF ALL KINDS AND IN ANY QUANT1 ty. Wholesale and Retail at ROCK BOTTOM prices, jan 5 . K. SPRINGER CO.. 19. 21 23 Market Street. Wilmington. N. C Conoleys Drug Store. 216 MAUKET STKEET. IN CONSEQUENCE OF MT LARGE Christ mas trade, I will sell tbe balance of wy boll day goods at cost to rake room for my Drugs, Patent Medicines and such art'cJe as are usu ally kept In a first class retail Drug Store. V r v Kern m -e t rail v. dec 19 J. W. CONOLKY. New Year Presents. I HAVE QUITE A VARIETY OF ARTI CLES LEFT SUITABLE FOR New Year Presents, which I am di-posliij prices. Call eary ax of at greatly reduced make your selections. New Tear Cards ! A fresh lot ijast opened of Prang's hand some MEW YEaR CARDS, Diaries for 1885. Turner's N. C. Almanacs, Ac, Ac. C. W. YATES, dec 29 119 Marfcet 84 Hot Tom and Jerry. rjpHK FIRST OF THE SEASON TO DAY. Also, Ram Greasers. Hot Scotch, Spiced Rum, Hot Flip and all the latest style of Hot Drinks AT THE "r, IS - SB North rroat at Oysters. Oysters, WHOSE FAMOUS BORNE OYS' TERS can be found at the Old North State aa'oon They are host this ettv. Clears, wines. Beer, and old i WMstey, arways on nana, uuimhw ulu voarn btsts oalb , dec 1 8 South Front Street HULL HOLIDAYS niulso r. bnonwht to Diem

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