t FLKASev aoriUK Tie w dp- xm . i mm jr. m m m. m Daily by .TOSH T. J. MD TTO B AJBD r BO nRSCBirTIOBB fiPQpft OVUT JbriBAds) OB 4tflQT e!swi iMsfaOsjw, paper win be dehTrd by carriers free v than t-flo the elty, SS.. rls,orlOeai Arlvestlsla -ihcrlbn win -ea to receive & The Daily Review hat the largest tona fide circulation, of amy newspaper fished, tn UucUyOf -Urs J W. Masker b paid $3 000 for a tioy canvass by Gemma, the sizer of wbicb U described aa "almost aa big a a pocket-handkerchief." Senator Fair, of Nevada, is assessed ,or $4,230,000 in the city of San Fran cisco, and is now a defendant in a de linquenUax suit, in which the city clsinis from him $93,803. It is stated that one of the wives of a Mormon of Salt Lake City is about to o oflQt and deliver a course of lectures in answer to the attacks ot Miss Kate Field George Francis Train emerges from obscurity lrne enough to inform the Aorinan neoDio (bat he caa write a iui tv m better "porno" than Baron Tennyson ' "freedom1 with one hand tied be" bind him. Representative S. 8. Cox, who is not only the brightest scholar but, the best worker in the House, has found time, in the midst of politics, naval reorgani zation and social duties, to write anoth er book. Miss Maud Howe writes from New Orleans that men. women and children all about her, at the opening of the ex hibition, "cried real tear' when tbe band struck up with the "Star Spangled Banser." The Loudon Echo moans lor the Brit ish taxpayer oyer the announced royal marriage. Another paper adds that it tbe first time a bridegroom consent ed to take his mother-in-law as part of the bride's trousseau. The Hammond Electic Light Com pany has signed a contract to light a square mile ot London City, with the Royal Exchange as a centre, at-lhe price now paid for gas; also to Jight the Mansion House for 1,000. Who owns a prescription, after it has ones been filled the physician, the patient or the apothecary? The ques tion comes up in a Connecticut liquor case, wherein an order for half a pint of gin has been duplicated many times and the excise officers wish to punish somebody. Ex-Congressman Walls, colored, of Florida, has had enough of. public and political lite, and devotes himself to profitable kithen gardening on the St. joun s Kiver. banner already accumu-. la ted an estate of $25,000 by raisin a early vegetables for the Northern mar kst. The board of trustees of ' the Colum bian University in Washincton, upon the unanimous recommendation of the i acuity ot its medical department, has decided to adm i t women to the stud y of medicine in that institution with all the privileges ot instruction now accorded male students. A special from Saybrook, 111., says that Sergt. Bates, the flag-carrier, has come into the possession ot $13,000 by the death of a wealthy and eccentric citizen of Philadelphia. Bates has been living in abject poverty at Saybrook, with a large .family, broken in health for some time past. Virgil's birthplace, the little village of Pietole, in the Lombard! plain, about five miles from Mantua, has just began to build a monument to the pock Close to the Tillage rises a small hill, the Monhelli di Virgllio, and here, ac cording to local tradition, stood the house iu which Virgil was born . sp The Kn9-Pau it the name of the official Chinese paper. It was start ed la the year 911 as a semi-occasional journal. Then for some centuries i was a weekly, and at the beginning of the present century it became daily. It publishes three editions and has six editors, with a circulation of 14,000. A young Englishman has insured bis whole body against accident except his left leg, which no company will bow insure, as he is subject to sudden weak neat iu this limb, and it has been the cause ol much lose to companies. If he hue a all through this faulty mem her he will be unable to recover any amount from tbe companies in whose office his body it insured. Mrs. F. G. Kellogg, 50 . 86th street, says the New York Morning Journal. was partially paralysed, and lay for seven days in convulsions. . She was unable to leave her bed, and was aa halajees as a child. She was induced to try St. Jacobs Oil as a last chance, fine improved from the first applica tions, and by its continued use, she has recovered. VQIi. IX. W LMINGTON. N. C. Prince Rowland Bonaparte has -a novel idea. He proposes to have a col lection f the different uncivilized races in Paris. ,W e constantly, he argues, bring together the various products of the globe; why n bring together the producers? The New York banks at the elose of the year are in a very sound condition. They have on band $41,000,000 more than the law requires them to keep as a reserve; in all, $135.000 000. Here there are forty millions of dollars un employed. It is not the fault of tbe banks, but of those who own money. It ought to be invested scattered aroand throughout tbe and the country. It is amusing to see people with their face drawn as it they had swolied a feather and it was tickling their lungs and they would be happy if they could only sneeze. Now, there is m need of "making faces." A bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will draw your face back into a smile. LOCAL NEWS. 11 DEI TO SEW ABVERTISEMEITS. McGowan Clemmer r C MILLER V $15 Prize Beinsbekgeb Blark Book a w T Bra y Situation Wanted Tatlok's bazaak l.QCO Corsets C W Yatbs New Tears Present! S H Trimble Co Horees at Auction 8 H Trimble & Co Fruit at Auction 8 H Trimble & Co Groceiic at Auction There was no City Court this morn ing. The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 3-26 bales. One white tramp was accommoda ted with lodeings at Ike guard house last night. Ooe white man was arrested jester" day for being drunk and down, but be was discharged this morning without trial. The next enteitainment at the Opera House will boon the 19th inst., when Miss Carrie Swayne, with her compa- i ny, win appear. We have a promise of a cokl snap in a few. days, and it is well for you to prepare for it. The fine lines of Gloves at Dyer's are in great demand. t Ger. barque Louis, Schaaieter, clear ed to-day lor Liverpool with 2,278 bales cotton, valued at $109,500, shipped by Messs Alex. Sprunt & Son. Br. Sfchr. Hattie Darling arrived here last evening from Harbor Island, with fruit, consigned to Messrs. Cronly & Mn-ris. Tha fruit will he sold at auc- tion to-morrow by Messrs. &. n Trimble & Co. The two auction houses in this city Messrs. S. H. Trimble and A. G. Mc Oirfe. have consolidated and will here after be conducted under one license, Mr. McGirt beinz the auctioneer. We wish them continued success. The warm , wet weather of yesterday vanished during the night and to-day we have had a clear sky with a fresh Westerly breeze and a cooler atmos- phere. There is a good deal of mud yet in the streets, but it fs drying up ranidlv under the kindly influences of the sun and the wind. The instruments for the newly or ganized Howard Relief band have been nrdered and were snipped from New York, via Atlantic Coast Line, on Sat urday last. They were expected here to-day, but did not arrive unless they came in on the through freight train this afternoon. To-morrow will be the seventieth an niversary of the battle of New Orleans, which was fought on January 8th, 18 tzi Gen. Andrew Jackson commanded the American toroes, while the British were commanded by Sir Richard Packen ham, who was killed on tbe field of battle. The British troops were routed with terrible slaughter. . Indications. For the South Atlantic States, fair and slightly colder weather with Westerly winds. Tbe Howard Relief. At a regular meeting of the Howard Relief Firt Engine Co. No. 1, held Monday night last, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Foreman A. Adrian. 1st Assistan' M. Rathjen. 2nd Assistant G. M. Tienken. President J. G. OldenbuUel. Vice President C. F. VonKampen. Recording Secretary J. G. L. Gies chen. Cor. Secretary Wm. Peterson. Chief Engineer T. H. Smith. Assistant Engineer P. Fick. Stewart J. a. h Gieshen. Personal Col. John. M . Robinson. Mej. J. C. Winder and Mr.W.W, Chamberlain. Treasurer of the Seaboard & Roanoke R. R., are in tbe city today. Maj. Robert Bingham, of the Bine" ham School, arrived here this morniog i from New Orkan?, where he has been to see the Exposition. He is the guest of Mr. David G. Worth, and will leave to morrow morning for his home at Mebaneville, N. C. j Should Be Removed. There is an ugly stump in the gutter, near the sidewalk, on the South side ot Market street, near Third, which should be removed at once. It is just at the point where a transverse cross way of the s rect begins and several persons have fallen over it. A tew nights since a gentleman was crossing there and fell over it and received painiul injur ies, dislocating one of the bones of the wrist. Unfounded Rumors. During the prevalence of the gale yes. terday there were wild rumors afloat that the wind was creating ser.ous havoc with property at Smithville; that vessels were blown ashere, buildings unroofed and that the Pavillion con nected with Hotel Brunswick had been blown down. Such were entirely idle and unfounded as there was no disas ter, of any kind, at Smithville yester. day. There was a heavy gale, same as there was here, and that was all. We do not know who started the rumor, but we are aware that it created for a time considerable alarm and anxiety anions some ot our citizens. A New Pleasure Club. A club was organized at Little Giant Hall last night, which adopted as its. name, "The Pleasure Club of the Wil mington Steam Fire Engine Company.'' Its object is social intercourse, mutual pleasure, mutual improvement and re creation, and it will be exclusively for the benefit ot the actiye and honorary members of W. S. F. E.Co. Toaccom- Oft plish this laudable purpose (here will be a reading room,, which will be sup plied with some of the best current lit erature, a gymnasium a pool table and other things to amuse and instruct. Thft nrarnniy.atinft wfis affected bv the election of the following officers t6 serve for the ensuing year : President E. G. Parmelee. Vice President- W. N. Jacobs. Secretary and Treasurer J. D. Reil -ley. - . In His New Home. Mr. J. D. Sublett, last season man ager of the Hotel Brunswick, at Smith ville. seems to have already gained many frienls in his new home atBaten Rouge, as witness the following from a recent issue of the Qapuohan Advo cate, published in that city: There was a large gathering, last Saturday nijjht, at the Castle llall of Capitol Lodge No. 29, it being the time i i t a s a tor tne anuuai election oiomcers. Aiier adjournment tbe Knights and their in vited guests repaired to the Grand Cap itol Hotel, where they assem bled around a sumptuous spread, arranged under the supervision of that experienced and urbane- host, Col. buolt.Lt, who on this occasion more than sustained hia high repute. The tab'c was elegantly set and tbe menu excellently prepared and served. It is needless to add that the gallant Knights did full justice to the good things before them, and that the affair wound up only after numerous toasts had been offered and responded to, in a manner that gave proof of the fraternal good feeling existing among the Knights. An Important Case. There was a case brought before U. S. Commissioner T. M. Gardner yes terday afternoon which was of consid erable importance to the shipping in terests of the port, and caused consid erable excitement among the ship cap tains here. The action was brought against the schooner Ruth Darling, as a test case, and the charge was a viola tion of Section 4519 of the United States Revised Statutes, requiring a copy of tbe shipping articles to be post ed in the forecastle or some other con spicuous p. ace on board the vessel, where they might be accessible to the crew. The action was brougot for the penalty for non observance of the law, which is $100. U. S. District Attorney Robinson- appeared for the prosecution and Mr. M Bellamy appeared for the defendant. In rendering his" opinion. Commissioner Gardner held that tbe penalty did cot apply to vessels unless the crew were shipped by or before a U. S. Shipping Commissioner, that in vessels engaged in coastwise trade it was not necessary to ship the crew be fore such Commissioner, and that the schooner Ruth Darling, being a coast wise vessel, did not come within the statute as a violator of the law, and the defondant was discharged. JANUARY Legislature Organized. A special to the Review from Raleigh, for which we kindly thank Senator Chad bourn, tells us that the Legislature organized to-day by the election ot Mr. E T. Boy ken, Senator from Sampson county, as President pro Umpeore of that body, and the House by the election of Col. Thos. M Holt, of Alamance, as Speaker. The elections were tbe result of party caucuses and were made unanimous. Masonic. The Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of North Carol i na will convene in its 98th Annua Communication at Raleigh, on .Tueso day evening, the 13th day oh January, 1885, at7;30oc!ock. Mr. C. H. Rob inson, Senior Grand, Warden of the State, Messrs J. I. Macks and E. S. Martin, of St. John's Lodge, No. !, and Mr. J. C. Munds, of Orient Lodge, will attend from this city. It is probable that representatives from Wilmington Lodge. No. 319, will also be present, but they have not yet been named. Changes in the Postal Laws, Postmaster Frank Halton nas noti fied all Postmasters that certain sec tions of the postal laws and regulations have been amended, and prepaid letters can now be forwarded from one post office to another at the request of tt party addressed, without additional charge for postage. Letters and all matter prepaid at first class rates of postage, may be returned to the sender without additional charge for return ing. Alt registered matter may be forwarded upon the written request of the party addressed without additional charge.for registry fee. Installation of Officers. The following were installed last night as officers ot Cape 'Fear Lodge No. 2, I. O O. F., for the ensuing term : N. G. W. H. Montgomery. V. G.- L. A. Bilbro. Rcc. S.-r-A. J. Yopp. Per. 5. Wm. L. Smith Treas. John Maunder. Chap, W. J. Yopp. Con. N. Jacobt. War. G. W. T. Keen. R. S. to N. G. Oscar Pearsall. L. S. to N. G J. W. Woolvin. R. S. to V. G. J. W. Hawkins. L. S. to V. G, John Kiernan. R. S. S.-Chas. Schulken. L. S. S. David Pratt. J. G. August Deumelandt. O. G. W. M. Hays. Triuity College. Through tbe courtesy of Key, Di? Yates, pastor ot the Front Street M Church, we have received a copy of "An Address to tbe Methodists of North Carolina." by tbe committee of management , ' appointed during the recent session of the Annual Conference in this city,-to look alter the affairs ol Trinity College. Tbe work of this Committee is to try and place the college upon a firm financial basis, and the "address"' is in the form of an appeal to the Methodists of the State for their hearty, earnest and active co operation in the important work. The time intervening between theclosing of Conference and the opening of tbe Spring term of tbe College was so snort that tbe Committee were forced to organize the Faculty with a Chair man at its head, instead of a President. Tbe Faculty as at present Organized is as follows: J. F. H eit man, Professor of Metaphys ics anl Theology, Chairman and Treasurer of the Faculty; W. T Gannaway, Professor of Latin and French; W. li. regram, rrofeaaor of Natural Sciences, Secretary of the Faculty; J. M. Bandy, Processor of Mathema'ics ; H. H. Will iamb, Profes sor of Greek and German ; A. (W. Long. Professor of English Literature and History. N. C. English. Principally of the Preparatory Depart mentjand Busi ness Course. The Spring term com menced to-day (Jan. 7th) and will close on the 11th of June next, and with the above Faculty, "composed of men learned, aggressive and fully abreast with the progressive education of the time," tha Methodists of North Carolina have in Trinity. College an institution well worth? their patronage. The committee of management, consisting of Messrs. J. W. Alspaugh. J. S. OtfT, and Jas. A. Gray, are men of influ ence, integrity .and well established business character, and we feel copfi dent that their efforts in behalf of the College will be crowned with complete Step Ladders, all lengthsjat Jacobi's t NO. 6. NEW ADVEKT18EMEVT8. Situation Waited. T DT8IKK TO OBTAIN A SI I U AT ION AS jL Over&eer on a farm. Am entirely competent to take control of a Rice, Cotton or other farm-' oaM take a portion in a waft 90m House, vest or references riven. an 7 W. T. MAY. A. O. McUlBT, Auctioneer. BY 3. H TRIMBLE CO. rN TC MORLOW (THURSDAY) AT 10 o'cl' ck. sharp, at Exchange Corner, we will sell TWO GOOD HORSKH and UNK BUGGY and HARNESS. We are authorized to guar antee these Horses In erery respect. jan7 1t - A. O. McGIKT, Auctioneer. BY 8. H. TRIMBLE ft CO QH TO-MORROW (THURSDAY) AT 10 o'clock, A. if , sharp, on board Scbr. Hattfe Darling we will sell 2C0 BUNCHES BANANAS, and ether Fruit. janTlt A G. McCrlKT, Auctioneer BY S. H. TRIMBLE A CO. FRIDAY", JAN. 9th, at 10 o'clock, 1 .flrnth ana castle st a general stock of Groceries, consisting of Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Molaseas, TobaccoCi gars. Bacon, Hams, Lard, Canned Goods, Tin ware, Crockery, and a'l the Fixtures. Includ ing e how Case, Scales, Sc., Ac. jan 7 St Clemmer. FEW MORE OF THAT CELEBRATED FIHST-CL ASS WHISKEY j net received. CAROLINA YACHT CLUB 6c CIGARS still holds the Cake. Try McGO WAN'S Old North 8ta'c Saloo a and save money. Jan t It E THOUSAND CORSE1S WILL BE - j ..." auLU i x ijuu ir.i i hill ' . A FIFTY CENT CORSET for only 39c A SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS CORSET foroftly 59 cents. A DOLLAR. CORSKT for only 73 cents. A ONE DOLLAR AND THIRTY NINE eft. CORSET for only 98c. NURSING CORSETS, CHILDREN'S ANL MISSES CORSETS fn all sizes, at r . :.. i: Taylor's Bazaar. - At the center counter w display nnmerotis bargains In m HANDKERCHIEFS, LACE COLLARS, EMBROIDERY, &C..&C. With a larger stock of HATS, RIBBONS, FLUSHES, SATINS, VELVETS, HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR, ...... i ... n ... v . ' I AT REMARK ABLY LOW PRICES, before stock taking, at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St WILMINGTON, N. C. jan 7 Blank Books. J EDGER3, JOURNALS, CASH BOOKS) Day Books. Invoice Books, Bill Books, Trial Balance, Time Books, Note, Draft and Fe oelpt Books, hew styles; Checks Bank of NcW Hanover, Checks First National Bank, Paper Legal Cap, Cap, Letter, Note and Billet ;Pens; Inks of all kinds; Steel Pens, Pencils, ami marfy other articles, just received and for sale Cheap at HEINSBKRUBR'S, jan e Live Book and Music Stores New Ciar Store. 0'if . Hirschberg's Front St. rpflE PUBLIC CAN THE PROCESS of manufacture of j good. Only the werkasea eapl.fsi Wo t... The tobacco used In the manufacture of Cigars is naturallv and properly cored . All my work la done to this city and under my personal supervision. A call at ay factory where my several brands are made will satisfy all that tbe beat goods an handle by 4 L H1RSCHBERO. oct 11 tf No . 5 North Front St Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. OFFICE Or THE SgCRETAKT A TSBAS., 1 Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 6, 1885. A DIVIDEND OP FOUR PER CENT, OK the Capital Stock of the Wilmington A Wei den R. R. Co.. has been declared, payable to the Stockholders en and after the 15th bast. J. W. THO jast st Secretary A 7, 1885. NEW AOVBBT1BBMJENT9. S. k. TrirribTe, OTOCK AND O and Auctioneer of every description. Ol and eets. Cronly Mexrtss' attenUo. .lvoa to side ot horse, and vebiies at private sat. or at fnjtnn Co. tssottcrted. 8KTH- v septS FOR TBE HOLIDAYS. it . A Laree Stock of Sensible Articles for j Holiday Presents! I RBSPECTPOLLY CA LI, THE ATTEN TION" OF THE LADIES TO THE FOLLOWING PI Snper Black Cashmere verp cjiei Medium aad low priced li-ess- GnOdS at grea Gnod3 at barguius. o- FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER EPW:i r We have a splendid, stock of Table Damask, Napkins and Dories wi.h the hantlsomcs jstock of Towe's ever imported, j FOR THE YOUNG LADIES: I Wr ' 1 A 1- A superb lot of Handkerchiefs, every st and quality, Hand Satchels, Handso Jewelry, etc. T. t 1 o ' FOR THE GENTLEMEN : Colored Bordered and White UcmMltche Handkerchiefs, Hemstitchexl Cbina Sil Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Scarf Pins, 1 Lil Sleeve Buttons, line Suspenders, with a Variety of other liandsomd and oeeful I articles. J- j. FOR THE BOYS : j- Silk and Llacn Handkcrchicfa, Windsor lies Breastpins, Sleeve Buttons, Buck Gloves, handsome and heavy Hosiery. ! FOR THE SERVANTS I Cheap Dress Goods, low priced Cloaks, from flto $90, 8hawls, Hosiery, cheap Vests, Coverlids, Counterpanes, Ae, Ac, with the best general stock of Notlens In the city. i ; ' 'I : o JUST OPENED : An invoice of imported Dres Buttons 100 kinds told at half value. m It is a well known fact that in my speSUlties I stand unrivalled. The public will gain by an examination of my stock, as I am offering extraordinary inducements in the way of prices. Very Respectfully, JNO. J. HEMlCRj. uec m HardwArA w QF ALL KINDS AND IN ANT QUANT! ty . Wholesale and Retail at ROCK BOTTOM prices. jan 6 W. K. SPRINOKR CO.. 19, 21 23 Market Street, Wilmington. N. C Conoley's Drug Store. 216 MAHKKT8TKEET. IN CONSEQUENCE OF MT LARGE Christ mas trade, I will sell the balance of sty noli day goods at cost to make room for my Drugs, Patent Medicines and such articles as ate nan ally kept in a first class retail Drag Store Very Respectfully, dec 29 J. W. OONOLRY. New Tear Presents. I HAVE QUITE A VARIETY OF ARTI 4 - fs i -.1' SV i CLR9 LEFT SUITABLE FOR Presents, which I am disposing of at greatly red nee-1 price. Call early and mafce your selections. New Year Cards I A fresh lot (just opened oi Prang's bad some NEW YIaB OA iiOS. Diaries for 1985. Turner's N. C. Slmanam. Ar.c I 119 Market St Hot Tom and Jerry FrjtHK FIRST OP THE SEASON TO-DAi . Also, Greasera, Hot Scotch, Spice! Hot Flip and ail the latest style of Hot AT THE "Gm DriSks "GEM dec 16 North Jront 8t or WILMIMOTJDN. A llVIORMDOF TURBMAND S HALT PER CENT, has been declared by the Board of Directors of this BAnk, parable oat the KUv tat, A. K. WALKER, j an 3 7taac oWst T XrAYIB.