MISCELLANEOUS. S g P THE BEST TONIC. Ine, combining: Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely , Malavta.CMIteM Fevrrn. It is an unmiling remedy for Diseases of the KUaeys and MJhrer. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar tc ffnroM, and all who lead sedentary live!. It does not injure the teeth, esuse head. . ;, - produce eonstinatloti otit Jron WKtiieino i. It enriebesand WiftDei the Wood, rtfmuluw ?uc appetite, aids the usaimilsti'.n of f 1 V'vea Heartburn ai:d 1 Idling, and -t:i: mm the muscles and nerv s For Intermittent Fevers. laakitnde, 1 ... Cncrgr uns no equal. The genuine baa alu.ve trxd- n;!:; erossed ledlinvs ti wrapper. 1 sJfee i . Vb4k oialy kj BBOW t il EX 111 L Hi. Pit.? . " jaa 1 1 y dAw H for working peop'e. Send 10 cents postage, and we will mail you fblk. a royal, valuable sample box of goods that will pat yon in the way of mak ing mote money In a few days than on ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. Tou can live at horn-: and work In snare time only, or ail the time. All of both sexe, of all ages, grandly successful, f 0 cents to $5 easllr earned every evening. That all who want work bit test the business, we make this unparalleled offer: To all w no. are not well satisfied will send a i to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc, sent free. Immtn pay ab solutely sure for all who start at once. Don't delay. Address Stinson A Co, Por.land, Mai c. , dccSdAwly LM I WL more money nan at anything else ww 3 mm by taking an agency for ibe beat selling book out. Beginners succeed grandly. None f ill. Terms free. all kit Book Co, Portland, Maine. dec I d&w ly APWT7P send six cents for postage, M AtAAiMJa and receive free, a costly box of goods wblr.h will help you to more money right away than anything else In this world All cf either sex, succeed from the nrt hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once ad dress Tki'B Co., Augusta, Maine, nov 2 dAw ly $2 AAA in present given away Send. JVVV us 5 cents postage, and you will get free a package of goods of large value, that will start you In work tbat will at once bring v u In money fatter than any thingieUe In America. Alt about the 200,000 in presents with each box. Agents wanted every where, of either sex, of aliases, for ail the ilmc. or spare time only, to work fur us at their own homes. Fortunes fcr a 1 workers absolutely assured Don't del. v. II. HALLETT A CO.. Portland, Maine, dec 2d&wJy First National Bank of Wil mington, CAPITAL STOCK-.. 2fVCT,0 0 66,016 SURPLUS PL'ND. posits received aad collections made oc - al acasmible points Injthe United State J OIRKCToBA, B. E. SU&BUSS, D. G. WORTH. MARTIN. JAM. 3PRUNT (iKORGK CHADBOURN. , officerr- A. k. bukruss President. a. K. walk KB Cashier W. LABKLNS A'nt Cashier aid w Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead. Faints, French Window Q-lass. OCMOT FOB V T. ENAMEL PAINT COS BEADY PREPARKD PAINT. 1 ALL AND EXAMINE OUB GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing The fact bat oar Palnta are from tbe celebrated Fao ortea of WatberlU St Co., and Harrison Bros m Co., kt suAcieat guarantee for their quality and purity A fine Has of Cookln Stoves at Facto y Piicea, la addition to our large and full HARDWARE STOCK, to which your attention Is respectfully Invited NATH'L JACOB!, ; t 10 South Vront St Send in your Christmas presents, such as Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Albums, Ac, and have name neatly stamped in Gold by a reliable aad competent workman. In the meantime vour orders for Printing, Buling or 'Binding could not be placed in better bauds. )T JACKSON k BELL. The Election is Over ! rra couwtry is saved, ou PCB- chases are large. Our c f penees small sad we er mined to sen Groceries to salt 8a re money b buying So. IS North SocondSt. iui 11 11 11 111 Gilding ! Gilding!! are del i s &iSv 15 The Daily Review JAMES. Editor A Prop. m T4J$. !WC. WEDN 5 Satered ttce at Wilmlsgton, n d -class matter. The force with which the gas issues from somof the gas wells in Pitts burgh is tremendous, aod in one in stance a drilling machine weighing 3, 000 pounds was thro wo high in the air The pressure is irregular, too. and therein lies the chief difficulty in utiiiz ing the gas tor household purposes, s the da nicer of leakage aod explosion can hardly be overcome, thongh vari ous contrivances are employed to lessen it. The gas-bearing stratum is there a bed of soft, pebbly sandstone, ajjsm depth of 1,000 feet, underneath solia rock. The rush of gas is weaker n tbe morn ing and stronger in the afternoon, and there is also a general fluctat:on cor responding with the changes ot tbe moon. l , j-f Thirty barrels ot fine New England rum were overlooked in unloading the bark Emma Harriman, three years ago, when she was fitted out at Boston for a whaling trip. Capt. Martin discovered the beverage soon after setting sail, and he advised a pleasure voyage instead of a strie'ly laborious one. The rest of the officers and the crew agreed to the novel planand thereafter the chase of the whale alternated with sprees in the ports at which the vessel touched. The owners gave her up for lost, but at length heard of her on the Pacific coast, and have just captured her in St. Thomas Bay. Tbe ram was exhausted, and the jolly mariners had periodically traded for provisions air the whale oil they had obtained. The German War Department is trying a new experiment at Minister ( WestDhalia.) A special company, under a separate command, has been selected from the regiment of soldiers stationed there, for tbe purpose of test ingihe new diet to be given the men during a forlnjght, within which time they are to go tully Equipped for six hours daily through a regular field service exercise. The food consists chiefly of preserves and material such as is least exposed to deterioration in a campaign, and may in case ot need be carried by the men in their haversacks. Strict watch is kept that jaono of the men procure other food outside, in or der to test both their own endurance and physical condition, and at the same time the nutritious qualities of the pro visions. In the current number cf Science tresh interest is given to the subject of earthquakes, which have lately caused alarm in both hemispheres, by a siate ment of the number of noticable shocks in this country during the twelve years from 1872 to 1883, inclusive. No less than 361 earthquakes are recorded as occurring in Canada and the United States, not including Alaska, within tbe above period. Of these the Pa cific slope bad the Atlantic coast 147, and Mississippi valley 66. Thus it appears that an earthquake occurs about once every twelve days, some where in the United States and Canada, and about once a month on tbe Atlan tic coast. These are exclusive of the lighter tremors which do not make an impression pn observers, but which wciild be recorded by a prpperly con structed seismometer, an instrument designed to delect the slighter shocks. New York Herald: TbPhjladelphia Press, in common with several other Republican journals, does not under stand what Mr. Cleveland means in his letter on civil service reform It seems lo us they are dull of apprehen sion. The Press asks: "What does Mr Cleveland's letter on the e civil service mean when it sas that many officials have forfeited all just claim to retention because they have been offen sive partisans? What constitutes the use of place for party purposes? What is the nature of the service that is con demned? How far is this excuse to be carried as a pretext for .removing federal officers and putting Democrats in their places?" !U ft?Wi Well, we are not in Mr. Cleveland's confidence; but, taking him to mean what he says, we should think that where an officeholder has given his time to the management oi party caucuses, or has misused bis official in fluence for 'partisan ends in other ways, as in abandoning tbe duties of his office to go about making partisan speeches, or in drumming up votes among bis clerks and other subordinates by undue influence, be will "go." At any rate, ub uugub lu u. An omce-noiuer nas a right to vote ; he has a right to express his opinion as any other private citizen ; bat when he brings to tbe service of his party the influence and power which come to him from his official position he becomes a mischief maker, snd when he leaves his office Lduties to MmM by others an goes about speech mak i ng and caucus manag ing he becomes a mischievous nuisance who ought lo be dismissed. Another matter we will mention to JfSH. T UTTTXITV - 1 ( X. , the Press. Under the encouragement of some dirty creatures connected with the Republican National Committee, a large numMr 3foffice-holders were led rrxkp psK infltbc disseturl Chat Ifesceln caApaign literal tbecfemmitffce Addled oni to i pondajrits. Whsweverit i sho am oske-WdaJhid this 61 ty ought to be, aod we hope promptly dismissed when Mr. Cleve land becomes President. The civil servants of the American people ought tin of nrtflrhicb tsKorres- will be. tla!Mtolw'dce4t Ad Ac&d citizens, and no dirty dog helped the re publican committee to circulate Dr. RalrVliex deserves to be a member of the civil service. On that point we suppose respectable citizens of all par ties will agree. The (Jotted States Marshal at New York, Mr. Joel B. Erhardt, a practical politician of long experience, sent in an estsmate in October, asking for $50, 000 lor tbe payment of special deputies. Mr. Brewster cnt this down to $38,000, and when they came to settle accounts is was fopnd that only $27,500 bafl been needed.-'or 55 per cent, of the original estimate,' Marshal Erhardt now says that that tbe sum "could be reduced to $15,000 hereafter without interfering with the efficiency of the service." The New Orleans Picayune says that the most significant feature of the Ex position in that city is "the complete exposure made of the weakness ot tbe industrial kiug that has so loug com manded the allegiance of the Southern States " So far. it says, from being a display of cottou, that slaple is almost ignored Visitors see but little more IP"! of it in the Mississippi display than in that of Dakota." , PERSONAL. The first volume of Mr. Blaine's book has now reached a sale of halt a mil lion copies. Mr. Robert C. Winthrop is now able to sit up a p irt of each day, and his re covery seems assured. Mr. flatton is snid to be personally the popular member of the Cabinet, because he is most easily approached, and never makes a promise tbat he docs not fulfill. Stale Senator Mron P. Walker, of Massachusetts, was the famous "drum mer boy of tfre Tenth Begiment," en tering tbe service when he was fourteen years old. Mr. C. W. Fo'ger, sou of cx-Secre-tary Folger, who was supposed to be on his death bed, is now slowly im proving, and his physicians are greatly encouraged. Ignace Bourget, the Archbishop of Montreal, now at the point of death, was born at Port Lewis, opposite Que bee, ninety years &go. He was ordain ed a priest in November, 1822. He is tbe oldest wearer of the mitre in Amer ica, and ha3 but two seniors in tbe world. Old Aunt (irieyous Makes everybody miserable, because she is so gloomy and disaereeable. Probably it comes from dyspepsia, combined wiih a touch of liver com plaint. Is her case horeless? Not at all. Give Aunt Grievous a bottle ot Brown's Iron Bitters and see it brighten her up. Thousands of ailing ladies have conquered their troubles by the U3e of this valuable medicine. Any druggist will tell you it is good fpr weakness, dyspepsia, malaria, etc. t JANUARY JOKES. "One glass sometimes make a tum bler," remarked the chap who fonnd that a single drink of applejack twisted his legs in a bowknot. New York Journal. Newspaper reporters will always be found fault with until they can write up an account of a street fight that will please the man who gets licked. Pica yune. One single oyster will produce 128, 000,000 young oysters in the course of a year. It must give an oyster some anx iety to look after bis family. Boston Post . A Pensacola man who went out to fish tor sharks abont four weeks ago, is supposed to have caught one, and he has not been seen since. Inquire in side. Detroit tree Press. 'You are op rosed to tbe use of slang, then, Jennie?" he said. "Well, I should twitter!" she replied, and then lie knew tha: he must not use slang any more in her presence. Somerville Journal. It is said that American babies swal low 1.500 thimbles annually. This may account for the surprising amount of brass noticed in the composition of the grownup American baby Bosldn Transcript. Itching Piles-,5 yinpioius aiut Cure. The symptoms are moisture, like peraplra t very d la ti easing, particularly at night; seems as If pin -worm were crawling In aad about tbe reetum ; tbe private parts re sometimes affected. If allowed to continue very serious results may follow. ,SwAKE3 OINT MtNT" la a pseaaant, sure cure. Also, for Tetter. Itch. Salt Rheuiu, Scald Bead. Kryslp elaa, Barber's Itch, Blotches. aU acaly, crusty Skin Diseases. Box. by mall, 60 ets; 3 ssr ftl, 35. Address, DR. SWaYNI SON. Fails.. Pa. Sold by Druggists. , may 2 ly deod&w f m w A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors ana indiscretions or youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you. FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary m South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inmajt. Station Z, New Fork City. eod d&w ly feeS9 46tw r , -ZZ I vtarim r a HTTP VTTQ A TT.Rn A -TVhT Capital Prize 975.000.ja Tickets only $5. Shares in pro portion. tasiiia State Lottery J Company. if , tin. let (Lit certify that ttrt supervise the " - JSl - . ST for au tAe Mitmuuy anm Of -zmm Statu Lot- roMouii. ttMLi tn verson manage one con- 7Z u., nrman tkewueJves. and Oat Vu tame are conducted mu noneay, jatrness. una . , nui faith toward ail parties, and toe author ize the Comma to use this certificate, with fao- itememie. Commissioners, incorporated m JS88 for S5 years by the Leg lalature for Educational and iCharftable pur poses with a capital of tl,000,000 to whch a reserve fund of over 1550,000 baa since been aided. . By an overwhelming populai vote ltafran chlac was made apart of the present mmt Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D.,17. TJu cp Lottery ever voted on and endorsed a the people of any State. It never scales er postpone. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. . A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. First Grand Drawing, Class A, In the Academy of MubIc. at New Orleans, Tuesday, Jannry 13, 1885 176th Mouthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five dol lars Each. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. UST OF PRIZES, t Capital Prize of 1 Capital Prize of 25,000 1 Capital Prize of.. 10.00C 2 Prizes of $6,000 12, 5 Prizes of 2,000 10,000 10 Frizes of 1,000 - 10,000 20 Prizes of 500 10,000 100 Prizes of 200... 20,000 SCO Prizes of 100 30,000 500 Prizes of 50.. - 25,000 1000 Prizes Of 25 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 6,750 9 500. 4,500 9 250. 2,250 1,567 Prizes, amounting to $285,500 AppUcatloa for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company In New Or For further Information, write clearly, gly Ing full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in or dinary letter. Currency by Express (all sums of $5 and upwards at our expense) addressed M. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleans, La. n M. 4.. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St.. Wash'mrtrwi. D. C. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and ad dress Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANS., dec 17 Naw Orleans, La MAN'S ORGANISM b the most complex work of the Creator, and when this complicated structure, so exquis-. itftlv wroueht. is disturbed by disease, the ffir.ie.nt aid should be sought from the most skilled phys'clan for the human body is too precioub to bo neglected It becomes the question, then: "What physician ehall be em ployed?" k Dr. Oscar Johanxesen, of the University of Berlio, Germany, lias matle a lifelong Btudy of ailments f t tbe Nervous fcenlto Urinary System. JUS EMEDIES CURE Any Detliiy or Derangement of tbe Nervous System, including Sptrmattboiea, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Stricture, Impotence, etc., etc B ; A USE tou may have been cheated and fooled by quacks, who claim to cure this cla8 of Disorders, 0:0 not hesitate to give Dr. Johankesen's method a fair trial before your cate becomes chronic and Incurable. ar Ftii-K, jb A valuable treatise, explanatory of Dr. Johanneen'S system. w-H be sent by mail, pof t paid and rccurely sealed from observa tion, to any sufferer addressing his sole au thorlzed agent for the United States and Can Ida. HENRY VOGELEB, 49 South Street, New York . t& Complicated sympioms trea ed fiom Dr. Johanneskn's Special Prescription, un Jer advice of a duly, qualified consulting phys ician All corresr cadence held as strictly confi iential, and advice by mail free of charge. ' jan 3 The Science of Life. Only $1 BY MAIL POST PAID, KNOW THYSELF., A GREAT MEDICAL WORK 01 IWAHH000. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline In Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from Indiscretion or excesses. A book for every man. young, middle aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of whifeh la Invalu able. So found by the Author, whose experi ence for 23 years is such aa probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, em bossed coders, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work In every sense mechanical literary and professional than any other work sold In this country for 2.50, or tbe money will be refunded in every Instance. Price only $1.00 by mall, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 ets. Send now. Gold mc lai awarded the author by tee National Medical Association, to tbe officers of which be refers. Tbe Science of Life should be read by the young for instruction, and by the afflicted for relief. It will benefit all . London Lancet. There is no member of society to whom this book win not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian. Instructor or clergyman Argonaut. Address the Peabody Medical institute, t Dr. W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bullfinch Street. Boston, Mass., who may be consulted on all 11 net see requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate diseases that have baffled the still of aL J J" ffl I other physicians a specialty. LH mm Such treated succeaefoi-T LJVCCl C ly without an In- I T I O BL Lo T stance of failure. Mention this paper. dee 29 dSsw 4w Notice, APPLICATION WILL BS MADB TO the Legislature of tbe State of North Carolina at its next session, for the passage of an Act incorporating the W iiming ton, Ooslew 4 Vast . arolina RaUroai Company, also an, Act to incorporate a company to build a railroad from Wilmington to FavetteviUe, N. C.;a?so, to amend the Charter of the Cape Fear A Yad kin Valley Kaiir ad C ompany. Wilmington, N. c. lltb loc 1S8A dec 11 30t BT SENDING YOUB LIGHT COLORED goods to MONAC H'S Steam Dye Works. ISfe aecon i et., and hi Ing them made darker for Fall and Winter wear you'll save the expense ot buying a new suit or dress. Complete and n i i . i 1 ' ' ' 1885. Krm Bazar. ILLUSlRATED. :pkx's Bazar Is the only paper in the! this coea bines the choicest literatore J It asp: world t: onri t he fashions ana meuioas oi bouktoim ment. Its weekly illustrations anddetertp- a . B M m- m'j 1 ll II Ml 1 tions of the newest Pans ana ew r or a wjsm. Twith ita useful pattern-she et supplements as cut patterns, by enabling lacuea to oe w own dressmakers, save many times the cost of cnhuHntinn. lb D&ueri on conktsf. ibe man- mont oi ei vants. and bouSefceSfhs; ! Ita various derails are eminently practical. Much attention is given , to the btereatle tenic, social enqueue, ana 11a iuiumkh noorH a-nrt re acknowledged to ben led. Its literary mei It la of the highest exce ino Ami th ii n in ua character of lta huraei ous pictures has won for It the nameofjgel American Harper's Periodicals. Per Tear: HARPER'S BAZAR. Q HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 HARPER'S WEEKLY HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLK... Harper's S rajtklin square Ubrart. One Year f52 Numbers) 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The Volumes ot the Bazar begin with tbe first Number for January of each year. Whee no time Is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence wits) the Number next after tbe receipt of order. The last Five Annual Volumes of Harper Bazar, in neat cloth binding, will ie sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense (provided tbe freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), lor $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for ech volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each Remittances should be made by Post-Omce Money Order or Draft, to avoid enanee Of loss, Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper A Brothers. Address w HARPER A BROTHERS, dec 3 NftwYnrk..; NEW YORK HERAL1K WEEKLY EDITION, ONE DOLLAR A YEAI. o Brightest, Most Newsy and Accurate Weekly Journal In U: halted States. 1 sketches. Cartoons. And numerous other features have been add ed. Alan a complete, exhaustive summary of the news in all departments. It Is read by up wards of half a million people and is a good advertising medium, reaching factories, farms and homes of all descriptions In every part of the country. It contains all the general news t f the daily edition of tbe Herald, which has tbe largest circulation In the United States. . j Independent in Politics. it Is the most valuable chronicle of political news in tbe world, impartially giving the oc currences and opinions of all parties, so that all sides may be known. In the department of Foreign News the Herald has always been distinguished by the fullness of its cable despatches. The new transatlantic telegraph cables will increase facilities. Tire farm Department of the Weekly Herald is practical. It goes fo the point, and does not give wild theories. The farmer will save many more than One Dollar a Year from the suggestions of the farm department alone, concerning soil, cattle, crops, trees, buildings, gardening, poultry andagricultu ral economy. "Thb Home" Instructs the housewife and the children in re gard to economical and' tasteful new dishes, the fashions, and the making of home com forts. In addition, are given latest reports of trade and Produce Markets. the condition of money, columns of mlscella neous reading, poetry, special novelettes, wit and h mor, botn social and political, sporting news, popular science, tbe doings ot vell-i-nown persons of tfce or jd, a depart ment v evoteu 10 the dramatic and lyric stase while the Weekly Herald at ves the lat.st anu oestnewt or me wor o, it is also a j'-ur- nai ior tne lamuy Subsclbe one dollar, at any time, for a fuL year. Postage Free to any part of the United States or Can ad as. W A good advertising medium. Adver tisements should be sent In not later than Tuesday noon. THIS HiSW YORK HEliALD, maw eexiy r orm, Onk dollar a year Address. NEW YORK HERALD, dec 19 Broadway and Ann Streeis New Ci.gar Store. Hirscliberg's, 5 N. Front St. rjlHE PUBLIC CAN SEE THE PROCESS of manufacture of my goods. Only the best workmen employed. No tenement house labor, nor children, nor Chinese. The tobacco used In the manufacture, of Cigars is naturally wad properly cured. All my work Is done in this city and under my personal supervision. A call at my factory where my several brands are made will satisfy all that the best goods are handled by I. HIR3CHBERG, octll tf No. 5 North Front St Call and See rjTHOSE ELEGANT FRUIT PRESERVES We guarantee ihem to be pure, and the flavor as if put up at home. A trial is all we ask. . Canned Goods of sll kinds, Prunes.Currants, Pickles. Dried Beef, Oranges and Lemons. Baking Powders too numerous to mention. Jellies, Crackers, the beat of Cheese, Bams and Sugar Cured Shoulders, Coffees roasted and ground. . By Steamer to-morrow Mocha Coffee. We do not brag on all Flour, but we put the SUPERLATIVE against any in the market. Parties wishing Preserves at retail will please eeaad dishes, tj sept 30 F. G. & N. ROBINSON. Handsome Goods. E EXHIBIT THE FINEST LINK OF La DIES' BUTT BOOTS AND BAL'S In the city. Our SHOES lor Misses and Child -ren are simply tuperb.. Our prices axe ex tremeiy reasona!le. ' . y. j Geo. R. French & Spns, 106 NORTH FRONT STREET Jan 5 ATTEXTWN ! BOTH SAINT AND SKIER fTENRY C. PREMPER T the only second -r lass r.P Ha lrdreseing Saloon in North C arolina, the second meanest man in America, would in form, bis may friends and customers in the city, commercial travellers, Ac , that he cta mm. ma d, Wmmrj - - lUttk sW VJSI I be found at No. 7 South Front st., seat t you remember it, where you can set a d second-clas shave, hair cut or shamp o. siiu don1 srood Alio, second class perfumery and of his own dec laim' Rive as a cau. WkA WllminirtJan Mm. uri Company. omcm or ut i mm Change of AWD, J- 2nd, 1881, o" the f mas aasss auw Aavaaaws TKJBKg Dj NO. 47 NORTH AND 48 S Aatlre.!. f . Leave waldon.. ..... ......... ji.iop iyasaji D AH.T No. e South. Arrive WltaesaUDpn ieS? WATT. IVn PABBVUnwi amven nemon No. South , daily except Mondays. I Leave Weldon ., . 1 Arrlvn WllmlnirtAn - ... a no. mo Aonn, uauy except Sunday r . tt 1 1 I Amve wewon.. j-j. Goldsboro and Magnolia, flMalna AM Puvrin TV n . A aiAio was twwiu DniBCu tUlMUl I ra. . -o vr m. v a i. ju . ax. ann III A U i. r ixaiiiax ior scoitana Necx at 2 in a Line. o ruuB uauy aau maaei nlnu All trains run solid between Wi'rhuigtoa au gtb attached. For accommodation of local tnni . 11 nuiiugvuu . j. -u a., m, 1 Ian.. . . Sunday. ' T. M. EMKBSON. Genera PaeseageTlm & Augusta K. R. Co. Omcs or Gkhkral Sarrautnrimusin. Wilmington. N. O. Oct 31, 1884. Change of Schedule, S AND mjtmtbu rvj v . zna. 1884. 1 J 9.00 A. M. ule will "be run on this road : NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY -tin. (I Went and 47 East. Leave Wilmington 8X6 P. M Leave Florence............ ......... 2.44) A. k Arrive at C. C A A. Junction KM A. JL Arrive at Columbia u ull Xeave Columbia..........,. 9LMP.M. iave C, C. A. Junction.. 10.30 P. k Leave Florence. 4.90 AM. AmIva o wIlml.irfA. I m mm a m I Night Mail and p absenqeh train , dahi Leave WUmlnirtwn 10 VP. M Arnye r lorencc. ................. i.M A. a MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAIM No. 43 East. Leave Flerenoe at...... iM P.M. Arrive at Wilmington ....8.06P.M No . 42 West, dally except Mondays, Leave Wilmington ............7..M. Arrive Florence. J 11.55 A.M. No. 45 East dally except Sundays. , Lea&ve Florence... 9.10P.M. Anlve Wilmington.....,..; 115AM. s Train 43 and 42 a tons at all Station. xu. o Btupu oiuy ai r lemington. aoa aasnaa Passengers for Columbia andallDOlntsosft 17. AO A. - tm mL. . - ' & C. R. R.. C. A A R.R Statlnnn Atkea Jnsfr tlon. and all points beyond, should take tin o nigu i express. SuPiUlmaB Sleepers for Wilmington. Local freight leaves) Wilmington dally a- oops ounuay at d. w JL. M. . JOHN F. DIVDJ1, General Superintend T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger, octou Carolina Central R. R. Company. Ownum -or genbbal strraBomBroari, .Wilmington. N. C. Sept. 90. Ufa, e of Sched ule, Ql AND AFTER 8EPT.l.21st. 184, fall following beneuuie will t Baiirosvd : MAIL AND EXPRESS THAIS ' Dally except Sundays. Leave Charlottr at. 8.U P. 1 No, S. J Arrive Raleigh at . A J Arrive at Wilmington at.. ..8.35 A I Passenger Trains Stop at regular statkw only, and polnu designated ba the Company'i 'lime Table. SffKT.RV DIVISION PAHHENUEft MAIL PASSENGER. D FREIGHT Bally mtmnmfml No. 3. t- at Shelby 12 15 P.l No. 4 ! IMF. Arrive at Clhsrlotta.... fi.AO P. Trains No. 1 and 9. mk Im rflna Hamlet with B, A. TraJneto tmtrominti " Through Sleeping Cars between and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Western N C RR, AsheviUe and polnu WsJ u cTjones. F. W. CIiARK, General. The Excursion and alt mm REASON IS OVER AND THE T CAL AND BALL Season has JUna WKSHSK, ttk UtYr anil lni between Water and Front. W. A S. S. LATIMSt : Av1l mm A v- Attornevs-at-Law. m. Cor. Railroad I a-- t i ix. am 1 WBnatcaaoB, mh lot dye stuff just received. i 1

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