TheDaily Review. SB OS 1 the Cure of Conirhs,' Ob.ds,p H oar-c ic... , J :or.chitisfiipnpt Inffo-l Ci; lent Cc nsumpiionand for the re-fi lief of consumj. -i ve persons in axlvan-1 ced stages of the Disease. Tor Sale I bjr all Dniggisa.- -JPrice, 35 Cents, j I wm iu raaae a sum- Anawith regret these hearts of grow tender. As sometimes all hearts will ours for they helped transient DO YOU KNOW LOERILARD'S CLIMAX PI,UG TOBACCO with ll i Tin Tag: RUE LlAF Fine Cut Chew- Idr; NAVT UUfTIRHS. ana mack. Brown an i Yellow SHUFrS are toe best and cheapest, quality copradered? aug 6 ly dftw Dr. Molt's Powders NKVKR FAIL TO CURB INFL.IUMA tlon of the KMnoyg, Gravel, Gleet. Strict urea and all Urinary diseases. Nervous and Physical Debility, Genital Weakness and al those nntold miser 1 canard by Indiscretion or Excesses. Syphilis In all its forms perma Dimly coed. ellow o Brown spots on face' and body, Sore Throat and Nos, Scrofula, old Sored, Eczema, Tetter and all Blood and Skin diseases. Urinary diseases cured In I days. Price S3. Enc'ose the money tc FRANK TEVkNS A CO., Ba'timore, Md.. and It wiil be nt by mall sealed For sale bv all dru 4. aon r hr malt inl I e i Wo loved the blossom lo briflrhtpn J ,The liyS so dark wth wearying toil As hopejand dreads forever help to The heavy loads wc bear. How like the flowers, whose I fe is ended. The hones and d one half hour. Make the glad heart a garden bright and splendid Abont love's latticed bower. One little hour of aimoat perfect pleas- A foretaste ol he happiness to come inensuauen rrosl ine garden yields its treasure, And stands in sorrow, dumb. Oh. The flower may does Dr. Uodd's Nervine No. 2. WILL CURE KBHVOC8, PHYSICAL ff ana ucniiai weakness caused by India ereilon and violating the laws of health, I rice ji. DR. HUNTER'S PILLS Cnrm syphilis in all in forms and stages. i enuw wr hwwi 'pvw on me race ana body. Sore Throat and Nose, Scrofula, Tetter, ifcze fflg, Itching sensation. Salt Bbeum and all liiooci anu sain Diseases. Urinary Diseases and strictures speeoiiy cured Price t DR. HOST'S FKMALB FRIEND Never falls to cure IrregularlUes or Suppres ions, caused by colds or disease. Married mate ana laaiet tn aeltcate state of health are cauiiontu 10 not un . i'rice S3. Enclose the money for either medicine to FRANK 8TB vjsns CO.. Baltimore, Md and it wfH be seat by mall or express sealed. For sale by all Druggists; sent by mall or express, jolr TdwtT TO, UNDEVELOPED PARTS Or Tilfi HUMAN BODY ENLARGED. DEVEL-! Tl HfcX.l H.HL. ' K:.. . is mi in'.. -o. ,. 1: r-; ,t y, eaw or hub .... ...... J. i. ' tL.I U. 1 ' out nwtuu. un. contrary, tnaadv M 4 ctTalAr- rivinff nil t..irtWf listen, heart! lose its slorv Beneath the touch ot frost, but not aie. In Spring it will repeat the old, sweet story Of God's dear by and by. In heaven, it never here, the hopes we cnensn The flowers of human lives we count as losr, win Jive agate. Such beauty cannot perian ; f And heaven has no Frost. Eben E. Kexford How Scott Han gad Oeserters At 1 I . i - " uncrobDJce in the Tuey oi Mexico, one of those series ol wna loon place before the u-aa waa capmrod, oejeurred one ot most imnrMflico amtc l i w mt-wt, u. mto 8iu war. I lliean as tO it fffont nnnn tUa, t the army, tt was one of those evenU which carried instant conviction to the minds of the soldiers thfc Hiini;n and the allegiance, to the flag were or paramount importance. After a desperate straggle the wort ried, and among the caotnred wm found a number of deserters juiueu me Mexicans and served ih tsuns againsi their own comrades, and the lull force ot thefr aid im Mtnnranl when it is known that thv rrnrm naar. I I. . . , ' ww.w uvai ijr no tra4neaartiiienst8. On the dis coders beine made intense indimiatinn prevailed, acd nothint? but tho sr.ricLMt uiacipiine and prompt obedience to or uera prevented the men from destine out instant vengeance upon the desert ers. But a drum- head pmirt.mrt;i av oided with due formality their fate which was to bo haiwed. i If in the presence of all the army then I at that point assembled. It must be unuersiooa mat a portion of the forces were then engaged with the enemy at Chepultepee, that almost inaccessible tortress and very stronghold oi the ene my, holding tarther advances unr.n th city, and i hat the most desperate en gaaemtnt was then undecided. The men were drawn up in due order, each with a rope around bis neck-lhiny deluded victims about to receive merited punishment for basely desert ing the flag and turning the enemy's guns agains: their own comrades. The officer in charge, upon whom devolved ihe duty, cast a quick glance in the direction of Chepultepee. Suddenly a thought ssemed to impress him and he said: ' Let them stand till thov 0k.h : i v oi a i e ass o that t- r Irregularities moeu Woman's Suffering: ami ftollaf lauguW, n that continual - - - ... - - " ..ruwnarrsrul.ea easily be remove d bv i remedy. Hop Bit "u wwracutti of your while the special perasanacth re None receive so modi bentilt .ml c bo proionn -tiv tnufn m.t , uh an Interest in recommending Hop Bit ers as woven. A Postal Card Story, ? wa effected with kidney sudor mary Trouble For twelve years!" After try in f all the doctors and pat ueaicmes l could hear of, I used nu vmiies oi nop "B?Uers:M And Ism it "Ail the lime!" respectfully, B. P. otb, Saulsbury. Tenn. Mv a IISC El lew York & Wilmington Steamship Co. FROM PIRR 84, KAbT RIVRR, XUW YORK At S o'clock. P. si. BknefactoR ISatnrday. Dee 1 WmhS8AZu8 -- IQIlS' gmris ....... 7s a tj"yy 9 s SSJsta:::"-""---- Sf CUUHU cacc... I 7n ... lis Iw si 1S3S Saturday, Jan at perfectly eared. I keep RKQULATOR. ., 'BENEFACTOR. BBGOLATOR FROM WILMINGTON : REGULATOR ....SAtarday, Dec Saturuay. Jan 10 .- j Saturday, Jan 11 3 ' I 1883 1S85 ! I Saturday, Jan $ TTTTT persons apl 16 T'lAw 4 6- Health is Wealth. a lUHjs i.uakanteicd-Dt e. c. West's anteeu Eueclflofor Httru r..inoa v'2?iS.i,"!.N,p1i. Headache. u, i Dy tne use of al cohsl or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental De prwuiun, oorrcTunjr oi tue Uraln resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old gc. Barrenness. Losj or power in either sex, Involuntary Losses , wrraces cause u oy ovr exertion ot the brain, self abuse or over-indulgence. ZfS P?x contalns one month's treatment. 1 00 a box, or six boxes for S5 00, sent by maU prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES kI"? n7 lih order received w. ,Tir 8 , hxe8' accompanied ith $, , 8en(i the Purchaser our written guaf STmUJS lhc J if the treatment wic0'ire Guarantees Issued only Siilin- WE8T CO , 862 W Madison st. , CMrago, Hi. QOtaiyd&w PTTEOELL HOUSE. "TJNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, , WILMINGTON, N rmukax, rropnetor Uto Proprietor Atlantic Hotel, l dav. FlrstXJlaas Term SS.fiOtO S3. 00 Far Sale, A Job Print lug Office, IN GOOD CONDITION. o LIBEBTY PRESS. Over 100 Fonts Type. xne tsatiteol New Orleaiis." ijen. Harney has exploded one tra DsIm. i i l a union mat was iong connected with mis ngot, wh:cn was that tbfe Ameri cans fought trom behind breastworks of cotton baffl. I asked Gen. Jack- son. iTen. AO nr and (ien. Coflee, the latter having the immediate command of a brigade of the Tennessee and Ken tucky sharpshooters, whose long rifles mainly did the work of death, if there were any cotton bales used at all, and they all answered that the only works the Americans had were of earth, about twn nnri one-half teet high, rudelv constructed of fence rails and logs laid twenty- four mcnes apart and the soap.e hptwwn them filled with earth, and if there bad umvu uuy worKS constructed rnm rrf ton bales they must have known it. In ife'Jo l was promoted to (utn in in iu First Infantry and sent la Mdkvili lenn , to recruit for While. there I met Gens .lf v " " " w . . U11U I nllon UOrlT Afon r, n ,i . I f . umcu ouu uuuiiucu irom me lormer many details of the battle of Obalnaette that are cot in print." . . "There was a very heavy log on the river on the morning of the fight,'" said Gen. Jackson, 'and the British troops were actually formed and mov ik oeiuro i naa my arrangements ujautj. oui tne instant l saw their for mation, I said to Coffee. 'By G-, they are ours!' Coffee's part of our lma wa on me nan k, whteh extended into the swamp, a bout a quarter of mile from see the American flag upon the heights of Chepultepee." With breathless breathless was a hard anxiety they waited. It 1 . i ... . lougni oaitie, the final result uoopuui. aiany brave men went down to rise no. more, and many a man carried the wonnde there received tbrongh life to his grave The jtallant Colonel Ransom, of the New England regiment, yielded bis lue; Captain Mavne Rirf nhnm t w--t IUVUi A Knew, ano others, were wounded, and were among the first to enter the works. Suddenly a shout went nn tht ii. ried relief to some, at least, of thosp auAious watcners and dismav to thA hearts of those men whoatnrvinarniiinni their doom. The hei Q h fcS h n f 1 hnnn carried and the starry banner floated to the breeze. All eyes then turned to the sad spectacle before thm tu - -w V44V A 11V uBaeiiBissMoa motionless as statues awaiting the doom they could hot shun. They had taken their last look ot the flag they had sworn to protect, and were sent "unannointed and unannealed" to .inswer totne viast great roll call." Boston Post. . I Bbapforp, Pa., Mat 8, rS75. It has cured me of several diseases, such as nervousneF?, sickness at the Bt.rm sch. mor.thlv troubles, etc. I have not' seen a sick day Ins year, since I VKk Bop Bitters. All my neish- .ors use mem. Mas. Fannte Green $3,000 Iost. JSSFJ ineS3.000,done .,ZC , ft .linn uuc uume or nop Blttera ;they also cured my wl'e of nfteen years' ner vous weakness, s!eepleanea8and dyspepsia." R. M., Auburn, N. Y. cDa j8?' b"omgvili.e. O 1 May 1, '79 8-1 HTe keen snffering ten vefs. and I IZZ XSfJ&Sfh " done me more man Ull! aotlOrS. Miss 3. s. Boone jj Baby Saved. e are so thanfeffui k v fvf,,,. , b9 by waq permanently cured of a dangerous i BENEFACTOR. ...... REGULATOR . , .......Saturday. Jan 1 BMWFAOTOM. ....Saturday, Jen it SSF fhrnnvk Rill. i ' . " ' SSfi? SAgirteoa to a from Point m North and Sonth nron or Freight or Fasnage apply to H. G. 8MAIJ.BONK.S. Aiiiim.M.n.i-.. -rum . "SWton, N. C r n.wiM, rreigtis Agent, WM. F. CLTD rv.. 4a. aJS? -dec-tf. Brssdway. New York.; 1885. Harper's Magazine. ILLU8TRATED i With the new volume, beginning in Decern S?V HAPEB 3 wAznfE will conclude Its ttlrty-fif th year. Tne oldest periodical of iia BA Second New New York. ach. BRICKS. rM- uaronna. as ...M.I. .iT of rh H,"" "f.,ay 'y?e. in each new volume, a .. uoc in nuy Ulliers IV Its OJJBP. not cimnlr it ! . nun Ktitaw i , n , : -"i nuivu ai luuHme ume i stored her to perfect heaUh and strength. nie ra rents, Kocheater, N. T. not simnlv becanM it fuu5,ia "? new pi lures, but also, and chief ly, because it steadily advances in the melhoH "D-1 Ul uinjrainiemaaing. in a wsrd, the None cennlnfi wHhni . , w ore me faithful mirror of Hons on the white mtei sh . C rtrLVi 7menc- -eatung features poisonous stun their name. QEALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE. ens8' Terrapins, Egga and Chick ens. Highest market prices, and prompt re turns guaranteed. A trial Is all I ask. Refrr b t permission to E. E Burmss.Presi oent FirstNational Bank of Wiltnlngton'. N.C?; wui.ISuxx;naaD0i;r5 Co.. Steam Saw i . ttriutfers uo.. tror.ftra: P rinm k.nwS' ucsenpuve illustrated papers by F DMillett,R Swain Qlfford. E A Aboey " uiusuu. ana omflr- iin inki. ?tH ?.niUB vUe. In the attractive programme with 1 HdA . 01 "Hops" in serial novels by Constance I dec 18 1m dAw nrmtc and W D Ho wells; a new n BeDj. W. Davis, (Formerly with W. K. Davis ft Son, Wllmlns ton, N.C.) 99 Barclay St. New York, General Commission merchant Ap. ior are: new Fenimore Woolson novel entitled "At She Stocps to onquer." iUustrated by Abbey: lm nnrtan t nmov a . o jv ' r.. KMjvia vss aav ai:itJUCOa ClC; Haroer's Periodicals. PerYeaF: Harper's Magazine Harper's Weeklt... Harper's Bazar Haxpes's Voono People Habper'8 Franklin Sqc are Library 4 4 400 2 00 bZS v nuwuenj. ............. 10 (JO rrv orth Northern. CANDLES, y b- .v;;;;;;;;;:: C HEKfc? IMb-l Northern Factory. Dairy, Cream.... . State. COFFEE, V 8V-. ava. Iaguyra. mo - CORN MEAL. IT him tW ...V: COTTON TIES. V bnla 1 OMESTICS . " ' f heetlng, 4. f yd. irran "" MackereL No. l, bbl......,i6 00 Msckerel, No. 1, V half bbl . 6 56 Jfackere , No. 2, f bbl 9 60 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl.. 5 CO Mackerel. No. 8, bbl 7 75 Mullote, bbl...:......:...;. 4 00 Mullets, Pork bbla 7 so Herring, r ksg...: 3 00 FTILniERS, "fr KOOO BmI e-eruvian uano, JNo. 1.......67 no. 2..... 98 t. JjOooo k.G0 00 Bangb'e Pbiihate... r.!oo 00 r-aroiiua Fertilizer..-. ' 4n wv Ground Bone- 1 js Bone Meal n Bone Flour us 00 Navassa iiuano . off 'Complete Manure ....1.00 00 Whann's Phosptiate .00 00 Wando PhosphatCi..-. 00 Berger ft Bute's Phosphate. .00 00 Exce.llenza Cotton Fermtser.65 00 French's Carbonate of Lime, -. 7 00 FuiR:xctu1Li,ae----8fio sine...... Northern Super " Extra . " Family City MWs Extras SLUEly lly-" GRAIN, bushel Cooi, irom store, bsgs, whits Corn, cargo, in bulk, white.. Corn, cargo, in bags, white.. Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags.. Oata, from store cow Peas. .. HIDES, V ft ureen... 4 4? 14 m 10 m 17 a 12 m 11 9 65 D) CM 86 IB 2) S 55? SHE? !....... . 0 00 A 3 75 m 4 75 S C 00 A (5 00 ft 5 75 O 0 M o 72 S) 65 O 25 O I States or Canada, 5 eastern. 1 20 Western ' , fi nvnumnr. 7K Dnnn .tti.- ... ,. w !iifcvrx, r ir . . ... LARD.r lb .7 northern The Centre of the World's Ob servation . I . m . ineeyes oi tne wor d nnon Industrial Exposition in the full tide of success in ine uresenfc City. It wa inaugurated on Dec. I6tb, with an Ex- traoamary lirand Drawing of the fa mous Toufsiana State lottery, which by its strict integrity in its manac-P. ment. (on- behalf of thn nnhU i.f W UU1 ILV m i i . . ming ft Co.. Grain andFced deaJers nk vi vi J" t 01 ine begin with the Sonrice and Fish. dealers , Davis ft T Numbers for Juno and December of each year. SnWTtTT.n0 " "Pw"! u win oe under stood that the subscriber wishes to begin wia the enrrftnt nmhor " "9 Volumes Southern Produce a Specialty. 1 bra oct 1 6m the current Number lhe last eleven Semiannual Ol 25 O 1 North Carolina. . barrel. . If. RRTTVTTTT.T. A TJilk Harv'A AfannJni n l0!. CJ barrc W W -""V. , will be sent-Brmall. nesSsW an'f V&PS" V M ft. OFFER FOR THE APPROACHING HOLIDAYS " s A special lot of tbeir owu importation rr Ai . .. . it there was hDn' Hi.rZL .V"""". yae s. ? "e "oast attrao- ham formed his first attantina i "r"r5 lue 'OCfl moniniy urawme, His formation was a rLtLffi?? 1885 Be - "f3'.ii.iuiun.. Daupbin, Nsw any lnlorma- Sherries, Port and Bordeaux Wines. L, . go w per voiume. cioth Oases, for binding. 50 cents each by mail, postpaid. taclusive, from June, 1S50, to June, 1880, one vol., 8vo, Cloth, S4 00. j Remittances should Vu mi k ia n:.. Money Order or Draft, to avo.d chance of loss. JSt etc span er 3 are not to Mtnu this nsU,,t;o.,t K(wukU express oraer of majbfer ft Bros. Address dec 8 HARPER ft BROTHERS, New York. i r AIr.1- hlln ; l i . . rr i . v,. wyiH uii-jr uiea ironi. iniS was formed under the fire of the lew regular ?ul"euB xnau in a little redoubt in Coffee's front, and that of some cannon taken from a man of war. ninoln in battery on the river and served bv sail- wis. vxmee. seeing thn riirof.tin r.i - 0 -w VVVIVU Wl tne attach, which was intended to turn hio M n n t. 4 1 1 , . . uiaunuft, uusneu iorwarn nnn 3o h t r L " ... . . -V nis men : 'Hold your fire until n vom ocpiuoir ouu oucKies." I he rifle men were rormed in two racks behind ine woras mentioned, and when the unurranK urea tne 6econd was loaded We observe quite a fine display of new Revolvers for very reasonable prices, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot.f . YoiiDgr Men! Bead This. The Voltaic Belt rv. nf Mi.-i,oii Mich. offer to send their fUiJ Electro- oltaic Belt and other -K-LECTRIC ApPIXAirmCA nn triol iL- .1 . 1U1 L? Jaays' to men (young or old) wun nervous dp tv ,cc v 1 . . . J .vws wx viLaiiLvann mnn hnnH orwi oil i and ready. There were about eighteen troubles. Also f for rheumatism, neu nundred men bekind this frnil n ralt?ia. nnmlvsia oni n... ?L ?imwer8Lead shot8' and each hd eaf es Complete restoration to health vigor and manhood firuarnntPoA wv risk is incurred as thirtv H allowed. Write them st. tratcd pamphlet free, w s m & w lvR SOMETHING EXTRA IN COGNAC Notice. JY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC AR I IN WHISKIES w ouer special inducements oi quality and prices. , rerpectfully noUfled that I have sold out my interest in the Livery Stable business to Mr R. C. OrrelL Thanking them for the very liberal patronage they have accorded me I bespeak the same for the new firm, Messrs. Sykes ft Orrell. Respectfully. Oct 27 OWEN R. HOLLINQSWORTH 00 40 Ship Stuff, reaawed. ..18 CO Rough Edge Plank 15 oo tt ct mum uargoes.sccordlns te quality .is 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. .18 00 ovui.Aixig nu jttoarn. corn's MOLASSES. V allnn M N?.w CHba m hhd .. , Injibig Porto lileo, In bads; m " " in bblc Sugar House, In hhds....... ,r " te bblsi. i Syrup, In bbls J C SfViFi? CnlOd basis.. 0 00 OILS, y gallon n.eroscne...... Lard ;.. Lmsoed........ Rosin.. Tar Deck and Soar POULTRY V Chlckcnfl, Uve, grown.... O M l.l SV2U 16 42 Oft 8D 82 S3 00 26 40 mm 916 o .. ........ , . .. .. 11 10 90 90 00 90 0 24 Spring Sykes & Orrell, i EX APPLY TO oct 8 Joan. t. James, Wilmington, N.O. CONSUMPTION. 7Ji. o'6" th wor klnd ndrf lour Utdiarhin MCth lHI BB.T.A t. .tt.... ..... , 2i';vt " uiMHWMimii r. O. add V-lZf1, O. addres.. the axjjsr?. INDEPENDENT-NRWSPAPJtR OF Democratic Principles, but not Controlled by y Set of Politician, or Manipulatoraj Deo ted toCnlisrtlrataad Publishing all tne News oithe Day la the most tatereating Shape and the greatest possible Promptness, Accu rCT and Impartiality; and to the Promotion " uocrawc iTeas and Policy in the affairs ' GoTenunent, Society and Industry. ' Rates, by Mail, Postpsld : DAtT r rTtfl' 8 00 'T' Per Month 50 Tk.n.. '5 A IV sn SUND AYper Yes. 7 00 J-Y, per Tear...-. i oo l. TH SUN, New York City dec 17 Tldftwly i3 Chatham StNw YaS 100 bullets in his pouch and the nArP:. Fary powder in bis horn. The British nuwpa came UP CO Wlthm 100 vrHa of uur worits wipnout nnng a musket. It ws a Deautnui sitrht fn p. 'ri,Q marched as steadilv hnniHor Z shoulder as though they wen on re view, ai ioo yards distance tho order was given tnem to .charge. With a cheer and at double quick they came forward. They were about sixty yards distant when a long blazing flash ran all along our line. It was as pretty volley faring as I ever beard or saw.' " Tho smoke hnnr the moment I could not mJr ;.,cr I 1 i . . - ti. iu osppeneo. said Gen Jack- sun, in anoiner instant, thpro woo on- other riDging voliev that nroveH th-t h came from tbe riflemen. I called Tom Uverton and Duncan, of my staff, and we galloped orer to Coffee's line. Just then the smoke rose mi T aar ik.f tbe bead of the British nninnn i: erally melted away In Iront ines lay one writr- Diiocti,. c -A3. . "it .", S"--" J "I ucu uu avine reiiinfitH 'I'ho , recoiled and fell hi t I, ,C ."l",u where thev had Lh.arei rf S?1"1?,64- Jh.U time charge was led by Gen. Pankanh- ; .L gallantly mounted and ririino-. n ' wl grmcelulry as if be were on parade. Just as he came within range of my riflemen I saw him reel and topple out of his saddle mortally wounded. I utC mways oeneved he Tell by the bul let ot a free man of oor in tbe fight 70?ZK ce,ebrsted,rifle shot from the AtUkapas country ofLouisiana H ashwfflon Sunday Herald. THE MAILS. ine mans close unri rttIvp t h imi. r nffioo -ll . ""W W ftO IUUU V o . Northern thronirh malls, rant 7 inmx m Northern through and w mails. 8.'ooa! M.' g8 6-45 M- and 8.00 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Rxilroarf routes supplied therefrom includ ing A. A IT. C. Railroad at 7 SO P M nnrl DM 1 u Southern Malls for all points South, dally ......8 00P M. Western mails fC C. Kaiiwav d&Uv. " (except Sunday) 6.15 P. M. puiuw ueiwccn iiamiet ana rcai- . ei., , 6,45 P Mail for Chcraw and Darlington Rail. - .....8.00 P. M. mans ior points between Florence and Charleston 8.00 P M. m uitcvm: v iu ana omces on uape Kear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1.00 P. Faycttevllle,vi C C Railroad, dally. except bundavs hup if f rf, r w . . ... . . " v"w w v. n. anu lntermeiuate offl- Smttb vmora.i5lr leamboat." (Wty" C" (except Sundays) 8J30 A. M. "St1:, B Town Cjeak. iiiuiutw; bjiu uiue ruvci. Tues- Large assortment of Cigars, and Tobacco aiways on nana of our own manufacture. dec 16 H. BRUNHILD A BRO Something New. J HAVE JCST RECEIVED BT BAIL A Vanilla Flavored Syrup, Tbe finest Syrup ev PROPKIETORS LIVERY, SALE AND unasuis TAJLiis.M. Q.ENERAL STOCK YARD FOR MILCH COWS AND BEEF CATTLE. Corner Fourth and Mulberry 8ts. r i ersonal attention civp.n tn RnoHn. ITatc. ' ""tS 1886. Harper's Weekly ILLUSTRATED. M. Wrigh tsvllle, daily .V.V.V.V."." ."."...s.30 A.' M. B"". THE LIQUOR HABIT, CAH &Tf wledgeof the person taking it, effecting a speedy andper maaent cure, whether ti, 7mtiMtrZ moderate drinker or an iv..i.- i. Thousands of drunkanla made temperate men whn Ko - the Golden Specific in t heir coffee with out their knowledge, and frw?n? k-i; . . . . , . t uJ UCUC1C 1 m7 qKT 1 ?nnk,n of tbeir owe free wilt. Ao harmful, effieala Mm 1 1 fw, v.. its administration. CmroiflT-of. . oKu.i.unxv. Circulars and testimonials sect free. Address, Golden Specific o.. , . ce St, Cincinnati, O. deod&w6m uaysana Fridays. OPEN Vtn DRT.TVWTTV Northern through arid way malls. ..'.7.80 A. M. Southern Malls 7.80 aTm CaroUna Central Railroad 8.45 A. u'. Mails collected from porUon of cRy at 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M. and 5 aH P. M. and from other Lointt nf tua tv m a 1 r f M -j - oflored in this market. ALSO A FULL LINE OF Fancy &. Staple Articles FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE HOLIDAYS Call and e xamine at Crspon's Family Grocery. . M. CRAPON. AgU, 28 South Front St i dec 16 Mr " noted j FREE! RELIABLE SELF CURE favorite and for the cure of n ot one ot the most specialists in tbe U. S. low retired) for the cure of Nervous Debility. m and BfiHT Stoat- I p Lain sealed envelope Free . Druggists caa 11 it Address DR. WARD & CO., Louisiana, Mo. dec 21 eod lydAw Harpkr's Wbekxy aiw, for twenty years, maintained its position as the leading innstrsted weekly newspaper in America; With a constant increase of literary and art istic resources, it is able to offer for the ensul nag year attractions unequalled by any pxevf dys volume, embracing a capital Illustrated serial story by W Norris; illustrated art! cies witn special reference to the West and South, including the World's Exposition at New- Orleans, entertaining short stories, most ly Illustrated, and Important papers by high authorities one the chief topics of the -lay. 1 Every one who desires a trustworthy politi cal guide, an entertaining and instructive fam journal, entirely free from objectionable features in either letter-mesa or ii inRtrat i.-m should subscribe to Haxfkb's Wkeklt. Harper's Periodicals. Pep Year: HARPER'S WEEKLY HARPER'S MAGAZINE HARPER'S BAZAR. 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