r January noon. i . rA L m. MISCELLANEOUS THE GREAT GERMA REMEDY IFOR PAIN. M caret RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Scitlica. Lumbago, BACKACHE. lUDACit TOOTCO, SORE THROAT. QCIWBT. SW KLLI3G9, rBAIM tanzmt, Cats, Bruises, ' FROSTBITES, III' BX8, SCALOS. Ami hrr bodlW ehc The Daily Review, ry The uauy Xcview has the largest ana fide circulation, of any n&mspaper published, in the city of Wxlmtnoton. J WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 7, .1885. I NCON GK ESS YK8TBICDAY, nrn cub a lomi i,mW. Uuwiwii to 11 Uii(ia(n. TasCkaiie.AY'ofslerC. pM iiMi.Tml IS, t.S. A- Hch IT dAw. CBAFT. CItAFT. 1884. Holiday Goods. 1884. r, . wrm rpnEM IV PROFUSION, from jkl m the moat elejant Chamber md Parlor Suits to Toy Carriage. Wagon,, Carta. Velocipedes, Dexter, Clialra. Desks, Lounger, Chiffoniers, Ac. We lnTlte al to call and se the hand . ,ni. f th LEADING FURNITURE Ulilv J W- HOUSE. T. C. CRAFT. Agt , ' de13 2w MSouthtroatFt. Craig & Thomas QOLD ,0 PINTS OF WHISKEY ON But there a:ea few drops left WW 'w'- J - yet. Come aad get some before it 1 all gone. We havd also a full line of FAMILY GROCERIES onhand, with fresh arrivals every week. A . . . . A V ' -I'll hunJred FLORIDA u4.um rhlch will e sold very cheap. few left dec 27 Christmas Goods RS. S. J. BAKER CALLS ATTENTION to a well select stock of GOODS, HOLIDAY jot received and they will be Bold at the low cut prices. Persons wishing to purchase will pleaaecaU and examine the hanlsome Toys She has alao a very han'some stock of Mlllln. oryGcods. MRS. S. J. BAKER. 122 Market St. SENATE. Washington. Jan. 6-The chair laid before tbe Senate a comaiunicaiion from the Attorney General, urging that a sufficient appropriation be made to enable tbe government to properly de tend the sui;a against tbe United States in tbe Court ot Claims Referred to committee on Appropriations. The Oregon uenirai ianu ruiicuu bill was taken up. j . . . Mr. Korean move a toamenu uy ing to tbe bill tne substance of provis ions which on his motion had been add ed to tbe Atlantic ana racinc ru iw- urebill, providing a meinoi o. juuici. -,wrlnra fnr ascertainment oi iuc rights of any parties claiming, under the g'ftDt- ... .. -A . f TUir- i Itar richntP I MR ami' UUIueui s i i,r,n nma hrmifht to a vote and was is njiva 8. The bill was then read a third time and passed aril hr.llt division. ttorr.ro i hn announcement of the vote Mr. Morgan cbang h hi vntn from vea to nay. and on tne passage ot the bill gave immediate no tice ot a motion to recousiuci . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Th TTnnse at 12 :25 went into com mWtnoo nfthfi Whole on the Pension all 1 1 1 V, W w r Annrnnriorinn hill. Mr. Hancock, of Texas, explained the rrTovisions of the bill, which appro- rmiates $59,076,000 or $24,000 leas than the estimates. There was some new legislation i n the bill. He thought that thi ffoneral legislation would prove advantageous to the the country. The bill having been read f r amend ments, Mr. Kvernart. oi ru , ueicu a proviso that all applicants for pensions shall be presumea to nave u;w uv of th timfl of enlistment, and that such presumption may An amendment was adoptea proviuing rhnt MHr,rnv9' fees 9hall not be paid f ka oioim u aHnared. and shall be paid &V lne government pension agent ; limiting fees to ten dollars except in . o..j haru o snpnin! contract lor a fee of twenty five dollars is filed, and restricting such special contracts to o iron la n ( rlaimfthts residing is the ouiiiv VF" On motion of Mr. OTIara. of N. C iin amnnrlmitud was adopted providing that the mode and manner provided for nitinns for the Davment of white nensioners shall apply to all pension- am Tho rnminitipp. then rose and the A " v- V - w bill was passed. Hickory Carolinian-. A mob at Saitsworj took from the jail one Thoma Hughes, white, and tted him to j tree and teverely whipped him and then warned him to leave the State, watch be did. The offence was Wpo3 intended assault apon the child of a reputable citiaeo. Raleigh Chronicle: Bev. W. N. Mor rison passed away to his rest, on at Asheviiie. auer a final illness of a te " weekm bat after veral jcarn of innrrawy ana in noi.iu. by 611 ii., n n,s'?l vparg. Mewasauainc Ills " - . ot Cabarrus county, a pawor in wic Presbyterian churcn. an a ine?""" oflarse acquireroeni. ne ui retired tor a number pi iwrs u active duty on account o bad bealtu. Eobesonian: Largest hog beard from this season was auieu i Mr. J. T. Hedgpein. wmca www, iKe ihe turpenime " Messrs Shaw Bros, located at &t rani s . . . a laktrnvMt hv fire tllC I till V V UVR V V - ' m on tbo. niht of the 23rd ult. supposed WM r . , . i : . : K-o Kon acciaeniai isintw in uaiu ' - . a. i rd m,i . - .i T.f.aa ahoul klUU. iio ui- - ... 7. . r,.or,nn .Mr J W uumpurey. former citizen ot this county ni o r.r Cant A lex liumpnrey, ua buu r . , - cently been honorea in nia uyrua no was. i naviuK UU1UC I UWU"! ' J .U been elected to tne ubhwkwv uiih district bv the splendid majors nt About 1.200. o i.:.um A drove ot Tennessee bogs reached Shoe Heel some ror daws affo and brouent o ceuis mci " "J o nnnnd. ffross. oeverai reoorted to have "v "sr- iit..i. ,inirrt ir h tar nefL J , . r. , oatrl nt tew davs. ana many mum to be getting ready to follow. -Out-town taxes this yeAr amount to a little over $1,000. The levy is cent,? the 100 valuation ot property auu cents on eacn poit. nai nanh npf Annum. KeV. )1 ltUS 1 r . . - . r- ITocr r.a Wi flTfiQ. Will Start iAUli"-! ----- T from ti- a s re adopted recently hundred left this within the -Our be rebutt- deoK 1884. 1884. CHRISTMAS. AT D A. SMITH'S Furniture Warerooms, Can be found a large assortment of VALUABLE GIFTS, suitable for everybody. Tbe pub'.lc, and especially the ladles, are iifm invited to call and examine i wwj'ww"-.- - prices, c. D. A.5SMITH. Furniture Dealer. N.' Front Street dec re A $15 Prize. A SPLENDID SATIN I.JNED RUSSIAN iTtiF.R LAMB' DRESSING CASE will be presented to tbe party buving the 'largest amount of Holiday Goods between this date i.n.ru iiit iss.v Come and see the it U'l u aiiuui; ptUe t W. C. MILLER'S. Corner Fourth and Nun ata " a. aiAscoTri;i5. Mr. J. H. liuttner, ot Georgre- town, Plays 1 tliat Kolo with Oreat Success. -. . He Draws $30,000 In The Lou isiana State Lottery, and has Received Every lollarot tue Money. dee S3 Board A table. FEW MORE BOARDERS, EITHER ir r trana'ent. can be accommo- comfortab e rooms and the best the ket affords, at MHO. KUUIni um,B a. HSU Market at., bet. Fro nor 18 f dated wl mar nt and Second, rpHS COME AND SEE ! HANDSOMEST LINE OF Christ U In tbe city, consisting in part of TIDIES. CANVAS WORK. SILK AND LINEN HAND'FS. NECKWEAR, GLOVES, TOWELS AND TABLE LINEN, aad other articles too numeroas to mention. In order to verify the rumor that Mu J. H. Kuttner. ot tieorgetown, ivy. had drawn $30,000 in the Louisiana State Lottery Company, held Decem ber 16th, a Press representative went to (ieometown on Monday, to see Mr Kuttner and et the tacts in tne case from his own lips. Air. Kuttner was tound in his s:nre. and extended tne Press reDortor a smiling welcome, lie . r . i i : ..'... 1 n u : c country about thirty years ago. When the war of the itebelnon came up ue ioined the Confedera'e army and was seriously wounaea ai tne name oi Fordouche, Iuisiana. Alter tne war h enquired in the drv goods business at Khplhwille. Kv.. acd for a while did a nourishing business. He lailer , how over, about two vears ago and went to w T . .All S Georgetown, wnere ne eaiaonsneu him&p.lt iti the drv-oods business on a small scale. About a year ago it oc curred to Mr. Kuttner that he would try his luck in the Louisiana State Lottery, for seventeen montns ne m- vfistfidn. dollar each month, firm in the belief that his time would finally come With his faith in the fairness of the management- of the Louisiana State Iitterv undiminished, he invested in a onfi. fifth ticket for l he drawing which came off on the ICth of December. 1884. He took in with bim two partners, Mr. Dock Laws and Mr. C. C. Barbee, hoth ot Georgetown. Mr. Laws was a barkeeper and Mr. Barbee a saddler On the afternoon of. December 17th Mr. Kuttner received a telegram from that his i n 90 $25 H. Liberia about the first of next month with tne view of examining tbat country ho to be able to report to nis coioreu brethren whether it would be best lor tbem to emigrate thither. Goldsboro Messenger: t Rev Dr A A Watson. Episcopal Bisfcop ot kast Carolina, officiated in St. Stephens Church in this city, yesterday morning. It was intended to have confirmation last niiiht, but owing U the inclement weather the administering of thi3 sac rament was postponed. -Messrs Y F Kornegav, i Miller and L B Bor den are considering the project ot erect in tr o large hotel on their property rrrh Walnut and West CVutre streets, inade vacant by the recent fire. The building, if constructed, will be commodious and costly fitted up with all modern hotel fixtures and furnished in first-class .Uyle. with a view to at trac ing the Florida travel from the Nortn. At a few minutes past 3 o'clock on yesterday atteruoon it yas discovered that the new Methodist Church. St Paul's, was on Ore inside. The alarm was vigorously raised and Bin firemen were prompt io u , but betore tbe engines could reach the scene a number ot citizens naaexun- cuisbed the tlaines. The Dre nrigmaieu Horn the nesting luniaue, uuu cud ncbHA not, verv creat. has made an nlv scar on thebeauliful interior of the edifice near the pulpit. News and Observer: Dr. L. W. Batchclor, only brother ot non. josepn B. Batchclor, ot this city, diea in r-n-field on Sunday lat. The repoit of Dr. R. B. Haywood, physician oi the institution tor tbe deal ana auruo onl hlind. makes a most lavorame Uvt P 1 showing. There were 441 cases oi sick- nets treated by htm there tne past year, ami not a sinele death. lhe negro Alex. Black, who near lrenton. last ohot and killed the wife of Mark n vnn ww - - - Monicas, colored, has been captuiea Hfir. week's constant search and is in ;oii oi TrBntnn. He acknowledges tne dime, and says no mLenutu tu The The first month of the new , year holds two full moons in her bountiful hand. Tbe moon was kill on tbe 1st 26 minutes after midnight; and wit be also on tbe 30th. 19 minutes after 11 o'clock in the mornio. On the 4th, the moon was in conjunction with Jupi ter, and on the 0i will be with Aren as. On the 13th she pays her respects to Venus, and on tbe 14th to Mercury. On tbe lfeb she is at her nearest point to Mars, and as tbis is the day oi ner change it shows how near Mars is to thesnn. Those who watch in eu ;ii find it easv to keep m OI VM IHUU" - mind the relative position of tbe planets n t he 24th. tbe moon is in conjunc- tion with Neptune, ami on u " ith Saturn. She thus completes ner circuit, and, at the same Urae. fires the order of succession of the planets. drawing near to the morning stars Jupiter,, Uranus, Venus, and Mercury, and after ber change to new moon swinging her ponderous sphere near Mara. NeDtuoe, and me cTauiu( - - tuom am hom nensations in things celestial as Well as terrestrial One of these is the iuU-orbed wmter moon as she "runs hih" in the heavens and pours over the ice-bound earth a fiood ot silvery light that makes tbe winter nights beautiful as a dream. Quarterly Meeting. First round for the Wilmington Dis trict of the Methodist Church, South, or 1884-85. .11 Clinton circuit, Andrew' Chap el, L Jan, hnrif circuit. Bethany Bladen circuit, Center " 34-25 Elizabeth circuit, Elisabeth- tnmn .TanilRrV 31 and Feb 1 Wilmington Front Street " "78 Carver's f?reek ccuit. Silent " 14-15 wawamiv Mifts. Bethel L-lo VVhiKaville circuit. Whlte -.ttl" . 21-22 Topsail circuit. Scott's Hill Februarv 28 and March Duplin circuit, Kenansiile 7-8 Onflow 6ircuit, Tabernacle " 14-15 u.-iinawick circuit. Concord w 21-22 The Dbtrict Stewards will please meet at Wilmington Front Street Vehrurarv 4th at 11 o clock a. m. P. J. C ARB A. WAY, P. E, A FEW CHOICE 8TYLKS, PRK3E8 UWT. WILL SELL THEM JSKWW vw. WL2ltaS8SSi t too 'ohM Ptiew. FINE ALL-WOOL SUITIHJgd OOIRED ALMA CLOTHS, .Wam TITO tA T VTTr. CARPETS. uuiiAi vaiujj, At jart uch popular prices yon wh. o -" MATTINGS of aft kinds. OIL CLOTHS, Run. Mats. 4. R. M. MclNTIRE. TUEKISli BATH SOAP 25c for oasm jan 0 . in IT IS OUR AIM AND 10-11 17-18 Good materials properly porportioned rv,rnh nrp ihn essential reauisites in Vl 111V a Ready mixed Paints can be best attain a A Kir nsinc the N. Y. Enamel Paint sold at Jacobi's Depot. OOMJWC!KfiiAi. Jf15W S. kill the k .1 I A n,l hnl womau's nusoana aiso. t . f A . ! HMtU c-lnrn lon'lWroKI in KOIlLitJULUJll v SfcSJ the alleged escape of the colored man, Uonrv nai from death at tbe nanus r tha vnchp.rs at UlaVLOll. It is V vuw J t m 10 Srnii.h was shot many times anu thrown from the bridge; that Davis maa bnooked on the head. Shot twice onri thmwn into a ditch near one end r,f tha bridce. There he lay as it dead and the lynchers, thinking him a rornse. rode away and leit mm U . mM v. W . - . I n revived somwhat bv and py anu mf,e bin wav to the bouse of a colored mm V m . aided him. cm ou me tv waa mmrmw Z . . handenfTa and bound UP his WOUndS Yesterday a reporter learned tbat Nor fleet Jeffrie and one or two omer coi , . rai mon loll-, for the home of Mr. W J V VVl kUVat v. v. ' - . H. Brantly, in Nash copnty, where it is alleged tbat Henry Davis now is, at tbe home of bis brother. Cbarles lee. It is probable tbat if there is any truth in tbe story tbat tne man on wit. Brant ley's farm is the real Davis, that he will be brought dsck nere 10-uay or io morrow. at farthest. The further de- veinnments in this absorbing! y mter- INTTION TO CLEAN OUT ALL WIST CIX)THING before our Mammoth Stock of Spring Clothing com mencei coming in,' and will therefore dispose of our Goods at prices ! bearing little or no relation to their true or actual 1 value, and consequently will seH 1 . . finrriA 9.0 nflT Heiit. less thau MVUAW s-sw -VsT ' j Some 30 per Cent, less than value. Some 40 per Gent, less than value, 0 , M0HEI tO BE REFUNDED If yon can eqoal onr goods at th Low Prices. Convince yonrsoll bj oalli J THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST., jan 5 WILMINGTON MARKET. January 74 P. M SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted . 11 h!l "W. hrm .t, 'A if, ceiiis uer ttaouu um. sales reported. ROSIN Quoted firm at 971 cents cm. J 1 A I AOl Fy CLUA or ?sr,rainea auu div wi xw Strain id. TAR Quoted firm at $1 25 pet bbl - of 380 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE-Quoted steady at $1.75 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1 for Hard. pattiik Onoted steadv. bales 1 1 4 k M ! . Aw, &. ' Z A AM 50 bales on a basis oi tot oonis pei nound tor Middling. The following are r the official quotations : Orrtirmrv. 85 ' COntb - Lwd Ordinary S Low Middling iu o-io Middlimis S 4 HOPEZ DEAF nn imnrnvAii Articial Rfiientiflc mau ot Europe and America. Timmft cure Write ror uituircu an book Bfflenuao mu m "i , HnVnminent men and women who hare De( num uwTwr.-,, j H rrii 7rr..r "7n,.T -r ..mmii while in use. comiorua take xreanxre tn 7eoomir "'."."JT," 7t. Mew York twfl permanent cure. Addreaa, I. 9 NlaUoUon, 7 Murray ot., now ww p. SUJ1NER. Pkb. W. Nation F. R.MiCKLX.Bc"i. al fire & Iron tt Detroit, HiwrmuW OieMe Safes. Wire, nOi. Wire Connter .BaJUapL W JH- Wu t liou Feneet. lWn Shirttm, Countor Supported V.1CCOC KTM9 Crostuig. mch IS (3T Send for Catalogue. d&w lv i Kr-McnUon Utarp. WE CAN ALWAYS GIVE TOC A GOOD BREAKFAST! Good Middlin 10 13-16 DAILY RECEIPTS. rwmniit. 326 bales spirit Turnentine 144 casks gsr bbis Tor 104 bbls Omnia TnrrP.ni.inn 33 bbls ELEGANT FISH ROE, PICKLED TRIPE, S1ABINE NEWS. PICKLED PI0S FEET Millinery Department. ThU department is. as usual, well flUeU with all tk latest stj lea of Trimmed and 1'ntnm med Hate and Bonne U, Featbers, Wings, Ac. Respeettuliy MISS E. KARRER. jam 3 Kxchan, More Boom. Corner. AVIKG EKNTKD THE BOOMS ON the corner of Market and Second street, con with tha Commercial Hotel. I am still fur her piaaarcrt to accommodate parties who desire to secure pleasant lodginar. with or without board. The location to one of the moot pleasant and dealrable in the city, either or Whiter. St. BUtUAJSB. 6t Prep. Commercial Hotel For Christmas. WILL RECEIVE TO MORROW, CHRIST AS EVE. FIFTY GALLONS of those fa Shepherd aad Hiue's Garden Oysters New Rtrer. Guaranteed sweet and fresh T axd as fine an Oyster a hss been seen here n. leavo oiders early. oeiiTered jpily la any part of the city. w. x. utuuat, to Ffoat Street, near tbe Ifcw Market dte 91 Ner urlani naounci . ttjaf fn esUng case will be awaited with inter ticket had drawn one-filth of the I At 12 -0 o'clock this morning capital prize oi xiju.uuu. i ue news , Kpant.ifnl new art eallerv at St. Was too guou iu ucucvo WlbUUUI. a mut investigation. Accordioaly. Mr. Kutt ner desposited htieket in the Second National Banket Georgetown, and went at once to Cincinnati to find out the traihtulness of the report. At Cin cinnati the report was fully confirmed, and Mr. Kuttner at once ordered the Second National Bank of Georgetown to collect the $30,000 for him through the Canal Bank of New Orleans. The money was promptly paid by the Canal Bank in foil. not a cent beme deducted for commissions The money was brought to Georgetown bv the Adams Express Company and deposited iu the Second National Bank to the credit of Messrs Kuttner. Laws & Barbee, each owning a third interest in it. Mr. Kuttner will invest his monev in a tobacco manufactory at Georgetown, Mr. Laws intends buying a Bluegrass farm with his, while Mr Barbee baa already invested in a hotel at Georgetown, and will engage active ly in the hotel business. Mr. Kuttner says tbat there has been a remarkably heavy demand tor tickets in Scott coun ty since his success. Lexington (Ky.) Weekly Press. Dec. 31 . To every Housekeeper a good Mary's was found to be on lire. The building was of wood. 60x50 feet, two stories high, resting on a brick foundation. In the basement was the beater, from which tbe noes ran in aH directions. It appeared to be not a minute after the discovery ot the fixe ere the entire interior of tbe building was a mass of flame. The loss ot the art gallery was entire. The structure contained several recitation rooms, the kindergarden department aad tbe art a al ler v . The design was that ot the late Mr. Samuel Sloan, and Mr. T. H. Briggs was tbe builder. The I boilding had been com Dieted but a few months The art ealierv contained all tbe mod els and casta and the art work of the pupils. The entire building was furn ished' in ffood style. The loss is about $12,500. The building was the property of Hon. Pan! C. Cameron. There was no insurance on the boiiding or its contents. s ARRIVED. , vacht Louise, Woodside. fimithviUp- Muster Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay- tcr,i.A CI W Williams & Co. Wcr hriff Arken. Halvorsen, Glouces- tar F.ntr C! P Mebane. with salt Rr ohr Hattie Darling. Pierce, Nas sau, with fruit, Cronly & Morris CLEARED. Steam vacht Louise, Woodside .Qmit-hvillA- Master uiuiau..- - . . ... n stpumpr ii Murchison. bmitn, Jjay Arteville. ft. W. Williams & Co. (lor harnue I.ouis. S'choiieter, Liver pool, Alex Sprunt & Son Exports. FOREIGN. Liverpool Ger barque Louis 2,278 bales cotton every substantial cook stove is an important necessity and our readers will find tbe best it Factory prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t ATTENTION ! BOTH SAINT AND SINNER ITENIiY C. n thesar second-eb-as Ba Hairdrearfus SaTood fh Eorih L areUna. the WHO KEEPS Barber Shop aad r JRr cXMnnsercIal tTavcliertL erica. Creamery Buttered Floiir. SELLING WELL. TRY A PACKAGE - 4. ' ' i - 1 L QUALITY QUARAKTIBED. OAT MEAL, BARLEY, &c &c. P. L. BSID&ERS U 00. HO North Front St. )aa5 MONTHLY STATEMJBNT. STOCKS OH HAND JANUARY 1, 1865. Cotton ashore, 7,102; afloat, -d; fcrtl 15 OA7. Spirits ashore, 5,112 ; afloat, 45; total. 5 157. Rosin ashore, 75,624; afloat, ,; tete 81 710. i Tar ashore. 2.288: afloat, 4,778; total, 7 Aftft. Crode sshoro, 1.202 ; afloat, 100; total, 1,302. RVPHrPTS FOE MONTH ENDKU UEf.Jl Cotton, 1 5.970; spirits, 6,645; rosin, 20. 885 ; tar. 8,973 ; crude, 55,U7. EXPORTS FOR MONTH ENDED DEC 31. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 4.638; spirits, 608; rosin, 156; tar, 2,766 ; crude, 2.3K . FOREIGN. Cotton, 15,192; spirits, 3,151; rosin, 25,- 104; Ur, 10. Breech -Loading Shot-Guns TF YOU WANT A FIRST CLASS GUN WE can suit you. no bursting ours. Lamos. Bird Cases aad Children's Ttb luat received. A few BDOTe of 0 COLUMBIA COOK feTOVES on hand; cheap and good. PURE WHITE OIL. JaaS New Year -TO My Friends and Patro -AND- PLENTY OF MOHBTi TO- Pay up your Accoun WRICK ARB i H I WILL 8BBTO YOU THE SAME Wil Mullets. a NOTHER CONSIGN M RNT Of FINE, A Sweet Florida Oranges, large and fine Eoe Mullets, in bbls and half bbls, Hah Roe, Eggs. Chickens, Apples, Poti toes, Ac. Must besokL Call and ate. Cash orders promptly Ailed, consignments ot an ansa or uountry Produce solicited. Terms cash. JOHN B. MARSHALL, .BY- No 24 North W: dec 30 lyd Aw 8t, Wilmington, R.sC. Good News. would in-1 b in the Ac, that he can still be found at No. 7 South Front St., and don't yon remember it. wnere you can get a gootl second-class share, haireutpr shampoo. A!o, second class perfumery and of bis own manufactnre. Flease glre ns a caU. doc 16 2m i UMPHREY A JENKINS receive to-morrow, at their Ovater House. 112 South t ront St . : ft tboce fine Mew Hirer Orstera and a ill con ttnue to recerre thosn every day during the season. We alao keep a full auppiy of G racemes. Chickens and Eaxa. Orate C. 0. D. dec 29 50 gallons Our Holiday Goods ROW OPEN, AND OUR LADY ians to MCLLETS dee si Roe Mullets. BBLS. LARGE. FAT AND JUICY for tale RMS and weights gua W. M. DAVIS 4 BOM Presenting your Aotffl 1 jan l KAT 116 Market St asSM3 JpltBs?4 Jbj BMns D A . The LireiGrocer and sept 15 J