TflltfARt 1 i H -'.--.g-LJ . ' - - ' I PLEA 1.1 A .iokh t. .tamrm. i m m r l r w m v r AHD SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAOK PAID. me rear 4.00. Six month. skoatfcs, tLOO; One month, Sft The paper will be delivered by of charge, ta 7 part of the etty, at or 10 cents per AdvesHarag rates low and libera L -tar Subscribers will report any and all area to receive their paper regularly, fall. or The Daily Review has the largest . bona fide circulation of any newspaper lAtbiished, in the city of Wilmington. .JS Andrew Carnesie denies that be is in fayor of modern Socialism, mm Tne senf ationsl stories about Chief Justice Waite'e health are ecaggerajed. The fire losses io the United States tor the last year are estimated at $123,- 000.000 This is about $13 50 for every family iu the country. t Count Polokoff paid $200 000 lor the BasHewsIti collection of Limoges ware, turn it ore. etc , and then gave it to the Oar as a New Year's present. The venerable General John C. Fre. inont, the firsudefeated Republican Presidential candidate, is still vigorous enough to promise to head a Mexican exploring party, thus resuoiing his original profession of "path-finder," possibly in search of the last-defeated Republican Presidential candidate. The number of houses erected in Philadelphia last year is placed at over 5,000, the largest number erected in one one year since 1876. Most of the house built have been sold, the class in demand generally being small, well built residences, costing from $2,000 to ?.,'500. . . . a Tho New York Tribune publishes .some interesting figures illustrating the remarkable growth of Minneapolis, Minn. Thirty-five years ago the city was not: To-day it has a population of 135,000 souls. Forty years ago its site could haye been bought for $50; I now land is worth in certain streets $1,500 a front foot. 1 During the past, year only twenty miles of new railway track were built id New York. Pennsylvania con structed 252 miles. Hundreds of miles were built elsewhere by Pennsylvania capital. The policy ot that great State is to develop its every nook and corner worth tbs effort. Hence her enormous wealth and progress. Many examples of the uncertainty ot wealth bave been produced, within a year. The Astor, who founded their tortunes upon real estate, are unshaken and will remain so. In the long run, a man who holds and keeps real estate in a growing town will not sutler by it, but, on the contrary, reap a noble and substantial harvest. . William Barry, a young Irishman, who went to London to make his for tune almost twenty years ago, is said to be hero of Mr. Black's story, "Shan don Bells." His solitary book was a volume ot sketches entitled "Moorland and Stream' in which the young au thor gave brilliant promise, which was blighted by his early death. The depression of business for some months has had quite a notieeable effect on the revenues ot the Government. The total revenues for the first half of the lsst fiscal year were in round num hers $175,700,000 as agaiuH $ 16 1,000,000 tor the corresponding half ot this fiscal year, a difference of over $14,000,000. Nearly $9,000,000 ot this decrease oc curred in customs receipts. m Some physicians recommend cayenne pepper for a sluggish appetite, but W. Mattieu Williams, in the Popular Science Monthly, declares that thousands of poor wretches are crawling misera bly toward their graves, the victims of multitudes of maladies of both mind and body that are connected with chronic, incurablo dyspepsia, all brought about by the habitual use of cayenne and its condi mental cousins. The election held in Columbia, S. C, lately, under the provisions of the local option, law. to decide the question of license or no license for the next two years, resulted in the success of the license ticket by a vote of 940 to 170, the colored vote being solid in favor of license. In several of the wards the ladies appeared at the polls and work ed in favor of ao license, bat with little eft'ect. . Senator Hoar cade a speech a . few days ago indorsing Blaine's Augusta post-election tirade and innouneipg his determination to keep the Southern question at the front, as the main issue upon which to seek a restoration of power for the Republican party. The coontry will be glad to ait down hard on Mr. Hoar on this subject, and this will be demonstrated when the issue is joined. Catherine Lewis fainted one night in .'Olivette," bat it dida?Wse a ripple a U only a cough, and they had a bottle of Dr. Bull's Coach Syrup on hand, of course. week. . - . - . - mmm mm mm mm mm mmm 1 mm mm mm mm 1 sassa mm mm mm mm mmm mmm m- anni mm mm mm mm mm imm mm mm mm j mm mr mm mm mm mm w m am ana - m . - -t 7 VOK IX. WILMINGTON. N. C SATURDAY. JANUARY LOCAL NEWS. Tt tin ACvtRTtliMEHTS. J R Ubxtox xt!ce P C sfrtjaa-a $u Prize J R MEtToa-Tbe Old rirm Hkihsbkbokb Standar 1 Organs C W Y ancsNew Tear Present; , O R Ma 1.1.4 an SituaU' n Wasted S J Jexxs, i ccfy Snoual Meeting A Mc Donald lliadeu County Bosd Day's length 9 honrs and 55 minutes. . , . - There were no interments in Belicvne Cemetery this week. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 350 bales. Sunset to-morrow ' afternoon at 0 roiftates past 5 o'clock. Eggs were retailing at the (tores to day at 25 cents per dozen. The market was well supplied with meats of all kinds this morning. The off shoretorm signal was hiost ed last night and was flying this morn iog. " ! j There were two interments in Oak dale Cemetery this week, one adult and one child. Within the last thirty days we have gained 20 minutes of daylight, in the afternoon. There has been a rise of about 25 feet in the Cape Fear, but it is now slowly falling again. : There were two interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week, one adult and one child. There were a good many rafts cf timber in the river to day and also quite a number of flat loads of wood. The Register of Deeds issued five marriage licenses this week. to of which were tor white and three tor col ored couples. As cheap as reay made, and so much better, are the suits made by Dyer at $20 and $25. Go and make a selection. f The annual meeting of the lot own errs ot Oakdale Cemetery will be held at the Company's office in this city on Monday evening next. . 1 1 - 1 Mr. O. R. Mallard, a young gentle man who brings excellent references, advertises in this issue for a situation. He is at the Commercial Hotel. At the First Baptist Church to-morrow the newly elected Deacons will be ordained and a sermon appropriate to the occasion will be preached by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Pritchafd. Three white tramps were accommo dated with lodgings at (he guard house last night. They were taken across the riyer this morning with an admoni tion to keep out of Wilmington. i Indications For the South Atlantic States, fair and colder weather; Northerly winds and higher barometer. City Court. The only case for the Mayor's consid eration this morning was that ot Alex ander Johnson, colored, charged with disorderly conduct. The defendant was found guilty and was required to pay a fine of $3 for the offense. In Port. ' There were 37 vessels in port to-day, classified and nationalized as tollows: 11 German barqnes, 5 Norwegian and 4 British, a total of SO barques: 1 Amer ican brig. 1 British and 1 Norwegian, a total of 3 brigs ; 12 American schooners and 2 British, a total of 14 schooners. Cotton. e The receipts of cotton at this por for the ten days endiug with to-day foot up 8,369 bales against 2.135 bales for the first twelve days in January last year, an increase ot 234 bales. The receipts ot the crop y tar to date foot up 84,748 bales, as against 79,087 bales to January 12tb, 1884, an increase this year of 5,661 bales. Officers Installed. The District Deputy Grand Chancel lor installed the following officers of Germania Ledge, No. 4, Knights of Pythias, last Thursday night: S P C E W Doescber. CC A Adrian., V C N Hulian. P J W Dais. M of E F W Ortmaon. U of F J G IJ Gieacheu. K of R & S John Meyer. M at A H Boeech. I G C Micbaeles. O G John Haar. Sr. Step Ladders, all lengths,? at Jacobi's Depot. 1 f 1 m m ! m sa m m mrm mm 1 J fl ' m J 1 ! I mm Install at ion at the Second Presbyterian Church. Services at 11 a. ru. and 7 30 p. m. Rev. Jno. M. Rose, of Goldsboro, will preach morning and night. At tte night service the Pastor, Rey. Jno. W. Primrose, will be installed by Rev. Mr. i Rin finrl Kpv .Inn R WiUnn Fl 1 ) . The Local Newspaper. An exchange says correctly : "When you bear a maQ sneering at the local papers because tbey are not as bigt cheap and newsy as other papers, you can safely -bet that he does not squander hs wealth in assisting to make them better, and that generally the papers have done more for him than he has for them. The man who cannot see the benefit arising to a town from the news papers hasn't the sense ot an oyster and be U about a much value to a town as a delinquent tax list," A Literary Treat. Hon. Carl Schurz, the eminent Ger man statesman, orator and scholar, has been engaged to lecture here un der the auspices of the Wilmington Library Association. The lecture will be given at the Opera House on the night of the 20th inst., and the subject will be. "The Problems of Education.'" The people of our cjty will have a rare opportunity on that occasion id listen to one of the most well-knowu and popular orators in the country. and we trust that there may be a good turn out to greet him and also to en. courage the object for which his serv ices bave been secured. New Steamer. The government steamer Gen . U. B. Wright, Capt. Flowers, arrived here last night from Fayetteyille. where she was recently built. She is a side-wheel steamer, 75 feet long. 13 feet beam and will draw with all her machinery, coal and stores on board, 14 inches of water. She will be used in the improvement of the Cape Fear river and its tributa ries, and left here to-day with the en. gineera to survey the Black riyer from Moore's Creek (the burrow) to Point Caswell. The steamer is not yet en tirely completed, and workmen were busily engaged to-day in pushing her to completion as rapidly as possible. A' Treat Ahead. Miss Carrie Swayne is to play here ou Monday week,, the 10. h inst. in the "Little Joker," a piece which has been written specially for her by Mr. Fred. G. Macder. the manager of the enter tainment. We have been at some pains to find out about the merits of this troupe and are satisfied that they will present about the best 1 heatrical enter tainment we havo had here this season. Mr. Joe II. Hart is personally ac quainted with Mr. Maeder and he as sures us that he will present only a gocd bill to his audience. Mr. Hart also showed us a copy of the Dramatic News which speaks of Miss Swayne '3 appearance iu Atlanta on the 22d ult., when, it says, "she completely captivat ed her audience " She played also in Columbus. Ga.. on the 25th "to a large audience and made herself a great favorite there." This is a good endorse ment. Personal. Mr. Benj. W. Davis, who has been here for a week past, left Jast night on his return to New York. We were pleased to receive a call this morning from Mr. C. T Askew, representing the paper house of A. G. Elliott & Co., Philadelphia. . Mr. S. D. Hankius. formerly of this city, but now residing at alt. Olive, Wayne county, where he is engaged iu mercantile pursuits, is in the city, ao7 compa&ied by bis wife. . We are glad to learn that the condi tion of Capt. W. M. Parker has very muck improved. He was out for a short ride yesterday afternoon, and was benefited by the exercise. Col. B. R. Moore returned from Raleigh this morning. While at the Capital he had the pleasure of listening to the address of Col. A . K. McClure, of Philadelphia, before the General Assembly. ' 1 Mr. Thos. H. Faulkner, who. has for seme months past filled the position of telegraph operator at the Carolina Central depot in this city, has exchang ed with the operator at Shelby and left last evening tor his new post of duty. Mr. Faulkner ha made many warm friends in this city who parted with him will regret. To every Housekeeper a good substantial cook stove is an important necessity and our readers will find the best at Faotory prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. f The instruments ordered for the Germ an ta Cornet Club were tested last night by some members of the Cornet Concert Club and we are informed were not found satisfactory. They will be returned and others ordered instead. There was an alarm of fire this after- I iwii, just h nciu iu ncn, uui lb was ascertained to be somewhere be yond the city limits, probably a forest tire. Church Services To-Morrow. St. John's Chorea, corner Third and Red v if .ws atreeta. Rev. Jftmea Carmtcbael. D. D. Rector. First Sunday after Epiphany. Jaa. U to, 1885. Holy Com munuion at .30 o'clock, a. to. Momlnpr Prayer at 11 o'clock . Sunday School at 3 30 o'clock, p. m. Evening- Ptaver at 7.33 p as. St. Paul's Evan. Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streets, Rer. F. W. E. Pes chau, Pastor. German Services at 11 o'clock, a. m. Eoglish services at 7. .10 o'clock, p. m. Sunday School at 3 o'clock, p. m. W. H. Strauss, Superintendent. Second Preabvterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell atreeta. Ber. 3 W. Primrose, Pastor, services at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. n . sabbath School at 3 p. m First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. T. H. Pritchard. D. D., pastor. Services at 11 a m and 7 33 p. m Sunday School at 3 SO p. m. Young men's prayer meeting Tuesdav night at 7.30 o'clock 3 Prayer and praise meeting Thursday night at 7.30 o'clock. First Presbyteriau Church, coruer Third ulu Orange streets. Rev. faeih R. Wilson O. !., Pastor, services at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. jb. Lecture Thursday at 7 30 p. m Fifth Street M. E. Church, lietween Nun and Church streets, Rev. D. H. Tuttle, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; Class meet ing at 3 p. m. ; Prayer meeting Thursday even log at 't'-.-i o'clock. Front Street M. E. Church, South, corner of Front and Walnut streets. Rev. Dr. K.A. Yates, Pastor. Services at 11 a. in. and 7Vi P m. Sabbath school at 3 . m., W. M, Parker, superintendent. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Christian Association Tuesday evening after first and third Sabbaths, at 8 o'clock. Seats free and strangers and visitors cordially invited. Services at St. Mark's Church, corner Sixth and Mulberry streets, are as follows On Sun days at 11 o'clock, a. m and '.30 o'clock, o. m. On Saints' days. Morning Prayer at 7.3S a. m. and 4.3) p. m. Sunday School at St. Barnabas School House on Sundays at 3.30 p. m. . AiarK-a unurcn is a tree Uburch. St Thomas' Pro-Cathedral. Fu'st Mass at a m. Second Mass at 10 a. m. Vespers and Benediction at 5 o'clock p m . Daily Mass at o.-iwam. Christ Church CConirretratlonalisDXun street between-Sixth and Seventh. Bey. D. D. Dodge, minister, preaching services at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 8 o'clock, p. m. Pastor's Bible t. lass at 12.15 p. m, .Prayer and Praise meeting, Wednesday, 8 o'clock, p. m. Snnday School, 3 o'clock, p. ra.. in Memorial Hall, corner 7th ami nun sis. Second Baptist Church, Church hud Castle streets. on Sixth, between Kcv. J. P. Kin. .rasior. services at 11 a. m. ana p. in. .nn day School at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting every l uesaay mgnc First Baptist Church, (col.) corner of Fifth aud Campbell streets, A. M. Conway, pastor. Preaching at 10.30 a. m.. 3 p. m., and 7.30p. m. 8. S. School at 1 p. m. Mr. Benjamin Miller, Tbompsoa towa, Juniata county, Pa., in iiis seventy-sixth year, states that he injured his hand very badly at his trade as a cooper. A few applications of St. Ja cobs Oil, the conqueror of pain, cured him completely. NEW ADVEKISEMENT8 Wanted, Situation in either a dry GOOD8 OR GROCERY HOUSE. Have had extensive experience in both snd can give first class recommendations. Apply to O. R. MALLARD, jan 16 2t 1 At Commercial Hotel Annual Meeting QF THE LOT OWNERS OF OAKDALE CEMETERY will be held at the Company's Office, Monday Evening, 12th inst at 8 o'clock RICHARD J. JONES, jan 10 t Secretary ft Treas Notice. V MUTUAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN myself and Mr. J. F Garrell, the settlement of tt-e btuiness lately conducted under the firm name of Melton ft Oarrell aas beta placed in the hands of Mr W. L. Jacobs. All bills doe the sid firm are parable to him only. All a ccoun ts against the said firm must be presented t j him for payment. - . jan 10 St JOHN R. MELTON. The Old Firm I AND AT THE OLD PLACE. John R. Melton, AT THE OLD STAND, STALLS 1, f and S, New Market, is still prepared to sccommo date wU patrons with the best the Market af fords la the way of FRESH BEEF, SMOKED BEEF. COBNID BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, VENISON, FRESH PORK, CORNED PORK, SAUSAGES, PUDDINGS. POULTRY, A.., Ac Thankful for past favor he lohsiti a eon-: Unuanee of patronage. j jaalOSt Monday A ND ALL THE WEEK YOU WILL ear. j of all er eonatrv nrodaca mat be wM at ooce. Gallon A. W. RIVKNRARK. The Ltve.Grocer andComnfUaton Merchant, 15 WllaUaaiam, N. C 10, 1885 NO.' 9. Notice. Bladen County Bonds. pERSONS HOLDING ANY OF THE FOL lowing Bonds, issued by Bladen County, ara ben by a at iftod to present them to the Covaty Treasurer, at Klizabe t bt awn, on the first Mon day in Febrnarr . lf85, for payment, viz: mi&mtsJ-JtUk ' ' Nos. e, 9, 10, 15aui 17, of the denomination of $ 0 . By order of the Board of Countr Commls aloner. , a. McpomaLD, Jaa 1C U Register and Clerk. Standard Organs, A SI" FACT U RED BY PEf.OUP.ET COMPANY, Jn Solid Walnut Cases These arc the beat Organs made, and In price lower for tho same grade, than any other house In the State can offer Organs. A Ires h mppry just received, and Eold only from HEFN3BERQERS, jan 10 1 ive Bcok and Mulc Stores Annual Meeting. J1HE ANNUAL MEET INC OF THE Stock holders of the First National Bank ofWil mlngton, for the election of Directors, will be held in their Banking House on Tuesdav, the 13th inst., at 11 o'clock, a. m. A R. WALKER, jan 2 3. 5, 1 Pj Cashier Warranted Sound. 40 BBFI SICE APPLES (Repacked) for sale cheap to close out fanS Come and sec us. DAVIS ft SON Notice T MY COUNTRY FRIENDS. I HAVE opened a Commission' Business in this city, for the purpote of handling all kinds of Country Prod ace, and If you vill give mo a trial you shall .have quick sales and prompt returns of the highest market price. Office 18 North Watr street. Rest cctlully, R. F. KEITH, Jr. 8hinglca. and Lumber a srecialtv. jan 8 daw tf Clemmer. A FEW MORE OF THAT CELEBRATED FIRST-CLASS WHISKEY just received. - CAROLINA YACHT CLUB Ec CIGARS still holds the Cake. Try McGOWAN '8 Old .nortn Btae eatooa and tare money, jan 7 . OFFICE OF Dr. S. C. Ellis, XT- S2 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, neit JyX to Miller's Drug Store. 49" Note change of office hours, which are as follows 7 to 9 am. , 13 to t p. m. 6 to 9 p.m. nov 5 1,000 S ONE THOUSAND CORSETS WILL BE A SOLD AT QUOTED PRICES : A FIFTY CENT CORSET for only 39c A SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS CORSET for only 50 cents. A DOLLAR CORSET for only 73 cent A ONE DOLLAR AND 1HIRTY NINE cts. CORSET for only 98c. NUR3ING CORSETS, CHILDREN'S AND MISSES COR3ETS in all sizes, at Taylor's Bazaar, At the center, counter wo display numerous bargains In HANDKERCHIEFS, LACE COLLARS, EMBROIDERY, JLG.. JtC. With a large stock of f ' . ' . ... ' -" 1 .L. . Hr'" ' ': 'T . HATS, RIBBONS, PLUSHES SATINS, VELVETS, HBSIIRTA1B BIDERWEAf, AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICKS, before stock taking, at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St WILMINGTON, N. C. ian 7 Kw Year Presents. I HAVE QUim A VARIETY OF ARTI CLES LEFT SUITABLE FOR Hew Year Presents, which I am dhpoatng of at greatly reduced prices. Call early and make your selections. Hew Year Cards I freab let j t opened of Pxaagahad- an iHBVisun. jj lanes rorisso. s N. C. Almanacs, Ac, Ac. C. W. Yj i its alt MB . -. , Tte aaataos Iks Mkr moat ai way. b Ml partlc o Jarly t&d a sat always andoa the views of a mtm mm mm so tta la the editorial so tamas. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 8. H. Trimble a Co. OTOCK AMD REAL ESTATE kjanti Auctioneers of General Merchandise At SL2rr r:. 11ur0I"y Mornss- ow stand. Personal attention given to sals of and able lea at private sale or at auction. Cob Blgnmenta solicited. A. Q. McULRT, Hg , Auctioneer. Mullets. A VOTHBR CONSIGNMENT OF FINE, xx es Moe M t Florida Omuh. uiiete. tn bbta and half bbl.. ruh rggs- Chickens, A !oi, Potatoes, Ae. Must filled OBPtrnmrata Of mil V-fn.u nt r-TZZ, , . cash order ursmutlv Produce solicited Terms cash . j Hardware QT ALL KINDS AND IN ANY QUANT1 ty. w hole; ale and Be tail at ROCK BOTTOM prices. W. E. SPRINGER A CO.. 19. 21 m tS Market Street, Jap WUmlncton. N. C. Conoley's Drug Store. 216 MARKET ST11EI3T. TN CON8EQUKdE Of MY LARGE CLrlt 1 mas trade. 1 win sell iai&nr nc r vu day goods at eost to.mtkeraDm for mv Drugs. Patent Medicines and smart'elea as afe usu ally kept in a firt claes ritfil Drug 8tore dea f wICOSOLEY. Hot Tom and Jerry. ow 1 rpHR FIRST OF TITS ftfASON TODAY Also, Rum treasers. Hot Scotch, Spiced Rum, Hot Flip and all tho latest style of Hot Drink . JrJrHEHJUr ftS M , 'Piortb Front St FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON. L1VIDEND OF THREE AND A HALF PER CENT, has been declare; : bv the Board of Director of tblsBanlflyable on the 11 th inst. AME. WALKER, j an 3 Ttnac . Cashier. New Orsrar Stere. Hirschberg's, 5 N. Front St. rflHE PUBLIC CAN SEE THE FROCE8& Mm of manufacture of my goods Only the be workmen employed . No tenement boiutelabor. nor chilarcn, nor Chinese. The tobacco used in the manufacture of Cigars la naturallv and properly cured. All my woxk la done im this citu and under lay personal supervision. a call at my factory where my several brands are made will satisfy all that the best goods are handled by I. H1RSGHBERG, oct 11 tf No. 5 North Front 8t Nev7 Year ! - fSi m ' 3 -TO IA ? K ' MyTriendianlatronsI f S, V? PLENTY OF MONEY! we -TO- Pay aDfanjfcounts I WHICH ARE READT AND VVM. K ait i b i wirx SERW YOU THE SAME WAT ! Presenting your ilecounts IwVo KATZf 116 Market St. mood that the lljbliJ jaa 1

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