this paper PTJKA8JC 90T1CJL The Daily JOSH T. JAMES, BDITOB AIP PIOPIBTOB. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: jne year -. Six mobUm, Three months, $1.00; One month, 85 cents. The paper will be de 11 vered by carriers free of charge. In any pert of the etty, at the above rites, or 10 cents per week. Ad vestising rate low and liberal, -subscribers will report any and an fafl nTs to wontve thetr paper regularly, mnjtbe aeoMea,; And It is espectalrr and parttenJaxiy tnde VOI. IX. doe not always endoia W ELMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. JANUARY 12. 1886 NO 10. naentfejgBjBje ae ntnte m the editorial column. Review We will be glad to moetee eewannieauoe iejMraltnftmtji Jgjg. ' I The name of the writer met afware be Communications must be iilij en en one tldejef the nener I ee views or eorrsepo r Of The Daily Review ha the largest tout fide circulation, of any newspaper ..ubiished, in the city of Wilmington. JB Cleveland oflicial plurality is 65 . J33. j ' Dvnami'e fiend should receive no countenance troni tbia Government. ; - There is a romarkable rage torcl' cks among the fashionable people of Phila delphia, some families baying as many ablty or sixty iime-piecea, which tbey neyer wiod up, but only keep t- look at. . r - . 1 Senator B-ard made a neat and ef- r.; thrust at Senator Inalls. If QV' - iDitalls had denied that he had ever beeh suspected, says the Augusta Chronicle, perhaps .the record might shew uMVerently, not to speak of Mr. Vest's scrap hook. - The real cause o. Blaine's defeat bass been discovered by the Christian States man. He travelled all one - Sunday during his campaigning. Up. to this violation of the fourth commandment his chances seemed most flattering, but afterward disasters were incessant. Dr. Porbes, in the proceedings of the Philadelphia Medical Society, describes an operation by which the ring finger of musicians is liberated from some of the accessory tendons of its extensor muscles and thus acquires freedom k of movement. Cottschalk is saM to have undergone an operation of the kind. Mr. Ruskin despise9 a sewing ma chine, and wants all the girls to make their dresses by hand. Still, it must ba borne in mind that this violent reformer ha9 all bis clothes made by a tailor aud of alt things under the sun, an English tailor at that. Mr. Ruskiu, girls, does not make his clothes by haud himself. This, also, is like a man ; just exactly like a man. Cards arc out announcing the engage ment of Master Willie Scott, aged 4 years, of Gordonsviile, Va., and Miss Jennie Perry, aged 6 years, of Charles ton, West Va. It will be interesting to note in future years how much weight this parental contract will have with the youngsters. Cupid is an erratic fellow and makes sad havoc with the plans of men. Although jute has now assumed such importance as an article of commerce, the first attempts to utilize its fibre were not made in Europe un til 1834-5, and it was ou!y when the Crimean war deprived England of Rus sian flax and hemp that jute fibre be came highly vai ued. Tho centre of the trade in Great Britain is Dundee. Ot late years Germany has gone largely into it. Persian carpets are rarely large, be cause they are chiefly woven, says a recent consular report from Teheran by the women and children f the peas antry in the villages. Thus, a country man will have a rug made in his own house, and when it is done he takes it to the nearest town and sells it for what it will fetch. Of late years, however, much larger carpets have been made for the foreign market. "San Francisco," says an exhibi tant "has not been a clean city from the day. of its foundation. There is Oriental dirt and Occidental dirt. It - has come to be a foreign city. Merchandise fills the sidewalks, and in many placesraingf followed by colder clearing crowds the pedestrian into the street. Offal is thrown there. The six'months' tradewinda of Summer and the six months rain are the two sanitary agents which keep watch and ward over the city.' Chicago has 6,000 persons, about one in every 100 of its population, who constitute the select social circles rep resented in the new 'Elite Directory" for 1885. The book is printed on gilt edged paper, and is said to be entirely worthy of a place beside Shakespeare and the family album, which form the- library of the marble-top table of the Chicago parlor. The leading streets in which "Society" lives are Mich igan and Washington boulevards Indiana, Wabash, Prairie, and Dearborn avenues. Some Alder men are in the fashionable direc tory, and. to keep up its tone, a list , is given of elite tradesmen, dentists, doc tors, and churches. "I would not live alway." said the Psalmist in a moment of poetic rapture "I would not either," says Josh Bil lings, irreverently. So we say-but then while we do live, let us hold on to our health and spirits. The surest way to Jo this, is to lay in a supply of Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup. Try it. LOCAL NEWS. IB DEI TO 1EW ABVEITlSEJf EITS. C W lint-A, Delusion P C Miller a.' $15 Prize Shriek all la a Nuthell M M K at z Extra Bargains Kkinsbkrukb atandar 1 Organs W E Spuinoek A Co Hardware DeRosset A Meares Directory Miss K Kahreb For Thhtv Days Otterbourg 1 nder the New Regime Church Supper First Baptist Church Craig A Thomas Ncr.h Carolina gaiu Giees A MuKcmsoN Leap i Inner et-j Geo R French A So.vs Handpme Goods Parker A Taylor Economy In Building P L Bridgers A Co We Can Alwajs Give For othor locals see fourth page. The days have grown perceptibly longer. The receipts of cotton attbi3 port to- . day foot up 353 bale. There were two tramps one white and one colored accommodated with lodgings at thoguard house on Saturday night. Now is the time; you save money by getting a fine suit made to order for 25; it will cost 35 a little later. Dyer's is the place. t Kate Martin, colored, was notqVunk, but was very disorderly, and was haul ed in by the police. This morning the Mayor fined ber $5 for the offense. Rem ber the meeting of the Ladies' Benevolent Society which is to be at Miss Hart's school room, on Third street, at 3 :30 o'clock to-morrow after noon. Miss E. Karrer advertises in this issue an item of interest to the ladies. For the next thirty days she will sell zephyrs, all colors, at 10 cents per ounce, for cash . j Steam tug Ethel, Olsen, from Key West, Fla., arrived here to-day where she will go to woik in towing mud scows in connection with the work of dredging the river. Br. barque Isca, Knight, cleared to day for Hull, Eng., with 500 casks spir its turpentine, 1,257 barrels of rosin and 1 000 barrels tar, valued at $7,939fi shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Down ing and Co. J ! Winter is nearly half gone and we have had but very little cold weather thus far. It has been a season prolific with colds for the human family and there are many now suffering with the annoying disorder. We imagine that the weather will be considerably colder within a day or two. The supper at the City Hall to-morrow night, gotten up under the auspices of the ladies of the First Baptist Church, will be an elegant affair, and the acca sion will undoubtedly bo graced by the presence of a large number of our citi izens. There will be refreshments in abundance besides other attractions. There was a large congregation, not withstanding the inclemency of the weather, at the Second Presbyterian Church to witness the installation of Rev. John Primrose as its pastor. Rev. Dr. J. R. Wilson, of the First Presbyterian Church, of this city, and Rev. John M. Rose, of Gyoldsboro, ofe ciated in the interesting and instruc tive ceremony. Indications For the South Atlantic States, local weather, winds shifting to Northwest erly. Personal. We are very sorry to hear that Capt. F. M. James is very sick at his resi "dence m this city. His disease is an affection of the liver. Mr. N.Gillican, of Moss Neck, is in the city to-day. New City Directory. Messrs DeRosset & Meares, have made arrangements for the completion of a new directory of the City, some thing which is really needed here. The last which was gotten up. two years ago, was very incomplete and very in correct and is really but of little va ue for reference and there is therefore a demand for a good, reliable one. This these gentlemen propose to supply. The work will be done carefully and elaboiately and the result will be sure, we think, to prove satisfactory. Messr John Cults and Thomas Muse began to-day a canrass of the city for the names and these, with the members of the residences, will be properly given. We observe quite a fine display of new Revolvers for very reasonable prices, at Jacobt's Hardware Depot. t TRIBUTE OF RESPECT, The following preamble anil resolutions werv adopted at a meeting of tbe W Hmtnjrten Steam Fhe knglne Company No. 1, held Jan nan' 6, 1885: "iNMRMOhY LOCEED." W hen leaaporal care are thrust aside, that a frien dy tear may be shed over the grave of one who filled with usefulness every station of life in which his lot had been c st, the re flective genius of atsoi iatcs mty find many virtues tbaf are worthy of emulatl m, and a con- n t at moral life from whl. h to car ea pattern. To e3rn the esteem of thote with whom we are brougrt In daily contact, and atKxeaafntiy to parry it through life, cvn lo the ex ve is an enviable aisttuc ijn vouch safed bi but few. To Ico through the vista of time into a fu turity, whose bounds thou7h circumscribed by a le w ears more than a moiety of the lie brew FsalaUi's limit, and to to order our course through life that onr nuneg when we tro down into silence are echoing on this side of the grave, at d human voices are talking pleasantly about us, is truly to gather to our memories the pearls that sparkle from the un fathomable deeps of affection, and the dia monds that glitter from the caverns of the hevt, ' Teath ha3 agai i entered into our ranks, an other victim claimed and made to succumb to his relentless demand, Captain FREDERICK O. HOBlNtOS, who rrom the ihcipieney of this ompanv has been Willi us, hath been called from time to eternity. Deeply sensible of the loss which we have sustained, and cogaizaH ot a voi 1 which is d flic U to fill, we, the surviving members of the i ompany. are de&ir oua ot making this formal and public recognition of the services which we received at his hands, in helping us through our onerous and perplexing duties a firemen. Therefore, be it Resolved, That in the death of Captain Rob inson, our former Foreman and Chief of the Fire J epartmenl, this Company has lost a true friend, a wise counsellor and a sagacious leader. Risolved, That a blank page be left in the Records of this Company, upon which the offi cial position whrch ne tilled in the Fire De partment shall be Inscribed, his name, and date of birth and death. Re$olved, That a copy of these proceedings be transmitted. to the family of the deceased, and f arnlshed to the newspapers of the city for publication. John L. Boatwbight, Ed. Wilson Manning. John Cowan, Committee. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hardware O F A LL KINDS AND IN ANY QUANTl ty. wholesale and Eetail at ROCK BOTTOM prices. W. K. SPRINGER A UO.. 19, 21 A 23 Market Street, janl2 Wilmington, N.C. Cheap Dinner Sets, F OR SALE BY GILES as MURCHI30N, Jan 1 1 CROCKERY DEPARTMENT A Church Supper -yyriLL BE SERVED AT THE CITY HALL, next TUESDAY EVENING, by the Ladles of the First Bapfst Church. A cordial invlta tlon is extended to all. Supper prices suited tothetasfe. july!2 2t Economy in Building. s AVE MONEY BY BUYING OUR FIRE CLAY PIPE CHIMNEYS. Drive Well Pumps put down at sliort notice ; also Pumps repair ed. Our Columbia and Southern Oak Cooking Stoves are taking the lead. Call and see them and get prices. 1'AKHE.K X I'AIliUK. PURE WHITE OIL jan 12 Directory. ESSRS. JNO. CUTTS, FORMERLY OF M Holmes & Watters, and TOM. V. MUSE, f jr merly of F. M. King ACo., are going the round in he interest of a Directory for our city . We ask all the aid. for the gentlemen, from our ci Izens, that is in their power, in tho way of t .Messrs Cutis and Muse will visit every busirjjL GOOD BREAKFAST ! ness uuue uuu resiui-uco iu tuts city, uuu we hope will meet with encouragement and cour tesy from the hands of all. livery Directory attempted for ttie city heretofore has been im perfect, bat this one we intend to make com plete and uEeful Verv respect! ully, july 12 It DkBOSSET & MEARES North Carolina Again I JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF N. C. HAMS' Shoulders and Middlings, and a afresh supply of FamilyG roceries (these arrive every week.) Our Brunswick Private Stock and Old Lg Cabin Whidkeys are s ill boomln?. We also have C Whiskeys, Wines, Gins and Bran dise, Ac, all of wfciah we offer for sale cheap. Goods delivered free ! , CRalG THOMAS, jan 12- 11 So. Front St. FOR THIRTY DATS ! JjlOR THE NMXr THIRTY DAYS I WILL sell all Zephyrs, Black, White and Colors, at 10 cents per ounce, for cash. a A nice assoitment of Ladies Underwear and Infants Clothing, 'C leaks, Ac, at greatly re duced prices, as I wh?h to close out this lite of goods. Full stock of Millinery and Fsncy Goods as usual. Table Linen and Towel. Stamping ami Embroidery dene at short notice Respectfully MISS E. KARRER. jan 12 Exchange Corner. For durable coloring the walls of rooms in beautiful tints, at little cost nothing equals the Mableine sold at JacobTs Depot. NEW ADYEBI8EMENT8 All in a Why we can, do, and will sell below all others ! Custom ers ileed not pay for baits nor schemes. There is no extravagances at the led WE PAY CAH for every dollar's worth we buy ! Our: expenses are much lower,- for the amount of goods we sell, than others. We have no great number of partners to divide profits with or live on our business. All we ask you is to examine our goods at your homes. Compare their quality and prices with goods from other stores and you will then see that you can save fully from 10 to 33 per cent, on your purchases. We aim to bind fast to us every person who has ever bought in our store' and there is but one way to do it aid that is to deal right with them in every particular. We ijry our best (but sometimes we may "miss fire", but never in tentionally) to give every orte full value in return, and will not stoop to misrepresent any of our goods in any way, shape or manner. L THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST., jan 5 Under the New Regime, GREAT BONA FIDS SLAUGHTER SALE OF ' Fall and Winter Clothing. rjVHE CITIZENS OF WILMINGTON WILL please bear in mind that we utter no uncertain sound when wc advertise our stock of Heavy weight Garments AT COST. Now is the time of year that our Spring and Summer orders f w ' are sent to our manufacturers, and thus far our list for "future delivery" Is much larger than that of any previous season. We are de termined therefore to make a CLEAN SWEEP of every dollars' worth of Clothing bearing a cold weather tendency. We propose to sell YOU goods at what they cost US, and in many instances for MUCH. LES8 than the goods COST THE M ANUFACTUBEES, te wtt: ' OVEBCOATS for $ 9 00 worth $17.50 SUITS 10.00 16 03 OVEBCOAT3 6.00 " 10,00 SUITS " 12.10 '"., 20(0 And BIG BABGAIN8 in FLANNEL UN DERWEAR, HOSIERY, NECKWEAR and throughout our entire Furnishing Depart ment. Otterfoourg & Co., KING CLOTHIER, Wilmington, N C jan 12 WE CAN ALWAYS GIVE YOU ELEGANT KISH ROE, PICKLED TRIPE, PICKLED PIGS' FEET Creamery Buttered Flour. SELLING WELL. TBY A PACKAGE, QUALITY GUARANTEED. OAT MEAL BARLEY, &c, &c. P. L. BRIDQEfiS & CO HO North Front St. jan 12 Handsome Goods. EXHIBIT THE FINEST LINE OF L1DIE3' BUTTJN BOOTS AN O BAL'S In the city. Onr SHOES lor Misses and Child ren are simply superb. Our prices are ex tremely reasonable. Geo. K. French & Sons, 103 KORTH FBONT STREET jan 12 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Nutshell ! EXTRA BARGAINS ! -IN- Winter Dress Goods. Velvets, Cloaks, Shawls, r Blankets, Flannels, Underwear. -n- BLACK SILKS In From 50 cts. up. AT- M. M. KATZ'S, f 116 Market St jan 13 Standard Organs, Jf ANUFACTUKED BY 1TA FKLOUBKT A COMPAJiY, In .solid Walnut Cases These are the beat Organs made, and In price lower for the same gride, than any other house in the State can offer Organ. A fresh supply just received, and sold onl j from HELN3BERG EE'S, jan 12 Live Book and Music Stores NEW ADVEKTI8BMK.NTS, 8. II. Trimble & Co. STOCK AMD REAL EST ATS BROKER 8 and Auctioneers of General Merchandise ot every description. Omen corner Princess and Water streets. Cronly Monies' old stand. rersonai attention given to ante of horses and vehicles at private sale or a auction. Con sign menu so lie i tod. A. O. McblBT, sept Auctioneer. Annual Meeting. i j HUB ANNUAL MERTING OF THE Stock. holders of the Firat National Bank of Wtl mlDgton, for (he electioa of Directors, will lie hel t in the'r Banking House oa Tuesday, the 18th inst , at 11 o'clock, a. ui. A K. WA1 KEB, jan 2 3, 5. 13 II Cashier Warranted Sound. 4 BBLS NICE APPLES (Repacked) for sale cheap to elate out. Come and see us. jn8 DAVIS & SON A Delusion! rjrWAT OF SENDING NORTH FOR, Every little article, ihl&king to buy it cheaper than at home. We propose to duplicate aujt order that sou may semi --off for in our line: at the same you pay Norlh, and you save freight. C W. YATES. Blauk Books, Stationery, School ' j' . . '..j , ' -' ; jr if . Books, Pianos, Organs, Ac. . ian if 119 Market St Clemmer. FEW MORE -OF THAT CELEBRATED FIRST-CLASS WHISKEY j ost received. 4 CAROLINA YACHT CLUB Cc CfGa RS still holds the Cake. Try McGOWAN'8 Old North Sta'e Salooa and cave money. jan i H Wanted Situation in kithur a dry GOODS OR GROCERY HOUSE Have had extensive experience in both anil can ,glrc first class recommendations. Apply to O. R. MALLARD, jan 10 2t At Commercial Hotel Annual Meeting THE LOT OWNRBS OF OAK. DALE CEMETERY will be held at tho Company's Office, Mondav Evening, 12th instat 8 o'clock. RICHARD J. JONES, jan ian I; Secretary A Trea's ; ! .Li Notice. T Y MUTUAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN myself and Mr. J. F. Garrell, the settlement of the business lately conducted under the firm name of Melton A Garrell has been placed in the hands of Mr. W. L. Jacobs; All bills due the p. id firm are parable to him only. AH accounts against the said firm must be presented to him for payment. jjvj jan 10 3t JOHN R. MELTON. The Old Firm I AND AT THE OLD PLACE. John R. Melton, JT THE OLD STAND, STALLS 1, 2 and 3, New Marked, is still prepared to accommo date Ids patrons with the best the Market af fords in the way of FRESH BEEF, S.MOK ED BEEF. CORNED BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, V EN 1 6 ON, FRESH PORK, CORNED PORK, SAUSAGES, P CODINGS, POULTBY, Ac, 4c. l fV '"'' ? t Thankful for pant favors he solicit i a con tinuance of patronage, jan 10 3t HORNER SCHOOL, OXEOJSOt N, C. CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL AND Scientific Academy with Military organization and discipline j - The Spring Term of 1885 will begin the sec ond Monday, the 12th day of January. An ample corps jof able instructors is pre -vided and the school is thoroughly equipped for efficient work Terms for board and tuition, the eata- an heretofore, send: for Catalogue. J. II- AT. C. H0RKXB. Oxford, N: C, Dec. 22, 18S4J dec 2aw3w nitlt Conoley's Drag Store. 2lO MARKET STUKKT. IN CONSEQUENCE OF MY LARGE CbWt ma3 trade, i will sell Ihebilance of y holi day goods at cost to make roam for my Drug, Pateat Medicines and ssch art-clee as are usu ally kept in a first elafs retail Drug fetore Very RcsiKictfnllv, dec 29 J. Wj CONOLBY' Hot Tom and Jerry. IJ1BB5 FIRST OF THE SEAlOS TO-DAY Also. Bum Greasers. Hot Scotch, Spiced Bum. Hot Flip and all tbe latest sty kj of Hot Drinks AT t HE "GEM". dec Ifi N6rth Front St FBITQ ML 4rf Sr FKR TO 7. A. M. Hii itlfcl hmli tft. ttm ot sfmMu m raonuj mnwH la uri la iiiuHu aaa n in tn. y Am uw Urre illotrtfi CtaIom of Honi Kxxtowteh bottom pricw. Abo an ottm pi Httlu to F. A. M. BCDDifW S) CO, Ul 29 dStwlt