MISCELLANEOUS ! Red Star TRADE V7 MARK. pig TheDaily Review. ff-refrom Opiate? Emetic and Poisons. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE roP t ..jsjI". rr Tkrcat, IfMraeacs, Cold, iii-'ueuzu, Urom LIU", A!hrau, Croup, Whoop InS Couish,'!;-- PoJaftln Cheat, mkI r a t.'niofUi9 Throat Mrf Lilac. i wr.t a ttf.rtlc. Sold bv DmirlBtii ami ' , r-;. Purlieu uvablt. to induct their dealer to ihartjc paid, by sending one dollar to lHt lllKLES A. VOUELER t 01".. Y, Suit Uvxcn nd MaBUfitctarers, H. Itiaor. , 3!zr;iaa4, C. S. A. lich 25 d.fcw. 1885. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED HAKPfK's Fazar is the only r apcr in the worM that combines the choicest literature and the lincst art illustrations with the l itest fashions and methods of household adorn ment weekly illustrations and descrip tion of the newest Parts and New York styles, with iw useful pattern-sheet supplements and cut patterns, by enabling ladies to be their own dress makers, save many times the coat of Hil"-crlpilon. Its paters on cooking, the man azetuentolsetvants, and housekeeping in Its various details are eminently practical. Much attention is given to the lrteaUBfr topic cf social etiquette, and Its illustrations of arc nctciie work are acknowledged to be unequal led Its literary me) it is of the highest excel irnce. and the unique character of its humor ous pictures has wpn for it the name ot the American Punch. Harper's Periodicals. 4 Per Year: HARPER'S BAZAR ....$4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Harfkb's Franklin square Library, One Tear (52 Numbers) 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no tune is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. The last Five Annual Volumes of Harper Bazar, in neat cloth binding, will oe sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of ex lcnse (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each Remittances should be made by Post-Ofllce Money Order or Draft, to avoid cbanee of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper A Brothers. Address HARPER BROTHERS, dec 3 New York . 1885. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED With the new volume, beginning in Decern ber. Harper's Mauazixe will conclude its thirty-fifth year. The oldest periodica 1 of its tye, it is yet, in each new volume, a new mag wine, not simply because it presen's fre-h subiects and new pi -tures, but also, and chief ly, because It steadily advances in the method itself of magaz'ne making. In a word, the Magazine becomes more the faithful mirror of current life and movement. Leading features In the attractive programme for 1885 are: new serial novels by Constance Fenimorc Woo '.son and W D Howells; a new novel entitled "At the Red Glove;" descriptive illustrated papers by F D Mlllett, R Swain Giffdrd, E A Aboey, II Gibson, and others; Goldsmith's "She Stocps to Conquer," illustrate 1 by Abbey ; Im portant papers on Art, Science, etc. Harper's Periodicals. Per Tear : Harper's Magazine .'. 4 0) Harper's Weekly . 4 08 harper's Bazar 4 co Harper's Vounq People 2 CO Harper' 8 Franklin Square Library. One Year (52 Numbers) 10 00 Pottage Free to ma subscribers in the Unitea owes or Canada. The volumes of the Magazine begin with the -"iimners ior June ana uecemoeroi eacnyear. When no time is specified. It will le under stood that the subscriber wishes to begin with me current Number. The hist eleven Semi annual Volumes cf Harper's Magazine, In neat cloth binding Ur4 1 VtA con t h mall iA3t no 1H An vAAAlnt Al $3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, SO cents each by mail, postpaid. Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes 1 to 60, inclusive, from June, I860, to June, 1SS0, one vol., Svo, Cloth, $4 00. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Honey Order or Draft, to a vo.d chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement vuhout the express order of Harper & Bros. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, dec 8 New York . TIKCIE S TJ NT. " JS INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER OF lemocra:ic Principles, but not Controlled by any Set of Politicians or Manipulators; Devo Ud to Collecting and Publishing all the News of the Tay lathe most interesting Shape and with the great eet possible Promptness, Accu racy and Impartiality ; and to Ihe romotion of Bemocratic Ieas and Policy in the affairs of GoTernnecnt, Society and Industry. Kates, by Mall, Postpaid ; iaily, per 1 ear A CO uaily, per Month.. 50 SUNDAY, pur Year no DAILY and SUNDAY rer Year.-...' 7 00 WEEKLY, per Year 1 00 Address, THE SUN, New York City dec 17 HEPAUTKK. They were luaebiojr, one Uiy, In a handsome cafe. And she happened to sas. QUO UUIII CU mr Wltjf J I hat he and icecream wi're sn nniiy: ''Can you cat icecream with impunity ?" And he made the reply, J With a wink of ih pv "No, bat I can ith apoon." But ber triumph came soon ; as tnev lett mc saloon, lie crave her a god npportuniiy; "And now, Bessie, dear. As the weather is ciear. Can you take a w -ilk with impunity?" Her smile was as bright as the moon, And deliciousiy shy Came the mocking reply, 'No, but I can with a spoon !" Ben Wood Davis. v Getting a Picture Taken "Now," saitj the photographer, tak ing hold of the cloth over the icstru ment, "are you all ready?" . " nYes," replied ihe customer. "Well, just keep your eye on that sign," he said, pointing to a legend on the wail which read, Positively No Credit; "and look pleasant." N"ew York Sun. The Exact Time It is utterly impossible for even a successful presidential candidate to feel as important as is a boy when he is allowed to carry a watch for the Grst time. "What time is if, sonny?" asked a gentleman of a boy on an Austin street car. The boy smiled, anu looking at his astronomical time piece replied : "Do yon want the exact time?" 1 "If you please." ' In two minutes it will Jbe three min utes to five minntps to a quarter past three," replied the young man. Sif tings, j White Cypress and Yellow Pine BLINDS AND DOORS, Guaranteed aa good as the best.' Moulding, Brackets. Balusters -and Orna mental Wood Work. 0etl6 PARSLEY A. WIGGINS. The Hot Water Cure. Doctor You have tried the remedies I prescribed for you? Patieut I baye, doctor, and follow ed" your directions faithfully. J). And you haye experienced no benefit? P. Not a particle. D. Then there is only one thing that will avail you ; you must try the hot water cure. P. The hot water cure? Will noth ing else help me? j i 1). Nothing else will help you, sir. P. Then I'm a gone man. D. What makes you think so? You haven't tried the remedy yeit. P Haven't I? Why I've been mar ried ten years and my mothcr-ih-law ires in mv house. Boston Courier. Quarterly Meeting. First round for the Wilmington Dis trict of the Methodist E, Church, South, or 1884-55. Cokesburg circuit, Bethany " 17-18 Bladen circuit, Center 24-25 Elizabeth circuit. Elbabcth own January 31 and Feb 1 Wilmington Front Street " 7 8 Carver's Creek circuit, Silent " 14-15 Waccamaw Miss, Bethel " 17-18 Whitesville circuit, White. " ville 21-22 Topsail circuit, Scotts Hill February 28 and March 1 Duplin circuit, Kenansyiile " 7-8 Onslow circuit. Tabernacle " 14-15 Brunswick circuit, Concord " 21-22 The District Stewards will please meet at Wilmington Front Street Church on Februrary 4th at 11 o'clock a. m. P. J. Carkaway, P. E, M. M M. THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Pott office as follows : CLOSE. Northern through niails, fast 7.30;P. M. Northern through ana wy malls s.ou a. m. Raleigh 6.45 P. M. and 8.00 A. al. Alans tor the N. c. tanroaa ana routes supplied therefrom includ ing A. & N. C Railroad at 7.30 P- Ml and 8.00 A. M Southern Mails for all points South, aaiiy. s.uu r. at, Western mails (C. C. Railway) daily , (except Sunday) 6.15 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral eigh 6.45 P. M. Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road 8.00 P Mails for points between Florence and Charleston...;". 8.00 P Fayettevllle and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays LOOP Fayettevllle.via C C Railroad, daily, except Sundays .6.45.P. M. Onslow C. II. and intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. SmithvUle malls, by ateamboatdaUy (except Sundays) 8.30 A. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River. Tues days and Fridays 9.00 P Wrightsville, daily 8.80 A. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails 7.80 A Southern Mails 7.20 A. Carolina Ontral Railroad. 8.45 A Mails collected from street boxes DnsiDCis portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M. and 5. SO P. M. and from other point: of the city at P. M Stamp Office open from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M., Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M to 5 P. M., continuously. General delivery open from 7 A.M. io6 P.M. and on Sundays from 8.80 to 9.30 A. M. Carrirn delivery open en Sunday from 8.80 to 9.30 A. Ms M. tA. , M. M. M. Forsyth; J C Yadkiu; J A DRUNKENNESS, OR THE LIQUOR HABIT, CAN BE CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the persou taking it, effecting a speedy and per manent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands, of drunkards have been ! made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee with out their knowledge, and to-day bclie e they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful effects resuit from its administration. Cures guaranteed. Circulars and testimonials sent free. Address, Golden Specific Co.. 185 Race St., Cincinnati, (). d eod & w6m A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions pi youth. neryous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE-OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a se'.t addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, Neto York City. -eod d& w ly n Now is the time to give Smith's Worm Oil . 1yd w THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. SENATE. 1st diet Currituck. Camden, Pas quotank, Hertford, Gates, Chowan and Perqnimans; Tames Parker, dena, W M Bond. tlem. 2nd dist TyrrelL, Washing too, Mar tin, Dare, Beaufort, Hyde. Pamlico; Theo W Poole, l)ero, P H Simmons, dem. 3rd disL Northampton and Bertie; Thomas W Mason, dem. 4th dist Halifax; J M Mullen, dem. 51 h dist Edgecombe, R S Taylor, (col) rep. Cth dist-Pitt; W R Williams, dem 7th dist Wilson, Nash and Frank lin; HG Connor dem, Joshna Perry, dem. 8th dist Craven; Geo H White, (col) rep. 9:h dist Jones, Onslow and Car teret; Dr C Thompson, dem. 10th dist Duplin and Wayne; E J Hill, Jem, J T Kennedy, dem. Mtli dist Greene and Lenoir; F At Ron u tree, dem. 13th dit New Hanover aud Pender; W H Chadbourn, rep. 13th dist Brunswick and Bladen; Swain, rep. 14th dist Sampson : E T Bojkin. dem. 15th dist Columbus and Robeson; D S Cowan, dem. R F Lewis, dem. 16th dist Cumberland aud Harnett a W7 'P ,1 t W A I ll V , lit' U 1 . 17th dist JohnsLon ; Ashley Home, dem. 18th dist Wake; John Gatling. dem. 10th dist Warren ; JH Montgomery, rep. 20th dist Orange, Person and Cas well ; James Holman, dem ; A W Gra ham, dem. 21st dial Granville; R W Winston, dem. 22d dist Chatham and Alamance; J L Scott, dem.,. 23d dist Rockingham ; John S John ston, dem. 24th dist Guilford ; J L King, dem. 25th dist Randolph and Atoore; M S Robins, dem. 26th dit Richmond- and Mont gomery; W I Everitt, dem. 27th dist, Anson and Union; J A Leak, dem. 28th dist Cabarrus and Stanly ; Paul B Means, dem. 29th dist Mecklenburg; S B Alex ander, dem. 30th dist Rowan and Davie; J W Wiseman, dem. 31st dist David3on; P G Thomas, rep. 32d dist Stokes and Buxton, dem. 33d dist Surry and branklm. rep. 34th dist Iredell, Wilkes and Alex ander; Dr R F Hackett, J F Dotson, dems. 35th dist Alleghany, Ashe and Wa tauga; J W Todd, dem. 36th dist Caldwell, Burke, AIcDow ell, Alitcbell and Yancey; J S Brown, W H Bower, dem. 37th dist Catawba and Lincoln, MO Sherrill, dem. 38th dist Gaston and Cleveland ; Geo F Basen, dem. 39th dist Rutherford and Polk ; T B T witty, dem. 40th dist Buucombe and Madison; H A Gudger, dem. 41st dist Haywood, Henderson aud Transylvania; W LTate, dem. 42d dist Jackson, Swain, Macon, Cherokee, Clay and Graham ; J W Cooper, dem. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Alamance Thomas M Holt, dem. Alexander E B Jbnes. dem . Alleghany B Edwards, dem. Anson J J Dunlap. dem. Ashe John C Plummer. dem. Beaufort W H Patrick, dem. Bertie L Roulhac, rep. Bladen W J Sutton, rep. Brunswick D B McNeill, dem. Buncombn Richmond Pearson, Johnstone Jones, dems Bnrke Samuel McD Tate, dem. Cabarrus T D Aliiler, dem. Caldwell R R Wakefield, dem. Camden H W Scott, dem. Carteret A H Chadwick, dem. Caswell Geo N Thompson, dem. Catawba A A Shuiord, dem. Chatham- T B Womaek, J A Alston, dems. Cherokee G F McGee, dem. Chowan E F Waff, dem. Clay T C Kitchens, dem. Cleveland Thomas Dixon, Jr, dem Columbus H S Williamson, dem. Craven John E Huseey, (col.) rep. Cumberland I A Alurchison, C C McClelland, dems. Currituck Wm H Co well, dem. Dare E H Riges. rep. Davidson G Al Bulla, S W Wall, reps. Davie H E Robertson, dem. Duplin John D Stanford, dem. Edgecombe B W Thorpe, (col) N P Bellamy, reps. Forsyth W H Sheppard. dem. ' Franklin N Y Gulley, J T Clifton, dems. Gaston J W Reid. dem. Gates II Clay Williams, dem. Graham ?N AI E Slaughter, dem. Granville A H A Williams, Robert Hobgood, denial. Greene W A Darden, dem. Guilford J A Turner, J A Barrin ger, dems Halifax A J Burton, David Bell, dems. Harnett D Stewart, dem. Haywood W T Crawford, dem. Henderson Dr W D W bitted, rep. Hertford R W W in borne, dem. Hyde J B Wat3on, dem. Iredell Augustus Ieazer. Jonn Holman, dems. Jackson R H Brown, dem. Johnston James H Pou, Josiah Perry, Dem. Jones P Al Pcarsall, dem. lerioir Jesse W Grainger, dem. Lincoln W L Grouse, dem. At aeon James L Robinson, dem. Aladison J C Pritchard, rep. Martin D Worthington. dem AtoDowell Geo H Garden, dem. Mecklenburg R P Waring, W Ardrey, H G Stowe. dems. Mitchell TC Greene, rep. Montgomery John F Crowder rep. Atoore George Wilcox, Dem. Nash J H Exum. dem. New Hanover C P Locky, L Grady;, reps. Northampton J. H. Edwards, J. W. Grant, dems. Onslow H E King. dem. 1) range and Durham Chas W John son. Caleb BGreen, dems. Pamlico John B Maitin, dem. Pasquotank Hu eh Cale, rep. Pender J T Bland, dem. Perquimans; Elibu Ctaappell, rep. Person J A Lone, dem . Pitt G W Venter?, R E Mayo, dems. Polfe Henry Morgan, rep. Randolph B W Steed, I F Ca vines?, dems. Richmond John W Sneed. dem. Robeson M McRae. Hamilton Mc Millan, dems. Rockingham Jas D Glenn, John M Gallaway, dems. Rowan lee 3 Overman, dem. Rutherford John B Harrell, dem. Sampson J W-S Robinson, J A Beaman, dems. Stanley D N Bennett, dem. Stoke -J Y Phiilio, dem. Surry Brim. rep. Swain A H Hayes, Dem. Transylvania J H Lamniey, dem. Tyrrell R P Felton, Dem. Union H B Adams, dem. Wake Chas Al Busbee. John D Al len, Herbert E Norris, J Walter Myatt, Dems. 1 Warren and Vance R C. Ward, H B Eaton, reps. Washington Harrison, rep. Watauga E F Lovill. Dem. Wayne Frank M. Aycock, Ira W Hatch, dems. Wilkes- J R Henderson, rep. Wilson John E Woodard, dem. Yadkin J C Pinnix, rep. Yancey L Whittington, Dem. MISCELLANEOUS B w E For Sale. A Job Printing Office, in- GOOD CONDITION. LIBERTY PRESS. :0ver 100 Fonts Type. APPLY TO oct S JOSH. T. JAMB1', Wilmington, N. 0. Sew York & Wil mington Steamship . ! FROM PIER 34, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK At 3 o'clock, P. M. BENEFACTOR Saturday, Dec 27 1885 REGULATOR Saturday, Jan 3 ....Saturday. Jan 10 Saturday, Jan 17 BSNEFACTOR. REGULATOR.. s FROM WILMINGTON : REGULATOR Saturday, Dec 27 1SS5 BENEFACTOR. '. Saturday, Jan 3 REGULATOR Saturday, Jan 10 BENEFACTOR Saturday, Jan 17 NT Through Bills Lading ana Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and Irons Points in North and South Carolina, for Freight or Passage apply to H. G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. THEO. G. EGER, Freight Agent, New York. WM. P. CLYDE A Oeneral Aaentr, 3S Broadway,. New York. dec 22-tf. 1885. v Harper'sJWeekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Wkekly has nr.w, for twenty years, maintained its posiUon as the leading illustrated weekly newspaper in America. With a constant Increase of literary and art istic resources, it Is able to offer for the ecsu lDg year attractions unequalled by any previ ous volume, embracing a capital Illustrated serial story by W E Norris; Illustrated, arti cles with special reference to the West and South, Including the World's Exposition at New Orleans , entertaining short stories, most ly illustrated, and Important papers by high authorities one the chief topics of the ay. Every one who desirea a trustworthy politi cal guide, an entertaining and instructive fam II' journal, entirely free from objectionable features In either letter-press or Illustrations, should subscribe to Harpeb's Weeklt. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: HARPER'S WEEKLY... 4 0C HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 01 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 CO Harper's Franklin Square Library, One Year (52 Numcers 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly legln with the fcrst Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. The last Five Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, In teat cloth binding, will be sent by maU, postage paid, or by express.'free of ex pcBse (provided the freight docs not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases tor each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on re celpt of $l 00 each. - Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to a vo' 1 chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper 4 Brothers. Address HARPER ft BROTHERS. dec 3 New York For Christmas. T WILL RECEIVE lO-atOBBOW, CHRIST MAS EVE. FIFTY GALLONS of those fa mous Shepherd and HIne's Garden Oysters from New River. Guaranteed weet and frcih ax d as fine an Oyster a hts ben seen here this season. I eave oidera early. Delivered promptly In any part of t,c"caooM So Front Street, near the New Market dec 23 The Excursion and Pic Nic EASON IS OVER AND THE THEATRI S CAL AND BALL Season has opened again and JOHN WERNER, the practical fliman Bar ber and Perfumer, Is personally in attendance at his Hair Dressing fcalooa, 29 Market Street, between Water and Front, Wilmington, N. C. 11 MISCELLANEOUS Woman's Suffering ami Relief Those languid, U (some seneations, csueln you to feel scarcely sfole to be .on j uurfeei; that constant drain that la taking from your system all It router easttcfty; driving the bloom from your checks; that continual stra n upon your vital forces, lender ng yon irritable ami f ret 'ul, can easily 16 removed by te usee' that marvelous remedy. Hop Bit-t-.rs Irregularities acd obstructions of your system ere relieved at eaee while the special eanses of periodical pain ars permanently re moved None receive so much benefit, and none are so profoundly grateful, and show such an Interest in recommending Hop Bit ers as wptrc n. A Postal Car d Story. 1 was effected with kidney and ur inary Trouble "For twelve years!" After trying all the doctors and pat ent medicines I could hear of, I used two bottles ot Hop "Betters" And I arh perfectely cured. I keep it "All the lime!?' respectfully. B. F. Booth, Saulsbury, Tenn. May 4. 1883. ii HI I II fU Mill i wholssai2b prlCEsT Bradford, Pa. , Mat S, 1S75. It has cured meof several diseases, suoh as nervousness, sickness at the stvHnach, motthly troubles, etc. I have not saen a sick day in a year, siocc I took Hop Eitters. All my neigh l ors u se them . M us. Pan nIe Green $3,000 Lost. "A tour to Europe that cost me $3,000, done "me loss good than one bottle of Hop Bitters; "they also cured my wl'e of fifteen years' uer "vous weanes?, sleeplessness and dyspessia." R. M , Auburn, N". Y. So. Bloomingville. O , May 1, '79 cms I have been suffering ten yCrs, and I tried your Hop Bif.ers, and it done me more good than all the doctors. 1 Miss, S. S. Boone Baby Saved. We are so thankful to say that our nursing baby was permanently cured of a dangerous and protracted constipation and Ivregu'arily of the bowels by the use of Hop Bitters by it mother, which at the same time rc stored her to perfect health and strength. The Parents, Rochester, N. Y. JSW None genuine without a bunch of grren Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" in their name. dec 18 lm d&w nrmtc H. BRUNHILD & BRO., KOFFfcR FOR THE APPROACHING HOLIDAYS A special lot of their own importation Sherries, Port and Bordeaux Wines. i F i SOMETHING EXTRA IN C O C k AC S ! I3ST WHISKIES we offer speciil Inducements .n quality and prices. Large assortment of v Cigars and Tobacco always on hand of our own manufacture, dec 1 H. BRUNHILD BRO Groceries. &c. -JgQ HHDS. PRIME CUBA MOLASSES, 100 Hbd8' Prlme Porto Rl MOLASSES, gQQ Half Rolls Standard BAGGING. 1 000 Bdl8, New Arrow Tl?s- 500 15418 Flcced TIES' 500 Bblfl FLOUB" 1 00 Bbls &UOAB Onn Bag8 COFFEE. CUV LIME. CEMENT, PLASTER, Ac. All at lowest prices. WORTH & WORTH ang 23 4! . . BeDj. W. Davis, (Formerly with W. E. Davis A Son, Wilming ton, N.C.) 99 Barclay St. New York, General Commission Merchant JEALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, Ap ples, Game. Fish, Terrapins, Kggs.and Chick ens. Highest market prices, aad prompt re turns guaranteed. A trial is all I ask. Refpr b permission to E. E Burruss, Prcsi uent First National Bank of Wilmington, N.C.; Mcssrrs J. H. Chadbourn A Co., Mtcam Saw Mills; P. L. Bridgcrs A Co., ttroccrs; P. Cum ming & Co., Grain and teed dealers; Davis ft Son, Ice and Fish. Southern Produce a Specialty oct 1 6m t MAN'S ORGANISM Is the most complex work ot Ihe Creator and when this complicated structure, so exquis itely wrought. Is disturbed by disease, the efficient aid should be sought from the most skilled physician for the human body is too precious to be neglected. It becomes the quesUon, then: "What physician shall be em ployed?" Dr. Oscar Johakkkses, of the University, of Berlin, Germany, has made a lifelong sily of ailments of the Nervous GeDlto Urinary System. HIS REMEDIES CURE Any Detili'y or Derangement of the Nervous System, including Sptrmatthorea, Gonorrhea,' bypbilis, 8tricture, Impotence, etc., etc BECAUSE vou may have been cheated and fooled by quacks.' who claim to cure this cUvsoPalsorders, do not hesitate to give Dr. JoiiAVSES,iJfs method a fair trial before your case becomes chronic and incurable. msT FREE, jt A valuable treatise, explanatory of I i . Johaunesen's system, will be tent by mail, port paid and t er urely sealed from observa tion, to anv sufferer addressing hts sole an thorized agent for the United States and Can Ha. IlENttY VOGELKB, 49 8outh Street, New York J9 Complicated symptoms trra'rd from fr. Joiu.nkubs's Special Prescription, nn aer advice of a djily qualified consulting phjs lclan. All correspondence held as atr icily confi lenUal, and advice bv mail iree of charge. Jin Z felkrwluty eooi i tViaMj-r , rcen wholesale price generally, la suUlrtg r smU orders higher rricea nave to be ohar BAGGING Standard - 2. - - - - U; fe B&gMotaCafna: H a ms, y fa ' choukserB. w jo. Sides, rib jj4Ji- WESTERN SMOKED- 1H M 7 9 IS s s w t p mm ft a 18 49 11'4 Sides, y lb - - - SoOtti dcrs DRY SALTED--- Sides, r Shoetoers, r Ifc...- BARRELS Stents TurpenUas, Scpond Hand, each 1 , Now New York,-each.... ..... 1 NewCtty,each. 1 BBXSWAX V lb BRICKS, fM- buttkk, r fb North Oarolla:, Northern CANDLES, V fc Sperm. ..................... ... Tailow .............. .i... . Adaaaantnte L 12 O 12 CHEESE, r lh Northern Factory Dairy, Cream.... Sis ts COFFEE, iT lb- Java..... Ijaguyra. KiO ........ CORN MEAL, f bus.. In sacks COTTON TIES, V bundle.... domestics - Sheeting, i. 4, f yd Yarns, V bunch.... EGGS, ff dozen...... FiSH Mackerel, No, 1, V bol ...16 00 Mackerel, No. 1, half bbl.. 9 B0 Mackerol. No. 5. bbl.... .. 9 0 Mackerel, No. 2, f half bbl.. 5 Op .. 7 12 14 10 11 11 fe6 60 5 X2 IS 15 v.' JO S1 49 Mackerel, No. 3, W bbi.... Mullets, r bbl -4 Mnlieto, Pork bbls U. 7 v. koo itcrnng, v acg.... : C. Roe Herring, fcf keg Dry Cod.JT lb.........':.... FERTILIZERS, V ib 00, 00 00 6 Peruvian Guano. No. 1.. r? h No. ...... m JLobos.... BaVh's Phosphate Carolina Feruibter. Ground Bono-. .r7 fjO 66 00 .oo oo .00 00 GO 00 00 Boie Meal ;....00 00 Bone i lour -.00 ou Navassa Guauo... ...40 CO Complete Manure. .00 00 Whann's Phosphate. . 00 Ul Wando Phosphatft. O.J co Berger A Butz's Phosphate.. 00 00 Excellenza Cotton FcrtilJzer.M 61 French's Carbonate of Lime... 7 00 French's Agricultural Lijae... 80 FIiUR, bbl-. Fine..., 0 00 , Northern Super....... ii 75 " Extra....l 4 75 Family. 6 (.0 CItv Mills Exj.... (i 00 F M FarlUy 5 75 " Extra Family.... C 50 GLUE V ft. II GRAIN, V bushel Corn, from store, bags, white $0 Corn, cargo, in bulk, white.. '4 Corn, cargo. In bags, White. . 72 Corn, cargo, mixed, In bags.. Oats, from store J 65 Cow Peas ..i... I 25 HIDES, 4 ib- Green 5 Dry ..J .. 11 HAY, if 100 lbs Eastern Western North River... HOOP (IRON, 4f fc... LARD..4F lb Northern........ - 3!.t North Carolina 00 O LIME, 4f barrel 1 40 ft LUMBER, City Sawed, f M ft. Ship Stuff, rcsawed ....... 13, 00 o: Rough Edge Plank 15 00 w est moia uargocs.accoruing to quality IS 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 18 00 Scantling and Board, com 'n.-12 00 MOLASSES, 4 gallon New Crop Cuba, in hhda 80 49 35 " " lnbblfl 80 49 4 J Porto Kico, In bads... m in bbls... 8ugar House, in hhds.. 7 H In bbls... Syrup, in bbla... 40 NAILS, 4J- Keg, Cut,10d baslr.. 0 00 OILS, v gallon Kerosene Lard Lhasoed.... Rosin.. Tar. Deck and Spar: POULTRY Chickens, live, grown " Spring..... 10 Turkeys 75 PEANUTS 4y- bushel 1 00 POTATOES, 4f bnshel sweet .....1 ro Irish, 4 bbl...........r....... 2 '25 City Mese 28 60 4924 Prime, 16 00 4917 Rump 17 00 4913 RICE Carolina. 4 B 440 Rough, 4jr bushOi i5 49 )- 8C SO 82 33 00 26 H 1 10 0 90 00 CO i 4916 49J2 0J 4915 49 a 49 & a tit ft e 49 49 fit 1 49 49 49 49 O 1 1 1 to, 2 eo m-wxj Q mm v f-J uuuvi RAGS, 4 fly Country.. City.. ROPE, f ft SALT, 4f sack, Alum.. Livcrpoo ............ uiBvon... yvjiiu i i(j;ui. ............. .. SUGAR, ty ft Cuba ...... ..... .... ................... 1449 14449 14449 00 49 00 00 CO 00 Porto Rico.., J 00 00; oo! 4ua A Coffee..-.. B " Sr J Ex C Crushed; SOAP.lp ft Morthcu 5 BHXNtJLES, 7 In.4M 10 50 Common 2 .50 Cypress Saps 4 50 Cyprecs Hearts. 0 00 STAVES, 4f M W. O. Barrel.. 12 00 R. O. logahead 00 00 TALLOW, 4 ft... 4 TIMBER, 4f M feet Shipping. 12 w ITlncMIll i....ll 35 Mlil Prime........ 7 50 49 49 49 & a 5349 or. 16 6 Jl CO 00 50 Mill Fair. Common Mill. 1 Inferior to Ord'm WHISKEY, gal-NorUicrn. Nortn Carolina.. 4- WOOL, 4f ft Washed Unwashed 13 J. uurrv., 4911 it I a 5 49 7 4918 00 4D10 00 49 5 4914 00 4T13O0 4T S 50 6 0049 6 50 5 00 0 w - - - - -4 mm 49 0 00 49 4 00 1 00 49 4 00 1 00 0) 2 50 1 49. ti : r 49 20 10 49 V MERCHANTS, HANKERS AND MANUFAC- 1 UREIcs SHOULD READ BRADSTREET'S A WEEKLY JOCUNAL OF TRADE, FI -i NANCE AND PUBLIC ECONOMY, SixUen Pages every Saturday. Oftentimes , Twenty Pages. Sometimes Twcty-j FIVE DOLLaliS A VKA ;ar. W A favorite prescription cf one mttmm noted and succeasfad eciahsta wtimn lor the cure of Wn ! RELIABLE SELF CURE Kddress OR. WARD 4ft CO. dee 22 eod of the most in the U. 5. lability. y. Sect m it. Mo. lydftw 2 lie foremost purpose of Praustreet is to be ft practical eerviee to basil ess men. Its ateciai trzde ami industrial r ports; its week ly epitome of liankruptfies throughout the Unite-1 States and Canada, and the summaries of assets and liabilities, are alor c worth tin: subscription price; lto synopses ol-recent Jerul decislona are exceedingly valuable. Aa com mercial transactP n, in the wider sense, are coming to be more and more Oonductcd on a statistical baiis, the information contained in Braustrket's is o' the first im porta i I oth to producers and mi tdlemcn. : The Trade and AgrlcoUural ' Slttiaik n throughout the United Mates ami C nada ' reported by Telegraph o Bra us tki et6 up lAlht kAiir Af mil. l.'iMnn SINGLE COPIVS. TEH CANTS. THE B&AD8TKEET CO., , 279.281, 2S8 Bmo AD WAT. dec3)tf NEWVoitKi