-5 THIS PATER vary evening. Sunday A oepted by JOSH T. JAMES, editor xmd rxorxirroK. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID vftsr S4.00. Six months, f.w. sooths, fl.00 ; One month, cent. jThe paper will be delivered by carriers free of objure, in any part of the city. aSUo above rate, or 10 cents per week. Advertising met low and Sbcmi. -Subscriber will report any sod ell fall- t to receive thetr paper regularly, gf The Daily Review ha the large borui fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. 43k ft is evident V eren thpmost casual observer that the renowned General William Tecnmseh Sherman, the man who devastated Georgia and burned Columb'a, is not easy in hia roiod a to hh unwarranted, unlicensed and un called fcr attack on ex-Pre3ident Jef ferson Davis. Having grossly slan dered Mr DavH by charging him with an intention to override States Rights and a suoie a dictatorship over the Confederate States, be is desperately in search ol proofs ot bis assertions. In Sunday's Herald a long letter Irom Sherman to Secretnry Lincoln is pub lished, endeavoring to fortify the posi tion which he has assumed, and yet be fails to produce one particle of docu mentary evidence bearing on the sub ject. Theauioau of the paper is very apparent at its close when he ranks Mr. Davis wi'h Arnold and Burr, rather than w.th Washington and Lin coln, and in this Gen. Sherman gives himself away most effectually. The ni'Ht wonderful part of the whule document, however, is the disingenu ouaness with which Gen. Sherman hiru- elf proves some of the worst acts ol andalism which have been charged againLhim. Heretofore his devasta ting march through Georgia has been defended, by some, on the plea of mili tary necessities ia obtaining supplies and by others the outrage and robbery and burning and rapine which marked his path have been charged to the bummers who hung upon bis line of march and followed in bis footsteps and who, it has been said; it was impossible for him to restrain, and yelGeo. Sherman says to Secretary Lincoln that when at Atlanta he eaused overtures to be made to Goy. Brown to the effect that if he. Brown, would re call the Georgia troops trorn the Con federate armies and help him io drive Gen. Hood from the State then he (Sherman) "instead ol devastating the land as we progreis, I will keep our meu to the high roadsand commons, and pay for the corn and meat we need." He also speaks, in the same connection, of "the devastations ot war, preparing for her" (Georgia). He also asserts, bat brings no docu mentary evidence to prove it, that Got. Vance, "the war Governor of North Carolina" sent commissioners to him, when he was in North Carolina, to say that "he wanted to make terms for the State1' and afterwards the commission ers told htm that Vance "was afraid of Jeff Davis." Fortunately for Gen. Sherman's reputation for veracity, of these three commissioners. Got. Swain and Hon. Wm. A. Graham are dead and Surgeon General Warren is absent in Europe, facts of which Got. Sher man has undoubtedly been fully ad vised But Gov. Vance is still "to the fa" find will most likely take care of himself, as he is abundantly able to do. But the most singular and foolish error into which Gen. Sherman has fallen is indicated, where he says "Had Georgia withdrawn in 1864 the Confederacy would have collapsed as a bubble and Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina would have escap ed the devastation which necessarily followed." Now, in the first place, who' could have withdrawn Georgia Irom the Con" tederacy? Not Gov. Brown, even if he had been so disposed, for he was but the sworn executor of the law; not the Legislature, for the State was not withdrawn from the Union by legisla tive cuactmeut; and not the courts, tor they had no jurisdiction in the premis es. Georgia, like all of the Southern States, seceded in consequence of an ordinance ot secession, passed by a convention composed of delegates chos en by the qualified voters of the State and these qualified voters, a large ma jority of them, were in the field lighting tor their homes and firesides. To withdraw Georgia from the Confed eracy would have required the assent and approval of the soldiers in the field. Could this have been obtained? The answer is not hard to determine. But, say that a constitutional con vention had been secured, and that the ordinance of secession had been re" pealed, could Got. Brown, or could any other Governor of a Southern State, have recalled the troops of that State from the field? Would President Davis and his Cabinet, or Gen. Lee and his lieutenants, have allowed them to leave? Surely not, for the troops from each State were not in the service of their respective States, but io that of the Confederate States, and the volun teers had all, of their own volition taken an oath of aenrice for the war. The VOL. IX. All who would have left, or who would have attempted to leave, would have properly been classed as deserters. But we have pursued the subject fur ther than we had intended. Only, can but ask one question. If, say for instance, (Jov. Curtin. the "War Gov ernor" ot Pennsylvania, or Governor Morton, the ' War Governor" of Ohio, hal undertaken to do as Gen. Sherman wanted Gov. Brown to do, withdraw the State- troops from the field, what would have been the result? Why. Secretary Stanton's little bell would have tinkled, and in less than twenty four hours afterwards the offending ex ecutive woutd have been provided with comfortable quarters in Fort Delaware .. J . Mr. R. Etches, of Hartford, Conn , was for a along time troubled with rheumatism. He tried St. Ja?ohs Oil, the great pain-cure, and was completely cured. LOCAL NEWS. iHOEX TO HEW ADVERTISE 56 IKT1. J it M AKsii v i. l Net ce , C W Y a r i :s A. Delusion F C Milleb x fl.1 Prize Hkixsbecgek Diaries for 1831 LouUlani tatc Lottery Company R M M; In tike We Express it thus Knights and Ladies of Honor Local ad The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 327 bales. The steamship Benefactor, Tribon, from New York, arrived at her whart in this city this morning. Don't forget that you get a real dude, represented an a placque, free to all customers at Dyer's. f The docks were crowded with - flat loads of wood this morning and the prices asked were very reasonable. The cold wave i3 coming along rather leisurely, but it is coming and we bo; e that our people will be fully prepared for it. There were two cases for the Mayor's consideration this morning one of which was discharged and the other was sent below for $J0 days. Ger. barque Charlotte, Wallis, clear ed to-day for Stetliu with 3,567 barrels rosin, valued at $4,300, shipped by Messrs. E. Peschau & Westermann. Steamboatmen report that the river was rising rapidly when they left Fayetteville yesterday morning. It had risen several feet and was still on the rise. The Richmond State shows much enterprise in publishing on Monday a list of the officers of the Atlanta Coast Line, as reorganized, the same as pub lished in the Daily Review on the 29 :h of December, nearly three weeks ago. J A horse attached to a dray attempt ed to run away this afternoon when near the intersection of Chestnut and Water streets, and tor aUew moments made things quite lively. Te was sub dued, however, before doing serious damage to anything. The Spanish schooner Natividad, which was brought into Smithville yes terday in distress, was lowned up to the city last night by the Passport, and is now at the ship yard In the Southern section of the city, where she will be discharged and repaired. The supper at the City Hall last night, gotten up under the auspices of the ladies of the First Baptist church. was quite a success financially. The attendance was not large, but those who were present were blessed with good appetites and bought liberally, so that nearly all of the articles contribut ed were disposed of. Look at Your Ticket. At the regular monthly drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery, held at New Orleans yesterday, the following numbers drew the principal prizes: No. 15,965 drew the capital prize of $75,000; No, 57.741 drew $25,000; No, 5.153 drew $10,000; Nos. 67.8g7 and 59,256 drew $6,000each; Nos. 66,595, 76,719 and 92,001 drew $2,000 each. This is the result so far as heard from. Polo on Skates. The game ot polo on, skates, spoken of by us a few days since in, these col umns, wiil be played atthe City Hatf on Friday evening next between two picked nines, tue Red Stockings, Capt. Morrison and the Blue Stockings, Capt. Bostow. It will be a unique and pfeas- it entertainment. something never be- j fore attempted in this city. Good mu- ; sic will be furnished and there will be courteous and polite attendants at hand. The admission is very low, only 25 cents. Daily WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY Knfg-htft and Ladies of Honor. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) eveuing. Fnli attendance desired. It Indications. For the South Atlantic State?, fair weather, slight change in temperature and Northeasterly winds. Illasociic. The Grand lywlge A. F. aud A. Ma sons of North Carolina, met in Raleigh last night. Messrs. C. H. Robinson, G. S. W . J. 1. Macks, J. C. Munds and E. S. Martin, V this city, are in attendance. Maj. Robert Bingham, Grand Master, presides. Token oi Respect. The flags of the slea.maip Benefactor, were at half mast to day as a token of respect to the memory of Mr. Thomas Clyde, who died at hi residence in Philadelphia on the night of the 12tb inst. The deceased was the father of Mr. Wm. P. Clyde of the firm of Wm. P. Clyde & Co., and was the founder of the Clyde line of s' earners from New York to Baltimore, Wilmington Charleston and other Southern ports. A Poor Unfortunate. Two tramps one white and one col ored were aecocn aiodated witK lodg ings at the guard house last night. The latter is retained for the present as he is a most pitiable object. He has hard ly clothing enough to cover his naked ness and is not more than half-witted lie is about 20 years of age and says that he came to the city on a raft from Bcatty's Bridge. He ?s entirely incom petent to care for himself properly and it is a question what should be done with the unfortunate creature. Accidentally Drowned. The steamer Susie, Capt. Snell. was coming down the river at about ha'lf past 12 o'clock this morning, laden with wood and having two flat loads of wood in tow, and in attempt ing to come through the draw of the bridge, near the Nayassa Guahoorks, one of the flats struck the pin and w broken loose from the steamer. By some accident Jim Shaw, colored, was kocked or fell overboard and was drowned before s3istance could reach him. The first that was known ot his being overboard was by hearing his shouts for Help from the river. The de ceased was about 65 years of age and leaves a wife, who lives in the neigh borhood of Jumping Run. His body had not been recovered at the latest ac counts. Personal. Mr. A. R. Campbell, of this city, is in Washington. ' Maj. C. M. Stedman, who has been in the city tor the past few days, left last night on his return to Raleigh. Mr. O. V. Smith, General Claim Agent of the Atlantic Coast Line and the Seaboard Air Line, is in the city to-day. Hon. R. T. Bennett, Representative in Congress from this district, who has been quite sick at Lis home in Wades boro, has recovered sufficiently to take bis seat in the House. Mr. J. R. Kenly, formerly Superin tendent of the Richmond & Petersburg R. R.. and recently appointed Superin tendent of Transportation of the At lantic Coast Line, has arrived here and has assumed charge of the duties of his office. The Charlotte Observer's Washington correspondent says that Dr. A. J. De Rosset and O. G. Parsley, E-q., are among the applicants for the Custom House in this city, and that Mr. Thos. W. Strange is seeking the position of District Attorney lor the Eastern Dis trict. Mr. Thos. W. Strange has returned to the city after an absence of some thing more than a week. He was pres ent last week in Richmond as one of the groomsmen at the marriage of Mr. Clement Manly, of Newborn, to Col. A. S. Buford's daughter, and went thence to Washington City, where be remained about a week. Mr. H. M. Robinson, a young gentle man who has been chief clerk in the office of Mi". B. R. Dunn, Engineer of Roadway, Atlantic Coast Line, io this city, has been appointed a roadmaster on the line. He will divide with Capt. John Barry the route between Wil mington and Richmond, the Tar river being the dividing line. Capt. Barry will continue in charge of the Southern section. Oar citizens will bear in mind that there will be a public meeting at the City Hall to-night to consider sugges tions of the Board of Aldermen relat ing to a contemplated change in the charter of the city. REVIEW. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We Express it tlxxxs bargains i BARGAINS ! - IN DRY GOODS AND CARPETS ! In order to reduce stock and in order to capitalize. o We intend giving very close prices and will be pleased to show goods to all jan 14 A Card. rjtO TliK COUNTRY F iRMBBS AND M BRC HANTS. If you want good prices aud qnict returns tor vour produce, consign It to J. R. MARSHALL, No. 21 North Water St.. Wilmington. N. C. He solicits conei;nmeate of ad kinds of pro luce and Naval Stores. - jan 14 d&w Grand Entertainment JOLO ON SKATES, AT THK CITY HALL, Between tbe Red and Blue Stockings, 'FRI DAY EVENING, Jau liih. Doors open at 7.3) o'clock. Game to commence at 8 o'clock sharp, The game Is fall of mirth and laugh terand a pleasant evening is insured those who will attend. The test string band in the ciiv will furnish the music Admission 25c. E. M. CDSHING, jan 11 2t Star copy 2t Manager Diaries for 1885. jprom thk sm at lest pocket sizes to the Largest offjcb size. turner's north carolina alwa NACS. BLUM'S FARMERS AND PLANTER'S ALMANACS. MILLER'S ALMANACS. THK LIVING CHURCH ANNUAL. Wholesale and Ret All, at HEINSBERGER'S, jan 14 Live Book and Music Stores Notice. APPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO THE Legislature of the 8 ate of North Carol! na, at its present session, for the passage of an Act incorporating tbe Merchants' Bank of Wilmington. jan 13 3Ct Positive Bargains BEING OFFFBED IN ALL KINDS of FANCY GOODS. Just opened a cheap lot of line Satin Bibbons, all shades. A few shade of Colored 811k Velvets, cheap. Table Damask, Toweling, Napkins, Coun terpanes, with other Household Goods. A few of the $2.50 Gent's 811k Umbrellas left. A as-eat reduction In Woolen Underwear for Ladies, Gent and Boys. jan 3 JOHN J. HEDBICK WE CAN ALWAYS GIVE YOU A GOOD BREAKFAST! ELEGANT FISH ROE, PICKLED TRIPE, PICKLED PIGS' FEET Creamery Buttered Flour. SELLING WELL. TRY A PACKAGE QUALITY GUARANTEED . OAT MEAL, BARLEY, &c, &c. F. L. BRIDQEES & CO. HO Ntnth Front 81 jan 12 A $15 Prize SPLENDID SATIN I INED RUSSIAN 4 AT HER LADIBV DRESSING CASE will h DTeaantad to the nartr bnv in the oinl of If oildrr Oiwds between this and January let, 186a. Come tbe P. C. MILLER'S, r Fourth aad Nun ata NO 12. 'EW ADVERTISEMENTS. BARGAINS ! I ROTH who are interested. R. M. MclNTERE. Capital Prize $7 5,000 Tickets only $5. Snares in pro portion. ouisiana State "lottcrv JLJ Company. We do her Up certify that wt supervise the arrangement for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawing of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and w author ize the Company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, in its aavcr tisements." Commissioner. incorporated in 1868 for 25 roars by the Lep Islature for Educational and Charitable pur poses with a capital of 1 ,000,000 tb wh.ch a reserve fund of Over $550,000 has gfpec licen added. By an overwhelming populai vote Its f rati chlse was made apart of the present Stite Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D.. 1873. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. It never scales er postpone-e. , Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. First Grand Drawing, Claaa B, In the Academy of Music, at New Orleans, Tuesday, February 10, 1885 177th Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Iol lars Each. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. LIST OF PRIJSS. 1 Capital Prize of J 75,000 1 Capital Prize of 25,000 1 Capital Prize of 10.00C 2 Prizes of $8,00 . 12.00C 5 Prizes of 2,000 i 10,000 10 Frizes of 1,000 10,000 20 Prize Of 600 ..J 10,000 100 Prizes of 200 J 20,000 800 Prlzee of 100 30,000 600 Prizes of 50 J '25,000 1000 Prizes of 25 25,000 APPBOXZXATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 6,750 9 " " 600. 4,500 9 " 260. 2,260 1,967 Prlzea, amounting to $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company in New Or leans. For further Information, write clearly, giv ing full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in or dinary letter. Currency by Express (all turns of $5 and upwards at our expense) addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C Make P. O. Money Orders payable and ad dress Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL RANK, :an 14 w s xw 4tv mkw uslkans, i.a Closing Out I A HANDSOME STOCK OF GOODS Worth $4,000 Last Fall's purchases, Kill most positively be sold out within Thirty Days, at 25- per cent below prime cost. Couttrv Merchants and Dealers will find it to their interest to call and examine my stock. MR?. 8. J. BAKER. Wilmington, N. C, 122 Market St. jan 13 2w North Carolina Again I JU8T RECEIVED A LOT OF N. C. HAMS' Shoulders and Middling, and a fresh supply of Family Groceries (these arrive every week.) ear" Our Brunswick Private Stock and Old Lyg Cabin Whiskeys are s 111 booming- We also have C Whiskeys, Wines, Gins and IS ran dtse, Ac.., all of wfcich we offer for sale cheap. Good.- delivered free ' CR11G A THOMAS, jan 14 . in So. Front St. attention: Mil saint and mm HENRY C. PEBMPEBT. WHO KEEPS the only sccoad-elas Barber rhop and Hairdreaaing Saloon in horth Carolina, the second meanest man in America, would in form his raay friends and cuatosaci in the citv. commercial travellers, Ac , that he can atiii be found at Now 7 South Front at . and don't you remember U, wnere you can gei a good second clas shave, hair cut or sham p w. Also, second-class perfumery and of his own manufacture. Please give us a calL dec 16 8m 14. 1885. : W win be clad to fecatve eommnniesfloe oa an? aid an :obJe out of tbe wilier mcst uwav fc atehed to the Editor. Conunanteatkntf trr.ti 'ntMNjV i one nlde of the paj . t-"(t If .-; ' B ', Pertcrt&nttefl mrnn .be aoi-s ; And It especta'y and iiawttekt4 food ifca't ttfiSdUov d?f cat ih - i the rtewB ot eorrejowMicteB! i m the editor 1a? eofersrau M ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 8. H. Trimble & to. STOCK AND RKAL EST ATM BKOktCRS an t Anctfcceerd of General MerobaoUlso of eray description. Oac corner Prlnceaa an J Water streets. CroiUy & aforrlsa' 1U tanJ. Pereoual attention given to aalo of howea and vehicles at private aalo or a ajKrtlonw Coo slgnmenu sot!Htd. A. . Mct,IRT. sept 22 ; AncUfljneer. Warranted Sou ml. ; I ! for aale cheap to eloae out. t oBf and are us. I i r - 1 - DAVIS SOS I ju 8 Hardware; O F ALL KINDS AND IN ANY iiUANTl tv. whole ai2 ana uctauat uuta u jhum prWa. W. K. SPRlNGKJt A OO.. 19, 21 23 Market Street, jan 13 " Wnnrtptfton. N. C. , i 1 pr . 1 m Cheap Dinner Sets, JR SALE BY GILES A MURCHISON, F jau M CROCKERY DEPARTMENT A Delusion! rpHAT tfP BENDING NU'lH FOR Every llttie artic'.c, f hitkiag to buy it cheaper than at home. We propose to duplicate ay order that jou may send off for In our line at the same you pay North, and you save freight. .C. W. YATES. Blank Books, Stationery, School Books, Planes, Orgacs. Ac.. ian 13 ; , 1 1U Market St Clemmer. AFKW MWRK OF THAT CELKBUATBD i if F1KST-CLA8S WHISKEY jnat received. CAROLINA YACHT CLUB C CIQiR Btlll holds the Cake. Try MtUOWAN'S Old North sta'e Saloo.i and eavc mecey. jan 7 ' , onoiey's Drug Store. 5510 MAREKT STRB1ST. IN CONSEQUENCE OF MY LA RGB Cbrist roas trade, 1 will sell the balance of my boll diy goods at cost to iutkeroora for my Drugs. Phicat Medicines and 6Uh art'eles as are uau allv kept in a first uteus retail Drug Steri Very Respectfully, deo29 T J. W. CONOLEY. Hot Tom and Jerry i npHK FIRST OF Tllfi SEASON TO-DA - Also, Kum Greasers. Hot Scotch, Spiced Rum, Hot Flip and all the latCHt stylo of Hot Drink AT TUB rGtSiU", doc 16 20 North Front St FOR THIRTY DAYS ! TOR TUE NEXT THIRTY DA o I WILX. JP seB all Zephyrs, Black. White and Colors, at 10 cents per ounce, for cash. A nice assortment of ladles Undeiwear and Infants Clothing, Claaks, Ac., at greatly re duced prices, as I wleh to close out this line of goods. Full stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods as usual. Table Linen and Towel'. Stamping and Embroidery done at short notice. Respectfully MISS E. KARRER. jan 13 Kxchange Oorner. 1,000 ! ONK THOUSAND CORSE IS WILL BE SOLD AT QUOTED PRICKS :5 A FIFTY CENT CORSET for oily 39c A SEVENTY FIVE CENTS CORSET for only " ' r II 50, cents; A DOLLAR CORSET for only 'greeds.' . A ONE DOLLAR AND THIRTY NIKE eta. CORSET for only 93c. NURSING CORNETS, CHILDREN'S AND MIOSES CORNETS in all s'zca, St Taylor's Bazaar. At Ihe center counter we display nnhteroas bargain) In M HANDKERCHIEFS, LACE COLLARS, EMBSOtDERY, tC, &C. Withabrge stock of HATS, RIBBONS, PLUSHES, SATINS, VELVETS, HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR, AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES, before stcck Uking, at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St WILMINGTON, N. C. jan ?

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