THIS PAPKB oub'JshoJ every evening. Sundays ex epted by JOSH T. JAMES, editor amd rmoruanrom. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAOK PAID. tr? yw 7 Tbe paper will be delivered by carriers free rf cUrge. to any part of the city, at the above rte. or 10 cent per week. Adeaflatag rates low and liberal. Subscribers will report any and all fall Qrcs to roeolve their paper regularly. csrThe Daily Review has the largest bomi fide circulation, of any newspaper imllishedinUu citygf WUmingtonJB 'Frederick Gedbanl is in Paris under the incognito of M. Frederick de Oet hard. de New York. Th first thine Mine. Clovis-Hugnes ...a nitr hpr araniltal was announced was "Thank God! I shall now see uy children." M. ' ..- T,oa tthonv Froadeaod his son have sailed for Australia m the Aberdeen line" steamer Australasian. They intend to be absent from England for about fifteen months. I?rr.t I in Ttw York and Brooklyn will certainly, it is said, come down in Overbuilding ar.d dull trade Vpl I - ho the principal arguments by I 1U ww - renters in favor ot tbe reduction. Regarding Mr. Gladstone. Truth gives as a new medical fact that his sh-rplessness was caused by the heart pot being able to force sufficient blood t the brain trouble which often oc curs to men of advanced age. Miss Clara Barton, so famous in her connection with the Red Cross Society, now in charge of its exhibits at Nefo Orleans, is in active correspond- eiiee with the impress ot uermany in regard to an exhibit she wishes to make at the Exposition. William Morris, of fame as a poet. and more lately noted as a Socialist, will attend a convention ot lnternation- iiisfs in Sin Francisco in March, lie is to bo accompanied byH. M. Hynd- nmn who. with an income of i.6,000 ft ysar, is also a Socialist. They say that Mr. Blaine bas begun ftrrRncinor the wires for 1838. and that his first work will be to ostracise and try t destroy, socially, all who opposed him in 1881. If Mr. Blaine has ordi nary shrewdness and is in his right mind this story ought to be a lie. Mrs. Mark Hopkins has decided that a $1,000 000 palace would not be rich enough for her blood, so she will make it five times that sum. The best of it all i3 that 1.000 men will have a three years' job to build and decorato the ed ifice and lay out the grounds. The New York Herald says : "Twen ty years ago copper was selling in New York at 55 cents per pound. In tbe de pression that followed 1873 the price of this metal never fell below 15 cents per pound. It is now being purchased at a little over 11 cents per pound." A weddiDg coat made by Andrew Johnson will be shown in the Tennes- sae exhibit at the New Orleaus Exposi tion. The coat was made in Johnson' little tailor shop in Greenville, Teun., in 1838 or 1839, for Mr. H. T. Price, of that town The garment is made of tbe best navy blue cloth, cut in the old fashioned "claw hammer" style. The collar and lapels are very broad. Tbe will ot the late George Gardner, a Boston millionaire, was filed last week. The bulk of the estate is left in tbe hands of trustees, who aro directed to pay to his wife each year 1,161 Troy ounces of pure gold, and in addition, if she wants it, $10,000 cash. It is said that wben this will was made this quantity of gold represented his wife's exact weight, which was between 90 and 100 pounds avoirdupois. Tho address of Secretary Howard to the spinners ot Fall River, Mass., says that wages have been reduced 50 per cent, since 1871; that the price paid for spinning work on a pair of mules Of 1,300 spindles will be 40 cents per 1.000 skeins as against 33 cents paid for the same work iu Oldham, England; and that, while sixty-six hours ot labor per week are exacted in Fall River, only fifty-six are required from English spinners. According to A. E. Lewis, Commis sioner for Pennsylvania at the Ke" Orleans Exposition, tbe hotels ot that c;:y are on the make, and are gouging their guests tor all they are worth. He says one leading hotel charges $6 per day for board, bat that both board and lodging can be had at reasonable rates by those who will make up their minds to look around a little instead of walking right into tbe parlors of the 8piders Friends, citizens, countrymen : ''Hear me for my cause, and be sileni that you may hear." Now, before Ju- Fiter Tonans and all the gods at once do solemnly affirm that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is an infallible remedy toi all lone and bronchial- disorders. If there is any man present who dis putes this proposition, "let bim now speak, or else heacafter forever bold lua peace." The VOL. IX. l(k;ajYnews. ; If OH TO HEW TkBVEITMMEITI. Hop Hitters i Oi'kha House Lecture C W Yates A Delusion P C miller 1 $15 Prize fl kin s berg eh Diaries for 183 Opera HoueE Miss Carrie Swain The storm signal was flying to day. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 320 bale. New moon to morrow morning at 22 minutes past 3 o'clock. v The cold snap amounted to very lit tle, and to-day has been warm as need be. There was no City Court this morn- ine- and a dullness prevailed around the City Hall. Oranges are cheaper here now than ever before. Thev sell Irom stores at $1.25 per hundred. New River oysters are plentiful but the are not as cheap as.tbey will be when we cet that railroad through to New River. a One white taamp was lodged at the gnard house last eight. This morning he was taken across tbe river with a warning not to return again Men's fine Neckwear; Goodyear Rubber ciothine; Gentlemen's Gloves. all kinds: Domestic and imported Hosiery at Dyer's. t . f .fc iRea scnooner. bound from NaS3au for Baltimore, put into Smith- ville last night leaking. We did not learn the name ot the vessel, nor whether she will be compelled to come up to the city for repairs or not. There will probably be a large atten dance at the polo skatinggntertainment at thn Citv Hall tomorrow nijrht. A pleasing programme is presented There will be good music and in addi tion to the nolo there will bo some tanov skatin? in the intervals by Mr. Charles Barstow, the Champion Skater The Charlotte Observer has a special from Washington City, which says that it is reported there "irom private sources, but upon apparently reliable authority Irom New York, that Gen. Alfred M. Scales, the Governor-elect of North Carolina, is to be appointed Postmaster-General in the Cleveland Cabinet Indications. .. For the South Atlantic States, warm er, cloudy weather, with rain, Easter ly wind3 and lower barometer. Fire atWadesboro Adyice3 received here this forenoon state that there was a disastrous fire last night at Wadesboro. The store and stock of Mr. S. H. Threadgili were entirely destroyed but, fortunately, they were fuliy covered by insurance. The fire was undoubtedly of incendiary nrlsrin. No further details of tbe dis aster have been received. Another Fire. . About half past 11 o'clock last night the small wood office between Market and on the wharf, Dock streets' caught fire and was consumed. The ftUrm was sounded, and the fire de-- partment responded, but the only need for their services was to extinguish the remaining embers. This was promptly done by attaching the hose ot the Cape Fear steamer to a fire plug and play in a stream upon tbe ruins. Disiiuguishscl Guest. Rv Tr Mark S. Gross. Pastor of St. Peter's Church. Charlotte. N. arrived here this morning on the Care Una Central train. Dr. Gross is here to attend the ded cation of St. Thomas' nhnivh whinh will take place on next mm ! t - - Sunday, the 18th inst., by the Cardinal pWt and Archbishop of Baltimore, Most Revereud James Gibbon?, assist pd hv RiffM Rev. BislioD II . P. Nor throp. of Charleston, and others. Base Ball. The Seaside Park Base Bali Club re organized last night and elected tbe following officers : President A. M. Waddell. Jr. Secretary, and Trees W. B. Davis." Captain. B. G. Empie. The club will be known as the Sea side, (omiting Park.) They will have new uniforms aod a complete outfit for playing. Their gronnda will be put in the best possible condition, and will be fenced in, when admission will be charged. They intend to have the best clubs in the State come here and con test for tbe championship. The base ball season of 1885 will open with every member in playing condition and they promise to boom tbe Jbase ball playing this season- Duly WILMINGTON. N. C THURSDAY. JANUARY 15. 1885 Fun To-Nfght. Mr. Frank Huffman will open bis "Dime Museum" at No. 15 Market street tq-nigbt where his troupe will perioral feats of legerdemain and aerial . a . - suspension. I he man with toe iron j iw will show his wondertul strength, ami songs and dances will enliven the occasion. The best of order and the utmost decorum will be preserved. Slight Fire. At a little after 7 o'clock last night a fire was discovered on the rcof cf a small building in Sampson's Alley, which runs fiom Fourth to Fifth street?, between Mulberry ar.d Walnut, alarm was siren, but tbe flames The were extinguished by some of the neighbors in a few minutes and the assistance of the fire department was not needed. The damage was slight. Election At a meeting ot of Officers. Robert H. Cowan Lodge, No. 549. Knights and Ladie3 ol Honor, held last night, the following officers were elected to serve for the en suing year : Protector Rey. S. Mendelsohn. Vice Protector Benj. Molte. Chaplain R. Greenburg. Secretary J. W. Jackson Treasurer J. H. Boatwright. Guide -E. W. Hewlett. Guardian J. !aker. Sentinel J. M. Branch. Trustees R Greenburg, J. H. Mal lard, Benj. Bell, The Progressive Club.. At a meeting of the Young Men's Progressive Democratic Club, held last niarht. President Strauss stated there were some bills against the club still unpaid and suggested that a committee be appointed to make necessary collec tions to satisfy tbe fame. On motion a committee was appoint ed to attend to this matter, consisting of President W. H Strauss and Messrs. John D. Bellamy, Jr., E. F. Johnson and E. G. Parmelee. Alter some discussion the following resolutions were offered and unani mously adopted : Resolved. That the Young Men's Progressive Democratic Club, in meet ing assembled, bereoyjinanimousiy P.ndorae Jno. C. Davis. Esq., of Wil mington, for the position of bolicrtor ot the Criminal Court ot New nanover county : And beil further resolved, mat a committee of five, consisting ot J. D. Bellamy, Jr., S. H. Morton. H. Mcl. Green, W. S. Hewlett and W. E. Mavo. be appointed to notify Mr. Davis of this action of the Club, and request him to consent to become a canuiaate for that position. There being no further business bc- fore the meeting the club adjourned, subject to the call of the President. A New Kailroad. Some ol the men of capital ol Cc- lumbus county have recently built a tram railway from Pi re way Ferry, on the Waccamaw river, in that county, to Calabash, on the seacoast. in Bruns wick county. The principal portion of ,the country through which the road passes is in tbe former county, and in fact, the enterprise was started in order that means of transportation and ship ment might bo found for tbe vast re sources of that fertile and in some re spects almost unknown section of the State. An engine has recently been purchased lor drawing the trains on this nprw rnaa ana was wtseu uj mn as 1 . . ! . U Hn ,1 n a far as Lake Waccamaw station, on tne W limiDgton, ixiuuim . d 1 1 u : jp. 11 aiiatn. Railroad, where it was loaded upon a flat to be taken down the Lake to Wacoamaw river, thence down to the Ferry, a distance of about 65 miles, where it will be landed. The road and the engine are under the chargoofMr. G. W. Malpass acompe- tent engineer. The coarse of the river is through immense swamps of dense forests where game of every descnp tion, from the bear to the squirrel. abound and roam in almost limitless freedom. In the river is a large island, which has never been surveyed, but which contains several thousand acres, nnsi thith rtvpniv white families re side, and as many of these have never seen an engine, a railroad nor,am laci much of anjthing belonging tocultivst ed civilization, it is the intention ot Mr. Malpass to get np steam as this island, which is known he in Columbus county geography as "Cru soe's Island,1 and astonish the natives by frequent whistle. 'toots' " -tf t ho 1 Annint l VP Mr. W. H. Redwood, a veteran sales man of Baltimore, Md., says be was cured of violent inflammatory rheu matism by tbe use ot St. Jacobs Oil, the greatipain-reliever, which ha used by consent of his physician. His daugh ter also was cared ot rheumatism in the back by three applications of tbe wounderf u! cure. Reyiew. w Exports Foreign I" Ger. barque Gutav Melzler, Jarcb, cleared to-day for Liverpool with 1,418 bales cotton, valued at $70,113. shipped by Messrs. I). R. Murekison & Co. Br. brig Fidelia, Ruggles, cleared also lor I Liverpool with 1,584 bales cotton, val ued at $76,000, shipped by Messrs. A ex Sprnnt & Son , making a total of ex ports foreign amounting to $146,113. Improvements. MtfG. K. Mcllhenny is making some notable improvements in his drugstore, corner of Market and Front streets The floor is being lowered to a level with the street and the height will then be increased 15 inches. There are other improvements in view which will add much to the appearance ot the place. Tbe work is being prosecuted night and day, . Carl Scliurz Much interest is manifested in the approaching visit of Hon. Carl Schuiz lo our city and the lecture which he is to deliver here next Tuesday night. There is a general desire to see and shake hands with the distinguished gentleman as well as to hear him and it it could be arranged lor him lo hold a reception yon ine si age ac ine ciose of the lecture we think that tbe popu lar desire would be gratified. The box sheet tor tbe sale of tickets will be open at Heinsberger's on Monday morning. The Meeting Last Night. Pursuant to announcement a meeting ot citizens, which was well attended by representative men, was held last night in the City Hall for the purpose ol taking sction on tbe proposed amend. 1 ment of the city charter. Mayor Hall called tbe meeting to or der and stated its object. Mr. O. G. Parsley, Jr., was then called to the chair and Mr. 1. l Meares requested to act as secretary. The first proposition submitted for the consideration cf the meeting was tho surflrestion of the Board of Alder men to repeal the present law provid ing for the registration of voters by lot, block, etc.. and substituting therefor registration by streets and numbers of houses. Alter discussion, on motion of Mr. Macsden Bellamy, the recommendation of tbe Board of Aldermen was adopted. Tbe proposition that the Aldermen elected at the next municipal election shall divide themselves by lots into two classes, the seats of the first class to be vacated at the end of two years, of the second class at the end of four years. and the vacancies thus made to be filled by the qualified voters in the wards at the next biennial election for Aldermen. was opposed by Col. W. L. Smith, Mr. Marsden Bellamy, Alderman Bear and others. Alderman DeKosset explained the proposed working of the plan, if adopted On motion of Col. J as. G. Rnrr. it was voted not to adopt the recommendation, by a vote of 51 to 9. The proposition'to authorize the elec tion of Mayor by tbe Board ot Alder men outside of their number was op posed by Aldermen Fishblate and Bear and Messrs. W P. Oldham and others,, . . . when a motion was made, by Mr. Marsden Bellamy, to have the law re garding the matter remain as at pres- ent. which was adopted. Meeting adjourned. Now is the time to give Smith's Worm on., ivd w NEW ABVEKISEMENTS OPERA HOUSE. m m m One .Night Only ! Monday, January 19, The thumlnj Soubrettc, MISS CAKttlE SWAIN, Supported by a strong and efficient Dramat. Io.. under. tne management oi kbu. -Muder in her latest and greatest play, en titled : THE LITTLE JOKER, written expressly for Carrie Swain, who will apwaraj "vnirp mfuiue jomi, world renowned character impersonations. New Songs, Dances. Ac Keseived Seats ou sale at Heinsberger's Saturday. dec 15 St Q P E R A HOUSE. Tuesday, January 20th, - mm TTON. CARL SCHDBZ. THBL. EMINENT Statesman snd Orator, will deliver an address on "Tbe Problems ot Education", nner the auf pices cf the Wilmington Library Ass-cis- Oon. Box Sheet open at Heinsberger's Mon .. n.ninv RpArved Seats Tic; general ad mission aoc. Lecture to commence at 8 o'cik. jan 16 id ftrcpy B Y 8 ENDING TOUE LIGHT COLORED ioodt to MONA.HS Steam Dye Works, EaU and Winter wear yosfis save the a NO. 13. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "Maryland, My Maryland it Pretty Wives, Lovely daughters and noble men." "My farm lies ia a rather low and miastnatie situation, and "My wife !" "Who?" "Was a very pretty blonde!" Twenty years ago, became Sallow!" "Hollow-eyed!' "Withered and aged!" Before her tine, from "Malarial vapors, though she made no particular complaint, not being of the grumpy kind, yet causing me great uneasiness. "A short time ago I purchased your remedy for one of the children, who had a very severe attack of billious ness, and it occurred to me that the remedy might help my wife, as I found that our little girl, upon recovery had ("Lost!" "Her sallo wness, and looked as fresh as a new blown daisy. Well, the story is soon told. My wife, to-day, has gained her old-time beauty with com pound interest, and is now as hand some a matron (if I do say it myself) as can be found in . this county, which ' - , i w is noted lor pretty women. Ana l have only Hop Bitters to thank for it. 4 The dear creature just looked over my shoulder, and says 'I can flatter equal to the days of our courtship,' and that reminds me there might be more pretty wives if my brother farmers would do as I have done." Hoping you may long be spared to do good, I thankfully remain C. L. James. Beltsville, Prince George Co., Md. May 26th. 1883. None genuine without a bunch of green Hods on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" 01 "Hops" in their name. jan IS lm d&wnrmtc EXTRA BARGAINS ! -IN- Winter Dress Goods. Velvets, Cloaks, Shawls, Blankets, Flannels, tTnderwear. BLACK SILKS From 50 cts. up. AT- M KATZ'S 1 116 Market St. Jam V For durable coloring the walls of rooms in beautiful tints, at little cost nnthinff eonals the M ABLEST Sold At JacobTs Depot. M. We will be glad to receive communication from cur Mend on any ana an ;sulijeevs general Interest but Tbe name of tbe writes most always be J alahed to tbe Editor. one side of tbe paper. Personalities must be avotdee.; And it is especially and particularly nrde stood that the Editor does not always endoi s (he views of correspondent arts f stste In tbe editorial oohamna. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 8. H. Trimble & Co. STOCK AMD REAL ESTATE BBOKER9 and Auctioneers Of General Merchandise ot every description. Office corner Princess and water streets, cronjy x morns' ow siarai. Personal attention given to sale of borees and vehicles at private saie or at aocuon. sfgnssents solicited. A. V 1. VUl U A, Auctioneer. septus A Card. THE COUXTRV FAEMEftS AND MERCHANTS. If yoil want good prices snd qaict'raturnsfor vour produce, cons'gn It to J. it. MARSHALL. Ni. '21 JJoYtb Water St.. Wilmington. N. C. He solicits consignments of ad kinds of pro duce snd Naval Stores. jan 14 d&w y Board. ' 4' FEW MORE BOARDER1, EITHER A table, regular or transient, can be accommo dated with comfortab'c rooms and the best tbe market affords, at MRS. ROBERT LKE'd. 113 Market su, bet. Front ami tecond. nov IS Notice fJK) MY COUNTRY FRIENDS. I HAVE opened a Commission Bnslncss in this city, for the nurpoVe of handling all kinds oi Country Prodncev and if you 111 give me a trial you shall have quick sales and prompt returns of the highest msrket price. Office 128 North Water street. lfcai-ectfull F. KEITH, Jr. & Shingles, and Lumber a specialty. jan 8 dw tf Positive Bargains RE BEING OFF FRED IN ALL KINDS A Of FANCY GOODS Just opened a cheap lot of fine Satin Ribbons, all shades. A few shades of Colored Silk Velvets, cheap. , Tab'c Damask. Toweiings. Napkins, Coun terpanes, with other Household Goods. A few of the $2 50 Gent's Silk Umbrellas left. A ancat reducdon in Woolen Underwear for Ladies, Genti and Boys. jan 3 JOHN J. HEDBICE Notice. APPLICATION WIliL tiK SiaiJfi TO Xlll Legislature of the S ate of North Car id- . . . . M 11.. j S na. at us present session, icr mu pwuBgw ui an Act incorporating ine mercnanis- jhw ui Wilmington. jan i 80t Hardware O F ALL KINDS AND IN ANY QUANTl ty Wholesale and Kctail at ROCK BOTTOM prices. W. E. SPRINGER A CO.. . janfl Wilmington, N. O. A Delusion! 1DAT OF SENDING NORTH FOB Every little article, thinking to buy it cheaper than at home. Wc propoao to duplicate any oruer that you may send off for In our lino at the same you pay North, and you save freight. C. W. YATES, Blank Books, Stationery, School Books, Pianos, Organs, Ac . fan 12 119 Market St Clemmer. t IEW MORE OF THAT CELEBRATED FlBST-CLaBS WHISKEY j ast received. CAROLINA YACHT CLUB Pc CIGARS still holds the Cake. Try MeGO WAN'S Old North 8ta'e fialoo i and pave money, s jan 7 Conoley's Drug Store. 210 MARKET STREET. IN CONSEQUENCE OF MY LARGE Christ mas trade, I will sell the balance of my holi day goods at cost to mskc room for my Drugs, Patent Medicines and such articles ss are usu ally kept in a first class retail Drag Store. Very Respectfully, dec 29 J. W. CONOLEY. Grand Entertainment ! LTOLO ON SKATE'S, i -A . r.m mm ..ffnv t r . r Al J. JU CA UIX 1 XI O.AAAA, Between the Bed and Blue Stockings, FRI DAY EVENING, Jan 16th. Doors open at 7.3) o'clock. Gme to commence at 8 o'clock sharp, The game Is fall of mirth and laugh ter and a pleasant evening is Insured those who will attend. Tbe t cs: string hand in the city will furnish the music Admission tic. 3 E. M. CUSHING, jan M 2t Star copy 2t Manager Diaries for 1885. TH1ROM THE SM Al LEST POCEJCT SIZES TO THE LARGEST OFFICE 81ZE. TURNER'S NORTH CAROLINA ALMA NAC8. BLUM'S FABMftRS AND PLASTER'S ALMANACS. MILLER'S ALMANAC?. THE LIVING CBUBCH ANNUAL. j Wholesale and Ee till, at HEINSBERGER'S, Jsn 14 live Book and Music Stones A $15 Prize. A 8PLESDID SATIN ISED LUSSIAN LEATHER LADIES' DRESSING VAxJt.l sod January ls lfeS& Come and see F- C. MILLAR'S dec 18

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