tmrim JOSH T. JAMES, PROS AAT 9UBSCBIPTIOH8 FOOTAGE PAID. ljBi rear fiLOi. lx -onths, Lfi; tt,Bit !e ppcr wl to Ml i Mil I by earrleea free rf charge, hi aay pert of the eKy. at the above -tee, or 10 oeeta per week. avsnbeerlben win aii fan 10 rooetTethel 'N DaHy Bedew has the largest tona fife circulation, of any newspaper pushed, in the city o Wilmington. -g& It is announced that flvn hundred ( jfiridianS Oil smiw:ni win van fti president elect Cleveland. . As a realt f the serui-annaal ex amination at West Point 25 per cent. of the fourth class has been dropped. . The Czar of Russia has an income of over $8 000,000. Theeditor of the Bos ton Post remarks that although he don't get quite as much be has more fun on it. The London World announces the ap proaching marriage of Viscount 15ber brooke, or Robeit Lowe, aged seventy three and a widower without an heir, to Miss Sneyd, bis amanuensis. mm mm The messengers who carried the elec toral votes to Washington traveled 33. 871 miles and received $8,468 50 The Orog n messenger received the largest sum $776.50 and the Maryland man the smallest $10.50. There is high authority for stating that at the test meeting of the British Cabinet it was decided that the course of England would be to assume the whole responsibility of the Egyptian financial question and the proclaiming of a protectorate. The London Post has an article of nearly three columns, bearing the ear marks of Lord Lytton, under the head' ing "Is Another 'Mutiny Possible in India,1' which the Post answers af firmatively, saying that it is ready to ripen whenever the Russians reach the frontier, ; Incredible as it may appear, ladies who travel in New Orleans street cars are subjected to even greater annoyan ces and indignities than are their sisters in New York ears. Tbe New Orleans Times is waging a vigorous crusade in their behalf, and insists that smoking in closed cars shall be prohibited. 9 m "Everybody," says Mr. Henry Watterson, ''has had his fling. The sweet-faced kid. with the velvet paw; the iron -jawed Protectionist, with his axe to grind; the vapid newspaper critic, with his stuffed club; the man with a grievance and the man with a razor, all have got in their work. Now it is our turn . m Webster Flanagan, of Texas, who made the frank declaration, "What are we here for if not for the offices ?v in the Chicago Convention of 1880, is in Washington. He says he stands by what he then said and expects to be compelled to give np his position of In ternal Revenue Collector on short no tice. Sarah Bernhardt will sell her presenfc residence and furniture at auction and go into a smaller house. She has set tled a part of her income on her credi tors. Mme, Bernhardt has entered into a contract to write the Paris cor respondence for several foreign news papers. The Tribuna of Rome will pay her 4,000 franca monthly. Her first article will be a critique on M. Sardoa's dramas. The record of the amount of public money received by British peers and their relatives since 1850 stands: Dukes, 9,760,000; Marquises, 8.905,050; Earls, 48,181 ,20; Viscounts, 11.- 241,908; Barons. 31,126.188; total, m 109,614,632. Among the Duke?, the puke ot Beaufort has had the greatest number of relatives provided for by the 'public; among the Marquises, the Mar- qnisof Waterord ; among the Earls, the Earl of Kimberly ; among the Vis counts, Viscount Slrathallan; among the Barons, Urd Carrington. The National Druggist says : "Dr. Fleischl, of Vienna, declares .bat mor phinism, alcoholism, and similar habits ean now be cored rapidly and painless- 1 a ! iy oy means ot cocain chloride. The ethod is very simple a withdrawal. either gradual or abrupt and complete, or the habitual intoxicant, and treat ment ot the nervou- and other symp toms which arise therefrom by mean8 j hypodermic injections of the c cain. He claims that in ten days a core may be effected in any case. The dose of cocain chloride, hypodermically. is Irom one-twelth to one-fourth of a grain, dissolved in water, repeated as necessary." A DTODhet. thmv uv ia bs own country ; bat there is an excep tion to this proverb. Dr. Bull has been ?f infinite good to bis countrymen and nis Cough Syrup has become a national balm. Step Ladders, all lencrtha. at Jaoori's Depot. f m The VOL. IX. LOCAL NEWS. IN0U TO HEW SOVERTIf EMEirt. F C Millkh- v $lr Prize C W Yants Bl nk Books n RI 9 8 BBBOKB B rids 1 Presents Miss E Kabrkr 3pcMaI Notice R II McIrtire Ulofcl'ig out Wraps HmriiBEY & Jekkiks Oysters, Ac Tbia weather is trying to the patience, health and wood pile. We hope there may be a change in a few days. Yesterday was the anniversary of the birth of Gen. Robert E. Lee. ft ought to have been observed in some way in Wilmington but was not. Why not call in and see the suits that Dyer is making to order for $25? You will be surprised. This is no fooling but strictly business. t Miss E. Karrer gives notice in this issue that she will continue the stale of zephryrs, all colors, at 10 cents per oz. cash, untii Kebruaf y lG:h. The question lns been mooted whether or net an excursion to New Orleans could be gotten up among our citizens, to come ofl! sometime during the month of February? Two white tramp3 were accommo dated with lodgings at the guard house last night. They were ymng men anx jouto get to New York, and they left this morning on a vessel bound for that port . The handsome residence on the North, west corner ot Chestnut and Third streets, the property ot Mrs. John L. Holme?, has been leased as a rectory by the vestry of St. James' church and will be occupied by the new Rector. Rev. Dr. Lewis, ar.d his family. It is thecandid opinion of one of the conductors of the Wilmington & Wei don Railroad, that he saw as many as 300 tramps last Sunday in making his trip to this city. Some were coming South and some were going North, and the road was fairly lined with them. Mr. John T. Kilham, a young land scape painter from New York, is in the city, engaged in the pursuit of his art. We saw yesterday a painting of a lion's head, which was skillfully executed, and was a carefully painted picture ot one of the lions in Central Park", New York. Huffman's Dime Museum seems to be growing in popular favor, and the entertainments are generally well at tended. A gallery has been prepared especially for tho colored people, and the comfort as well as the amusement of those who attend is the aim of the management. Indications. For the South Atlantic States partly cloudy weather, local rains, Northerly winds, slight changes in temperature and falling barometer. - - Person ai Dr. E. Porter, of Rocky Point, and Maj. James Beilly, of Brunswick coun ty, were in the city to-day. Mr. C. M. D. Humphrey, who has been sick for a week past, with a threatened attack of pneumonia, which was happily averted, is again on duty. The Black Tigers. A friend has handed us a copy of the Norfolk News, of date Sept. 29th. 1834, containing a report ot the escape ut the two black tigers from Robinson's Cir cus, it will be read with interest at this time, in connecting with the shoot ing of one of the animals on Black Rjver: f Yesterday morning two black tigers succeeded in escaping from their cage on the cars that brought Robinson's circus to Portsmouth. They immediate ly proceeded to kill two goats, and after a hearty meal, departed for parts un known. The animals were of a rare species, cost $2 000, and had been with the circus only a little over a fortnight. As soon as the escape was made known men and dogs started in pur suit, but np to 2 p.m. the search bad been unavailing. They rarely at- tack man unless in self defense or from intense hanger, but ail anything Sl5taZJ have fowling about, and the farmer hau nest do ; careful to see that his stock is carefully locked ap. and women and children will remain near home and not go strolling through the woods until the animals are caught or killed. Naturally there is considerable ex citement among the people of Ports- j mnn t K tm aH tsx u . nta oTt rktnt in TV rtrlf 1 ST I also. An advertisement in another column offers a reward of $100 for their capture be allowed $21, to offset any year that and return. Here is a chance f r &v the tax has not been settled on the prop jungle hunt without the necessity of jerty. on to India We observe quite a fine display ol i new Revolvers for very reasonable rices , at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t Daily Review. WILMINGTON. N. O. TUESDAY. JANUARY For Breakfast. The black tiger has been skinned and j his hide will be stuffed. We have heard I it whispered by the breezes that quit-tly . -"" inn a nan ui uic annum was cooked and eaten for breakfast yester - Am. 1 . . : . e . 1 mow, mat a part ot the animal was uj'miiiii". wuiv one oi ine pariy knew what sort of meat they were ea' ing until after the meal was finished, I but a!l declared that it was go d. Mian Carrie Swain. J This talented soubrette with a superb SThfTTj" written expressly for her by Mr. Fred G. Maeder. in which she assumes the title role, and she look the house by storm. It was a stormy night, yet there was a fair audience. It ought to been have larger and undoubtedly would baye been, but for the inclemency of the weather. Miss Swain sang, danced and cut np all sorts of didos in the most inimitable manner, which kept the audience in roars ot laughter "Every movement t cerued natural and easy.; nothing strained, but all was brimming over with the very best of fun. The support was first rate and we hope that they may come again, when we bespeak for them a crowded house. Miss Swain's acting last night was equal to the best efforts of Lotta, in her palmiest days. The Counterfeiters. Ben Allen, colored, who was arrested on Saturday last by officer Carr for be ing engaged in the manufacture f counterfeit coin, was brought before U. S. Commissioner T. M. Gardner this morning for a preliminary examina tion. District Attorney W. S. OB. Robinson was present and conducted the casa for the government. Only one witness was examined,' the testimony being substantially as heretofore given when the Attorney thought it useless to occupy the time and attention of the conrt further in the matter at present, and the accused was required to give bonds in the sum of $1,000 for his appearance at the next term ot the U. S. District Court, in default of which he was com mitted, ' The trial of Louisa Allen, also colored, who was arrested at the same time and place with Ben. upon the same charge, will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. to-morrow, at which time U S. District Attorney Robinson will appear for the government and Mr. Marsden Bellamy will appear for the defense. Audit and Finance. The Board of Audit and Finance met in regular session last night. Present, it. J. Jone3, chairman, and Messrs O. A. Wiggins and W. R. Kenan. After acting upon several bills the following communications, which had been received from the Board of Alder men, were acted upon : Ilesolved, That the sum of $45 be ap propriated to reimburse Dr. Potter for medicines furnished the poor of the city. Disappioved on the ground that the care of the poor is not committed to the city by law. v Resolved, -That the disposition ot the horses of the Little Giant Engine Com pany be referred to the committee on Fire Department, with power to act." Approved, providing the action of the committee docs not enlad any expense upon the city. Ilesolved, That the horse be provided for the use of the Hook and Ladder Company. Disallowed, on the ground that the average ot appropriations for the Fire Department, in th current fiscal year, is overdrawn ; also, the collections for the nine months ended Dec. 31st, 1884, of the present fiscal year, aro nearly $9 000 short of the corresponding peri od of last year. The Board, however, recognize the necessity of having an other horse for the company and think that it should be provided for in the ap propriation for the ensuing fiscal year, whic' will be made in March. In the matter relating to fixing ''Ja cob's Spring" and. the sewer leading therefrom to the river, the Board de clined to act until the cost could be ascertained, but, would approve of an e,pcadi,are of $100 for the procuring me necessary mioriuauou In the tax matter of James W. Col lins, Secretary and Treasurer of the Mechanics Building and Loan Associa tion, wherein it appears that two par- tics had listed the same property, one R d Or $21 on account, for the year 1672. Ordered, That the Loan Association Coupons, amounting to S2.664. whieh bad been redeemed and cancelled, were burned io tbe presence of the Board. Adjourned. NEW ADV I8EMENT8 sins AT J 1 XTJ Ji riL'l J TXT j A Limited 8Upply 01 LadieS and Onildreil S WrapS I : mm i win sum We aro showing a very good assortment and at trices lower (tan ever. Ladies', Gents' and Children's Underwear, at Bottom Prices ! Lace Curtains, Cornice, Bugs, Mats, Oil Cloths, &c. R. M. MclffTIRE. 50 Gross "Turkish Bath" Soap jan 20 A Foot Race. There was quite an excitement this afternoon on Water street, the occa sion being a foot race between Mr. W. N. Harriss, of this city, and Capt. M H. Rich, of the schooner J. F: Augur, now in part. The race was three times around the block embraced by Prin cess. Front, Chesihut and Water streets, making the distance travelled about tbree-tourths of a mile, and the stakes were the cigars for alt the cap tains present and also for the reporters It was a lively time and the contestants patted brick in a decidedly allegro movement. The race was won by Mr. Harriss. A Happy Event. A wedding took place at Alma, in Robeson crunty, on Wednesday last, which was an occasion of much inter est to many citizens of " ilmmgton. Mr. Edward S. Lathorpb, general freight agent of the Alma & Little Rock Railroad, was married to Miss Cora M. Fore. The ceremony was performed at the residence of Mr. J. B. Wilkinson, at Alma, on the 14th, Rev. Dr. Pritcb. ard, of this city, the officiating minis ter, having been assisted by Rev. Mr. Lynch, of Maine. Mr. Wilkinson's residence was profusely decorated with tlowers and evergreens, and the bride and groom were stationed under a large floral bell as the words were pro nounced which made them man and wife. The attendants were : Mr J S McRae and Miss M B Baker, of Robe son; Mr Martin M McRae, of Char, lotto, and Miss Minnie Mclnniss, of Wilmington; Mr E S McRae, of Robe son, and Miss Ida La r kins, of Wil mington ; Mr J P Patterson and Miss Janie Sellers; Mr A E Baker and Miss Carrie McMan is; Mr. A H Mc Lean and Miss Maggie Patterson ; Mr W II Fowlkes and Miss Maggie Jack- i i fT m. Ti son, ot liicnmona, vs.; air. oonn Leach and Miss Bottie McLaurin, of Wilmington; Mr. P A Fore and Miss Jessie B McRae, ot Shoe Heel. 1 The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 238 bales. NEW ADVERTISEMESTS. Oysters. JJUMPHREY A JENKINS, No. 11 i South rront Strccct, areieceiv Ing a full supply of frrsh NEW RIVER 0 YS'l'ERS, every day durlosr the season. We also keep a full supi-Iy of Green Groceries, Chickens and Egge. ufsirn sent C. O. i . jan 20 SPECIAL NOTICE J WILL SELL BERGMAVd ZEPHYR, al' colors, for 10 cents per oucce, outll Feb. 16th, for cash only . Ladies and Children's G03SAMERS reduced in price. MILLINERY- Hate and Bonnets, Straw and Felt, stall fakes. Collrs and Caffs, Lice and Linen, Handkerchiefs and all materials ( for Fancy Work, fet imping and Embroidery. I Respectfully MISS E. KARRER Jan 23 Exchange Corner- 1884. 1884. CHRISTMAS. AT D A. SMITH'S j Furniture Warerooms, Can be found a lane assort sent of VALUABLE GIFTS, suitable for everybody. Tbe pub lc, and especially the ladles, are respectfully Invited to call and examine prices, Ac . D. A. SMITH. Furniture Dealer, N . Front Street dee 72 20, 1885 NO. 17. NEW ADVERI8EM ENTS j -i vurv iuw i Huffman's Dime Museum. NO. 15 West Market Sr. NEW FETUHKS THIS WKK ZAZfcL. in her wenderful ircn jaw feats. Muster G1LMOKE inons and lsnces. And Signer ROZ withftew illusions Every night at e p. in . , for Ladies accompa nied by Gentlemen, strictly a family resort FB4NK HUFFMAN, Manager. jan 19 Hardware ff ALL KINDS AND IN ANY QUANT1 ty. whole ale and Hctail at ROCK BOTTOM prices. jan 10 W. E. SPRINGER & CO.. 19. 21 & 23 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. Cheap Dinner Sets, -R SALE BY JO GILES & MURCHISON, CROCKERY DEPARTMEM? Jan 19 Blank Books, jETTER BOOKS, CHECK, XOTE AND Receipt Books, hit tizes, la Et'ck snd made to order, epecial attention to orders for Litho graphing Checks, Drafts, Letter Heeds, Visi ting Cards, Invitations. &c. Sea's and Rub ber Stamps of every description made to cr der. A full stock of Office and Fancy Sta tionary always on hand. C W. YATES, ian 12 119 Market St The Safe Side fF ALMOST ANY QUESTION 13 THE generous side; but in matters of shopping an exception should be wade, and fn justice to one's self, not only ehould advertisements te read, but goods and prices examined before acceptin them as b?ing cheap or possessing won'crf . 1 value. This meatuie ire can afely ask to be applied to the following SPECIAL SALE ol KID GI OYKSjustopeicd, in all tizesaud colors, and wtH be told at 48 Cents per Pair. This in a derided baigain. An early call will eocure come of the n, for they are only a limi ted lot. On our centre counter we display numerous bargains lu EMBROIDERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, LACE COLLARS, IB., JLC. Together with a full etcck of C0R8ETS, UNDERWEAR, LACES, VELVETS, RIBBONS, HATS, JtC., AC AT J. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St i WILMINGTON, N. C jan 19 Closing Out I A HANDSOME STUCK OF GOODS f SSr Worth $4,000 9r Lust Fall's purchases, will most positively be soid out within Thirty uays, at io per cent below prln-e cost Lou'trv Merchants and Dealers will find it ta their interest to call and examine my slock. MRS. 8. Si BAKER. Wilmington, N. C. 123 Market St. jan g awr Library Lamps, H AND AND 8TAND IAMP3, LAMP Burners, Chimney i and Shades. We have jest received a mil eupplr of ocr pcp,'lar COLUMBIA AND -" ) . HLRN OAK COOK STOVE4. Have you seen our Improved Far mer? Fu-e W hite Oil always on bard FABKEfet ATAVLOK. jan 19 Sonth Front Et ADUT7 p send" six cents for postage A AsAZi Li . and receive free, a cosily box of goods which will help yon to more money right away than anything else in this w or Id All cf either sex, saeeeedfrom the first hour. Tbe broad road te fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sere. At once ad dress Trce Co., August a, Maine. nov S d&w Kr "' I "Mlllbi glad to receive ur friends on trnj Md aOJ ;aboot. general interest but Tho name of the vnrttei muti arnaya b oisbed to the KdNor. communication act) no wrtttm on cm oeesideof the paper. Persona lities mnat be avolrton: Ami U is especially act particularly tree Hood that tho Editor doe not always er-dn s the views of cotTespondeati uriees sr staic in the editorial oalai NEW AlJYKltTISEMKNTS S. H. Trimble & Co. STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS and Auctioneers of General Merchandise of every description. Ofnc corner Princess and Water streets. Cronly A Movriss old stand. Personal attention given to sale of hones and vehicles at private sale or e auction. Con 8 ljm merits solicited. A. Q. McbIRT, sept 2 Auctioneer. Comfortable and Stylish, COMMON SENSE SHOKS for Ladies. Our fcHOES for Gents' wear fi; eaaMy and wear corafo: t Misses and Children's SHOES in var!c y and blasts to fit without turttng: C mo and try a pajr. Sold low. at Geo. R. French & Sons', 1W NORTH FRONT STREET Jan 19 Bridal Presents. USEFUL AND ORN AMENTAL, j Beautiful S'eel Engravi'gj and Oliograpbs, elegantly framed, ita.ndiog on Fastest Family Bib!e, Fine Albu-ns in Plunh and Ku4ila Leather, Lcok:u? Gla?s-?s on Marblo Stands, Fine Plush I adieu i :i-e3, Inrge Music Boxes, Upright ami Square Pianos, Organs, etc. Also, Lore's illustrated Books, elegantly bound, and may other Fancy Articles.. Please call aTd maSc ynor selectionist IIEIN8BEKU!tns, jan 19 : '-a ivc Book and Music Stores cTpera ho us e. Tuesday, January 20th. JJON. CARL &CIIUBZ. THE EMINENT Statesman and Orator, will deliver an addrecK on "Tho Problems of Education", rner the auspices of Ihe Wilmington Lii rary Assii tion. Box Sheet open at Ueinberger's Mon day morniDg. Rest rved Scats 7cc ; general ad mission C0e. Lecture to commen .c at 8 o'clk. jan 1G td ttnr copy A Card. jyo THE COUNTRY FiRMERS AND MERCHANTS If you want irood and quick returns for your produce, GQneUrn It to J. R. MARSHALL, No. 21 North Water St.. Wilmington, N. C. lie solicits consignments of all kinds of pro ducc and Naval stores, jan 14 d&w Board. FEW MORE BOARDERS, EITHER table, rcgalar or trans'ent. can be accommo dated with comfortab'c rooms and the best the market affords, at MRS. ROBERT LEE'S, H3Vi Market st., bet. Front- and Fccond. nov 18 if Fish Roe. DOZ. NO. 1 MULLET ROE, Cfk BBLS. ROE MULLETS; For f ile cheap. DAVIS & SON jan I Positive Bargains ( RE BEING OFFERED IN ALL KINDS of FANCY G0OD3. Jnai opened a caeay lot of nxc Fatin I i jbons, all shades. A few shades of Colored Silk Velvets, f heap. Tab?e Damask, Toweling, Napkins, Coun t3rpjnes, with o;hor Household .oods. A few of the 2 50 Gen 's Silk Umbrellas left. A cat reduction iu Woolen Underwear for Ladies, Gent and Boys. jan 3 JOHN J. HKDRICK Clemmer. LW MORE OF THAT CELEBRATED h lUT CLaSS WHKKEY just received, CAROLINA YACHT CI-UR fe OIGAItS still holds the Cake. Try McGOWAN'S OM orthM;re eaioo j and tave money. pa Conoley 's Drug Store. 21G M AUH.LT JiTUEHT. IN COSSEQUENCK OF MY LARGE Cfcri-t mas trade, will sell thebslanec of say holi day good at cost to mtkc room for my Drugs, Pa'c .t Medicine and soch art'cJes a arc utu ally kept in a first chus retail Drog store very Kef pectfulJy, deo 29 J. W. CONOLLV. A $i6rizeT SPLESIID SATIN 1SED HUSSIAM LEATHER LA DIE- DRESSING CAjSE Will be presents! to tbe party bn- ing the largest amount cf Uoiidy Gocdi between thpi Q&Ut and January 1st, 15. Coze and seolhe ptize at r a MLLLXfitW I dec & Crrer Foarih and lu ta Something New. J HAVE JCSF RECEIVED BY RaIL A Vanilla Flavored Syrup, The finest Pyrap ever ofiered in thia market. ALSO A FULL LINE OF Fancy & Staple Articles FpR CHRISTMAS AMD THE HOLIDAYS. Call and examine at Crapsn'a Family Grocery. O. M. CRAPON,. Agt., dee 16 22 sooth Front St