THIS PAPER nnbllabad Sundays JOSH T. JAMES, SDITOB iVD PBX1 8UB8CRIPTIOK8 POSTAGE PAID. year Six ttbs, $2.08. month, $1.00; Owe month, 15 cento. rDe paper will be dettverjed by carrien at charge, in My pert of the etty. at the above rate, or 10 eento per wee A d veetlstng ntem )aw nd nbrmi-40-ubeerttan wlU resort say and all fall ores to receive tbetr paper regularly, py- The Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington, -sB Over thirty bodies are awaiting ere m tion in the furnace of the New York Cremation Society at Mount Olivet, N J. IvwiU be completed by March. p F. Reade. the suspended New York grain broker, is only twenty; a year ago was a mesenget boy, has been within six months worth $20,000, and is now cleaned out. English towns of less than 10,000 in habitants have scarcely crown at all in the last decade. The increase of ports and seaboard tawns it much greater than that of those inland. The ex-Khedive, who did more than any one to bring about the present deplorable plight of Egypt, is now a familiar figure short, stout, nd white haired in the west end of London. The mongooses imported into Jamai ca to eat up th rats having accom plished their task, tho burning question now is how to get rid of the mongoos es, which the blacks have a supersti tious fear of Silling. The Garter of Austria is the order of the Golden Fleece. The Emperor's re cent nominations bring the total num ber of members up to 88, of whom three belong to the house of Hapsburg and five are reigning monarchs. . t i The last edition of the London Week Jytklw is published on Sunday, morn ing. It comes nearer to the Sunday edition of a New York paper than any published in England. Mr. Storey, M. P.. tor Sunderland, is the chief mana ger and controller of the paper. The latest Virginia plan is for Sena tor Mahone to run for Governor this year, with John S. Wise as his mate for Lieutenant-Governor. If this com bination is sucessful Mahone is to re turn to the Senate and Wise is to be come Governor of the Old Dominion. Mr. Henry George's latest recruit is Mr. Chamberlain's, president of the Board of Trade and a member of Mr.' Gladstone's Cabinet. Mr. Chamber lam's last speech contains the following significant sentence: "The present land system is based on robbery, and the community is entitled to restitution and redress." Chicago received from licenses last year the sum of $1,600,000, an excess of $1 000.000 over any preceding year. Of the amount stated $1,400,000 came from saloon licenses alone, as a result of the operation ot the high license law ; and this represents only eights months, the law oat having gone into effect un til May 1 mmm'i Three great musical festivals will be held in the provinces in England this yearthat at Birmingham at the latter end of August, one at Hereford in September, and another at Bristol later in tho year. At the first one Gounod's "Mors et Vita" will be produced, and new works by Dvorak, Mackenzie, Stanford, Co wen, Anderton and Prout The Earl of Avlesford, recently de ceased at Big Spring. Texas, was only 36 years old. He was of an old stock, and left two daughters. He belonged to the set of the Prince of Wales, and had a miserable marital experience. When his wife eloped with the present degenerate Duke of Marlborough, the Earl sought solace and has found death in the wilds of America. Lord Ross more, the Orange cham pion, has been compelled to part with his racing stud. He married the daughter of Mr. Nay lor. the inheritor of an immense Liverpool fortune. Mr. Nay lor has no son, and the marriage would be a great thing for Lord Ross more if his lather-in law approved of him, but it is understood that he dis tinctly does not. The translation of the "Arabian Nights" by Capt. Burton, the explorer, will probably be published in part next Spring. No passages will be suppress, ed, as the book is specially intended for students and scholars. It will be obtainable only of Capt. Burton, Trieste, Austria. Capt. Burton has been 32 years at work on it. The sdo ctal aim kept in view is to reproduce the book as originally written. The editor of the Corydon, Iowa Times, Mr. T. M. Casad, says that bis little girl burned ber foot and one appli cation of St. Jacobs Oil. the great pain, reliver, cored it completely without leaving a mark. He was himself enrod of a torturing pain in the side by two applications. The VOL. IX. WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY LOCAL. NEWS. IIDEI TO IfW aOVCRTilEMHTS. Tavm ft Sox Fine Fish ( Homes In North Carolina C W Tare Blank Books J W Conolet Drag Stoie r C K F resu Sup p'y Hkjns berqek Bridal Presents T J FOLTTHEELA.ND Mul s for Sale Knights and Ladies of Honor Local ad There was no City Court this morn- Step Ladders, all lengths, at J atom's Depot. f The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 205 bale'. This has been a big day in Raleigh and we would we were thar. . Beautiful pork was selling this morning at 7 cents per pound. Two while tramps were accommo dated with lodgings at the guard house last night. If Dyer dee not make the best suits for $25 in this city, then we arc a very poor judge of cassimeres. and we claim to know a good thing when we see it. "t Eggs are now retailing at 20 cents per dozen, which is bringing them down so that thy begia to compare with the cost of other articles In the grocery line. The sidewalks, in those streets where there are no gutters, are almost im passable in places, Jnd the centre o the street is the best place to walk in order to avoid the mud The cargo of sugar of the schooner Nativxdad, which put into this port, a few days .since in a leaking condition, was being discharged to-day, previous to putting the vesssel on the marine railway for examination and repairs Almost everyone is complaining of the scarcity of money, and say that it is next to imposible to obtain. This is bad, but there is a consolation in knowing that all kinds of provisions are almost as low as they haye ever been known to be. Thanks to Mr J. H. Rehder, Chair man of the Committee, for a card ot invitation to the literary and musical entertainment to be given by the Young People's Association of St. Paul's E. L. Church, in the Lutheran Memorial building, next Wednesday evening. Knights and Ladies of Honor. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening. Full attendance desired. It Indications. For the South Atlantic States rains, generally followed by fair weather; slight change in j temperature Northerly winds. and Personal We are glad to learn that Mr. B. G, Worth is in proving in health Hon. Carl Schurz left this morning for Charleston, where he lectures to night. Exports Foreign Ger. barque Charlotte and Anna, Kruger. cleared to day for Liverpool with 1,756 bales cotton, valued at $85,- 000. Ger. barque Eintraeht, Muswick, cleared for Antwerp with 550 casks spirits turpentine and 2,960 barrels rosin, valued at $12,500,, making a to tal of exDorts toreisn amounting to $97 500. Both cargoes were shipped by Messrs Alex Sprunt & Son. Flowers in New York. - In New fork pansies are worth 50 cents a bunch; heliotrope, 25 cents a bunch: lily of "the valley. 20 cents a spray; violets, $t do a hundred ; came a -a lias and gardenias, 25 cents to 50 cents each; tulips, hyacinths, jonquils and narcissi, 25 cents and carnations, red, white and variegated, fSOpents a bunch ; La France roses are worth $4 a dozen, nephetos, $2; Marechal Niei, $2; pedes and sunsets are worth $1.50 a dozen. Convalescent. Mr. W. L. Meadows was taken with a violent attack of hemorrhage of the nose yesterday afternoon and it became necessary to convey him to his home. A physician was called, who applied the 'necessary remedies and we arc glad to state that the patient is much better to-day. The attack was severe land serious and was superinduced by an accident several months ago. which ruptured one of the blood vessels ot the nose. For durable coloring the walls of rooms in beautiful tints, at little cost nothing equals the M ableine sold at Jacobi's Depot. Daily Settled. Sheriff S. H Manning settled yester day with the County Commissioners and Treasurer for the taxes for the year 1881, as follows: State tax $ 8,342.98 County tax, general fund 27.069.03 County tax. school fund 12 905.04 Hsrnett tonshlp, local as sessment for white school 208 88 Total $48,5-25.93 Continued. The case ot Louisa Allen, colored, as an accessory in the counterfeiting busi ness with Ben. Allen, whose case was heard yesterday, was called this morn, ing before U.S. Commissioner Gardner, when on motion of Mr. Mars J en Bella my, counsel for defendant, it was con tinued until 11 o'clock to-morrow morn ing. The examination will be held in the U.S. Court Room, over the Post office. Chicken Thieves. Capt. Edgar Williams had 11 very fine chickens and a Newfoundland dog stolen last night from his premises on the corner of Sixth and Ann streets. We can very well understand why the thieves wanted the chickens, but are at a loss to know why they should have taken the dog. There is but little use in trying to raise chickens in this city, and we believe that it will be a useless effort until some of these midnight prowling hen roost robbers have been shot. To Leave Us. We very much regret to iesrn that Messrs. II. Brunhild & Bro. are to re- r move from thi3 city to Richmond. The object is to consolidate the business as much as possible they having now a house in Richmond and one in Wil mington. The business here, however, will be kept up as a branch of the fflichmond house. They have made all of the preparations necessary and will leave here in April. It. the removal of Messrs. Henry and Laopold Brunhild we lose two of our most public spirited, liberal-minded and enterprising citizens and it is a, loss which we can ill afford at this time. They have resided here for nearly twenty years, having come to us soon af er the close of the war, and by thrift, energy and enterprise have built up a large business in this city, ' They will leave behind them many warm friends who will part with them with great regret. The Problems of Education. Hon. Carl Schurz, who delivered a lecture on the above subject at the Opera House last night, under the aus pices of the Wilmington Library Asso ciation, is a profound scholar, an astute logician, a critical thinker and an an alytical reasoner. This was nil made entirely manifest in the way in which he discussed the all-important "Prob lems of Education" last night. There was a good audience, although the in clement weather undoubtedly prevent ed many from attending who would have gladly enjoyed the rich intellect ual treat. There was nothing in his lecture which called for any great exbi tion of oratory, nor did the speaker make any attempts in that direction. It was the matter which was deeply interesting and instructive and not the manner ot delivery, as is too often the case. His specchs always read well. Forcible. logical incisive, argu mentative and convincing, they appear on the printed page as ex cellent eOorts. In bis lecture last, night, the distinguished speaker laid particu lar stress upon the education of girls for all the duties of womanly life and pointed out many glaring mistakes which have crept into the educational system regarding this part cf our popu lation. Ht as lis ened to with pro found attention end delight by the audience Mr. Scburz was the guest of Rev. F. W. E. Peschau during his stay in the city, and yesterday afternoon was called u pon by a com m ittee representing our German fellow citizens, who, through their Chairman, Mr. E Peschau, invited him to be their guest to-day. Mr. Scburz, however, on ac count of previous engagements, was compelled reluctantly to decline the in vitation. Attractive and Useful. The Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore. Md., the owners of the celebrated Brown's Iron Bitters, have just issued a beautiful Hand Book and Almanac for ladies, and a complete and useful Memorandum Book for men. These ! publications are attractive; containing a great many vaiuaoie ana inicrsting things. lncy are lumsbed free of charge by druggst and country store keepers, but should they not have them the Brown Chemical Co. will send either book on receipt of a two cent stamp to pay postage. d & w3t Reyiew. The Tell-Tale. With the aid of a pair of compasses or a pencil and a bit of string, carefully draw two concentric half-circles, that is, from the same centre, and one about half an inch within the other. The size ot the design makes but little difference, hut the result is more easily seen if the diagram is as large as con venient Divide this double hal-fcir. cle into a number of compartments, and in each place a letter of the alpha bet, a numeral, or a came, as the fan cy may dictated ; the object being that there shall be no possible mistaking of one compartment for another. Rale straight tines from each compartment to the common center. Now take a small button a shoe button is as good i - . r z 1 1 T as any ana lasien a oil ot nne sits thread about eight inches long to it, making a knot in each end oi the thread. Now let one of the party take the thread by the end, and hold it eo far above the figure that the button shall hang about an inch acd a half above the paper. Let him fix his mind firmly upon one of the compartments and then close his eyes. Very soon the button will develop a pendulum-like motion, and before long, generally in about three minutes, it will begin to move toward the compartment of which the holder is thinking. It really seems, at the first giance that the but ton itself is influensed by the unconsci ous exertion of will on the part of tbe experimenter. But close investigation will reveal the fact that the hand moves wfth a slight tremulous motion, which, being transmitted through the fine thread, moves the button. Much amusement can be had by putting the names of people in the compartments and then see of which one the cxperi menter is thinking. The great question of the day is: "How to keep the Irish dynamite ex citement in a manageable condition." Easy enough. Give each man a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. NEW ADVERI8EMEN Fine Fish. S NAPPSfiS AND BLACK, For sale at om-market. Come e rlv. jan l DAVIS ft SON Mules for Sale. Q GOOD FARM MULES, FARM HORSB8 for sale, low for cath. Apply at once to T. J. SOUTHKELANO, jan 21 3t 108 nd 110 North Secoad St. A Fresh Supply O F DRUG 3 AND CHEMICALS, Just arrived at F. C. MILLER'S. Corner Fourth and Nun ste Prescriptions filled day and night. P. S. jan 21 Conoley's Drug Store. 216 MARKET STREET. CONOLEV3 COLOGNE, Conoley's Cough ayrup, Conoley's Tec Phvsic, And a full lire of Drugs and Chemicals tor prescription use ; also, cigar and Cigarettes. uive me a can an 21 J. W. CONOLEY. Homes in North Carolina. Only 20 Hours Side from New York! 69 Miles South of Raleigh On the Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line R R o 1 500 ACfi or LAND ! IS THE 101,8 leaf pine region. For sale on easy terms in lots to fcu'.t purchasers four acres for $29. Larger tracts SS per acre, m moot hi" pav menta of S10. This land adjoins the "South ern Pines", a recently c stabdsbed health re sort (or sanitarium), and is specially adapted for Fruit Culture, as well as all toe cereals A number of Mew England people hare bought lots in the town of "Southern Piae V and it is the desire of the owners of this land to in duce small farmers, mechanics and others from the New England and Middle States, aa well as elsewhere, to locate here. No State in the Union offers greater inducements to ict tiers than North Carolina Nowhere can a bitter larmlng country or as fine a climate be found 1 his is the opinion of Northern men who have settled Jn North GareHra. This is a bona fide offer, and is limited For farther particulars writs at ouce to J HS T. PATRICK, Commii'r of Immigration. Rlelgh, N. C. or R. A RICHARDSON, jan 21 tf Chronicle Offi :e, Augusta, Ga. Cheap Dinner Sets, T? OR SALE BY JL GILES MURCHISON, CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Jan 19 ADPT7P send six cents for postage A riLLiLi. and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help jou to more money right away than anything else in this world Allof either sex, succeed from the ilr.t hoax. The) broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sore. At once ad dress Thus Co., Augusts, Maine, nov 5- dAw ly 21, 1885 NO 18. HifiW ADVERTISEMENTS. Oysters. JJ L PH RE Y JENKINS, No. 11 South Front Etrteet, are n- civ a fall supply of fresh NEW RIVER ST EES. every day eurln tbe season. We also keen a lull sudi.1v of Green Groceries. Chickens and Eggs. sUVa sent C. J. . jan a . SPECIAL NOTICE J WILL SELL BERGMAN'S ZEPHYR, al' colors, for 10 cents per ounce, until Feb. 16th, forces only. Ladies and Children's GOSSAMERS re J need in price. MILLINER Y-Hals and Bonnets, Straw and Felt, at all pi ices. Collars and Cuffs, Lace and 1 inen, Hjandkercbiif and all materials for Fancy Work, irtimpiog and Embroidery Respectfully MISS E. KARREK jan 20 Exchange Corner. Hardware QF ALL KINDS AND IN ANY QUANT1 ty. Whole? ale and Retail at ROCK BOTTOM prices. W. E. SPRINGER CO.. 19, 21 A 23 Market Street, jan 19 . Wilmington, N. C. Blank Books, JEITER BOOKS, CHECK, NOTE AND Reeeipt Books, all frizes, ia stcck and made to order, fcpecial attenti on to orders for Litho graphing Checks, Drafts, Letter Hcuds, Visi ting Cards, Invitations, Ac Seals and Rub ber Stamps of every description made to or! dcr, A full stock of Office and Fancy Sta tionary always on, hand. C W. YATES, jan 12 1J9 Market. Bt Bridal Presents, JJSEFCL AND ORNAMENTAL. Beautiful Steel Engravings and Oliographs, elegantly framed, standing on Easles; Family Bibles, Fine Albums in Plush and Russia Leather, Looking Glasses on Marble Stands, Fine Plush ladles' Cases, Large Music Boxes, Upright and Squsre Pianos, Organs, etc. Also, Dore's Illustrated Books, elegantly Bound, and many other Fancy Articles. Please call and make your selections at HEINSBERGER'S, Live Book! and Music Stores jan 19 The Safe Side QF ALMOST ANY QUESTION IS THE generous side; but In matters of shopping an exception should be made and in justice to one's self, not only should advertisements be read, but goods and prices examined before accepting them as being cheap or possessing wonderful value. This measure we can safely ask to be applied to the follow iDg SPECIAL SALE of KID Gl OVES just opeied, inalltizcs and colors, and will be cold at 48 Cents per Pair. This is a decided bsigaln. An early call will secure some of the n, for they are only a limi ted lot. On our ccntTC counter we display numerous bargains in EMBROIDERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, LACE COLLARS, JtC. Together with a full stcck of CORSETS, UNDERWEAR, LACES, VELVETS, RIBBONS, HATS, JtC., JbC- AT in J. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St WILMINGTON, 19 N. C jan Groceries, 4LCa 150 BHD8' PR MECVDA MOLASSES, j Q Q Hilda. Prime Porto Rl MOLASSES, 500Hi"tolrdBAU,1HU- 1 000 BUla' 6 W Arrow TIES. 1 500 Pleeed TIES' 5 ii Bbls. SUGAR, Bags COFFEE LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, Ac 21 All st lowest prices. WORTH & WORTH. augttj PLEASE ."OIU rs will bs ail bat i of Cossmrrnlnattoass must be of the paper. be And it is SSpamally and particularly cede tood thatiMbdltor doss not always endoia the views of correspondents uaies so staic in the editorial colamna. T SEW ADVERTISEMENTS 8. H. Trimble ft Co. OTOCK AND SEAL ESTATE BROKERS Oand Auctioneers of General Merchandise of very description. Office corner Princess and Water streets. Cronly A Morriss' old stand. Personal attention given to sale of hones and vehicles at private sale or at auction. Con signments solicited. A. Q: McuiRT, 'sept $7 Auctioneer. Huffman's Dime Museum. NO. 15 West Market St. NEW FEATURES TIII3 WEKK ZAZKL, in her wonderful in n isw feats. Master G i LMOKE in e ones and Dances. And Signer ROZ with new illusions Every night at 8 p. m., for Ladles accompa nied bv Gentlemen. Stricthv a faml iv resort . FRA NK HUFFMAN. Manager. vr y ujST oo EXTRA I BARGAINS ! i Winter Dress Goods i Velrets. ff Cloaks, Shawls, ankets, J Flannels, Underwear. BLACK SILKS r -4 From 50 ets. up. -AT M. M 6 Market St. jan 12 Clemmer. i FEW MORE OF THAT CELEBRATED BST-CLASS WHISKEY just received. CAROLINA YACHT CLUB 6c CIGARS still holds tbe Cako. Try McGOWAKY Old North ftac Salco i and e ave money. . JF j in A Card. 4 COUNTRY FARMERS AND mm rpo THE MERC HANTS. If you want god prices and quick returns for your produce, consign it to J. R. MARSHALL, No. 2t North Water St.. Wilmington. N. C. T i-- He solicits consi jmment j of all kinds' of pi duce and Naval stores. , MMrf.t jan 14 dAw e j board, ifl MORE BOARDERS, EITHER FEW table, resrnlar or trans'ent. can be accommo dated with comforts b e rooms and the lest the market affords, at ' MRS. ROBERT LEE'S. 1134 Market si., bet. Front snd Fcgond. nov 19 ti f i If I If Something J HAVE JCST RECEIVED BY SAIL A Vanilla Flavored Syrup, The finest Syrep ever ottered in this sArfiet. ALSO A FULL LINE OF fancy & Staple Articles FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE HOLIDAYS. Call snd examine at Crspsn's Family Grocery. G. M. CRAPON, Agt., dee 16 23 South Frost St ,Avr i KATZ'S, mm

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