THIS PAPER lull! Sundays ex- by JOSH T. JAMBS, SDITOB AMD PBOrilROl. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID. ,ne year fAOO. Six month. 9S.0Q. Threi Booths, 91.00; One month. S3 cent. The paper will be delivered by carrion free of charge, m any part of the city, at the above rstee, or 10 cent per week. ... . i i - Advestismg raw uw uu ucnu. I snbscriberswlU report str and ail fall-! area to receive their paper regularly , jy The Daily Review has the largest lyyna fide circulation of any newspaper r Mished, in the city of Wilmington. JB General Grant is fir from being wll. and is in a very unhappy and depressed state of mind. Oat of the 162 members ot the sixty second Maine IeRtelnture but twenty tour are lawyers. Kven the Louisiana sugar cane i- said io be richer in juice than ever in ttii- yearrl iiemocratic jubilee. Of the 623 newspapers and periodi cals published in foreign languages in this country, 483 are in German. on Mr. Philetus Sawyer, with ooq ex ception the richest man in the United Stiles Senate, is furthermore distin guished for never having made a speech there. The widow of Capt M ebb. the fa mous swimmer, has received all the moneys rai?ed by appreciative Eng lishmen for herself and children. It amounts to about $3,300. It was reported that Mrs. Groen, the wealthiest woman in the United States, had in the vaults of Cisco & Co.. bank ers, who failed last .week, about $20, (00,000 in securities, kept there lor salety. Mrs. Mandersoo, wife ot the junior Nebraska Senator, is a pretty, plump little lady with soft brown bair and a roseate complexion. Among the curls about her brow is cne perfectly white, which must have a story. It gives piquancy to her tacc. Petroleum has fallen in price recently against the general tendency of other staples, partly on reports from the Black Sea that Russian producers are about to build a fleet of oil-carrying steamers and enter upon a deliberate campaign to drive American oil out of European markets. The drinking of large quantities of whiskey as an antidote for the bite of a snake, and which by many is consider very efficacious, proved entirely worth less in the case of a Georgia lad who was bitten a few days ago by a reptile supposed to be a snake. The lad thrust his hand into a hole for a rabbit, which had been chased by his dog, when he was bitten. Near the village of Richmond, Mo., lives David Whitner, one of the three men who testified on oath that they be held the Angel of the Lord bring down the plates from which the Book of Mor mon was written and deliver them into the hands of Joseph Smith, the Mor mon prophet, and it was in's keeping that this original manuscript remained for many years. The pawnbrokers ot Boston are con siderably agitated and fear a loss of patronage in consequence ot an order issuod recently by the police commis sion, compelling tbem to send to bead quarters at the olose of each day a des cription of each article presented to them, the amount of money loaned on the same, together with the name and description of each person offering it. The London papers are a gcod dea surprised and perplexed by the new divisions of the metropolis under the redistribution bill. The old boroughs are turned topsyturvy with relentless liberality, and the new boroughs thus evoked appear to be marvels of eccen tricity. The new borough of South' wark, for instance, is said to resemble "a hatchet with a block of wood at tached to the blade." This sort of "redistribution" is familiar enough in American politics, but it goes by another name. "Time is money." If you have a bad cold, don't mope around aud half do your work. Get a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup; take a dose at night and get up next' morning cured. ATTiSTIW ! BWI SAINT AM SINNER HENRY C. PRRMPERT. WHO KRBP8 the only second -rhus Barber .-hop ad Hairdresslog Saloon In JSorih aroltoa. the second meanest man in A it erica, wou'd in torm his many friends and customers in the city, commercial traveller, Ac , that ha cn stiil be found at No. 7 South Front st . and don't you remember it, where yon can get a frood seoond-clas- share, hair cut or shaaapx). Al-o. second-class perfuaaery and of his own manufacture. Please gire us a call, dec 16 2m A Card. y 3 THE COUNTRY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS. If you want good prices and quiet returns for your produce, consign it to J- R. MARSHALL, No. 21 North Water St.. Wilmington, N. C. He solicits consignments of all kinds of pro duce snd Nsval Stores. janll dftw . Or The ITVlT 1 "V V KjXj JUL, ' LOCAL NEWS. laou ts nsw atwEgnxiaEirs. B K Rk v an. Jr Notice C W Yates Blink Hooka F C MIU.EE A Freeh Supply A K W .u.ker, CadTr Notice Hk;;kb Briial I S II Tbimble & Co Houei at Auction -m 9 (- There was no City Court this morn inz. The off-shore storm signal was flying to-day Toe receipts of cottoa at this pott io- ati r y- mm mi m fltfl kt-.i - Milton Nobles is coming this way, nd "don't you forget it !" The market was bountifully supplied will all sorts of meats this morning. Egs have taken another jump in prices and arc now retailing at 25 cents per dozen. Two white tramps were accommo dated with lodgings at the guard house last night. There was a private skating party at the Rink last night and there were forty skater., ladies and gentlemen, on the floor at one time There is a eood deal of sickness, con sequent upon bad colds, in the city, but we are glad to know that only a few of the cases have assumed a se rious phase. This weather may be fairly called wintry. It was cold during tho night but it grew colder after sunrise, so that the neighborhood of a good fire was de cidedly comfortable and acceptable. The next entertainment at the Opera House will be on the nights of the 29th and 30th inst., at which lime Mr. R. K. Proctor, the eminent English as tronomer, will lecture on that important. science. The Wilmington Light Infantry will have a drill, inspection and dress parade in full dress at the City Hall to night, at which time Capt. J. T. An thony will take command of the com pany foY the first time. The skating rink on Front street, near the New Market, continues to be a favori e attraction with many of the young ladies and gentiemen of the city.H and large crowds asscmbedlast night to indulge in the healthy pastime. Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's Depot. t Commissioner's Court. Louisa Allen, colored, who was ar rested in connection with the recent cases of counterfeiting, and whose exam ination was continued Until to-day, was brought before U. S Commissioner Gardner this morning, and upon the testimony adduced was required to give bond i.i the sum of $1,000 for her appearance at the next term of the U. S. District Court, in default of which she was committed to jail. Vagrant Hosts. There has been a good deal of com plaint made on account of hogs being allowed to run at large . In a number of instances they have broken into front yards and gardens and rooted up and destroyed rare and valuable plants. It is a great annoyance to say nothing of the loss to have property w hich has been cultivated with care and look ed upon with pleasure and pride, des troyed in such a manner, but we sup pose there is no help for it French Spoliations. Mayor Hall was received a copy of the list of claimants in the ' French Spoliation Bill." which may be seen by calling at bis office. There are several thousand of these claimants, quite a number of whom are North Caroli nians. A few of them reside in Wil. mingtn and vicinity, and it may be of interest to them to call and see the list, as the bill has recently received the fa vorable consideration of Congress. Complimentary Hop. The "Jolly Eight' Clab gave a hop at Rankin Hall last night. It was tbe anniversary of Mr. II. Ilewleti's birth day and as he is or.o nf the mcnibets of the club, the hop was complimentary to him. The Italian harpers furnish ed the music; there was a large party of ladies and gentlemen present ; the best of order prevailed, and the danc ing was kept up until about 2 o'clock this morning. The committee of ar rangements took especial pains to make tbe occasion enjoyable, and were eminently successful in their efforts. We observe quite a fine display ol 1 new Revolvers for very reasonable rices , at Jacobi's Hardware Depot .f Daily Reyiew. WILMINGTON. N. C THURSDAY, JANUARY Personal Mr. John C. James, of Richmond,; was in the city to-day. Col. Henry S. Haines, General Man-! azer of the Savannah. Florida and Western R. R.. arrived here last night, accompanied by bis wife, in his private A-l r I I u tv i ' I loam KarA t r i - r r txv m rningon hi return. We are giad io learn that Hon. R. R Bridgers, who has been sick r.nd con fined to the house for a week past, has so far recovered as to be, at' his office this in rning. AraoTBg the ss from this city and sec tion who attended the inaugural cere monies at Raleigh, we notice the names of Hon. A. H. VanBokkelen, Maj. Jno. W. Dunham, Capt. V. V. R chardson and Dr. W. T. Ennett. Haifa Century. Mr. and Mrs. John S. James cele brated their golden wedding to-day. it being the 50th anniversary of the day of their marriage, which occurred on the 22adday of January, 1835. Dut1 ing the day the venerable couple were called upon by many of their numer ous friends and congratulated upon their iong life and present good health. For fifty years this pair have trav elled on life's journey together sharing the joys and sorrows which fail to the lot of mortals, and the tender memories connected which all those years must have been brought vividly before their minds to-day. Travelling down towards the setting sun of life, it is the hope of their many friends and relatives that their sojourn here may yet be prolonged for many years. Enterprise. The fishing schooner Dreadnaught, Capt. Cobb, of Portland. Me., has been chartered by Messrs. W. E. Davis & Son to fish for tbem during the remain der of the Winter season. : Capt. Cobb is an experienced fisherman on the New England coast, but the exposure and fatigue are so great on those shores that he has brought his vessel into Southern waters, hoping to make the business profitable and at the same time much more pleasant here. He has a crew of 13 men, all of whom are experienced fishermen. The Dreadnaught is 40 tons register, 71 feet iong over all and draws 10 feet of water when in fishing trim. She is a very fast sailer, an ex cellent seabortt and is supplied with six dorie3 (small, flat-bottomed boats) for use in fishing on the banks. The manner of fishing is for the crew to take the dories fn' ihe morning, leaving tvo men on board the vessel, which is at anchor, and pro ceed in different directions in search of fish. The boats keep in sight of each other and when one of the number finds a place where the fish bite freely a signal is hoisted and the other boats come to join in the work. As night approaches the boats return to the ves sel, the fish caught during the day are packed away in ice, tho boats are hoist ed on board and the crew rest until morning, when they repeat the labors of the day before. The fishing ground this season will be the "Snapper Banks,'' for which place the Dreadnaugd sailed yesterday, and our citizens may expect to be bountifully supplied with thegen unine red snapper during the season. The Right Hand. Mr. R. T. Bentley, a Friend, of Sandy Springs, Md.. says he was cured of rheumatism in his right hand, by a few applications of St. Jacobs Oil, the great pain-cure. L For durable coloring the walls of rooms in beautiful tints, at little cost nothing equals the Mableine sold at Jacobi's Depot. HUMPHREl fn Wilmington, N. C, Jan uary si, 1SJ5, at the residence of J.J. Cauady, little ALL IE. tbe infant daughter of J B. and Pan ine II. flumphrev, ol Fort Smith, Ark, a:ed 5 months and 8 da-s. Wilmington Star acd Litt'c Rock Gazette please copy. NEW ADVERISEMENTS Notice. A l.L PERSONS ARE HEREBY Cautioned agaiu&t trading for a CerdAcate of Deposit la sued by The lira National Bank of Wiimlog Km. No. 1.724, dated Oct 31. 18;8, lfavcr of B Williams, for $1(0. Said Certificate is lost and payment is ttoppe 1. jan Li if a K. WALKEtt, Cashier For Sale. pOR A DIVISION, THE FAYETTEV rIU SUN" and JOB OFFICE attached, wUl be sold at public auctlsn, on February 6th, 1885, at 12 o'clock, M. Terms cash R. K. BRYAN. JB , surviving Partner of Evans ft Bryan. jan re td B T SENDING YOUR LIGHT COLORED goods to MONACH'd Steam Dye Works, 164 beconl st., and hsvlng them made darker for Fall and Winter wear you'll save the ezpease of buying a new suit or drees. Complete and trash lot dye stuff justirecelved. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. O. McGIKT, Auctioneer. BT S. H TRIURLE CO. j A T exchange CORN KB, Wednesday, January ssih. atll o'clock, we trill tell three j Houses ami hta, all io gooj repair. No. 530 Southwest corner Church and ixth sts. l .vc rooms, passage back and front Splen M water In rard. l ot about ( 6 ; N. 518 gouta slue I hurch and SMxttiMs Tbre rooms Lot CSxlO feet. No. 608 Soctlt side Ann ft , between Sixth and Seventh Streets, (painted white). Fire rooms, front and back piazza Splendid Water in rard Lot about S5x S2 f e t Terms easy. Made known day of sale. jaatt St Fine Fish. gNAPPf ES AND BLACK, For tale St our market. Come c "rly. jan 1 DAVIS A SON A Fresh Supply QF DEUG3 AND CHEMICALS, y Just ar- ived at r O. MILLER'S, 'pw Fourth and Nun sts ' P. S. Prescriptions filled day and night, jan 21 Conoley's Drug Store. 216 MARE ET STREET, CONOLEY'S COLOiNE, Conoley's Cough isyrup, Conoley's Tee Physic. And a full 11-e of Drugs ant Chemicals for prescription uee ; also, uigarj ana uigarettss I Give me a ca'l an 21 J. W. CONOLEY. Board. FEW MORE BOARDERS, EITHER table, regular or trans'ent. can be accommo dated with comfortab'e rooms and the best the market affords , at 1 MRS. ROBERT LEE'S, 113 Market St., bet. Front and f econd. nov 18 f HORNER SCHOOL, OXFORD, ST. C. CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL AND Scientific Academy with Military organization j - ' t and d'scipllne The Spring Term of 1885 will begin the sec or d Monday, the 12th day of January. An ample corps of able instructors is pro vided and tbe school is thoroughly equipped for efficient work Terms for board and tuitlr.n, the same as heretofore. Send for Catalogue. J. H. & J. C. HORNER. Oxford . N. C. , Dec . 22, 16 84. dec 22 2aw3w m th Notice, APPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO the Legislature of tbe State of North Carolina at its next session, for the passage . of an Aot incorporating the Wilmington, on slew ft East i arouna Railroad Company, a 'so an Act to incorporate a company to build a railroad from Wilmington to Fayetteville, N. C. ; Ta'so. to amend the Charter'of the Cape Fear ft Yad kin Valley Bailr-ad Company. Wilmington, N. C-11th Lec 1884 dec 11 SQt 1884. 1884. CHRISTMAS. AT D A. SMITH'S Furniture Warerooms, Can be found a lane assortment of VALUABLE GIFTS, suitable for everybody. Tbe pub'ic, and especially the ladies, are respectfully invitod to esM acd examine prices. 4c D. A. SMITH. Furniture Dealer, N. Front Street dec 2 Homes in North Carolina. Only 20 Hours Riie from New York ! 69 Miles South of Raleigh On ths Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line R R 1 500 ACBK OF LAND 1 1S THK kMS leaf pine region . For sale on easv terms In lots to suit pure haters Four acres for $25. Larger tracts $5 per acre, la month! par mentsoftlO. This tend adjoins the "South ern Pines", a recently f stab. isle d health re sort (or sanitarium) , and is specially adapted for Fruit Culture, as well as aU tne cereals A number of New Kngiana people nave eougnc lots In the town of "Southern Pine," and it is the d 'sire of the owners or this iana to in duce small farmers, mechanics and others from the New England and Middle States, as well as elsewhere, to locate here. No State In the Union offers greater inducements to ret tiers than INorth Carolina Nowhere can a h.tter farming country or as fine a climate be found 1 his Is the opinion of Northern men who have settled in North Carol Ira This is a bona fide offer, snd Is limited For f nrther particulars write at once to J HM T. PATaICK, Comml 'r cf Immigration. R'ksfgh, N. C or B. A RICHARDSON, jan 21 If Chronicle Offi e, Augusta, Ga. Cheap Dinner Sets, It, P OR SALE BY GILES A MURCHISON, Jan 19 CROCKERY DEPARTMENT ADDT7P and six cents for postage jrliljJD. ud receive tree, a costly box of goods widen will help yon to mere money right away than anything else in this world All (t either sex, succeed from the flr.t hour. Tbe broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once ad dress True Co., Augusts, Maine, nov S dftw ly 22, 1885. NO 19. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. Oysters. UMPHREY JBNKIS5.No. H ill South Frost etreeet, are if. civ a full supply of frc-h NEW RIVES V RIVES enaon. Wrf STKKB. every day durloc the season. We also keep a full anpily of Green Groceries, CMckens and Eggs, oyatfrs seat C. O. In ian 20 SPECIAL NOTICE J WILL SELL BERGMAN'S ZEPHYR, sil colors, for 10 cents per ounce, until Feb. 16ih, i for cash only. Ladles and Children's GOSSAMERS reduced imprSce. MlLLI SEEt r Hats and Bonnets, Straw and Telt, at all pxices. Colla s and Cuffi, Lace and Linen, Handkerchiefs aud all materials for Fancy Work . St imping and Embroidery . Respectfully MISS E. KARRER jan 20 Exchange Corner. Hardware f ALL KINDS AND IN ANY QUANT1 ty. Wholesale and Retail at ROCK BOTTOM prices, jan 19 W. K. SPRINGER A CO.. 19. 21 ft 23 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. Blank Books, JETTER BOOKS, CHECK, NOTE AND Reeelpt Books, all Eizcs. ia stock and made to order. Special at tentl on to orders lor Litho graphing Cheeks, Drafts, Letter He ds, Visi ting Cards, Invitations, ftc. Sen's and Rub ber Stamps of every description made to or der. A full stock of Office and Fancy Sta tionary always on hai.d. C. W. YATES, ' ian 12 119 Market St Bridal Presents, "TJSEFUL AND ORNAMSNTAL. Beautiful Steel Engraving and Oliograpbs, elegantly framed, staudiog on Easles ; Family Bibles, Fine Albums in Plush and Russia Leather, Looking Glasses on Marble Stands, Fine Plush Ladles' Cases, Large Music Boxes, Upright and Square Pianos, Organ3, etc. Also, Dore's Illustrated Books, elegant'y boubd. and may other Fancy Articles. ricase can and make your selections at HEINSBERGSR'S, I ive Book and Music Stores jau 19 The Sale Side QF ALMOST ANY QUESTION IS THE geccrous ide; but in matters of .shopping an exception should be made and in. j i st ice to one's self, not only should advertisements te road, but goods aud prices examined before accepting tbem as bring cheap or rosscsing won Jcrf:l value. Tliin measure wo can eafelv ask to be applied to the ollowirg SPECIAL SALE of KID Gl OVESjustopeicd, in all tizes and colors, and will be eold at 48 Cents per Pair. This is a decided bsigaln. An only call will secure some of the o, for they are only a dnii fdlot. On our centre counter we display numerous bargains In EMBROIDERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, LACE COLLARS, ftC., AG. Together with a fuU stcck of CORSETS, UNDERWEAR, LACES, VELVETS, RIBBONS, MATS, AC. AG AT J. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St WILMINGTON, jan 19 N. C Groceries. Ac. j gg UUDS. l'R ME CUBA MOLASSES, 1 Hhds. Prime Porto Rl MOLA 83 ES, Half Rolls Standard BAGGING, die. New Arrow TIES, j Bdls Pieced TIES, 5 5 DO , Bbls. FLOUR. Bbls. SUGAR, 1 2 00 Bags COFFEE. - LIME. CEMENT. PLASTER, Ac. All at lowest prices. WORTH & WORTH anctff t will be glad to our on any ttd ail rc3sts. same of the a Iter moat always be te the Editor. must be wrlttea or oa oaesldeof the paper. PersonaUtlos must be a voidei. : And It la especially and partlcubrly cxde toad that the Editor dees sot always cadets the views of correspondent tmiras st te In the editorial NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Mules for Sale. GOOD FARM MOLES, g F.R E OR3M3 for sale, laic for cm j Apply at once to T. J. SOUTHKRLSNO, jan 21 3t 108 and 11 North Secozd St. Huffman's Dime Museum. NO. 15 West Market St. NRW FEATURES THIS WEEK. ZAZKL. In her wonderful ln u law feats. Muster GILMOKElu ansa and Dances. And Sijhor ROZsrita Jew illusions Every night at 8 p. m., for Ladles accotnpa nied by Gentlemen . Strictly a family resort. FRANK HUFFMAN, Maneger. janli i I EXTRA BARGAINS ! -IN- Winter Dress Goods. Velvets, Cloaks, Shawls, Blankets, Flannels, Underwear. BLACK SILKS .'. 1 From 50 cts. up. -AT- M. M. KATZS 116 Market St. ) jan 12 Comfortable and Stylish, j UR COMMON SENSE 8HO! FOR Ladies. Our SHOES for Gents wear fit eas'ly and wear comfoz tibt. Misses and Children's SHOES In great Variety and shapes to fit witbout hurting. Ocme and try a pair. Sold low at - :ni 4S5WI'''1 Geo. K. French Sons', 108 NORTH FRONT STREET jan 19 Clemmer. FEW MOBE OF THAT CELEBRATED FIRST-CLASS WHrKEVftts fecfived. CASOLINA YACHT CLUII fJ CIGARS sUM holds tbe Cake. Try McCOVa.N'8 Old North Hae Salco 3 and rave money. jan Y Something New. J HAVE JUST RECEIVED BY RAIL A Vanilla Flavored Syrup, The finest Syrup ever ofiered In Chf market. ALSO A FULL LINE OF. Fancy & Staple Articles rFOU CHRISTMAS AND THE HOLIDAYS. Call and examine at Crapsn's Family Grocery. G. M. CBAPON, Agt., des IS 22 South Front 8t It 1

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