THIS FAF1 JOSH T. JAME8, dxtob ajti raorarjrroa- 3UB8CBIPTION8 POSTAGE PAID Jme 7W month., -- Ttoee nooths, $1-00; One month, U eats. The paper will be delivered by carriers tree of charge, la aay pert of the ey. atUaboY rite, or 10 cents per week. Adrestlarng rates low and liberal subscribers will report say end U arm, to receive tnetr paper regularly. The Daily Review has the largest !j0ria fide circulation, of any newspaper . u Wished, in the city of Wilmington. A London auctioneer is the first man who has bad the moral courage to an nounce a sale as commencing at 13 o'clock sharp. mm m - -l A Welsh enthusiast in the caue of emulation lately cremated a favorite ball. The ceremony lasted nioe hours, and was witnessed by thousands. The King oi Spain has con ten ed upon Mme. Christine Nilsson the Cross of the Royal Civil Order of Beneficence, ai a recognition of her deeds of oharity The health statistics of New York city ehovr that Che tenement system so popular there is responsible for much of the contagious disease that prevails. Too Marquis of Bute has expended more tban f'2 500,000 on his residence, Mount Stuart House. When finished :t will be the finest place north of the Tweed. -. - Not long since the Anchor Lihe tried the experiment of a direct line from Calcutta to- New York via the Suez canal, and It has been so successful that the fleet will be increased. Prince Bismnrck .makes his foreign office cost only $1,400,000 a year, while those of England and France cost $3,. 000,000 each. His own private fortune is said not to exceed $500,000.. M'S. Black, the wife of William Biack, novelist, has preserved the orig inal manuscripts of "Madcap Violet" and "McLeod of Pare" to hand down a heirlooms to her children and chil dren's children. The bndegreom of the Princess Bea trice has not received the congratula lions ot the Prince of Wales, nor of the Duke of Edinburgh, and the re sentment of the young lady at this snub to her beloved is indicated by her ab sence from the rejoicing over the com ing of age of the Prince's son. Aipheus Felch, who in his span has served the people of Michigan as legis lator , auditor general, judge of the Su preme Court, Governor and United States Senator, eniovs the sunset of life at Ann Arbor where until lately he held the Tapan protessorseip ot law. Mr Felch is now four score and looks like Horace Greeley once looked. While the surviving members of the Earl cf Ayloaforcrs family are unavoid ably grateful over the insurance poli cies the Earl has left behind him, it is said that his runaway and much-eloping wife and the notorious Duke of Marl borough are exchanging a few meaning: winks between their tears and wondering what prudish Eng land will do when the Buckingham shire ladv becomes tne Duchess of Marlborough. The fact that rats will desert a sink ing political craft is proved by the scamper out of Tammany Hall last week. When the primaries of the County Democracy were over the names ot several leadingTammany men weae found in the standing committees of the rival organization, while a num ber of other active politicians who had never before taken any active par were also enrolled in the ranks of the victorious faction. A writer in Science, discussing the subject of rainfall in Kansas, finds that, while this has fncreased twenty per cent, in the eastern halt of the State since its occupation by the white set tlers, western Kansas has little increase of ramfull to boast of, and little to hope for. He grestty doubts, indeed, whether this half of the State, lying ontside the immediate track ot vapor laden winds, can ever have a rainfal1 adequate to maintain successful agri culture. Two of Mr. Gladstone's particular friends and associates in the Peers are Scotch Earls. Rose berry and Aber deen, who arc of the standing of his own eldest sou. Lord Aberdeen has a clever managing wife, who has had a large share in pushing hih into promi nence. His father was a shy, timid person, dreadfully snubbed by his fath er, the Prime Minister, and his own elder brother preferred sailing as mate on an American vessel to assuming the earldom. L Beating His Kecora. Mr. J as. C. Deyos.'of Jackson. Mich., bad a valuable trotting horse lamed Id the shoulders and loins. After a few applications of St. Jacobs Oil. the won dertul pain-cure, be says, he trotted him in a race, which he won in three straights heats iu 9.964, 2.28 and 9.84. beating all his former records. The VOL. IX. The colored people of Philadelphia have purchased ground on which to erect an industrial school for colored children at a cost of $100,000. Mr. Lincoln manner while signing the emancipation proclamation on New Year's nighK 1863, is thus described id a current rem : "A3 he tok up the pen he eaid to Secretary Stanton : 'My arm is numb to the shoulder from so ranch handshaking. If my hand trem bles they will say h was because I was afraid.' Then he threw out his under lip in a peculiar manner and wrote the unfaltering signature, 'A. Lincoln, ' tbatave freedom to twer twee mil lions of balcks." The 9a a Franciscans are very proud of w hat they term their Golden Gate Park of over a thousand acres. Oi all the great parks ot tho world they as sert that there is none so picturesque and none haying so many resources for variety of arboriculture. Nearly all semi-tropical trees will thrive in it. For ten years the work of tree planting has been going on, and the Park is rapidly becoming a most attractive spot. One of the best features of the place is the ocean view, me r'arK oemg jocaicu on the shore of the bay, with a driveway along the beach. It is sad to think that Nebuchadnez-1 zar after his gav life hail got to grass but sadder the thought that so many men of promise and ability find early craves by carelessness in not checking a cold in its early stages by the use of Dr. Bulrs.Cough Syrup. LOCL NE WS. H0U TO NSW ADVERTISE ETS. UamsBBKOKK Knowledge C W Yates Black Books F C Miller A Freeh 8uppiy There was no City Court this morn ing. The storm signal was flying again to-day , 1 The weather has moderated very much since sunrise. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 343 bales. Two white tramps were accommo dated with lodgings at the guard house last night. . ; The reports from all along the lines of the different railroads are that there is plenty of cold weather and to spate. It Was much colder at Weldou yester day than it was here. There were a very few flakes of snow fell this morning but getting up a res pectable snow storm in tlrs latitude is 6uch up-hill work, that the job was given up and a rain was substituted. The firemen bad a rough time of it at this morning's fire. Water froze upon everything it touched, except the fire, and those who got wet bad their cloth ing frozen unless they happened to be quite near the fiames. Br. Schooner Hattie Darling, Pearse, cleared to day for Harbor Island, W. I., with 17.000 feet lumber, 40.000 shinjrlts. 40 barrels flour ; and 1 barrel tar oil, valued at $612; shipped by Messrs. Cronly & Morris. i The weather last night was decidedly winteri9h, but it was warm here as compared with the 00-railes-an-hour hurricane they bad at Mt. Washington, N. H., yesterday. wi;h the thermome ter at 50 degrees below zero. . liar a Wood. Mr, George B. Huwes, of No. 505 Baldwin street, Elmira, N. Y., writes us that he desires to find some place in the South where there is a plenty of hard wood to be used for manufactur ing purposes in an industry which he desires to start in Ibis section. The kinds of wood wanted are not specified, but those interested and haying hard woods would do well to correspond with Mr, Hawes, at the above address. Hymeneal, j j At the residence of the bride's mother, in this city, last evening. Dr. Wm. P. O'Neill, of Charleston, S. C , was mar riend to Miss lxttie Daniel, daughter of the late N G. Daniel, of this city The ceremony was pciformed by Rt. Kev. BisboD Northrop, and was witnessed hv nnmpmns friends nt the bride and groom. A reception was neiu alter tne : " . r . wedding and the honse was thronged until the bride and groom took their departure on the last mail train for the South. Dr. O'Neill is a prominent pbysician of the city of Charleston and has won for his wife one of the most beautiful and accomplished of the many beautiful and charming young ladies ot which "City by the Sea'1 can boast. OUT Daily WILMINGTON. H. C . FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, Indications For the South Atlantic States warm We are in receipt of a ci-py of the er weather and rain, northeast winds, Japan Weekly Mail, whieh was publish shiftmg to easterly, and falling barome-ed at Tokohama on the 13th of No ter, jvember last. It contains a large Personal. 117. 1 1 . i - rtf mm 1 wt?re piaauu .o meet with Mr. Julius Samson, of New York, proprietor of the dry g ods hoow in this city which bears his nine. Mr. Samson's home is in New York but ho occasionally visits this cky. where so many years of his youth and manhood's prime were parsed. He islookfiHg well and bears his years most gracefully. This Mornin&r'sFtre. At about 3 :30 o'clock this morning fire was discovered on the roof of the small one-story frame dwelling on North Second street , next North of the Northeast intersection of that street with Hanover street. The building was occupied by a colored family. The alarm was promptly given, but owing to the unseasonable hour and the intensity of the cold the flames had gotten such headway before the arrival of the fire department, that the build ing was totally destroyed. The two--slory frame store house and dwelling on the corner of Hanover and North Second streets, which was also occupied by colored families caught fire and the root was burned oil". This latter building, was in imminent peril of total destruction and was saved by the best efforts of the firemen. Tho property belonged to Mr. Martin llathjen, and was insured in the Wilmington Mutual to the amount of $400 on the smaller building and $800 on lue larger. The dwelling next North of tho building destroyed, be longing to Mrs. Strauss, was somewhat scorched, but sustained no serious dam age, j Lieut. -Governor Stedman. Hon. Cha3. M. Stedman, Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, assumed the daiies of his office on Wednesday, and is now the presiding officer of the Senato. The following handsome al lusion to this distinguished gentleman is taken from the editorial columns of the News and Observer: Major Charles Manly Stedman, of W ilmington, who yesterday took the place as second in command of the ship of Stato. had not up to the open ing of the last campaign taken any prominent part in the politics of the State, though he had from early youth, in an unconspicuous manner, done much and faithful service in the cause of sound Democracy and had been made prominent by the deserved admiration of his friends in the politics of his citv and Congressional district. But on accenting the nomination for the' office be holds he proved tno wisdom of the convention's choice, for he can vassed the -State with such zeal and eloquence that his fame spread like wildxfire from the mountains to the seaboard. He established for himself a reputation tor logical, forci ble and eloquent appeals trom the stump, equalled only by the reputation he already enjoyed as a bri'liant advo cate at the bar. His opponent was rarely, if ever , heard of, and though perhaps the most respectable candidate on the Republican ticket, seemed only in the contest to accept as evident.even to bimseif, his position of a leader of a forlorn hope". Major Stedman is ot that class of our people who have taken into ihair own hands the work of carving out their personal fortunes and the fortunes of the State. He represents the lately awakened spirit of mate rial progress which has already produced most valuable results, and nothing that he can do to ad vance the best interests of the people will be left undone. Successful bimseif he will be able to impart the elements of success to whatever is intended for the State's good that shall come under bis control. He is a man of strong convictions and earnest speech, liberal and patriotic, able, honest nd eloquent. He 'is of singularly fine personal presence and ot the most pleasing address. In him the State has an officer of whom it may in every way be proud. He will preside over the deliberations of the Senate in a manner to lend dignity to its proceed ings, dispatch the public business and fully satisfy the senators. Major Stedman was born in Chat ham county in 1841. but removed with his family at an early age to Fayette ville. In 1857 he entered the State University and graduated with first distinction. When the war broke out be went to the front in the ranks ofjhe Fayetteville Light Infantry, and his career as a soldier was in the highest degree honorable to himself and to tne Stato he served. He emerged from the strngele Major ot the forty-fourth regiment, North Carolina volunteers, Innrl r. tnrnrxl tr i hnmn rfpnlated bv ' v , " , the enemv. With the Dluck ana ener , ffv whmh have alwavs characterized him. he vielded no a moment to des pair, but went at once to work, open-2 ing a school at Pittsboro and renewing the study of the law which he had four years before begun. In 1866 he obtain ed license to practice in the caarts oi the State, and in 1867 removed to Wil mington, where his great success at the bar and as a man oi anairs attests nis lability as a lawyer, bis honesty as a ' man and his patriotism as a citizen . keyiew. From the Antipodes. . amount of reading matter, evidently .; selected from its daily edition, and Is ,. y . . Tt j announces tho probable election of i Mr. Cleveland to the Presidency of the United States, but thinks that, with the new? at hand, the result is left in uncertainly. The Mail is printed in English, nod is gotten up Ln good sty'e. The Mr. Cicero Harris, in a recent letter to the Charlotte Observer from Wash ington, has'had something m re to ?ay relative to the applicants from this city for positions under the Federal govern ment. He adds one or two more to the !Lv. of candidates for both the Custom (loose and Postoflice, and it now stands, according to him : Hon. A. H. VanBokkelen, Mr.C. H. Robinson, Dr. A.J. DeRosset, O. G. Parsley, Esq,, Jr., Maj. C. W. McClammy and Mr. W. H. Bernard, for the former, and Col. F. W. Kerchner, Col. James G Burr and Capt. C. D. Myers for the lat ter. We prict the names in the order in which Mr. Harris 'gives them. He further says that Capt. Swift Galioway is 4 locks borns" with Messrs. Busbee and Strange for the position of District Attorney of North Carolina. Through to Richmond. It is understood that not only the trains but the conductors, engineers, firemen and brakemen on the passeDger route between this city and Richmond will, on and after the first of next month, all run through trom city to city, as hasjbeen heretofore intimated by us. Referring to this fact, yesterday's Petersburg Index-Apgeal says that Capt. A H. Cutts. conductor on the Wilmington and Weldon road, and Mr John Bullock, bagge master on the same road, arrived there Wednesday night en route for Richmond. These gentlemen have gone on for the pur pose of informing themselves as to the various stopping places on the Peters burg & Weldon and the Richmond & Petersburg roads, and to obtain such other information as might be thought proper prior to entering upon their new duties. The locomotives ot the differ ent roads composing this line have all been renumbered. THE MAILS. The malls close and arrive at the Glty Poat office as follows : CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast ..7.301'. M. Northern through and wsy mails... .8.00 A. M. Raleigh 6.45 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom includ ing A. & . C. Railroad at 7.S0 P. M. and 8.00 A. M Southern Mails for all points South, daily 8.00 P. M. Western mails (C. C. Railway) daily, (except Sunday) fi.15 P. M. All pointo between Hamlet and Ral eigh 6.43 P. M. Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road..., 1 8.00 P. M. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston 8.00 P. M- Fayettc ville and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1.00 P. M, Fayetteville.via C C Railroad, daily, except Sundays .,...6.45P. M. Onslow C. II. and intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. Smithville malls, by e team boat , dally (except Sundavs) 8.30 A. M. Malls for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, Tues days and Friday .4.00 P. M . W rights ville, daily 8.30 A. M. OPEN FOR PEL! VERY. Northern through and way mails. . . .7.80 A. M. Southern Malls ....7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 8.45 A. M. Mails collected from street boxes business portion of city at 5 A. M. , 11.3LA.M. and 5.30 p. M. and from other point of the city at 5 P. M Stamp Office open from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M., Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M to 5 P.M., continuously. General delivery open from 7 A.M. m 6 P.M. and on Sundays from 8.30 to;9.30 A. M. Carrter delivery open en Sunday from 8.30 O9.30A. M. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, "Fit l our Money Where it will do Most M." yyHEKE T- U INVKSTIN KNOWLEDGE yon ate not affected by the fall of stocks, bonds, Ac.JBy that knowledge you an con trol the same bonds, ttc. Facts and Fancy, In Proae and Poetry, Science or Religion, and all sty les and subjects In 1 ltarature, in freahnes. or arinality and beauty, are to be found in our J ibrary 1 he caaso of the people, "which is universal know ledge", U lie re taken up and for their ncnent. All Books upon all subjects, in every of bir.linz. will be sold at satisfactory p at HELSSBKBGa.R'S. jan 2 Lire Book and Music Stores Positive Bargains UE BEING OFFERED IN ALL KINDS of FANCY GOODS. Just opened a cheap lot of fixe Satia Liabons, all shade. A few shades of -Colored Silk Velvets, cheap. Tabe Damask, Toweling, Napkins. Conn terp -nes, with other Household Goods. A few of the $2 50 Gen.'s Silk Umbrellas left. A creat reduc ion la Woolen Underwear for Ladies, Gent and Boys. jan JOHN J. HEDRICK Vtei ittiLD i mm 1885. NO. 20. NKW ADVKHTISKMKfiTS. A. ii. McixlRT, Auctioneer. fiV 8. II TRIMBLE CO. AT EXCHANGE CORNER, Wednesday, January 2Sth, at 11 o'clock, we will tell three Houses an I lots, all in good repair. No. 530 Sontkwefet corner Church and ixth sts. Fire rooms, passage back and front Splenoid water ln vard. Lot about r6x v. X". 518 boutn side oMhurch and Sixth sts. Thre rooms Lot 69x40 feet. No. (ICS Sooth side Ann it., between Sixth and Seventh Streets, (painted white). Five rooms, front and back i iizzn Splendid water iu vard Lot about ft5x32 ft ct- Terms easy. Hade known dav of sale. jan 2S 5t Notice. LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY Cautioned sgainst trading for a Certificate of Do posit is sued by The First National Bank cf Willing ton, 'o. 1.724. dated Oct 31, 1878, Wfavor of B. Williams, for $ii0. Said Cert.ueate is lost and payment Is ttoppe 1. j -n i'. if A. K. WALKER, Cashier For Sale, pOR A DIVISION, TflK FAYKl TG.VJL' E "SUN" and JOB OFFICE attached, will be sold at pnblb- auction, on February th, 1835, at 112 o'clock. M. Terms cash. IB. K. BBYAN. JR , Surviving Partner of Evans & Bryan, jan 22 td j Oysters. JJUMPHREY A JENKINS, No. 11 South Front Streeet, arerenelv log a full fupply of fresh NEW RIVER OYSTERS, every day dm-liur the season. We also keep a full supi Iv of Green Groceries, Chickens and Eggs, tysters sent CO. u . jan 20 Conoley's Drug Store. aiO MAKKfcT STREET. ONOLEI'H COL09NE. j Conoley's Cough byrup, Conoley's Tee Ph7sic, And a full lire of Drugs and Chemicals for prescription use ; also. Cigars and Cigarettes. Give me a call an 21 J. W. CONOLEY. Fine Fish. gNAPPHES AND BLACK, For ealc at our market. Come c trly. janl DAVIS & SON A Fresh Supply O F DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Just arrived at F. C. MILLER'S, Oornr Fourth and Nnn sts P. S. Prescriptions filled day and night, jan 21 The Safe Side QF ALMOST ANY QUESTION IS 1HK generous side; but in matters f shopping an exception should be made and in justice to one's self, not only should advertisements be read, but goods and prices examined before accept !n i them as bsing cheap or possessing won 'erf 1 1 value. This measure we can safely ask to he applied to ike follow ing SPECIAL SAXE of KID Gl OVES just opercd, in all sizes and colors, and will be sold at 48 Cents per Pair. This is a decided baigain. An early call will secure eomc of then, for they are only a 'Imi tfdlot. -s On our centre counter we display numerous bargains ih EMBROIDERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, ' . - LACE COLLARS, &C., &C. Together with a full stock of CORSETS, UNDERWEAR, LACES, VELVETS, RIBBONS, HATS, &C, fcC AT J. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St WILMINGTON, N. C jan 19 Groceries. &c. i jgQ BHDS. PR MB CUBA MOLASSES, 1 00 Hbd Prime PoTto Rl MOLs SSES, gQQ Half Rolls Standard BAGGING. 1 000 Btlls" New Arrw tiis- J gQQ R1 Fieeed TIES, QQ BblS. FLOUR. 1AA Bbls. f-UGAR, LIME. CEMENT, PLASTER, Ac. Ail at lowest prices. WORTH & WORTH aug 73 APRT7G1 end six cents for postage a JliD and receive free, a costly box of good which will help sou to more money right away than an y thing else in tbia world Allf cither sex, succeed from the fir-1 hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once ad dress Tbce Co., Augusta, Matae. nov2dArwly Wa will be glad to roeefre eoamttaicaaoa txom oar frleade oa say aad aD b)act-. MM She writer a oat always be to the Editor. mat be .wrm oa oa one side ot the paper. PersonaBtSea must be avoided.: And it la especially aad particularly cade toed that the Editor does not always endois the views of correspondents aalea so state m tne editorial NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 1 1 1 Mules for Sale. 0 GOOD FARM MULES, j Q FAB Y LORSB3 for sale, fowor caih. Apply at once to T. J. SOOTHERLAND, jan 21 St . 106 nd 11 North Secokd HL A Card. rpO THE COUNTRY FARMERS AND MKRCHANTS. If yon want good prices and q jic returns for yanr produce, cons'gn It to J. R. MARSHALL, No. 2t North Water St.. Wlhnlnton7N. V. He solicits consiranienu of al kind a of pro duce snd Naval Stores. jaa 14 d&w I EXTRA BARGAINS ! -IN- Winter Dress Goods. Velvets, Cloaks, L Shawls, Blankets, Flannels, Underwear. BLACK SILKS From 50 cts. up. -AT- M. 13. MZ'S, 116 Market St. jan 12 Comforfable and Stylish, QUR COMMON SENSE SHOES FOR Ladies. Our HOES for Gents' wear at ess'ly and wear eomfottablr. 91 lescs and Children's SHOES In great variety and shapes to fit witbout hurting. Come and try a pair. Sold low at ' ...... i. ,l bmsi1 i : Geo. K. French & Sons', 108 NORTH FRONT STREET jan 19 Olemmer. FEW JfOBE OF THAT CELEBRATED FlKST-CLaSS WHISKEY jast received. CAROLINA YACHT CLUB fc stlH holds the Cake. Try McGOWAN'S Old North tae Ealcoi and avc money. jm 7 . ' Something Mew. j HAVE JUST RECEIVED BY RAIL A Vanilla Flavored Syrup, The finest Syrap ever offered in this market. ALSO A FULL LINK OF Fancy Sl Staple Articles FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE HOLIDAYS. Call snd examine at Crspaa's Family Grocery. G. M. CRAFON, Aft., dec 16 22 South Eront St

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