THIS P APEIi imtiubed erery eianlng. Sundays ax- JOSH T. JAMES, PITOR AlfD P RO Y KJXTO K. 9UB8CRIFTIOH8 POSTAGE PAID. r. i oo Six month. $2.08. Three Months, SL00; One month. 36 cento. The paper will be delivered by carter free of charge, in any part of the city, at the above r atea, or 10 cento per week Aitvestlslng ratd low ad nbexaL .-iiierlbers will report any and all fall jjcb to rooelve their paper regularly, iy 77if Zfcu'Jy Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper t Uished, in the city of Wilmington. Xicpitcher of the Mutual Club of Jackson, Mich., away back in the 6fties, is now a Judge of the Snprem Court in that State. The Buffalo Commercial remarks : Iho town of Charlestown, W. Va , is the. only American eity paved with bricks in the middle of the streets. brick3 turned endwise and set on wood. They laet well, and have been known JOO years in Holland.' ... Kisjbt meD, all of whose names end ed with the same letter, are said by the Jacksonville (Fla.)7Yme- Union to have met in a restaurant in that place re cently and without previous arrange ment. Their n nies were Wiltz, Jitz K"z, Dritz. BrUz, Puetz and Scbmidtz. . The NatUical Gazette says that nine tenths of all the disasters at sea occur in thu second male's watcb, and it con cludes that a very largo proportion of oflicers ot that 'grade are incompetent or unreliable. It suggests that mates should be examined and licensed ju3t as their superior officers are. - - - An unpublished and very character istic epitaph by Burns is printed by a Dumfries journal: lieneath these Bods lies drunken Rhode?, Vba ne'er was keuned to drink cauld water, . Like ciack o' mill the whiskey fiill Inspired his tongue wi' endless clat ter. .. A very small word often makes a great difference, either by being omitted or superadded. Thus the Butte (Mon tana) Inter-Mountain publishes a supple mentary wedding notice in which, " speaking of one that had already ap peared, it says: "The statement should have read that they were 'married a few days ago.' instead of 'married a tow days,' as the wedding contract was doubtless intended to ba permanent." The City of Brotherly Love must be the abiding piace of nearly all the "Fiench spoliation" claimants. Al ready demands to the amount of $8. 000,000 have been filed from Philadel phia. It is calcuiated that persons claiming abont one-third ot the money will not be able to substantiate their relationship with those who suffered the loss. The amount of claims in ex istence is estimated at $12,000,000. An appeal for clergymen to go there is published in a Houston, Idaho, pa per, which says: "Among our people are many who desire an opportunity to attend religious services, and tbey are already making arrangements for the construction of suitable edifices in which to hold them. First come best served ; theretore, Gospel men should not delay, for 'now is the accepted time!'" James Em mitt is a rich and eccentric old Democrat of Waverly, Ohio. He is also the owner of a large brass can non, and every morniug since Cleve land's election he has aroused the echoes of the Scioto Valley, and also the ire of his Republican neighbors, by firing a salute of three guns. Mr. Emmitt pur poses to continue his 'exuberant and disturbing demonstrations until the 4th of March. . The Hopkins, Mo.. Journal tells this story, apropos of the low price of corn io the West : "Some weeks ago, when corn was at its lowest notch, a farmer brought a load to town and inquired the price, 'Fifteen cents.' was the re ply. The farmer paused and gazed upon the ground thoughtfully. At last be said: 'I wonder it there ain't any place in town whore I could trade that load of corn lor a load of cobs. I'm about out of wood'." The Washington monument has al ready been turned to a scientific use. Prof. Si mon Newcomb has been using the top of the monument for measuring the velocity of light, and believes that he has obtained more accurate data for estimating the distance and magnitude of the sun. The velocity of light is measured with a degree of accuracy n.ver before obtained. Prof. New comb toils a reporter of the Philadel phia Tunes that he thinks the error in his calculations cannot exceed one four-hundred-miUionth part of a second. It is quite possible that these and other uses of the unsightly pile on the Poto mac may render it beautiful for useful ness, and therefore a fit monument of Washington. S4JSTiAGOtDE jjjg VEGASCuBA. Jnp Sera fin Costalas says: "I was cured of facial neuralgia of six months sttfdiDg by few applications of St. r -o- iu gicaii ivutcuj The VOI. IX. LOCAL NEWS. tlOEl TO It ADVERTISE EftTf .1 Heiksbebger Notice H kthsbbkoes Knowledge C W Y ATK8 15 ink Book? P C Miller A. Fresh Supply Day's length 10 h mrs and 4 minutes. There was no City Court this mom in. . There were no interments in Bellevue Cemetery this week. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 83 bale.. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 13 minutes past 5 o'clock. There was one interment in Oakdale Cemetery this week a child. Thanks to Mr T. B. Womack, of the House, for valuable public documents Two travellers were accommodated with lodgings at the guard house las1 nigbt. v There wer1 four interments this week in Pine Forest- of which three were adults and one was a child. The Register of Deeds issued four marriage licenses this week, one for a white and three for colored couples. The Southern bound travel is exceed ingly large, and many of the travellers make it convenient to stop over here for a night or two. Elder P. G. Lester of Wilson, will preach at the Primitive Baptist Church on Castle street, between Fifth and Sixth at the usual hours to-morrow. A little rain puts the street crossings ot the city, especially those in the busi ness quarters, in a wretched plight. Cannot something be done to remedy this evil? J The railroad men on the W. &. W. road are all agog over the through run to be made to Richmond, beginning on the first of next month, and . the con. ducters and engineers have been going over the- R & P and Petersburg roads to acquaint themselves with the route. Rev. Dr. Pritchard will preach to morrow morning, at the usual hour, at the First Baptist Church. Subject: "The Family Constitution," it being the first of a scries of three sermons on family religion. At night his subject will be "Sacerdotalism." After the sermon o morrow night the ordinance of baptism will be administered to two persons-both females. Indications For the South Atlantic States, rain, followed by fair weather; warmer Southerly winds and falling barometer. In Port. There are 34 vessels in port to-day. Of these 15 are barques 2 British, 6 Norwegian, 6 German and 4 Swedish ;3 are brigs 1 Norwegian and 2 Ameri can; and 16 arc schooners 1 Spanish, 1 British and 14 American, The Weather. Railroad men inform us that the weather was colder and the storm was worse South of here yesterday than it was here. Sleet fell and ice formed in the front of the cars all the way from Charleston to Marion, Si C , at which place it changed to rain. . Cotton. The receipts of cotton at this port for the week ending with to-day foot up 1396. bales as against 1.616 bales for cor responding .week of last year, a decrease this week of 220 bales. The receipts of the crop year to date foot up 87.296 bales, against 82.531 bales to January 26th of last year, an increase thisjycar of 4 765 bales. , Astromoiiy. Prof. R. A Proctor, who will appear at the Opera House on the nights of the 29th and 30th inst., is one of iho great est living astronomers The popular ity and loccess of Professor Proctor's lectures on astronomy have been phe nomenal. Coming to the United States .for the first time in 1873, he was at once placed in the front rank of eloquent platform teachers; and he has ever since maintained this position in his several aeries of lectures in this coun try, as well as in those given by him in Canada, Great Britain, and Australia. He speaks entirely without notes, and embellishes his lectures with a felicity of expression seldom found in a public speaker. The views of the heavenly bodies are extremely beautiful, and re ceive the highest commendation of his audiences. We observe quite a fine display of new Revolvers for very reasonable rices , at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t Daily WILMINGTON. N. C SATURDAY. JANUARY T A Centenarian. Ceasar Smith, colored, died yester day at his heme in Marstellar street. He was undoubtedly a centenarian, and the death certificate placed him at 100 years of age. He leaves children, grand children and great grand-children, come of whom claim that he was 120 years old. He had always lived in the city or in the immediate vicinity, and was known by many of our people. I'ersonai. Capt. Wjb. Smith Superintendent of thn Raleigh & Gastpn R. R. am! the Raleigh & Augusta Air Line, was in the city yesterday. Rev. T. W. Dosh, D. D , of Salem. Va., arrived in this city this morning and is the guet of Rev. F. W. E. Pes. chau Dr. Dosh will preach, in Eng lish, to-morrow night, at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, services to commence at hair-past 7 o'clock. A Warm Wave. It rained hard nearly ail night and from cold, raw weather in the early part of the night, there was a arm wave struck the Jcityabouf 9 30 o'clock last night which was really phenome nal. Tho murcurv rose rapidly in the thermometers and many who nad reatcher: Theae officera are all located tired with an extra amount ot covering upon their beds were forced by the heat to discard a portion of it. For a considerable part of the night the at moshere was warmer out of doors than it was in tireless rooms. This Morning's Fire. At about 4 o'clock this morning some of our citizens, residing in the South - ern portion of the city, were Btarbled in alarm from their slumbers by twol loud reports, one immediately following the other, and were astonished to find the store of Mr. B. Bellois, on the South west corner of Ann and Seventh streets, a mass of flames. The explosions were probably caused by a can of kerosene and a keg of power becoming ignited. The alarm was at once given and the firemen were promptly on hand, but tho flames had gotten such headway when the fire was discovered that it was impossible to save cither the store or any of its conteuts. There was in surance on the store amounting to $700 and the same on the stock, making the total insurance $1,400, in the German American Insurance Co , represented in this city by Messrs. Atkinson & Manning; Mr. C. Bellois. a Brother of the proprietor, was sleeping in the store at the time and was awoke by being almost strangled by the dense volume ot smoke wiuh which the room was filled. He had barely strength to get to the rear door and remove the bar and escape lrom the building, when he was overcome and fell help less in the street. A moment later he would have been suffocated and beyond the reach of human aid. Shooting Affair. John Turner, colored, living on Ran kin street, was badly wounded on Thursday night, by some party whom he claims assaulted him as he was re turning from a lodge meeting. Dr. F. W. Potter was notified yesterday of the affair and visited the wounded man to whom he rendered all the assistance possible. Mayor Hall took the affidav it of Turner, which was substantially as follows: He was on his way home from lodge meeting on 'the night in question, and was near his house when a party of men appeared in sight by one oi whom he was bailed. He re" plied, "hello," When the men began fir ing on him, one ot the balls taking effect in the Upper portion of the thigh. Turner ran and hid himself in the bushes, where he remained conceal ed during the remainder of the nigbt and until daylight yester day morning, when he ventured to go home. Turner swore, thit the man who shot him was Charles Geyer, a colored man and one of the leading spirits in the Labor Union, and upon affidavit being made to that effect Mayor Hall issued a warrant and had Geyer arrested and bound over in the sum of $100 for his appearance before him. in bis capacity of justC3 of the peace, as soon as Turner is able to be present to testify in the matter. '-To rner to-day is as comtortable as could be expected; but has been found thus far impossible to remove the builet. It will probably be several days before he will be in a condition to ap pear before a court to testify in the matter, and the nature of the wound will probably cause him annoyance aor some time to come, and unless care is used in his nursing it may prove very serious in its consequences. REYIEW. Chicken Thieves. Some of these growlers last bight visited the premises of Mr. W. M. Poisson, oo Mulberry street, between Sixth aad Seventh, probably for the purpose ol selecting a tew chickens for their Sunday's dinner, but were heard by Mr. Poisson, who in starting to see what was the matter, made some noise which alarmed the thieves, and they de camped minus the poultry. It seems however, that they were determined to feast oa Mulberry street chicken, for they went across the street and visited the premises oT Mr. A W. Watson, and stole every chicken in bis coop. Transportation Department Maj. J. R. Kenly Superintendent of the Atlantic Coast Line, Richmond Division, has issued a circular naming the officer in his department. For the Wilmington & Weldon R. R., Capt. James Knight, the able and efficiet ofli cer who ha? so long been in charge of the transportation on the W, & W. R. R. and the W. C. & A. R. R., is named as Master ot Transportation; Mr. E. Borden, of the ciry, is Chkf Operator and Train Dispatcher, and Mr W. J. Brown, recently of the Petersburg R. R , is Train Dis here, with headquarters in this city For tho Richmond and Petersburg R. R. and Petersburg R. R. Mr. C. E. Tompkins is name as Chief Opera tor and Train Dispatcher, and Mr. W. J. Taylor a3 Assistant Train Dispatch er, both with headquarters at Rich mond. Other officers named are Mr. J. A 1 ... . . , Vo . J. ... . . , A;c.f, , . . , r -J , . Yard Muster at Weldon; Mr. J. A Fountain, Agent at Rocky Mount, charged with the duties of Yard Master at that point; Mr. T. W. Slocumb, Agent at Goldsboro, charged With the duties of Yard Master at that point. It is reported that famine threaters notbern Russia, but it is a certainty that millions of colds will be bothering American people this winter. Against famine there is no protection, but for every cold there is a Dottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Extract from a Private Let ter. Regarding Dr. David Kennedy's "Favorite Remedy,' the writer, Prof. A. B. Chandler Principal of the Acad emy, Brookheaven, Miss., says; T suffered from torpidity of the Liver and Bowels and Paralysis, I used the Favorite Remedy for two months, and am now able to use my side which for along time bad been like apiece of dead flesh. My general health was never better than at present, fmw&w DRUM KEN II ESS, OR THE .LIQUOR HABIT, CAN BE CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES' 60LDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it, effecting a speedy and per manent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee with out their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful effects result from its administration. Cures guaranteed. Circulars and testimonials sent free. Address, Golden Specific Co., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, (). d od & w6m Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's Depot. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice- rjiHE BAFFLING FOB THAT FINE MUSIC BOX, playing eight tunes, and worth one hun dred dollar j., will take place at 8 o'clock, Sat urday evening. January 24th. Parties Inter ested will piesee be on hand at J an 24 Jt HK1N8 bAKUliin d "Pot Your line; Where it will do Most Mr "YTIIERE Tr-U INVEST IN KNOWLEDGE you are not affected by the fall of stocks. bonds, Ac. By that knowledge you can con. trol the same bonds. Ac I acts and Fancy, in Prose and Poetry. Science or Religion, and all styles and subjects In Literature, in freshness, orisrtnality and beauty, are to be found in our 1 lbrary. 1 he cause of the .people, "which Is universal knowledge", is here taken up and for their benefit. All Hooks upon all subjects. In every style of binding, will be sold at satlsf actcry prices at HEINSBEBGfcB'S, j an t i Live Book and Music Stores Positive Bargains BE BEING OFFFRED IN ALL KINDS of FANCY GOODS. Just opened a cheap lot of fine Satin Bibbons, all shades. A few shades of Colored Silk Velvets, cheap. Tab'.e Damask. Towelings, Napkins, Coun terpanes, with other Household Goods. A few of the $4.50 Gent's SUk Umbrellas left. A creat reduction in Woolen Underwear for Ladies, Genti aad Boys, jan 13 JOHN J. HEDBICK 24, 1885. NO. 21. NEW ADVBRTI8EMEKTM; A. G. McUlKT, Auctioneer. BY S. H TB1MBLE A CO. a T EXCHANGE COBKER, Wednesday, January 28th, at 11 o'clock, we will tell three Houses and lots, all in good repair. No. 520 Southwest. corner Church and Mxth sis. Five rooms, passage back and front Splendid water in yard. Lot about (tixSC. No. 518 South side of ( hurch and Sixth sts. Threi rooms. Lot 00x40 feet. No. 608 South side Ann St., between Sixth and Seventh streets, (painted white). Five rooms, front and back piazza- Splendid water in yard Lot about 55x82 feet. Terms easy; Made known day of sale. jan 22 St Notice. ALL PEBSON3 ABE HEREBY Cautioned against trading for a Certificate of Deposit is sued by Tbe First National Bank of Wllmlng ton. No. 1.724, dated Oct 31, 1878, iffavor of B. Williams, for $U0. Said Certificate is lost and payment Is stoppe 1. an 1 tt A. K. WALKER, Cashier For Sale. pOR A DIVISION, THE FAYETTS.VILI E "SON" and JOB OFFICE attached, will be S- sold at public auction, on February 6th, ISS.i, at 12 o'ClockafM . Terms cash. L B. K. BBYAN. JR f Surviving Partner of Evans & Bryan, jan 22 td Oysters. JJUMPHREY A JENKINS, No. 11' South Front Streeet, arereceiv Inrr full inrnilT nt f-naU KBW ritVVD pi . AM.. UUjJJ Vi 111 It . 1. FT 1 k 1 f J j I. OYSTERS, every day durinir the season. We also keep a full supt ly ot Green Groceries, Chickens and Eggs, oysters sent C. O. i . jan 20 Conoley's Drug Store. 216 MARKET STREET. CONOLEl'S COLOGNE, Conoley's Cough Syrup, Conoley's Tecpiiyslc, And a full lice of Drugs and Chemicals for prescription use ; also. Cigars and Cigarettes. Give me a call aa 21 J. W. CONOLEY. Fine Fish. gNAPPEES AND BLACK, For eale at our market. Come e rly . jan 21 DAVI8 A SON A Fresh Supply QF DRUG 3 AND CHEMICALS, Just arrived at F. C. MILLER'S, Corner Fourth and Nun sts P. S. Prescriptions filled day and nigbt. Jan 21 The Safe Side QF ALMOST ANY QUESTION IS 1 HE generous side; but In matters of shopping an exception should be made and In justice to one's self, not only should advertisements be read, but goods and prices examined before accepting them ss bing cheap or possessing wen 'erf ol value. This measure we can safely ask to be applied to the follow irg SPECIAL SALE of KID GJ. OVES just opcr ed, In all tiaes and colors, and will be sold at 48 Cents per Fair. This is a decided baigain. An early call will secure some of the a, for they arc only a limi ted lot. On our centre counter we display numerous bargains in EMBROIDERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, LACE COLLARS, &C, &C. Together with a full stcck of CORSETS, UNDERWEAR, LACES, VELVETS, RIBBONS, HATS, JLC., AC AT J. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St WILMINGTON, N. C jan 19 Groceries, fcc. j gQ BHDS. PB'ME CUBA MOLASSES, QQ Hbds. Prime Porto Bi MOLASSES, enn Half Bolls Standard BAGGING. 1 000 &Us New Attow ties 1 500 8(110 F leced TIE9' 500 Bbls FLOUR 1 00 Bbl3' SUG AR ' ' 2oo Bags coffe LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, Ac. AB at lowest price. WORTH & WORTH augtt APPT7I? send ix cents for postage JlSaMJLKa, OTd receive free, a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else In this world All cf either sex, succeed from the fir t hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, abeoletely scan. At once ad dress Tkue ft Co., Augusta, Maine. BOY a unr is H LEASE 9Qff: irtwuikisd to rtcia gonarallntereatbat ,; . Med to the Editor. one side of tin papec. Personalities must be avoMv: it Is etood that the the Views of rn the editorial coin NICW ADVEKTI8EMK5TH A Card. rpO THE (JOjUNTRY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS. I If you want flood prices and quiet returns for your produce, consign it to J. B. MARSHALL. No. 21 North Water 8 1 Wilmington. N. C- Hc solicits conslgnpicoU of all kinds of pro uuce 8 in navai aicres. jan 14 dAw EXTRA BARGAINS ! -IN- Winter Dress Goods. Velvets, Cloaks, Shawls, Blankets, Flannels, Underwear. 1 . BLACK SILKS From 50 cts. up. -AT- m. i urn, 116 Market St. jan 12 Comfortable and Stylish, QUE COMMON SENSE SHOES FOB Ladies. Our & HOES for Gents' wear At easily and wear comfoxUhir. Misses and Children's 8HOES in great variety and shapes to at without hurting. Come and try a pair. Sold s low at Geo. K. French & Hons' , 108 EOBTH FBONT STREET jan 19 Notice, APPLICATION WILL BK MADE TO the Legislature of tbe State of North Carolina at its next session, for tbe passage of an Act incorporating the Wltmingten, Oeslew ft East i arofina Ballroai Company, also an Act to incorporate a company to build a railroad from Wilmirgton to Fayctteville, N. C: ;a!so, to amend the Charter of tbe Cape Fear ft Tad kin Valley Baiir ad ompany. Wilmington. N. C 11th 1 ec. 1884 dec 11 Sot Clemmer. 4 FEW MOBE OF THAT CELEBRATED FIBST-CLaSS WUI'KEY jnst received. CAROLINA YACHT CLL B fcc Cf OA RH stiri holds the Cake. Try McGO WAN'S Old North ta'e Salco i and tare money. jan 7 Something New. '. 'it IT HAVE JCST RECEIVED BY BAIL A Vanilla Flavored Syrup, The finest Syrup ever oflered In this market. ALSO A FULL LINE OF Fancy & Staple Articles FOB CHRISTMAS AND THE HOLIDAYS. Call and examine at Crapon's Family Grocery. O. M. CR APON, Agt., , dee 16 0 Soath Frost t especially aad pamcwiarty trde Bdttardoaa not always awdois ayiliwU raii or Mat

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