PXJSAfft SK THiS PAP evening, sonuaya W win I glad to s1flai . ever? The REVIEW. all att)e. eepted by jOSH T. JAMES, isssof the witter Bust aiwsya be ebbed to fbsB&tor. one aide ef the pspes. PerKmanUea must be avoided.; And it Is especially and particularly cr do stood that the Eklltor doej aot a!wT aatlois th rlewa of correspondent uucca bn la the editorial eohuaaa. fc .noTKlF T ATTV k'S"' a- months. tl-W. Three a l , nt . - - One month, 35 cento. t6, J,. I-, delivered by carrier tree ..1 if!1 ...n of the city. a the above W:aU per wee. rrse and libera L VOL. IX. WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1885 NO 22. Jr.P ---5 AJld All tafl- Daily W ei tew Afli toryes ' nf (in. newspaper , xr ii,!nh nf Oreeon. has o. ri mrf hirn cost UlUI :.fc.n-' in UI He i3 a large holder ot North- 000 1 . the ' .... i . ;i nn dr- acralic 3t!!nai vuuiu.iv. 1. .. . i ha - 1 m m 1 1 f ft ..I-... i (ii id a i3irv tale. has been trjing .irs on wi r on the homan now ,verage number ot bairt I,06f . aud esiioiatts - 1 L - - - - t AMI u 1 , r? tor ue wuro American Druggist -rl.. recant advance i a t ne puuu be of a purely mine H thought lO r . - an,l nt warrant.. lecnlative cna- ivciei , - - b any curtailment ol too supply. O.'thasnuples"! Jnuon ratis ex- intd :n 18&4, 20 per cent, were nam- it: ....li-ola nolnnlata red. lhe puoiit; uuaijaw . al the people pay about 4W,iroo ior ii A,,, i ha n a m rf milk. rater soiu uuun i . - - i-f: n . in Vq I axr rogoD, according to papers ioao. tnai t;n ; as creen as in aiay, wuuc t i " I " ' il; a few weeK3 ao iue waio i iLA mvh a cr rnit r. rag covered with tnow to a depth oi ro feet. Au offer of $700 has been refused by l citizen of Thomas county, Ga , for a ladstone which he found in Montgom- Irv coiiatv while on a visit mere ie- r j ntly. It is egg-shaped; and about aif the si2e of a hen's egg." The British Medical lemperance Lssociatiou offer one hundred guin- Ls iur the best essay on the physical Lad moral advantages of total absti- ence, to be written by the medicaft Itudenis of the Unitei Kingdom. A man named Senor Nicholas Anche- tna, of Buenos Ayres, recently de feased, in said to have been the richest inner in the world. He had 1.710 (quare miles of land, 152,000 cows, ),000 sheep, and 5,030 horses. His Lstetl footed up $120,000,000. The cost of carrying a bushel of h-ain from Chicago to New York -by ike and canal was, in 1868, twentj ve cents, and by all rail forty-two Brits. In 1862 these figures were re uced to eight and fourteen cents rif ipecUrely. Three aUempts, all of which were partially successful, were made on Sat- ifday last to wreck public buildings in Ixmdon. Two of these attemots were a Parliament House and Westminster :d the other was on the famous Tow- tr. Dynamite was the instrument used md the resnlt i3 that the Houses ot Parliament were partially wrecked, consiUerab.e damage was done tb Westminster Hall, and the ,:White rower" was badly injured by the lorce of the explosion. The at- Ifmptj were made at a time when aero were a large number of Yiitors iu the buildings, amon? - - iwhpm were many women and chil dren, end as a consquence, some serious casualties are reported. The Iaufliors of the outrages are as yet unde tected although the most vigorous ef- Iforu are being made to unearth them Of Course thf oifV rfl.rnfrY n1 11 E'.nd is lull of intense excitement over the da&tardly attempt and this ex- Icttement has spread even to this couns try. The act is denounced as a species of most unmit!afo,i ;i lamy aud the fact that innocent neo- p.e-travellers and tourists, womon nrf children wer rh riniin.c w .,u.uj3 ui LUIS uia- bol.sni adds its intensity to the horror ruu which the civilized world rpirnrria the act. The outrage is generallv credited m ! e di aaaiiters ot the O'Donovan Rossa WaraD, men who parade as patriots unout one of the simplest instincts of patriotism in their vile souls and who trade upon the pore sympathies and Patriotic feelings of others for the fceanswith which to carry out their n private schemes of hatred and revenge. These men are not the lrsh party but the camp followers, the Stumors and barn-burners who hang t to the skirts of those who love their tive land and would see her wrongs Pressed because of that nsre and nn kfi!ed love of country which is next to toe love of God in the heart of cyery true patriot. w A I Vict, w- 1V.V ir. r cunwi Luiiv rTni, siaies mat great pain-cure, St. Jacobs Oil, Zf l!,e."J thing which ever gave p rehf from rheama'ic pains. For nearly a quarter of a century the Governj;cnt of the United States has been in the hands of a party which felt constrained, as far as possible, to roan age the affairs ot the people upon the assumption that it understood their business bet'er than they themselves understood it. With the change which the people effected at the late election, pay3 the Phi'adelphia Record, the Gov ernment will becari?d on in the bc l et'ihatthe people can best manage their own affairs. -m a-, eJirought year. One covered five and the other eight acres, and cooained respectively three and two t3'iHons of tcct. Two weeks were ccupied in the transit from a pea aft about a hundred miles Riior made ud in sections, they were run separately through the rapids and rivers, and wfre united where there was plenty of room. The total distance was 600 miles. It was the Grst attempt to run rafts of logs through the rapids at the Sault, which are a mile long, with a descent of twenty feet. The devii would persist in bothering Martin Luther until the haldhead monk dispatched him wiih a bottle of ink; so we learn that a bottle of ink might rid you of any devil, but a bot tle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrrp will always rid you of any cold. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO klW ADViRTISEMEinS. Consumption Tee Science of Life Da Ab. Meskrolk Ji.s C W Yates Bl nk Books Shrieei We Fesl Thankful flBiNBBEuoEK Blank Books F C Miller v Fresh Supp'y For fcEXT A Front Wlntjow Will West No Failure Here Otterbocrg Closing Out Sale Prof R. A. Proctor Lecture W E Stringer St Co Hardware Giles & Murchisok New Goods Parker & Tatlor L4br ry Lamps P L Bbidgers A Co God Suggestions Geo R French & Sons Comfortable mad Et lisll 1 For other locals see fourth page. There was no City Court this morn- ing- ' The offshore ttorm signal was flying to-day. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 121 bales. There were no tramp3 lodged at the guard house last uight. It was a bad clay for church goers yesterday and last night, j A cold wave was blowing djwu upon us from the North this morning, but the sun managed to struggle through the cloud? during the forenoon and made things a little more cheerful. To every Housekeeper a good substantial cook stove is an important necessity and our readers will find the best at FactorY prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t f Mrw. Kenlv is not only Master of Transportation for the Richmond Di vision but for the entire Atlantic Coast Line. 'The appointments named by him , as published in our Satueday's i3. sue, are for the Richmond Divisiofi. A good cook, and a young colored girl, is wanted at our residence, and a smart white boy, wlu can write and work, is wanted at our store. Apply at once to John Dyer, Tailor and Hab erdasher ' t In regard to cue afreet pedestrians, the line, "Some know the right, but still the wrong pursue," Should be made to read : f "Some know the right, but still the left pursue." Indications. For the South Atlantic States, fair and cold weather and Northwesterly winds, except on the North Carolina Coast, where they will be Northerly, and rising barometer. Tlte Markets. The recent cold and rainy weather has deterred many from coming to town with vegetables, fowls and such like, and on Saturday tho markets pre sented a rather deserted appearance. The following are some of the prices asked : Cabbage, from 10c to 20c per head; Irish potatoes, 40c per peck; sweet potatoes, 20c per peck ; turnips, 40 cents per peck ; relery, three bunches for 25c; chickens, from 20to 35c each ; docks 75c per pair; turkeys, 20c per pound; eggs, 30c per dojseti; apples, 40c per peck. Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's Depot. f Midnight Thieves. There has been such .an amount of midnight stealing recently in the East ern section of the city that the people residing there feel that some certain method should be adopted by which the outrages may be stopped. With the present number of policemen it is impossible for that body to exercise complete surveillance over the city, and the people, aware of this fact, will feel compelled to employ a special force to look after their interests and for tfe pnr taction of their property. The subject tefdHMd and. unless these fre quent rob! f ies cease or are abated in a great degree, private watchmen will Jflt lbe.0yAMaLof whom s9Hl be made by a com bination of citizens who are determined that these freemen t robberies shall night passes in which some ot our citizens are not visited, their premises raided and their proper ty stolen, and it frequently occurs that two' or three houses are made to con tribute to these scamps in a single night. The thieves have thus far es caped with such ease and freedom that they have become emboldened in their pursuit of plunder, and they will "con tinue to rob until summary methods shall be used to prevent it. Personal. Dr. A. B. Burr and wife, who have been a visit here for about two weeks, have returned to New Brunswick. Hon. George V. Strong, Raleigh, has been in the city for some days past on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Nor wood Giles. Mr. W. H. Muse arrived here on a brief visit to his parents on last Satur; daynight. His wife has been here nearly two weeks. From the Wreck. Capt. R. II. Beery returned to the city to-day from Stump Sound, where he has been engaged in an attempt to get the wrecked schooner Isaac L. Clark afloat. He had made iair pro gress and had it not been for the un favorable weather would baye gotten her off last week. He reports that the vessel is strained but very little, if any, and that when once pumped ont and afloat she will require but very lew re pairs. DIED. SOUENCK At 105Pecond Place, Brooklyn N. Y.,on the 21st ajt., was suddenly called hence, ELIZA. A. SCHKNCK, widow of Wll Ham Scheack, In the 8 th ear of her ago. NEW ADVER18EMENTJ For Rent. A FRONT WISLOW IS WHEKLKB & WILSON Macf'g Co's Office, wltb plenty of room In front and back rcom. Can he rent ed cheap. Appl7 at office, 119 Princess 8t. References required, jan '.6 u: New Goods EVERY STEAMER. For sale low by BY CUES A MURCHI30N, jan 26 Murchlson Block. Library Lamps, AND AND STAND" 1 AMPS, LAMP H RnniM. Ohimneva and Shades. We have jotst received a full supply of our pcpnlar STOVES. Have yon seen our Improved Far n cr? Pure Y hlte Oil always on hand. PARKER TAILUp, jan 26 S3 South Tr ont fit Prof. R. A. Proctor, IJtHE DISTINGUISHED ENGLI8H AS tronomer, will give two Illustrated Lectures on ASTRONOMY, in the OPERA HOUSE, as follows: Ihurjday Evening, Jan. 25 "The Life of a World." N , Friday Evening, Jan. 30 "The Son." Beaullfnl Stereoptlcan Views shown with 03.cti Lecture Admission 50 cents. No extra ctarge for reserved eats. No w on sale at flelnsberger's. jan 26 St m w th So Failure Here. J TAKE THIS MEANS OF SAYING THAI tne report current In the streets to day that the undersigned hd failed is utterly untrue aai without any founiatl-n whatever. It arose "perhaps f r m a suit In a Just'ce's Court against a person bearing a name that sounds similar to that of the undersigned. I have iot failed and will not fail to keep "off hand the fiaest liqnors and riars and to keep the finest restaurant in the city where all can drive dult care away by familiarity with the finest the market affords. The only failare around mv way la the failure Walker Mooie met with in collecting bills this morning bnt be will try again WILL WEST, Prop. Gen Restaurant and Saloon . jan tf NEW AD V ERT IS E M i'.NTS. That our efforts to place before our patrons the best goods for the least money are appreciated ! OUR GREAT SUCCESS We attribute largely to the splendid bargains we have been and still are able to give our customers. It appears that our extremely low prices have caused the impression that there is something mysterious about oui system ot doing on si ness. A few words will clear away the mystery. We sell low because our system of buying enables us to procure the larst bulk of goods lower than can be manufactured; next, the low expense in proportion to the vast amount of busi- fness we do - allows us to sell what the goods cost. Our system is very simple, and these words explain all. We wish the public to understand that we do not advertise goods in a fictitious way, telling you that our goods are worth double what we ask for them; but we claim what we do and do what we claim; and we do most decidedly claim that the goods we are offering are be low the prices asked elsewhere. If you purchase any goods from us and don't find that they are in every particular as represented, bring them back and we will refund the money. HHi THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST., jan 26 GOOD SUGGESTIONS ! . The Creamery Buttered Flour TS MEETING WITH SUCH MARKED sHcce s that we fir d It will pay us to sell it for 25 CENTS PER PACKAGE. Thla tcces3ary article of food 13 prepared with so much care, and Is such a great convenience to housekeep ers, that we do not hesitate to put it on the market. 1 he finest LIGHT BREAD, ROLLS, MUFFINS, WAFFLES and CAKES of all kinds can be made in a few minutas and with out any trouble. It is " oteanly that you can make your Cakes, Breads, Ac. in the house without af- foe tin the tidiness of the rootn. Receipts ac company each package. It is prepared by Mr. J. H. Strange, a for mer Wilnaingtonlan, now of New York city, and we know it Is PURE AND WHOLESOME. PRICE REDUCED TO 26 CENTJPEB PACKAGE. 0 P. L. BRIDGERS & 00. HO North Front 8t. jan 26 Comfortable and Stylish, QUR COMMON SENSE SHOES FOR Ladles. Our SHOES for Gents wear lit eas'ly and wear c:mfo: tablv. Misses and Children's SHOES In great variety and shapes to fit without hurting. Ccme and try a pair. Sold low at , j Geo. R. French & Sons', 108 NORTH FRONT STREET Jan SG Blank Books. J EDGBBS, JOURNALS, CASH BOOKS, Day Books, Invoice Books, BUI Books, 1 rial Bala-ces, Time Books; Note, Draft and Be eelpt Books, new styles; Checks Bank of New Hanover, Checks iirst National Bank; Paper, Legal Cap, Cap, letter. Note and Blliet; Pens, Inks of ail kinds, Steel Pens, Pencils, and many other articles, just received and for sale eheapat HEINSBEBGSR'S, jan 26 Live Book and Music Stores Blank Books, STTKB BOOKS. caKCK, KOTEAND Kecelpt Books, all tizes. in atrck and made to order. ' pscial attention to orders forLliho grarhlng Checks, Drafts, Letter He ids, Visi ting Carls. Invitations, Ac Seals and Bnb ber Stamps of every description mads to or der. A fall stork of Ooe and Fancy Sta tionery always on hand. C. W. YATES. 119 Market St )an 2b Hardware o F ALL KINDS AND IN ANY QUAJ5TT- Wholesale and Retail at BOCK BOTTOM B. SPRINGER CO.. 19. 21 23 Market Street, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. af a very small trifle above CONSUMPTION I bT a positive remedy for the bovo disease t by its use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of fotig Etsmriinir hare been cured. Indeed, Fostr-ongis mr faith ln ltsefflcMy'thatlwill send TWO BOTTLES FREK, Kher wU& VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease toanyeufferer. GIto express and P. O. address w any u T A gLOCUM. 181 Pearl St., New York. A LeadingLondonPhy sician Establishes an Office in New York. From Am. Jonrnal of Med. 'Dr. Ab. Meaerole, who makes a specialty ofEpilepsy has without flooDi wwbu and cured more cases, than any other living pnyaician. ms outucoo r bnast-onishmg ; we have heard of cases of over 20 years standing cured by him. He guaranteesa cure. Large bottle and Treatise sent free. Give P.O. and lfAB'.EROLE, No. 96 John St., New York. The Science of Life. Only $1 BY MAIL POST PAID. KNOW THYSELF. A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD. ft1. vVi one fflH VI fa Hf rr WeSeMi a a n 1 T Vi t of a 1 ft "iri'""' ' i v a uc law 7 vi v ci' m r uavui Debility, Premature Decline In Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries rcsuUlng from indiscretion or excesses. A book for every man. young, middle aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one or wmcn is mvaiu able. So found by the Author, whose experi ence for 23 years Is such as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound In beautiful French muslin, em bos I sed coders, full eilt. iruaranteed to be a finer work in every sense mechanical, literary and professional tnan any otner wora som in this countrv for S2.50.:or the money will be refunded In every instance. Price only $1.00 by mail, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 ets. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by the National Medical Association, to the officers of which he refers. - The Science of Life should.be read by -the. young ior instruction, ana uy tne aimctea ior reuei. it win oeneht an . ixmaon ixmcei. There is no member of society to whom this book win not be useful, whether youth, parent, fiuardlan. instructor or clergyman Argonaut. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, r Dr. W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bullfinch Street, Boston, Mass., who may be consulted on all liseases requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate diseases that have baffled the skill of al U t? A I other physicians a specialty, il m rL mm treated successful-mmt 1 M JJ" I ly without an in- I rl O Mm 1 jtance of failure. Mention this i a per. jan 26 daw 4w OTTERBOURG & CO., King Clothiers. GRAND CLOSING OUT SALE OF Overcoats. Overcoats. GRAND CLOSING OUT SA BOP Suits. Suits. Suits. GSAND CLO-'ISG OUT SALE OF t Flannel Underwear! Flannel Underwear I PATRONS OF OTHER HOUSES SPECIAL LY INVITED TO KX AMINE OCB STOCK AND PRICES. Orders from the Country eollcitcd. .AW ;tterbourg & Co., KING CLOTHIERS, jan V Wilmington, N C For durable coloring the walls of rooms i a beautiful tints, at little ccst nothing equals the M ableine sold at Jacobi's Depot. R, FIT NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Safe Side QF ALMOST ANY QUESTION 19 THE generous side; but io matters of shopping an exception should be mat'e asd in jnatioe to one's relf, not only should advert 'moments be read, but roads acd prices examined before accepting them as lirg cheaper rcsscwring wen H rfol value. This meat ore we can safely ask to be applied to ibe Aril wit g SPECIAL SALE of KID G2 OVESjust opeied, in allilxcsan 1 colors, and will be sold at 48 Cenls per Pair. This Is a decided baigain. Ah fatly call will secure come of tae n, for? they are only a Uni ted lot. On our centre conntcr we display numerous bargains In . EMBROIDERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, LACE COLLARS, JLC, JtC. Together with a full etcek of CORSETS-, UNDERWEAR, LACES, VELVET8, RIBBONS, HATS, fcC. JtC i AT J. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St WILMINGTON, N. C jan 19 A. O. McCriliT, Auctioneer. BY S. H TRIMBLE A CO. A T EXCHANGE CORNEH, Wednesday, . January 28th, at 11 o'clock, wc will ecll three Houses and lots, all in good repair. No. 520 Southwest corner Church and ilxth s's. Five rooms, piazza back and front Splendid water In yard. Lot about fexftU. No. 518 scntti sme o; i nurcu ana sixth sis. Three rooms. Lot GUx40 feet. V.. 1U1G QArOi ofIn A it 1 1 . t WmfAfi Qix-tVi and Seventh Streets, (painted white). Five rooms, irout and back piazza Splendid water in yard Lot about 55x82 f et. Terms easy. Made known day of sale, j an Ii 5t Notice. I LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY Cautioned against trading for a Certificate of Deposit la sned by The First National Bank of Wllmlng ton. No. 1.724, dated Oct 31, l-Iavor ol B. Williams, for $U0. Said CcrLflcate Is lost and payment Is etoppe 1. jan i if A. K. WALKKB, Cashier A Card. 1 ryo THE COUNTRY FARMERS AND MftRC HANTS. If you want good prices and quick returns for your produce, consign it to J. R. MARSHALL, No. 21 North Water St.. WllmlnKton, N. C. He solicits consignments of all kinds of pro duce and Naval Stores. jan 14 d&w Clemmer. FEW MORE OF THAT CELEBRATED FlBST-CLa.63- WHISKEY jnst received. CAROLINA YACHT CLUB Be CIGARS stlH holds the Cake. Try McGO WAN'S Old North stafe Salcoi and eave money. jan 7 , ; , Oysters. JJUMPHREY A JENKINS, No. 11 1 South Front Strcect, arerccelv ing a foU supply of frfRh NBW BIVEB Oi S'i'ERS, every day during the season. Wc also keeps full si: in ly of Green Groceries, Chickens and Eggs, oysters sent CO. D. jan 20 Conoley's Drug Store. 216 MARKET STREET, j CONOLEI'S COLOGNE, Conoley's Cough Syrup, Conoley's Tee Phvslc, And a full lice of Drugs and Chemicals for prescription iue ; also, cigars and Cigarettes. Give me a call j an 21 1. W. CONOLKY. Fine Fish. gNAPPFBS AND BLACK. 9 For tale at onr marJu t. Come c irlv. jan l DAVIS A BON A Fresh Supply QF DRUG 3 AND CHEMICALS, Jubt arrived at F. C. MILLER'S, rrwrr Fourth and Nun sta P. S. Prescriptions fllle t day and night. Jan 71 v v j . Positive Bargains jRS BEING OFFFBBD 'TS ALL KINDS of FA'C Y GOOD 3. Joat opened a cheap lot of fixe Fat in Bibbona, all atoadesS. A few shades of Colored Silk Velvets, cheap. Tub e Damask, Towellngh, Napkias, Coua terp ncs, with otbc . Honsehold Goods. A few of the S2.50 -Gcn;s Silk Umbrellas left. a ceat rednc'km la Woolen Underwear for Ladies, Gent t and Boys. jan Li , JOHN J. HKDRICK 4-