PAPKU uabhsbed evening, Sandsya ex- pted by JOSH T. JAMES, I EUXTOB A5D PBOFUnrrOB. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGK PAID; yve year 91.00. Six months. t.09. Three aontks. $1-00; One month, 85 cento. The paper will bo delivered by carriers free 3t charge. In any part of the city, at the above rites, or 10 cento per week. '.vcstlaing rate low and liberal. 3-3ubeerlbeni will report any and all fall rjes to receive their paper regularly , jy Tnt Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper listed, in the city of Wilmington. JB The Prince ot Wales has expended 1,000 000 on bis Sandringbaro prop erly, exclusive of the purchase money. Of tbe member' ol the Episcopal beech in England fifteen, or nearly one half, were appointed by Mr. Gladstone. "A gigantic engine of tho national de moralization." was Lrd Beacons field's definition of the turf in one of bis novels. An experimental shaft in the new oil region of Wyoming Territory, sunk only fitieen tcet, jields six barrels of oil in twenty-four hours. Gen. Grant, in the Century, says the troops on both siden in the battle of Shiloh "were Americans, and united tbey need not fear any foreign foe." Two weeks a?o Mr. Greene, of Mas sachusetts, refused $13,000 for a horse mat is now dead. Mr. Greene is now looking lor a horse, at a much lower figure, that will kick'him. tmm California's first attempts at raisin producing were made about nineteen years ago. The following year about 1,500 boxes were made,. Ten years ago the crop amounted to about 40,000 boxes, while this year it is estimated at 200,000 boxes. Henry C. Pedder, of notoriety in re gard to the affairs of Arnold. Consta ble & Co. and of the late Manhattan, is living now in the Island of St. Kitts, one ot the, West Indies, where he was born. There a business which nets its mana ger $25 a month makes a nabob of him. It has been discovered by the Tren ton, N J.. Board of Health that farm ers in the surrounding country bavv been in the habit of adulterating their ' tresh roll butler" with oleomargarine and other nauseous stuff, and then sell ing it to their confiding customers iu that city as the pure and genuine arti cle. . - A Vermont farmer made a net profit of $43.50 from the produce of a single lien turkey during tbe past season. This is equal to 100 bushels of wheatJ in Kansas at 43 cents per bushel, with this difference: It would cost as much to raise and harvest the wheat as it vvouid bring, while the proceeds of the turkey were gain. Tbe discoverer ot the richest of the Lcadville silver mines sold his claim at once for $40,000, and during the follow ing year the two purchasers made $1, 000,000 each from it. Meanwhile, the discoverer squandered his $40,000 in prospecting, and the ether day, a home less tramp, he applied for a night's lodgings at the Lcadville ttationhouse. The London Echo says: "While our navy is reported to be gone to the dogs,' and the national industries are sup posed to be following the navy, it must fill every well-conditioned Briton's heart with delight and pride to learn from the papers that the repairsing and refitting of the royal yaeht are just, com plete. The bill is only 50,000 sterl ing." . An Italian dramatist, Signor Tito Maaimoli, has lost no time in making capital out of the recent occurrence in the Pari Palais de Justice. He has writtcu a five-act drama, entitled "The Revenge ot Mine. Hugues; or. a Womau who Kills.1 This has been played at the Fossati Theatre,in Milan. Anioug the personages introduced are M. C.ovis Hughes and his wife. M Morio. Mme. Gatineau, and M. Ana! to!e de la Forge. The piece is said to be enormously successful. A specimen ot the manner in which public business is transacted may be !ound by investigation of khe affairs of the Congressional House Committee on Ventilation and Acoustics. This com mittee has spent nearly $1,800 for clerk hire and stationery, to say nothing of other expenses, and its gross pro duct is one little resolution providing for tbe remoyal of the screens between the members' desks and tbe lobby a job that would cost, perhaps. $10. Reveries of bachelors used to con tain an alloy of painful anticipation, on account of sleepless nights with tbe prospective baby, but Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has made all that part a joy for ever. Hardware QV ALL KINDS AND IN ANY QUANT1-iy- Wholesale and Betail at BOCK BOTTOM yncsa. w. E. SPBJNGKB CO.. I 19, 31 A 23 Market Street, The VOI,. IX. W LMINGTON. N. C TUESDAY, JANUAftY 27. LOCAL NEWS. tSSEX TO VtW ACYffmgEKEITS. F C Millkr V Fresh Sur p'y C W V axes Bl ,nk Books Uexxsbbgeh Blank Books Craig Thomas To the Public Strated or Stolen-Newfoundland The receipts of cotton at thi port io- I day foot up 214'bale. The off shore storm signal was flying this morning. There was a total absence of the tramp fraternity at the guard house last night. This morning the weather was beau tiful and pleasant, for the first time in many days. There is a big run for the $5 trousers at Dyer's. They affe certainly fine and don't yen forget it. f The market was bountifully supp ied with meats of all kinds this morning and the quality was very good. This weather may be delightful, but news out to "parn out" worth a cent. It has been a remarkably dul clay for news gathering. To every Housekeeper a good substantial cook stove is an important necessity and our readers will find the best at Factory prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t We observe quite a fine display ol new Revolvers lor very reasonable prices, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. f A colored man named Charlie Jack son fell down in a fit on Market street this morning, which v;as the cause of some excitemer-t lor a few moments. Messrs W. E. Davis & Son have lost two of their carrier pigeons. They were turned loose at the fishery, 21 miles from the city, a fe days ago and have not been seen since. Milton Nobles, who is a particular lavorite with the theatre goins: people of Wilmington, is booked to appear at the Opera House on the nights of the 11th and 12th of February next. While we have had nci intensely cold weather, we hae had none that could be called really pleasant weather since Christmas. January has been an un pleasant month thus far until to-tipy. Workmen are busily engaged at th marine railway in repairing tbe tug Wm. Nice, which was recently dam aged so seriously by fire. She will be ready for service again in about six weeks. A number ot superior dressed hogs were brought into market this morn ing, one of which weighed a trifle more, than 400 pounds. They were raised by Mr. E. T. Conway, at Greenville Sound. A colored man with an ox and cart and in a high state of hilarious excite men t , passed along North Second street at about 8 o'clock last night shouting "Hurrah Ipr the Custom House men and the Postoffice men! Won't they have to git up and git alter the 4th of March?" Personal. We regret tqfrhear that Mr Vl . K, Mayo i3 sick at his house on Dock street, between Front and Second. Dropped lead. Ltucy Copeland, a colored woman, aged about60 years, dropped dead this morning on Fourth street, between Church and Castle. She was unmar ried and had been a cook nearly all her life. Heart disease was pronounced e cause of death. . . i etuau. Two fhad, the first of the season were brought into the city to-day. They were caught yesterday by Messrs. Can aday and Arthur, of the fishing boat Clcvclan d, which belongs to Mr. John Piver, of the city police force. The price asked for tbe pair was only $3. but whether they brought that amount or not is more than we are able to say- All kinds ot pains and aches yield at once to St. Jacons Oil, the sovereign cure. ' Buffer in? Humanity Owes You a Debt of Ciratitude," Writes Mr. Jiarry W. Ol instead Proofreader, Indianapolis, Ind. Times t was ai tries t a ouraen to me caus ed by Kidney Disease. The best phpsi cians eve me no relief. I used Dr. David Kennedy's 'Favorite Remedy.' and can say I feel like a new man. I am confident I am entirely cared and write to return my sincere thanks for the cure your medicine has effected. I shall use every opportunity to let suf ferers know where they may find re lief." f m w & w. Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's Depot. . , f Daily At Kest. The obsequies of the late Mr. Wil liam Hankins were held at 11 o'clock this morning at Front Street M. E. Church. Rev. Dr. Yates, the pastor, officiating. The remains were convey ed to Oakdale Oemetery for interment, the pall-bearers ben g Dr9. J. D. Bella my, and W. W.. Harrins. and Messrs Alfred Alderman, J. W. Thompson, David Walsh and John Yopp. Another Gone. Wo regret to learn of the death of Mr. George O. VanAmringe, which occurred id this city this morning, after a lingering illness. Mr. VanAmringe was 50 years of age. and had been near ly alife-long resident ot Wilmington. He was an excellent man of business, and possessed many kindly traits of character, which endeared him most to those who knew him best. Tbe funeral services will be held to-morrow after noon from the residence ot Mr. George Chadbourn, on South Front street. ,N City Court. Candace Dunstan. alias Candace Wil son, colored, was brought before Mayor Hall this morning, harged with disor derly conduct, and was required to pay a fine of $5 for the offense. Samuel King, also colored, for an assault with a deadly weapon with in. ten to ksl1. was required to give a bond in the sum of $50 for his appearance at the next terra of the Criminal Court, in default of which he was committed to jail. She Got Them. If some of our citizens, who have re cently lost their chickens, had pursued the plan adopted by a colored woman a short time since, they might have found their property and at the same time gotten a clue to the thief. Tbe woman to whom we refer arose one morning, not long since, and found that some thiet during tbe night had stolen her chickens, and upim the discovery of her loss she proceeded as quickly as possible the market where she soon found them and took them home in triumph. She says, "The measly no 'count niggers needn't try to steal my chick'ns. fer I'll find 'em ebery timeV The same plan, if pursued by other vic tims, would undoubtedly produce tbe same successful result. Mterary. One of the articles in the February Magazine of American History is Rev. Dr. Vermilye's sketch of the "Early New York Post Office," accompanied with several illustrations. The second article, by Horatio Hale, describes the Mohawk Chief, George H. M. Johnson, with a graphic account of his work among the Six Nations. His portrait in Indian costume is striking. Col. William Howard Mills contributes material concerning "Benedict Arn old's March through Maine to Cana da." Hon. Charles Gayarre discusses the character of Andrew Jackson, furn islr'ng extracts from letters never ,be given to the public. Prof. Wilson set tles the question as to "Andre's Land ing Place at Haverstraw." It contains aa intestmg sketch of Colonel Alexan der William Doniphan, by Thomas L. Saeed, and a criticism on "Some Re cent School Books," by Prof. Channing, of Harvard. Price, $5 a year in ad vance. Published at 30 Lay layette Place, New York City. Little is ridge. We understand that the question of an iron bridge for Smith's Creek has been mooted and that the matter has been serionsly considered by the Board ot County Commissioners, who have not, however, as yet come to a decision upou the matter. It will probably also be brought up at the next meeting of the Board of Justices of the Peace. Little Bridge, as the structure is known, spans Smith's Creek, on the public road, just North of the city lim its. It has always been a trouble and a tribulation to the managers of county affairs and has a knack of tumbling into the creek every few years. It has been repaired and rebuilt a number ot times since tbe war and tbe amount which has been expended upon it in that period of time would probably pay the cost of a good iron bridge which would last well into the next century. It would be econ omy, we think, to put upan iron bridge there and especially at this time while the materal is so low in price. Indications. For the South Atlantic States, fair weather, followed during Wednesday by local rains, warmer Southerly, shifting to Easterly winds, and tailing barometer. KEYIEW. List of Letters. A list of unclaimed letters remaining at the Post Office in this City on Wed nesday. January 28. 1685: A Susan J Alderman, care Frank Merritt . B Maegie Bunting, John Brown, Charles Balliache. Abram Bat son. C Amelia Campbell, Abigail Craw ford, Henry Cole, Hatie Charran, Julia Calliban. P Charles Davis, Hannibal Dancey, John L Dunlap, Root Davis. E Warren Evans, (2). F W H Flynn, Orra Lee Fox. G Daniel Goodwin, Geo Gordon. H Annie f Inborn, care M W Hil burn, Daniel Hicks, (col). Jesse Hodges. J Emcliui Jarvis, Rev Peter Jones. K Huida King. JV John R Lane, Albert Longstredt. M Alex McRae. Ellen Marble. Jas Murphey, S B Moore. N Lout Nordham, (2). P Mary Payne, Alex Peyton. RD V Rieger, Fannie Robbins, Fletcher Rigbter. S Hagar Stackbouse, J St Clair, Lummie Smith, Millie Smith, Thomas Seay. T Lucy Thompson. G W Tisdal, Charley Tate. V Mrs Van Toomcr, A E Vaughan. W Reed Whitfield. N White, M N Williams, Lilly Wilson. (2), Louis Wiegmann, H YVatrous, Geo Williams, (col), F Weissman, Calvin Williams. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised ;" if not called for within ten days will be sent to the dead letter office at Washington, D. C Ed. R. Brink P. M. The Art Amateur. For February contaios the usual pro lusion ot designs for art work, includ ing decorations fer a dessert-plate (asters), a double tile (wisteria) panels in caryed walnut and repousse brass. ana embroidery designs tor a blotter, a picture mount and six doilies (signs ot the zodiac humorously treated.) The notable feature of the number is a strik ing double-page drawing by Geo. Wharton Edwards, representing two boatmen "putting off' in a stormy sea. Six clever sketches by this rising young artist, anu three by Jan ;nelminski, a Polish horse painter of much talent, are also given. There arc articles of special interest on the lighting and de coration of picture galleries, on modei ling in clay and wax. on recent Doulton ware, on "Some Possible Exhibitions." and on Bastien-Lepage. the famous French painter recently deceased. The supply of hints and directions for art workers is generously maintained, and "My Note Book" and the dramatic teuilleton are especially entertaining. Price 35 cents. Montague Marks, Publisher, 23 Union Square, New York. Editor Review I see that your "esteemed cotemporary," the Star, rushes fearlessly intc the breach in fa vor of the no-fence people. His opin ions on all points, especially on those relating to agricultural matters, are of course highly valuable especially in the way of keeping the crow from the corn by eating the crow but yet there are a few things to be said tor the "fel lows who depredate on their neighbors and who live at the expense of others", meaning thereby, we presume, all who differ with the agricultural editor of the Star on tbe fence law question. "Hear the other side" ho says and then with his usual fairness and candor he goes on to describe the other side as ' fellows who live at the expense of their neighbors." Well, never mind, the Star is not the Legislature and it is to the representatives of the people and not to the Star man that the question of a no-fence law for New Hanover is to be submitted. Respectfully yours, Jim Crow. Goodmaterials properly porportioned which are the essential requisites in Ready mixed Paints can be best attain ed by using the N. Y. Enamel Paint sold at Jacobi's Depot. f DIED. Vas AMRINGE In this city t his morning at 7 o'clock, a. m.. Mr. GEO. O. VanAMUISGF. aged 56 years sunerau win tate puce tc-m'rrow (Wed nesday) evening, at 8 o'clock, from the resi dence of - his fttete.r. Mr Ron. i :hfihnurn. corner Front and Mnn streets. FrUiids and acquaintances are invited to attend. c . NEW ADVERISEMENTS Strayed or Stolen. JpROM THE RESIDENCE 4 IS NORTH Front Street, on Sunday moraine a Nis.W FOUNDLAND DOO, half grown and of a Brown-BJacfc color and will answer to the name of JIM. A suitable reward will b 2 paid for nig return. jan 27 It To the Public. Q ALL AT OUR STORE WHRKK TOD will Ind a choice stock ef FAMILT GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO, . A Choice lot Of SEED IRISH POTATOES, (Early Eoae) just arrived. Another lot of N. C HAMS, SHOULDERS AND MD D LING S, just received For sale cheap. 49 Lot and Stall accommodations frae. CRAIG THOMAS, ja f.T 113 So. Front St. NO. 23. HKW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Rent. FRONT WISDOW IS WHEELER & WILSON Manfg to'a Office, with plenty of room In front ani back room. Can le rest ed cheap Appl? at office, 119 Prlncees St. n . . . a rie it l . urea rvjuu ru. jan .6 6: New Goods T Y EVERY STEAMER. For sale low by GILES MURCHISON, Murch'.son Block. jan 26 Library Lamps, H AND AND STAND 1AMP3. LAMP Burners. Chimneys and Shades. We have just reclved a lull supply of our popular AliU SOU inKna UAlv tOUh sTO v"Ej. Have yon seen our Improved Far n er? Pure H hlte Oil always on hand. PARKER A TAYLOB, jan i , 23 South f ront St Blank Books T EDG1R3, JOURNALS, CASH BOOK8, J Day Books, Invoice Books, Bill Books 1 rial Bdla-ces, Time Books: Note, Draft and Bo -celpt Books, new styles; Checks Bank of New Hanover, Checks Firet National Bank; Paptr. Legal Cap, Cap, 1 otter, Note and Blliet ; Pens, Inkjs of all kinds, 8teel Pens, Pencil, and many other articles, just received and for sale 1885 cheap at HEINSBERG&R'S. jan 20 Live Book and Music Stores Blank Books, JETTER BOORS, CHECK, NOTE AND Receipt Books, ail lises, in etrek and made to order. Special attention lo orders for Litho graphing Checks, Drafts, Letter He sds, Visi ting Cards, Invitations, &i. Sea's and "Bub bcr Stamps of every description made to cr dcr. A full stock of Office and Fancy Sta tionery always on hand. C. W. YATES. ian26 US) Market St Comfortable and Stylish, o UB COMMON SENSE SHOES FOB Ladles. Our SHOES for Gents' wear fit eas'ly and wear comfoxtabir. Misses and Children's 8HOES In great variety and shapes to fit without hurting. Ccme and try a pair. Sold low at Geo. R. French & Sons', 108 NORTH FRONT STREET Jan SG No Failnre Here. T TAKE THIS MEANS OF SAYlNti THAI tue report current, in the streets to-day that the undersigned had failed, is utterly untrue and without any foundation whitever. It arose "perhaps from a suit in a Justice's Court against a person bearing a name that sounds similar to that of the undersigned. I have not failed and will not fail lo keep on hand the finest liquors and cigars and to keep the finpst i es tan ran tin tho city where all can drive dull care away by familiarity with the finest the market affords. Ihe only failure around my way is the failure Walker Mootc met with in collecting bills this morning but he will trv again WILL WEST, Prop. Gem Restaurant and Saloon, jan 20 tf GOOD SUGGESTIONS The Creamery Buttered Flour p MEETING WITH SUCH 31 RKKD succc s that we fir-d it will pay v - to sell it for 85 CENTS PER PACE AG E. Tbi tccesary article of food is prepared with so much care, and is such a great convenience to housekeep ers, that we do not hesitate to put it on the market. The finest I IGHT BREAD, ROLLS, M IF FINS, WAFFLES and CAKES of all kinds cas he made in a few minutes and with out any trouble It Is so cleanly that you can make your Cakes, Breads, Ac, in tbe house without af- fectlng tbe tidiness of the rooa. Receipts ac company each package. it la prepared by Mr. J . H. Strange, a for mer WllmiogtoniaB, now of New York city, and we know it Is PORE AND WHOLESOME. PRICK BKDUCKD TO 25 CENTS PER PACKAGE. o- -'-X v 1 - - - P. L. BRIDGEES & GO. 119 North Front St. jan LMAfW v Wtwintttglad to iKMll nnvatto. .any aU ;buh lameof the wrtttr meat amaya b. to the Editor. Gommnnlcatloaa man bo wrtttas . oa one aide of the paper. Personalities mast be avoided : And U If especially and particularly txde stood teat the Editor doe wot always ek-a the views of eorresponderte uxsle p !ai in the editorial ce rasas. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Safe Side Q4 LMOST ANY QUESTION I) TUB generons side; hut la matters of shoppicg an exception should be made and in justice to one's self, not only should advertisements le read, but goods and prices examined before accepting them as h&lng cheap or r-osseaaing won?erfel"value. This meaturc we can safely ask to be applied to the ollonirg SPECIAL SALE of RID G! )YES just opei id, i" a!l tizesan 1 colors, and will i sold at 48 Cents per Pair. This i a decided baigala. An fatly call will secure eonio of thcu, lor they are ouly a dml tf d lot. On our ceutre counter we display numerous bargains in EMBROIDERY. HANDKERCHIEFS, LACE COLLARS, JbC, JLC. Together with a full stcck of CORSETS, UNDERWEAR, LACES, VELVETS, RIBBONS, HAT8, AC. AC J. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St WILMINGTON, N. C jan 19 A. O. McGlKT, Auctioneer. BY S. II. TRIMBLE A CO. T EXCHANGE CORNER, Wednesday, January 28th, at 11 o'clock, we' will tell tbreo Houses and lots, all in good repair. No. 520 EouthweBt corner Church and i ixth s'e. live rooms, piazza back and front Splendid water In vard. Lot about (6x80. Nf..5l8 South slue of ( hurch and Sixth sta. Tbiea rooms. Lot (Wx40 feet. No. G08 South side Ann tt., between Sixth and Seventh Streets, (painted white). FlvO rooms, front and back piazza 8plendld water in yard Lot about 55x82 ft ct. Terms easy. Made known day of sale. jan 22 5t ' - - - - - - i i Notice. LL PERSONS ABE HEREBY Cautioned again? t trading for a Certificate, of Deposit la sued by The First National Baok of Wiimlng ton. No. 1,724, dated Oct 31, 1878, lfavor of B. WlUiams, for $1(0. Said CerLficatc hi lost, and payment is etoppci. jan 2J tf 'A; K. WALKER, Cashier A Card. rpO THE COUNTRY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS. If you want good prices and quick returns for your 'produce, consign it to J. R. MAR3HALL. No. 21 North Water St.. Wilmlnarton, N. C. He solicits consignments of all -k inda of pro duce and Naval Stores. jan 14 d&w Clemmer. FEW MORE OF THAT CELEBRATED FlKST-CLaSS WHISKEY just received. CAROLINA YACHT CLUB le CIGARS still holds the Cake. Try McGOWAN'S Old North 8tafe Salooa.and eave money. jan 7 Oysters. JJUyPHREY A JENKINS, No 11 i South Front Etrceet, arerccelv ing a fall supply of fresh NEW RIVER OYSTERS, every day durlnr the season. We also keep a full supply of Green Groceries. Chickens and Epga. Oysters sent C. O. if. jan 20 Conoley's Drug Store. 210 HABKKT a TICKET. CONOLEi'6 COLOSNE, Conoley'B Cough Syrup, Conoley'sTee Physic, And a full lice of Drugs and Chemicals for prescription uec ; also, cigars and Cigarettes. Give me a cad ;an2I J. W. CONOLEY. Fine Pish. NAPFEES AND BLACK, 1 For rale at onr market. Come cirlv. jan '41 DAVIS SON A Fresh Supply O V DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Jut arrived at F- C. MILJJWS, CfiVWT Fourth Sd nn P. 8. PrSsertpsloBs rilled day and wght. jan 21 -i Positive Bargains RS BEING Or'FFitKD IN ALL KINDS of FAFCY GGOD3. JrJM opened a cheap' lot J of fite Satin EHbm, all shades. A few shades of Colored Silk Velvets, clwap. Table Damask, Toweling. Napkins. Cous terpines, with other Household Goods. ' A few of fee tSJO GenVs Silk Umbrellas left. great reduction la Woolen Underwear fcr Ladies, Gent i and Boys. ja.13 ' JOHN J. HED RICK

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