THIS FiPU i,nh0d eWy Sunday ex cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, so'rroB aitd rBormonos. 3UB50RIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID, year W00- 31x month. t.09. Three -otto. l-0; On onth, 88 oenu. " -per will be delivered by carrten free ,irr.iaP,urtftheelty' at the above or 10 cents per Wee. .ijicritien report any and all toll u rtweKe their Pt'r reilrty, 7Ju Daily Review has the largest jusa fide circulation, of any newspaper fished, in the city of Wilmington, ""tnt-re are 347 female blacksmiths in Itflaad1. Rflennu Carver, crack shot, made 0 000 in hi test 'l skill last week. A J. Wilson, noted as an English bi fVe!;u. ha ridden 6,344 miles during tie last 291 days. Uncof the surest receipts for making jjard times is V talk bard times and keep op the chatter. . geoator Sherman declines to enter tain the subject of a nomination for the Ohio Governorship. . Mr. Farnell's land company has pur chased the famous Bodkin estate, ia Couoij Galway, Ireland, paying forit $ji5,i;oo. - Mr. Taloiaee's sale ol pews and Sun day collection makes the income of the Brooklyn Tabernacle for 1885 not less than $3,0C0. . .- - The sett!etunf of A. H. Stephens' es tate leaves about $10,000 and this will go to the children ol his brother, Lm- toa Stephens. The late ex-Mayor Gunther. of New York, was a Democrat first, last and always. He cast bis first vote for Jaaies K. Polk in 1844. Atlanta, with 50,000 inhabitants, gets along with twenty four policemen. Norfolk has a population of 30,000, with thicty-eUht policemen. m A man in Rome, Ga., holds a note cf date of 1848 that was made payable when Iewis Cass was elected President of the United States. As Taylor won, the note has never been paid. The Cotton Exchange in New. Yoik, which is soon to move into a magnifi cent building, casting with the grounds about a million of dollars, has sold its old structure for $165,000. ... For courtesies shown him by a New York policeman in 'escorting him al most daily across a crowded thorough fare, a once prosperous merchant of that city, who died a few days ago, has bequeathed to the custodian $1,000. Gen. Fitz-John Porter, as police commissioner of New York, is making a determined raid on the gamblers in that city. The gamblers there are strongly fortified and the General will have a chance to show his soldiery qualities in routing them. The button trade of Birmingham. which is of such great dimensions at the present time, was built up chiefly by act of Parliament, which .forbid the sale of any kind of buttons but the kind upon which Birmingham manu facturers bad a monopoly and best un derstood the knack of making. The Japanose have engaged a Prus sian police captain, who is to thorough- V rniiM. T i A mAavms 1 Ka eurn car. oesiae an expenses, tue teruj iu . . . . . . . r"-u dk the journey or while in Japan, his ami l' nhn rammn in Karl in will I ID i t Aic rrtr a auiu ui jia.wu. A life buoy signal light has been in- ciueu, says tne vnicago ncram, toe . a i a a. till KIBU t " W II It'll I 4 111 I IITIIL I 1 I I 1 I1M MH n case of accident at night. It is at ached to the life-buoy by a cord, and . I L I I pou oeiug inrowu OTtruuru uuifis . a IfN I Iht, which cannot be extinguished by ither wind or wave, burns for over an ur. ana tnus enaoies ine wors oi cLit i 1 1 im cash v vai i icu uu . Among the late arrivals in New York it; is Lord Garmoyle, defendant in the urtcscure (England) breach ol prom- case, lie comes last from San rancisco, after, a previous sojourn in nma and Japan, ami will return 10 nn nHJ I . I C Ia a c o - 14 iuv VM OTP v wm w mg friends. She has settled $30,000 flL. A.. . V t - ft. iuc ou.uuu sne got iroai i.oru var- herefor unlimited nraiaa. ' - vu UCI UlUlUOl , uu im How to Do It. f he Western. fSlixa of Tndiananoiis. od.. states "Mr. Harv J. Mdler. as- iikC Pni a nflkia v.ava vmm a m inn. 7 St. Jacobs Oil of a severe attrack rheumatism. f To every Housekeeper a good uatantial cook stove is an important rjy and oar readers will find the lard nwwrj irioco n owdi o ware Depot. The MB VOL. IX. WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY LOCAL NEWS. ikph to fw inviFT'srwm? C W Yates Bl nk Books Muinsbbkg eh Pianos and Organs Hedbr k Thj Best Place In the City William Gkvac&t Grocer'xs at Auction There was no City Coon this ine. tuorn- Turner's Almanac prom if es cold Winds tor Saturday. Full moon to morrow morning at 5 minutes past 11 o'clock. r- Jxt everybody attend the interesting and instructive lecture of Prof. Proctor at the Opera House to-night. Two tramp3 one whito.and one col ored were accommodated with lodg ings at the guard house last night. This morniDg was quite cold, but the weather moderated during the day so that it was quite pleasant at noonday. We have received the annual repor' of the Auditor of the State of North Carolina for the fiscal year ending No vember 30, 1884. Tho numberot Northern strangers in our eity continues large, and many of them give expression to their delight with our climate and people. The offshore storm Signal, was flying this morning, but it was soon hauled down which indicated that we may ex pect pleasant weather for a day or two. Fruit is abundant in this market this season. It is one ol the cheapest as one of the healthiest kinds of food -Oranges, bananas and apples are plenti ful and they are a Inxory now within the reach of all. When you have a moment to spare just drop in at Dyer's and see the sam ple of the elegant line of spring suitings he will import. Remember a fine suit of Seo'cn wodI. f.r $25, will be the sptciolty. f The cold weather, together with the high water in the river, have caused quite a number of fiatloads of wood to be brought into market. It is now sold at reasonable prices, and we under stand that more is coming. The mud caused by the recent rains has dried up and the' streets are getting in first rate condition again. There are a good many repairs needed -on some thoroughfares, and these are being attended to as fast as circumstances and the force employed will permit. Indications For the South Atlantic States, fair weather. in the Northern portion; partly cloudy weather and local rains in the Southern portion; variable winds, gen erally Northerly, and warmer weather. Death of a Former Citizen. Mr. James H. McGowan," who was at one time well-known in this city, where he resided for some time soon afjer the war, died recently at Coalville, Ala. The remains were interred at Lynchburg. Va.. in the family bury ing ground. Deceased was a relative ol Capt. f. M. McGowan, of this city. Meeting of tbo Bar. The Ralegh Visitor says that there was a large meeting of tho members of the Bar of the State in the Court House in that city yesterday, to take into con sideration the means by which increas ed judicial facilities may be obtained from the Legislature. Hon. Jos. J. Davis presided and B. F. Long, and S.' A. Ashe were secretaries. Numer ous resolutions and suggestions were made and referred to a committee of fifteen to report hereafter. ;A com mittee of nine were appointed to report as to the organization of a Bar Associa' tion for the State. Personal Mr. Wilson, Postoffice Inspector for she Free Delivery system, was in I he oitw to-dav- w.- . J i a Capt. J. M. McGowan left hero this mnrninir for Raleiffh where he has been 1 ..niu. L ,. Jg taiicu uy iho cahculo muui j father, Mr. P. Mcbowan. Blade circuit, Center " 34-25 Mr. Thomas Badger, General Freight Elisabeth circuit. Eifcabeth- Arent Raleigh & Aucusti Air Lme!town January 31 and Feb 1 Agent Kateign &, Augusta r bine Wilm5ngton Front street " 7-8 Railroad, arrived in the city this Carver's Creek circuit. Silent " 14-15 morninaand registered at the Purcell Waccamaw Miss, Bethel "17-18 House 1 I M. 1UI. I. iuiwi " ...M.V. D i D A lr- ,t -.T- n,l,n mill lcflfn ! upon Astronomy at the Opera House to-night, arrived in the city this morn ing. His wife arrived last night. They are registered at the Purcell House. Goodmeri propedyporportioccd which are the essential requtsites m Ready mixed Paints can be best attain ed by using the N. T. Enamel Paint old at Jacobi's Depot. t Daily Last Night's Fire. At about half past 11 o'clock last: night the two story frame dwelling bo4 Sttperintendent of Health for the city. Red Cross street, between 8eveoth and j we get the following interesting statis Eighth, eaoght fire in one of the rooms j ties relative to the death rate in thiscity on the second floor, and when diseov- ! during the year 1884: ered the flames were beyond the eon- whites trol of tho inmates of the bouse. The alarm was sonnded and the firemen, notwithstanding the cold weather, were on hand wiu remarkable proroptitade, and by the.r exertions saved the lower part of the house from destruction. The roof, however, was burned off and considerable damage was done to the second story. The ' fire ii supposed to have originated from a piece of lightwood rolling from the fire place to the floor while the occupant of the room was absent. The women of the house had not retired. One man, who .had gone to sleep, was awoke and was in such a dazed condition .that he had to be toted from the burning building by a burly fireman. The house belonged to Henry Taylor, colored, and was occupied by Fannie Wilson and several other dis reputable females. The property was insured in Connecticut Fire Ins. Co., of Hartford. Conn., represented in this city by Messrs VV, L. Smith & Co., to the amount of $900, which ' will fully coer the loss. The Phcenix Hose Reel had the good for tune to get the first stream of water on the building. Last N ight's Bp tor tain men t. The Young People's Association con nected with St. Paul's Lutheran Church gave another of tbeir literary and mu sical entertainments at Luther Memo rial building last night. The ball was thronged and all were pleased with the entertainment. The programme was well chosen and the selections were rendered in exquisite taste. It was as follows : PAUT FIKST. Overture Messrs. Greencwald,Will sn and Schmidt. Prayer Rov. T. VV. Uosh, of Sah m, Va. Address of Welcome by C. W. Fol vogt. Vocal Quartette, Ooly Waiting Misses Rulfs and Bloome and Messrs. J. H. Render and C. W. Polvogt. Better than Gold, a German-English Recitation by H. H. GeischeD. Vocal Solo by Miss Rulfs. English Recitation by II. J. Dmgel hoef. German Dialogue by Misses L. Gla meyer and Katie Tiedemann. PART SECOND. Violin Solo by Prof. Schmidt. German Recitation by Miss L. Gla us eyer. Vocal Duet by Misses Rulf and Schwarz. English Recitation by J. H. Rehder Duet, Violin and Piano by Miss Schwarz and Master Julius Schwarz- English Dialogue Aunt Jerutha's Mistake by Misses Rulf and Runge and Messrs. C. W. Polvogt and E. Schulken, Jr. Closing Address by Miss M Bloome. Grand Finale by Messrs. Greene wald, Willson and Schmidt. For the Daily Review. 15 ad Taste. I confess to surprise and regret that the editor of the Raleigh Jiequter should have published the mean wit of the goggle-eyed editor of the New York Sitn in rezard to Jefferson Davis in wo man's attire. This is false and has been so proved, but it comports entirely with the malignant disposition ot this Bashi-Bazouk of the American press to repsat the foul slander. . When it is re membered that this same feilow, Dana, was chiefly responsible for the cowardly and disgraceful deed of ironing a decrepit - old - man. a prisoner of war, immured within a well guard ed fortress less was hardly to have been expected, but it occurs to me as being in bad taste for Southern editors tp publish anything that could possibly be construed as reflecting upon the character or courage of our old chief I have no idea that the accomplished editor ot the. Register means to do Mr. Davis an injustice yet such things might do him harm. S. W. Cokbett. Quarterly Meeting. First round for the Wilmington Dis" trict of the Methodist E. Church, South, for 1884-65 v n ites vine circuit, w nite mSIIa 21-22 " Topsail circuit. Scott's Hill February 28 and March 1 Onslow circuit, Tabernacle " 7-8 Duplin circuit, Kenansviile " 14 15 Brunswick circuit Concord "21-22 The District Stewards will please geet WFront bjng m P t Carrawat. P. E. Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's Dapot. t REVIEW. mi i if 1 Mortnarv Statistics. vr m iho iwfc. n,. w P.t.r Januarv. 8 adults, 1 child ; total. 9. February, 4 adults. I child; total. 5. March, 5 adults, 2 children ; total, 7. Aptil. 6 adults. 5 children ; total, 11. May. 8 adults, 9 children j total. 17. June 5 adults, 11 children; total, 16. July, 10 adults, 4 children ; total, 14 August. 3 adults, 10 children ; total, 13. September, 6 adults. 4 children, total 10. October, 11 adults, 15 children; total, 26 November, 8 adults, 3 children ; total, 11. December, 9 adults, G children ; total, 15. COLORED. January, 15 adults 14 children ; total, 29. February, 6 adults, 20 childen ; total, 26. March, 15 adults, 11 children; total, 26. April, 16 adults, 15 children; total, 31.' May. 20 adults. 19 children; total, 39. June, 14 adults, 20 children; total. 34. July, 14 adults, 30 children ; total, 44. August. 7 adults, 18 children; total, 25. September, 14 adults, 15 children, to tal, 29. October, 25 adults, 19 children; to tal. 44. November, 16 adults. 9 children; to tal. 25. ' December. 10 adults, 10 children ; to tal. Total whites, 83 adults, 71 children; 154 deaths; total colored, 172 adult?, 200 children ; 372 deaths. Total num ber oi deaths, white and colored, 526. Calculating, on a basis of 20,000 popu lation this gives 26.30 deaths per 1,000 in a Estimating 011 a basis of 8,000 whites and 12.000 colored to the popu lation, the percentage is 10.8 for the white and 31 for the colored, per 1,000. This is a very low percentage for the white population ol this eity and a very high one for the colored, and we doubt if there is a city in the United States which can make a better show for the whites than we do. Cold, coughs, and incipient consump tion cared by Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, a remedy of fifty years' standing, known and used all over the world. Do yourseil the favor to give it a trial. You will be amply repaid. For durable coloring the walls of rooms in beautiful tints, at little cost nothing equals the Mabeein sold at Jacobi's Depot. MARBLED. . SILVA JJLVA In this ity. at th resi dence of Mr. Will West, at 7 80 p. ra., Jan. 28, 1885, Mr. JOHN E. 811 .VA to Mine BOB A E. SI L VA. Eev. Father Moore officiating. No cards. Star copy DIED. sauls t the Old Ladies' Best, on Sev enth street, Thursday morning. January 20ih, MRS. BETSEY 8AUL8. aged 81 years. Fnnexal Friday morairg at 11 o'clock, from her late residence. Frleuds invited to attend. NEW ADVERISEMENT8 Groceries at Auction. rjC MORBOW, FRIDAY, THE 30th Inst , at It o'clock. I will cell by publ'c auction, for cask, all the GOODS, WABRS AND tfCR- CHAM'ISE now in the store corner Ninth and Bladen streets. WILLIAM GENAUST, Collector of Estate of B Schmidt, j an 29 It The best Place in the City FOR FA NOT ARTICLES, HOSIERY, RIBBONS, LACES, COVERLIDS, CORSETS, VELVETS. MERINO UNDERWEAR. EMBROIDERED FLANNELS, ;j TABLE GO"DS. TOWELS UMBRELLAS, etc. A spec al bargain in BLACK SILK WARP. HENRIETTA CLOTH at $i.S5 per yrd, worth $1.73. Only a few pieces left. jan 39 115 Market SUceu f Library Lamps, H AND AND STAND LAMPS, LAMP Chimneys and Shades. We hare fast received a rail supply of oor popular COLUMBIA AND COOiHBRN OAK COOK STOVES. Have you seea our Improved Far mer' Pure W htte Oil always on hand. PARKER TAYLOR. BS m . 29, 1885. NO 25. NfcW ADVERTISEMENTS. To Masqueraders. NEW LOT OF MASKS, MADE OF VV1RE, CLOTH and PAPER, just receive 1. Pleate nil and supply yourselves at HklNSBEEGER'S i Pianos and Organs. S OLD FOR CASH OR ON THE EAST instalment plan, at 7ri : Tt JIEINSBKCGER'S, jn 28 live Book and Music Scores For Rent. FRONT WINDOW IN WHEELER WILSON Uarf'gr Co's Office, with plenty of room in front and back room. Can t v rent ed cheap. Applv at office, 110 Prlnceea St. References required. jan iC GJ i New Goods B Y EVERY STEAMER. t : - s For sale low by GILES & MURCHISOK, Mure hi son Block. jan 26 For Sale. inn BBLS. SEED ROSE FOTATOES, 1UU 8 0 Bushed VA. MEAL. 200 Bbls- FANCY FLOUR, APP'ES, ORANUES, 4c Highest Cash Price paid for EGGS E. G. BLAIR, Commission Merchant, jan ?8 No. 19 North Second 8L An CONSIGNMENT OF FINE SWEET FLOR IDA ORANGK8 Large and line Sec Mui lets, in barrels and half barrels. Eggs, Chick ens, Apples, Potatoes, &c. Must be cold. Call and tee. Cash orders promptly filled. Consignments of all ind3 of Country Produce and Naval Stores solicited, Terms cabh, JOHN R. MARSHALL, General Commission Merchant, 24 North Water St., Wilmington, N. C. jan 2S , For Sale. JjlOR A DIVISION, THE FA YKTTEVJL1E "SUN" and JOB OFFICE attached, wflf be sold at public auction, on February 6th, 1S85, at 12 o'clock, M Terms cash B. K. BRYAN, JK., Surviving Partner of Evans & Bryan, jan 92 td Blank Books, ETTER BOOKS, C9ECK, VOTE AND Receipt Books, all sizes, in etcck and made to order. Special attention to orders forLHho graphlng Checks, Drafts, Letter Hesds, Visi ting Cards, Invitations, &c. Sea!s and Rub' ber Stamps of every description made to cr der. A full stock of Office and Fancy Sta tionery always on hand . C W. YATES. 119 Market St Jan ; No Failure Here. J TAKE THIS MEANS OF SAYING THAT the report current in the streets to day that the under isned had failed, is utterly untrue and without any foundation whatever , It arose 'perhaps from a snit in a Justice's Court against a person bearing a name that sounds similar to that- of the undersigned. I have not failed and will not fail to keep on hand the fiaest liquors aud cigars and to keep theftaest restaurant in the city where all can drive dull care away by . familiarity with the finest the market affords. The only failure around my way is the failure Walker Mooie met with m collecting bills this morning but he will trv again WILL WEST, Prop. Gem Restaurant and Saloon, jan 20 tf GOOD SUGGESTIONS ! The Creamery Buttered 1 JS MEETING WITH SUCH MARKED bhccc s that we find it will pay os to sell it for 25 CENTS PER PACKAGE. TbU receswry article of food is prepared xtith so much care, and is such a great convenience to housekeep ers, that we do not hesitate to put it on the market. The finest LIGHT BREAD, ROLLS, MUFFINS, WAFFLES and CAKES of all hinds caa be mads in a few minutes and with out any trouble It is so cieinJy that you can make your Cakes, Breads, Ac., ia the house vrltboat af fecting the tidiness of the roon. Receipts ac company each packsge. It is pr .-pared by Mr. J. II - Strange, a f?r mer Wilmiogtoniaa, now of New York city, and we know it is PUKE AND WHOLESOME. PRICK REDUCED TO 2a CENTS PER PACKAGE. o F. L. BfilDGESS & GO. HO North Frost St. Jam w We win be M to frcBj our ii Nnbjacss of tne w riser ratal always M to Ike Editor. twntcarosM mnsl as written 6 on ocesideof the papa.. Personality must be avoided.: And it to especially and pamentorty crfie stood that the Editor doa sot atwsys sntfoj,. the views of eozres ponder t ni in the editorial eohesna NEW ADVERTISEMENTS S. H. Trimble & Co." 1 STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS and Auctioneers of General Merchandise ot every description. Office corner Princess and Water streets. Cronly ft Motriss' okl stand. Pergonal attention eiven to sale of hoea and vehicles at private sale or at anotion. Con. ' signmento solicited. A. G. MctaiUtT, sept 22 Auctioneer. ProOtTi. Proctor, rjlHE DISTINGUISHED ENGLISH As tronomer, will give two 1 12 in t rated Lectures ! oa ASTRONOMY, ii the OPERA HOUSE, re follows: Thursday Evening, Jnn. '- ' The Life of a WorM.-, - joy oa Friftay Eyccing, Jan JO "The jjunJ' Beautiful Stereoptican Views bowa wlt each Lecthro. Admission 60'oent. No extrtt ctarge for reserved feats. Now on saloat Ileinsbergcrs. ! ! jan ?G it m w th The Safe Side QF ALMOST ANY QUESTION 1$ THE gcneions side ; but In matters of shopping an exception should be mafc and tn justice1 to one's self, not only ehould advertisements be read, but goods and r i'-crs examined before acceptiuz them as bing cheaj) or possessing wsndcrfal value. Tliis racuxtine we can eafely ask to be applied to Ibe ollowirg SPECIAL SALE of KID GI OVES juBt opered, In all sizes and colors, and will be sold at 48 Cents per Pair. , This is ai decided baigaln. An ea:ly call will , secure scn-.o of then, for they aro only a Uml ted lot. On our centre counter we display numerous bargains in b . '' ML EMBROIDERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, LACE COLLARS, &.C., 4.C. Together with a tttU stock of CORSETS, UNDERWEAR, LACES, VELVETS, RIBBONS, HATS, &6.. AC AT J. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St WILMINGTON. N. C. jan 19 To the Public. 1 ALL AT OUR STORE WHERE YOU will flud a choice stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, WISES, LIQUORS, - TOBACCO. Ac. A choice lot of SEED IRISH POTATOES, (Esrly Rose) just arrived. Another lot of N. C. HAMS, SHOULDERS AND MID DLING, jut received For sale cheap. 43 Lot and Stall accommodation fris. ' - 1 ,i CR AHi A THOMAS, 11' So. Front St. : y Clemmer. FEW MORE OF THAT CELEBRATED FIRST-CLASS WHIKEY jnst received. CAROLINA YACHT CLUB 6c CIGARS etlll holds the Cake. Try McGOWAN'S Old North Hta'c Salco i and save money. jan 7 . Conoley's Drag Store. 210 MARKET STKEKT. CONOLEk'3 COLOQNE, Conoley's Cough Syrup, Conoiey'sTee Phvslc, And a full lire of Drugs an l Chemicals tor prescription use ; also, cigars and. Cigarettes. Olvo mc a cad ;an 21 J. W. CONOLEY. Fine Fish. ! ONAPPEDS AND BLACK, Forr.alcat our market. Comee'rly. jan DAVIS A SON A Fresh Supply QF DRUGS AND CIIEMICAL4, Just arricd at P. C. MiLLER'S. Ccarrcr Fourth and Nnn sts P. S. Prcsc rip: Ions lil led day and night, jau 21 New Crop Cuba Molasses i " i i First Cargo of the Season. HOGSHEADS. Ex choo3cr Canton. j 60 TIERCES, Direct from Matanzas, now landing. Orders solicited)' WORTH & WORTH. jan 38 jan iT 1