THIS PAPKB nubhaned every evening, Daily eepted by JOSH T. JAMES, KDITOB AND PROPRIETOR. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: jne year 4.00. Six months, 2.M. Three months, $1.00; One month, 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers free of charge, tn any pert of the city, at the above rites, or 10 cents per week. Advertising rates low and liberal. Subscribers will report any and all fall ares to receive their paper regularly, W will d glad to oommunicarJos all :utjat any of Urn writer taost aJwayv ba alahed to the Editor. Communications muat ba wrltta an on ; - T j 1,1 one aide of the paper. Peraoaamiea must be avoided.: And It is especially and particularly t rue tood that tho Editor done not alwavaimdoi the views of correspondent unim- .v -. in the editorial cotuaina. I VOL. IX, I WILMINGTON. N. C FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1885. NO 26. The Review. - - " .r?-:4 t" - r ' " ' ... v jy The Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper niblished. in the city of Wilmington, The heahh of the Empress of Austria has so much improved that the doctors have allowed her to resume her favorite pastime of riding. a hill introduced in tbc Michi: n Legislature provides that the occupa lion and politics of each candidate shall appear on a voting paper giving the names of all candidates. In the parish of Thornton-le-Moor, North Yorkshire, England, with a pop ulation of t325 souls, there has been only one death during the last fourteen months. No wonder England is over populated. A properly developed, full-grown man weighing 154 pounds ought, ac cording to Pr f. Huxley, to consume daily 5.000 trains ot lean beefsteak, f, ooo grain of bread, 7,000 grains ol milk, 3.000 grains ot potatoes'. 600 grain's ot butter, and 23 900 grains of water. It is like a story of '49 to read that at a recent performance at tbe Standard Theatre. San Francisco, an apprecia tive man became so enthusiastic over the introdutory portion of the perform ance that he began throwing money on the stage. London mail carriers now call at private residences for parcels, the same as do express messengers in this coun try. A scarlet card is furnished by the postal authorities, which, when displayed in the window, insures a cal from the postman. A pamphlet has lately been published in London advocating the fining of people who have more than three children. There is no question but that the theories advanced by Mrs. Lpsant have gradually taken a very strong hold on the people of England. A clock seveu feet high has been made by a Leesyiile, Ohio, blacksmith with the aid of nothing but the tools ol bis trade. It is made .principally ot steel, gives the time in eleven cities, strikes the hours and quarters, and is exhibited in a glass case where tbe movement can be seen. Berlin papers report that a subscrip tion list for contributions to the pedestal otthe Bartholdi statue has been put up in the United State3 Consulate General in that city, in accordance -with an or der by President Arthur. The amount subscribed is limited to $1, and the list is already well covered. The lack of snow in the upper and northeastern sections of New Hamp shire has caused a partial suspension of the wood and lumber bnsiness. In some places lumbermen are selling their teams and discharging their men to close operations tor the season. What ever may be the character of the weather for the remainder of the winter, the amount of timber and wood get out will be small, it is said. . t Charles Weitwood, of Shoroditcb, being an anti-vaccinationist, evaded tbe English law and permitted three of his children to remain unvaocinated. They have recently 'died of emall-pox. Tbe Lancet says that Mr. Weslbrook will have to look far back into history for any accident from vaccination to be compared with the disaster that has ac cured to his home from small-pox. ; " Three thousand visitors a year go through the Mammoth Cave in Ken tucky, but it is expected the number will be much larger this year, owing to the increased travel South to tbc New Orleans Exposition. Tbe cave is on the lioeoftuo Louisville & Nashville Rail Road, but ten miles from tbe nearest station. The cost of stopping over, in cluding a moderately extensive explora tion of the cave, is about $10 to each! person. . W. W. Ogiivie, tbe grain king of Manitoba, has closed his mills from in to lity to compete with Minneapolis millers. Since tbe -season began 600, 000 barrels of American floor have been shipped to the Dominion, principally for consumption in the province of Quebec. Grain, according to this Man itoba authority, can be bad by the Min neapolis millers at 60 cents a bushel, while he has to pay 73, and even with thu duty on flour at 50 cents a barrel they can still undersell him in Canadian markets. ' We have met the enemy and they are eurs," said Commodore Perry, thus telling the story of the battle of Lake Erie. And it is also a fact that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup It no sooner used than the cold it . conquered and tbe cough disappears. The flexibility' of itacolumitc a re mark able sandstone existing intieor- g a and North and South Carolina seems to be atirhnccnrl K-? tknf ,.f ! magne9ian lithesome found at entrance of tho.Tync, in England. This lime stone is reported jo be so flexible that thin lasers, thro..- 'feet or more in &agfik.i may be beninto a circle while damp retaining that form on drying. i he llcv. Cannon iSagot wr 3 to Publin Freeman ad Ivrcatin ntwlh !7n Trltl 1 I?y, tin Ireland. At the ot the tobacco plan time or tne union it was ot great im portance as an industry, and formed tbe subject of a special clause in the act, butm 183fa new act of Parlia- ment made it penal to grow more than a very limited quantify on a farm This led the way to its extinction, but it is believed it might be grown with considerable advantage to the farmers. Mr. Chat. F. Watson 406 W. Fay Cite street, Baltimore. Md., a drver for the Adams' Express Company, was very badly inquired his team having run away. Mr. Watson says a few ap plications cf St. Jacobs Oil. the great pain-cure, completely restored him. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO MEW ADVERTISE! EUTS. F C Miller w Fresn Supply C W Yates El ink Books Ukinsbekoek Pianos andOrar New River oysters jumped up Lo $L 20 per gallon to-day. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 143 bales. No tramps applied tor lodgings at the guard house last night. Eggs were retailing at 25 cents per dozen from the grocery stores to-day. ' Poultry continues to be held at quite high prices, although it seems to be plentiful in the market. j . Why not go and sec what a bargin you can get at Dyer's in a fiaesuitof cl ths made to trder for $20? t Wood was seldom more plentiful in our market than at present, and the prices asked are quite reasonable. It will be only a short time now be fore the farmers will begin to get ready for making their next season's crop. Dr. F. W. Potter, city physician, prescribed last year for over 4,000 cases, probably three-fourths ot whom were colored. Br. barque Elizabeth Childs., James, from this city, arrived at Bristol on the 23th inst. Scipio Hill, colored, wa3 before the Mayor this morning, charged with being drunk and down. -He was dis charged. ; It seems to be the general opinion among intelligent farmers hat there is more real profit in a crop ot corn than there is in either cotton or peanuts. This magnificent weather, and the people have taken advantage of it during the day to como out of doors and enjoy the balmy atmosphere. Vegetation has already taken a start. The elm trees and Gg trec3 hereabouts and some of the rose bushe?, are al ready in bud and the grass iu some localities is springing up vigorously. Peanut farmers complain that at pres ent prices they do not get pay, for the cost of the crop, and that, unless there is a change for the better, they will be com pelled to cease their cultivation. We regret to hear that Capt. W. M. Parker ha another serious attack last night; and he is again prostrated with a sickness from which it had been hoped that he bad nearly recovered. Hideous lookingvalejntines begin to be seen in the shop windows. They are meaningless things and their legitimate elfect will ue to belittle those who send them in the minds of good thinking peo ple. ; . On and after the first of February (next Sunday) the trains on the Wil mington & Weldon Railroad will bs run through to Richmond in charge of the saxe conductors, instead .of The distance is 246 miles, which will be quite a long run. although a quick one- Ai-nrt . iwl- - "--: indication. - 1 ' L'm t La f . . - U. A ImIia WtA t AO VX7 O rnl - 1 Ba f n WT 1 . . I I hAQ f r i 1 1 i i i tun if - i Miii ii- i 1 1 r v wm l Lxi kit nir rinra i w r vj iwruviaiw m iiii.i i er. fair weather, followed by increasing R Purnell ; 3d, E T Boy kin ; 4th W A n-u.. u " -fry ! . ' Qimnoi H Whh ? 6Lh. W ; that thon visitcst him? He hone to m w wmwm saaa ' ' r . jj UiObi ILlJ. lOl w VJ aw J - i i i ; n J a f : cloudiness and lecal rams: winus gen- vV" r ul o u.r ' . . : i. -;iu ! J F? ' lD'u Zr rXtl see even a larger auaience out w-mSm. 'J fon; th d AO to hw proL proctor u wU1 mOD. T"v .rnrv inncotwnor fl C( ' w"- utvivwMj, . 1 substantial cook stove is an important . Tfic j0iowjng coajmittess were ap necessity and our readers, will find the j pointed : best at Factory prices at jACOBi'aL Executive committee: J.J. Hardware Depot. t -T. M. Argo. D, G. Fowle, R. W, The State Bar. The News and Observer publishes a very full repoitof the meeting in that city en Wednesday of the members pt thn Itar in I hie Qrtr frnm whinh u-o n- na r r 1 t - were : let rr ri. irrnnL. Vaughan. W O Temple. C W Grandv. iCF Lamb. 2 ! District W W Feeble?. R B Pee - o I h!- W A MAnlonmorr T VV Itaw. kins. M I) W Stephenson, W C Bo wen. S I Calvert. W W Clark. P Holland rr 3J District Swift Galloway. B R Moore. Marsden Bellamy, A G Rieaud. X W Strange, J? V Iottin 4th District i a ibk.i. d r 1 ; S T Aste.OC Lyon, Danean Rose, W A Guthrie 5:h District J A Long, C M Cooke, I J Davis. W H S burgwyn, R W Winston, W W Beasley. R R King, J T Morehead. 6ih District R P Waring, E K P Osborne-, J M Brown, W J Montgom ery. 7th District John S Henderson, J C Buxton 8.h District J S Adams, B F Long. 9th District J G Martin, W H Ma lone. The following members of the Ral eigh bar were present: D G Fowle, E R Stamps, Armistead Jones, S F Mordecai, F H Busbee, Oct Coke, A M Lewis. Geo M Smedes, Jno W Hinsdale, J B Batcbeior, 11 GLewis, W H Pace, Walter Clark, R H Battle, B B Lewis, Jr, T R Purnell. A W Hay wood, C K I.iewis. Ernest Haywood, S X Ashe, W T Peeie, W H Bledsoe, T M Argo, J C L Harris, T P Devereux, J N Holding, Geo II Snow, W N Jones, Bos well C Beck with. Walton Bu3bce. Hon. Joseph J. Davis was chosen as chairman ot the convention, and B. F. Long, Esq., and Capt. S. A. Ashe as secretaries. Tho convention at once addressed itself to the busiuess in band. It was decided that the chair should appoint a committee, composed of one member from each district, to whicb all matters should be referred; that all resolutions, and all verbal suggestions should bo considered and weighed by this committee. The following com pose the committee : 1st district, C W. Grandy; 2J. R B Peebles; 3J, A G R'caud ; 4tb, Jaine A Lockhart; 5th. C M Cooke; 0th, W J Montgomery ; 7th. John S Hender son; 8th. J S Adams; 9th, W H Ma lone. At large, Messrs. Argo, Battle, Long, Guthrie. Bellamy, Montgomery. Mr. Fab. Busbee moved that a com mittee of fifteen, one from each judicial district and six trom the State at large, be appointed to take into consideration the needed relief and judicial reform ; carried ; and the chair asked that the gentlemen present from the different districts should indicate the member to be selected respectively. Committee on the formation of a State Bar Association : First district, Frank Vaughan; second district Thomas R. Purnell; third' district, Thomas W. Strange; 4 district. C. C. Lyon ; fifth district, W. H. S. Burg- wynn; sixth district, ; seventh dis trictJ. S Henderson; eighth district, B. F. Long; ninth district, W. H. Ma lone. At 8 o'clock the convention reas sembled and Mr. Argo, of the commit tee, submitted the following: The committee on the judicial system ot the State, to whom were referred various resolutions relating tq that subject, respectfully report that they have considered the whole matter and recommend the adoption of the follow ing resolutions: 1st. That the best interests ot the State require an amendment to the consti tution providing for the appointment of ill tbe judges by the Governor and bis couocii, with the advice and consent of the Senate. 2d. That an amendment to the Con stitution should be submitted to the people, providing for an increase of the number of justices of the Supreme Court t live. 3d. That we reco nmend an increase in the number of Superior Courts in such counties as need greater court fa cilities, with a provision that some ot the terms shall be tor tho trial of civil case3 only, and in our opinion to meet this requirement tbe number ot Supe rior Court judges should be increase i to fifteen. The resolution was adopted. Mr T R Purnell, of committee on Constitution and by-laws, reported. (The report, too lengiby for publication in this issue, will be given to-morrow.) On motion of Mr W J Pcele, the Con stitution was adopted. Tbe time lor holding the annual meet-in"- ot the bar association of tbe Stale was fixed on the Wednesday after the second Monday in July next, at Ral eigh. J J Davis was requested to de liver the address at that tirne. Mr. Guthrie made a motion, which was adopted. I bat a committee tw ap pointed to memorialize the legislature, embodying tbe resolutions adopted. &c. On motion of Mr Geo H Snow, Hon ' Jr.a .r ikvin wa chosen nresideot of ; the bar association for tbe present year ry v.. m w w - On motion ot Mr W II Mai one. the .: 1 - 1 1 rncnl xrar Wcilf into' iitv. x" f u nUbdiM rtr Acooniat on. ' The following officers of the assoct a- ;.rrt mora I hnn nhnicn - uu "iw.i '"" " - - President, J J Davis; vice presidents iir0itll- ru-l. Winston, J. C. Buxton, H, G. Connor, lTl f i "H 'UE": . Geo. H. Snow, W. H. S auiu v ujou vrta a Burwtn. VV. W. Fuller, C. !5 Ayeock. T. W. Strange. Grievance : B F. Long. J. G. 1 Martin. W. O Temple, W. W. Clarke, ! W . ri JJay. Law reform: R. PL Dick, Thomas t Aomn. 1-. u. fuller. v . u. rruaen. ! Marsde.n Bellamy. " , ' ! 1 education : John Manning. 11. ! Jonf J- M. Mullen, George M. i 1036, J. A . j jOCK Uan . . igai Diograpny : U. Li. Battle, w . ! A- Montgomery, B. ft. Moore, J. A. ! Long. It. was TAsnlvrd on nin.tin.rt nf Mr W. A Guthrie, that it is the sense of the bar association that the solicitors should be appointed by the Governor, with the consent of tbe senate. The convention then adjourned. Personal Hon. James C. McRae, Judge of the Fourth Judicial District, was in the city to-day. Exports Foreign. Ger. barque Autjusle ueanetle, Jur gens, cleared yesterday for Riga Russin, with 3,192 barrels rosin, valued at $4, 238, shipped by Messrs. DoRosset & Co. Nor. barque Condor, Syvertsem cleared for London with 4,516 barrels rosin , valued at $4,026, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co; making a total of exports foreign amounting to $0 164. -j... - -- Live Stock Insurance. Tbe citizens of Masonboro township held a meeting last night for the pur pose of organizing a Home Mutual In. surance Company, for the insurance of horses, cattle, hog and other live stock. Nearly every white male citizen ol the township was present and the meeting was entirely harmonious and quite en thusiastic upon the subject of the insu rance company, whicb they determined to organize without any unnecessary de lay. Tbe meeting adjourned to meet again next Friday night, at which time they will elect officers and fully organ ize. In Wedlock's isotids. One bt the most notable events- in Raleigh during the present season was the marriage, on Wednesday night last, at the Church ol the Good Shepherd, of Miss Cornelia Koma Lyman, daughter ot Rt. Rev. T. B. Lyman, to Mr. Robt. L. Niles. ot New York. The ceremo nies were performed by Bishop Lyman, assisted by Rev. E. R. Rich. The Church was elegantly and appropriate ly decorated for tbe occasion, and a large audience were in attendance to witness the imposing and impressive ceremony. Tbe happy couple left the same night for Richmond and Wash ington, and after a few days' sojourn in those cities will proceed to New York, where they will make their future home. Prof. Proctor Last Ni&rkt. Quite a large and appreciative au. dience gathered at the Opera House last evening to listen to the lecture of the distinguished English Astronomer, Prof. Richard A. Proctor. The Pro fessor is thoroughly English in appear, ance and manner. He is short of stature with a handsome, genial, in tellectual face. His subject was ''The Life of a World'' which be handled with rare skill and 'ability. He im presses you not only with his thorough familiarity with his subject, but that he is equally in love with it and is anxious to have his hearers become so. He possesses the essentials of a successful teacher, thorough knowledge of bis subject, ability to import, and love for his work. His style is good, die ion ready and chaste, pronunciation almost faultless, and his enunciation pleasing. To say the lecture was entertaining and instructive is faint praise; it was these and more it ws elevating, in spiring, grand. The audience was in full sympathy with the distinguished lecturer, and we question if there was present an individual who did not go away feeling wiser and bappier, if no better. No one could have heard it and seen the splendid illustrations without grander ideas of God and humbler no. tiocs of his individual importance Could the sweet singer of Israel have bzen orescnt he would have exclaimed mg au energy anti nieauing he never leu 01 knew . "When I consider tbj heavens, the work of thy hngers, . mnnn anal tho Bfr wlltrdi thdll I I Ulv uiww" mmm w "- - ha,t ordAjned . wh.t is man that thou We observe quite a fine display ol new Revolvers for very reasonable prices, at Jacobi'f Hardware Depot .t i md wm wmrm r hi iiiikii V liUU LILUV S -' " w : N EW ADYERT1SE51KST8. To Masqneraders. NEW LOT OF MASKS, MADE Of WIRE, CLOTH and PAPKB, jus received. r Pleue c ill and supply yourselves at H I S BERBER'S. Pianos and Organs. gOLD FOB CASH OR ON THE EASY instalment plan, at HEINSBERGFR'S, Live Book and Muatt Stores jan 29 For Rent. FRONT WINDOW IS W HEELER 4 WILSON Macf'tr Co'a Oflice, with plenty Of room tu front and back room. Can to rent ed cheap. Appl? at office, 119 Princets St. References required. ian '.6 (t New Goods JgY EVERY STEAMER. For sale low by GILES & MURCHISON, Murchlson ltlock. v jan J(i For Sale. inrk BBLS. SEED ROSE POTATOES, lUU 8 0 Bushels VA. MEAL. J0 Bids FANCY FLOUR, A PP. ES, ORANGES, At Hijrhet Cash Price paid for EGGS E. G. BLAIR, Commistion Merchant, jan 28 No. 19 North Second St. Another CONSIGNMENT OF FINE SWEET FLOE IDA ORaNGKS Large and fine Rce Mul lets, in barrels and half barrels. Eggs, thick ens. Apples. Potatoes, Ac. Must be sold. Call and 03. Cash order- promptly lilted. Consignments of all kinds of Country Produce and Naval 8torea solicited. Terms cash, JOHN R. MARSHALL, General Commipsion Merchant, 24 North Water St. , Wilmington. N. C. jan 28 For Sale. I .1 F OR A DIVISION, THE FAYETltEVILl E "SDN" and JOB OFFICE attached, will be sold at public auction, on February ttth, 1.SS5, at 12 o'clock, M. Terms cash R. K. BRYAN, Jr, Surviving Partner of Evans & Bryan. jan 22 td L Blank Books, JETTER BOOKS-, C3ECK, NOTE AND Receipt Books, alt eizes, io stock and made to order. fcpecial attention to orders for Litho graphing Checks, Drafts, Letter He Pds,. Visi ting Cards, Invitations, && Seals and Eub ber Stamps of every description made to cr dcr. A full stock of Office and Fancy Sta tionery always on hand . I - C. W. YATES. ian2G 119 Market St No Failure Here. J TAKE THLS MEANS OF SAYING THAT the report current in the streets to day that the underaigned had failed, Is utterly untrue and without any foundation whatever. It arose 'perhaps from a suit In a Justice's Court against a person bearing a name that rounds similar to that of the undersigned. I have not failed and will not fall to keep on hand the fiaest liquors and cigars and to keep the finest restaurant In the city where all can drive dull care away by familiarity with the finest the market affords. The only fa'.h re around my way is the failnro Walker Moore met with m collecting bill this morning but he will try again l WILL WEST, Prop. Gem Restaurant and Saloon, jan 20 tf GOOD SUGGESTIONS ! o- The Creamery Buttered Flour JS MEETING WITH SUCH MARKED j saccc s that we find it will pay u to sell it for j 25 CENTS PER PACKAGE. Tfci3 tecosary ! arti'-ie of fod is prepared wi Ji so much care, and is such a great convenience to housekeep ers, that wc do not hesitate to pot it on the market. The finest 1 TGHT BREAD, ROLLS, MUFFINS, WAFFLES and CAKES of all kinds cai be made In a few minutes and with out any trouble 1 r 1 It is so elcsnly that yon can make your Cakes, Breads Ac., in the house without af fecting tbe tidincfcs of the ruoa. Receipts ac company each package. 1.1. r- 1 rr c.- n. j , . . . r v- i. " "n"n8wa"in' n"w Vl w anl we know it is 1 L kk ArL w uviavina. PRICK REDUCED TO 2& CENTS PER PACKAGE - F. L. BRLDGERS & GO. HO North Front St. -NEW ADVERTISE5IENT8. 8. H. Trimble & Co. STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS and Auctioneers of General Merchandise of every description. Office corner Princess and Water streets. y & alorrlss' old stand. Personal attention given to sale of hordes and vehicles at private sale or at auction. Con sLjnmeuts solicited. A; G. M t.IRT. sept 22 a uc tiosoer . The best Place in the City FOR FANCY AltTICLdES, HOSIERY, RIDBONH, LACES, COVERLIDS, CORSETS. VELVETS. M BR 1 SO L N DE R W E A U . EMBROIDERED t LaNN'ELS, TABLE GO DS, TOWELS. UMBRELLAS, ets. A spec al bargain In BLACK. JSILK WARP. HENRIETTA CLOTH at f l.23 ptr yard, worth $l.7". Only a fi'w ptece left. HEDRICK, jan :'. 115 Marktt Street. The Safe Side I ' -I QF ALMOST ANY QUESTION IS THE generous side; btit in matters of aaoapAaj an exception should bo mace and In jiteticc 10 one's self, not only should advertisements le read, hnt goods, act! prices examined before accepting them as b ing cheap or possessing f - r wonderful value. This measure we can eafelj ask to be applied to the foUowisg SPECIAL SALE of KID GlOVESjustopcied, In all sixes and colors, and will rafjairijat 48 Cents per Pair. i This is a decided bargain. An catlv call will securasoir.e of the n, for they aro only a Hml ted lot. II. On our centre counter we display numerous bargains hi EMBROIDERY, HANDKERCHIEFS LACE COLLARS, JLC, fcC. Together with a full stock of CORSETS, UNDERWEAR, LACES, VELVETS, RIBBONS, HATS, &C, &C J. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR 118 Market St WILMINGTON, N. C To the Public Q ALL AT OUR STORE WHERE YOU will find a choice stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, WINES. LIQUORS, 1 l ,11 TOBACCO, VC. A choice lot of SEED TRlSn POTATOES, (Early Kose) just arrived. Another lot of N. G HAMd, SHOULDERS AND MID DLING just received . For sale cheap. I t i i S Lpt and Stall accommodations frje. CRAUi A THOMAS, 11 ' Ho Front fit. tan V, Clemmer. FEW MORE OF THAT CELEBRATED F1UST CLASS WHISKEY just receivetL CAROLINA YACHT CLUB Cc CIGAUS still holds the Cake. Try McGO WAN'S Old North et&'c Salcoi and rave money. jan 7 j j . A Fresh Supply rl DRUG i AND CHEMICALS. Just arrived at F. C. MILLER'S. Corner Fourth and Nun sta Prescriptions ililcd day and night. P. S. jan 21 New Crop Cuba Molasses First Cargo of the Season. HOGSHEADS Ex Schooner Canton. 60 TIERCES, Direct from Matanza now hind log. Orders solicited. h WORTH & WORTH Library Lamps, JJAND ASJ STAND I A Mi's, LAMP Buuiers, Chimneys and Shades We' nave just received a lull supply of oer popular ST.V'Efi. Jiave yon seen our Improved Far mer? Pure W htte always on nanl. PARKER A 1 A 1 JjOU. an 'i'-l Suth Front bt tuwdiBK bT been cared. lnd4. o trony Imjtf fUh iaU3cy.M I will MKlTVO BXTTLESJrBlta. to(ttb7witt a V ALU ABLE raKATlSK n IhUdiMM . -' na. r. a. sunk m rwist , h Tors. pnuciittfDTinid uuiioumi iiuiii I bsr nooStH iiiMd r r-r the barm d Hmm ; by US .csc I t a wont . I8d w i of tens

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