THIS PAPER ncbtubed every evening, Sundays ax opted by JOSH T. JAMES, SUITOR AWD PHOPELSTOR. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID; ' ne year $4.00. Six months, $2.00. Three months, 1.00; One month, 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers free of charge. In any part of the city, at the above rates, or 10 cents per week. . Advertising rates low and liberal. J Subscribers will report any and ail tall area to receive their paper regularly. 77k- Daily Review has the largest yorui fide circulation, of Any newspaper inhlished, in the city of Wilmington. The . VOJL. IX. Daily Review. WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. JANUARY 31, 1885 NO 27. warned to wards, the heathen Chinee, bm she ha3 been remiss in her dutv to ! the brave men who gave heaith and Wilkie Coiiim has just celbraed hisi ,orlHne lo her defeuce.. ror tw? decades we have been hon or sixty-first birihday anniversary. Twenty-five'tx-Con federate flicer are in the United Btates Senate and more than iil'ty in the House. - mm ji The Princess Louise is modeling a statute in bronze of her royal mother, to be placed in Lincoln Cathedral. An exchange suggests that when John Sherman leaves the Senate he be made coroner-atlarge for the State of Ohio. Boston society haying decided that it is not safe to come within range of Prof. Johu L. Sullivan, tbe Boston Post hluu at the enlistment of a corps to lasso hi in. At, the Old Stand. We invite attention to the advertise ment of Mr. L G. Cherry, in this issue. ! having in tow a scow for use in dredg He has returned to his old stand nnmvr ) ins the channol of th f?s.rp. Fr. The steam tug Blanche' arrived in below this morning from Beaufort inff our noble ded nu.e ue i ' has onened a who!' qml .f-n Steam boatmen report about seven cannot augment or whose sufferings r L , " fect ol water on the shoals in the Cape Palliate, but the needy living have been ! I Fear' river tailing slowly.- day will cause or less magni- palliate, but the needy living have been i ' . Fear with th r fca ted upon the unsubstantial plbuium 1 II r'l P'babl tbe of ,0" of oratorical vaporing. 5 fi rfedc,Da U3e invites another me ot greater o .. I the attention of those in need to the tufe. The I'reaidr.nt'swi.KnAo! ..J. j 'same - -. u wai f'BUi )I1ULI UH- ed so much at the recent Florida fishing that some one asked the reason why. ''Its only a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup." the handsome gentleman ex plained ; "I never travel a mile with out it." tbe Exposition correspondent at Crescent City describe President Diaz's wife na only 25, tall and slender, with a long Roman nose, and no doubt she has an evually long Spanish-Mexican pedigree. Immigration into the United States last year fell off over 100,000 persons compared with 1883. The loss of revenue to the steamship companies alone at average rates for passage must have amounted to two or three million dollars. . LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. H H Foster Vo:a Class , C W Yates -Bl ink Book Will West Special Notice F C Miller A t reah Supply HctNSBEROKK Pi3iio3 and Organs E G Blair Commlraion Merchant F W Ortmaxx Ortmm's Club Booms J D Nutt Druggist and Pharmacist L G (. ukrhv. Agt Sew Liquor and C isyar St or a - Day's length 10 hours and 2f minutes. 7, "Tr j Few of our citizens, we imagine. Oood Order. ! have an idea of the amount of dog At ths police headquarters there is a tongoe which is brought to the city for general complaint of dullness. Police-! shipment. There were 22 bales of the men say that after nightfall .the streets T leave of this plant on one of the are as quiet and orderly as if every day ! wharves to-day, which would average JiKW ADVERTISEMENTS. E. G. Blair, BE0KEE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, FOR THE RALE OF COTTON, GRAIN, Flour Meal and Country Produce generally t000 dozen Eggs wanwd at highest cash iricts K. G. BLAIR, jan 31 No 19 North Second Si f IXA3& SO ' I w win t glad to receive oom our friends cn any and all .fubjeew of the writer meat srwsy ba ttiafced to the Editor. Cetcunnnicatloiis must be mirHu oa on one aide of the paper. Personal! ttea most be a vo Men. And it la especially and particularly rrde ood that the Editor does not always endoia the vlewB of correspondents cshv.- t In the editorial column NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 8. II. Trimble & CO. STOCK AND REAL. ESTATE BROKERS and Auctioneers of General Merchandise of every descripUon. Office, corner Princess and water streets. Cronly A Motrlss' old .-land. Personal attention given to sale of nor; es and vehicles at private sale or at auction. Cnn. algnments solicited. A. Q. McGlRT. was a Sunday, and the arrests are con sequently remarkably few. This speaks well for the good order and general so briety of our citizens, and we hope that it may continue indefinitely. more than 600 pounds each. The storm signal was flying again this morning. There were noiotermcnts in Bellevne Cemetery this week. Ex-Senator Sharon's daughter. Lady Hesbetb, is coming from England to console her father over the Hill affiic tion, which proved such a mountain of matrimonial difficulty to the San Fran ciscojury which endured the protracted trial for divorce. A member of the Institute of France has proposed a scheme for the founda tion of a number ot annuities of the va! ue of 2,000,4,000, and 6.000 francs to aid scientific men in the prosecution of ex perimental work, offering to subscribe himself 5 000 francs toward the realiza tion of the scheme. Senator-elect Stanford, of California and New York city, is one of the four great statesmen who went into Central Pacific comparatively poor men and came out millionaires this famous quadrilateral being composed of Leland Stanford, C. P. Huntington, Charles Crocker and Mark Hopkins. We publish, by request, on the 3rd page, the "old but ever new" poem, entitled: 'The Blue and the Gray.'' The origin of this is in doubt, but from information gathered from tbe most reiiable sources we think that Judge F. M. Finch, is to be accredited with the authorship. It is singularly beau tiful and tender, and can never grow stale while patriotism finds an abiding place in the human breast. It was in spired by a newspaper paragraph stating that, two years after the close of the war. the womon of Columbus, Mississippi, had shown themselves im partial in their offerings made to the memory of the dead, strewing flowers alike on tbe graves of the Confederates and ot the Federal soldiers. The din of the politican conflict is hushed and the smoke of the battle has cleared away, and now that we have attested our devotion to Republican institutions and Democratic principles will it not be in decency and in order to exhibit a lit tie genuine patriotism and philanthropy by renewing the agitation of a Home, or the granting of pensions by the State, for the needy and deserv. ing men who by their valor and forti tude wrote, with their blood, the bright est and most glorious pages of her his tory? lo our recent strile it required little more than the free shedding of ink and other fluiids. but in those days that tried men's souls something tbL-ker and ot a deeper crimson was requisite. The relics of the "Lost .Cause" are justly the foremost patriots of history. Many of them are needy, and it is, in deed, hard in their age and infirmities o eat the bitter bread of penury or compulsory charity. We boast of our patriotism and then allow the heroes wtio won for us the claim of patriots to go unprovided for. These brave men in their long, fierce, bitter struggle for bread have been forced to the conclusion that patriotism i a poor possession and war a bad in vestment. To-day the South is vieiog with the North in her love for tbe "brother in black" and has al most wept the foqntion of her tears dry orer his condition, and her bowels of compassion have yearn -d over, and tbe cockles of her heart bunset to-morrow afternoon at 2 minutes past 5 o'clock. 7 The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 258 bales. No tramps applied for lodgings at the guard house last night. To morrow is known in the church calendar as Septuagejsima Sunday. There were three interments in Oak- dale Cemetery this week, all adults. There were two interments in Forest Cemetery his week, adults. .rine both "Local rains1' are getting to be very frequent, and in fact are becoming mo notonous. The first month in 1885 will step quietly into tbe history of the past at 12 o'clock to-night. . . The rain, mud and a generally dull market made business slow in cotton and naval stores to-day. The lawyers ot this city who have been absent at the Convention of the '"Members of the Bar j at Raleigh have returned. The Register of Deeds issued six marriage licenses this week, three of which were for white and three for col ored couples. The ordinance of baptism will be ad ministered to several candidates at the close of the services at the First Baptist church to-morrojr night. Two parties were brought beiore the Mayor this morning charged with non- payment of licence tax. but were dis charged npon their paying for the same. Nor. barque Fai ken. Christensen, cleared to-day for Glasgow, Scotland, with 600 casks spirits turpentine and 1,328 bbls rosin, valued at $10,200, ship ped by Messrs Alex Sprunt & Sou. The Democratic caucus has award ed the State printing to Mr. P. M. Hale, of the Ralegh Register. The vote sUnd 62 for Mr. Hfile; 34 for the jfetcs and Observer and 10 for the Raleigh Chronicle. I Maj. H. II. Foster will begin a class in vocal music at Temperance Hall as soon as a sufficient number of pupils are obtained. It will afford a good op portunity for those who desire to learn to read music by note. See adv. in another column of this issue. j Send your clothes to be repaired and cleaned to Dyer He has arranged to d that kind of work ia tbo best man ner, and at a price as 16w as apy. He uses the best binding for 3'ourcoat, and guarentces it to wear as long as the goods itself. f i The market wa3 well supplied with all kiuds of meats this morning. Some of the beef was verj- nice and looked a if a man might make a good square meal from it, providing it was properly cook Church Services. Rev. Dr. Wilson, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, will leave the city to-night, having been called away by the death of a member of hi3 family a grandchild. In cossequence of this, there will be no services to-morrow forenoon at the First Presbyterian Church. Rev. J. W. Primrose, of the Second Presbyterian Church, will preach at night, at which time the usual collection wiil be taken up. A Weather Sisru. .Next Monday, the 2nd of February, is the day on which it is said the ground-hog comes out from its winter's retreat and prognosticates the weather Tf it sees its shadow, that is, if the sun shines, it goes back into its hole, and remains six weeks longer, durinz which period wintry weather'will con lmue. Our readers can prove the truth or falsity of thi3 old tradition by noti cing next Monday whether the day is bright or cloudy, and then sec what the weather is for the next six weeks. The Lecture Last Night, Prof. Proctor delivered his secoud and last lecture last evening to an au dience equally large and cultured as the one which graced tbe Opera House the previous night. The subject of his lecture was "The Sun," about which he discoursed most felicitously, giving his hearors a great deal of new and curious information respecting this grand old monarch of the skies. To the better informed portion of his audience tbe lecture last night was, perhaps, more interesting than that of the previous evening, but the majority, doubtless, were better pleased with the former. Th3 only objection to be urgedj against the lectures, is that he is too rapid of utterance. There is a vast amount of mere conjecture in all scientific knowl- enge, so-called, theory conflicting with theory; and the majority of even people ofGulture are less informed upon the subject of astrouomy than that ot any other science hence the difficulty in keeping pace with the distinguished lecturer. The audience manifested its appreciation by the most earnest atten tion and once or twice by applause. ' Prof. Proctor's visit to Wilmington will long be remembered by those who heard him, and, we trust that some at least may be induced to pursue that grandest and most fascinating of oil studies. Some Corn. Mr. R. S. Murray brought into our office to day a curiosity in the shape of an ordinary ear of corn with five small ears growing around and attached to it, makinix ears in all. The corn on all the ears was well developed and perfect. It was raised by Mr. Israel Keith, on Riley's Creek. Pender county. New Lrusr Store. Mr. J. D. Nuti'8 new drug store, cor ner of Front and Mulberry streets, is a perfejet gem. It is neatly and tasteful ly arranged with a good line of drugs and chemicals and a Gne display of (fancy goods. Mr. Nutt is an experi enced pharmacist and gives his personal attention to all prescriptions filled there. New Liquor & Cigar Store. rpHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE3PECT- fully announce that he has returned lo the old stand, corner Market and Second ttreet', where he will ktffep in siocte a full line ot LIQUOR?, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Wholesale and Retail, MJer The bett FIVE CENTS CIGAR in Norih Carolina. NoU prices: Du fly Malt Pje Whikey. 75c per quart. Gibson's XXXX do., $3 pr gallon. Schlesinger's Menonga'hela. $2.75 Belmont Byevfl.TS. v verv good Rye. $150. N. c. Corn, $1.75. Sweet Math Corn, $1.5). Pure Holland Glu, Imported, tl 50 Bote Gin, $1.50. Jonas French's N. E Bum. $1.75: Old stock Sherry Wine. $J. A very good do., $1 25. Blackberry Brarrdv, $1. Peach Brandy, $2 25. Pure N. C. Apple $2. 81 or 9) proof 1 iquevs Cheaper than the Cheapest. CIUAU-J best 2 for 5c, 5c. and 10c. Cigars in the elf v. sept 22 Auctioneer. jan SI lm L. G. CHERRY, Ayeat. Corner Market and Second fcts Notable Improvements. Mr. F. VV. Ortmann has lately made some notable improvements to his Club Rooms, on Second street, between Market and Princess. He has leased the premises on the second floor of the building and has had the rooms nicely furnished and is now prepared to furn ish lodgings at low rates by the day. week or month. For Rent. - FRONT WINDOW IN WHEELER & WILSON Matt'g Go's Ollice, with plenty of room In front and back room. Can be rent ed cheap. Appl? at oflicc, 110 Princees St. References required, jan 16 (it , New Goods TY EVERY STEAMER. jan 20 For sale low by v GILES & MURCH1SON, Murcldson Block. Another Who Goes? "Are you going to attend tbe inaugu ration of Grover Cleveland at Wash ington, on the 4th of March?" That is the question asked by nearly every one. It will be an eventful time, and the cap italcity cf the Republic will be a sort o political Mecca at that time whither people from all sections of the country will direct their steps. It was 28 years agowhen the last Democratic President was inaugurated. Ok the 4th of March, 1857, President James Buchanan took the oath of office. Mr. E. C. Robertson. Carthage. Mo., states: "I used St. Jacobs Oil for rheumatism in my knee joint, and was greatly-relieveu. ' NEW ADVEKI8EMENTS. Vocal Class. rilHE SUBSCRIBER WILL COMMENCE A Jl Claaa in Vocal Mu&ic at Temperance Hall, ou- poeit 2 City Hall, as soon as a sufficient num ber oi pupus Dive been obtained. Terms for 12 lessons $2. Notice f time of commence ment of class will b3 given hereafter. jan 31 it Star ropy H. H. FOSTER Special Notice. rpHE EX JITTMENT IS OVER, THE FAIL- JL I RE has po ven a falore. Now call and see wnat l can rurnisn you with in my line. Satis faction guaranteed. WILL WEST, jan 31 Prop. Gem 81. and Res. Stir copy COMMUNICATED Mr. Proctor's lecture last night was a rare treat for those who have taste for and have made the great science of astronomy a study. It requires many years for men even of such talent as Mr. Proctor to master tbe subject, (in so far as it can be mastered,) and ofj course, it requires years of reading and thought for other men to grasp even the ideas ot the wonderful problems, involv ed. Iijut Mr. Proctor has the faculty lor making abstruse ideas and facts tolerably plain. He explained briefly in the outset the theory of the genesis of the 6olar system, as held by the great Laplace, Herchell and others in the past, and which is taught by such men as Winchell, Steele and others of to day (tbe planets being thrown off from the sun) and expressed his disbelief in that theory. He gave many interesting figures as to distance, s ze and con stituent elements of the sun, which very materially differ from those given in many of the scooF- books. He said the siza of the sun is greater than that of tbe whole planetary ma:ter, not f50 ; times nor 0, as some of the books say, J. D. Nutt, JJKOQGIST AND PHARMACIST, 218 NORTH FRONT ST. nave In atock a carefully selected ascort ment of Dnuaand Mcilclnes, Fancy Articles, Ac PrescripUons compounded carefully. My friends are requested to note t nese facts. falsi Ortmann's Club Rooms, SECOND STREET, BETWEEN MARKfcT AND PRINCESS, JJAVE BEEN NEWLY BEFITTED AND refurnished and have had added a number of n.vely farnkhed roons. LODGING 3 furnished bv the dav, week or month. BAR and POOL ROOMS on first floor. Transient customers accommodated at low rates. . , Comfortable rooms, tmm bedding and pottle ORTMANN, CONSIGNMENT OF FINE SWEET FLOR IDA ORANGES Larsre and fine Roe Mul lets, in barrels and half barrels. Kgga, Chick ens, Apple 8, Potatoes, Ac. Must be Bold. Call and te9. Cash orders promptly filled. Consignments of all Mndsof Country Produce and Naval Stores solicited. Terms cash, JOHN R. MARSHALL, General Commission Merchant. 24 North Water St., Wilmington. N. C. jan 28 For Sale, JjlOR A DIVISION, THE FA YETTEVIL IE "SUN" and JOB OFFICE attached, will be sold at public auction, on FebruaryNJtb, 1885, at 12 o'clock, M. Terms cash R. K. BRYAN, Jh., Surviving Partner of Evans A Bryan. jan 22 td Blank Books, JETTER BOOKS, CHECK, NOTE AND Receipt Books, all sizes, in stock and made to rder. Special attention to orders for Litho graphing Checks. Drafts, Letter He sds, Visi ting Cards, Invitations, Ac. Seals and Rub ber Stamps of 3very description made to cr der. A full stock of Office and Fancy Sta tionery always on hand. C. W. YATES. ianSG - 119 Market St GOOD SUGGESTIONS ! O- attcatton jan 31 dw lw F. W. Proprietor. To Masqueraders. The Creamery Buttered Flour JS MEETING WITH SUCH MARKED SHece s that we find it will pay cs to sell it for 2T CENTS PER PACKAGE. Tbij necessary article of foad Is prepared with so much care. and is such a great convenience to housekeep ers, that we djo not hesitate to put it on the market. 1 he finest 1 IGHT BREAD, ROLLS, MUFFINS, WAFFLES and CAKES of all kinds caa t-e made in a few minutes and with- ont any trouble It Is so clcinly that you cum make your Cakes, Breads, Ac, in the house without af fecting tbe tidiness of the roon. Receipts ac company each package. Jt la pr pared by MrJ J. H. Strange, a f r mer Wilmiogtonian, now of New York city, and we know it Is PURE AND WHOLESOME. PRICE REDUCED TO 25 CENTS PER PACKAGE. P. L. BBIDGEBS & 00. HO Nor til Front St. jan The best Place in the City FOK FANCY AkTICLKS, HOSIERY, RIBBONS, LACKS, i OVERLID5, CORSETS, VELVETS, MERINO I NDFRWKAR. FMBttOIDKQEI) 1LAKXKLS, TABLE GO DS, TO WEI 8. ' UMBRELLAS, etc. A spec al bargain in BLACK SILK WARf. HENRIETTA CLOTH at $1.25 ir yard, worth $1.75. Only a few pieces left. HEDEIOK, jan lis Market Street. The Safe Side QE ALMOST AN V QUESTION 13 THE generous sftle; but in mutters df shopping an exception should be mar'e and in justice to one'B self, not only should advertisements be read, but goods and prices examined before, accepting them ::s b Ing cheap or poescUing' wonderful value. This mcatuxe we can afely ask to be applied to the ollcw lng j SPECIAL i SALE ' of KID GlO'VESjustopctcd, In all tlzes and colors, an 1 will be sold at 48 Cents per Paiif. This Is 4 decided baigalm An catly Call iril secure pome of the n, for they arc only a Umi tt d lot. On our centre counter we display numerous bargains In EMBROIDERY, 1 HANDKERCHIEFS, LACE COLLARS, AC., AC. Together with a full stock of i CORSETS, UNDERWEAR, , LACES, VELVETS, RIBBONS, HATS, &C, AC AT J. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St WILMINGTON, N. C jan 19 : APKT7F BAmi six cents for postage A MMMMdMJ and receive free, a costij " r " ' . , gum oi 1 A NEW LOT OF MASKS, MADE OF ea anu was accompanied oj toe ncces- ; UUI vluu say j oome ui , jjl r ".ivnmpr.K tDe best astronomers, he said, thought wire, CLOTH and PAPER, just receive. . ' . the great fiery jets from the bodv of the OI . . ' Indications ! sun! were buroin hydrogen 32,000 f Tenel re. at pkck a o i i miles nigii. lie did not believe it, but , hiinsbebgeb'S. thought tbey were composed of denser rains, winds generally Northerly, with ! matter, much of which never returned slight changes in temperature. 1 to the body of the sun. The diameter j 0f tj,e sun j3 iog times that of the earth ; To every Housekeeper a good i not simnlv 100 times greater. So great c CO ill V box of goods which will help yon to more money right away than anything else in this workf All tf either eex. sncceeufrom the first hour. Tbe broad road to fortune opens before tbe workers, absolutely sure. At once ad dress Troe A Co., Angusti. Maine. nov 2 dAw ly To the Public Q ALL AT OUR STORE' WHERE YOU win find a choice stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, ' TOBACCO, Ac. A choice lot of SEED IRISH POTATOES, (Early Eose) just arrived. Another lot of N. C. IIAMS, SHOULDERS AND MID DLING", just received For sale cheafS. IMS' Lot and suil accommodations 1rze. CRAIG A THOMAS, ian il 11 So Front St. Clemmer. I FLVV MORE OF THAT CELEBRATED FIRST-CLASS WUIKEY just received. CAROLINA YACHT CLUB fc CIGARS still holds the Cake. Try McGOWAN'8 Old North ata'e Salco j and tave money. jan 7 , A Fresh Supply DRUG I AND CHEMICALS. in-t arrived at V C. MILLER'S, ' Conntr Fourth and Wn sts P. 8. Prescriptions filled day and night. jan 2I i -u' Mew Crop ' Cuba Molasses first Cargo of the Season. HOGSHEADS 60 TIERCES, I ( Ex Schooner Canton. ATTENTION ! BOTIi SAINT AM SMEB Direct from Matanzas, now landhsff. Orders soIi-lted WORTH & WORTH ian fZJlj Library Lamps, AM AND STAND 2 AMPS. LAMP Pianos and Organs. Burhrrs. Chimnci and Shades. We have jaet received a fall snpulr of our popular COLUMBIA AND M'l iJihKN OAK COOK STOVE. Have you seen our Improved Fsr- QHttT C. P BEN f KitT. WHO KEUP I ttCr I'crc W hUe Oil always on tuiB'l -I JL U i OA me our ccooa rt aricr rnop an ! Hairu resting Saloon In on h Carolina, tbe substantial cook store is an important j men differ. And, quoting Prof. Young. . i ?n ., .. Jh : "He who never makes mi- J ntfio hac noxror- tnnntrnt iloan ff unnnah best at Factory prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t to benefit his race." Al ogether. The lecture was a fine one. Student. second meanest man In Annies, won'd in farn tifd mm- f-r tonr4 - MMftMAaa m in i I... OOLD FOE CASH OR ON THE A8Y oTtyTccrcui hr.ioi -. -i ' stid be found at So. 7 South Front at , and instalment plan, at j don't vou remember it. where you can set a A I o, second-class perfumery and of his own jan SI HELN8BKBGIR's, Lire Book and Music i dec 16 2m give us a call. jan H PARKER A TAYLOR, 93 South Front St CONmMPTlON, thst I wtil mmaA TWO BOTTUb nUBB. nr. omnpnHiur.u.Hni,