THIS PAPER ouiiUsaed mr evening. Sundays eepied by JOSH T. JAMES, SOITOB AND PIOrUROKi SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: jit year $ Six months, $2.0. Three Bonths, $1-00; One month, 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers free - charge, In any pert of the city, at the above ntes, or 10 centt per week. AdTCSttfllng rates krw and liberal. rSurscribers will report any and ail fal! are9 to receive their paper regularly, lp- The Daily Review has ihe largest $bna fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. JB 1a-Vice President Colfax was hon ored io havinc no leas than nine rail way stations in the United States nam ed for Dim. . --- In 1834 the shoe factories of Nyack, N.Y.. turned out 698,434 pairs ol" shoes valued at $1,400,000;' oyer $250,000 were paid as wages. Col. Lamoot's salary as private sec retary to Gov. Cleveland was 4 000 a year. As private secretary to President Cleveland it will be only t3f5. During the year 1884, 83,051 persons a in London, or 323 a day. This ij . w - gloomy reord is made darker still by a statement that during the same year in London the sun shone brightly on only about 65 days. mm Louise Michel's volume of stories and song fi r children, to which she devoted the time of her imprisonment is said to he of such a character as to controvert the beliet that she is a total ly wicked and worthless woman. IB ! The official and otherwise respected gambler lives in Louisville. The chief o! tbe fire department owns a part of one of the largest pool-rooms, his clerk has 160,000 in "gambling properly," Councilman Hinkle is said to be inter ested in a keno dive or two, and Coun cilman Watts, chairman of the financo committee, is just finishing a 35,000 hell called a "cliib house.1' Senator Kenna, ot West Virginia, seems to be the only one of the entire list of twenty-five ex-Confederates in the Senate who served as a private sol dier throughout his connection with the army. He entered tbe service as a mere boy, being, indeed, about 18 years of ae at its close. He volunteered when about 16, was severely wounded at the ago of 17, and was surrendered at Shreveport at the age of about 18. A special committee of the New York State Bar Association recently offered a prize for the best essay on "The Doc trine of Stare Decisis, its reason and ex tent' Among the many competitors for tbe prize, whose names bad not been made known to the committee, was ex Governor Daniel H. Cn amber lain, one of the latest accessions to the Bar in tha city. His essay excited the admiration of tne members of ttfn com mittee, and they were unanimous in awarding the prize to Mr. Chamber lain. What is the difference between a duck with one wing and a duck with two? only the difference of a pinion. We want every one to pass an opinion on Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. It needs but one trial. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEM EITS. W T Groom Oysters Davis jt Son Fer Sale F c Millbh a. Fresh Supply J D NurrNatroUthlc Water Tailor's Paz a ak Another Lot W e springer Co Hardware Uilks Mcrchison New Goods H kinsbkrqkr Pianos'and Organs Paskbk A Tatxor Library Lamps J W Conolky Conoley's Drag Store Ottkr bo use Mar re) loos Redactions Knights of Honor Regular Meeting C W T ATB5 To Merchants and Others Siirirr Truth Is Stronger than Fiction Gbo R Fekncii Sox 8 More of The on Mr n ps Bros, ft DeUosbt Dissolution James ft Sholar Masons and Contractors F L BaiDGBRS ft Ce Nebular Hypothesis For other locals see fourth page. Two white tramps were accommo dated with lodgings at the guard house last night. The number of strangers arriving daily in our city from the North con tinues unusually large. On account ot the sickness of tbe Rev Dr. Pritchard, there were no services at the First Baptist Church last night The fine woollens at Dyer's, made into suits for $80, are wonderfully cheap and a fit and fine workmanship is guar anteed. f There was an immense congregation at the Fifth Street M. E. Church last night, and we are glad to know that the pastor. Rey. Mr. Tottle. is yery popular with bis congregation. . Indications. For the South Atlantic States, fair weather. Northerly winds, becoming variable, a slight rise in temperature in Northern portion and nearly stationary temperature in Southern portion. Knights of Honor.. Carolina Lodge No. 434. Regular Meeting this evening at 7. o'clock. Full ttndanca desired. " It The VOL. IX. W f I .MTNfTOAT rVT n MHMIUV UCDDTTADV O A TRIPLE CRfMK. Adultery. Murder and Suicide A Fearful Domestic Tragedy Art Awful Ending to Illicit Liove. On Thursday, the 2.h ult., a few miles from n- d nW it T! nt,, and near the South Carolina Jn.e, occuned one of those terrible , ed to saving contiguous property from i is not what he savs, but what he does, not what he advfierti doraestic tragedies which shock the j destruction. The flames ignited the! communities m which they take place j LmttR one story frame storehouse on ! es. but what he performs, not what he claims, but in the re- and which are a legitimate ending of an unholy and illegitimate love.- The facts connected with the case whieh termi nated, so far as two of the actors wre concerned, in a brutal murder and de liberate suicide on the day and at the place mentioned, are about as follows: Mr. J. P. Ward and Mr. Eiisha Prince were neighbors who lived but a short distance from each other, and both were intelligent and well-to-do farmea-s. They. were also brothers-in law. Ward having married a sister of Prince. Tbe relations between the two men and their families had been amicable and pleasant until about two years ago, when it was whispered that an improper intimacy existed between Ward and the wife of Prince. These rumors soon became so much of a certainty that bad blood was engender ed and bitter animosity was aroused between tbe men. Recently Ward and Mrs. Prince eloped together and wen1 as far a3 Savannah, Ga., but soon after arriving in that city the guilty pair saw, in one of their rambles, a car load of coffins, which im pressed them with the idea that a ter rible epidemic was in progress, and they were so mucJ frightened that they immediately returned to their old homes in Columbus county. Upon re turning home, the guilty woman, now deeply penitent and sorrow-stricken, promised anew her fidelity to her hus band, soon joined the church, and was in all respect3 a reformed woman. This conduct on tho part of Mrs. Prince irritated and enraged the blindly infatuated Ward to that degree that he armed himself on the day mentioned with a loaded revolver, a double-barrelled shot gun, charged with buck shot, two phials ot laudanum and a phial ol opium, and thus prepared he went to a convenient place and hid in ambush awaiting the appearance of his wronged brother-in-law, and when the latter' appeared, quietly pursuing his work. Ward stepped from his place of concealment and discharged the shot, gun, theemire load, consisting ot : ten buckshot, taking efiect in Prince's breast. The latter attempted to run to his house, but had gone only a lew steps when be fell to the ground a corpse. Ward then left and, alter going a hort distance, he met a neighbor to whnm he stated that he had killed Prince and that he intended to kill him self by taking poison. At this junc ture two other neighbors arrived and attempted to prevent Ward from carry ing bis threat into execution, but he held them at bay with his loaded re volver, aud drained the fatl contents of the phial, after which he went to his home and slebt away in a few h')urs a blasted, but hitherto useful life. Mr. Prince was i quiet, inoffensive 11 man. uotn men were warned nnu leave wives and children and both were buried on tbe same day, in the same cemetery- I Just before bis death Ward gave a long letter to his wife, to be delivered to Mrs Prince, in which he expressed bis great love for the lat ter and regretting that she had forsak en him. Failed in the Attempt. We bear of a lady in this city who this forenoon called upon one ot her neighbors and while in her friend's house, looked out at the widow and noticed that one of the windows in her own kitchen was hoisted. She im mediately started to see what was the matter, and iust as she bad reached the i gate leadiog to her residence a colored woman ran out and tioegcu around a corner out of sight. The lady then entered the kitchen and found that a lot of provisions had been stolen. A further examination showed that a basket, belonging also to the lady, hsd been taken and placed outside the win dow and into this tbe provisions bad heen Dot. but all had- been left in tbe . a t .i ks-r .. u i nasiy ucjiaiiuio mi mi- man iuc lady lost nothing oxeept, possibly, for a ; few moments her temper Good materials properly porportioned which are the essential requisites in Ready mixed Paints can be best attain ed by using tho N. T. Enamel Paint j old at Jacobi's Depot. t I Daily Reyiew. Sunday Morning s Fir. i About 8 o'clock yesterday morning 1 fire was discovered in an unoocoDied one I story frame dwelling house on Harnett street, near the corner ot Seventh. Tbe j alarm was sounded and the firemen we on nano wiin ine.r usua prompt,- tuoe. hut thfi fi a)1ip5 had ornTtnn sunk I . . 1 m . ! ewk' lbat building was entirely ! destroyed, and their ITorta wro rlSmt- the corner of Harnett and Seventh i streets and also te one story frame dwelling adiacenr on Seventh street by colored people and both were badly damaged. All tbe buildings were the property of Mr. S. H. Terry, of the po l:cc force. The two dwellings were in sured for $125 each and the storehouse for $50. making an insurance of $300, all in the Niagara Fire Ins. Co.. ot New Yorkt represented in this city by Messrs Johh W. Gordon & Smith. The fire was undoubtedly tbe work of an incendiary. The Moon In February. The February moon lulls on the 28th at 11 o'clock in the evening, so that we come within an hour of having no full moon in February. On the 3d, three days before the last quarter, the moon is in conjunction with Uranns. This means that the planet and moon are at the time in the same right ascensions or longitude, although one maybe sev eral degrees north or south of the other. On the I3th, 18 minutes past 5 o'clock in the morning, the moon is inconjuno tion with Venus, and twenty-four min utes later she is at her nearest point to Mercury. On the 14th, the dayiof her change, she is in conjunction with Mar9. on the 21st with Neptune, on the 23rd with Saturn, and on the 28th with Jupiter. The mcon occults a few small etars as she makes her monthly circuit, the phenomena being visible in this portion ot the earth's territory. These occulta tions are interesting to watch, but the stars are so small that a telescope is re quired for the observation. Personal. Mr. James A. Willard, formerly of Shis city, but now of Baltimore, is here on a short visit. Capt. J. M. McGowan is still de tained in Raleigh on account of the ex treme illness of his father. We arc glad to stale that there is a slight change tor the better in the eon dition ot Capt. W. M. Parker. Mr. Bruce Williams, of Pender coun ty, is in the city to day on his return from a professional visit to Columbus county. Mr. A. A. McLean, Chief of the Let ter Carrier Department at the Post office in this city , has gone to Onslow county for a short recreation. Mr. F. W. Clark, who has been quite sick for two weeks past at his residence in this city, with a rheumatic attack, has improved lately and hopes to be abroad in a tew days. Mr. D. Cardwell, Assistant General Freight and Passenger Agent of the C. C. & A. R. R., C. &. G. R. R. and branches, and A.. T. & O. R. R., was in tbe city on Saturday. Mr. Frank Devire. 347 First Avenue, New York, states, that he was afflict ed witli acute rheumatism and was cured by St. Jacobs Oil, the Great Germany Remedy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Sale. BBLS ROE MULLETS, 40 10? KEGS OF LARGE OF, Will ic sold cheap. feb -2 i DAVIS ft SON Oysters. Oysters. rpo-MORROW AND ALL THE week I will receive a supply of ! v,-.o flr,o BZW RTVICR (i ARDIcV OYSTKR9. ?urntecd f resh and sweet. Ordere left will 07&&tto?'& W T CROOM. 110 t o rront street, near me new jnarEei feb 2 Dissolution. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between the undersigned under the Arm name of MUND8 BROS. De kOSSET, has been dissolve 1 by mutual consent All nersens indebted tc said Arm will make nav- mem t J. Dickson and Win. c. Munds. who bereaft r carry on the Drug bustaeisst tne old stand unuei the firm name ef MUNDS brothers. J I ICKSON MUNDS, 1LLIM C. MUNDS. C M. DkBOSSKT Jan 81, '85 MUNDS BROTHERS, DRUGGISTS. Market and Second Streets. Fourth and Hanover Streets, feb 8 It WUrnington, N. C. NEW ADVERI8EMENTS Truth is Stronger than Fiction Tlt. , , , The , O I if, the proof that one's method of doing business is gOOd 1 s ! suits. Business success -gained, bv fair, uniform and honor jabe deaHn w;th patroils bv est prices, by conducting the business to the mutual bene fit of both buyer and seller, is a true success. We have been in business in this citv fifteen vears and bv fair deal ing have been successful in gaining one of the largest Clothing trades in this city. Anything we have now in stock you can buy on our pledge to give the best value for the least money, every time, with the privilege of exchang ing or the refunding of money. THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER. 114 MARKET ST., feb 2 f F. M. JAHES, H 15 . SHOLAR. JAMES & SHOLAR, RICK MASONS AND CONTRACTORS. Will bepleasd;to receive orders In our line. All work executed with neatness and dispatch, feb 2 lw New Goods jgY EVERY STEAMER. For sale low by GILES A MURCHISON, Murchieon Block. feb 2 Natrolitliic Water. (Safely, quickly and pleasantly, 25c.) GOODWIN'S Comp. Syr. HypophMphites, FELLOW'S Comp. 8rr. Hypophosphttes, KILLINGS, CLli'P A CO'd Comp. Syr. Hy pophosphites. FRANK SmDALL'S SOAP, Cocaine Tooth Ache Cura. J. D. NUTTj Druggist and Pharmacist, feb 2 Sit N. Front St. Library Lamps, JJ AND AND STAND 1 AMPS, LAMP Burners, Chimney a and Shades. We havo just received a fall supply of our popular COLUMBIA AND SOUTHERN OAK COOK STOVES. Have you seen our Improved Far mer? Pure White Oil always on hand. PARKER A TAYLOR, feb 2 23 South Front St Hardware QT ALL KINDS AND IN ANY QUANT1 ty. Whoierale and Retail at ROCK BOTTOM prices. W. E. SPRINGER CO., 19. 21 2S Market Street. Wilmington, N. C. feb 2, To Merchants and Others. JgLANK BOOKS, Letter Books. Check, Note and Receipt Books, all lists, in stock snd made to srder. Special au .n tion to orders for Litho' graphing Checks, Drifts, Letter He ails. Visi ting Car is, InviUtiuns, & SeaN and Sub bcr Stamps of 3 very description made to or der. A full s'ock of Ortice and Fancy Sla tioncry alwsys-en hind. C W. YATES, feb 2 119 Market St To Masqueraders. NEW LOT OF MASKS, MADE OF WIRE, CLOTH and PAPER, just weired. Please c til and supply yonrael ves at i hsinsbes(;er's. Pianos and Organs. gOLD FOR CASH OR ON THE EAST Instalment plan, at HEINSBEBGER'S, feb 2 Live Book and Music Stores More of Them. rpaoSE POPULAR W ACKEN PHAST SHOES for Gentlemen. Fit like a Glove and don't hurt. We have the best $6 GAITER for Gents in the Stale. Cail atd s:e them. e. Geo. Bo French & Sons', 108 NORTH FRONT 8T1 feb J IQQA NO. 28. NKW ADYGBTiSEMKN f t, puddin - thc eating ,f I i- r T se! W good jroods at the low Another Lot QF OPERA KID GLOVES. I VARIOUS tints, just received and will be sold at 18 cents per pair, real value One Dollar and a Quarter. Together with a new stock of CORSETS, freshjfrom the factoi f. No old stock. A Fif ty cents Corset for only 39c; a Seventy-Five cents Corset for only 50c; a Dollar Corset for only 73c; a Dollar and Thirty Nine cents Cor set for only 99C, &c , &c. NURSING CORSETS in all frizes. Mistes and Uhildren'fCoTSets;"ln various styles at low figures. LINEN COLLARS ThiJ department is now filled with tbe latest Novelties manufactured from best materials, leading sty!es. and the prices cannot ba matched in the city for cheap ness; tlf.s wetknow and all will acknowledge It; first examine Whlt3 Stan- ing Collars with capes, worked buttonholes, for only lie each Standing Collars, turned points, Hemstitched, Embroidered, worked buttonholes and capeo. A regular 50c Collar for only 25c. Clearing out Feathers, Plumes, Birds, Flow ers, Velvets, Satins, Plushes, Ribbons, Hats, Ac, &c. No one urjed tQ buy. C all and see at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, I 118 Market St WILMINGTON, N. C fib 2 Prof. Proctors HAVING EXPLAINED SATISFACTORILY HIS IDEA8 ABOUT THE , l Nebular Hypothesis and having removed all doubt in our mind an ! to its noa-exlrtcnc', ly Illustrations and com- j men'alions, wc are prepared lo prore to the : Wilmisgton people that some candy mak.-rs j ....' . J are active agents In this Aifilar Hypothais theory: and are filled with vapcrous Idea? and Imaginations. They rotate with Buch speed j that they create a vapour about thfm, and think thev are manufacturing WORM S OF j j CANDY, when, in joint of fact, 1 1 Roy8ter's Pure Candies j lead all o.fccr kinds in ihe market. They are PURE, FRESH AD WHOLESOME v The young ladies demand it : tb 3 obi ladles enjoy ' i' ; tbe young bab'.es cut their to 3th on it. Yonng men, pay attention to these fart, and straightway invest in this necessltv. Be yond all doubt the most popular CASDV in our ity, and it ii sold for THIRTY FIVE CEST8 A POUND. Q P. L. BRIDGERS & 00 HO Nortl Front 8t. feb 2 Conoley's Drug Store. 216 MARKKT STREET. CONOLEY 8 COL09NE. Conoley's Cough Syrup , Conoley's Tee Phvslc, And a fall lice ef Drugs and Chemicals for prescription use ; also. Cigars and Cigarettes Give me a call feb I J. W. CONOLET. ?TJKAJ3 v O ' -We will be glad to receive ooaimueauot. em aaj sad all ;fcjeet j but of the writer meat always be aished to tte Editor. Communications must be written cm o one side of the paper. Personalities most be avoided.: And it is especially and particular iy ode tood that the Editor does not always eadoi J the views of correspondent nsies ar rtsis m the editorial columns. NEW ADVEKTISEMKNTS. - Marvellous Reductions IN Men's Fine Clothing ! OITEKBOURO&CO, UE DETERMINED TO REDUCE THEIR SlOCK OF FINE CLOTlIlSG. wbtch they givt a BONA FILE GUARANTEE as to the fame being of the LATEST SI YLKS possess irg every point of taste requisite to gocd fit wai i anti d well made, njod AT PRICES UN PRECEDENTRD IS tl 1LMJNGTON. Tit readers of Oie Rkvikw the earct of Cost-, Pants and Vests are carroUly reminded of the fact that OTTER BOUEO CO. only handle NEW AND FRESH GOODS, and n:ver under any circumstances are led into the buy ngof imaginary bargains offered by Auction eers and Odd Lot Jobbers. When you dona suit of our Clothes you havo the sa l.-faction of kaewingi hat they are HUSH, STYLISH anl DESIRABLE. We repair every dlssathL factory trade without one word of argument. Try us just once for luck and be convinced. Otterbourg & Jo,, KING CLOTHIERS, feb 2 Wilmington, N C 7lLlMiiible & Co. I STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS and Auctioneers of General Merchaudhse of eveiy description. Ouice corner Princess and Water streets. Cronly & Mo-rise' old stand Personal attention given to. sale of horea and vehicles at private sale or at auction. Con slgnments solicited. A. G. McGIRT, sept 22 Auctioneer. " E. G. Blairr BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, FOR THE SALE OF COTTON, GRAIN, Flour Meal and Country Produce generallv ! 1?,(K)0 dozen Fggs wanted at highest cash prices. R. G. BLAJR, , jan 31 Fo 19 North Second 8t 1 New Liquor & Cigar Stofe. rjlHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully announce that he has returned to the old stand, corner Market and Second streets, where lis will keep in stock a full line of LIQUORS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Wholesale and Retail, " The best FIVE CENTS CIGAR In North Carolina. Noto prices: Duffy Malt Kye Whiskey, pi per quart. Gibson's XXXX do. $.1 pp r galldn. i Schlesinger's Menougabela, $2.7ft Belmont Rye. $l.5. A very good Rye. $150. SH AJ. Corn, $1.75. Sweet Mash Corn, $1.5). Pure Holland Gui, imrorted, f 2 50 Rose Gin, $i.Rt. Jonas French's N. E Hum. $1.75: Old ttcck Sherry Wine, $i. A very good do., $1 25!. Blackberry .Brandy, $1. Peach Brandy, $2 2. Pure N. C. Apple $2. 6) or 9) proof li'iuons Cheaper than the Cheapest. CIGARS best 2 for 5c, 5c. and 10c. Cigars in the cliy. J. G. CHERRY, Agent, jan 31 Im Corner Market and Second bts The best Place in the City FOR FANCY ARTICLES, HOSIERY, RIBBONS, LACES, 1 COVERLIDS, CORSETS, VELVETS. MERINO UNDKRWEAB. EM BROi DERED FLANNELS, T ! TABLE GOrDS, TOWELS. UMBRELLAS, elo. A spec al bargain In BLACK SILK WABP, HENRIETTA CLOTH at $125 per yard, I if worth S1.73. Only a Ivw piece left. I jan 9 115 Market Street, Special Notice, rjUIE EXCITBMENT IS OVER, IHE FAIL URE lias proven a (share. Now call and see what I can furnish you with In mv line. Satis faction guaranteed. WILL WEST jan U Prop. Gem 81. and Res. ; " tf c')y j i OrtiTiann'S Clllb ROOfTlS, SECOND STREET, BETWEEN MARKET AND PBISCESS, ' JTAVE BEEN N tlflV REFJTT li AND refurnished and have had added a number of Beery furnished roe-JU- LODGINGS lurcishcj bv tbe dar, week er month. BAR sn 1 POOL ROOMS on flrst floor. Transient cutomcrj accommodated at low rati'?. Comfortable rooms, cJein bedding and polite attention. F, W. URTMANN. jao.lidAwlw Proprietor. Clemmer. A FEW MORE OF THAT CELEBRATED FIRST-CLASS WHi4KET j est received, CAROLINA YACHT CLUB fc CIGARS till holU the Cake. Try McGOWAN'S Old North KtA'e Saicoa and lave money. jan 7 A Fresh Supply QF DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Jest arrived at F. a MILLER'S, Comer Fourth and Nns at. P. 8. Prescriptions filled day snd night, janlt "Si

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