THIS PAP B . --' mbnahed every evening, Sunday ex cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, suitor iirs raofimoi SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID. Jne year 4.oo. Six months, $2.00. Three nontha, $1.00; One monli, 86 cents. The paper will be delivered by carrier free at charge, la any part of the city, at the above rates, or 10 eeate per week. Adveetbrtug rates low and liberal. -subscribers will report any and all fall- to receive their paper regularly , The Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. JEk Bangs will have to go. The New York shop girls have abandoned thcni. John W. Garrett's estate will $20,000,000. reach Mr. IrviDg's company caused $60,- 000 to pass through the box office in Cbicngo last month. The Sultan of Turkey has bought in London "a tricycle lor the use of the ladies ot the harem n Senator Fair has presented a building site, valued at $13,000, to the Boys' and (Jirls1 Aid Society of Sab Francisco. King Humbert, of Italy, has under taken the task of effecting a reconcilia tion bet ween Plon-Pion Bonaparte and bis wife. The Governor of Michigan receives the munificient salary of $1,000 a year" while his private secretary is paid $1, (KM). House property in Paris to the value of over $5,000,000 is untenanted; in other words, one-sixteenth part of the capital invested in houses lies idle. The fund raised by subscription, mostly among the Spanish and Spanish-American residents of New York, for the relief of the sufferers by the earth quakes in Spain, now amounts to $11. 215. Gen. Win field Scott once admitted that when he was a young officer he had paraded. for hours at a time before a large mirror, "but." he added, "if any one had seen me it would have killed 'me." : The leading military paper of Urea Britain expresses the hope that a de tachment of American volunteers or State militia will form a part of the American Exhibition to be held in London in 1886, as there is to be a royal military tournament at Islintgon that year. u en era i ttragg, who, became cod. spicuous because of a fiery speech in support of Cleveland at Chicago, ad dressed the Democratic legislative caucus in Wisconsin the other day, de claring that two years hence Wisconsin would elect a Democrat to succeed Sawyer in the United Stiles Senate. ranee produced 783,566,335 gallons of wine last year, 27,000,000 gallon8 less than 1883. With the exception of nine departments in the Northwest, wine is produced in every part of France. Owing to the ravages of phylloxera, 190,000 acres of vineyards had to be rooted up during the year. Henry M. Stanley is pushing to its completion the manuscript of a work on his African labors. The work will bear the title "Congo, or the Founding oi a aiate ; a awry oi w orx ana js.x- pioration. it will consist ot two good- sized volumes, ana it is expected that the manuscript will be ready for the printer within a month. The closing of 19,000 saloons in Hoi land does not seem to have deprived the people of that country of the right to be classed as the hardest drinking nation inthe world. The New York Sun cable correspondent says that 2h per cent, of her entire population were sent to prison in one year for drunken- ness, ana mat nearly ib,ooo,ooo a year is spent on whiskey. Mr. William Walter Phelps "con cedes" that Mr. Blaine will never again permit himself to be drawn into anoth er nom. nation. Mr. Blaine's rivals, says the Philadelphia Record, who re- member havin heafd mthin, n thn same sort in the winter of 1883.. wiJ. nrohsh v not relnx thpir viaiUr, :n reoairinrtheweakDlaceain thir rolit- ical fences There is said to be great excitement in Mexico in consequence of popular impressions that. the United States is negotiating for the purchase ef the eastern half ot that Republic. It ap- pears tnat the sensalioD is cot the result a" a panic on account ol the expansion policy of Secretary Frelinghnysen. bat originated from certain wild talk re- cently indulged ia by tae New Orleans Rcaaune which has been translated and published broadcast by the Mezi- can press. "Oh. Willie we hare missed vou !' Since you have been away, darling, 1 ve not had nnn mtva to serin1 to ihe I gmggist'o for my Dr. BnlPs Cough oyrnp and when my cough syrup is gone I feel like I bad lost my besfc "ena. . I The Dynamite was used in New York on W nnlnn w j-vt w T 1i n a I a. wa piaceu unaer Ihe show window of Garry Bros., at urano anu AJien streets. Considerable . I uamage was suiaineu by a number of bu ildmgs in the vicinity and three ar- :s were made. The police are very icent. Garry Bros, had had a diffi res reticent calty with their salesmen, in regard to the hour ol closing. What next? Dynamite is powerful but gunpowder hat not yet lost its force j a fact which O'Donovan Ross a ha3 at iast ascer tained to his cost. The men who, by bis own confession, bargains for the destruc ion of the tnnccent women and children who may stand in the way ot the execution of hi3 schemes has been at last made to tasto some ot his own medicine. He was shot dowti on the street in New York yesterday by a young Englishwoman and it is said that he will surely die. He was met on Chambers street, near Broadway, by the young woman, who discharged five bullets into his body. The dyna miter was removed !oa hospital and the lady was arrested. Not a Particle. Mr Louis K. Hall, Washington, D. C, states that he suffered agonizing tortures and could hardly bend or straighten himself. Two applications of St. Jacobs Oil. the woundertul pain cure, cured him and he had not had a particle of the old pain since. LOCAL NEWS. IKDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F G Miller 1 Fresh Supply Statement City linking luni Dividend IlMik New Hanover Statement Mutual Life; Ins o HKIN8BESOBB Pianos anki Organ C W YATE3 To Merchants and Others Ann CAE Meeting Bank New Hanover Vollers Hall German Masquerade Ball For other locals see fourth page. There was no City Court this morn ing. This was a beautitul, balmy, Spring like morning. " j Tho receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 129 bales. One white tramp was accommodated with lodgings at the guard house last night. j The annual meeting of tho stock holders of the Bank of New Hanover will be held in this city on Thursday, the 12th inst. The Directors of the Bank of New Hanover have declared a semi-annual dividend of lour per cent, payable on the 8th inst. We observe quite a fine display ol new Revolvers for very reasonable prices, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t There was a big rat hunt this more ing at Mr. John it. Turren tine s on South Water street. They took nine big, fat fellows last night in one trap and there wftS fun airJong the dogs and the bunler3 wnen they were turned out o( tQe (rap We have noticed several suits of clothes cut be Mr. Geo.R. Dyer, which are of elegant lorm, graceful curves and very attractive. Dyer's su;is at twen ty five dollars surpass anything . that we have seen in clothing. It : Personal. Dr. K. J. Powers, of Pender county was in the city to-day. Mr. J. W. S. Robinson, member of the Lower House of the General As sembly, Irom Sampson county was in the city to-day and gave us the pleas- of a call this forenoon. Masquerade Ball.. There will be a masquerade ball to morrow night at Vollers' new hall, opposite the market house, under the ul ' w ' "" inc couiimuee I . I 11 . t -y? 1 r . meets, wno are wen quaiineu ror me task, will use every euort to make the occasion pleasant to all who may wish to engage in the mazes of the dance. Wedding Bells. There will be a happy party to-mor row night at Fair Bluff, Columbus county, the occasion being tho marriago of Miss M. Biackwell and Mr. Thomas Dowling. boih of whom are well j known and have many friends in this city. V e learn that a uite a number of friendsin Wilmington will leave herejiu foreign vessels. $642,186. to morrow morning to be in attendance ; total, $644,263. at the wedding. God materials properly porportioned tt;k am frm ppnlial rn nlnJtMa in UttmAv mixed Paints can be beat attain 77 V . v namoi Point ed by using the N. Y. Enamel Paint sold at JACOBi s jbepoi. t Daily WILMINGTON. N. C TUESDAY. FEBRUARY Board of Aldermen. i The of Aldermen met in rsgu-, J lar moBthl mon lagt nigbt am i iii'H i juau icitw: iiuui mw a. r i I ... i . i i i : 1 1 . i j presented to the General Assembly, for authority to issue bonds to the amount j j0f $100,000, for the improvement of! streets and for sewerage. The report was adopted. Alderman Dudley, from the commit tee on Markets, reported that the floor of the Fourth street market house need ed to be renewed. On motion the com mittee was authorized to have the nec essary work done. A special committee on the railroad bridge reported and asked tor further time. Granted. On the claim of J. R. Turrentine. the special committee recommended the payment of $100. Adopted. A resolution was adopted. ordering repairs to be made on Fourth street, to sidewalks, &c, between Red Cross and Campbell streets. Alderman Bear submitted a bill to be submitted to the General Assembly, to change the registration, in regard to numbering lots, &c. The Mayor stated that it was neces sary that registrars should be appoint ed at this meeting for the approaching city election. An election was ordered and W. M. Evans wa3 elected for the Upper Di vision of the First Ward; C. M. Har ris. Lower Division of the First Ward ; J. C. Lumsden, Second Ward; A. Y. Yopp, Third Ward ; E, H. Freeman. Fourth Wafd: D. S. Bender, Fifth Ward. On motion of Alderman Fishbiate the Mayor was authorized to ap point the inspectors of election. A eummunication was read from Mr. Wm. Latimer, in reference to the purchase of a lot from the city for hotel purposes, asking for the extension of the time named in the agreement. On motion, the matter was referred to Alderman Fishbiate, Dudley and Boney, as a special committee. Alderman Bear submitted the follow ing, which was adopted : Resolved. That the petition of Maj. W. L. Youn, relative to the publica tion styled "Semi-Tropical Area." be referred to a select committee of three, to be appointed by the chair, who shall be empowered to expend $100; pro vided, the Board ot Audit approve the same. Aldermen Bear, Morton and De Rosset were appointed a committee on the above resolution. Petitions for the use of the City Hall, Iree of charge, by St. Stephen's Church and Israel Tent were not granted. A Prosperous Lite Insurance Company. The attention of our readers is direct ed to the annual statement of The Mutual Life Insurance Cornpany o New York, F. S. Winston, President presented in another colnmn. Thi great institution, the largest in tho world, now has assets amounting to 103,876.178,51, and a surplus of more than 812.000.000. It paid on policies last year $13,923,062,19. a considerable portion of which sum went directly to windows or orphans, in many instances redeeming houses from absolute dcsti tution. The Mutnal differs from most other Life Companies in that it never encourages speculation in in surance, and uever solicits the insured to take a larger policy than he can of ford to carry. It does believe in mod erate policies, however, and its aim is to persuade business men to set apart a small share ot their profits yearly to provide for their families in the event ot death or financial disaster. The re port will woll repay perusal, Foreign Exports. The foreign exports from this port for the month ended January 31st, 1885, as compiled from the books at the Cus tom House, were as follows: Cotton 10,799 bales, weighing 5,022, 181 rounds, and valued at $530,939. Rosin 39,375 barrels, valned at $48.- 462. Tar 5.200 barrels, valued at $7,800. Spirits turpentine, 259,843 gallons. valned at $64,375 Lumber 149,000 feet, valued at '230. Shingles 60.000, valued at $250. Miscellaneous valued at $207. Total In American vessels, $2,05; Grand For durable coloring the walls of rooms in beautiful tints, at little cost nothing equals the Mablelne sold at Jacob 1 '8 Depot. Now is the time to give Smith's Worm Oil. lyd-w f Review ! NEW ADVER18EMENTS STATEMENT OF 1 Mutual Lite IU8UTailCe UOmpaiiy 01 NeW York, v WTVTOV inPIWvT K S. WILTON, President. For the year ending ASSETS. ANNUITY 5e An Pay'e i - Fo ' An Pav' Annuities In force, Jan.lst, '81. 61 $S3.1M 31 Annuities in force. Jan. lf, 'S5 61 f2S 631 63 Premium a naulttee 3,74 96 Premium Annuities 2 94 44 Annuities Issued 5 1 TBS 70 Annuities TeraBtnaretl. 5 1 909 90 , 6fr 28 565 97 6 5 tSR?!? INSURANCE ACCOUNT. So. Amount. Ko. Amount. Policies in force. Jan. 'st Policies in force, Jan 1st. 1884....:... U0.99J $312.946 012 1855 J ..114,804 0351,79 285 hiaks Assume! 11,104 34,675,989 Bisks Terminated. 7,380 23.832,'73j 122,184 $57722021 22.184 $ic202l Dh. REVENUE To Balance from last account $94,472,108 8s " Premiums received. 13,850.258 43 Interest and Rents. 5,245.059 98 $U4,C67,t27 27 Dr. BALANCE SHEET. To Reserve at four per cent $98,242,543 00 " Claims by death not yet due. . 862,387 00 " Premiums paid in advance. ... 27,477 36 " Surplus and Contingent Guar antee Fund 4,743,77116 $103,876,173 51 NOTE If the New York Standard of four isover$12,C000i. rrom tne surplus, as appears in tae caianco participating Policy whish shall be in force at ASSETS , New York, January 21, 1885. 0- BOARD OF Fredrick S Winston, Samuel E Sprouls, Luoius Roblrson. Samuel D Bab cock, Hermann C ven Po3t, George C Richardson, Alexander H Rice, William F Babcock, FRatchford Starr, Fredrick H Coesltt, Le is May, Oliver Harriman, Henry W Smite, George S Coe, John E Develln, Seymour L Husted. Richard A McCui'Jy, James C Holden, M. S. WILLARD, O. F. BRESEE & SONS, General Agents, Baltimore, Mri. feb 3 Annual Meeting. rpHR ANNUAL MEETING OF THE 6tock holders of th BANK Of NEW HANOVER, wUl be held at the Banking House, in this city, on THURSDAY, 12th inst., at 12 noon, feb 3 S. D. WALLACE, Cashier. BANK OF NEW HANOVER. WILMINGTON, N. C, Feb. 3, 185 rpHE DIRECTORS OW THE BANK OF NEW HANOVER have declared a Semi-Annual Dividend of FOUR PER CENT., payable on the 8th inst , to Stockholders of record of that date. S. D. WALLACE, feb S Ca hler German Masquerade Ball, AT H. VOLLERa' NEW HALL, Weduesday Nitrht Feb. 4. '85, Admission SI 00 for Ladies ami Gentlemen; Rclreshments 5Cc . Tickets can be had of any member of the Committee. No tickets will be sold at the door to anv one In mask. Committee: L. Vollers, John Haar, Jr., H L. VollerB. E. W. Doscher. feb 3 It CITT OF WILMINGTON, N. C, Ferrlabt 2d, 1889. 11 TE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE have TV thl day examined and counted the bonds of the City of Wilmington, belonging to the SI L-g Fund ot said City, in the h ndsof the C missioner of the Sinking Fuad, and nn t as to tne sins. Com fol lows a Four Bonds due in 1887, One " " JS89, Seven " 1892, Fifty -one " " 17, T..I.. 1QQQ $ 4'0 1.000 8,600 5,9.0 2 000 It ,O0 200 15.00 J Twelve Tea Twenty-live Fifteen 1801, 1S.4, 1910. f62,80O Total ot Bonds Sixtv two Ihouaand Zlaht Hundred OoUara. all af which are duly stamn- cd "Sinking Fvnd of the City of Wilmington.' Bslaaoe of cash la hand of the Coamlsslocer, forty-Uve and 84-100 doUars. W1LUAH OALL'H, W. R, KISA, O. A. WIGGINS, fob 3 It Of Board of Audit and finance. A Fresh Supply fY DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Just arrived at cLur-CL mit .1 .ira, P. 8. Preacriptbws filled day and night. Jan 21 3, 1885 tffy 29 J- EW ADVERTISEMENTS. December 3fst, 1884. .$103.870, 178.51 ACCOUNT. ACCOUNT. Cii Bt paid Death Claims A " " tfaturcd Endowments ( Total claims t5,226.S?0 83 2.49J.454 99 07,717,275 82 " ' Arnultles 16 9 6 08 1 1 Dividends 3,141,164 12 aurrenerca jroiieies acu Additions. . v 5 j Total psid Policy-hold-I era $U,923.l62 19 1 commissions, (payment) of current and extin guishment of future). . . . Premium charged off on Securities Purchased. . . Taxes and Assessments.. 3,037,ttW 17 9j7,84C 19 1,131,172 33 Expenses 872,263 87 Balance to New Account. 97,009,913 08 $114,067,427 27 Cb By Bends 8ecured by Mortgages on tteai estate $46,978 687 9o Tntt out Kf afao mnA ka D ,1 j 4 r.M 001 i n Loans on Collaterals 6,898,387 50 Beal KsUtc lO.SSJJM 04 " Cash in Banks and Trust Com panies at interest 2,844,938 54 " Interest accrued 1,262,413 51 ' Premiums in dcfcired, quarter- ly and semi-annual. 1.103.115 3a Premiums in transit, princi pally for December 138.714 51 u3penso Account. 37,314 14 f Agent' Balances 7,9ti 90 $i03,S?6.1T8 fl and a half per cent. Interc3lbe used, the Surplus eneci, a aivmenu win nc apportioned to each its anniversary in 188. $103,870,178 51 TRUSTEES. John H Sherwood, George H Andrews, Robert Olyphant, George F Baker, Benj Sherman, Jes Thompson, Dudley Olcott, Anson Stager, Frederick Cromwell. j Julicn T Davtes, i Robert Sewed, : s Van Renaaler Crugcr, j Charles K Hencerson, ,Georxe Blias, iBufus W Pcjiham, ! Win P Dixon, J Hobart Herrlck. Agent, Wilmington. I Another Lot QF OPERA KID GIjOVES. IS VARIOUS tints, just received and will be sold at 48 cents per pair, real value One Dollar and a Quarter. Together with a new stock of fresh from the factor?. No o'd stork. A Fif ty cents Coreet for only S9c; a Seventy-Five cents Corset for only 50c; a DolUr Corset for only 73c; a Dollar and Thirty Nine cents Cor set for only 98c, Ac , Ac. NUBSING CORSETS ia all tizes. Mlsf es and Children'; Corsets !u various styles at low figures. USEN COLLARS Tht3 department is now filled with the latest NovelUes manufactured from best materials, leading styles, and the prices cannot bs matched In the city for cheap ness ; th!s wefkuow and all will aeknowledge It; firit examine White Standing Collars with capes, worked buttonholes, for only Lc each. Standing rollers, turned points. Hemstitched, Embroidered, worked buttonholes and capes. regular 50c Collar for only 25c. Clearing out Feathers, Plume j, Birds', Flow era, Velvets, Satins, Plushes, Ribbons, Hats, c, Ac. No one ured to buy. (aU and see at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market 8t WILMINGTON, N. C ftb2 F. M. JAWE., . H. B. SifiLAI-, JAMES A SHOLAR, T BI C K MASON S ANB CONTRACTORS. WUl be'pleasecrjlo receive orders In our Ihse. All work executed with seat nees and dispatefc. feb 2 lw Mew Goods JJ Y EVERY STEAMER. wot sale low uy 4iILBS MUKGHISOX, Mnrefaleoa Block. feb 2 We arm be glad to iaesflt comnrnaihaooe ob any ead al? :nbjaes Of fee writer nasi always torn "laned to the Editor. OonpanloatloBs must bo written ofc on one side of the paper. . PersouallUea must be avoided. ! And It la especially and. parttrokeriy cede i 0od that the Editor doe not ahrT Ottdcja I TB'ri8 Of eorresponder.'. usir ns start in the editorial columns ) HEW A I) Y E ItT I S K M K X TH S. H. Trimble & Co. STOCK AND BEAL ESTATE BROKERS and Auctioneers of General Merchandise of every description. Office corner Princess and Water streets. Cronry ft Motrins' old tand. Personal attention given to sale of hor:es and vehicles at private sale or at auction. Con algnmcnts solicited. A. G. McUIRT. sept 22 Auctioneer. E. G. Blair, BillJKIE AM) COMMISSION MKRMAftl, FOR THE SALE OF COTTON, GRAIN. Flour Meal and Country Produce generally io.OOO dozen Kggs wanted t highest each Pr'tKS E. G BLAIR. ' To 19 North Second St New Liquor & Cigar Store, rpHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully announce that he has returned to the old stand, corner Market and cocon 1 1 trects. where he will keep in stock a full line cf LIQUORS, CIGARS, AND TOBACCO, Wholesale and Retail, The best FIVE CBNTS CIGAR In North Carolina. Nota prices: Duffy Malt Bje WhUkc7, 75c per quart. Gibson's XXXX dj., $3 prr gallon. Schleeinger's Menongahela, $2.7.1 Belmont Rye. $l.-i.i. A very rood Rye, $150. N. C. Corn, $1.75. Sweet Maeh Corn, i 1.5 J. Pure Ilollard Gin, hnj oried, tS 50 Kotc Gin. $1.50. Jonas French's N. E Hum. $1.75: Old stock Sherry Wine. $i. A very good do., $1 2A. Blackberry Brandy, $1. Peach Brandy, $2 ?5. Pure N. C. Apple $2. 8 or 9 i proof liquors Cheaper than the Cheapest. CIGARS Best 2 for 5c, 5c. and 10c. C!gars in tec ci' v. L. G. CII EL BY. Kent. Corner Market and Second Ms jan 31 lm The best Place in tfcte City jFOK FANCY ARTICLES, HotlURT, RIBBON?, LACKS, COVERLIDS, CORSETS, VELVET8, MERINO UNDKBWEAE, BMBBOIDEIED iLANNEL. TABLE GO Db. TO WEI 5. UMBRELLAS, etc I A speoal bargain In BLACK .SILK WAR, HENRIETTA CLOTH at $1 25 per yarjl, worth $1.75. Only a few pieces left. HEDRICK, jan 29 115 Market Street. Notice. rUIK KXGIXSMENT IS OVKli, I lljti FAIL URE ha p-oven a Now call and see what I can furnish yon with In my line. Satis faction guaranteed. WILL WK8T. 1 jan 31 Prop. Gem Sl. and Rca. fctir :opy To Masqueraders. NEW LOT OF' MASKS, MADE OF WIRE, CLOTH and PAPER, just received. Plcatc c ill and supply yourselves at Hi 1X3 BERBER'S. Pianos and Organs. gOLD FOR CASH OR ON THE EASY Instalment plan, at HElNSBERGKR'S, feb 2 Live Book and Music Stores To Merchants and Others. JLANK BOOKS, Letter Books, Check, Not and Receipt Booke, all sizes, in stock and made t 'v-;e , . to onler. Special attention to orders for 11 tho graphing Cheeks, Drafts, Letter Heads, Vlsl-. ting Cards, InvitAtion3, As. Sea't and Rub ber Stamps of 3vcry dcssrlptton made to or der. A full stock of Oftice and Fancy Sta tionery always on hand- - B W f r, w. taTeh. feb 2 119 Market St More of Them. TaOSE POPULAR W AUK EN P II AST ": :i;. ' "' SHOES for Gentlemen. Fit like a Glove and don't hurt. We have the beetf: GAITER for Gents In the Stale. Call ar I n e them. Geo. Rs French & Sons', 108 NORTH FRONT STREET feb 2 Ortmann's Club R oomsj SECOND 8TREST, BETWEEN MARKET AMD PBIHCESS, HAVK BEEN MEW1-Y "BBfrrTfcD AND refurnished and have ten tt? defl a number of n!eely farou-hed roova. LODGING 5 faixiebed by tfut cby, jweek or month, BAR an! i'OOL ROOM i onflrt Eyr1. Transient customeri accouimoJUtd at low sales. Comfortable room , rlcinbcldiog and polite attention. k. W. UETHAJ, jan 31 dAw lw Proprietor. Clemmer. A WKW MOSB OF THAT CELEBRATED HH.tT CL aSS WHLSKEY just received. CAROLINA YACHT CLUB 5e CIGARS still holds the Cake. Try McGOWAN'8 Old North Sta'o SeJooa and rave money. Jan 7