0 THIS PAP IE bUBMd every evenly Sundays ex eepted by JOSH T. JAMES, BPITOB A.ND PBOrKIBTOB. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: year -00. ix months, WL. Three V,c the. !; One month, 36 cento, me paper will be delivered by earners free ot charge, hi any part of the city, at the above rts or 10 centt per week. Advcstislng rat, low and DberaL -Sabacrtber will-report any sad all fall rhAtr n&oer rasrndarrv. ty 7e DaiZy Review has the largest : fco-fl fide circulation, of any newspaper disked, l'l W " wuywn. An English astrologer predicts the dcth ol a 'hijh American function-f a little airer.bcptemDer xo sr Washington papcrtbinfcs that IL.p p r Merrick haa qualifications Inline ' hiro tor three Cabioet position. i z Capt. C uch has deckled to invade Oklahoma again at an early dale, and the bonier- on the border are pleased or.w more. IVre is luck in nam as. The ice boat Grocer Cleveland has just beaten the Dreadmught, hitherto the chain pion, and i3 now the " boss" boat of the 'urth Uiver. A Chinese millionaire bfiy years old A . . . . flcantly dressed and accom pained by a valet, was one ot the passengers ou a west-bound Pennsylvania train the i other day Eighteen hundred dollars' wor th ot glrawberries have been raised on. two and a half acros of ground by a farmer of Delasvare township, Cimden county, N. J., and he accordingly has received a premium from the State Board Of Agriculture. The total aumber of thoatres, includ ing places licensed for theatrical perfor mances, in Great Britain at the end of the year was 335, compared with 358 st the end of 183, Of.existing theatrical places of amusement, London takes the lead with 40. Liverpool coming cext with 10. The Boston Post says that in Martha's Vineyard the ratio of deaf mutes to the population is one to every 150 persons, a ratio said to be greater than in any other portion of the country. Two cen turies ago two cousins in the Mayhew family were married, from whom can be traced a hereditary line of deaf mutes. The Rev. Dr. William Stoddert, a distinghuished Presbyterian minister, died recently in Mexico, Mo- He was a brother of Cot. B. S. Ewcil. ol Wil liam and Mary College." V,a., and of Gen. Ewell, so well known for hia ser vices in the Confederate army. For some reason Dr. Stoddert look the ma ternal name Minneapolis and St. Paul are having a lively discussion over the formation of a State fair ground and State park half way between the two cities, each to contain 200 acres, and the latter to embrace the famous Falls of Minne haha. Ten years ago the cities were fifteen miles apart. Now the park, if formed, will be the only neutral ground between them. Powder and patches are much worn at the theatre in Paris, a well as at dinner parties, and may be sometimes spied at the Metropolitan and Wal laces. It is so becoming a style to some faces that one can scarcely find fault with the revival of the fashion especially as the costume which ought to accompany it should be of the Louis Seize period. Although Mr. Gladstone has been in poor health recently, he does not seem to be careful not to expose himself to the elements. One Sunday recently he walked from Hawarden Castle through the city to church, a distance of nearly half a mho, during a tremendous north westerly gale, accompanied by a drench ing rain, without the protection of an umbrella. The injunction granted some time ago restraining Miss Devy or ber pub lishers from publishing the letters of tbo late Lord Lytton to his wife or tbe letters written by the plaintiff, the present Lord Lyttpn, to bis mother, and from parting with them lor the purposes of publication, has been made perpetual by the Court of Chancery by consent ol all parties. , n The shipment of tannin from Arizona both East and West, will, in all prob ability, prow to be an important in dustry during tbe present year, as a ery fine quality in abundance bas been discovered not great distance from Tucsan, and the demand has always been greater than tbe supply in the markets of both the - sst and Pa cific coast. m Mr. John Sword. Monticello. Minn., writes to the Sevenska Amerikanaren, that he recommends St. Jacobs Oil. the great pain-reliver, to his country ften as the best cure for rheumatism SQU schea t)ii. Hw itm nan ho. was cared severe pains in (he joints; his father O; who suffered intensely with rheut tttisra aod was unable to walk, tried "&d after a few rubbings all the pmins gssei . The VOL. IX. LOCAL NEWS. j "" i i iBI TO NEW AaVRTlSEME8TS. J U Bin., J Pv-Noiice LOST Lace Handkerchief .F C Mill Eii a Freeh Supply H SIH8BEHOKB Valentiaes for 183 Davis ft Son ?aUrdav Markst Dr. David Kennedy' Favorite Remedy C W YATB4 To Merchant-, and O. hers There was no City Court thi? injr. . - or.i ra The storm signal was flying again to day. .The receipls of cotton at this port io day foot up 172 bale?. We observe quite a nne display oi new Revolvers for very reasonable prices, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot .f A hpinHfiil ! tM ... , . r iton Nobles m Ins new t!av "Love and Law", given to everybody who calls at Dyers1. j Gentlemen arriving this morning on the Carolina Central train state that the rain along the line of that road was severe and general all the way 1 to Charlotte. .- Steam boatmen report about 6 feet of water on the shoals in tbe Cape Fear, with the water about at a stand still. Probably the heavy rains of last night will cause another rise.! Our City was visited by a thunder shower last night, which was the Grst ot the season and majj be considered as rather unreasonable.' The rain fell heavily nearly all night and it wa3 ac cempanied by high winds. To every Housekeeper a good substantial cook-stove is an important necessity and our readers will find the best at "Factory piicos at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t We omitted to mention in our report of the Masquerade Hall yesterday that Mr. N. H. Quince, who apeared in a black domino, was a conspicuous figure of the occasion. H.s grace in dancing wa3 haidly equalled by any of those present. Five colored men were accommo dated with lodgings at tbe guard house last night. They were not tramps, but men who had come down the river on rafts, and as they wore not permitted to have tires on the river on such a boisterous night, they sought the pro tection afforded at police headquarters Good materials properly porportioncd which are the essential requisites in Ready mixed Paintscanbe best attain ed by using the N. Y. Enamel Paint sold at Jacobi's Depot. jf Indications. For the South Atlantic States, fair weather, preceded in Northeast portion by light rains, or from Northeast to Northwest winds, becoming variable in the extreme Southern portion. Colder in East portion. Nearly stationary, followed by a slight rise in temperature in West portion. KailfoacI Extension. Capt. R P. Pkddison will go to Raleigh next weekHo see the assembled law-makers of the State and try to ob tain an amendment to the charter of the Clinton o; Poini Caswell Railroad which will authorize its extension from Clinton up through Joln ston and Wake cunt:es to Raleigh. Serious Accident. At about II o'clock this forenoon, Mr, Frank Kelly, who iseuployed on one ot the dredging boats on the Cape Fear, near Big Island, was oiling some of the machinery of the boat when his right arm was caught in a cog wheel and crushed off, only hanging by a few shreds ot flesh. He was put on board the steam tug EUiel, Capt. Dicksey, and brought to the city and taken to the Seaman's Home, where surgical assis tance was at once summoned and the necessary aid was rendered. Oood Work. We were shown to day specimens Ofltnenceto Texas and will return to book hindinir done at tbe iob orintimr I Rondout via the Mississippi. St. Louis establishment of Messrs. DeRosset & Meares, in this city, wbieh would com pare favorably with any work gotten up at Nortbcru binderies. The speci- mens were a volume of "Picturesque i Europe," iu morocco binding, and a large ledger, m full ledger binding, with russian trimmings, and both were gotten up in substantial form and exquisite taste. The same firm will soon issue a di-; rectory ot the city, as the canvassing tor the munes and residences ot citizens, which, has been going on for several weeks, will be finished to-morrow. Now is the time to give Smith's Worm Daily WILMINGTON. N. C FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 6, Oil on tlto Waters. The Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, for the month of January, pre pared by order of the Bureau of Navi nation of the U. S. Navy Department, by Commander J. R. Bartlott, II yd to ut apher. contains much valuable in formation for sea going people ami is an interesting study for landsmen also. Among oilier information which has I bew sought by the Hydrographie Office is the important fact of the efficacy of. f,l the jkat mail train will necessarily the use of oil upou a heavy sea and be wititgrawji. The following upou what cllec:, it any, it produces, hire- the sublet is extracted iVuin the p!y to inquiries regarding this matter j Goldsboro Messenger: the O'lice bas received the following: Our townsman, A. J. Calloway, "Mr. Mark Lee. of the MaUie 11. Ru- Esa.-. is at Washington looking after sell: states that the brig John W. the Fast Mail Service ot the Atlantic Lovetl. laden with grain, and bound to 'Coast Line, which he has so zealously Queenstown from New York, had her i and successfully - labored to establish cargo shifted dm ine a sale. Alter irut- ' and maintain for several seasons. We ting the vessel before tbo wind a boy was stattoned at the rail to pour a steady stream ot oil into the sea, which stopped breaking immediately and in the vicinity of the vessel appeared as a long, heavy swell. About a gallon an hour was expended " "Capt. James Ritchie reports that, while in command ot the ship Mytle Holme, during a voyage from Portland, Oregon, to Queenstown, he used oil with great success on three occasions. While crossing the Bendwood banks the sea was so heavy that the man at tbe helm hud to be lashed to prevent being washed away. A canvass bag, perforated with a sail needle, holding about half a gallon of common lamp oil, was hung from each yard arm. Two minutes after there was no more broken water and the ship went along as dry as possible, although a short dis tance away the sea was the same as before. Again, during the' same yoyage, while hove-to about 10 days off the Western islands, two more bags were put over. This time the bags were not perforated, and tbe mouths of the bags were tightly closed. One was put over forward of the fore rigging and the other abaft the mizzen rigging, each attached to about 20 feet of line. The surface of the sea became smooth immediately and the ship lay without taking any water on board. Just before sighting Fastnet light, dur ing a heavy gale from Southwest, the same bags were hung from the bumkin, with about a fathom of line, so they dipped into the water as the stern roee and fell. Although the sea was very heavy, the ship ran without difficulty and kept perfectly dry. Very little oil was used on these occasions, and Capt. Ritchie is of the opinion that it is of tbe greatest service while running and wbile hove-to." In a conversation yesterday upon the subject with an experienced navigator who has been a visitor at this port for many years Capt. Rice, of the schr. John. A. Griflinhc stated that, while he bad never tried the use of oil in a gale of wind, he had long known that water would not break when oil was upon its surface. So iong as seas do not break the chances of disaster are much less, and if it is a fact that this danger can be avoided by the use of oil. a vast amount of property, as well as many lives, may be saved, at a very trifling expense and many a storm tossed and weather beaten sailor will have occasion to bless the oil can. Personal. Cols. H. B. Short aud E. D. Hail were registered in Raleigh on Wednes day. Mr. H. M. Foard has been quite sick and confined to his: house during the past week. He was able lo be out for a short time yesterday, and is improv ing in health, although he is yet quite feeble. Rev. Dr. Pritchard, who fcas been quite sick for the past week, was able to be out for a sbcvt, time yesterday. Mr. J. Duke Murray, advance agent lor Milton Nobles, arrived in the city this morning and registered at the Pur cell House. He has been engaged dur ing the day in making preparations lor the appearance of Mr. Nobles ahd his company at the Opera Ilonse on the 11th and 13th inst. Mr. Wm . Kennedy, agent for Dr. David Kennedy, proprietor of the Fa vorite Remedy medicines advertised in the Review, has bren in the city for the past three dajs and left last night i on the Southern train. He will go tp New Orleans via Key West and from and Chicago. Mr. John B. Liliard, ot Iouisville, Ky , arrived in the city this morning in of the interest" Lil lard's Visitor's Guide to the w oriu s Exposition and .New or leans, n of which be is the pub lisher. The work is a handy volume of 48 pages, illustrated and contains a map of New Orleans, besides a com plete list of hotels, their charges &c , churches, theatres, operas, public buildings and much other valuable im portant information to those who con template visiting the Exposition. Mr. Liliard was formerly connected with the Louisville Courier Journal, and while in the city is the guest of his old time acquai nance and mod, Rev. W. E. Peschau. I i : 1 1 rv . 1 1 I -iLL The Fast Mail th Atlantic seaboard cannot wtiuoui ttie last mail train ington City to Jacksonville been run cow for several scars pa-t and which baa done so mucn for the sections through which it passes. Its further xiter.ce depends upHin a omi nuance of the appropria t ;ii nwdcbV Ci'iisress to nav for this fast mall service acd U this .should hope he may again be successful. Tbe coast section of the South cannot well aflord to lose the fast mail service. Our business interosts, as also private interests, demand that it be retained, and even made more effieieut. As the Charleston News and Courier well says, "at t h'13 season of I he year travei from tbe North to the South is very large. A great proportion of the tour ists are invalids who seek the. balmy clime ot the South in winter for the benefit of their health. Such as these are numbered by the thousands, and they are, both personally and as busi ness men interested in receiving their mails from home with pr mptitude and dispatch. It is, therefore, apparent tha' the South is not alone interested in this matter, but the convenience and in terests ot thousands of Northern citi zens are likewise concerned. This, then, is a matter which Congressmen both North and South should look into, and see that the appropriation is vo ted." ' At present three daily trains are run from Washington to Charleston and two to New Orleans, makiug connec tions with tbe principal points of Flor ida. It Congress should neglect to vote the special apppropriatiou, the re sult would be that one train would have to do the work now required ot two. In other words, wbile one train now is assigned chiefly to local business, and eo relieves the other, enabling it to be devoted to tbe rapid transportation of tbe mails it the railroads do not receive the compensation- from the overnment necessary to defraying irhci expense ot running the fast mail, the local business and mails will have to depend on one train alone. The Nexus and Courier says editorial ly on this important subject: "It was a wise measure and proved very popu lar. By the fast mail service Charles ton, for example, caius an entire busi ness day, and, through the Atlantic Coast Line, has bad the benefit of quick communication with the North. The time to Charleston, under the last mail system, is eighteen hours from Wash ington and twenty Gve hours from New York, and in proportion from Balti more and Philadelphia. At the last session of Congress the service was ex-, tended to Savannah and Jacksonville, and the speed of the last train between Wasnineton and Jacksonville now averages thirty-six miles an hour, ex clusive of stoppages. Richmond, Petersburg, Weldon, Wilmington, Charleston, Savannah and Jacksonville have been made, un der the last mail service, the distribut ing offices for the several States travers ed. In this way, much time is saved in all commercial transactions, and tbe truck farmers and fruit growers, as well as the merchants ahd bankers, have enjoyed the advantage of f needy settlements with their agents in other States. With the fast mail service comes, also, a constantly enlarging stream of passengers, who are induced to visit the South by the improved ac commodation and comfort given them by tbe railroads. The fast mail service has been a po tent element of good, and the money spent on it is well spent. To cut oil tne appropriation and discontinue the ser vice, without reason or excuse, would thrust the whole service back to the coud:tion in which it was teiVyearsago. The country has outgrown this and would be iujured by a return to it. We trust that the House of Reprcsen tBtive3 will consider the matter care fully, and w feel sure that, in that event, the usual appropriation for tbe fast mail service will be made. Tbe representatives of the districts immedi ately interested will, ot course, give their early and earnest attention to the subject. There is an unmailablc postal in the office here addressed to Eliza Robinson. froruL. Robinson, and package address ed to Gracie Morris, Brooklyn, N Y. The steamer Passport left here this afternoon for Georgetown, S. C, hayl ing in tow the steam dredge recently constructed at Capt. Skinner's yard, which is to be used in tbe improvement of that harbor. Only One Nigrtit. Mr . Milton Nobles was booked to appear hereon the nights of the 11th and 12th inst., but his agent, Mr. J. Duke Murray, who gave us tbe pleasure of a call to-day, informs us that it will be impossible to appear more than one night, which will boon the 13th, when the melto-drama of Love and Law be presented. The men of Paris of all ages and con -ditions are wild over boxing, and tbe many cares made by Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, their national remedy. The Sou vt'.i wiiici&ti 1885. NO. 3K Mr. John E. Lppitit. of ibis city, has been appointed a notary public by Gov. Scales. Exports Foreign. Nor. barque S-.rrati ja, Oisen. cleared to day for Amsterdam w'tb 1,600 bales cotton, valued :tl $?rl,io, f!iir; 1 by Messrs. Ahx Sprunt & Smi. Ger barque Ixtuise Wichards. Kiimcke, cleared for Stettin with 3.000 barrels rosin, valued at $1,01 shinped by Messrs. Paterdop, Downing & Co- Wor. barque Jafnhar. Nielsen, cleared ; -for Liverpool with 1,738 bale& e dton, ' valued at $88,000, shipped by Messrs Alex Sprain & Son ; making a total pi exports foreign amotintiug to $183,010. Our Criminal Court. We understand that a note f'rtim a prominent member of the Senate was received here yesterday stating that the Criminal Court for this county wfiuid probably be abolished and this, too, in the face of a petition signed by nearly one thousand white citizens asking lor its continuance, and from the men who pay for the privilege without any aid from the State Treasury. There is considerable doubt, how ever, we think, in regard to the matter aud the Legislature is decidedly at sea in re.'erence to the judicial question. There is talk of increasing the number of judges of the Superior Court lo fifteen but the Judiciary Committee has not yet reported. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Saturday's Market. W E WILL If AVE SOME NILE BLACK FISH and BRlf M for eja!c at our Fisli Market. feb 6 D.WI3 otice 3 HEREBY GIVEN THAT LOUISA LOl I iN'.SI V fAVmovlif I rui-Q llinli w, ; 1 !-.-,, i . 1 , - oJ corOttt? to the statfuc m such cases made and provided on Thursday, October 8. 188.", at JO o'clock, a. m., to have her homestead set apart in S. W. quarter of .Lot 3, Block i'55, accord inpj to the plan of tnc city t Wilmington, ffel) 6 law6w rl J. C. UlLl,. J. P. Lost. LADIES TRINCESS LACE IIANDKEK dlKI ilEF. Lost on Wednesday nhrht. cither at voiieri" uau or on jjock, between Front an i Th'rd, or on Third bf tween Dock an 1 Walnut. The finder will be suitably rewarded on leav ing it at MIS8 KaKKEh.'.?, at Jixcfaatifce Cor ner, feb 6 It A Long Felt Want Finally Supplied. . J DAVID KENNEDY'3 FAVORITE KEMEDY for the Blood, jLiver, Kidneys ami Malaria Try it ''It works like a charm" is the testi mony of thousands. For aale by William H. Gretn, John H . Har din, W. S. Brlpgs A Co., F. C. Mi tier, J. W. Conolev. Mnnds Bros. WILLIAM H. GREEN, Wholesale Agent, Wilmington, N. C. feb a cod lm f m w dftw Another Lot i 'I M QF OPEUA KID GLOVKS. IS VARIOUS tints, just received and will be sold at 4$ cents ler p3ir, real value One Dollar aau a Quarter. Together with a new stock of CORSETS, lreeh from ibe factor. No oM stork. A Fif ty cents Coreet for only 39c; a Seventy-Five ccate Cors-t for only 50c; a DolUr Coicet for only T3c; a Dollar and Thirty Nine cents Cor set for only 98c, Ac , Ac. NURSING CORSETS in all fcizes. Mist- and Childrr n' CotoX lu rarferas styles at low flfurct. LISEN COLLARS Tbli.deparlmcut Is now filled with the latest Novelties manufactured from l2st material-... leading sty!rs. and the prices cannot bs matched in the cityfercheap ncas; ihN we.kiow asd all will a -knowledge it; flrct examine Whits Stan' iog Collars itb capes, worked buttonholes, for only V c each. Blinding o!Jars, turned points. Hemstitched, Embroidered, worked buttonholes snd canee. A regular 50c Collar fcr only 25c. OI-.E-AJRIlSrO OUT: FEATHERS, PLUMES, BIRD3. FLOWERS, VELVETS, SATINS, PLUSHES, RIBBONS. I14T5, c, c. Ac. No one ared to buy. all and sec at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St WILMINGTON, N. C. ftbt , WewllllMclad to mcarrc eoaasnnicaco asd aV!dtiaeto general iniecostfeui Taonaaaaof the writer meat always ton mm$ to tbe Editor. OonttMHtfoatloao am t vrttata oa on ore side of the paper. PnonaIltlea muat to aToidocl. ; And It i epeeiatry ar-d parttcclxrly xjntfc stood thai the Btlltor dote sot alri j endc j a the news 01 oorreapondor. u rnj- , In the editorial columns. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. S. H. Trimble & Co. OTOCK AMD &KAI, EST ATK liROK Uam! Auctioneers of General Merchaod every leaonptloit. umc corner rrlo Water etrccta. croulv & Morrl&tf 6 Personal attoiitloajetven to aale of hordes at unvtW'sa'i' or a auction, eon V-'iiicrU sotteltcd. A. G. WcblRT, !opt x AclloBOr. E. O. Blair, ittitt m mmm iercjant, FOK TJH: S.UC OF COTTOM, GRAUli Flour Meal awfOttrntrj Produce OBcruliy i?V.W0 do ..'ii lf;ri'S wanted f highlit cafh prfcSffe? IT " K. (; BLAIR, jH" .";t NiiNoftbfecoMTSt The best Place in the City FOIl I A XCY A UT I V I, I IS t HOSIER; V, ltu;ltONs, UAtejBJi OJYkULllM, CORSHTsS YF.LYfcT T M RBI NO UNDERWEAR." RMRROIDEP ED U.ANNr I S, TABLE GO DS. TOWKIS. L'Al 3RELLAS, el-; - Axpec bargain 1a BLACK sit K WARP HENRIETTA CLOTH at $l.'2-ri peryrd worth 1 ".". Only a few pieces lef'. , HEDBICK, jau 115 Market i Natrolithic Water. (Safely, quickly and p'casartly, SSoj.) GOODWIN'S Comp. Sj r. Hvpophoephttes, FELLOW'S Com p. Syr. HypbphOHphiteS, t 1LLINGS, CLAPP'A tO'.-s Comp. Syr. Ily pophosnhitcs. i FRANK 8JDDALL'S POAP, I Cocaine Tooth Ache Cure. J. D. N'CTT, Druggist and Pharmacist, ftb 2 VIS N. Frost Bt Library Lamps, TT ASD AND STAND 1 AMI'-, LAMP -ia Burners, CUiumeya and Bbadest Wo have jnst received a lull suppl7 of. orr popiiar CUJ-i-.MJilA A.N1 . OUlJtlhUN UAU LUUS bluv r.. Have you eeu our improved rar aci-' Pure Idle Cil always ou baud PARKER A TAYLOB, feb 2 South Fi jut Et To the Public. c LL AT OUR STORE WHEftS YOU Snd a choice ttoek t i FAMILY GROCERIES, WISES, LIQUORS. 1 T RACUO, Ac. A choice lot ot SED 1UISH POTATOES, (Eaily J'ofce) just arrived Another lot of N. C. HAM-?, SHOULDERS AND MID DLING, just received Fcr sale cheap. I ' ' i;i j Lot and Stall accommodations frc. CR MG A THOMAS, 11 80 Front St. j.m Oysters. Oysters. TO-MORROW AND ALL THE week I will receive a supply of yi these fine NEW RIVER GARDEN OYSTER guaranteed fresh and sweet . Orders left will i receive prompt attention and be delivered in nv pars of theciiv free of charge W- T. GROOM, 110 f o. Front Street, near the New Market i feb 2 - 1 Clemmer. JEW MORE OF THAT CELEBRATE FIRST-CLASS YUlKEY.iust received. CAROLINA YACHT ,CLUIi fc. CltSSUS ?tlil holds the Cake. Trfr McGOWAN'8 Old North ta'e Salco and tave money jau 7 To Merchants and Others. JJLANK BOOKS, Letter Books, Check, Note and Receipt Kooke, all elsfs in ttcf-kand made to order. Special attention to orders fOT Litho graphing Chocks, Drafts, Letter Heads, Visi ting Car Js, Invitations, Aj. Sea and tub. lcr Stamps of :yery description made to or der. A full s'ock of Office and Fancy Sla tionery at ways on fa wl . C W. TATRS. feb 2 H9MsrketKt Valentint s for 1885. rjlHE GBhtAT INCUEASK IN THE VAL S.NTINE TRADE over former year ti no doubt 'lue to the introduction d nr beautiful DECORA1ED SATIN NOVELTIES, EASEL YALKNTINES. ELKO A ST PtIINOKLJj CARD VALEN TI j ES, VALENTINES FOB ALL. Tonngandokl, llrgeaStl smai , an'onaso made haiiitr fram a lirre ifcck at ll HElNoBEKGKR'S, ftb 4 live Book and Music store. Drtmann's Club Rooms, SECOND STREET, BETWEEN HaBRkT AND PBINGESS, jTAVE BEEN" NEWLY BEr i'i lk 1 AND refurnished and have bad added a number of nicely farnJbhcd rcons. LODGINGS furnished by tbo, day, week or month. BAR snd FOOL ROOMS en fir', floor. Transient customers accommodated at low xstesv Cemf jrtabie roons, ele w boddlna and POtttn attention. F. W. OKTMANS, jan31dwlw Propristor. and :

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