MISCELLANEOUS - " MedStar TRADE jjB TheDaily Review. For the Daiilv llevicw THE DAYS OF MY CHILD. HOOD. Absolutely a . . ET . A .J i A PROMPT. SAFE, SURE CURE j i r (cuzbs ora Throat, Iloarseace. CoIdA, ! ' , t - - . .11 y", nr, Influenza, wwnum i aouji- ing Cou&A, Qi;ir.y, Pain In Chert, uJ ct!ir nti viiscf J!:nThroRt nl Lang'. - - SO cents a bottle. Sold by Drnegfets and rs 1'artic.s unable to induce Uteir dealer to : aptly get it for item vjtli receipt Uco bottles, insures charges paid, by tending one dollar to lilt (IIAHLKS A. OiiELER eOaPt.W, BoM Owners nl Manufacture, Knltljaort, SirjLanil, C. S. A. !ch It dAw The Science of Life. Only $1 FY MAIL POST PAID mm THYSELF. A GREAT MEDICAL WORK 01 MANHOOD. ted Vitality. Nervous and Physical llliv, Premature Decline In Man, En-ore ;. and the untold mlceries resulting r mi ' !i?rrctlon or excesses. A book lor r :-;;tn, young, middle aged and old. It 125 prescriptions for all acute and diseases, each one of whl-h is invaiu So found by the Author, whose experl - 23 years Is euch as probably never l, t f., re fell to the lot of any physician. 300 -. bound in beautiful French muslin, em I rs, full gilt, guaranteed to be a ;,: i r work irievn v sense mechanical, literary ash :ia! than any other work sold in this- couutry for $2.50, or the money will be reMinded in every instance. Price only $1. Ob mail, post-palcL Illustrative sample 6 cts. Si nl now. Gokbmciai awarded the author lv the Naiional Medical Association, to the otiireTa of which he refers. I ne Science of -Life should be read by the r for Instruction, and by the afflicted for u tief. It will benctit all London Lancet. Yh rc la no member oi society to whom this . will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman Argonaut Address the Peabody Medical Institute, r fr. V. II. Parker, "No. 4 Bultiinch Street. Boston, Mass., who may be consulted cn all! Ureases reauirlng skill and experience. Chronic ana obst'natc diseases that have ..;! i the h o( al. M p A I oth-r slcjaus r. specialty, iri CM fas Such treated succcsLf ul-P 1 g ly without an in- I MM I C& C SL S' utance of failure Mention this paper, jan CG dAw 4w Capital Prize $75,000., Tickets only $5. Shares in proportion. Louisiana State Lottery Company. ' We do hert; certify that voe supervise iht arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawings of The Louisiana Stats Lot tery Company, and in person manage anil con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the seme are conducted with honesty, fairness, and i i good faiih toward all parties, and toe author ize the Company to use this certificate, tcith fac (Unties of our signatures attached, in Us aaver 'isements." S T s f 7- 7 Commissioners, Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Leg islaturc for Educational and Charitable pur poses with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $550,000 has since been a-Med. By an overwhelming populai vote Ub fran ch?ne was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D..1S79. The ony Lottery ever voted on and endorsed ty the people of any State. It never scale or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly- A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Third Grand Drawing, Class Ct In the Acadmv of Music, at New Orleans. Tuesday, March 10, 18S5 17Sth Monthly Drawing. 0ajital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Each. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. of ol of of of cf i Capital Prize of. Prize of Prize of Of $6,000 Of 2,000 1,000 5t 200 100 5 25 ; ArrROXIMATION f-RIZES 9 Approximation Prizes of 750. 9 " 5C0. 9 ' 250. Capital Capital 2 Prizes 5 Prizes 10 Prizes 20 Prizct 100 Prizes S00 Prizes .F00 Prizes .000 Prizes 75,000 25,000 10.00C 12,.i0t 10,000 10,000 10xXl 20,000 30.0&,' 25,0 ;0 25,000 6,750 4,500 2,250 Ob! ihe cays f my childhood ! how fast ' they have flown ! S" brtel feen s tre time sir.ee I wan tlernl a child! Then, to Ifaotigbty. i-an &u4 ras ons, alike, were nnkn-iwrr, IM a h art ihat was happy a niolher fco nii!d. Nor, the traced f ruftnhoed are wrought on ray face. And the mother I inved has a hTine m the skies: 1 Whilst cares ! to-aifdrcjw my dreams' won i erase, Btlt will stamp them ibe deef er where' nitriiory Ik s. Oh! it Time only would, in his onward career. liut retrace a few steps! Oh, how happy I'd be! If he'd place me a moment my mother's side near, Ail my cares would! be gone, and my si. r rows would nee. The sweet dreams of a child I would dream once again. For my mind wouid bo free and heart be light : And the jys never known to ws when we aie men. Would again make me happy aud cheer ful to-night. And a mother would guide me, in iilc's upward path, i1 With the kindness ot love fnru her bosom so pure ; Whilst in manhood, when ag'd, she needed a sfaff, Then she'd find one in me, lor no son's heart wa3 truer. i i But old Time will not turn in his course for an hoar. He coos hurrying on in the race he must run ; Our bright days may darken, and storm-clouds may lower, Still he heeds not our askings, tho' hopes we fee none. So, 1 weep as I bid a farewell fco the past; It was bright. t was short; and 'tis useless t sih, For the days of ray ehildhpod, loo hap py to last ; But my heart will give place to re grets till I die. W. Gotten Downing. A $20,000 !5iDle. Describing a sale of valuable books, the London Standard, of that city, savs : Next came the celebrated Mazar in Bibl". described in the ta'a ogue g fallows: Biblia Sacra Latina e Yer sione et cum lra?fatione, S. Hierony, mi, two volumes, the first edition of the Bible, and the earliest book printed with metal iype., by the inventors of print ing, splendidly bound in blue morocco, a magnificent copy folio. Sine Nota Sed Moguntiai, per j. Gutenburg et J. Fust, circa. 1450-55. This excessively rare edition, of which a copy sold in the Perkins sale for 2, GOO, has been designated as the Mazar in Bible ever since the discovery by Debure of a copy in the library of Cardinal Mazarin. It is printed in double col urns, in large letters similar to those used by the scribes for church missals and choral books, and for firmness of paper, brightness of ink and exact uni formity ot impression it has never been surpassed by any "other work. This re markable book was started at 500, aud then a brik competition took place between Mr. Quaritch and Mr. Snow den, the auctioneer's clerk, for its pos session. At 3,100 Mr. Snowdea dropped out of the bidding and some one else took it up, but eventually Mr. Quaritch secured the treasure for 3, 900 amidst cheers. - A Perfect Woman . It was a very old Spanish writer who said that "a woman is quite perfect and absolute in beauty if she has thirty good poiets." Here they are. Three things wlr.te the skin, the teeth, the hai.ds. Three black the eyes, the eyebrows, the eyelashes. Three red tho lips, the cheeks, the nails. Three long the body, the hair, the hands, Three short. the teelh, the ears, the feet. Three broad the chest, the brow, the space between the eyebrows. Three narrow the mouth, the waist, the instep. Three large the arm, the loin, the limb. Three fine the fingers, the hair, the lips. Three small tlie bus?, the nose, the head. Toledo Blp.de. 1,967 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should le made only to the oi2ce of the Company in New Or- lci.nfe. For further Information, write clearlv, gbc tTjg tall address, PO-TAL. NOTFS, Express Mory Oriers, or cw York Exchange n or dinary 1. u-r. Currency bv Express, (all aim cf $5 ard upwards hX our expense) addressed M. a. DAUPHifit, New orleanr-, arM A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St. . Wa&hlnjrtna I), c Make P-. Money Mrrtera pa able aid ad dress Pegistered l etter to NKWOUUCANS NATIONAL nNIJ, feb 11 w s Aw 4w New Orleans, Ea ew Crop Cuba: Molasses First Cargo of the Season. 60 HOGSHEADS TIERCES, Ex Fthooner Canton. An Old Otin. J. Tom Scott of Gieensboro, Ga. , has a gun that was once the property of he Duke cf Gloucester. The gun is drubled-barrelled and madeot tho best Steel. Near the tubes, sunken in the barrels, are two scrolls of purest gold, on which is graven : "Maker to the Duke of Gloucester." It is a beautiful gun. The sol id silver ornaments and guards, the walnut stock and gold scrolls on the barrels make it attractive in appearance as it is interstini: as a relic The gun was firt picked np alter the the surrender ol Lord C'crnwailis at York'town in 1783. It came mln the possession ot t he St ck t n family, of Princeton, X. JJ At the death of ( omm dore Stockton and up on Lne sale of fits personal efiects the gun was parchssed by Mr. Potter, of Savannah. Subsfqantly he made a present d it to Phii Pouiiiin, who was his son-ir-law. At :hat tinie it was a tiint and steel 1 .ck. hut Mr. l'onliain hid E. H. Rogers, oi lAugusia, to change it to percussion. The stock wa- old as d Mr. Pottllain had made frotju the post of a walnut bedstead a new one, and the trigger guard and the shoulder butt were ornamented -ith silver from dollar pieces. Direct from Matanzas, now landing. Orders solicited. WORTH & WORTH. jan 28 To every Housekeeper a good substantial cook stqve is an important necessity and our readers will find the best at Factory prices al Jacobi's Hardware Depot. f THEUENEKAL ASSEMBLY SENATE. 1st dist Currituck, Camden. Pas quotank, Hertford, Gates, Chowan and Perquimans; James Parker, dem. W M Bond. dem. 2nd dist Tyrrell, Washington, Mar tin, Dar. Btaufort, Hyde. Pamlico; Theo W Poole, Dem, P H Simmon, dem. 3rd dist Xorthsmpton and Bertie; Thomas W Mason, deno. 4th dist Halifax; J M Mullen, dem. 5J h diet Edgecombe, R S Taylor, (col) rep. 6tb dist- Pitt; W 11 Williams, dem 7th dist W iUon. Nash and Frank lin ; II G Connor dem, Joshua Perry, dem. 8;h dist Craven; Geo H White. (col) rep. 9 h dist Jones. Onslow and Car teret ; Dr C Thompson, dem. I0;h dist Duplin and Wayne: E J Hill, dem, J T Kennedy, dem. 1 1; h dist Greene and Lenoir ; F M Rountree, dem. 12 1 dist New Hanover aud Pender: W H Chadbonrn, rep. 13th dist Brunswick and Bladen; Swairj, rep. 14th dist Sampson ; E T Bokin. detn. 15th dist Columbus and Robeson; D S Cowan, dem. R F L;wis. dem. 16th dist Cumberland and Harnett; W C Troy, dem 17th dis't Johnsion ; Ashley Home, dem. 18th dist Wake; John Gatling. dem. lihh dist Warren ; J H Montgomery, rep. 20th dist Orange, Person and Cas well; James Holman. dem; A W Gra ham, dem. 21st dist Granville; R W Winston, dem, 22d dist Chatham and Alamance; J L Scott, dem. 23d dist Rockingham; John S John ston, dem. 24th dist Guilford; J L King, dem- 25th dist Randolph and Moore; M S Robins, dem. 26th di't Richmond and Mont gomery; W I Everitt, dem. 27th dist, Anson and Union; J A Leak. dem. 28th dist Cabarrus and Stanly ; Paul B Means, dem. 29th dist Mecklenburg; S B Alex ander, dem. 30th dist Rowan and Davie; J W Wiseman, dem. 31st dist Davidson; P C Thomas, rep. 32d dist Stokes and Forsyth; J C Buxton, dem. 33d dist Surry and Yadkin; J A Franklin, rep. 34th dist Iredell, Wilkes and Alex ander; Dr R F Hackett, J F Dotson, dems. 35th dist Alleghany, Ashe and Wa tauga; J W Todd, dem. 36th dist Caldwell, Burke, McDow ell, Mitchell and Yancey; J S Brown, W H Bower, dem. 37th dist Catawba and Lincoln, MO Sherrill, dem. 38th dist Gaston and Cleveland; Geo F Basen, dem. 39th dist Rutherford and Polk ; T B Twitty, dem. 40th dist Buncombe and Madison; H A Gudger, dem. 41st dist Haywood, Heuderson and Transylvania; W LTate, dem. 42d dist Jackson, Swain, Macon, Cherokee, Clay and Graham ; J W Cooper, dem. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Alamance Thomas M Holt, dem. Alexander E B Jones, dem. Alleghany B Edwards, dem. Anson J J Dunlap. dem. Ashe John C Plummer, dem. Beaufort W H Patrick, dem. Bertie L Roulhac, rep. Bladen W J Sutton, rep. Brunswick D B McNeill, dem. Buncombe- Richmond Pearson, Johnstone Jones, dems Bnrke Samuel McD Tate. dem. Cabarrus T D Miller, dem. Caldwell R R Wakefield, dem. Camden H W Scott dem. Carteret A H Chadwick, dem. Caswell Geo N Thompson, dem. Catawba A A Shuford, dem. Chatham- T B Womack, J A Alston, dems. Cherokee G F McGee, dem. Chowan E F Waff, dem. Clay T C Kitchens, dem. Cleveland Thomas Dixon, Jr, dem Columbus H S Williamson, dem. Craven John E Hussey, (col.) rep. Cumberland I A Muichison, C C McClelland, dems. Currituck Wm H Cowell. dem. Dare E H Riges. rep. Davidson G M Bulla. S W Wall, reps. Davie H E Robertson, dem. Duplin John D Stanford, dem. Edgecombe B W Thorpe, (col) N P Bellamy, reps. Forsvth W H Sheppard. dem. Franklin N 1" Gulley, J T Clifton, dems. Gaston J W Reid, dem. Gates H Clay Williams, dem. Graham N M E Slaughter, dem. j Granville A H A Williams, Robert Hobgood, dem?. Greene W A Darden, dem. Guilford J A Turner, 1 A Barrin ger, dems Halifax A J Burton, David Beli, dems. Harnett D Stewart, dem. Haywood W T Crawford, dem. Henderson Dr W D Whitted. rep. Hertford R W W inborne, dem. Hyde J B Wat3on, dem. Iredell Augustus Leazcr, Jonn B Holman, dems. Jackson R II Brown dem. Johnsrou James H Pou, Josiah W Perry. Dem. Jones P M Pearsall, dem. Lenoir Jesse W Grainger, dm. Lincoln W L Crouse, dem. Macon James L Robinson, dem. Madison J C Pritchard, rep. Martin D Worthinirton. dem. MaDowell Geo H Garden, dem. Meek ien burg R P Waring, W E Ardrey, H G Stowe. dems. Mitchell T C Greene, rep. - Montgomery John F Crbwder rep. Moore Gearge Wilcox, Dem. Nash J H Exum. dem. New Hanover C P Locky, L Grady, reps- Northampton J. H. Edwards, J W. Grant, dems. Onslow H E King, dem. Orange and Durham Chas W John son, Caleb B Green, dems. Pamlico John B Mai tin, dem. i Pasquofank Hugh Cale, rep. f , . r rw m, 1 , x'enaer j a i.anu. aera. Perquiman; Elihu Cbappell, rep. -Person J A Lorn?, dem. Pitt G W Venter?. R E Mayo. idems. A Polk Henry Morgan, rep. I UCUIS 1 MISCELLANEOUS WHOLESALE PPICFS. Randolph B W Steed, I F Caviness, Kichmond Jonn W cmrtl. oem. Robeson M McRae. Hamilton Mc Millan, dems. R- okiiwhnni -Jas D Glenn. John M Gallavray, dems. . Rowan lee O cnuan, dem. Rutheiford John B Harrell, dem. Sampson J W S Robinson, J A Beam an. dems. Stanley D N Bennett, dem. Stokvs -J Y Pbillioo, dem. Surry Brim, rep. Swain A H Hayes, Dam. Transylvania J H I.ararney, dem. Tyrrell R P Feltoo, Dem. Union H B Adams, dem. WakeChas M Babec. John D Al len, Herbert E Norris, J Walter Myatt, Dems.' Warren and Vance R C. Ware!, H B Eaton, reps. Washington Harrison, rep. Watauga E F Lovill. Dem. Wayne Frank M. Aycock, Ira W Hatch, derus-. Wilkes- J R Henderson, rep. Wilson John E Woodard. dem. Yadkin J C Pinnix, rep. Yancey L Whittington. Dem. Extract from a Private Let ter. Regarding Dr. David Kennedy's "Favorite Remedy,' the writer, Prof. A. B. Chandler Principal of tho Acad emy. Brookheaven. Miss., says: 'T suffered from torpidity of the Liver and Bowels and Paralysis, I used the Favorite Remedy for two months, and am now able to use my side which for along time had been like apiece of dead flesh. My general health was never better than at present, fraww DRUNKENNESS, OR THE LIQUOR HABIT, CAN BE CURES BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it, effecting a speedy and per manent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee with out their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful effects result from its administration. Cures guaranteed. Circulars and testimonials sent free. Address, Golden Specific Co., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, O. d od & w6m "Sufferiiisr Humanity Owes You a Debt of tiratitude," Writes Mr. Harry W. Olmstead Proofreader, Indianapolis, Ind. Times "Life was almost a burden to me caus ed by Kidney Disease. The best phpsi cians gve me no relief. 1 used Dr. David Kennedy's 'Favorite Remedy.' and can 6ay I feel like a new man. I am confident I am entirely cured and write to return my sincere thanks for the cure your medicine has effected. I shall use every opportunity to let suf ferers know where they may find re let." f m w & w. Young Men! Bead This. The Voltaic Belt Co.,of Marshall. Mich,, offer to send their Celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belt and other Electric Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men (young or old) afflicted with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neu ralgia, paralysis, and many other dis eases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred as thirty days trial is allowed. Write them at once for illus trated pamphlet free, w s m & w lyR, From the Ilrokhaven, Miss. Leaden COMMUNICATION I KON PROF. X I. I HAMM.KC, I'l.'IM WAX. OV TUB ACAD EM V, KBOOKHAVEX, WOOk Ihe following fxtrsct rrgaidinjr Dr. Ken-.- rda Favorite Remedy It ti en frow a pri vate Uvier from Prof. A. I. Chmdler. of thlj city. We have obtained his eon-fnt t- iis pubiieslio. thiatlcg other Eftli-ted 0BCI mlgt t experience a like benefit from thlsnn qu ftionably spJeadid medkdee: I hvie been ooder I r. Kettftcdy' treat hi?m tor two tnott'bs. taking only ill medi eta in qufstior, FAvoniffc :jir.iY. n 1 ihe efftet ua ray dis' a e Is already word.'rlul. I am rapidly rtgaicioz the tide of cay aide, v.-r icn had teen so long Hk" a pkrra of (Sean weight, to be dragged 'about unerntroUed io toe it ail Now I walk all around the school ft use atd grounds, unaided even hy the ac etiatm ed walting-rane. I peffered froaa -ralv-la and "orpidity ot the llTeard a All tin lias beeu rvrcoved. and my tremrul health was never better than a present. ' Dr. Kennedy has a lrge profeMm 1 iae lice In the Uudnon river e,oehth of New ors, a'ncug the moEt intelligent and retl ed pe pie, n l during the quarter ceutur"ij service In this v'clnlty he aseriches bi great t ucre- a) a phyaicum and surger-n to the mirveiou curaUve properth k of his ' Favorite itemedy. " 'I he doctor knows bis medicine has the power to alleviate sufreilrg, and he ! anxious t b e it known vheiever dbeaee and inin exist "Favorite Beaafdy" has laige tyki at ihe , COILN Mt.M Noith and I hepe for tha sake of sntT-jripg hu- ; COTTOH Ti manlty it wUI aocu be reeognizei in the $iuth, where we arc deluged with fo many postrunie, many even Injurious to heath and hnpplot s trooi tlieir alcoholic proctrtie?, which give for a while deceptive stimulaiiun. , "Favorite Keruer'y" is sud to give a d:s;aste fer strong diink, a most powerful rrcwnmendntl. n For pale by WM. H. GRESN, Who esiale Agent, Wilmington, N. C. jan 16 tcnroi tf tar The foUowlng ountrUoao repiesen i whokbaJe prises generally. In making ixy I a mill orders higher prices nave to be cr.srpteo Standard 11 O J ft I0kp i Jb B ACON Noi it CAroL'na: Haas. ft 1 Shoulders, y ft.. ....... ...... SI '..is. IT ft WK3TEUN 6MOKKD-Hams. hmf I AO n ? n .SiKu!e7S. .. . DilY SAILED Sides, r lb Shoulders, Vft BARRELS pirita Turpentine, Second Hand, each New Sew York, each.... .... New City, each BEESWAX, r ft BRICKS, V M BUTTER, ft North Carolina i Northern ... CANDLES, & It Sprxa Tadow . AdaznAntlve...... . .. ........... CUKES., r ft Northern Factory liiVlry, Cream. J ..... Stat:' I CiFFEE,a-i . ....... ................. 14 s is 73 23 25 a a I a l 0 II r, nkt r2 n 14 ii 17 LtgniTra 1- 11 tS m 9 0 Hew York & Wilraiuactoi Steamship Ca. - nr&A rs Step Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobins Depot. t "Maryland, My Maryland.1' Pretty Wives, I-ovely daughtei8 and noble men." "My larm lies in a rather low and miasmatic situation, and "My wife !" "Who?" "Was a very pretty blondo!" Twenty years ago, became "Sallow !" "Hollow-eyed!' "Withered and agtd!" Before her time, from "Malarial vapors, though she made no particular complaint, not being of the grumpy kind, yet causiDg me great uneasiness. "A short time ago I purchased your remedy for one of the children, who bad a very severe attack of biilious neas, and it occurred to me that the remedy might help my wife, as I found that our little girl, npon recovery had "Lost!" "Her sallowness, and looked as fresh as a new blown daisy. Well, the story is soon told. My wife, to-day. has gained her old-time beauty with com pound interest and is now as hand some a matron (if I do say it myself) as can be found in this county, which is noted for pretty women. And 1 have only Hop Biltersto thank for it. The dear creature just looked oyer my shculder, and sajs 'I can flatter equal to the dass of our courtship.' and j mat remmas me mere uncru oe ?nore pretly wives if my brother farmers would do as I have done." Hoping you may long be spartdb do good. I 'hankfully remain. C L. James. Bei.tsville. Prince George C.. Md. May 26: b, 1883. i MGf None genuine without a bunch of gr en Hops on the white label- Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop' oi "Hopf" in their name. ian 14 1m dAw nrmte Manhood Restored Knirw Faava. A victim off youthful imprttdence cnnc Premature Decay. Nervous Debility. Lost Manhood, Ac. baring tried in vain every known remedy, has discovered a biro pie means of self-cure. wnicn be will snd r REE to his felfow-aflerers. , J.H.REEVES, 43 Chatham bu Jc w Yark. FKOM PIER 34, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK At 3 o'clock, P. M. BENEFACTOR..... Saturday, Jan 24 REGULATOR Saturday, Jan CI BENEFACTOR Saturday. Feb 7 REGULATOR Saturday, Feb 14 FROM WILMINGTON : REGULATOR ..Saturday, Jan M BENEFACTOR Saturday, Jan 31 REGULATOR ...Saturday, Feb 7 BENEFACTOR Saturday, Fco 14 94r Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to iuid from Point in North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H. G. BMALLBONK8, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C THEO. G. EGER, Freight Agent, New York . WM. P. CLYDE CO.. Geneva) Asrent, 35 Broadway, New Ycrv ian 17 tt OFFICE OF Dr. S. C. Ellis, NO. 324 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, next to Miller's Drug Store. J4W Note change of office hou8, which are as follows 9 to 10a, m., 2 to 3p. m, 7to 9 p. in. feb 4 The Excursion and Pic Nic REASON IS OVER AND THE THEATRI CAL AD BALL Season has or enttl again and JOHN WERNER, the practical German Bar ber and Terfumer, Is personally in attendance at his Hair Dressing fcalcon, 29 Market Street, between Water and Front, Wilmington, N. C. nag u Saturday's Market i . E WILL HAVE SOME NICE BLACK- V bus., in backs ES. 4f bundle.... DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4 4, ff yd. i ania, y bunch.. Kut'f, V dozen.. FiSH Machercl, No. 1, V tbl It 00 Mackerel. No. l. tali blN. 80 Mackerel, No. '2, bbl Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl. Mackerel, No. S, bbi Mullets, l bbl Mullets, Pork bbl? N, CJ Roc Herring, V keg... lrv CoJ, !b rEILIZKRS, V 2,000 Jba Peruvian Crano, No. 1 " No. I " lhOt Baagh's Phosphate 4.. 18 Ml 7f 'HO 3 80 S 00 7 75 4 00 7 00 . 3 CO . 5 M 80 50 00 .00 00 00 00 Carolina Fertilizer ...... ..45 00 Ground Bone- 00 00 Bone Meal 00 00. Bouo. Flour ...GO 00'' Nava8sa Guauo... 40 00 Complete Manure. CO 00 Whann's Phosphate 00 00 Wando PhoEphate .00 00 Berger & Butz'e Pheaphatc.OO CO Excellenaa Cotton FerUUzer.oS 00 French's Curlonas of Llxac... 7 00 French's Agricultural Lime.... S 60 FLOUR, r bbl Fine J Northern Super'. Extra Family City Mills Extra...' " Family 5 75: " Extra Family.... 6 00 GLUE f lb 11 GILVIN. V bushel Corn, from store, bagB.wblto Com, cargo, in bulk, white.. Corn, cargo, In bags, white. Corn, cargo, mixed, m bags. . UztA, rrcm store. Cow Peat?. 1 HIDES, lb Oreen " GO 75 75i iO 00 s.v 4 72 06 25 W FISH and BREM for fale at our Fish Market. feb 6 DAVIS A SON Keeping Pace ! TUST Irish Potatoes, ' Early Rose", brands of Whiskey just arrived, f HuntM's Choice and River fine Rye Whiskey. Were rt running our Oil Brands Bruns wick Private St ack and Old Log Cublo, to gether with Wines. Gins, BrsF.dles, &c. Don't forget that we keep Groceries of every description. Lot and Stall accommodation free. Consignments solicited. CKAlbr 6 TJlOalAP. RECEIVED. A FRESH LOT OF Seed Some new Mills very vr i a o t . . . . ...,.. - sri5-Tri-v5Lri-j timber, m feet-flhippmg.12 00 x luuubt vuiuiaiiosiuu iut,ibUflui3 iu'i uva i-a ITlnC Mill- H 25 feb 10 Dry -. HAY 4f 100 lbo- Eastexn Wee torn..... North River HOOP 'IRON, ft.... 4 LARD, tf lb Northern..... N orth Carolina. LIME, tf barrel LUMBER, City Sawed, tf M fi Ship Stuff, refiawed Rough Edgo Plank West India Cargcer,according to quality Dressed Flooring, seasoned . 8cautlbag and Board, com'n . MOLASSES, tf gal lor. -New Crop Cuba, la hkds.... " " In bble Porto Rice, in h ads " in bbl.... Sugar House, in hhds........ " obis Syrup, lrt bbls. NAILS, tf Reg, Cut, lOd baafat. OILS, tf galloj Kerosene. ... , Lard L Linseed,. Ro3in Tar 5 11 20 13 75! m 1 S-lfcO 12 26 26 POULTRY- Turkeva...... P EAN UTS-tf bushel. .. . POTATOES, tf bnshei Sweet Irish, tf bbl PORK, tf barrel City Mess Prime.... RICE Carolina, tf ft... Rough. tf bushci RAGS, tf lb Country... City ROPE, tf ft eiiffi 9 CO 0 li 1 0 it! CO -' 10 00 WM 13 00 m 18 00 922 12 00 016 3C 0 '41 W 0 4 32 0 33 0 00 0 26 ft- . 40 0 0 00 0 11 0 N ti , 99 0 30 0 1 00 0 00 0 V 2 0 10 0 75 0 1 00 0 .'0 O 2 25 O M St 024 16 00 017 17 00 018 410 96 0 SALT, tf sack, Alum. Llverpoo Lisbon........ ................ 00 1"40 10 00 0 American. SUGAR, tf ft Cuba. Porto Rico : A Coffee B- C- " Ex C ........... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v,o 00 00 00 00 00 76 76 00 75 0 or- OVfe ti Crushed IbAfeO OA A 1 1 I. X. , n SHINGLES, 7 in. tf M ly 50 Common L 2 50 Cypress Saps 4 50 Cyprees Hearts 0 00 STAVES, tf M W. O. Barrel.. 12 00 li. O. Hoirshead 00 00 TALLOW, tf ft 4 Mill Prime 7 50 11 fd 01) 0J 0 3 00 0 5 00 0 7 SO 018 00 010 00 0 6, 014 00 013 00 8 50 GO TO THE Metropolitan Sample Room TOR THE BEST 6c CIGAR ia tbc cit7 . ALSO, Fer the cheapest Wine and Lbjuors ever of fered to the public. ' , Note prices: Duffy Malt Kje Whiskey. 75c per quart. Gibeon's'XXXX d A3 p-r gadoo. tJchleeioger's Menonahela. $2.76 Pelmont Rye, $1.76. A vciy good Rje. $ 60. N. C. Corn, $1.75. Sweet Mae h Corn, $1.5 . Pure Ilollard Gin, imforted, t2 60 Bote Cln. $i..io. Jonas French's N. E bum. $1.75: Old stock Sherry Wine, $L A very good do., $1 25. Blackberry Brandy, $1 Peach Erandy, $2 25. Pcre N. C. Apple $2. Sj or 9) prjof 1 iquora Cheaper than tbe Cheapest. CluAR-J Best 2 for 5c, 5c. and 10c. Cigars In ttc city. barrel. feb 7 Be euTe to Icok for the tigu of the big Mill Fair 6 000 6 50 Common Mill. 5 00 0 0 0C Inferior to Ordinary.-. 0 00 0 4 00 WHISKEY, tf gal Northern. .1 00 0 4 00 North Carolina 1 00 0 2 60 WOOL, tf ft Washed 1 0 22 Unwashed 15 0 20 Burn- 10 0 16 MERCHANTS, BANKERS AND MANUFAC TUBERS SHOULD READ BRAD STREET'S A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE. FI NANCE AND PUBLIC L'.ONOM Y. Cl.lrn. )...,r,. ' - . :.. . Twenly Page?, iiometlmce Twenty - u. w. ctictiux, agent. i f jur ragep. Corner Market and Second Ms nov 21 dAw ly Gilding! Gilding!! flMZ DOLLARS A YEAR. 8end in your Cbristinas presenta, such aa Bibles, Prayer Books, Ilyuiti Books, Albums, &(-., and have iiftmej neatly stamped in llold by a reliable and competent workman. In the meanlime your orders for Printing, Rulinj? or'Binding could not be placetl in better hands. JACKSON k BELL. 1 b t- rcmoat pjaruose of 1 KAisilu.tr 1 to be rf pract'eal service to busli e nnjo- !H . eel il t.-edtj and ioduslrial resorts, Its wo l iy j.;; of h.itkr.iptvies ybrcoklKJUt the Ub led ti;ie and Canada, aiid the susoroirk of afeicts und liabliities, arc sIolc worth ihe ibttcrifrtion price; Its synopce of iccett legnl 'ltclMciian sro CTTrrrllttjrj valuable- As c:m menial tran-acti- n, in tbe wlfcr sense, pre C jinln i t be mo:e .icd more conducted on a statistical bafe, tbe ln'irmaUcu contained In kai tbki.t'h i- of tr' lirj-l imj Ttance roth to producers and mi h1 lessen. i A t. I Tbc Trade and Agrlccitural e'iltiaUon throughout the United Mates and C nad S rsprtcd by Teleeraph to Bbai ikkkt's up to the hoar of pnb katlon M5GLE COPIFS. Tf N CfSTF. TBE BKAD8TKKET fJO., 279,261, f8 Boadwav, ikeso tf raw tork cart

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