Tne Daily Review The vatiy Keview has the largest oona fide circulation, of any newspaper .nhlishfl.n int. at ot vvurninoum. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 12. l-5. I2i CONGKKSS Y KS'f Kltl A V . SENATE. Washington. February II. Tie Armv Auproutiaiion bill was reported and placed on ihe ca endar. At five j miootes before tw-lveoTclc message was received aonouricing that ihe floQM of Representatives-, woild, at 12 o'clock, be ready to receive tu Senate in order that io joint convention both houses may coutot tbe electoral vote. The chair announc d that the concurrent resolution providing lor the j joiot convention woultl now be execut ed, and at 11.5 a ni the S-natrs headed by tbe Fiewdeut pro tern., and , the Secretary ot the Senate, and pre ceded by tbe Sereani-ai- Anus, pro ceeded i the House of Representatives. At 1 25 p. of the Senators returned to the Senate chamber and the l'reji dent pro Um. of the body having re sumed the chair, the tellers on tha part of the Senate Messrs Hoar and Pen dleton appeared, and on their benaif, Mr. Hoar reported the result of tbe electoral count. When the tellers' re port was completed the President of the Senate repeated verbatim the closing: sentence of tbe announcement made by bimin the House of Representatives re lating to the declaration of the vote That sentence was as follow : "And tbe President of the Senate makes this declaration only as a public statement, in the presence of the two houses ol Congress, of the contents of papers opened and read on this occasion, and not as possessing any authority in law to declare any legal conclusion what ever." Mr Conger said that he desired, as ' one ot the meuibers of the Senate, to say thnt he entirely dissented from the declaration that the President of the Sen-de or the ice president had no jtber power in 'announcing that vote than to announce tbe fact and he did not know by what authority the sen- j tance quoted had been made part of the declaration. Mr Sherman said : 'I lso wish for myself having put on record roy opin ionto again assert and put on record, mv opinion that the declaration made was the declaration ot tlie gentleman,! who presided on thai occasion, express inghis opinion, and should not be taken as a precedent, except so lar as it may J command l c. thu judgment ot matikmu V. .1 . - t TT W JiClOfii.c:. x uuugc uinii'jc i iw i 1 1" ident of the United Slates declared and exercised a constitutional power ben l Deneve mat tne v ice i rest- he presided over the body to-day and conn ed the vote, arid that Irs announce ment of the vote is cot-elusive end of all argument upon ihij question, and that in thing so be not only gave hi orn opinion as to iho result ot certain papers given to hi;n. but he md only me constitutional declaration provide'! tor under the existing law, ot wh is to be President ot tbe United States alter the 4 h of March " AtJ-.r remarks from Messrs. Hour Lapham. v il -oa anl I a sis on tit 6ubjeer. tha chair (Edmund?) iaid he reijtrdfcd the Sen at us in .o w:iy re p!.ui-i f-iie f -r tlie dt-elaration' made lij hia. iU iiho pet'tormed his Qoufelitu lional UuSv arid had on his own respon sibility made ttie declaration relerred to. Mr Ifqjaus offered ih; folluwin: r .-o-Intion : Resolved. That the Sena e dos r.ot j.8seni to the concluding deciaiaii n ot tbo aun unceun nt t me vote I'.r r 1 tf- ident and Vice iTestdent of the United Stales m t ie in the presenre of the two Ijouss i Congress this iluy. Mr. B.ard L i. that po orer till to mm row. The resolution went over accordingly. Mr. Hoar offered tne following: Wiiekeas The Senate having mei the H usc ol R ipresentativts in accord ance with the fifth see ivm o! tlie ac. of March. relative to the election of President and Vice President of the United S ates. and the electoral votes having been opened by the President ot the Sena'e in the presence of the. two houses of Congress and counted by the tellers appointed of the part of tbe two houses; arid it appearing that the whole number of electors appointed to vote for President of the United States, is 401, of which a majority is 201 ; and it furth er appearing that Grover Cleveland, ot New l ork, had received 219 voU s tor i President of the Uuitod States, and that Thomas A. Hendricks, of Indiana, I. ad received 219 votes for Vice President of the United States, which is a majoritv of the votes of the whol ? number of electors appointed ; and tbe same hav ing been duly declared by the President of tbe Senate in the presence of the two houses; therefor. Resolved, That the Senate is ol the opinion that the constitution and laws have been duly executed and that no further declaration ol these facts is ne cessary. Messrs Conger and Inga'.h Let that stand over till to-morrow. It went over, accordingly. The Senate then resumed considers tion of the bill to repeal the preemption and tbe timber culture laws. Pending its consideration tbe Senate went into executive session and soon after adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Clay, ot Ky.. offered the follow ing concurrent resolution : Resolved. That two members - ot the House ot Representatives be appointed by that body, to wait on Grover Cleve land, of the State bt New York, and notify him that he has bean elected President of the United States for four years, commencing with tbe 4th day of March. 1885: and. also, to uoiifv Thomas A. Hendricks, a.' the State of Indiana, that he has been duly elected ffi'ifi:-Vice-President of the United States fur j Malls collected from street four yeare,commencing with the 4th day of March, 1885. 2nd. That the President ot tho Senate do jnake out and sign the certificate in words following: "Certificate of elec tion. Be it known that the Senate and House of Representatives being con vened in the City of Washington on the 2nd Wednesday in February in the year of onr Lord, 1885. the under writ ten President of tbe Senate pro tern, did in the presence of the said Senate and House ot Representatives receive ail the certificates and all the votes of eloctars for President and Vice President ol the United States, which were then count ed in the presence of the two houses: whercunon it RnDenrfd that Grover! Cleveland, ot the State of New York, i bad a ma j rity cf the votes ot electors as VT ice President; by ail of which it' anneara i hat rover Cleveland, of the State of New York, ha been duly elect- etl President, and that Thomas A. Hen - dricks. o the State ot Indiana, has been elected V ice President ot the United State?, areeably to the Consti tution lor inn term ol four years begin ning the 4th day of March. 1835. In witness whereof, I have st my hand this-day of February, 188o, and have sealed with the seal of the I Senate. The committee, hereby appointed when notif ying tbe persons elected ofj their electuo to the otnee oi rresioeni and Vice President of the United States ghall present to each ot them a duly authenticated copy of foregoing certifi cate. On the suggestion of Mr Cox. of N. Y.. the resolution was modified so as to make the com nittee consist of three Representatives and two Senators. Mr Ilolman moved to amend by striking out all that part of the resolu tion having reference to the certificate ot election. Agreed to without division. The resolution as amended was agreed to. The House then, went into committee of the Whole, on the Postoffico Appro priation bill. Mr. Horr, ot Mich., offered an amend ment increasing from $4. 100,000 to $4, 535 000, the appropriation for the letter carrier system. After considerable de bate tbe amendment was agreed tc. Raleigh visitor. THE LEGISLATURE. SENATE. THIBTY-FIRST DAY. Senate met pursuant to adjournment, Lieutenant Governor Stedman in the chair. Bills were introduced as follows and referred to appropriate committees : Alr.Troy, resolution hxmgtheday tor tne adjournment ol the Legislature Mr Gudger, to incorporate the French Broad Bank ol Asheville Dr Dodson. to amend sec 2057 of the C de. Mr BoykiD, to secure the better dra n- i aeeof lands in Goshen swamp. Bv the same, resolution in regard to 1 the meeting and adjourning of the Sen- ae. Mr. Cowan, to allow commissioners S I I -A 1 ...... - ! U1U,U j ,v" - - - t 1 V , .... . t5y the srime, to iacuiiaie me giving oi bonds retjulred by law. Mr. Connor, hy request, to resrulate the admission of foreign surety com pa niei to do business in the State. Bill to incorporate1' Chesapeake, Nor olk and Carolina Railroad Company, passed. 1 H to empower the Fheriff of - Alu mame ccnnVy. to collect arrears of tax s. ; 4?!1 to cnanie ie ra-lr als and dber ! transportation and to aid i ryiiroftda. eaiu iine to extend tneir in tha eonsttuction ot Up ;s the spe'.'i:-ii ordr tic.isioT, the Sjnate tq-niabt 1! IHJ i Hfcf ItS J Uu. I. iiOCSK OK RES LUTIONS RBPR ES E NT A 1 1 VE S . ane bills Introduced. Resolution providing for distribution of the Code in Nrth Carolina; bill to amend sec 17 of the revenue act:; bdl to regulate license tor selling liquor; bill to prevent hunting with tire at nUhl; bill to prevent tne unlawful use of dyn amite; h tojestabl sh Scotland coun ty : bid to amend se -077 of the Code; bill to am ni tjeo 234 ol (be Code; bib to nrovie for the debt ol Stokes coun- ity; ml to incorporate Lew;Bi!!e in Columbus coilnty The bill to increase the number ot Superior Court Judges and judicial districts, was taken un as unfinished business, and was pi nding when our report closed. Quarterly Meetin?. First round for the Wilmington Dis trict of the Methodist E. Church, South for 1 884-85. Carver's Creek circuit. Silent " 14 Waccamaw Miss. Bethel " 17- 15 16 Whitesville circuit, White. " ville 21-22 Topsail circuit. Scott's Hill February 28 and March 1 Onflow circuit, Tabernacle 4' 7-8 Duplin circuit, Kenansviilc " 14 15 Brunswick circuit. Concord '21-22 The strict Stewards wiil please meet at Wilmineton Front Street Church on Februrary 4th at 11 o'clock a. m. P. J. Carraway, P. E, TfclK MAILS. The malls close and arrive at the City Poet onlce as follows : 1 CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast 7.30;P. M. Northern through and wv mails. ...8.00 A. M. Raleigh 6.45 P. M. and 8.06 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom includ ing A. & S . C. Railroad at 7.80 P- M . and 8.00 A. M Southern Malls for all points South, daily 8.00 P. M, Western malls (C. C. Railway) daily, (except Sunday) 8.15 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral eigh 6.45 P. M. Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road .". 8.00 P. M. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston.... . 8.00 P. M. Fayetteville and office on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1.00 P. M. Fayetteville.vla C C Railroad, daily, except Sundays f. 6.45. P. M. Onslow C. II. and intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. Smithvllle malls, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays) 80 A. M. Malls for Easy Hill, Town Creek, ana no tie ana unie laver, xues- days and Fridays....... Wrightsville, daily 8 OPEN FOR DELIVERY. f . M SO A. M Northern through and way mails Northern through and way ma 3 At . i .30 A, M, . .7.30 A. M. boxes business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M. and 5.30 f ai. and from other point of the city at S P. If ? tamp Office open from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M., Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M to 5 P.m., continuously. General delivery open from 7 A.M. io6 P.M. and on Sundays from 8.30 to;9.30 A. M. CarrtnV delivery open en Sunday from 8.30 O 9.30 A. M. Good materials-properly por portioned which are the essential requisites in Ready mixed Paints can be best attain ed by using the N. V- Enamel Paint sold at Jacobi's Depot. f MISCELLANEOUS "aTToUSEHOLD NECESSITY Extract Witch Hazel. (II mamelit.) j X cure, spraj: ; J, pin. onn j cocaine Tomb a ch i C R CUTP. SPRalNS AND BWJISE?, 50c ounce. Natroli'.hi- Water, eh'? Cme Cute JAUBS U. ND1T. The Druggist, 213 N. Frortet. f b 10 Special Notice. rjlUE EX . ITf MENT IS OVER, HE FAIL URE has p-oven a f -dare. Now call and see what I can furn'.sb you with in my Hue rati faction guaranteed. WILL WB3T, Jan 31 Prop. Gem gwL and Res. Stencil Cutting. yra are prepared to cut sten C1LS on bras I, copper or tin. -Stencil Pas'c and Brushes on band. The deman1 for onr G 'LDEN HAkVKsT AND COLUMBIA COOK STOVES id dally inert abing. fcnd for uta and pr;cca. Pure White ciL. ! A TA X LAJ xf , feb 9 ?3 South trout St PURCELL HOUSE. JNDKB NEW MANAGEMENT, WILMINGTON, N. O B. L. PEBBT, Proprietor. Late Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. inrat-Ctase n all Hb nootntmmat Term i2.50 ti 3.CG I day. Board. FEW MORE BOARDERS, EITHER table regular or trans'ent. can be accommo dated with comfortable rooms and the best the market affords, at MBS. ROBERT LKE'S, 113 Market st., bet. Front and second. DOT 18 if Improved Life Insurance ! Challenges Criticism ! Provident Savings Life ! 55 Libanty St , New York Cltr. This company has shown by practical results that It famishes insurance by far iheeaiest, most economical aed equita bla of any tysteai that has been devised. Actual average ye v'j cost in Tub Provi dkx r .-avisgs during fhe calendar years 1883 and 18S4. at age 40, for $U',t03 was 179.2. I It COMPARABLY THE BEST ! SSEFPAKI) HOMAX8, President ; ni Actuary JOHN E. LIP PITT, General Agen for North Carolina. Dr. R. A. Akubbsos, Medical Fxxmlncr for Wilmington. fab 10 1885. ' Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRA TED-WEEKLY. The serial and .-hort atoiics In Harper's Young People have all tbe irarnatie. interest ihu iuvenile llctlon can possess, whllb they .ire whr;!y free !vrra what is pernicious or vulgajiy raatior: 1. Tbe humo ous nt' ic an-i pictuTt-.. are iui of innoctnt tun, a- 1 ihe pae:is on natural history and science, travel, nrtil the tacts of lifn are lv writ rs whose i amep give th- best assurance of accuracy and value, lllustrau'd papers on athb-tfc sportir, panics, and pattinjes Mve foil information cn tht se tubjcrt8. 'J here is nothlag cheap about ll but Its price. An i pitome of everything that is airactire and desirable In juvenile literature. Bo-ton l onricr. A weeklv feast of good things to the boys ar;d airls in every family vrnich it visits Brooklyn Union It is wonderful in its wealth of picture in orma ion, and Interest l hristian Advocate, N Y . TKKM: Postage Prepaid. $2.00 Per Year. Vol. VI. commences November, l8?4. ingle Numbers, Five Cents each. Remittances should be made by Post Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. Newspapers are not to copy this advertis cnent without the express order of Harpeb Bkothebs. Address HARPKB A BROTHERS. de3 3 Vew Y.-T k. 1885. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED Hakpkh's Bazar is the onlv raper in the world that combines tbe choicest literature and the finest art illustrations with the 1 test fashions and methoda of household adorn ment. Its weekly illustrations and descrip tions of the newest I'aris and New T oi k sty les, with Its useful pattern-slit et supplements and cut patterns, by enabling ladies to be their own dressmakers, save many times the co?t of subscription. Its papers on rooking, the man agement oi sei vants. and housekeeping in its various details are eminently practical. Much attention is given to the interesting topic of social etiquette, and its illustrations of ar needle work are acknowledged to be unequal led. Its literary meiit is of the highest excel lence, and the unique character of Its humor ous pictures has won for it the came ot the American PuncA. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: d ARPER'S BAZAR $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOTjNG PEOPLE 2 00 Harper's Franklin square Library, One Year (52 Numbers) , 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of esch year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after tbe receipt of order. The last Five Annual Volumes of Harper's B.zarr in neat cloth binding, will ne sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postp-id. on re ceipt of $1 00 each Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid cbanee of lose. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise, ment without the express order of Harper ft Brothers. Address HARPKB A BROTHERS, decS VnwVork. Hardware QF ALL KIND3 AND IN ANY QUANTl ty. Whole ate and Cetail at ROCK BOTTOM prices. W. E. SPRINGER A CO . 19. 21 4 23 Market Street, ' fe Wilmington, N. C. OOMMJKKCIAL. JifiWS. WILMINGTON MARKET. February 12-4 P. M SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted quiet at 27 cents per gallon. Sales of 100 casks at these fisurcs. ROSIN Quoted firm at U5 cents for Strained and $1 for Good Strained. TAR Quoted firm at $1.10 per bbi of 280 lbs. . CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted s'eady at $1.75 for Virgin and Yeilow Dip and $1.15 for Hard COTTON Quoted steady at lOf cents per pound lor Middling. No sales re ported. Tbe following are the official quotations: Ordinary Sf cent Lod Ordinary 9f Low Middling 10 5-16 " Middliu 10 Good Middling 10 13-16 A DAI1.T RECEIPTS. Cordon Spirits Turpentine Rosin Tarf Crupe Turnentinr- 17 bales 39 casks 3491 bbl 368 bbl 162 bb s Imakine news. ARRIVED. Sieam yacht Louise., Woodside Smithviile, Master Steamship Benefactor, Tribon, New York, H G Smallbones Steamer Wave, Robeson, Fayette ville, Geo W Williams & Co. CLEARED. Steam yacht Louise, Wocdside Smithviile. Masted Steamer Wave, Robeson, Fayetteville, Geo. W. Williams & Co. Schr Chaa M Newina. Hawkins, Cbarlefeton, S C, Geo Harriss & Co." Schr Martha Welsh, Burdge, New York. Geo Harriss & Co, cargo by Geo Harriss & Co and A Y Wilson. Schr Maggie J Lawrence, Grace. Now York. Geo Harriss & Co, cargo by D R Murchison & CoT EXPORTS FOREIGN. New York Fcbr Martha Welsh 484 bales cotton, 500 casks spts turpt. 200 bbls tar. 16,010 ft lumber. Sehr Maggie J Lawrence 1,196 baies cot ton. WEEKLY STATEMEN T. STOCKS ON HAND FEBRUARY 7, 18f5. Cotton ashore, 1,653; afloat, 1,601; total, 3.254. Spirits ashore, 3,787; ashore, 624; to tal, 4 411. Rosin ashore, 80 533; afloat, 10 5S6; total. 91.069 Tar ashore, 3,728; afloat, -3.430; total, 7.158. Crude ashore. 2,322; afloat, 15; total, 2,661. RECEIPTS FOB WEEKENDED FEB. 7. C-t n, 556; spirits. 1014; rosin. 11- 159; tar. 2 927: crnde, J,8?5. EXPORTS Foil WEEK ENDED FEB. 7. Spirits, 3; rosin. 10; tar, 49; crude 900 Cotton -3 538; spirits, 2; rosin. 6,616; tar. 8 VESSELS IN THE PORT QF WILMINGTON. N. C. Februaky 11. 1884. No vessel under tons reported in tbls list, j BARQURS.. Nor Fel ndal, 3 8 tons,4vrugei-, Paterson, Downing & Co Ger Trabact, 38) t ns Preuck, L Pes h u & Weafermann Nor Bravo, 4t2 tor s, Chlistoppherten, A 'ex Sprout A Son Br James L Pendergast, 58 tons, hlj-hflm, C P Mebane Nor Matthui'ja, C7 tons, Peduscn, "5 P Shotter Ger Marie Kny;cr, "6 Ions, Maas. K Teschau & Wcntr rmann Ger Fritz Toad r lacken, i23 ton.-, Freese, K Ptsehau & Weaternr.ann Sred Arlhltect, 370 tons, Liewin, C P Mebane GerJul'e 390 tons, Muller, R Fa-chau & Reitfrmann Ger Texs, 591 ton. Eoof, ET3 Barter & Co Br Harriet Campbell, G49 tons, Grafton. CP Mebane Nor Emma Parker, 197 tons, Lar en, C P Mebane BRIGS Ger Gerhard and Adolph, 319 tors. York, R Pefcnau & Weeteraiann SCHOONERS. Graco K Greene, 385 tons, Seaward, Geo Dairies & Co 1 bomas cInnlckeon, 26J tons, Hearon, Geo Harriss & Co Frank McDonnell, 2' 3 tciu, Bealh Geo Harrirs & Co Louis li Coitingaam, 498 tons, Padrlck. K G Barker & Co Electra Bailey, 3 2 tons, Philirook, Geo Harriss A Co E Arculariua, 101 toca Marston. E G Barker & Co George Bam s & Co John A Griffin, 305 tors, Rice, George Han iis A Co Br 11 a tlie Darling, tons, Pearce. C ronly A Mori is Chas E Paige, .62 (one, Giffo-d, Geo Harriss A Co Span NatDIdad 170 tons, Gonzales. KG Barker Co B S Graham, 341 tons, Avis, Geo HsrrJss A Co Post Boy, 171 tons, Gctt, E G Barker A Co Carolina, 111 tone, Gakell. Master MaTy Lord, 347 tons, Smith, E G Barker A Co List of Vessels Cleared for this Port. BARQUES. Nor Abel, 403 tons, DanieDcn, from Havre. Dec 9 Gr Friedrlck Wiihelm IV, 369 tons from Grangemouth, Feb 41 Nor lebaaien, 307 tons, Chleholm, from Lim erick, Dec 7 Gti Cardenas, 399 tone, Kcrff, fm Gibraltar, Jan 17 For. tfararer, fm I sdon Jan 17 er Hermann Fiiedrieh, 28s tons. Mei hr at Bremen. Jan 3 i Ger Ottllis, 323 tons, Per'.eberg, from Liver poo!, Jan 7 -wed Trio, tons, El iott, from Port Maho, Dee 16 ' BBIGS. Gtr Per Pommer, 223 tons, Bohm, from Roiterdam, Janl Ncr San Juan, 205 tons, from Liverpool. Dec IS E. G. Blair, BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCUAST, FOK THE SALE OP COTTON, GRAIN, t lour Meal and Country Produce generally B',0J0 dozen lrggs wanted t bight st cish V E G BLAIR, I"131 No 19 North Second St jgY SENDING YOUR LIGHT COLORED goodB to MONA H'3 .' team Dye Works 16U teconl st.. and hiding them made c'arKer for Fall and Winter wear jou'll save the expense ?LU3 nw suit or dress. CompkteTnd fresh lot dye stuff just received. MISCELLANEOUS. Black Alma Cloth. rt i.JftLiL T) ijersier uioia, joud wags, Albet Embroidery ! Also just on sale an elegant assortment of all grarj. liiiui Hf We are not working oft old NE W A ND DESIIi A BL E THINGS. CORNICE, CORNICE POLES, i - - i feb 10 YOU CAN TEST rf Any Day C 1 We mean the claim that SHRIER will give the best bar gains in CLOTHING ! The better you are pos!ted the more pleased we will be with your criticism. We are also willing to let you take any goods home for inspection or comparison, and if our oods are not superior to all others for the same money, or when customers are not perfectly satisfied, we will cheerfully refund the money. It makes no difference what inducements other houses mayofferin the way of prices, we can save you money, j We are now clearing out our entire stock of Fall and Winter Clothing before our Spring stock comes, to make room for one of the largest purchases of Clothing- ever brought to Wilmington by any one house. We must have room, and we can have it only by selling oft our Winter stock at less than cost. Jgr Call at once and get SHRIER, THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST., feb 9 I GRAY Grwrlinet the Great Hair Restorer color, gradually and permanently. Not a dye. men and old -women, made to look young in rapidly and luxuriantly, send ror dftaonpti vo gta a&d doctors, etc.. vrho recommend 10 uik iuneffi ly u t tn saf w v -ow WE STILL To whom It roav Conccnl : We w nld most respeci fully announce that we ire piepawl a plve prompt attention to all orders in the line ot Wire and Iron Work, Wire Clo h ChfM Siffs, &c aid it thx- Hardware Woienware dealerfi, Architects, Builder Mill thmbt. log trale of the United States who do not auccee I in havin their orders ail' d promptly wfl send them to us we wiP endeavor to Qd thetn wi bout delay. . aiaioeuce of Iron ttwu A other llces of goods free on application Detroit, National Wire & Iron Co. Mid iacu j.i usw ly WE ABE PREPARED TO FURNI3H EVERY SMOKER IN WILMINGTON OR THE STATE W IT II THE FINEST LINE OF Imported and Domestic they have ever teen. Our CIOARS range in price f om 2 1-ie to 33 1 3c. each, and we believe there is NOT A BETTER SELECTED STOCK 1 V NORTH CAROLINA. P. L. BRIDGEES & GO HO North Front St feb 9 Call and See JHOSB ELEGANT FRUIT PBE8ERVE3 We guarantee ihem to be pare, and the flavoi as if put up at home. A trial Is all we ask. Canned Goods of all kinds, Piunes.CurranU, Pickles, Dried Beef, Oranges and Lemons. Baking Powders too rumerous to mention. Jeilies, Crackers, the best of Cheese, Hams and 8uarCuret Shoulders, Coffees roasted and ground. By steamer to-morrow Mocha t offee e do not t-rag on all Flour, but we put the SDPERLATlVis. against any in the marfcet Parties wishing Preserves at retail will please send dishes. sept 30 F. G, A S. ROBINSON. ATTENTION ! BOTH SAINT AND SINNER HKNRY C. PBEMPERT. WHO KfEPB the only secoad-class Barber Hiop Hairdresfcing Saloon In orth arolioa. the second meanest man in An. erica, won d in lorm h s many friends and custome-a in the city, commercial travellers, Ac , that ha cxn sud be found at No. 7 South front st , and don t you remember It. where you can get a go-jd second-clas shave, haircut or ahamp o. Al o, second-class perfume y and of his oifn maniifiirtuvo Pinin no n n ' " w u va m , vg K.,V t. ll U, dec 16 2m ft Silk Warp Henrietta x i tros, 4Ci Embroidery I uiuciy. o stock, bnt invite an examination of i - CURTAINS. CARPETS L . v , R. M. McINTIRe You Please ! a bargain. NO MORE HAIR and Bm grav nair to its ran A marvellous Invention. Gray-mJrM three weeks. No more gray Hair Also oook, ana testimonials and Opinions Of i ctxly. Address, j. h. Nicholson. 7 Murraj St Nh Y SURVIVE! Bei j. W. Davis, j (Formerly with W. E. T avis A Scn.j GENERAL COMMISSION MEfiCHANT, Southern Fruits and Produce a SpccU tj. Barclay St , New York Wilmington Kefi-cnces : K. K. Burrao, President First National Bank, P. L.BrKti ers Co , Preeton Cumminn & Co., i H. Chidbourn A Co., W. E. Da Ih & Soc New York Bel mm Wliiiim KiikerCo., 82 Harrison St. j uly 16 tf m The best Place in the City FOK FANCY AtfTICLES, HOSIERY, RIBRONS, LACK?, COVERLIDS, COB31.TS, VELaTS, MERINO DNDERWEAB. EMBROIDEEED LA!flP TABLE GO DS. TOWE13. UMBRKLLAS, etc A spec al bargain in BLACK SILK WAEP. HENRIETTA CLOTH at l-25 per r"d worth fl.75. Only a few pieces left. jan 29 115 Market Jtre SPECIAL NOTICE J WILL SELL BERGMAN'S ZBPHTR, J colors, for 10 cents per ounce, until Feb. 1 for cash only. o ntl Ladies and Children's GOSSAMERS oyr In price. tMV& MILLINER F-Hats and Bonuetfl.rwP-j Felt, stall piice-". tolla s and tpM-Jj and Lioen, Handkerchief ad all for Fancy Wora. 1 1 imping atd Lmoro- MISS E. KARRER jan 2d Co Oysters. Oysters. rpO-MORROW AND ALL THE slU week I will receive a aepp of th-se fine NEW BIVZR GARDEN u!TlWiii guaranteed freeh and sweet. r!c.rVel U receive prompt attention anl be pw any par; f f thecify nee wJ2fy0EJi 110 fo Front Street, nsar the Nor feb 2 jj k Notice. a PPf lf iTlONWILL be M anE to a A Tia ,tn nf thP i Ate of NortQ ' na, tl present seas'on, for Ihe PfJgSt an Act incorporatlrg the Merchant