MISCELLANEOUS. THE BEST TQNIC. This medicine, combining Iron with pure i vegetable tonics, quickly and completely J ( urem Dypepln, 1 mIiction, Weaunem, 1 in pi: re Blood , Jlnlor ia,C'hi Its and Fevers I und Nenralarin. it is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the K Ulnars ami Uver. I: is invfilnaolo for Diseases peculiar tc iVomen and ail Who lead sedentary lives. !t docs not injure the teeth. caue hcadae hen-f-t'vl'jcc const i ra t ion atkrr Jrtm mciiicn .- ! In nriehesand purines i')chiood,st:r. . inn appetite, aids tbe os. iuiiiotii n r f :. vis Haartbnni ftiul B luting, and t:ti! nsthe muscles and iter a --. !': Intennitton: Per, rs. Lsssfti'de t r rir?r. kc., it iifis rr cttxin I. Tbejrrnuiuc ha alovc tr."de r i. ': rrosaed red lin1 o? 1 wicpper. Tak tf ll ljJ BRCV. MUSH A I. 0.. B1IT1: jan 1 ly dAw DO YOU KNOW THAT LORRILARD'S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO with Red Tin Tag ROSE LEAF Fine Cot Chew- JnK; NAVY CLIPPINGS, i iu , nut and nlack, Brown anl Yellow SNUFFS "re tbo best and cheapest, quality conBidered? auGlyd&w Dr. Moit's Powders NEVER FAIL TO CUBS IN FLA MM tion of tne Kidneys, Gravel, Gleet, sti let tires and ail Urinary dUeases. Nervous and Physical Debility, genital Weakness and ad tteae untold in serif s (Wised bv Indiscretion or Excesfcs. Syphilis In all Us forniH perma nently cii-ed. i el low o IJrwn spots on tsce and body'ore Throat an t Nos:, Scrofula, ld Sowa, Eczema, Teller and all Mood and iin diseases. Urinary diseases cured in 3 day Price Enc oe the mohv tc FRANK STBVKNS A CO , liattimore, Bfd., nnd it wbl be sent by mail sealed. For s ile by all drug trbts; sent by mall inlyidAwly Dr, UodcTs Nervine No. 2. WILL CORF. NERVOUS, PHYSICAL and Genital vVeakno? caused b ir lln ere'ion and viu'atlnsr the !hwh ot h-uth, Price $1 lR. HUNTER'S Ptf-S Curt 8 Syphil's In all 'It form 4 ar. 1 at tsre. Yellw ur Brown 1 pots on the fa- e an l body. pre Throat an 1 N-.r , Scrofula, t etter, Kcze ma, Itching sensation . Salt 1. licum and all Blood ami Skin Diseases, Uiinary Diseases .ud Stricture eneedllv cured Pike $2 DR. HU T3 FM vLF. KMIKSD Never fails to cure Irregularities or Snppres alons, ciusod !iy colds r disease. Married ladies and ladies in delicate n'ctr of health ire caution, d to not us it . Price $3 Enclose the money for cither redlcluc tc F"ASK : 7 !' VKNS ( O , Baldmore, td and it will in sent by mall or exprcii- seated. vor ailo by ?11 Dr-jirKlsta; sent by mail or exprea. july 7 dAwlv HELP tor -.vorklup: peop er Scud 10 nte poriasre, and we Mill mall ou fkkk a royal, valuable sample box of k'Knih hat wl i put ou In the way of mak ing more money 1u a lew days Mian ou ever thouirlit possible av any budn t-B. apiul ni't required. You c in live at hrm and work in st-nre time "Uly, or a I the time All of both sexe-, of all ajjee, grandly successful. 0 cent to $"e-8l! earneii every ovcDir.. lhat all who want wori mav test the business, we ra Ac 'bia nnpara leled otfei : To all who are not wed satisfied e will ser.d l to pay fo the trouble t uiionK us Full particulars, directions, etc , setit free. Immtn e. pay ab solutely sure for all who start it once Don't dclav. Address mtinson & t o, Por land, Mi e. dec2dwly WIN more money 'han at anything ese bv taking an ajrenev for the" beat selling Ikiht o::t Bejflniier- su ee: d grandly. Nonof .il. Terms free, haixbtt Bookco , Portland, Maine. dec 2 d&w ly 000'" Prtger,ti given away Knd qlttVjVVv ua 5 cents postage, and you will (fet free a package of goods of large value, that will start you In w.-rk that will at. once bring yr-u in money fatter than any thtng e'. e in America. Alt bout the $200,0t0 in presents with each box.. Agents wanted everywhere, of either eex, of all ares, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own bomes, Fortunes for a l workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. H. Hallett A to., Portland. Maine. t ec 2 d&w ly WEAK, UNDEVELOPED PARTS OF THE HUMAN BODY ENLARGED. DKVEI- OPED. STRENGTHENED,' Kto.. Advertisement l.inirrun ininir nir r. In reply to in qnirios we will sny tliixt there is no evidence of hui hug about this. On the coat fury, theadvartiaers nrn very iiiK uTyTmTorecT" intert!Te(t persona mny c-t na.lei circulars pivincall jarnoilars by aridi c?sinr tKOI' .vt,t).. isntt'alo. N.Y. 1 Unlo Jtrmimt Ji?e. apl 16 Vdw I A IjCadlngr.nndonPb.y- sretnn im -om.-nes nn llHo in Nw York. From Am. Journal of Mod. Dr. Ab. Aleserole. who ) makes .1 Epecialty ofEpilepsy has without doubt treated and cired more cases than any other living physician. His success naB simply been astonishing : we havo beard of cases of over SO istanttuigcnrM ty him. tie guarantees a cure. " 1 tottJo sml ll-eatise sent tree, uivo r .u. ana Add re-: txt r. AB. MESER0LE, No. 96 John St., New York. First National Bank of Wil mington. C APITAii 8TOC K tZM.OtO auaPLDs ruND P6.0T0 Djpoalu received aad ooUeoUona nada 01 al aeaoXhto points isthe United states oimcoTOEa . 3DRKUSS, O. G. WORTH, MARTIN. JAS. 8PEUNT USOBGS CHADUODKN. OITICKBt. A. & BURUUSS..' A. R. WAl.gKB---,,,. x. W. URPlffl,, anl 2 Presides! i. Oaabln vj 11 11 m The Daily Review. JM5H. T. JAMES, Editor A Prop WILMINGTON. N. C FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1865 ifllMtii st the Postoffiee ait Wilmington. N. C. hm 9coDil-c)a matter. Here are some extracts which make Ircm a lone artike in the New Yoik Mail and Express, a Kepubl;can paper, relative to Grover Cleveland the Silent Man, which make excellent reading at this time : Everybody agrees that President elect Cleveland can keep a secre'. Since election day he has been posing as the 'Silent Man. He lias nothing to say. and he d es it well- He treats every body with courtesy and considera ion. He iistens attentively. When a per son is introduced to him he takes the outstretched hand in a clad to see-yoa-but what-do-you- want sort of a way. He gives it a good Westprn squeeze. Then he throws hia shoulders back, and with right toot ou', hands toying with the buttons of his Prince Albert coat, he waits and listena until Col. Lnmont, his secretary, tenches him on the shoulder, whispers to him, and i-omo one else is brought forward and the perJormance is repeated. He knows nearly every prominent man in the country by reputation, and be ha studid up so well that when any sub ject outf i le of politics is mentioi el bis tace lights up and he joins in the con versation. All the in lor mat km that he receiv s is careluiiy stored away ; and in his own room at night he faithfully j ts down in a little book what would the politicianlic give to see that precious book? his impressions of the people he has met and -the new facts gleaned ab iiit others. Everything goes into the crucible, and before .inauguration day the dross will have bt en blown to the bur windn and the nuggets ol pure t'oid assorted and labelled. With his Cat inet still undecided upon, with ail the fat offices in the country Ft (his dis posal, not to speakjof tbe foreign mis sions and the consular appointments bis inaugural address not written, tbe tnrift' staring him in the lace, and the jangling bells of civil service reform ringing in his ears, he has work enough l) do. without seriously considering who idiafl be Postmaster of Oshkosh or 1 Collector at the Port ot Timbuctoo. I While expectant ollrce-holders w're 1 thronging the Victoria lioiel during the past few days. e:iger to cateh a glimpse of the man Jwho is so siitm to ol-cl. pj the VVrh:tc House, some crir.g ine : u3 fawning, some satisfied with touching ihe heui of h:s garment, ail auxious lor a snug berth, there was one man present who would not take anj office. Long before the gubernatorial co; vent ion toe. at Ssiacuo, William Mcintosh, managing editor ol the Buoalo ews. kept bamroerjt.g away in h:S paper and after a while got up a smll-sized boom for the man whom Fortune seems never weary ot smiling upon. Cleveland went down to Syra cuse, where his pretensions as a candi date were laughed at. The boys from Buffalo followed and shouted lor bim. The bands played lor him, but it seem ed to be of little use. I bad a long talk with the new Preideoi-elect in the Vanderbiit House tbe afternoon before the convention met.. ''Do you think you can be nomi nattd?" I asked, as the shouts for Flower and Soeum grew louder, I don't know," replied Cleveland. ' My friends seem to think I can. Mc intosh sas I can." "Who h Mcintosh?"' 'Hea a little Scotchman who hoips edit the Buffalo News. He U like a son to me. He is level-headed, and I trust him implicit. n Just then a nimble mf s?enger boy thrust a teiegrani into Cleveland's hand. He read it and handed it me. Make no deals. Don't give up the light. Stick fast. Mcintosh. "That gives me new courage," said Cleveland. He didn't give up the fight. He was nominated the next day, more by luck than good generalship On bis return to Buffalo Mcintosh' was told ihat he could have an office, if the Democrats were successful. "When I want one I'll let you know." was his reply. "He hasn't been to ask for it yet." said Cleveland to me, yesterday. And he won't, either. He b content to do his work in Buffalo, but I fancy that he will have as much influence with the next administration as any man iu the party, and I know the latch string of the White House door will always hang on tbe outside to him. for I am told that gratitude is abnor mally developed in Cleveland. John Kelly did not call on Cloveland, but one of his most trusted braves was sent to say that only illness kept the big chier at home. "Please say to Mr. Kelly that I hope he will soon be around again I regret very much to hear of bis continued illness," was the message sent in return. It will please everjbody to know that Mr. Kelly is rapidly recovering. He takes a gallop in the Park every fine day, and takes a great deal of rest. He is not allowed to see the daily papers, nor to read his letters. I saw him the other afternoon walking slowly down Madison avenue. He looks hearty, but his short, stubby beard is a rifle whiter, his face is pale, , , I, . . . ami ue oears an me marts 01 a severe illness. He will go South in a few days with bis wife and child, and in all prob ability will be in Washinston for the inauguration. There is considerable tlk abont bis accepting office under Cleveland. I know, on tbe highest au thority, that be can have an ofhee if he chooses, although there has ben no such tender, and I know, on the high est authority alio, that he will not ac cept one. Mr Kelly has practically re tired from public life. He is wealthy, has an elegAutlj-fnrnishe) house, a charniirg wife, and one of the best libraries iu the city. John Pyne. who for years kept the large bbok store in Xa?au street, tells me that Mr. Keilv purchased thousands of dollars worth of rare aod costly books from him. He has always been a great readt-r. I have heard him recite Shakesneare. and repeat line after line of Byron and llobby Burns' melodious verse w-thont an error- He is conversant with all the ! st aucard authors, and tells delight mi j l stories about authors, artists and poli-1 tictans that he has me t rm bolb sides of ' the water. William F. Vilas, of Wisconsin, has aspirasions His inends sty that it is time the Badger State wa3 represented in the Cabinet Vilas has a greater I claim than tbi. Besides his ability ? s a lawyer and as an orator, he is also a j politician. He can say No. v hen the wave finally broke in the Chicago Con vention, and Cleveland was declared tbe nominee of the party, all eyes turn d to Vilas. The splendid spech that he made on taking ihe chair and bisquick ness in deciding ihe knotty point of par liamen:ary law won over the whole convection to him. Vil.a V j r : c v iii inu ioj w iv.w x 1 chh.hi, said a huodred delegates on the never to bc-lorgotten afternoon. In an instant the lightning began to piav about his head, and when a com mittee waited upon him. and said they proposed to get up a hom for him, Vilas quietly replied. "No, I am not a candidate." "Bu-, it's the Vice-Presidency," they insisted. 4,I cau't help it. Hendricks deserves it and must have it." 'He won't accept it.' "Yes he will Lei me see bim," and in ten minutes Vilas returned to h s room in the Paimer House and gave up the prize that he could have had by siropiy reachiug out for it. Hf-ndricks knows this bit of history, and Vilas has no stronger friend to-day than the man who is so soon to step into the second highest office within the gilt of 60,000,- 000 of Iree people. Cleveland knows it too, and thesilver-tonged orator of Vis cousin need hae no fear of tha future. Mr. Vi as is conceded to be the oDly representative of the young Free Trade Democracy of the Northwest- He was a brave soldier during the war. It is believed that he will be named as Sec retary f War. - Abrara S Hewitt will sit near the head of tbe council chamber in the Cleveland administration. He would make an acceptable Secretary ot the Trearury. Although in politics for many years he is not a politician. He keeps awake o' nights thinking abonl public affiir.s, and h' is always n the side ot relorm. His skin is thin. He cannot stand criticism. He is 02 years 01 age. and a model business man. He walks with head erect, and if he sees a reporter or correspondent drawing nigh, steps out of his way. nered be talks willingly. W.hen cor and l hen he has to visit the editor ol the newspaoer where his interview was pubiisned ro correct en ors 1m is jar above the treacnery ot ward politicians, and is not anxious to ieave the House, lit-, is a good speaker, eloquent at- liin- s, and a Laborious gatherer ol statistics, lie graduated with high honors at Colum bia College. It was here that he met young Edward Cooper, and at the lat ter's request visited Europe. On the reiurn 1 hey were shipwrecked, and the two drifted about in an open boat 111 the sea lor some das. Arriving in New York, he entered the employ of Puter Cooper, made a good reputation, tell iu love with Miss Cooper, married her and now has an income of oyer $100,000 a year. Mr Hewitt was one lime a sachem in lammy Hail. If Cleveland calls him to a place in the Cabinet he will accept the offer. He will consider it his duty to do so. It not he will wail. Pernaps be my wan to make a Cabinet of his own, say four years from now ! It is a troublesome question : Who is to be the Lady of the White House? Gossip's tongue is never idle The President's sisiers win d the honors for awhile; but when they reach Wash ington they wiil be confronted by a fine looking lady of 50 years or so, who is ambitious to shine in the fierce light that beats upon a throne. Mrs. Hen c'ricks is desirous ot social honors'. She is the confidential adviser of her hus band. He never takes any important step without consulting her, and many people think that it was to please her that he accepted the Vice-Presidential nomination. ,Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks entertain admirably, but not elaborate ly. They have no children. Tueir only boy died when but three years old in 1851. Mrs. Hjendrick i3 rather small of statute, wijth dark hair and eyes. She wears ajn eye-glass, which gives her something of a distingue at -pearance, and the dresses richly, but plainly. She is a brilliant conversa tionalist and a lady'ot rare tact. For many years she has devoted much at tention to chaiitable matters and tor four years was one of the board of trustees appointed by the Republican Governor of the Indiana Institution for the Reformation ot G.rls. White presi dent of the board a legislative investigation of the institution was held ana deve oped tbe tact that its affairs bad been managed much more economically and effectively than when under control of men. When Mr Hendricks was Governor of the State she visited with him the various penal and reformatory institutions and was not satisfied with a cusual inspection of them, but inquired into their affairs closely. She is valuable to him in vari- our other ways, for she has an extend ed knowledge of political affairs and excellent judgment reeardine: them AH of hi3 carefully prepared speeches bear the impress ot her work. Thev are a charming couple, thoroughly con genial ana almost equally talented. mr. neuuricKs, 11 is iearea, win cut up some queer pranks while in office, and Mrs. Hendricks has grit enoush to settle an social questions, in a way that will leave her mistress of the situation, un less Cupid darts an arrow into the White House, and the marriage bells arc rung for Grover Cleveland and his bride! : I 1 . - " w Itching Piic j-.symptoins and Cure. The symptoms are 'moisture, like perepira tion, Intense itching. In reased by scrdtthlng; very disti easing, particularly at rJgbt; seems as if pin-worm were crawling in and aoout tbe rectum; the prirate parts r sometimes affected. It allowed to continue very Belnus results may follow. "oWAVSi'd 01T MJSNT" is a pieasant, Pure cure. Also, for Tetter, Itch. alt Uheum, cald !lc,d, fc-rysip elas, iiarber's Itch, Bloi-ihes, all sea y cruaty bkin idseasea. Box, by mall, 50 eta ; j f or 1. 25. Address, DR. WATft& A SON, Fxnla.. Pa. Sola by Druggists. may 2 ly dco d a V f m w To everv H substantial cook stove is an important J ,;. A j . . . . necefclty and our readers Will fand the 0661 afc Factory prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. f m m l - sis am tames J For the Cure of Coughs, Caiz,t lIToarsjfness, Eror.chiti,Croup, Tnfiu i Asthina, Whooping Cough, In -a v.Sicnt Consumption and for the re-g jlief of consumptive persons in advan-1 'ced stages of the Disease. For Sale y yjy all rug;"yfjce , Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead, Paints, French Window Glass. GENCY FOB N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO'S READY PREPARED PAINT. "t AUL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing. The fact hat our Paints are from the celebrated Fac ories of Wetherill & Co., and Harrison Bros & Co., la sufficient guarantee for their quality and purity. A fine line of Cooking Stoves at Facto 7 Prices, in addition to oar large and full HARDWARE STOCK, to which your attention is respectfully invited NATH'L JACOBI, 10 South Front St sept 2 Homes in North Carolina." Only 20 Hours Ride from New York ! 69 Miles South of Raleigh On ihe Ka'eigh and Augusta Air-line R R- 1.500 ACRES OF LAND ! IN THE long leaf plr.i. region. For sale on eay terms In l"t8t tu t purchasers ;-our acres for $25. Larger tracts $5 per acre. In moutiii pav meats of lu. This land adjoins the "South ern Hiueo". a recently etb is e t he.ltn re sort (or sanitarium), and is specially adapted f or Eruit Culture, am wtdl as all t- eca. eala A number of New England people have bought lots In the town of "Southern Pine4,' an 1 it is the d sire of the owners of this land to in duce pmail larmers, mechanlrrs and others from the New England and Middle Mates, as well as elsewhere to locate hre. No .-tate in the Uninn offers grettc inducemet ts to fet tiers than North Carolina Nowhere can a better larming eoucitrj'-or as One a climate be found 1 hiH is the opinion of Northern men who have settled in Nortti aralu a This is a bona fide offer, and Is limited or further pa: tlculars write at once to J 11 T. I'AT 1CK, Conamia'r of Immigration. R le'gh. N. C. or It A RI Ilisll.s!!S, jan 21 tf Chronicle Oflloe, Augusta, Ga. Health is Wealth. CUb NE E GUARANTEED -Dr E. C W'est s Ikhve ax o Brain Tkkatmkmt. a g"si anteed peeinc lor Hysteria, Dizziness, Con vulsions, Mts, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, N- rvous Prostration caused bv toe use 01 al cohid or tobacco, Wakefulness Mental De preilon, t-ottenlng of the Brain resuMingin insanity and leading to misery, decay and dea'h. "Premature v ia Age, Barrenness. Los of power in cither s?x, Involuntary Losses and -permatorrhcea caused by ov r exertion of-the b..in, self abuse, rr over-indulgence. ach box contains one month's tteatment. $1 CO a b jx, or six boxes for $5 00, sent by mail prepid on receipt, of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX EOXE3 To cure any case. With each order received by U3 for six boxes, accompanied Ith $5. 0, we will send tbe purchaser ou written guar autee to refund the n-oney if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by JOHN C. WEST & t hi ago, 111. CO , S62 W Madison st. oct21 lyd&w MAN'S ORGANISM Is the most complex work of the Creator, and when this complicated etruct-re, so exquis itely wrought, is disturbed by disease, the efficient aid should be sought from the most skilled phys'c'ac for the human body is too precious to be reglected It becomes the quest! m, then: "W hat physician shall be em ploy ed?" Dr. Oscak JOHAyXESEN, of the University of Beriin, Germany, has made a lifelong study of ailments of tbe Nervous Genlto Urinary System . HIS "EMEDIES CURE Any Del l'l'y or Derangement of the Nervous System, Including Spermatthorea, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Stricture, Impolence, etc., etc B -:AUSE ton may have been cheated and fooled by quacks," who claim to cure this cia?s of cisorders, ao not hesitate to give Dr. Joiiannesen'S method a fair trial before your case becomes chronic and incurable. FREE. sgt A valuable treatise, explanatory of Dr. 1ohakne"EN's sv stem wdl be sent by mail, post paid and reo'urely sealed from observa tion, to any sufferer addressing bis sole au thcrized agent for tbe United btatea and Can l la. HENaY VOGELER, 49 South Street, New York W Complicated symptoms trea ed from Dr. Johaxkej-en's p cial Prescription; un ler advice of a duly qual.fled consulting phys lan. . a-11 corres;ondence held, as strictly confi iential, and advice bv mall free f charge, jan 3 CONSUMPTION, I bare a positive reined j for the abore disease ; by its cse thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indssd, !-ostrone:ls myfaith la its efficacy. that I wl 1 send TWO BOTTt.E3 FREE, together wltfj a VALTTABr.E TREATISE on this disease to any sufferer. Give express and P O.aidr s. SR. T. A. SLOCCU. ISi Fearl St., Kew York. FREE! RELIABLE SELF CURE A favorite prescription of one of the' most noted and successful s-ecialist in th. TT q iow retired) for the cure of Nervous Debility, ,t Manhood, Weakness and Beeav. Sprrf l plain sealed envelope Free. Druggists can fill it ddress DR. WARD & CO., Louisiana, Mo. d-c 22 cod lyd&w A PKJZE. fnd dx cents for postage ad recr-if e free, a rnLic box of goods which will he lp ;oato m re money right away than an-, thine else in tbla world. All f either tex, succee d from the firt hour. The broad road to forrarre opera before tbe woreers, absolutely sure. At once ad dress Trcte A Co., Augusta. Maine, no v 2 d&w ly TT MISCELLANEOUS. Think of This! fp3E A f V ANT AG &S YOU HAVE IN buy inz BOOTS AND SHOES of us are : The Isrgr st stock m the & tate to select from, bet ter goods for less p ice tcan e'sewfaere, more stsles and vaviety of finish -nd shap's.and you sa' e money by trad.g vt ith Geo. R. French & Sons', 108 NORTH FRONT STREET feb 9 A Long Felt Want Finally Supplied. -QR DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE Kfc, MED Y for the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Malaria Try it "It works like a charm" la the testi mor y of thou studs . For sale bv William H. Green, John H . Har din, W. S. Brlggs &' o., F. C. Miller, J. W. Couokv, MnndsBros. Wir LI AM H. GREKN, Wrolcsa'e gent, Wilmington, N. C. feb C eod lm f m w dw otice. MY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC ARE re ixctfully notified that T have pold out my interest io. the Livery stable business to Mr. K. C. Oriel'.. Thanking them for ihe very liberal uatronaee ihev have accorded me I bespeak the same fur the new firm, Messrs Syke s & OrrelL Respectfully, oct27 OWEN R. HOLLINSS WORTH Sykes & Orrell, PROPRIETORS IIVERY, SALE AND EX CHANGE STABLES, ENERAL STOCK YABD FOR MILCH COWS AWD BhEF CATTLE, Corner Fourth and Mulberry Sts. G3T Personal attention given to Boarding Horses. o 't -il Something New t J HAVE JUST RECEIVED BY RAIL A Vanilla Flavored Syrup, The finest yrap ever offered in thia market. AT,-;0 A FULL LINE f F Fancy & Staple Articles FOR CHRISTMAS ANl THE HOLIDAYS call and examine at Crapcn's Fami'y Grocery. G. M. CRAPON, Agt., dec 16 22 fcouth Front St To the Public. t Q LL AT OCR f-T-JRS WHER1 YOU wiJi find a choice block c f FAMILY GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, T BACC , &c. A choice lot of SEED IRISH POTATOES, (Early rose) ju&t ai rived Another lot of N. C. HAM, SHOULDERS AND MID DLING just received For sale cheap. f Lot and Still accommodations fre. CR MG A TilOM IS, jan 11 11 So Front St. II. BRUNHILD & BRO., OFFER FOR THE APPROACHING HOLIDAYS A special lot of their own importation Sherries, Port and Bordeaux Wines. SOMETHING EXTRA IN COGNACS! I3ST WHISKIES we offer special inducements n- quality and prices. Large assortment of Cigars and Tobacco always on dec 16 hand of our own manufacture. H. BRUNHTLD & BRO 1884. 1884. CHRISTMAS. AT D A. SMITH'S Furniture Warerooms, Can be found a larrc assortment of VALUABLE GIFTS, suitable for everybody. The pub'le, and especially the ladies, are re-Tectfudy invited to call acd examine prices, Ac. D. A. SMITH. Furnttuxii Dealer, N. Front Street dec 52 Conolej's Drug Store. 21 MARKET STREET. COXOUC1 'S TOE PHYSIC (for Cotns) Conole'sCol gne, Coaolej's cough -jrtip, a- i Conoley'a one Such, And a general ascortraent of Drugs an t Chem feb J. W CONOLfeY. F. M. JAMES, II. 3. EHOLAIl. JAMES & SH0LAR, gSICKMASONS AND CONTRACTORS. vVill bepleasedto receive orders In ocr line. Ail wora executed with neatness and dispatch, feb 2 lw. WilmIngton&: Railroad omPan, orric o, gkax. anPKiu ' WIhnintoB,N.C..Oc.ai,l38i Change of Schedule a r w a is-. ON AND AFTER NOV 2r,H J A. M.. Passenger TuV ' 1.ss. Al 1 ton A Weldon Rallroarl iHll u: W!l- DAY MALL ANDEXPRKl .'0V NOS. 47 NOBTH axn Leave W Umlmrtnn trvnnt c . r. Arrive at Weldon...... 8.8. Leave Weldon. 2.45 Arrive at Wllm'gton, Front St' i);i,V -i0-fast Thbocgh Mail a paJ! ' DAIET No. an a ,. uuij 1H Arrive at Wilm'gton.FronVst'ivn't '.ll MATT. A V-i- r A can ' 5 tC.(fjI 9t No. 48 North D Leave Wilmington....... Arrive at '1Jnn 41 No. 42 South, dally except Mondf Leave Weldon r Arrive iimington ml No. 45 North, dally except Leave Wilminrtr . .- ""'r. Arrive Weldon ' i KjLm Train No. 40 South will atOD ,,rV"A-11 : Goldaboro and Magnolia. 7 w HsM Trains on Tarboro Branch Ro-ji. . Mount for Tarbop at IS VA bl. Juy, ounuays excepted) SLr? nwii. o.iJ?li "V . ?n,l io iTS Halifi InmlTif, oar. ,t . . 1 , j ... , daily except Sunday. fT',l irain jo. . mate close connprriA. don for aU points North Da. au m.w Richmond, and dally except Train No. 43 runs dally and makMAi nection for all Points North via livw'eJC0, Washington. ' hmoBd g All trains run ooUd between WTHa- w Washington, and have Pulunar; pM?, ers attached. ce For accommodation of local travel ger coach will be attached to local (rri.Ki? tog Wilmington at 5.20 A MfSSS Sunday. ' JOHN F. divis wenerai SuTK:rintP!v. T. M. EMER30N, Geneva oct '0 Wilmington, . Columbii & Augusta it. K, Co, Office of Geitobal soru21iNXKNDK.Tr, Wllmlngtoa, N. C. Get 3!, im. .-r. mm u. i . Change of Schedule, AND AFTER NOV. 2nd. 1S. .00 A. M.t ihe following Paaacngcr utttl ti c will be run on this road NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS. DAXXY-KUlij West and 47 East. Leave Wilmington: j 8.(;0P,L Leave Florence im A. fc Arrive at C. C- A A. Junction ;.20 AM Arrive at Columbia fi.40 A. H ljeave ooinmbia. 9., P. M ave C. C. A A. Junction 1(1120 P. M I -eavc Florence 450 a j Arrive at Wllmligton &SSA. HC night Mail and Passenger TBirs.Diiu NO. S WEST. Ieave Wilmington .10.?0 P.l Arrive at Florence 1,30 AM. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DaiIt No. East. Leave Florence at 4..05 p, m. I Arrive at Wilmington... 8.00 P. X ; No, 42 West, dally except MoD-lsyg. Leave Wilmington 7 0 Arrive Florence .11.55 A I No. 45 East dally except Sundays. Leave Florence 9.10 P I Ariive Wilmington 115A.M. Train 43 nd42stops at all Stations. No. 48 stops only at Flemington, and Marta. Passengers for Columbia and all polnteoBt & C. R. R., C, A A Ii.R. Stations, Aiken Jn tlon, and all points beyond, should take Hi 48 Night Express. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Auguitta Train 48. All trains run solid between Charleston at Wilmington. Local freight leaves Wilmington (tall? o cept Sunday at 5.00 A. M. john f. Divan, General Superlntendext T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger AoL oct 30 , ; Carolina Central R. K Company, j OinOB OF 3 ENSEAL BUPEKINTEHbnn, i Wilmington. N. C. Sept. 20. 1S4 I Change of Schedule. AND AFTER SEPT.Klst, 1884, TH 0N following Bcneaoie will be operated oa tkh Railroad: PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TBAI Dally except Sundays. ) Leave WUmlngton at Mt 2 No. Li Leave Raleigh at 'Sv W ) Arrive at Charlotte at UH f ) Leave Chai-lotte at W fl Z No. 2. S Arrive Ralei 9.00 A ,g.25A. ) Arrive at Wl ton at.. Passenger Trains stop at reftSttmpl mated In the Coarpw' only, and points designated Aime laote. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER. EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays. . No 3 (Leave Charlotte ,p wo-3' j Arrive at Shelby. B- ?' . ) TATi HhaThv - .1.40 P- I Arrive nftovtrt 5.40 r. Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to and from m through Sleeping Cars between WUmiftft and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. i for Statesvllle, stao Western N C R R, Asfaeville and poinU Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, auk- Atlanta and all points Southwest. Sape-intcndem-F. W. CLARK, Generalj Passenger Afta" sept m White Cypress and Yellow Pine BLINDS AND DOOBS, Guaranteed as good as the Lett Moulding, Brackets. 3alusters an 1 Oro ix for Scotland Neck at j wTS - M a. taenUlJWood Work, oct 16 PAR LBYiAJWIGSl3-

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