MISCELLANEOUS TheDaily Review. 'THBGENERAL assembly THE W BAY Hit! r1r6- THE GREAT JttAAN REM CURES rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sciatica, " "mbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, r0 Tbront. 8ff cll!ne. ft"" BpDfv Burn. Kcnl1. I Mat Blte, NO ALL OTHER BOBU.T PAINS A5D All . ' - l.r-ifci'ts an.l Dealer everywhere. Fifty Genu , ' battle Direction in 11 LjyJiruaget. THF C1I VKLES A.YOOELEB CO. . in " A; t'ouklcr oa Baltimore. L, CCi ilcli Iv d&w The Science of Life. Only $1 BY MAIL POSTPAID. w f, M f 7 THt SCIENCE, K!iS17 THYSELF.. & GREAT MEDICAL WORK OH MANHOOD. K,! - ! Vitality, Nervous and Phvsical Xi .- . I'r mature Decline Id Mas, Errors 0f y, iih. and the untold miseries reenltina niiifcretion or excesses. A book for eVrvn n. voting, middle aged and old. It 125 prescriptions for all acute and Ureases, each one of whi-h Is Invaiu able. So found by the Author, whose experl r fi r23 cars is such as probably never to the lot of any physician, DOC . bound in beautiful French muslin, cm I coders, full gilt, griaranteed to be a , r .. rk in every sense mechanical, literary 1 t. 1 VlMV WAV O Alii 1 T i i i i i ?ti i :l . l iiriu nn j j iiiivi vx ouu ju untry ior $2.50, or the money will he ! iii every Instance. Price only $1.00 b til, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 eis. Gold mefiai awarded the author Saltans Medical Association, to the r, rs f which he refers. Tr Science of Life should be read bv the :, for instruction, and by the afflicted for It will benctltall London Lancet. Tin re is no member f society to whom this v ill not be useful, whether youth, parent, biiardian, instructor or clergyman Argonaut. Address the Pcabody Medical Institute,' r -r. VV. 11. Parker, No. 4 Bullfinch Street, rtwtnn, Mass , who may be consulted on all itscases requiring skill and experience. Chronic and o'ostlnate diseases that have 1 t;c ft ill of al. U PA I othti , . - . inns r( ce!altv. n C A Baa Such ; Bucceaatul-TP LI V S E I a? without an in E ll 0 ObCr rt failure MentL n this payer. Capital Prize $75,000. Tickets only $5. Shares in proportion. "Why use these dull and dircy hue5" I Stid; hJ The weaver paused, and smiled and Mu ok his head, And answered. Tis a back ground for ! the bright r t bread. When is tfxtishtd you wiJi bee H w bright ihe pnitern bt I pondered o'er the weaver's woids aad ways ; Migtt it not be that la'.e sent darker days , That we might trace thereon in f hining d eds of praise? So that life finished one misjii fee How bright the pa tern be. Uenry Cleveland Wood. FKBKUALtY FUN. A young man who was j Ited by his girl and subsequently ruarriedher, says she Irm'ed him like a boitle ol pateut medicine. He Was "taken" before tiken. "No man can do anything again9t his will." said a metapbjsician. Faith." said Pat. 4 I had a brother who went lo prison against his will faith he did.", A Swedish chemist has discovered that sea water e mains a!coho!. We dou'i know that this has any connec tion with the expression "Hall seas ovtr." but it may. "What you doin' now, Bill?" "Noth in Been doin' of it for threft weeks, and I can't stand it much longer." "What you goin' to do?" "Git some body to help me." Mistress to amiabie servant maid : "I am giving to the opera this evening, so I shall probably be hojae late." Amia ble maid: ' Oh, you needn't apologize to me for that." Little Rudolph one day begged an iu vitation to dinner. At the table his hostess anxiously inquired : "Rudolph, can yon cut your own meat?" "Humph," said Rudolph, who vas sawing away; "can't 1? I've cut up just as tough meat as this at home." iiOaisiana State Lotterv Ooinpany, 'We do horn', j certify that ce supervise thz arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi A imtia! Urawin3S of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the rente are conducted vnth honesty, fairness, and i'i good faith toward all parties, and toe author ize Ike Company fa use this certificate, with fac similes of otcr signatures attached, in its caver itcvtenis." S7 12arter!y aieetiiigr. First round for the Wilmington Dis" trict of the Methodist E. Churcbj South for 1884-&5. Carver's Creek circuit. Silent " 14 15 Waccamaw Mis?, Bethel T 17-18 Whitesville circuit, White y ville t 21-22 Topsail circuit. Scott's Hill February 28 and March 1 Onelow circuit, Tabernacle " 7-8 Duplin circuit, Kenansyiile " 14 15 Brunswick circuit. Concord 21-2"-i The District Stewards j will please nit-et at Wilmington Front Street Church on Februrary 4th at 11 o'clock a. m. P. J. C ARK AW AY, P. E, - . A Card. To al! who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, neryous weakness, early decay , loss of man hood, &o., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a niis sionary n South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City eod . &w ly Commissioners, Incorporated in 1868 fer 25 years by the LC lelature for Educational and Charitable pur t ones with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a rprve fund 0f over $550,000 ha3 since becr a I Icd. Hy an overwhelming populai vote Its f rat: ch!ee was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A.. D..1S79. The cniy Lottery ever voted on and endorsed ty the people of any State. It never scales or postpone- iLs Grand Single Number Drawing? take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Third Grand DrawinR, Class C, In ,the Acadmv of Music, at New Orleans. Tuesday, March 10, 18S"J 178th Mouthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Fach. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. U5T OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of 75,000 1 Capital Prize of 25,000 1 Capital Prize of 10,00t 2 Prizes of $,000 lJ.-KK 6 Prizes of 2,000 10,000 10 rrizes of 1,000 10,000 20 Prizes of 500 lO.OfO 100 Prizes of 200 20,000 200 Prizes of 100 30,0GT 500 Prizes of 50 25,000 1C00 Prizes of 25 55,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 6,750 a M 500. 4,500 9 " 250 2,250 1.SC7 Prizes, amountlnK to $265,500 AppUcation for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company In New Or leans. For further lnfbxpatlon, write clearlv, giv teg full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Morey Orders, or cw York Exchange n or dinary letter. Currency by Express (all sums of $5 ard upwards at cur expense) addrersed M. A. DAUPHIN, -New Orleans, La or M. A. DAUPHIN, G07 Seventh St., fTafiMngtcm. D. C Make P. O. Money Orders payable and ad dn. ss Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL RANK, fob 11 w s Aw 4w New Oai.EA'9, La New Crop Cuba Molasses First Cargo of the Season. Extract from a Private Let ter. Regarding Dr. David Kennedy's "Favorite Remedy,' the writer, Prof. A. B. Chandler Principal of the Acad emy, Brookheaven. Mis., says: ;I suffered from torpidity of the Liver ard Bowels and Paralysis, I used the Favorite Remedy for two months, and am now able to use my side which for along time had been like apiece of dead flesh. My general health was never better than at present, fmw&w DRUNKENNESS, OR THE LfOilOR HABIT, CAN BE CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given in a cup of coffee or If a without the knowledge of the person taking it, effecting a speedy and per manent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden Sprcific in their coffee with out their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking o'f their own free will. No-harm lu effects result from its administration! Cures guaranteed. Circulars and testimonials sent free. Address, Golden Specific Co. !S5 Race Sr., Cincinnati, ). d od & wfim 4Siifferiiiij Humanity Owes YouaIebt of Gratitude," Writes Mr. Harry W, Olmstead Proofreader, Indianapolis, Ind. limes "Life vjs a! pa est a burden to me caus ed by Kidney Disease. The best phpsi eians t've me no relief. I used Dr. David Kennedy's 'Favorite Remedy.' ;ind can say I feel like a new man. T am confident I am entirely cured and write to reiurn my sincere thanks for the cure your medicine has effected. I shall use every opportunity lo let suf ferers know where they may find re el.'" f m w & w. . Young Wen! Head This. The Voltaic Belt Co.,ot Marshall. Mich , offer to send their Celebrated Electro1-Voltaic Belt and other Electric Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men (young or old) afflicted with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neu ralgia, paralyses, and many other dis eares. Complete restoration to health, vigor antl manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred as thirty days trial is allowed. Write them at once for iilus Lrattd pampbiiM free, w s m & w 1R, - -- S e n Ladders, all lengths, at Jacobi's Depot. 60 IILG;1ISAD5 TIERCES Fx cchooncr Canton. Direct from Mstanras. now landing. irders solicited. WORTH & WORTH jan 23 e Smith's Worm JT7 TX Manhood Restored Rkmkdt Fkee. A victim of youthful imprudence causinc lrc mature Decay, Nervous DebiLtv, Iost Manhood. Ac, barine tried iu vain every Known rvau-dy.has discovered a RBiDle rneansof self -cure, v-hich he will sendFREE to his fellow-sufferers. Address, J.IL&EE VES, 43 Chat Uaui SwXew York. DOT 21 d&w ly t SENATE. 1st dist Currituck. Camdeo. Pas- rju'tank. Hertford, Gate?, Chowan and Perquimans ; James Parker, dem, V M Hood, dei a. 2nd dist Tyrrell, Washintnn, Mar- tin TStK rfl Rl o tt fsxwt a viIa Pq m 1 nr Theo W P.m.Ip, Dem, P H Simmon, j dem. 3rd dist Northampton and Berte; Thomas W Mason, dem. 4th dis' Halifax; J M Mullen, dem. j 5; h dist Edgecombe , RS Taylor,; (col) rep. fltb dist - Pitt; W R Williams, dem j th dist Wilson. Nash and frank lin; H G Connor dem, Joshna Perry. dem. 8:h dist Craven; Geo H White, (col) rep. 9 h dist Jones, Onslow and Car teret ; Dr C Thompson, dem. lOtb dist Duplin and Wayne; E J Hill, dem, J T Kennedy, dem. llth dist Greene and lenoir; F M Rountree, dem . 12 Ji dist New Hanover and Pender: W H Chadbourn, rep. 13th dist Brunswick and Bladen; Swain, rep. 14th dist Sampson ; E T Bojkio. dem. 15th dist Columbus and Robeson; D S Cowan, dem. R F Lewis, dem. 16th dist Cumberland and Harnett: W CTroy. dem 17th dis't Johnston; Ashley Home, dem. 18th dist Wake; John Gatling. dem. 19ih dist Warren ; JH Montgomery, rep. 20th dist Orange, Person and Cas well; James Holman, dem; A W Gra ham, dem. 21st dist Granville; R W Winston, dem. 22d dist Chatham and Alamance; J L Scott, dem. 23d dist Rockingham ; John S John ston, dem. 24th dist Guilford; J L King, dem. 25th dist Randolph and Moore; M S Robins, dem. 26th dit Richmond and Mont gomery; W I Everitt, dem. 27th dist, Anson and Union ; J A Leak, dem. 28th dist Cabarrus and Stanly ; Paul B Means, dem. 29th dist Mecklenburg; S B Alex ander, dem. 30th dist Rowan and Davie; J W Wiseman, dem. 31st dist David3on ; P C Thomas, rep. 32d dist Stokes and Forsyth; J C Buxton, dem. 33d dist Surry and Yadkin; J A Franklin, rep. 34th dist Iredell. Wilkes and Alex ander : Dr R F Hackett, J F Dotson,- dema. 35th dist Alleghany, Ashe and Wa tan pa; J W Todd, dem. 36th dist Caldwell, Burke. McDow ell, Mitchell and Yancey; J S Brown, W H Bower, dem.' 37th dist Catawba and Lincoln, MO Sherrill, dem. 38ih dist Gaston and Cleveland; Geo F Basen, dem. 39th dist Rutherford and Polk ; T B Twitty, dem. j 40th dist Buncombe and Madison; H A Gudger, dem. I 4lst dist Haywood, Heuderson and Transylvania; W LTate, dem. 42i dist Jackson, Swain, Macon, Cherokee, Clay and Graham; J W Cooper, dem. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Alamance Thomas M Holt, dem. Alexander E B Jones, dem. Alleghany B Edwards, dem. Anson J J Dnnlap. dem. Ashe John C Plummer. dem. Beaufort W H Patrick, dem. Bertie L Roulhac. rep. Bladen-W J Sutton, rep. Brunswick D B McNeill, dem. Buncombe Richmond Pearson, Johnstone Jone3, dems Bnrke Samuel McD Tate. dem. Cabarrus T D Miller, dtm. Caldwell R R Wakefield, dem. Camden H W Scott dem. Carteret A H Chadwiek, dem. Caswell Geo N Thompson, dem. Catawba A A Shuford, dem. Chatham- T B Womack, J A Alston, dems. Cherokee G F McGee, dem. Chowan E F Waff, dem. Clay T C Kitchens, dem. Cleveland Thomas Dixon, Jr, dem Columbus H S Williamson, dem. Craven John E Hussey. (col.) rep. Cumberland I A Muichison, C C McClelland, dems. Cnrritnck Wm HCowell. dem. Dare E H Rigtrs. rep. . Davidson G M Bulla, S W Wall, reps. Davie H E Robertson, dem. Duplin John D Stanford, dem. Edgecombe B W Thorpe, (col) N P Bellamy, reps. Forsyth W H Sheppard. dem. Franklin N Y Galley, J T Clifton, dems. Gaston J W Reid, dem. Gates H Clay Williams, dem. Graham N M E Slaughter, dem. Granville A H A Williams, Robert Hobzood, derm. Greene W A Darden, dem. Guilford J A Turner, J A Barrin ger, dems Halifax A J Burton, David Beli, dem 8. Harnett D Stewart, dem. Haywood W T Crawford, dem. Henderson Dr W D Whitted. rep. Hertford R W V in borne, dem. Hyde J B Wat3on, dem. Iredell Augustus Leazer, Jonn B Holman, dems. Jackson R H Brown dem. Johnston James H Poo, Josiah W Perry. Dem. Jones P M Pearsall, dem. Lenoir Jesse W Grainger, dm. Lincoln W L Crouse, dem. Macon James Is Robinson, dem. Madison J C Pritchard, rep. Martin I) Worthington. dem MoDowell Geo H Garden, dem. Mecklenburg R P Waring, W E Ardrey, H G Stowe. dems. Mitchell T C Greene, rep. Montgomery John F Crowder rep. Moore George Wilcox, Dem. Nash J H Ex u m. dem. New Hanover C P Locky, L Grady, reps Northampton J. H. Edwards, J W. Grant, dems. Onslow H E King, dem. Orange and Durham Chas W John son. Caleb B Green, dems. Pamlico John B Mai tin, dem. Pasquotank Hugh Cnle, rep. Pender J T Bland, dem. Perqutmanp; Elihu Cbaprell, rep. Person J A Ixng, dem . Pitt G W Venter?, R E Mayo. ' dems. Polk Henry Morgan, rep. Randolph B W Stred, I F Cavines?, dems. Richmond Jonn W Sneed. lem. Robeson M McRae. Hartilton Mc- MiiUn dems. R' ckingbam Ja D Glenn, John M Gallaway, dems. Rowan Lee S O era; an, dem. Rutherford John B Harrell, dem. Sampson J W S Robinson, J A Beatnan, dems. Stanley D N Benneti. dem. Stokes -J Y Pbillina, dem. Surry Brim. rep. Swain A H Hayes, Dem. Transvlvanta J II Lamniey. dem. Tyrrell R P Feltun, Dem. Union H B Adams, dem. Wake Chas M Babee. John D Al len, Herbert E Norris, J Walter Myatt. Dems. Warren and Vance R C. Ward, H B Eaton, reps. Washington Harrison, rep. Watauga E F Lovill. Dem. Wayne Frank M. Aycock, Ira W Hatch, dem?. Wilkes- J R Henderson, rep. Wilson John E Woodard. dem. Yadkin J C Pinnix, rep. Yancey L Whittington. Dem. THE MAILS. The mails close aad arrive at the City Poet office as follows : CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast 7.3o;P. M. Northern through and wij mail 8.00 A. M. Raleigh 6.45 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom includ ing A. & N. C. Railroad at 7.30 P M. and 8.00 A. M Southern Malls for all points South, daily 8.00 P. M Western mails (C. C. Railway) daily, (except Sunday) .............6.15 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral eigh 6.45 P. M. Mall for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road 8.00 P. M. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston 8.00 P. M. Fayettevllle and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1.00 P. M. Fayettevllle, via C C Railroad, daily, except Sundays ,...6.45.P. M. Onslow C. H. and intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. Smith ville malls, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays) 8.S0A. M . Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotteand Little River, Tues days and Fridays 2.00 P. M. Wrightsville, daily 8.30 A. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way malls 7.30 A. M. Southern Mails 7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 8.45 A. M. Malls collected from street boxes business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M. and 5.30 P M. and from other points of the city at 5 P. M Stamp Office open from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M., Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M to 5 P. M., continuously. General delivery open from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. and on Sundays from 830 Id '9.30 A. M. Carrier' delivery open en Sunday from 8.30 o 9.30 A. M. MISCELLANEOUS From the Bnyknaven, Miss. Leader. COM3HUXICATION FROM PROF- A. B rHA9TDT.BR, PRIM irAL OF TUB ACAOFMr. KRQOKH A VEV, MISS. 1 he ioilowiog extract Tegatdirg Dr. Kec r. edy's Favorite Remcth-Is tt en frarr; a pri vate tetter from Prof. A. B. L handler, of thl city. We hsve obtaiccd hi consent to i: publication, thinking other afflu'ted ones m'.gLt experience a like benefit from this un- ,u 'stioBably splendid medicine: "I lie been under Pr. Kennedy's Irea't ment lor two momh. taklnz onlv ihf medi cine in iuiinn. Favorite Remedy . and the effect oo my liave Is already wotderfnl. I am rapidly regaitdoK the use of niy siu. wbich had been so long lik a pieca of dead weight, to Iks dragged about niic ntrolled in the least Now I walk all around the t-chool n use ar.d grounds, unaided even by the ac castoied walking-cane. I suffered from pa-ralv-is and orpidity of the Ivter and bow !5. All t liis has been removed, ar.d my teneril lica lib was never better than a' present ' Dr. Kennedy has a large profeicnil prac tice In the Hudson river counties of New r urk, among the most Intelligent ard refit ed peo ple, snd during the quarter century's service in this vicinity he ascricbe's ids great fucces as a physician and surgeon to the unrvekm.- cnraUve propertb s of his "Favorite ttemedy " 1 he doctor knows his medicine has the pow' r to alleviate suffering, and he Is anxious t- bar e It known wherever diecase and painexist "Favorite Remedy" has large tales at lite North and I hepe for the sake of suffering hu manity it will aocn be recognized in the Scutb, where w e are deluged with eo many nostrums, many even injurious to hea th an'i happiness irom tlieir alcoholic properties, which give for a white deceptive stimulation. "Favorite Kemefy" is said to give a d:staste fer strong drink, a most powerful r commendati : n For sale by WM. H GRK&N, Wh.t'csale gent, W ilmiogton, N. C. jan 10 tenrm tf Sew Yorfe & WHminsrtor Steamship Co. M9T Ttifc fol lowing quctrvlons rcpreaea wholesale prlocs generally, ib bw p amxll orders hither prices have to be charged BAiHjriNi Standard.... S By. i B ICON North Carolina: Hams, F !b. ... Shoulders, V ft Sloes. & th WKSTER2 SMOKED Hams. Sides, r tt Shoulders ...... DHY SALTED Sides, rib ShonMcra, F fc B A RRKLS Spirits Turpentine, Second Hand. each........... New New1 York, each 1 11 0 100 IS 7 0 B 14 BV 0 0 SO i 75 a "Maryland, My Maryland." Pretty Wives, lively daughters and noble men." "My farm lies in a rather low and miasmatic situation, and "My wife Vf "Who?1' "Was a very pretty blonde!1' Twenty years ago, became "Sallow !" "Hollow-eyed! 1 "Withered and aged!11 Before her tine, from "Malarial vapors, though she made no particular complaint, not being of the grumpy kind, yet causiDg me great uneasiness. . "A short time ago I purchased your remedy for one of the children, who had a very severe attack of billious ness, and it occurred to me that the remedy might help my wife, as I found that our little girl, upon recovery had 'Lost!" "Her sallowness, and looked as fresh as a new blown daisy. Well, the story is soon told. My wife, to-day, has gained her old-time beauty with com pound interest and is now as hand some a matron (if I do say it myself) as can be found in this county, which is noted for pretty women. And 1 have only Hop Bitters to thank for it. The dear creature just looked over my snculder, and sas 'I can Hatter equal to the days of our courtship.' and that reminds me there might be more pretty wives if my brother farmers would do as I have done.11 Hoping you may long be spared to do good. I thankfully remain. C. L. James. Beltsville. Prince George Co., Md. May 26th. 1883. None genuine without a bunch of jrr en Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous sniff with "Hop" or "Hops" in their name. jan li lm d&w nrmtc 1885. Harper's Young People. an illustrated-weekly. The serial and thort stories In Harper's Young People have all the dramatic Interest that juvenile fiction can possess, while they are wholly free from what is pernicious or vulgarly sensational. The humoious stories and pictures are full of Innocent fun, and the papers on natural history and science, travel, and the facts of life, are by writers wboe names give iht best assurance of accuracy and value. Illustrated papers on athletic sports. Fames, and pastimes give full information on these subjects. There Is nothing cheap about it but Its price. 1 An epitome of everything that is attractive and desirable in juvenile literature. Bot ton Courier. A weeklv feast of good things to the boys and stria in every family wuich it it6 Brooklyn Union. It is wonderful in Its wealth of picture In formation, and interest. Christian Advocate, N Y. TEUH.v Pottage Prepaid. $2.00 Per Year. Vol. VI. commences November 4, 18s4. -ii ti Stmolx Numbers, Five Cents 6ach. Remittances should be made by Post Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. Newspapers are not to copy this advertia -ment without the express order of Harper A Brothers. Address HARPER BROTHERS. dec 3 Sew York. Special Notice. rjpHE EX 'JIT B MEN T IS OVER, 1 HE FAIL- URE has p-oven a falnre. Now call and see what I can furnish you with in my line. Satis faction guaranteed. WILL WEST, jan 31 Prop. Gem 8al. and Res. New City .each. BEESWAX, V tt BRICKS. M BUTTER, V tt North Carolina. Northern........ ............. CANDLES, V tt SjpBrtfiB. ........................ Tadow i... . Adamantine CHEESE, tt Northern Factory Dairy, Cream State COFFEE, f tt .lava Igi;yra pa CORN MEAL, ? bus., in sacks COTTON TIES, f bundle.... Domestics 8heetlng, 4 4, f yd Yarns, & bunch EGGS, r dozen FISH 90 60 2f- 0 3 r ss: 0 25 C tl 18 O llVtO ' 12 O 1 iii a m 14 o is 10 O V no 12 o is P O tllBj 5 O 70 so m i v tiHO ; i 2 2 Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl Mackerel. No. 1. V half bbl . Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl 9 Mackerel, No. 2, tf half bbl.. 5 Mackerel, No. 3, bbi 7 Mullets, ybbl 4 Mullets, Pork bbls 7 N. C. Roe Herring, tfr kog 3 Dry COd, V tt FERTILIZERS, 2.000 iba Peruvian Guano, No. 1..... No. 2 " Ioboa.... Bauzh's Phosuhate Carolina Ferudzer. . . Ground Its 00 b SO GO 00 75 00 00 00 5 O20 0C O10 IV OIC c O 5 W r s to o . e 8 fv 4 Ol I 0 0 .57 50 30 00 .00 00 .00 00 .45 00 Bone- 00 00 FROM PIER 34, EAST lil VEIi, NEW YORK At 3 o'clock. P. M. BENEFACTOR Saturday, Jan 21 REGULATOR Saturday. Jn 31 BffNEFACTOR Saturday. Feb 7 REGULATOR Saturday, Feb 14 FROM WILMINGTON : Saturday, Jan '.'4 Saturday, Jau St ..Saturday, Feb 1 ; Saturday, FeD 11 REGULATOR BENEFACTOR.... REGULATOR..... BENEFACTOR.... Wtt Through Bills Lading aid Lowca Through Rates guaranteed to and from Point In North and South Carolina. Tor Freight or Passage apply tc H. G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent Wilmington, N. C THEO. G. EGER, Freight Agent, New York . WM. P. CLYDE CO.. General Arentf, 5 Broadway, New York jan 17 -tf OFFICK OF Dr. S. C. EHis, NO. 324 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, next to Miller's Drug Store. W Note change of office hours, which arc as follows 9 to 10a. m., 2 to 3p. m.Tto 9 p. m feb 4 The Excursion and Pic Nic REASON 18 OVER AND THE THEATRI CAL AND BALLfieaaonhasofentd again and JOHN WERNER, the practical G -rman Bar ber and Perfumer, Is personally In attendance at his Hair Dressing fcaloon, 29 Market Street, between Water and Front, Wilmington, N. C. nee 11 w Saturday's Market. E WILL HAVE SOME NICE BLACK FISH and BRKM for sale at our Fish Market, feb 6 ' DAVIS & SON Keeping Pace ! JU3T RECEIVED. A FRESH LOT OF Seed Irish Potatoes, "Early Rose". Some new brands of Whiskey just arrived. 9r Hunter's Choice and River Mills very fine Rye Whiskey. Were vet running our Oil Brands Bran) Avlck Private Stock and Old log Cabio, to getber with Wines, Gins, BrBkdies. &c. Don't forget that we keep Groceries oi every description. J ot and Stall accommodation free. Consignments solicited. CRAIG & THOMAS. No. 113 So. Front st. Produce Commission Merchant) and dealers in Groceries, Liquors, c. feb 10- Bore Meal 00 00 Bone Flour 00 00 Navaaea Guano .....40 00 Complete Manure ..00 00 Whann's Phosphate 00 00 Wsndo Phosphate... 00 00 Berger & Butz's Phosphate.. 00 00 F. see lien 7a Cotton Ferttlizer.55 00 French's Carbonate of Li inc.. 7 00 French's Agricultural Lime.... a 50 FLOUR, V bbl Fine 0 00 Northern Super s 75 Extra 4 75 " Family.. 0 10 City Ml!ls Extra. 6 60 Family.. 5 75 Extra Favlly.... 6 50 GLUE r ft 11 GRAIN, V bushel Cora, from store, bagB.whttc SJ Corn, cargo, in bulk, white.. "4 Corn, cargo, In bags, white. . 73 Corn, cargo, mixed, In bags.. Oats, from etorc f'5 Cow Peae 1 IS HIDES, tf- ft Green ii 6 Dry 11 HAY, tf 100 fts- Eastern t Western..... 1 IS North River HOOP IRON, tf It LARD.tf ft- Norlhcrn .. oJ North Carolina CO LIME, 4y barrel 1 40 LUMBER, City Sawed, M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed .13 CO Rough Edge Plauk 15 00 West India Cargoes, according to quality ...13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 18 00 Scantling and Board. com'n-.lC 00 MOLASSES, tf gallon New Crop Cuba, in hhds...... 3C ff " " In bblb 3 Porto 1U co, in bads j. 32 " " in bbls. 31 Sugar House, in hhds 00 " lr. bbls 2fi Syrup, In bbls ,40 NAILS, tf Reg, Cut. ICd bac-:?.. 0 00 OILS, tf gallon Kerosene; 11 Lard i 10 Unseed 90 Rosin ft Tar U, ( Deck and Spar OQ, POULTRY Chickens, live, grown 2 Spring 10 Turkeys. 75 PEANUTS tf bushel 1 00 POTATOES, tf bnahel- Sweet .'0 Irish, V bbl.. 2 25 PORK, V barrel City Mesa.... 23 50 Prime Itt 00 Rump 17 00 jbicjs Carolina. y Rough, tf busnei..... RACiS, tf ft Country., City ROPE, V ft SALT, tf Back, Alum.. Laverpoo Lisbon American. SUGAR, tf ft Cuba.... Porto Rico A Coffee - B C ' Ex C- Crashed SOAP, tf ft Northern 8 H ! NGLES, 7 in . ? M 10 50 Lonmoi m au 062 5 037 0b OM o opo oc OoO ta O40 n OS7 OX. 04A tl' O07 OX O70 ii O70 OX ooo or O80 0t 0 7 5C a 9 o ;ro GO TO THE Metropolitan Sample Room JjOR THE BEST Thj CKiAR in the city. ALSO, For the cheapest Wines and Liquors ever of-' fered to the public. Note prices: Duffy Malt Bye Whiskey. 79e per quart. Gibson's XXXX dj.. $3 p? r gallon. Schleeioger's MenonaheU. $2.75 Belmont Rye, $1.75. A very good Rye, $'.50. N. C. Corn, $1.75. Sweet Maeh Corn. $1.5 . Pure Holla-d Gin, imported, 2 50 Koe Gin, $t j0. Jonas French's N. E Bum. $1.75: Old stock Sherry Wine, $2. A very good do., $125. Blackberry Brandy. $1. Peach Brandy, $2 28. Pure N. C. Apple $2. 8j or 9i prjof liquers Cheaper than tbc Cheapest. ClUARi Best 2 for 5c, 5c. and 10c. Cigars in the cl y. Be sure to look for the Ljn of the I !g L. G. CHERRY, Agent. Corner Market and Second fc t3 barrel. fc'a Gilding! Gilding!! - - 4 WO O 1V4 1UO 1440 00 0) 00 00 00 00 CO 00 o 0 a 0 G fs fi 5fcO J0WO 75 76 Ot 75 Of 6 Cypress Saps 50 00 Cvnrcea Hearts STAVES, tf M-W. O. Barrel.. 12 00 R. O. Hogshead 00 00 TALLOW, tf ft 4 TIMBER, f M feet Shipping. 12 00 Fine Mill 11 25 Mill Prime 7 50 Mill Fall 6 00O Common Mill 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary 0 00 11 en ou 0 50 WHISKEY, tf gal-Northern. .1 00 North Carolina 1 00 WOOL, tf tt Washed 1 Unwashed.... ................ 15 Butty 10 a OH a 8 CD S W 7 OIH 0' O10 0u O 5 14 0J 013 00 O 8 60 G 0 4 1 O o o a n, o a 60 OC 00 00 50 22 2U 18 MERCHANTS, BANKER? AND MANUFAC TUBERS SHOULD READ A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE, FI NANCE AND PUBLIC ECONOMY. Sixteen Psgrs evcrv Faurday. Oftentlnies Twenty Pages. "Sometimes Twenty four Page. flVE DOLL 1R$ A YEAR. Scud in your Chii-dma presuls, such as Bibles, Prayer Books, Hyn-.n Books, Albums, &J., and hafve Daniel neatly stam pet I in Gold by a reliable and competent workman. In the meantime your orders f r Printing, Ruling or'Binding could; not be placed in better hands. JACKSON k BELL. 1 1 L ; f rcmosf. purpose of I KAWTKfflil is lo be practical service to uaBliJW men. Its H ccbit trde and inluclrlal reports; its week lv cpiumc of bankruptcies throughout the Unite i statci an'i Canada, and tbc sumirie r assets and. liabilities, arc uku.c worth the n! rcilpti .n nrice; its synoptrs of iccent legal oedstons are exceeUngiy valuable As ccm mer Ul trane acU' u , in the wlccr sense, arc cjmlii; to be more acd more conducted on a statistical batis, tec in'ormatlcu contained In BkaoStbekTs is o' tbc rirtt irafcrtahec loth to producers acd middlemen. Ihc Trade acd Agricultural SUuaUon througnut the Untied Mates and C: nada S rcporu d by Tcieyraph to BBAlMrrKBETs up to tt'C hour of pnbdeation SINGLE COPIIS, TIN CEKTf . THE IJKADSTKKET VO. 78,281, 3 Bkoadwav, dec 30 tl MtW YOriB: CITY