THIS PAPER oabilsned every evening. Sundays z oepted by JOSH T. JAMES, CDITOB AlfD PKOPRIBTOK. uBSCBIPTION8 TOSTAQE PAID: months, 02.00. Three n year S4.00. Six ' nths. 01.00; One month, 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers free charge, in any part of the city, at the above ,..5 or 10 cents per week. 4,ive8tlsln rates low and nbersi. -..jMcribcfa will report any and ail fail ures to receive their paper regularly, Sr c Review has the largest iona fide circulation, of any newspaper , utHsht i. in -'he Hly of Wilmington. JB 3ir Samuel Baker ha left England for n tour in India, t lst until June. - 1 j;en. Wolsle5 has received $465,- C00 in b .unties for his military service?. . . Henry Irnig paid $575 for a 'Life 0f fMnrjnd Kean1 at a recent !nd n a-1-'- . ylV, W'm. Mabono is a claimant under tie Kronen Spoliation act to the jntour.1 of $o00,C00, Mr. Lincoln, the retirjRjf Secretary of War, ia nanici by the Chicago News fur Major of that city. The New York World finds 45.000 idle workingruen and 30,000 idte work- jnir woo. en in that ei:y. mm A S in Franciscan comes to the front with a scheme lor building a floating railway bed across Behnng Straits. Sirnuel M. Fenton, Jr., recently J nparirlinf rk f t Va PVif K1T ( 0 L C ' I t (vv J' 1 V, J w v vuv a. s w a . - i i road C'jn:pany, is only J l years old. S,r Henry Gordon, brother of Gen. rdon. intends to collect and publish (is letter? and scattered writings - The c'ity of Providence has had the same mayor lor over a quarter of a century. His name is Thomas A- Doyle. Mr. W. W. Corcoran is sill. He is intensely interested in the inauguration of Mr. Cleveland, and has taken cold by wearing thin sh'.cs. Thomas Ball is going to make' a bronze statue ' of Daniel Webster for 8.000. but it is to fill an order lor the city of Concord, N. H. Once in ft-ur years 5 000 000 pc ple sel to writing letters, " siid Presideut- i r-' I " I . rwl lhn , ltin-T ft v ' nnd ... T .. .1 , 1 11113 I1U1U I tlltl UUlill.ji II1UU1 Governor. Harrison, of Connecticut. has received as a gift from a citizen of New Haven, a cane made of wood ta ken trom the Benedict Arnold house in mat cry. t, -. An oflicial statement shows that the expenses of Deputy Marshals and Su pervisors .of elections have amounted iince 1871 lo $1,973,910. This expendi ture will be saved hereafter. The handsomest man among the members of the House at Washington is Mr fnrVmioQ rf MarvlonH H - " .-m.. ' V . ' II U. . . ' , V. . .....1 J . L. . ..V has a fine head, black hair and eagle n v w w nua q on o to i'nr rt iTrs. 1 i a l a The Roman Cathoiic Bishops in Eng- afl 1 1 iro ilonniinn-ri it tho nnn r.t i it n n ne. isothingelse was to be expected roni men who have so much at heart he interests of Christianity and ol John X. Lewia, of Boston, makes tiie e othes of the Beacon Hill dudes nd did a business last year of $l,C00,- w. lit- was u c a eiavc. anu. ibklcu .. t W . 1 d bnrefooted, followed Sherman and his troops in their march to the sea. A larre part of Texas is pre-eminent- y a woo! growing country, and is said out-rival Spain in raising the cele- rated Snartiflh mnrinn hrpd I.nst "t'Xas nraduned 40.000 000 oonnds cJ tin It is said that dwelling houses can k . - . uw oa nni L mnrri p.naan v in Kastprn nn in Wnatorn riMrw Tho loaann r ..... . v.i. ... . b -j . vrl liis is that, while in Western cities umber is s imawliat ehaaner ner thmis- nu. it is more man maae ud ov in wer wages and cheaper materials in 1 T" The condition of Chief Justice Waite's if-'irn 1 1 1 1-4 nri. i rum hi a ini rr ri roor 1-1 : n mo uencn, aunougn nis irienasclaiai ie is the consequence of a stroke; paralysis, though Jt has neen d:s- j :;?ed with a milder name. He was ; isib'ed by overwork. Mr Var.derbilt worries left the Tom. ; 'k and llarrv with whom he daily is Jfeht in contact shall impose - -in !U3 n nu a. J'-fvi a-3 : i ' ... fi - . , r. i. 1 ,1 set. t wo 1 very teams in Mobile the j it l 'fr day and was charged $8.50 for i Cl C?.J"r5o crt mil!i.nitiiM mnnrte-vot ", - -v. . I .. r. ..I.". 1 .1 t 1 ilia uuiiu nu tuc taie LH'aiar-ij ill irb 1 It . . s . I dui uia am was nti an verehr(T , . hae. as was shown reference iur i.VlTVnmn'j hb- rt rale: ltd - r --.j-...i'o uwi it, i airr, aii -- . -uuerout retreateu in uaa oruer. In oil 7 ... m vaia Wka i i mm 4 4 i ""'iw, iu an Ctitases. tu t.i " ,s tDe great conqueror of pain. The VOL. IX. Ail the wooden toothpicks are made I in Maine, two firms controlling the! business. The business is about 12,000 J cases a year. 1,000 of them going to i Europe and Mexico. Each case con tains 250,000 picks. Some of the swell New York clubs have imported orange wood picks and a flavored pick from Japan. There are 103 colored men in Wash ington who are worth over$23,000 each, fifty-two worth $10,000 each and near ly 1,000 who pay taxes on $5,000 each. Gc. VV. Williams, ex-member ot the Ohio Assembly and author of a history of the colored race,, is worth 40,000. Frederick Douglas? has $300,00 and" now lives in and own? a housj oppo site Washington, lornierly owned by a man who so hated th blacks that he refused to sell anything to one of them. Carrara, Italy, furnishes the statuary and other better qualities of marble for the world; France ot any other country being the greatest buyer. Six thousand men work in the quanies. They are hoisted 700 feet ia the air and then hor izontally to the level of the quanies, where they excavate the marble in as large blocks a-i possible, the larger the more valuable. Hundreds of fatal ac cidents occur every year. Children scarcely out of their s waddling clothes work amid the glare and dut and die wit!) sore eyes and stifled lung.". The production of pig iron in the United State in 1894 amounted to 4 5S9,613tons. The output was 557,359 tons less than in 1833, but the unsold stock on hand on January, t, 1885, amounted to 593,000 tons, ayiust 533, 800 on January 1, 1884;. and 429,694 tons on January 1, 1S83 The only States showing an increase n profluc iion are Illinois and the States south of Kentucky, the principal gain being iu Illinois. are also the only States which report relatively' light stocks of unsaid iron. . Tho Georgia papers are very severe in their strictures upon Emory Speer, who has recently been confirmed by the U. S. Senate for a Federal judgeship Mr. Speer is just 36 of age, and ha3 served two terms in Congress. He is a brilliant, cultured gentleman, in features and person, as handsome as a picture and, perhaps, the finest stump speaker in the South. We once heard the late Ben. Hill present him to an Atlanta audience in the following lan guage: I take pleasure in introducing to you Mr. Emory Speer, a young man of whoji you have heard something in the past and of whom you will hear much more m the tuture, out he is a i little self-willed.'! The Democratic fogies of Georgia drove this aspiring you os man out of their party because, like Pitt, his crime was that ot being a young man. Speer is a brighter and b tter man than some of his traducers. Information Wanted. University of North Carolina, ChApel Hill, N. C. February 23, 1885. Mr Josh. T. James. Ed. Daily Review The Dialectic and Philanthropic Societies desiring to re cord the names and deeds of their mem bers have appointed committees to pub lish catalogues. This task is a difficult one unless the people of the State and the alnnini especially, will aid us. If any one will Jend information about old members of either sec ety, they will do a great favor to the socieiies and par ticularly to us. their agents. Wre wish information whether the member is dtael or it he has held any position ot pablic trust ar d confidence. If you, sir. will publish the above and request other papers to cpy, you will render u a very great servjic. N. H D. Wilson-, Jr., Di., S. B. Weeks,! Phi. Is a man or woman jn titled in lei iing a lie" was debated in a a Western literary society. When we say that thousands have been cured by Dr. Bull's Cough Syrun we jleU the whole truth. fhe Boy Clipper Plow has earned a ; rpriiitft ion of hp! n rr tho Hpfir pvpr tmr-il j , . f t. K,.f i farmers Sold wholesale and retail at e . T Tf. tne laciory agency, t acoiji uaruwaic j Depot. t . r . . ' ISJaUiUUwfii on him ; npHE firm of nu phrf.y & jsnkins f r 1 has been dbsolvd 1t mutual consent C fuu OIJm. D. Humphrev, c f he o:d lirai Cwlllhfre-: he h2L( afcti coa iuu ti e Fih and Oy.-ter buflr.e8. at No 112 south Frr nt Un ci Thirikfnl for past favors be toilers the ccntinuej pitrouage sroia'iERSscntcO.D. febO . m , . L.HI a Tk Oil i i I - . OllAli . nnAl irr btim. ii it. ii i t r.-in. 1 1 c at ww i x,ttnini,nt 1I7K WILL lllVi. IllAU Ki)H SAL.fc. At our Fish Market the rcaaaioder of ihz season. w -"" ; 1 send yourorders to ns. wcdefyeDmpeiHton. w k. davis sos ! Proprietors of the only regular establishetl feblo Daily WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY LOCAL NEWS. IR0EI TO mm ADVERfiSEMEITI. Anniversary Ball C W Vattbs Alter, tlon P C Miller k Fresh Supp'y DeRosset ft Ms ares At tent i m Heinsbeboeb Congressional Government The receipts of cotton at this poit lo day foot up 235 bale3. Whowant8to be Alderman in my ward? is a topic of much interest now. To-day ha given us a bountiful fore taste ot March, weather. We have enough ot it already. T ho Uiexchaots hero ate busy in ta king stock preparatory to their Spnog migration Northward in search of new Spring goods. New River oysters are plentiful at $1 per gallon and shad at 00 cents per pair but beef and mutton and chickens and eggs are scarce and high. A colored girl, the nurse ot Dr. A II. Robbins, of Brunswick county, was badly burned a day or so ago. We were unable to learn particulars. Mr. D. A. Beam brought a fine drove of mountain cattle to this market, this morning from Sheloy. They are in good season to supply "a long felt want.'1 Mr. JohnDyer has a combination bug gy, carriage and wagon ; (either of the three at a moments notice), which he will sell for $50, including a fine set of Harness. f The truckers hereabouts complain very much of the cold weather. Some vegetation was up about ten days ago but it was cut off close to the ground by the cold.' The foxcrs" were out in full force yesterday and spond the entire day in pursuit of rcynarjd, but brought home no 'brush.' Refreshments were in order on their return. Just eight days more and tho reign of the pomp ot Republican pufple will bo happily oyer, and there will be a return to Democratic principles and pratices hooesty and simplicity. We publish in full, on the second page of this issue, the bill which has re cently become a law establishing the new Criminal Circuit of New Hanover and Mecklenburg counties. There were exercises to-day at. Union Graded School, on Sixth street, in cele bration ot Washington's birthday. There were n number of visitors pres ent and the exercises were very inter esting to all. The river is lull of limber rafts, and money should be more plentiful than il is. At the toot of Princess street yes terday there was a large raft of juniper logs, with tho bark on, which is a somewhat unusual sight here. Messrs. DeRossst & Meares are about to go to pross w'Hh the City Di rectory, They have expended a great deal of time and care and attention on this work and w are prepared to be lieve that it will belhe best ever issued here. Indications For the South Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather, slight rains. Northeast to Southeast winds, slight rise in tem perature and lower barometer. The Spring: Terms. The Spring Superior Courts for this judicial district will be held as follows: Nash. Feb. 23d; Wilson. March 2nd; Pitt. March 16ih; Greene. March 30lh; ; Jones. April 6ih ; Onslow, April 13ih; Lenoir, April 20th; Pender, April 27th ; Wayne. May 4th; Duplin, May 16th; Sampson, May 25th; New Hanover, June 1st, and Carteret. June 15th. Fire this Forenoon. The alarm of fire which was sounded this morning about 11 o'clock, was uncoil Kt? i in limit i.n nf fhn ha rr a! .rwl , , ,v . u n on Nutt street, North of the W. & W. ri ,t ... . i, u. snots, jc cauni on inc rooi frooi a spark from the chimney and was soon suppressed. The damage u " -c will amount to no hh t' wnicn i3 aiRP!y covered by insurance. niiiverarv Kn.ll Anniversary nan. The 2Jth anniversary of the Howard Relief Fire Engine Co. No, I. will bo celebrated by a ball in Vollers' Hall te morrow uvenius, pru.w. jxmi, : f T u. Jr . Mr Rahien, C. H. fetemmerman. : . t-r r rr. r r - . v;. r . vonivampen, i. n.omi n, n. XJ J T AUTian HUU U . VI Uiuouwutici OHKtal as me uommiueeoi arraascmecb. sou the names of ihese gentlemen is a suffi cient goaraotee of the enjoyab'.eness of the occasion. mm A Slight Improvement We are pleased to learn that there has been a slight improvement to-day in Mr. Edward Kidder's condition and there are some hopes that he may yet recover, at all events partially, from the severe attack which so suddenly prostrated him. His condition is a sub ject of interest and enquiry among the entire community, Criminal Court Officers A special to the Daily Rkview, from its good friend. Senator Chad- bourn, announces that Governor Scales to-day appointed Hon. O. P. Meares as r Judge oi hc new Criminal Circuit composed of New Hanover and Meck lenburg counties, and that the appoint ment was conGrmed by tho Senate. At the tame time the present Solicitor and Clerk ot our Criminal Court, Col. B. R Mcore and Maj. John W. Dunham, were nominated by the Governor for the same positions in the New Hanover branch of the new court, and those ap pointments were al?o confirmed by the Senate. I'ersonai. Mr. W. W. Shaw is erecting a tasty residence on Walnut, between Fourth and Fifth streets. Mr. James Alderman is confined to bis room with a threatened attack of pneumonia. Wo hope for his speedy recovery. David S. Cowan, Esq. Senator from Columbus aud Robeson counties, was in the city to day. Daniel Robinson, Esq. ot the Black River section ot Sampson county, was in the ctty to-day and called to see us. Capt. A. C. Ward, Sheriff of Ponder county, was here to-day. Capt. R. M. Mclntire has been absent for a few days, having gone to Durham on a short visit. He is expected back to night or to-morrow morning. Fatal Accident. An accident occurred last night at Union Depo in this city, which re suited in the death of colored hand employed on the yard by the name of Wiiliam Hicks. It was at half past 2 o'clock and Hicks and an other employe, also colored, by the name of Archie Simms, were engaged in arranging the trucks for the trans fer of a sleeper. They wero both in the pit at the same time and bad arranged the trucks but before they could well get out of the way the car was upon them. Simms did indeed manage to escape but Hicks was not so fortunate. He was caught by the car and frightfully crushed, both arms and both legs having been broken. He was taken out in horrible agony and died an hour and a half later, at 4 o'clock. The unfortunate man hailed from South Carolina. He was unmarried and lived on Fourth, between BruD wick and Bladen streets, to which place his mangled remains were conveyed. NEW ADVERTISEMENT?. 29th Anniversary Ball ! ')f THK Award Relief Fire Engine Co. Ne. 1. AT MB. U. VOLLER5' HALL., Wednesday Evening, Feb. 25. Tickets St to. No centlcoicn admitted with out a lady. Commlttoe John U?ar, Jr., M. Batbjea, C. H. Stem merman, C. V. VonKampen, T. IT. Smith, A. Adilan, J. G. OldenbuUel. feb 74 2t Attention I E WILL STOP CALllfcfcjroUR AT- W tention to our Directory we t re atrdfeftfcAo to press. This publics will aelt a the leB Interfere wl ar work and we solicit oar Prin Binding, promising satisfaction or no I Is net gecsrany known that we have a complHHpsCery s are tumlnar out work eaual to any o South. We won d be glat to nave j and examine our wo k. Ve y truly, feb 2i DEROiSET METRES Ship Notice. LI. PERSONS ARE HER- BY forewarned not to trust or harbor any ct tne enw ot the sot. baroae FJSLLSTS Dr as nelihe the Master or consignee will be responsible R ANDERSFN, Master feb S3 3t U El OR is CO. , Consignees Old North State Saloon E CRTS THE BEST Will -KEY in the elty for the money. CAROLINA YACHT CLUB CIGAES til goi g fast. To-morrow we will receive a fresh supply of those celebrated HORml'S uakDEN OY8 TCS8. Call ia at McGOWAK'S, No 6 South Front si. feb 11 24, 1885 NO 46. VBW ADVER1SEMENT8 " urn . ' n a re ware QF ALL KINDS AND IS ANY QUAM1 t y . Wholef a lo and L e tail at BOCK BOTTO M prices. W. K. SPRINGER A CO.. ia, 21 a il Market Street. Wllsntsffton. N. C feb Colored Glassware, FULL LINK OF OLOREu TABLE OLASSWABE. For si?e by aiaHS a mi; uc in son, feb2S Mnrcii!son BlocJt. Mats. Matsf Mats. GOOD ASORTMEVT OF DOOR Mats just received; nice ard cheap. Handsome library La a. pa at very low prices. legant Tin Toilet Sets. Pastrv Hoard i. Mocking aud Canary Bird Cages, Tinware at wholesale and retail. PARKER A TAYLOR, feb 23 S3 South Front St SPECIAL NOTICE J WILL SELL BERGMAN'S ZEPHYR, al colors, for 10 cents per ounce, until Feb: for cash only. Ladies and Children's GOSSAMERS reduce! in price. MILLI N ER V-Hats and Bonnets, Straw and Felt, at all price. Collars and Cuffs, Lsce and Linen, Handkerchiefs and all materluls for Fancy Work, fctimping and Embroidery. Respectfully MISS E. KARRER jan 20 Exchange Corner. C OCOA LEAVES, JAUBEL LEAVES. THRESH HERBS. ALL KIND. XjDLL STOK DBUG3 A MEDICINES, QIGAR. CIGARETTES & TOBACCO. JAMES D. NtJTT, The Druggist, 218 N. Front bt. Cocaine Tooth A eh 3 Cure. NatrolHhic Water. ftblS Attention ! -yiy E WISH TO CALL VOUR ATTENTION to the fact that we ire celling Blank Books, Paper and Envelopes, Ink, Mucilage. Pets. Pencils, and all kinds ot Stationery at a re doctlon upon former priea. Paper Bags, Straw Wrapping Tnper.'Twine. Ac at loAvest market prices. C. W. YATES, febjTJ 119 Market St Cotton Seed Meal. lOO Tons No. 1 COTTON SEED MEAL, i ONE OF TIIE VERY REST OF Fertilizers. For tale by WORTH & WORTH. feb 28 Congressional Government. BTTJDY IN AMERICAN POLITIC?, By WOODROW Wl SON. I vol. If! mo. 1.25. Mr. Wilson has made a veiy careful and thorough study of the American sjttcm of Congreielonal government, which students of politics will fled riehly wcr.h reading. For rale at HEINSBERGER'S, feb 2a Live Book and Music Store. OPERA HOUSE. ht Only ! Feb. 25th. THE AVORITE, Mr.W. Ian. 8uppnr d by a poswarl vompsury. naaer toe mm num. rrereni: greatest play HE IRISH MINSTREL. alans No What's in a h a and ' 'Sooaei r the Box e:t opci 00M0TC . leb 21 3t ttar copy , Oysters. Oyste rpO-MOBROW AND ALL THE week I will receive a sopp'y of th'e fine XW RIVER UARuRN OYSTER", guaranteed fresh and sweet . Ordcs left w HI receive prompt attention and be delivered is any part f tbecl'y fiee of charge W T CROOM, 110 fo. Front Street.' near the New Market feb t i B Y SENDING YOUR LIGHT COLORED goods to HONAt H'S Steam Dye Works. Mt teconi sL. and hslng them made darker for Fall and Winter wear you'll save the expense or buying a new suit or dress. Complete ard tresa joi aye sttur joss at t I mm r W feT lu R.hlH " r- M.r mm wt will be glad to reoaivo bat of the writer last always be Communication mtui M wrttiea on oa side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided.: Aad It la especially and particularly t-rde stood that the Editor does not always en dais tho views of correspondents unlaw atai la the editorial columns. NEW A 1YEKTISEMENTS. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. - o i . -AT- M. M. KATZS, 116 Market St. I WILL COMMENCE TO SELL, MONDAY, February Wh, THAT Large Assorted Stock j -OF- Dress Goods, Staple & Fancv Dry Goods, NOTIONS, Hosiery, Corsets, Flannels, Men and Boy's Wear, SHAWLS, CLOAKS White Goods, Embroideries, Laces, &c, &c. AT PRICES NEV1R-BEFORE KNOWN IN THIS MARKET The Stock Must be Sold. F KHEINSTEIN, AS8IGNEE. leb 9 tf Princess of Wales - - Bustle The Gem - - - - - Bustle The Mienon Bustle JN FACT WE HAVE EVERY KIND OF BUSTLE on ale this week. Also, a fall line of Hoopskirts ! Together with a large stork of From 39c. op. NURSING CORSETS. MISSES CORSETS, CHILDREN'S CORSETS, CORSETS IN EVERY COLOR. SIZE OR STYLE. The cctiro etock of i HATS, RIBBONS, FLO VERS, FEATHERS, BIRDS, BREASTS, I ACES, COLLARS, RUTTONg VELVETS, FLUSHES, SATINS. Ml.Ka. UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, eOilERY, Ac , Ac .1 M ist be siu lelow value, before Ieavleg for to purchase our Spring stock.. ! Ifl If A 7 A it) arket St fjS wnlay. Oftentimes anmetimes Twenty -Pages. LLtRd A YEAR, . OT IN It- 1 H . litwren Market and Ptiro si eaMtTAUT is to btory hcn?e, o. 89 feet fiontinj Am n-en. IU ning btcs t wards Seventa st 61 U ot.'. Rs week H ii- be sokl eheap lor caih. Apply ibeot the n. il Illi Jlohfc m C ., AncifucelfSBTtfS feb 7 t Nun h Wat rrth the , legal A Fresh Supply re QF DRUG? AND CHEMICALS. Jut arrived at r C. MILLER'S, CorneT Fourth and Nna sis F. S. Prescription filed day aad might, feb t lesT Rr For