THIS PAPER k every evening. 8undys ; eepted by JOSH T. JAMES, BIITOS AND PROPWKTOm. -r-BSClUPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: - ... irti Six months. t2.0G: Three oonth3.fl.CO; One month. 35 cents, paper will be delivered by carriers free charge, In any part of the city, at the above ,te8 or 10 cents per week. Artvesttolu rates low and llberaL -Subscribers will report any and ail fall-! . thnir nnripr remilarlv. jjyes to receive v.. r-, - Tht WW a y fide circulation, of any newspaper j m a d, in the city of Wilmington. xbibition liieof works of the cele- An . r.uinlbr falrnrt hna rr. bratf i A'ls i I-..... . . - Centlj been opened at Vienna. (i.jcen Victoria bestowal of the Albert medal on a simple police con Vtbie hn given grea; satisfaction to trse lrce. . The Duke of Buckingham, who has n(, li;;r to liis dukedom , has just mar ried the daughter of a Scotch baronet. He is 03. - - There is a rage in England just now for ambulance classes. Large gather ings tako place at Lady Brassey's with this ecd in view. . Immense crops of mustard are pro duced in southern California, and several mustard mills have lately been established in San Francisco to work up the product. -. A large land-owner in Lbe department of the Loire, in France, has established a regular circle of telephonic communi cation throughout the whole ot hi3 estates, using the largest trees as stations, and thus can simultaneously direct operations in all parts of his do main. Dr. Babes has completed a series of studies in Prof. Cornil's laboratory, Irorn which he concludes that the comma baciUus of cholera will grow in milk, coffee, meat, carrots, eegs, and broth, but not in fresh or dried fruity beer, wine, conserves, smoked or salted meat, or cheese. The United -States has 17,000 den tists, who use a ton ot gold and live tons of other metals and make 4,000.100 artificial teeth annually. Only one American iu eighty is found to I: aye pertect teeth, and one-third of the pop ulation make more or ress use of the artificial product. . '. , Senor Antonio Flores. in a letter to the New York Herald, appeals to the people ot the United States for aid for surviving v ctims of the Spanish earth quakes. He zrapbically depicts the terrible scenes of suffering. In con cluding he says: "In the hour ot the misfortunes of Spain, we American8 must not forget our ties to the nation which discovered America." M. Louis Godard, the famou' French aeronaut, is dead. One of his most memorable expeditions was the voyage in 1863 from Paris to Hanover, with the Geant, of which Nadar was tbe Captain, and which had a very perilous descent. During the siege of Paris Godard accomplished several aerial ascents for the Government of the Der fence. The Massachusetts Legislature has passed a bill providing tor the early closing of liquor saloons by a vote of 130 to 77. The bill provides that no sale of liquors shall be made between the hours of 11 o'clock P. M. and 6 o'clock A. M , nor on Sundays, except that if the licensee is licensed as an inn liolder he may supply liquor to gue9ts who have resorted to his house for food or lodging A well-known scientific man in Eng.. land has lately given an order to a dealer lor a hundred specimens ot the electrical eel, for the purpose of closely studying the singular power possessed by these creatures. Hitherto this has not been investigated so far as to de termine very positively what is the nature of the marvellous emanation tbat has generally been accepted as electricity. Iu Augusta. Ga., a weekly paper; the Sentinel, has been started in the inter est of the colored people, and the an nexed paragraph is in the initial num ber: "We are living here among tho same people that once owned us. We must get on together. There is no where for us to go. . We could not go if we wanted to. They could not send us if they tried. We should thank God for the measure of peace that exists among us. It could be much worse. It only remains for us to educate our! ..t - i t . , . v , ! eunaren. ouy ianas. mase our uomes P'-ire, dignified and comfortable, and save money and every other right will follow." "Man wants but little here below, nor wants tbat littl long ;" sang the hermit of Goldsmith. Perhaps he does, if he is thinking of colds, but if be is thinking of cough remedies, he wants it gcrod when he gets it Dr ui' 'sCough Syrup meets tbe wants ot suftering humanity, aifU is all . one wants here below to stop the ravages of pains. The TfJ 1 V V VJ 1 i. J A . It is to be remarked that Mr. Sara. Randall is not o the Cabinet SUir. And ho-' about Carlisle and Mor rison? TheXew York Times. Republican t and the Pniladelphia limes. Independ- j ent Republican, are hardly sal guides ! l .r a Dfimnpiatin npwsnor.or Lr. f,,iir i The tlrlt Complete translation of the Baby I :nian Talmud into German (or any other language) is announced to appear shortly at Irn.sbfuck, in about thirty-six parts quarto. Mrs. Burton, wife of the well-known traveller, has always averred that since England took the Koh-i-noor diamond, proverbial for the ill luck it brings nothing but disaster has attended all concerning British India. Recent events will more than ever sustain her. Jack3on Daniel3, of Charleston. VV. Va., was arrested last week for allow ing his old and infirm mother tr Ireeze to death" He had her put in the poor house, but as he was a wealthy farmer the authorities had sent her back to his house. Tbe unnatural sor refused to allow his mothqr to qoaie into his house, but had her pujt in a log cabin in the yard, where she died from ex posure to the severe weather. We agree with the News and Obser ver Dat the failure ot the educational bill to pass the Hone before the ad journment of Congress is greatly to be regretted. It says : That measure whose failure we most regret is the educational bill. In this our people were greatly interested. Whether it is viewed as a purely politi cal matter or as a bcneGcent provision promising needed educational advan tages to our people, it was. so far as North Carolina is confeijned, the most important measure before Congress We deplore that it was riot passed. The measure had the support of both of our Senators when it passed the Sen ates and it is understood that every Congressman in North Carolina, with one exception, would have supported it in the House, and yet an esteemed cotemporary has characterized the bill as "a dynamite package." Household Matters. Mr. T. Reynolds, 81G Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa., says that be has used the great pain-cure, St. .Jacobs Oil. in his family for household accidents, and in his own case tor severe neuralgia. 9tid "I aive you" he futher says, "my full belief in its great virtures as a cure." LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C W Yates Attention F C Mii.lki: V Fresh Supp'y F Rhkinstien Assignee's i-'alc W E Springer & Co Hardware Miss E Karrer New Millinery Giles A Mukciiibon Bedroom tets P L Bridgers A Co Olives in Bulk Parker & Taylor Don't You Fernet Otterboorg & Co We Mean Business Heinsberger Congressional Government -.- i Now, who shall be the next Mayor? Call and see the elegant line of suitin s at DyerV. f The Legislature adjourns on Wednes day, at noon. The receipts of cotton at this port io-day foot up 57 bales. Look out for warm, clear, pleasant weather next week. Ctyr remarks are based on the Alruanlac which talks ot snow tor Monday next. Mr.m Dan Walker, of Smith vil'c, brought to the city ito-day and sold to Mr. A C. Wessel HO coop hides, all from animals kiiled in Bruoswickjcoun- ty this Winter. Indications 4 For the South Atlantic States, fair Weather, Northerly wind, becoming variable, slight changes in temperature followed by slightly warmer weither, rising, followed by falling, barometer. Baptist Chapel. Yesterday afternoon a Sunday School was organized at the Baptist Chapel, on the coruer of Fifth nud Wooster streets, with Dr. A.M. Bald win as superintendent and Mr. D. Mc Eachen as assistant superintendent. A collection lau up ioi iuu rur- pose oi oiiying seats lor i $30 was raised. Citv Court. Edward A. Thomas, colored, was ( Hinsdale for the defendants, the first man to receive thi Mayors at Susan Bruneret als vs. S. H. Thread lention this-morning. He was charged gill et als, from Anson ; continued for with disorderly conduct and was re- absence ot counsel. quired to fork over a foor dollar william tor the benefit ot tne citv treasury as a compensating penance for his bad be havior. James Brooks, colored, for the same offense in a less aggravated form, was let off upon the payment of a fine of $1. Daily Review. WILMINGTON. N. C MONDAY, MARCH 9. I The Malls. What is the matter with the maiU? Wc received on one day last week fmr c pies ot the Durham Reporter and to- day three copies of tbe same, the 4tn. 6 h and 7th Frequently we get two QPa ot the Asheville Advance by the sa me mail and a subscriber at Newtn, in Uatawoa county, tells us mat he sometimes gets as many as four copies of the Review by the same mail Where is the fault and w bat is the rem edy? For Liberty. Peter Pickett, colored, who some time since escaped from the peniten tiary. and was subsequently re-captured and escapsd from custody at Goldsboro, a few days since, while en route to pris on for the second time, was again taken into the hands of the law on Saturday night by Oflicer3 S H. Terry and S J. Bryant of the police force Pickett, it seems, could not keep away trom his old haunts in this city, and, as all the polic men and other officers in the city knew him, his capture was almost a certainty. Whether he will be return ed at. once to the penitentiary or lodged in jail here until after the next term of the Criminal Court is a matter upon which the authorities had not decided this morning. . Personal Mr. B. W. Cobb, o; the Goldsboro Messenger, was in the city this morn ing. Mr Sol Bear has returned trom bis regular Spring visit to the Northern markets. Hon. R, R, Bridgets and Dr. A. J. DeRosset were registered at thcYarbor ough House in Raleigh on Saturday. Capt. Cl L. Chesnutt, formerly of this city, but for some years past a mer chant in Savannah, has removed to New York. Mr. Harry Hine?, General Agent of the Siver King" Co., wa3 in tbe city yesterday and registered at the Purcell House. He left last night. Messrs. A. G. Ricaud, Albert Gore and N. F. Parker have returned from Washington. There are a few others yet missing who are expected to arrive in a day or two. Tne Tramps. For several days past there has been a regular camp of tramps on tbe North eastern border of the city, near where the Union Oepot formerly stood. Their number was variously estimated, with 25 as the maximum. Oa Saturday night Chief of Police Brock directed a raid to be made upon them, and Capt. Wiggs, with a detail of policemen, went to the place and succeeded in capiuring 8 of the vagrants, who were found in an old box car. These were taken to the guard house and locked up. Last night another was captured, making 9 who were arraj'ed before the Mayor this morning. They were all young men and some of them were quite re spectable and intelligent in appearance, and all claimed to be seeking employ ment. They all appeared to be healthy and robust with the exception of one. who was paralyzed in his right arm. One of the party, who claimed that he came from Harttird, Conn., was re manded for a further investigation in his case, and the others were ordered t" leave the city forthwith. Supreme Court. In this Court, last Friday and Satur day, the following were among the causes disposed of: Navassa Gnano Company vs. John Bridget, from Robeson ; continued under rules State vs. Oscar Pickett, from Robe son ; continued on account ot escape of delendant. Susan Brurcr et als vs. S. II Threadgill et als, from Anson; left open. State vs. Lot DeBerry, from Anson ; argued by Attorney General Davidson for the Slate, and Little & Parsons lor the defendant. W. J. Sutton vs. L. J. Hal), Iron) Bladen; continued by consent. State vs. John Bracksville. from Richmond ; continued on account of e? ; cape of tefen(aut Richmond ; argued by Attorney General Davidson for tbe State, and J . W. A G. Davis vs. J. T. Council et als, trom Columbus; motion filed to rein state. For durable coloring the walls of rooms in beautiful tints, at little cost nothing eouals the M able dtp sold at 1 JacqbTs Depot. Postponed. The enteitainment by the pupils ot the Rocky Point Academy, which was announced to take place on the 20th in st , has been postponed until the 27th iost., when it will be given. Rev. Dr. Pritchard, of th a city, will deliver an address upon that occasion, his subject ffi Hfa TKo Ti1 uno tin! Vqrutor onH a asv uuuvuu a. a iuvi la v av chani?." The public and especially tbe patrons of the school, are invited to be present. An admission fee of 25 cents will be charged, to be devoted to the j interests of the school. . Kcligious Meetings. The series ot meetings at the Fifth Street M. E Church have already de veloped a deep, sincere and serious re ligious feeling. At the service yester day morning 34 persons were received into full fellowship in the church and last night 0 were added to the num ber, making a total of 43 in all who were admitted to membership yester day. Aside from these there were 23 penitents at the altar at last night's services. The meetings will be contin ued during the week, or as long as such glorious results shall follow the zealous efforts of the pastor. Nothing Gained. Sometime during Saturday night or early on Sunday morning thieves broke into the hardware store of Messrs. W. H. Alderman & Co., but made nothing by their efforts. They gained an en trance through tbe scuttle on the roof and made their exit in the same way. This was rendered quite an easy task, as, between the stores occupied by Mr. W. S. Brigg8 and Mr. I. Hirschberg there are steps leading to the top of the buildings, and as the roofs are all flat. it was but little trouble to travel across them. After gaining an entrance the thieves directed their atleetion to tbe vault in the rear part of tho store, but did not succeed in opening the door, although there were many evidences of their efforts to get at the contents. It is thought that they did not give up the job until it was near daylight, as the dust had not settled fairly when it was found out yesterday morning that the building had been entered during the night. There is as yet no clue to the would-be thieves. Step Ladders, all.lengthat s, Jacobis' Depot. f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hardware QF A LL KINDS AND IN ANT QUANT1- ty. Wholesale and Betail at ROCK BOTTOM prices. W. K. 8FRINOEB A CO.. 19. 21 A 2S Market Street, mch 9 Wilmington, N. C New Millinery. gPBING STRAWS, ALL COLORS AND BLACK NEW B HA PA'S. FANCY GOODS, 1INBN COLLARS AND CUFFS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SATCHELS, Ac. Materials for Fancy Work. Stamping done on Velvet, Felt, Ac , at low prices. Respectfully MISS E. KARRER. mch 9 Exchange Corner. WE MEAN BUSINESS ! OUR 8TOCK OF Fall and Winter Clothing And Flannel Underwear HAS GOT TO BE SOLD ! We need : on for cur Spring purchases worse tbao we need mouey, but tbe litter U a MIGHTY POWER, and t Cash will buy goods NOW at your own figure. If ycu want tlneQocdd, Good Goods, Weil-Made Goods, and G -oJoai Fxtiemely Low Prices, call on us alter yon have looked arwMM. We at k no odds of any living com petit r. We do bati nees on business principles. We appreciate the patronage of our customers, and cur cus tomers stand by us. We have sufficient capi tal to run our buii ess were It twice it i pres ent volume, and common sense enough to re tain by orr usual upright treatment the r rmy of patrons who have alwajs fought ucder our banner. Otterbourg & Co., KING CLOTHIERS, mch 9 Wilmington, N C 1885 NO. 57 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ASSIGNEE'S SALE: AT- M. M. KATZ'S 116 Market St. EXTRA - Inducements ! This Week. Bargain Table WITH DIFFERENT GO"DS DAILY. RIBBONS, 2 3, 5, 8c per yard. SATINS, Spring Shades, oXc per yard. A few COLORED AND BLACK SILKS left -VERT LOW. GOOD DRESS GOODS at less than nst TIDIES from 8c up. NAINSOOK EDGINGS ami INSERTIONS, sii i able lor coming season. MEN'S WniTE LAUNDB1ED SKIRTS, 50c MEN'S UNDERSHIRTS, llip. LA LIES' VESTS, SSc up. AND EVER SO MAN V ARTICLES THAT MUST BE SOLD. P. KH EINSTEIN, ASSIGNEE. mch 9 tf OLIVES IN BULK, 50 Cents per Quart. Lamb Tongues in Jars, Beyond doubt the finest thing in the way of a LUNCH ever offered . 65c per j ar. , o Vermicelli & Macaroai, IMPORTED AND FRESH. Smoke I Beef Tongue?, Pickled Pi Feet, Pickled Tripe, Canned Vegetables and Fruits, farly June Peas, Lima Bews, Windham Com, Winslow's Corn, Baldwin Tomatoes, Peaches, Pearj, Ac o t X AMINE OUR STOCK AND PRICES. P. L. BRIDGERS &'C0., HO North Front 8t mch 9 Attention ! -yy E WISH TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION to tbe fact tbat we re selling Blank Books, Paper and Envelopes, Ink, Mucilage, Pens, Pencils, and ail kinds of Stationery at a re due Lion upon former prices. Paper Bags, Straw Wrapp!g Paper, Twine. Ac, at lowest market prices. C. W. YATES, 119 Market St nub 9 Bedroom Sets. 1 MIE NICEST AND CHEAPEST ASfcOKT- moat ever c ffcred here For sale br Gil ES MURCHISON. rh 9 39 and 10 Front si Don't Yon Forget rjHAT OUR COLUMBIA COOK IS LEAD bag all other a. It's a beauty, cheap, and a First Class love Should you want a Rosin Dipper, skimmer or Measure, we can supply 7PURE WHITS OIL, at PARKER A TAYLOR'S, mch 9 23 South Front St We wlU be glad to ut firlcada oa aav asd all fl latere t bat Tlte mb cf the writer mast miwaj be: alahed to iterator. Coaunoiiicauuns must be writ as cm oa one Bide of the paper. gMMMMMMMMj jMMt be avoided.: - And It la especially and particularly usM tood that the Editor does not always endet the views ot coxtespondeztn nnit. m ti In the editorial oohuana. NEW ADVERISEMEXTS Embroidery AT- HALF PRICE ! COMB AND SEP, Ladies', Misses', and Children's IN EVERY STYLE, LOWER THAV ! . Ladies and Children's STRAW & FELT HATS, IN ALL THE I EADING SHAPES. Feathers, Satins, Velvets and Plushes, IN ALL COLORS, SELLING AWAY DOWN SO AS TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR Spring Stock. NO ONE UBGED TO BUY, RUT CALL AND SKE, AT 1 TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St l WILMINGTON, N. 0 inch Congressional Government. STUDY OK AMERICAN POLITICS. By Woodrow WPsoii. SECOND SUTPLY re CBlvcd. Piice Si. 25. Postpaid on receipt of price at hkinsbeegkr's. Brackets. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Bracket-, -A V all Etylcsaml very cheap, at HEINSBERGKR'S, mch 9 Live Book and Music Stores PEAR'S (the fv-ap man) PRECIPITATED Fuller's Es rlli CARTER 4 EITTLE LIVKR PILLS. BKADFIELD'8 FKM4LE REGULATOR. KHNNE'S M ' GIG OIL, OOA88LA CUPS.Tonic lor "GcntlcSprt ng" FureEx. Witch Hazel, 50 eta. per pint. Sold iaquaulltios to .suit by JAMES D. NUTT. The Di ueclst. mch 5 218 N. Front St. Conoley's Drug Store. 216 MARKET STREET. A FINE LOT OF TUBE ROSE BULBS, (double) for sale cheap; alfo Conoley's Cod "gnc, Ac, Ac. Cigars and Clgaret'cs. mch 8 J. W. CONOLEY. Wanted. J DESIRE A SITUATION IN A GROCERY fetors. Will clerk or do anything required to further the ia'tereat of my employer, or would like a place to run a farm. Can sdvearood ref erence for cither position. A ddress, mch 5 6t R, 1116 North Fourth st For Sale. JTJOUSE AND LOT IN BLOUNT'S Alley, between Market and Princess streets. One story house, lot 39 feet fronting Alloy, run ninz back towards Seventh st. 61 feet. Wilt be sold cheap for cash. Apply to! S- H. TRIM BEE A C., Auctioneers,. feb 7 20 North Wat. r St. Board. FEW MORE BOARDERS, EITHER table, rcgnlar or trans'ent. can be accommo dated with comfortab e rooms and the best tbe market affords, at MRS. ROBERT LEEM, liai Market st., bet. Front and Second, nor 18 f SHAD ! .SHAD ! TE WILL HAVE SHAD FOR SALE AT oar Fbh Msrket tbe romaloder of the season Seed your orders to us. tvedf fvc mpetfttou. W E. DAVIS A ed. Proprietors of the only regular established nsncry in tbfs sect on. feb m A Fresh SuddIv . r r - j QF DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. lust ar-iTed st j -j F C. MILLER'S, Corner Kourth snd sts P. S. Prescript Ion nllcd day and nlgbt. feb 9 Old North State Saloon JP8 THE BEST WHITE SY in ilie city for the money. CAROLINA YACHT CLUB CIGARS ttl! goi g fsst To-morrow we will receive a fresh supply cf those celebrated HORAJt'S OAK DBA OY8 TEES. CaU in at McGOWAJVS, No. South Front st. feb 11

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