MISCELLANEOUS TheDaily Review. A STORY OF frAlTii. Randolph's Death The last days nf Jhn Randolph, of Roanoko. are full of pathos Ho thought he was dying for years before he did to and when he was asked bow be was be A rustle of robes as the abthera ' would replj: ' Dying! dying! dying! $onrcd genii? away on tbe air ! He was tyrannical and dictatorial mini The Sabbath morn's eryice was over, j the last, and he fought with his doctor And briskly I s'epp d down the stair; ! on his death-bed over the pronunciation When. cl"S in a haiMttatnM cumer. I of certain words. His death occurred Where the tall nuloit's stniras came in a Pbiladeli his hotel. A few minut 5 down, j before he died tbe doctor wanted to Asleep crouched a tender, wee maiden, lave him. bat Randolph objected, and With batr like a shadowy crown. his slate took the key. locked ihc door ' and put i he kev in bis pocket. With Quite puzz'ed was I by the vision, j his last word.- Randolph declared tba But terftiy to wake ner spoke, ; he wanted his slaves freed, and he kept MISCELLANEOUS WHOLESALE PRICES. Miscellaneous CURES Rheumatism, Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lurnbaoo, Backache, Heaaacr.e. loctnacne. rr i .... t N t- . 1 1 ii f.. rnra;ns. Karoo. Bt3' ISO ALL OTHEZi BOBliA FAIXS ASD APR -i hr DroeSt A D everywhere. Fifty Cefcti 4 ,M by urltP piratic., iu 1 ! I.aoue. THE cii AKL.ES A. VOGELEK CO. Hob j9 ! d&w. ..WATER-PROOF, f&S Sli or -rattle I duo A SlTBriTITKrE forPLASTKK atflali't&et'int. Oat!ati the twildiag. CAKPET8 iJ KLti vfsauie, 4lc!)'. the er of oil cloth. Catalogue 55 W.H,FAY&CQ.CA.VIDEN,NJ. tcb S dAw 4w consMpTiM. I hare a positive raiaody Tor the above disease ; by lu re thnasni!BOf caseaof tlia worst kind ai:d of long t undine hare been cured. Iiule1l.OBtroi)trls rayfaUli ?A i-a efficacy. that I wl teti.iTWO BOTTLES FREE, I ante wltn a VA LUA BI,E TRK ATISK on ihis ci Uom tnan'v iafferer. Give express and F O. Hddr sa. ' Oil. T. A. SLOCUJa. Ml Pearl St., New York. 1885. Harper's Magazine. illustrated. With the now volume, beginning in Decern ber. Harper's Maoazisk will conclude He thirty fifth year. The oldest periodical of i's ty pe, it is yet . in each new volume, a nevfmag a.?ine, not simply becaueeU presen's, fre-h subjects anrt new pi turesfbut also, and chief ly, because it steadily advances in the method ; so'f of magazine making. In a word, the Masnuine becomes more the faithful mirror of current life and movement, l eading features in thf attractive programme for 1885 are: new serial novels by Constance Fenimore Woolson and W D Howelle; a new novel entitled "At the Bed fllpve;" descriptive illustrHted papers bv F D Milh tt, B Swain Oifford, E A Abbey, H Gibson, and others; Goldsmith's ''She Htocps to onqucr." illustrate l by Abbey; Im portant papers on Art, Seleses, etc. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: Harper's Magazine... 4 60 Harper's Weekly :oe Harper's Bazar - 4 oo Harper's Young People 2 00 Harper's Fraxkltk square Library, One Year (M Numbers) 10 00 Postage Free to ctunnbtcribers in the United State or Canada. The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for J une and December of each year. When no time is specified, it will be under stood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. The last eleven eml annual Volumes ci Harper' $ Magazine, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of (3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 80 cents each by mail, postpaid. Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified , for Volumes 1 to 60, inclusive, from June, 1&50, to June, 18S0, one voh.Svo, Cloth, $4 00. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to a vo.d chance of loss. Newspapers are net to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper & Bros. Address HARPER BROTHERS, dec S New York. 1885. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Wkekxy ha ww, for twenty years, maintained its position as the leading Illustrated weeklv newsnancr in America. With a constant increase of literary and art istic res urces. it is sble to oner for tbe ensu tag year attractions unequalled by anv pre vi ous volume, embracing a capital illustrated serial storv by W E N orris: illustrated artl eles with snecial reference to the West and Bouth. including the World's Exposition at rew orieans, entertainvnjr short stories, most ly IllustrHted, and Important papers by high authorities one the eblef topics of the Uy. trery one who desire a trustworthy politi cal guide, an entertaining and Inst uctive fern 11 Journal, entirely free lrom i bjectionable featurertn either lptter-pess or Illustrations should subscribe to Hakpkr's Weekxv Harper's Periodicals. Per Tear: HARPER8 WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR, 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE SO Harper's Franklin square Library, One Year (W Numcers 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the ft Number for January of each year When bo time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after tbe receipt of order The last Five Annual Volumes xf Harper' Weekly, tn i eat cloth binding, will be sent by ttAll, postage paid, or bv express, free of ex pese (provided the frelgnt does not exceed one dollar per voluxn ), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for ecn volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceiptofti 00 each.- Remittances s- ould be made by Poet-Ofiice Money Owleror Draft, to avo d chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of HaJTper A B bothers. Address HARt er & Broth KR3, dec 3 New York Health is Wealth. CUK GUARANTEED Dr E. a WEST'S Nwhve ad Brain Treatment, a g"ar oteQ tpeeiflc lor Hysteria, Dizziness Con JtooijHtt, Nervous Neuralgia, Hesdacbe. rvoue Prostration caused by the use of al eohoi or tobacco,"'- Wakefulness Mental De pmslon, softening of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and dea'h. Premature ild Age. Barrennefcs, Los of power in either sex. Invol untary Losfca nd permatorrhoes can Bed by ov r exertion oi the b ain. self abase or over-indulgence. 'ch box contains one month's treatment, tl oo a box. or six boxes for $5 00, sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price WK GUARANTEE SIX FOXES To cure any ease. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied lib $ i.- o, e will send tbe purchaser our written guar an tee tn refnnii th H.nnAi If the treatment oes not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only JUH.N C. WEST A CO , 862 W Madison St., When, r the first wrd ihe sweet dam sel Witt) one little gasp straight awoke "What brought yoa here, lair Jittie aagel?11 She answered with voice like a beil: I turn tos Tve dot a aick mamma. And I want cm to pleate pray her well!" "Who told you?" be?ao I; she stopred me; "Don't i obody fcrt'.d mc at all ; Papa co't sea. tcs he's criio' ; And 'side?, sir, I isn't so small; l'se bcn here before with my mam ma We tu mined when you ringed the big bell And ev'ry time l'se beard yoa pray in' For lots o1 sick lolks lo dU weil." Tosretber we knelt on the stairway As humbly I asked the Great Power To give back her health to hpr mother, And banish bereavement's dark hour. I finis-hed the simple petition. And paused for a moment and then A sweet little voice at my elbow Lisped soltly a gentle '"Amen!" Hand in hand we turned our Keps homeward ; The little maid's tongue knew no rest ; She pral!ed and mimicked and car oled The shadow wa3 gone from her breast; And Io! when we reached the fair dwel ling The nest of my golden haired waif We found thai tbe dearly loved mother Wa3 past the dread crisis was safe. They listened. ani3zed at my story, And wept o'er their darling's strange v quest, While the arms olthe pale, loving mother Drew tbe brave little head to her breast. With eyes that wero brimmiDg and grateful They thanked me again and again ; Yet I know in my heart that the bless ing Wai won by tbat gentle "AmeTi! ' So Haye We all of Us. "You'd think," said the man on tbe wood box. "that a sqnirrel, born and raised and always living in the woods, would know them so weil that be never could get Inst and could firfd his way anywhere.' "Well, he never does," passenger. "Dnesn't?" replied the man wood box, "good land, he a lost half the time; never knuws where he is. I've bunted a whole good long day for one squirrel and then gone home without undjng him." And a dumb voiceless cry of woe that could be heard at the Q. C. cros sing arose in the car and walked tbe isle like a train boy. Burdtltt. said the fat on the Don't Scold the Children! If you do they will think you have dyspepsia, as probably you have Dyspepsia disorders the digpstion and eives people the blues Dyspepsia promotes dismal dreams and makes people dreadful. Dispepsia destroys domestic delight and makes home horrible. Mr. F. S. Holder ft, of Sturgeon Point, Va., says, T have been us;ng Brown's Iron Bitters fo1" dyspepsia, and it has helped me very much." Traveling 'Incoir." A retired humorist one day ventured into a cotton mill and while in an un guarded moment he was perpetrating some ot his old and shopworn jokes upon an innocent operative, he was drawn into some of the ponderous gear ing and dreadfully crushed. They combed him out of the machinery after a spell and spread the effects on the floor. "Who is it?" "Who is it?" was tbe anxious inquiry as the crowd gath ered around. Nobody knew. Then the humorist slowly opened his eyes and moved his lips. A sympathizing bystander bent down his ear. "There is good reason why nobody recognizes ro"the humorist whispered painfully. "Why is it?' the sympathizing by stander asked. "Because," the humor ist explained, as he saw a chance to steal ho ue. "because I have been trav eling incog." And then a smile like a summer cloud p ayed for an instant over his features and was irone. He never spoke again. Boston Journal. A Lesson tn Finance. Some years ago there lived in a vil lage which is now included in the limits of Boston a blacksmith. He was a master workman, his custom wr.s large and the owners of tbe fine horses for miles around were in the habit of tak ing them to Green's to be shod. One day a new customer, but not afl-t' auer to ibe old kvoi leruan, drove up. His name was Blodgeut, but he had passed a wesson abroad and returned consider ably Frenchified, as well as Anglicized and his nna.e had b: cn : ransf rau d intoB ozee He wanted a shoe set. and after the job had been completed in the usual excellent maimer, be required; "Ah. how much is the chawge. Mr. Gren?" The reply came short and sharp, "Haifa dollar." "Hawt a dollar! hawf a dollar! Why. weally, I've been out of the country so ton that I dou't know what hawf a ! dollar is, don't vou know." answered Mr Bloiree, banded over a dollar bill. The blacksmith stoc.d a moment in speechless amazement; then thrust ing tbe bill into one pocket, he brought forth a quarter from another, and hand ing it over to Binge with the remark. "I thought every darned fol knew a half dollar was serentv-fivc cents." marched back to his forge. Boston Record, the do--tor thre as a witness of his dy ing declaration. A skeptic through life, he appreciated hiscondition when on his death bed. and among bis last words was "remorse." He was lying perfectly quiet, with his eyes closed, when ha suddenly roused up and screamed out in an agitated oice, "Re morse! remorse! remorse!" He then cried out. "Let me see the word ! Get a dictionary! Let me see the wordP' Thtre was no dictionary at hand and he was told so. He exclaimed, Write it. then ! Le: me see the word !" The doc tor pioked up one of his cards labeled "Randolph, of Roanoke." "Shall I write : on this?" Yes; nothing more proper," was Randolph's reply. Tbe word remorse was written on it in pencil and banded to him. He looked at it a moment with great intensity. 'Write it on the back," ho exclaimed. It was done and banded bim again He Y looked at it with his blazing eyes. "Re morse!" be said, you can have no idea of it whatever; ii has brought me to my presentsituation but I have look ed to Jesus Christ and I hope to obtain pardon." He thn asked the doctor to draw a line under fhe word and told him to keep the card. A short time after this his keen eye be. an to dull, his powerful mind gave way, and within two hours be died. "Carp" in Cleveland Leatler. J. H. NOKTHRUP. of Laksigbuko, formerly captain of tbe Troy police, writes: "I know that Dr. Kennedy' 'Favorite Remedy' is an honest prep aration. I suffered from liver com plaint for years and was cured by 'Favorite Remedy.' Sold by all drug gists at one dollar bottle. d&w Itching Pi3e-w9ymptomsant Curt. The symptoms are moisture, like peraplra tioa, intense itching, increased by scratching ; very chati easing, particularly at idght; eccme r.3 if pin-worms were crawling in and about the rectum ; the private parts re sometimes affected. If allowed to continue very serious results may follow. "SWAYNE'S OINT MENT" is a pleasant, sure cure. Also, for Tetter, Itch, alt Rheum, Scald Head, Erysip elas, Barber's Itch, Blotshes, ail scaly, crusty Skin Diseases. Box, by mail, 60 cts ; s for $1, 25. Address, DR. SWATAK A SON, PUila., Pa. Sold by Druggists. may 2 lv deod&w f m w A Cure for Gravel. A COMMON AND PAINFUL COMPLAINT A STATEMENT YOU MAY C0NFI0E IN. There are few eiseanea with which the pa tient 1$ called upon to endure greater inconve nience and pain than with GrveL In its more advanced stages the agonv it produces is often psrreat as to call for the use;of uarcot les iatri ordinary doses before any relief can be obtained. Young manhood and wo manhood are comparatively exempt from at tacks of Gravel, but young children often have it, and in middle life and age it ia fearfully common. Like gout ant rheumrtism Ci ravel is due to imperfect digestion and asslmllaft on of fd, combined with other predisposing causes which vary with different individuals. hen the calculi, r 8tone,are fully farmed in the k due; s r bladder thev render the suffer er's life one constant sec c of misery and ap -prehenelon. Few phygl- ians or surgeon will promise or undertake the removal of these struts except by an opera' i n. They rarely or never pretend to be able to do it by means of medicine alone. It sterns to have been reserved for Dr. Da vid Kkn ;vi v v, ci Bondout. N Y to accom plish, through his preparation widely known a- KENNfcoY'p FaVoKITE KEMtfiDY, what others have failed to compass. Tbe subjoin ed letter will be found of vital interest t suf ferer from gravel, and to the general public : ALBANY M'.irch -0, 1884 Dr. D Kennedy, Rondout, N. T : Dear MB:-it me tell i ou frankly that I have "ever been partial to proprietary me it em s, a I believe the majo-i y of them co be nothing better than methods of obtaining money from people whom suffering makes readv to ca ch h t any hope of relief 'I hey are mear cheats and delusions. But your "VA VoKlTn K&MfcDY." I know by hipp 3 expe rience to, be a totally different thiug. I had been a Bufferer from Gravel for yera, and had reeotted to many eminent physicians for relief, but no permarent goofl c-.me of it Abont three year ago vour "Favok tb Bkm edy" wa re ommecde l to me. I can give you the result in a sentence: I tried lr and it cured me completely. I am confident it saved my life. You can use this letter If you think Dett. Yonra, etc.. Nathan acklev. Captain "athan Ackley was for a long time connected with the Canal Appraiser's office in A 1 b any I- e is wel 1 kno n and writes for s o other purpose but to d" good to others. As a medicine lor all dlse -ses of the Blood, 1 lver. Kidnevs and digestive organs, Kkskb ir'8 Favorite Ri ldv has lairly won it n'gh reputation Write if desirbie to Dr. Kenned v, Roundout, N. Y. mcb 17 d&w nrm !anhood Restored Remedy Fbee. A victim of youthful impradenoe causing Premature Decay. Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, Ac, having tried in vain every known remedy. has discovered a simple means of self -care, which ho will send FREE to his fellow-eufferers. Address, J.H.REE VES, 43 Chatham 3u, Xe w York. dot 21 d Aw First National Bank of Wilmington, CAPITA!. STOCK-. t2S0,0(0 SURPLUS FrjNB Deposits received tad co Dec Hons made on al 'aceetibte paints In; the CnRedStatea OIKJKCTOBA K. SURED8S, A. MARTIN. D. 6. WOJKT J A3 . S r RUNT UKOEOS CHADBOUBR. BUBBUWft. W. UAJBKINS. apis Vital Questions ! ! ! Ask the most eminent physician Of any school, what is tbe best thine in the world fur quietinsr acd allaying all irritation of tbe nerves, and curing all f rms of nervous complaints, eiving natural childlike refreshing sieen al ways? And they will tell vou unhesitatingly ! "Some form of Hop ! J " CHAPTER I. Ask any or all ot tbe most eminent physicians : Wht is the best and only remedy that oan he relied mi to cure all diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs; such as Bright's diecase, diabetes, re tention, or inability to retain urine, and all tbe diseases and ailvents peculiar to Women" "And they will tell tod explicitly and emphatically "Bucku ! ! P1 Ask the same physicians. "What is the most reliable and surest cure for all liver diseases or dyspepsia, constipation, indigestion, bi!liousnes9, malaria, fever, ague, &c and they will tell you : Mandrake ! or Dandelion ! ! ! V Wo ce; when these remedies arj combined witbo hers equly Tamable. And compounded into Bop Hitters, euch a wonderful and myaterione curative power la developed, wbich'ia bo varied in it3 operations tbat no disease or ill beilth cn pos&lbly exist cr reeist lt3 power, and yet it is Harmless fur the most frail woman, weakest invalid or amaleet chil i to use CU AFTER II. "Patients "Almost dcd or nearly dvinz" For years, and givr n up by pbyg: cisns, of Bright's and other kidney dis eases, liver complaints, severe coughs, called consumption, have been cured. Women gone nearly crazy ! ! ! ! ! From agony of neuralgia, nervous ness, wakefulness, and various diseases peculiar to women. People drawn out of shape from oxcrucla ting pangs of rh umatism, inflammatory acd cbr nic, or suffering from scrof ula. irytipelae ! "Salirheum, blood poisoning, dyspepsLa, hi clgostlon, an in fact, almost all diseases frail" Nature is hir to Have been cured by Hop Bitters, proof of which can be found in every neighborhood in the kuown world. . - MW None genuine without a bunch of grf en Hons on the white label. 8hun all the vile, poiaonous stuff with "Hop" oi "Hopa" in their nar" mshil lm d&w nrmto New York & Wilmington Steamship Co, FKOM PIEK 34, EAST RIVER, NEW YORE AtSo'eloefc, P. M. BBSS FACTOR Saturday. Mcb n REGULATOR Saturday, Meta 28 BENEFACTOR 8atnrday, A pi 4 REOULATOR Saturday, Apl 11 FROM WILMINGTON : REGULATOR Saturday, Mob 21 BENEFACTOR. Saturday, Mcb 98 REGULATOR Saturday, Apl 4 BENEFACTOR 8aiurday, Apl 11 2f Through Bills Lading and Lowest rbrough Rates guaranteed to and from Points in North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H. G. SMALL BONKS, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C, THEO. G. EGER, Freight Agent, New Tork. WM. P. CLYDE St CO.. General Aeents, 86 Broadway, New York. mcb 16-W. BeDj. W Daris, (Formerly with W. E. Tavis & Son.) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Sontbern Fruits and Produce a Specialty. 99 Barclay St., New York WUmlngton Keferenoes : K. E. Burruss, President First National Bank, P. L. Bridg ers A Co , Preston Camming & Co., J. H. Cbadbourn ft Co., W. E. Davis A Bon. New York Reference : William Kaaker Co., 82 Harrison St. July 16 tf A PIEPER BREECH LOADING GUN. i sm sni kuftfiT nun UUfflUd I Q U N Or tbe least money .ever offered to tbe public. or sale by all flrst-clas Gnu Dealers, t Wholesale only hy (send for Catalogue) CHOVERLING, DALY ft 6ALE8, 84 & 86 Chambers St New York. THE STJJST. N IN DEPENDENT kEWSPAPER OF Democratic Principles, but not Controlled by any Set el Politicians or Manipulators; Devo ted to Collecting acd Publishing all the News of tbe Day In the most interesting 8bape and with thf greatest pceelble Promptness, Accu racv and Impartiality; and to the Promotion of democratic 1' eas and Policy In the affaira of Government, Society and Industry. Rates, by Mall, Postpaid : DAILT, per Year 00 DAlCY,per Month 50 81 KOAr, per Year 1 '0 DAILY and sUNDvY per Tear 7 Ou WEEKLY, per Ttar - 1 00 Address. THE SUN. New York City dee 1? Gilding! Gilding!! smr The wholesale small following quotxtlons lees cenerallv. In n higher prices have to be i aiSri Homes in North Carolina. e charges r . - BAGGLNt-Standard.. 3 ft 1 BACON North Carolina Hanw, y & Shoulders, f !b Sides, r ft WESTERN SMOKED 1040 Only 20 Hours Bide from Sides, V ft. Saoa'ders. ... ...... DBY SALTED Sides, r ft Shoulders, ih BARBELS Spirits Turpentine, Second Hand, each 1 sew mow lora, each l 1 IS 7 9 14 9 75 0 90 0 2 eo 0 1 36 0 2S 33 12 0 12 NewCitr.eacb... BEESWAX ft-- BrrTER, r ft North Carolina- 33 0 Northern........ i... ......... 25 S3 CANDLES, V !b Snerm ..... 18 0 Tadow II14S Aarnantlae CHEESE, r ft Northern Factory Dairy, Cream ... SUte COFFEE, V lb Java.......................... Laguyra Rio CORN MEAL, V bua., In sacks COTTON TIES, bundle.... domestics Sheeting, 4 f yd Yarns, w bunch EGOS, ? dozen 21 FISH Mackerel, No. 1, V boi 16 00 Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbl.. b 50 Mackerel, No. C, tf" bbl 9 60 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl.. 6 Mackerel. No. 3. V bbl 7 Mullets, tf bbL ,. 4 00 New York ! 12 it 10 17 12 H 66 50 C 0 0 a 0 IB ib V 35 13 121 70 7- 85 0 f0 .0 00 00 5 Send in your Christmas presents, such as Bibies, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Albums, Ac., and have name neatly stamped in Gold by a reliable and competent workman. In the meantime your orders for Printing, .Ruling or "Binding could not be plaeed in better hands. JACKSON A Mullets. Pork bbls 7 N. C. Roc Herrlnsr. tf" fee.... 3 fc. Dry Co L & FERTILIZERS, 2.000 Ehs rerunanu'jino, ao. 1 67 50 " No. 2 33 00 " liObos 00 CO Baiifrh's Phoeyhate. 00 00 Carolin-.Feiuilzer 45 00 Ground Bone 00 00 Bone Meal 00 00 Bone Flour ....00 00 Navassa Guuk........ 40 00 Complete Manure. 00 00 Whann's Phosphate 00 00 Wancio Phosphate..... .00 00 Berger a Bute's Phosphate.. 00 00 Excellenza Cotton Fertillzer.65 00 French's Carbonate of Lime... 7 CO French's Agricultural Lime... 3 50 FLOUR, rbbl Fine .. 0 00 Northern Super S 75 Extra 4 75 M ' Family 6 to City Mlila-Sxtra 6 00 Family 6 75 M Extra Family.... 6 50 GLUE T ft 11 GRAIN. V bushel Corn, from store, bags, white Com, cargo, In bulk, white. Corn, cargo', In basys, white. Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags. Oats, from store,.... Cow Peas 135 HIDES, lb Green..... ....... ............. s Dry 11 HAY, V 100 fta Eastern 1 20 Western 1 15 North River 75 0W 01: 01C 0 f 3 S is 0 r 0 f 0 06 7 ov 0se 040 00 7 0i- 06? 070 071 0 K 10 o 60 10 St 00 9 S( oc Of Of- ot to K ot oc IX Oi Of 00! 69 Miles South of Raleigh On the- Baeigb and Acgusta Air-Line R R. 1 500 ACB3ES or l,axd th j ea r pine region. For sale on easy terms In l-ts t- uit purckafcrs four acres for $.J5. t arger tracts t5 per acre. In montni pav mentsofsiO. This land adjoins the "South ern Pines", a recently rsUb.ia ea health re ort (or Eanitaritim), and is sDCCially adapted for Fruit Culture, as well as all tt'eceieals. A number of New England people have bought tots In the town of "Southern Pine-,' and it is lhe d 6lre of the owners of this land to in Inre smail farmers, meban ami others lrom tbe New England and Mltldle Mates, as wcl; s elsewhere. 10 'ocate here. No state In the Union effern grcster tndncemerts to ret lens than North Carolina Nowhere can a btttoriarminjr country or as fine a climate be (ound. 'J hi Is tbe opinion of Northern men who have settled n North t'arolloa. Thla la a bona fide offer, aud ia limited 1 or farther rurtlcnlars write at once to HM T. PAT ICK, Comnii-i'r of Immfcraiin. Kilelgh, N. C. or It A KI IIAUOSON. jan -21 tf Chronlclo Office. Augusta. Ga. Harper '8 Yoimg People, AN ILLUSTRATED-WEEKLY. Tha serial and thort stories In Harper's Young People liavc all tbo dramatic interest that juven!e Hction can posbeas," while they arewho;! free from what la pernicious or vulgarly seusaticral. Tbe bumoious ft rlos, and pictures are full of innocent tun, and tbe; papers oa natural history and science, travel, and the tacts of life arc by writers wbovi names give tbe best assurance of accuracy and value. Illustrated papers on athletic sports, camee, and pastimes ivc full information on thfse t-ubjects. Thero is cothin g cheap about .it but its price. & D 0 i a 4 tn r. 0 1 0 6 a s 0 n 00 00 0C 5r SO .4 72 H5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HOOP 'IRON, S... ....... .,. fe0 LARD, V ft- Northern S'0 North Carolina 00 0 LIME. & barrel 140 0 LUMBER. City 8awed. V M ft. 8hlp 8tuff, resawed 13 00 Rough Edge Plank 16 00 West India Cargoes, according to quality. 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 13 00 Scantling and Board. com'n-.12 00 MOLASSES, W gallon New Crop Cuba, In hhds In bbls Porto Rico, In bads M " In bbls Sugar House, in hhds. In bbls Syrup, In bbls.. NAILS, y Reg, Cut.lOd basis.. OILS, W gallon- Kerosene 11 Lard 1 10 85 76 00 75 it 2 3 03) 01 01 3 033 01 i 30 2 3fi 00 25 40 00, Linseed 90 Rosin. 90 Tar 00 Deck and Spar 00 POULTRY Chickens, live, grown..: .... 2- " Spring 10 Turkeys 76 PEANUTS bushels 1 00 POTATOES, V bnshel Sweet '. ft) Irish, V bbl 2 26 PORK, r barrel City Mess 23 0C Prime It 00 Bump 17 00 BU c;aroiina, w t.. Rough, busboi BAGS, tf- ft Country.. City :.. ROPE. V lb.. SALT, V sack, Alum.... 00 & uverpoo Lisbon American.. SUGAR, f ft Cuba a & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: - 017 til S6 43 Porto Rico.. 00 4U0 93 0 14 140 1440 00 00 00 GO 00 A CoS'oe. . . B ... C " ... 00 00 a 0 0 0 0 Kfe0 urusnea lows SOAP, V ft Northern 5 0 SHINGLES, 7 in. f M 10 60 011 Common 2 60 0 3 Cypress Saps 4 50 0 5 Cyprees Hearts 0 00 0 7 STAVES. V M W. O. Barrel.. 12 00 018 B. O. Hogshead 00 00 gtlQ TALLOW, ft, 4 0 TIMBER, y M feet Shipping. 12 00 011 Fine Mill. :f.TT..11 25 013 Mill Prime 7 60 0 3 Mill Fair 6 00 0 Common M1TL 6 00 0 0 Inferior to Ordinary 0 00 Oi WHISKEY, V gal Northern... 1 00 0 1 North Carolina 1 00 0 i WOOL,r ft Washed l 0 Unwashed 5 0 Burrv 10 a 76 76 00 oc CO 6 6 0 11 6k 0" OC 60 00 00 t 00 oc 6C SC ot oc 00 60 22 20 An epitome of everything that is attractive and desirable in iuvenile literature. Botton Courier. A week 1 v feast of poet thlngt to the boys and eirla in every family wnich it visits1 Brooklyn Union. 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