WWW WJJi MB; MISCELLANEOUS BROWN'S IRON WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS and FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN in the BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES FOR SALE BY. ALL DRUGGISTS The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed Red Lines on m rapper. TAKE NO OTHER, jan 1 If dAw DO YOU KNOW a THAT LORTtlLARFS CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO with Red TJn Taz; ROSE If AF Floe Cut Chew ing: HAVY CLIPPINGS, and black, Brown and "Yellow SNUFFS arc the beat and cheapest, quality considered':' aus 6 ly dw Dr. Mott's Powders NEVER FAIL TO CURE LNFL4.MM & Uon of the EirinyB, Gravel, Glcot, Strict nresandall Urinary diseases. Nervous and Physical Debility, Genital Weakness and all those nntoM m'Hsrlefs caused by Indiscretion or Exceeres. Syphilis In all its forms perma nently cured. Yellow O' Brown spots on face and body, tore Throat and Nose, Scrofula, OW gores, Eczema, Tetter and all Blood and Skin diseases. Urinary diseases cured In 3 days. Price 3. Enc'oso the money- tc FRANK 8TEVI-.N8 & CO., Baltimore, Md., and it will be sent by mall sealed. For sale by all drug gists; sect by mail july7dfcwlv Dr. Uodd's Nervine No. 2. 4IX1LL CUKE NEKVOUS, PHYSICAL W and Genital Weakness caused by indis cre'ton and violating the laws of health, Price $1 - DR. HUNTER'S PrLL.8 Cures Syphilis in all It forms and stages, Yellow or Brown pots on the fa'"e anil body. Sore Throat anl Nose, Scrofula, Tetter, JCcze ma, Itching en?atlon. Salt Kbeum and all Blood and Skin diseases, Urinary Diseases and Strictures speedily cured Price $2 DR. HU TS r"M'LB FRI".ND Never 'aii to rure Irregulai Uien or Ruppreu sions. caused by co.'ls r disease Married ladies and ladies in delicate s'ate of health are cautioned to not ve it. Price $3 Enclose the mone t-.r either edict ne to W Sh sTK VKV O . Ral inaore. and it will be s"nt by msli or expres sealed fot sule by ll Druwsts; sent by mail or express, july 7 dAu-lv HP 5 IP lor irorainp. peop'e Send 10 S5 mW erata posiajr, ana we will njnil ou kkkr a royal, valuable sample box of goods hat wW put ou In Up way of mak tug mote money in a Uw dai s than von ever thoutrut possible at any bu mesa. Capital not required You can live at borne and work In (tare-time only, or a 1 tbe t!m . All of boib . of nil ajrvsi. grandlv pucn-s&iuI. l0eeni to $; e sil earned everv evening lht all who want work rnav test thu busin ss, we mase his unpara leled offer: To all w no are not well satisfied e will send 1 to pa fo the trouble f Titing us Full particular, directions, etc , sent free. ImrnenKe pay ab solutely sure for all who start at once Don't 1elay. Address BTiNSON & Co, Por land, Mai e. dec2dAwly Wl Ikg more money 'han at anything elae I MM by taklnz an agency for ihe best selling boo oat. Beginners succeed grandly. None fall. Terms free, hallett Book t o , Portland, Maine. dec 2 d&w ly $20 AAA in presents given away Send us 5-cents postage, and vou will get free a package ot .goods or large value, that will start you in work that will at once bring you In money faster than anything el e in America. All about the $20O,0CQln presents with each box. Agents wanted everywhere, of either sex, of aliases, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for ad workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. H. Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine. dec 2 d&w ly WEAK, UNDEVELOPED PARTS OF Tlig HUMAN BQpy ENLARGED. DEVlf!, OPED. STRENGTHENED." Etc.. ian intorrsUnr nilvf rt i-tMueut Hum run in "Mr I'.ip-t. id r.-i'i j n i n - n" abo'it t h i. On t 5e ointrary. t tie advp.rtirs .tr T.-rr highly i'id"r-.--1.' ' ):?-' 1 tr-. '!!-" ' z'r (r'-.iiar irivin.ratl par' viilur' hv ivin-f r.;:u. MgnroAL ii', H'irt-t!i. N. ' I J" i ? ;, . apl 16 vdAw FREES RELIABLE SELF CUil A favorite prescription of one of the most notel and successful specialists in tti; I". S tov retired) for the cure of Xervoim JKhillty, tost Manhood, WcaUnrai and Decay. Sen;, plain sealed envelope Free. Iruggists can fiit it. Vddress OR. WARD & CO.. Louisiana, Mo. A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. feb 8 dw tu th sat nrm Did you Sup- pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is frr inflaaima tion of all flesh. tu t h'safnrin BITTERS The Daily Review J SH. T. JAMES, Editor Prop WTIJVIINGTON. S. C. FRIDAY. MARCH 27. 1885. So tared st the Poetoffioe at Wihnlngton, N. C, as second-class matter . Sir John McDonald says be has not received a copy of the bill passed by the Legislature of British Colombia, which prohibits ibe landing of Chinese, and declares that when it docs arrive it will j be disallowed. He says, however, that ! the Courts of British Columbia, in the ! case of a similar bill passed by the pro vincial Legislature last yej-r. declared ' the bill ultra vires, and that the present ; bill will share tbe same fate and bc j come non effective even Without the j Dominion Government exercising its ' prerogative in disallowing it, if carried before the Courts. p - t -fl-St. Louis has a big gas light oft hand. The two companies having a plant in tbe city want their franchises renewed till 1910, aud offer to reduce their prices from $2.50 to &L75 for 1,000 feet, and to pay- into the? city treasury 15 per cent, -of their gross earnings in return for tbe extension asked lor A water gas company desires to get a foothold in the city and is accused of . trying to br. be members of tbe city government. One branch oi the government bas voted to extend the privileges of the old companies, and the other fellows are getting up public indignation meet ings to protest agaiust the monopoly. The United States Court in Utah has made a stroke which almost rivals that celebrated coup of Gen. Butler, in his youth, of putting an "attachment" on the water wheel of a mill. In subpoena ing President Taylor as a witness to Mormon marriages, they have "'at. .ached'5 the high priest of rebellion, who celebrates the plural marriages at tbe "Endowment House," and conse quently is a most direct witness. Un fortunately Taylor, unlike the water wheel, wis not a fixture, and he fled. His flight shows bow good the Govern ment's case is. If all the priesthood of Salt Lake City could be sent into self protecting exile in the same way the United States would start a counter irritation that would cause even the sharp strategy 'of Mormon rebellion consideiabie botheration and loss. A firm of granite dealers at Quincj, M S3., have rec i ed a contract Iromj William H. Vanderiilt for the building of a family tomb. The tomb, wnicb was designed by a New York architect, will be in the Romanesque style, 100 by 110 feet on the ground, and sixty three frm thesurlaceto tbe apex of each dome, of which there will be t - o. The exposed poninns oftbe structure wil' be composed of Quincy granite, while the vestibules and catacombs will bf built of marble, and ibe arches and piers of limestone. The structure is to be erected in tbe Moravian Cemetery, (at Nw DorpStaten Island. It will require about 8.000,000 pounds of gran ite, marble and limestone combined to complete it. The cost is estimated at $250,000. Tbe tomb is to be finished by December. Vaccination bas been triumphantly vindicated at Durham, England, where the smallpox has been! very virulent. The disease has been entirely stamped out. There were 103 cases treated in the hospital, ot which ten were fatal, Ot those who died not one had been vaccinated. Of the other ninety -three not one had been revaccinated. ; Theee conclusive facts speak for themselves. Compulsory vaccination is a true safe" guard against the ravages of this terri ble disease. At tbe present time small pox is raging almost like the plague in a large parish in the north of London, and its devastations in a large poor population are traced to a potman in a public house not only serving at the bar when he had the smallpox, but actually delivering beer from housB to house. The aggregate ot appropriation8 made at tbe last session of Congress for the fiscal year 1885r6 was $217,689, 213.44, or an excess of $23,851,747.62 over tbe appropriations tor the current year. The excess is more than ac counted tor by the increased appropri ation for tbe pensions, the increase amounting to over $39,000,000, but last y ar there was a large unexpended bal ance which wa3 reappropriated, which fmort ban covers this difference ex ceeds it, ti. .ct, by $27,000,000. This year there is no river and harbor ap propriation, and last year it amounted to nearly $14,000,000. If the pension i:em is omitted from the account, tbe appropriations made for the next fiscal yer appear to be less by $15,938,252.38 than those f'r the current year, or about $2,000,000 more than the amount contained in the river and harbor bill of last year. This does not represent a very wide margin of retrenchment. m J H. NORTHKUP, OF LaXSIGBURG, formerly captain of tbe Try police, writes: "Iknow that Dr. Kennedy's 'Favorite Remedy is an honest prep a rat ion. I suffered from liver com plaint for years and was cured by 'Favorite Remedy Sold by ail drug gists at one dollar bottle. d&ir Roes O'Connell says in Notes and Queries that a letter written in 1602 mentions a Desdemona in the flesh1' at Venice who had been murdered by her husband in a fit of jealousy which the people believed to be without cause. Like the Moor, he sent his wife to con fession before slaying her. Mr. Oy Conn ell suggests that this murder would be known to tbe Venetian am bassador, in London, and that thus Shakespeare may have beard of it. Tempsrance legislation in Connecti cut is in an unfortunate way. The State has a license law, loosely admin istered by county commissioners. Tbe revenue from licenses is about $175,000 per annum, a very small per Teent. of tbe retail sales of liquor in tbe State, which are thought to amount to $20 -000,000. The prosecution of offences against the liquor law is not placed in the hands of the State attorney, but prosecuting agents are appointed, 10 have a uniform tec of $10 for eacn case brought. This leads to some gross abuses When a prosecuting agent gets a good case, he splits it into sever al offenses, each of which brings Lim a fee. In some towns largo numbers of case3 are brought to suit without any advantage to the cause of good order, as most of them never reach a result. All the expenses fail upon the State and they are quite seriou9 making quite a hole into the net receipt from licenses. The law seems to work well in spots. The temperance law does not seem to have been discovered yet which will work well in all kinds of communities. The present law in Connecticut might, without doubt, be nuch improved, SHORTS. I During the cholera epidemic in Na pies twenty doctors fell viotinis to the disease. Of the 32.000 Indians in the Territoiy of Dakota, 30,000 speak the English language Henry Tate has given 10,000 for the erection of the homoeopathic hospital in Liverpool. A spider is said to eat twenty six times its own weight every Uiay and still be hungry. The number of post offices in Ger many has increased from 5.755 in 1872 to 11.616 in 1883. The Salvationists of England want $150,000 for their work this year. The largest Bank ot Lngiann note worth S 150.000, and the owner is Prince Starbeenberg. The late Abner Coburn was the rich es? man in Maine. He was worth about $5 000 000. A ilass of whiskey, which is sold for 10 nr 15 cents, costs'the dis.iller oniv ine-sixth of a cent. It takes two men over an hur 10 winil up-the clock of Trinity Church, New York, it is so heavy. A man in York county. Pa., has had his wile arrested for pouring a gallon of molasses on his head- The estimated cost of- collecting the customs revenue at Boston tor the next fiscal year is $569 931. The season in Rome this year is re ported as the dullest within ihe memory of tbe oldest inhabitant. Mrs. E. D. E N Southworth is an nounced to be writiBg, her sixty-fifth novel in her sixty-fifth year. The American News Company bas twenty-seven different branches, cov ering the entire United States. Only four out of the forty-six States and Territories are now trying to pro hibit the sale of strong drink. It bas been estimated that the com" mon fly moves its wings 330 times per second, and 19,800 times a minute The Italian funds have lately been quoted at nearly tbe same figures as the English. In 1866 they stood at 36 MARCH MIRTH On her beam ends The sun. Nothing to speak of A dude. -A growing industry Raisine a fam ily. The story of a teamster's life is nearly always a tale of whoa. Judge. If you can't marry a woman of sense, young man, marry a woman of dollars. Call. What kind of essence does a young man like when he pops the question? Acquiescence. Chicago Sun. It is no sign that a man has attained to a ripe old age simply because he goes home mellow every night. Boston Transeript. ".My affections are waisted on you." he softly remarked to her, as h8 gently placed his urm where he thought it would do the most good ltsburg Chronicle. A camel will work for seven or eight days without drinking. In this he differs from some men, who will drink seven or eight days without working. Lowell Courier, A man in Georgia tells of a ten-ponnd trout which stopped a mill wheel. Either tbe wheel must have been small er than the trout or the lie bigger than the mill. Boston Post. A man makes his living in Pittsburg by peddling hot water. He has no cus tomers among tbe married men. Their wires keep them 10 hot writer. Sa?i Francisco News-Letter. Daring an examination a medical student being asked the ques ion, 'When does mortification ensue?" re plied: "When you pop the question and are answered 'no.' "Chicago Sun. mm s u..:, . - mg. If yon nave a "swelled head". nauseated stomach, and unstrung nerves resulting from the "convivial party last night." The sure and safe way, to clear the cobwebs from the brain, recover zest for food, and tone up the nervous system, is to use Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pellets." Sold by all druggists. MISCELLANEOUS. r the Cvre of Couchs. Colds. illoaneness, Bror,chius,Croup, Infiu- i V w. "--'7--, - ' I jenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, In cipient Consumption and for the re I lief of consumptive persons in advan- Vpd staeres of the Disease. For Sale by all Druggists. Price, 25 Cent Capital Prise Jg 7 5,000 JB Tickets only $5. Shares in pro portion. 1 im. mm Louisiana State Letter? Company. ' We do heftly certify (hat toe supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawings 0 The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we author ize the Company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, in its adver iisements." U Commissioners, Incorporated in 1888 for 25 years by the Leg islature for Educational ana Charitable pur poseswith a capital of $1,000,000 to wluch a reserve fund of over $550,000 has since been added. By ari overwhelming populai vote Ite fran chJse was made a part of the present 8tate Constitution adopted December 2d, A.. D., 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed try the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthlv. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Fourth Grand Drawing, Class D. '.n the Academy of Music, at New- Orleans. ! rueUy, April it, iss5-i79ib Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Eat;h. Fractions in Fiftlis in- proportion, U3T OF PRIZKS. 1 Capital Prize 75,000 1 Capital Prize 25,000 1 Capital Prize 10.00C 2 Prizes of $6,000 12.00C 5 Prizes of 2,000 10,000 10 r-rizes of 1,000 10,000 20 Prizee of 500 10,000 iCO Prizes of 200 20,000 $00 Prizes of 100 L 30,000 500 Prizes of 50 i 25,000 000 Prizes of 25 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation PrlzeB of $750. 6,750 9 ' " 500. 4,500 9 250. 2,250 1.967 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company in Sew Or leans. For further information, write clearly, giv ing full address, POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or ew York K'xc.hange in or dinary letter. Currency by Express (all sums of 5 ard. upwards st our expense) adrtretsed M. A. DAUPH1S, New Orleans, La. OT M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and ad dress Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL. BANK. men 11 w s- Aw 4w New Ok leans, La THE SXJJST- N INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPEB OF Democratic Principles, but not Controlled by any Set of Politicians or Manipulators; Devo ted to Collecting and Publishing all the News of the Day in the most interesting Shape and with the greatest possible Promptness, Accu racy and Impartiality ; and to the Promotion of democratic loeas and Policy in the affairs of Government, Society and Ludustry. Rates, by Mail, Postpaid : DAILY, per Year $6 00 DAILY, per Month 50 SUNDAY, per Year 1 CO DAILY and SUNDAY per Year 7 00 WEEKLY, per Year 1 00 Address, THE SUN, New York City dec 17 APRT7F send six cents for postage Jt VwmMM (EN and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else In this world All of either sex, succeedfrom the first hour. The broad road to fortune opens before Vhe workers, absolutely sure. At once ad Ires s True Co., Augusta, Maine, noy 2 dftw ly Is Cheap, lifRTCD-DOnnr JEmt to aonlv. sTRoi(r,nH i Lii rnuuri io not .i or rattle. Ii also A SUBSTITUTE for PLASTER ot Half the Cost. Outlasts tbe baildinz. CARPETS and KUGS of same, double tbe wear of oil cloths. Catalan mi. W. . mmm a a a . W.n.rAY&tU.CAmDEN,NJ. men '3 dAw 4w a. Notice. M Y FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC AEE . respectfully notified that I have sold out interest in the Livery Stable business to Mr. R. C. OrrelL Thanking them for the very liberal patronage they have accorded me, I bespeak tbe same for the new firm, Messrs. Sykes & Orrell. Respectfully, oet 27 OWEN B. HOLLINGSWORTH MISCELLANEOUS Health is Wealth. GUARANTEED Dr E. C. WEST'S j Nkrvk ad Brain Tkkatmekt. a guar anteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzines?, Con vulsions, rits, .Nervous weuraigra. xteauacne. Nervous Prostration caused by the use of al cohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental De pression, Softening of the Brain resulting In insanitv and leadinir to misery, decay and deah. Premature old Age, Barrenness. Los of oower in either sex. involuntary iosses and spermatorrhoea caused by ovr exertion ol the brain, self abuse or over-indulgence. Kach box contains one month's treatment. $ 1 00 a box, or six boxes for $5 00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied 1th $5.(0, we will send the purchaser our written guar antee to refund the rronev if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by JOHN C. WEST A CO , 862 W Madison st , Chi -ago, HI. octaivdiw Manhood Restored Remedy Feee. A victim of youthful imprudence causing- Premature Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, Ac., havioj? tried in rain every knows remedy, has discovered a simple means of self-euro, which he will send FREE to his fellow-sufferers. Address, J.H.REE VES, 43 Chatham St., New York. nnv 21 dftw Improved Life Insurance ! Challenges Criticism ! Provident Savings Life ! 55 Liberty St , New York Cltv. This compmy has shown by practical results that it furnishes Insurance by far ihe safest, most-economical attd equitable of any system that has been devised. Actual average yearly cost in The Provi dent savings during the calendar years 1883 and 1384, at age 40, for $ic,f 00 was $79.25. INCOMPARABLY THE BEST ! SHEPPAEO HOMANS, President and Actuary JOHN E. LIPPITT, General Agent for North Carolina. Dr. E. A. Anderson, Medical Examiner for Wilmington. feb 30 IT. BRUNHILD & BBO., OFFER FOR THE APPROACHING HOLIDAYS special lot of their own importation; Sherries, fort and Bordeaux Wines. SOMETHING EXTRA IN COGNACS !! T3NT WHISKIES we ofier special inducements -n quality and prices. Large assortment of Cigars and Tobacco always on hand of our own manufacture, dec 16 H. BRUNHILD BRO Bepj. W Davis, (Formerly with W. E. Eavis A Son.) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Southern Fruits and Produce a Specialty. 99 Barclay St., New York Wilmington Keferences : F. E. Burruss, President First National Bank, P. L, Bridg ers Co , Preston Cummins & Co., J. H. Chadbourn & Co., W. E. Davis & Son. New York Reterence . William Kaaker Co., 82 Harrison St. july 16 tf WAMTED Ladies and Gentlemen to take light, pleasant employment at their own homes (distance no objection); work sent by mail; $2 to $5 a day can be quietly made; no canvassing. Please address at once Globe Mfg. Co., Boston, Mass., box 5344. mch S3 dAw 4w Gilding!! Send in your Christmas presents, such as Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Albums, &c, and have name neatly stamped in Gold by a reliable and competent workman. In the meantime your orders for Printing, Ruling or Binding could not be placed in better hands. JACKSON & BELL. White Cypress and Yellow Pine BLINDS AND B00R8, Guaranteed as'good as the best. Moulding, Brackets. Bataster: Jaao; Orna mental Wood Work, octl6 PARSLEY A WIGGINS. CONSUMPTION. I have a positive remedy for the above dUease ; brlu ?r "1.t?6?.care.d' lnJ2Ii9 mj faith . .lira wu oi Hml iui,ukki,hii win enq inu BUTTJ.Es FRKE togecher with a VA LU A B T. K TREAT IS E on tb ii diS5i to 2.nv mffersr Give einrein d V n 5 S&.T A. SLOCCJd.Ul Pearl St., Kw Tork. from Am. , "Dr. Ah. imakesftDiM who has with.iut, donbt and emsd mm i tJim teen astorushins; we have heard of cases of over 20 "-iiugcuiTTOPycim. uejraaranteeBacure." bottie and Treatise sent free. Give P.O. and AB. MJ2SEROLE. No. 9fi .Tohn Rt V Vr-t Gilding! new torn. lonrnalof Med. I I n decreed lTlw n mm Oflirrm nt otw.. . . " Change of SchednU r r otuvn mad wiu rnn .TlfJkifcS uai express xTrr,n Nos. 47 North m sVz Leave Wl Arrivfeat Leave Weldon. we won. 3 e st Wilm'rtor, iC"'n tu I Arrive Fast 1 Thbocgh Mail a Passj?' 7JiJ- . DAU.T-No. 40 8CCTH mw weiaon.. ...... Arrive at Wllm'jrton.FrnVauDV, MAIL AND PASSENQgrJ. ITUIS No. 43 NArtK Leave Wilmington Aliiva a i Tf eiuon . . . iMm. Train No. AS to. iri . M5 A arrives at Weldon at 7.V a Son12 A Train No 4 leaves VVeiri'Jr Trato No.' 40 ' CwP.l Goldsboro and Magnolia. P m? Trains on Tarboro Branch o. i.. Mnnnt ..t TrhA . o 7. L""! LXnT,. f.J. returning leava Trains on Scotland Neck BranoK & Halifax for Scotland Neek aT? dailv. u t HA Train "No. 4? malms mm m don for all ntnt. vVvTrPttOO UitHM.tH .111 'J' All M( im Twoln Ian i O . j - - M AACUU A1U. rUIlB 1 M 1 I XT O T H . -J w v. : ulMlB iMortn vis Ri(.k1w All trains run solid between ww For acjmmodatlon of local tnm. . fer coach will be attached to local rton at 5.20 A. M Sunday. Dan. .IflHX' V ivm. T. M. mch ' BMKR30N. Genera PaWif??11 Wiimingtoii, CoSJ & Augusta B. B. Co, office OF General Supehin tkhdh, Wihnlngton. N. C. March 6, MR, Change of Schedule, fH AND AFTER MARCH 6, IK J J 5.07 A. M., the following Pssaeaoilil UiC will Ixj run on this road : NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILT-4bsJ West and 47 East. e j-sutt-i vmj x vn t m errrY a a vt Arrive at Columbia rML T i-avro PftliiTnhJQ Attn -a-w-- v v we e.aa,a ium biki r i .- r o sl t A- m . i:-vt! u., j. ob a. .juncuan. lO.a'P, ucci v r lureuiaj. ... ........ h ir. 1 aruvo tt i ijLiij wvuiii .............. ..ui A NIGHT MAIL AJtX PA8SKNGEB THAIN. 1 U. 4U VV EST. Aave wunungton.. io. F. Arrive at Florence i.soa II t I I lt l m t at ."mxum. M. J i W ' i ' i-f Jt aj lain No. 43 ISast. Leave Florence at 4.15 x ijA . - - ica ww . 1 Hill' 11 IVIU ill. I.QU arrives a. jorence a. u.6 A. M. 'i ram iNo. 4a i nvt- k amu t in nn p arriving at Wilmington at . f0 A. M. Train No. 42 daily except Monday. Train No. 45 dally except 8aturday. Train 42 and 48 a tons at all 8 tauona. No. 4e stops only at Flemington, and o Nignt xprea8. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Ai ATams. ah trains run aonu between untrietu Wilmington. Local freight leaves Wilmington dtOf cept Sunday at 5.25 A. M. JOHN F. DIVIIB. mch 7 Carolina Central R. Company. omen ov sekekal avrtmatmomt, Wilmington, N. C. Sept 20, 188i Change of Schedule. f AND AFTER SEPT.pUt, Railroad : PASSENGER MAIL AND EaTIM0 hallowTtwTit Anndava, No.L Leave Z " ' ' -"--P" . HV. nat VmVI ..l.u. iJA Arrive at 1 Leave Charlotte at SI'I Raleigh at fl'T i at Wilmington at.--- No. 2. S Arrive I Arrive at w: Passenger Trains stop at Jg onlyTand points designated In the Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSJEStil EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Dailv excent Sunday- ... . No. 3. j Leave Charlotte.. iii7.I Arrive at Shelby. Trains No. 1 and 2 make close n-J2T FTml.t with R Jk A. TralM tO elgh. Throueh S and Llw'ri Take Train No. 1 VZ2m W rtrt . l WW U l IT J A El HQtTl 1H KUU I I 1 Atlanta and all poln ts Southwest. F. W. CI-ASK, CHRISTMAS. AT D A. SMITH L i, r -.i y r. W flTK JL Ul 111 VU1 V wwmwr- i . t vr assorts1 viui ue mWr111 - VALU ABLE &IFT ... - .-. - Mn- -.Arvbsdy. Tho nnhltir. nnd CSPecUlly -M 0 Murr-notrnllv invited tO call - prices, c. RWi' D.A. furniture Dealer, K. dec 92