The Daily Review CW The vauv Keview has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper mtblished, in the city or wtimtngion. - THURSDAY. APRIL 2. 1885. - ; ' Minister Phelps' Twelve Max ims, Middi.ebury, Vt., March 31. When the Hon. ,rohn W . Stewart of Middle bury first tok his seat in the lower House of Congress as tbc representa tive of the First Vermont district, in December, 1883, he received a letter of satirical good advice from a disi ioguish cd Vermont Democrat, who bad long been a personal and professional tiieDd. The letter was passed around at the time anion Mr. Stewart's friend in both Houses of Congress. The letter is of public interest now. trow the fact that the distinguished Vermont Demo crat who wrote it is tbc Hon. Kdwaid J. Phelps ot Burlington, who has-just been appointed Minister to England. The letter contains the tollnwing max im : t. Always vote in favor ot a motion to adjourn; and if the period of ad journment i3 in question, vote for the longest time and the' earliest day. 2. Vote steadily against all other propositions whatsoever. (a)There is already legislation enougrh for the next five hundred years, (b) No honest man wants any more, (c) Even unconstitutional bills for the fur ther enlargement of the . negro should form no exception to ibis rule. 3. Make no speeches. Nobody at tends to Congressional oratory when delivered. When printed nobody reads it, and it is a nuisance to the mails. I have had more than 4.000,000 such speeches sent me, and never read one in my life. 4. Do not allow yourself to be drawn into aspersions upon the memory ot Guy Fawkes. He has been much cen sured by shallow men. History will in the end do him justice. Before you have been long in Congress you will perceive that one such man nowadays, with better luck, might do the country more service than a hundred Presiden tial candidates or Christian statesmen. 5. Do not be seen much in public in the company of Republicans. Out side of New England they are not. as a rule, savory. Some associations will be tolerated, thouch known to exist, when decently veiled. But there is no excuse for parading them in public. 6. Practise rigid economy. The ex perience of the average Congressman shows that it is possible by judicious frugality to save ab Ut 100,000 k. session out ol bis salary, l nus tne trae patriot in standing by his courry makes the country stand by him . 7. Cultivate assiduous y alt news papers correspondents. All there is of public life is what the pjaerj say, and tbey will say anything that is made worth their whi.'Q, 8. Do not zweoome a candidate for the Presidency The idea that the countrv is anxious to elect you to thai ollioe is chimerical. Nor has the. co-aafe-try anything to do with it, exces to vote a it is told. 9. In case of doubt take the trk. 10. Keep your nostrils open, your mouth shut, your head cool, and yonr feet warm. Avoid Congressional whis key. Bob Ingersoll, the gameof poker, and the courts of the District of Col umbia. 11. Beware ot statesmen with great moral ideas. You will find immoral ideas more honest as well a9 more ins terestine. 19. Whatnmr hnnn?ns do nnt. r-' limiuish hope. As Cicero observes, nii. desperandum, do not despair. Yofi hae once been a respected member of tVta 1 dHiann nniintD hor l!snlc tn ro. u-v t r. .,,, Saiu -i iuD luiuittfagementol servants, and housekeeping in its and live djgwn the present. . . The French in Tonuii. Pakis, March 31. The Cfc?wbeir ot Deputies this afternoon unanimously voted the first instalment, amounting to $10,000,000, of tiie. jQoaia eredit of $40,000,000 asked for by M. erry yesterday bafore the resignation of his Cabier-t. IJhe Deputies voted to re serve, action on the remaining $30,000, C00 until the formation of tbe new Ministry. Tbe Government has received a des patch froni Geu. de LTsle, the coau. maoder of tbe French forces in Tonkin, in which he entreats the War Office- to send him reenforoemonts immediately. Eight thousand men have been ordered to proceed immediately to Tooquin to reen force the French arnxy. Much alarm is felt over tbe fact tU&t no news has been received for upward of thirty ix hours from the Fronch army in Tonquin. The losses sustained: by Gen. Ne arier's forces are now estimated at I -500 men. Gen. N,egrier was wounded in the breast by a ballet, and one of his aides-de-camp, Col. IWge, received a bullet wound in the head. It is rumored that the Aunamcse have risen against French, authority. Tbe rising is attributed to. ibe French reverses in Tonquin and to the intrigues of the Chinese Mandarms. A despatch from -et-anoi to the Temps, dated yesterday, aays : Tn consequonce of troubles In tbe commissariat. Gen. Negriera brigade was obliged to evacu ate Langson and retire to Than run i and Dongsong. The present positions are satistactory, sufficient provisions being assured, ana tbe morale ot :be troops :s excellent. Reinforcements, however., are urgently needed to stop tbe Cbtifies invasion and the intrigues at IIu1' Private despatches received sX Paris say that Chinese agents are. fomenting a rebellion against French authority in Cochin China, whicU as been almost denuded of troop& to reinforce the army in Tonquin. Marquis Teog. Cbinese Ambassador to Ejigland. said to-night that it France abandoned the question' of indemnities peace was probable, but the signs still point to a prolonged cam paign. Durham Recorder: Oar townsman, B. L. Duke, Esq.. who owns a valuable tarni near Durham sold at Parish's warehouse Monday 4,192 pounds of tobacco for $1,494.50. an average of $34 70 per hundred. He planted last year six acres in cotton ani six in tonacc . His cotton brought him $72 -and his tobaeco over $500 Thecost tor fertilizer and work for tobacco cost $50. more than that for the cotton. STATE NEWS. Newbern Journal: A letter from Hyde county, dated March 22nd, states that A. B. Daniels killed his wife. Ma -nerv a Daniels, with a piece of iron one-eighth of an inch in diameter, and that he had been arrested and lodged in jail. Shelby tew Bra : Mr. J. 0. Tether row, from near Lincolnton, sold hs tobacco crop on this market Monday, Bostic Bros. & Wright. His entire crop, grown on only two acres, amounted to over 1,600 pounds which sold lor 25 cents a pound. He real ized tbc neat little sum of $212 to the acre. News and Observer : On yesterday a small colored boy, about twelve years of age,' while playing near the old fair grounds, found what he supposed to be a large piece of glass. Its unusual brilliancy attracted the attention of a gentleman who was passing at the time. He approached the boy and ex amined it; he pronounced it a diamond and advised the boy to take it to an ex pert which advice the youngster acted upon. The expert after j examining it confirmed the judgment of the gentle man and said that it was a diamond of the first water, and would be worth, after it was cut, he thought, about $5, 000. The boy turned the jewel over to a prominent official who will send it North and have it cut for him. Charlotte Observer: Matthews, a small station on the Carolina Central Raiiroad, ull cell this season 1,000 ton9 of guano, which will call for $35, 000 next fall. The sales of fertilizers seems to be unusually large every where this year. A contractor and builder qf Baltimore, yesterday placed an order with the brownstone company, near Wadesboro. for one hundred tons of brownstone. to be quarried at once, for building purposes in Baltimore. Mack Winchester, a 15 year old son of T. McCombs Win chester, who lives near Monroe, was kicked on the head by a mule, last Monday evening, and died within three hours afterwards, his tkull being badly fractured by the blow. The boy had been harrowing in afield, and hav ing completed his labors for the day. unhitched the mule to leave the field. Tbe mule cantered off and the boy ran lo catch the animal. As he came up with the mule, ir let fly ibs heels and struck the boy on Ike head. The little sufferer expired without baiDg regained con sciousness. Some excitement was ere a act in tee neighborhood ot Ml. licily yesterday afternoon over the news that Mr. Workman (Jherry, a rit t h sit. r! ar-p had hosn rlivwvrtori inthe Catawba river. Mr. Cherry, who was yet weak and feeble from the effects of a long siege of sickness, left his home early yesterday morning for the banks of the Catawba to indulge in the sport of fishing Not returning at the time expected, his friends became alarmed and went in search of him. Whre he had been fishing thev found his basket with several fish in it. and Skis omntv hrat lnv on t h WAlpr ho tho ! . - . Dank, loe surrounnina. circumstances indicate that Cherry s body is in the river, and this belief, we are told, is generally shared in by the people wht Shave been searching for him. 1885. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Hakmk's Bazar Is the only paper i n the? worluiBat combines tne choicest Itterature and tte finest art illustrations with the latest fash iocs and methods of household! dorn mens. Its weekly Illustrations and descrip tions of the newest Paris and New York styles, wis) its usful pattern-sheet supplements and cut patterns, by en ablins: ladles to be their owa dresyjmakers, save many times the cost of MBcrltlon. Its papers on cooking, the man various details are eminently practical. Much attention is given to the Interesting topic of social etiquette, and Its illustrations of art needle work are acknowledged to be unequal- icu. lis uterary mei n is or the highest excel lence, and the unique character of Its humor ous pictures has won for It the name of the America PvnchJZ Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: IbfAXPER'S BAZAR $4 i3AKi-ltK' MA'iAZINK 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY...., 4 00 ?f ABPEB'S YOIjNQ PEOPLE 2 00 Harper's iramklin square Library, One Year Cb'2 Numbers).. 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada. The Volumes ot the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood tkat the subscribiir wishes to commence with tie Number next after the receipt of order. The last Five A nnual Volumes of Harper's Bazar, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage pale1, or by express, free of ex pense (provided tk e freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases foi each volume, suitable for binding, will be seat by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of $ l 00 each. Remittances shorc Id be made by Post-Office Money Order or Dr aft, to avoid chanee of loss. Newspapers are l tot to copy this advertise ment without tbe e cpress order of Harper St Brothers. Addrt ss HA tPEB BROTHERS, dec 3 Vw "Vork. 1884. 1884. CHRI STMAS. AT D i . SMITH'S Furniture Warerooms, Can be fouad- a large assortment of VALUABLE GIFTS, suitable ft r everybody. Tho public, and pecialry the ladles, are respectfully invited, to call and examine prices, Ac. D. A. SMITH. Furniture- Dealer, N. Front Street 'tec 92. Beoj. W Davis, (Formerly with W. K. r avis St Son.) GLNERAL COHiSaON MERCHANT, Southern Fruits and Produce a Specialty. M Barclay St., New York Wilmington iielerences j K. E. Burrow, President First National Bank, P. L. Brtdr ers A Co. Preston Cummin St Co., j.h. Chidbourn a Co.. W. K. t is Soc New York Bete pence : William Kaaker Co., 82 Harrison St. July 16 tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; THE Grand Opening T OF Spring and Summer Styles i WILL TAKE PLACE THURSDAY. APRIL 2, FRIDAY, APRIL 3. SATURDAY, APRIL 4. At Taylor's Bazaar. Taylor's Easter Goods ! EASTER HATS AND BONNET3 ! EASTER FLOWERS St FEATHERS ! EASTER MILLI SEE i ! All Choice and Kew ! All of the Best Quality ! All at the Loweit Possible Prices ! Our display of MILLINERY IS SIMPLY SUPERB, not onlv equaling but absolutely surpassing the exhibition of previous years, which have made out reputation as rleaier3 in these goods. Iu our Untrimmcd Hat Department will be found every style and shape wh'ch will be worn this ecason, at prices lower thai the low est to be found at any other establishment Our Flower Department is a perfect Easter garden, filled with the nioat exquisite designs of branched goods, at prices certainly less than those charged fr second class g-cds elsewhere Our Feathers, too, are worth looking at. We have Ostrich Tips In evei-y Btyle, plain ar.d shaded. Ostrich Plumes ;n every shade and quality. Pompoons In all and every shade. As for our Trimmed Hat department, it is the most beautiful end complete. Hats cat be trimmed to suit one and all by expert Milliners on our own premise3 A call will surely convince you at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St. WILMINGTON, ro N. C men 1885. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED "W ith the nc volume, beginning in Decern oer. Harper's Magazixk will conclude its thirty-fifth year, ne oldest periodical of ! 8 typie, it is yet. in each new volume, a new mag azine, not simply because It presen's fre-h subjects and new pi tures, but also, and chief ly, because it steadily advances in the method liseif ot magaz'ne making. In a word, the Magazine becomes more the faithful mirror of current life and movement. Leading features In t4ip attractive programme for 1885 are: iiiw serial novels by Constance Fenimore Woolson and W D Howells; a new novel entitled "At the Red Olove;" descriptive illustrated papers by F D Millett, R Swain Uifford, E A Abbey, II Gibson, and others; Goldsmith's ''the I W, . i . i r t ' 1 lltifilvnA I litf A hKoxT 1 n . t ! c. Harness Periodicals. Per Year : Hakper's Magazine 4 00 Hakpek's Weekly 4 of. Harper's Bazar 4 oo Harper's Votjng People 2 oo Harper's Franklin Square Library, One Year (52 Numbers) 10 00 Postage Free to atf subscribers in the United States or Canada, The volumes of the Magazine begin with the j.i uuiucid iui v uiic ami ucccm uci ui uiicu y -;i; , "When no time Is specified. It will be under stood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. The last eleven Semi annual Volumes cf Harper's Magazine, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 cents each by mail, postpaid. Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified, for volumes 1 to 60, Inclusive, from June, 1850, to June, 1880, one vol., 8vo, Cloth, $4 00. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoxd chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement tcithotit the express order of. Hakfeb & Bros. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, dec 3 New York 1885. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED-WEEKLY. The serial and short stories In IlartKJr's Young People have all the dramatic interest that juvenile fiction can possess, while they are wholly free from what Is pernicious or vulgarly sensational. The hunioioua stories and pictures arc full of Innocent fun, and the papers on natural history and science, travel, and the facts of rife, are by writers whose names give the best assurance of accuracy and value. Illustrated papers on athletic sports, panies, and pastimes give full information on these subjects. ' There la nothing cheap about it but its price. An epitome of everything that Is attractive and desirable in juvenile literature. Boston Courier. A weekly feast of pood things to the boys and arirls In every family wnich it visits Brooklyn Union. It is wonderful in its wealth of picture in formation, and Interest. Christian Advocate. N Y. TERMS: Postage Prepaid. $2.00 Per Year. Vol. VI. commences November 4, i8j,4. Single Numbers, Five Cents 6ach. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loee. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Habpkb St Brothers. Address HARPER BROTHERS, dec 3 lew York. Shad, Groceries & Liquors! -yjE MAY NOT HAVE SHAD ALL THE season but will have them whenever our friends will leave an order. A fresh supply of Groceries always on hand. -W" River Mills, Hunter's Choice, Bruns wick Private Stock and Old Log Cabin, still in stock, together with Wines. Gins, Brandies kc. Fish and other goods delivered tree. CBAIG St THOMAS. 113 So. Front Street, Produce Commiaflon Merchants and Dealers in Fish, Groceries, Liquors, Ac. men. 30 Lightning Rods. TF YOU WANT QUIET AND REPOSE uuring toe snunaer storm you mu t hare one oi oar si ak uuua. uur Drive wn Pumps in su ro rood water : cheaner anil m nr. lasting than welis. We nave iust received an other lot of our new Coiumbi Cook Stoves Also a fine lot of Kerosene OU Staves Call and see them at PARKER A TAYLOR'S. 23 South Front St ntwwt UTR reciAli NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET. April 2-4 P. M SPIRltS TURPENTINE Quoted quiet at 28 cemts per gallon. Sales of 50 casks at these figures, and 100 casks at 274 cents. ROSIN Quoted Arm at 67 cents for Strained and doll at 92A cents for Good Strained. TAR Quoted firm at $1.20 per bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $1.55 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1.15 for Hard. COTTON Quoted steady st 104 cte. Sales of 40 bales oo a basis of 10 9 10 cents per pound tor Middling. Tbe following are the official quotations: Ordinary 84 cent Lwd Ordinary 94 Low Aliddling 10 3-10 Middling 10A Good Middling-,. 10 11-10 ' DAILY RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine. ., 54 casks Rosin 841 bbl? Tar 1004 bbls Crude Turpentine 00 bbJs MAK1NE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steam yacht Louise, Woodside, Smithville, Master Steamer John Dawson, Black, Point Caswell R P Paddison. Br schr Mary Culmer, RaDger, Nas sau, Cronly & Morris Dan barque Danebod. Holm, Barba does. Paterson, Downing & Co SchrvJ VV Ponder. Quillan, Norfolk, Va. Geo Harriss & Co, with coal to Anthony & Bryce CLEARED. Steam yacht Louise, Woodsid$. Smithvilie. Master Nor brig San Juan, Bache, Bristol, Eng, Alex Sprunt & Son Schr C H Macomber, Ruraiil, Man got. St Martin's, Northrop &Cumming Schr Dione, Maloney, Port au Prince, Hayti, Northrop & Gumming EXPORTS. KORKHiN. Bristol, Eng Nor brig San Juan 770 casks spts turpt. 1,682 bbls rosin Marigot, St Mifflin's schr C H Ma comber 104 000 feet lumber, 50,000 shingles, 8 bbls pitch, 4 ilo tar Port au Prince, Rayti schr Uione 150,200 ft lumber. 20,000 shingles M ONTHLY. STATEME N T. STOCKS ON HAND APRIL 1, 1885. Cotton ashore, 1,363; afloat. 15; total, 1.378. Spirits ashore, 2,803; afloat, 770; total, 3.573. Rosin ashore. 105,632; afloat, 6,003; total. 111 635. Tar ashore, 4,670; afloat, 2 580; total, 7,250. Crude ashore. 3,62. RECEIPTS FOR MONTH ENDED MARCH 31. Cotton, 1,348; spirits, 3' 343; rosin. 38, 055; tar, 12,763; crude, 4.113. EXPORTS FOR MONTH ENDED MARCH 31. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 556; spirits, 2,597; rosin, 2,504; tar, 7,475 ; crude, 3,740. FOREIGN. Cotton. 1,700; spirits, 1,330; rosin, 31. 317; tar. 5,099; crude, 150. VESSELS IN THE PORT OF WILMINGTON. N. C. A PRIL 1, 1885. No vessel under 60 tons reported in tbla list. BARQUES.. Dan Danebod, 433 toe, Holm, Paterson. Downing & Co Br Hatt'e II., 40. tons, Cochran, E G Barker & Co Nor Jsfarcven, 39-2 tons, Jorgcnsen, fleide & Co GerOttide. 3 tons, Pnlsberg, E Pesehau & Westermann Rus Clementine, 3f0 tons, Sjolnnd, Hcide & Co Cer Michael, 880 tons, Enler, E Pesehau St Westermann Nor Apollo, 43:; tons, Meisom, E Pesehau & Westermann BRIGS. Ger Clara, -itit tons, Voss, E Pctchau & Westermann Ger Obcron, 2t2 tons, Wcstphal, E Pccchau & Westermann Ger Der Pommcr, 2:i3 tons. Bohn, E St Westermann SCHOONERS. MAry Culmer, 242 tons, Ranger, Cronlv & Morris J W Ponder, 240 tons, Ouillan, Geo Harriss & Co Col. Elsie, 212 tons, Murphy, Geo Harriss & Co Ger Mctz, 223 tons, Diekelmann, E Pesehau St Westermann Martha Welsh, 05 tons, Bundle, Geo Harriss St Co Wmiam Wilson, 267 tons, Berry, Geo Harriss St Co Isaac l- Clark, 334 tons,bronght in by wreckers Mair & Cranmer, 265 tons, Hudd, Geo Harriss St Co Vineyard, 215 tons, Rosebrook, Geo Harries & Co A P Emerson, 2T2 tons, Emerson, JC G Barker & Co Cathie C Berry, S20 tons, Smith, Geo Harriss & Co A P Nowell, 241 tons, Wharton. Geo Harries & Co Eddie E Snow, 153 tons, Flanders, E G Barker & Co J P Wyman, 157 tons, Torrey, E G Barker & Co John W Hall, jr , 103 tons, Fleming, Geo Hrriss & Co Tom Williams, 367 tons, Bubon Georare Harriss St Co Charles E Paige, 362 tons, Gifford Geo Harriss St Co Edward 3 Emerson, 340 Jons, Childs, Geo Harriss St Co Span Natrvldad 170 tons, Gonzales. E G Barker St Co Something New. J HAVE JCST RECEIVED BY RAIL A Vanilla Flavored Syrup, The finest Syrap ever oflere-d in this market. ALSO A FULL LINE OF Fancy & Staple Articles FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE HOLIDAYS Call and examine at Crapon's Family Grocery. 6. M. CRAPON, AgC ' dec 16 22 Sonth Front St Bedroom Sets. rpHS NICEST AND CHEAPEST ASSORT ment ever offered here. For sale hv UiXJCo A MURCHISON MISCELLANEOUS. All Are Invited to Come! (BUT NOT New Goods We cannot enumerate an almost endless variety A complete stock of Black Goods. We Must The balance of our Clothing- must go, as we must have the room for our Spring Goods. Price is not the object, the room is what we want and must have. We do not try to humbug the public with our advertisements, but what we want is an opportunity to prove to our patrons and the pub. lie that we speak the truth and mean business. If you want any Clothing, select such as you wish at SHRIER'S, who offers to send it to your homes for comparison or let you take them to any other store, and if SHRIER does not. give you better goods for the least money, don't keep the. But we do say, if our goods prove better than others and prices less, wTe should have your patronage. Before invest ingit will pay you to post yourself where low prices prevail all the year round. Hi Hi H THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST. teb 2 GRAY color, gradually ana permanently. Not a dye. A marvellous invention. Qra-JutniymtL mon sinrt niri woniftn. made tn ionic voimcr In three weeks. No more ersy hair Aim cm! rapidly and luxuriantly. Send for descriptive UiiaOGJVOr4. cw vrr.o !u -iu;-cavi liiaiiij, june 30 ly d t th sat wly eow SPRISTG WOOLENS. A VABIRTY OF EXCELLENT GOODS ! FOR MEN AND 1J1YS WEAE, DIRECT .FROM. THE MANUFACTURE E. Very Cheap! J NO. J, HEDRICK, 13 CottonSeed Meal. IOO Tons No. 1 COTTON SEED MEAL, ONE OF THE VERY BE8T OF Fertilizers. For sale by WORTH & WORTH . feb 23 Oysters. Oysters npO-MOBROW AND ALL THE 1 week I will receive a supply of these fine NEW RIVER GARDEN OYSTER' , guaranteed fresh and sweet. Orders left wlM receive prompt attention and be delivered in any part of thecity free of charge W T. CROOM, 110 So. Front Street, near the New Market feb 2 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR FIRE PROOF OIL. 11HE PERFECTION OF FAMILY SAFETY . Oils. Equalled by no other. A perfect Lamp light. It i absolutely Iree from Ben zine, Paraffine. and all srummv or foreiam mat ter which In other oils so frequently clogs the j wick and prevents its giving a clear light. mch 27 tt j . 1 You Can gAVE MONEY AND HAVE YOUB WOBII done satisfactorily at KING'S Ttoshop. Roofing a specialty. W. E. KING, Practical Tinsmith, Front and Water Street mch 30 Humphrey's Homoeopathic Remedies. (COMPLETE STOCK.) JATEOLlTHIC WATER, , . -DIAMOND DYEfS. JAMES D. NUTT, The Druggist, mch 24 21 N. JBnc St Fine Fish. QUB SMACK HAS ARRIVED WITH A wfi.ii0 BACKEISH and 8N APPIERS. Will be for sale at our Fish Market. mcfa W. E . DAVIS SON,, MISCELLANEOUS ALT. AT ONCE ) ! New Goods but will be pleased to show of new things. Respectfully, R. M. MclNTIRE. nrh 3o Have Room! NO MORE HAIR book, and testimonials and opinions Of eufiMIMI AuuretKfe x. H. Nicholson. Murray St. New 10 OFFICE OF Dr. S. C. Ellis, NO. 324 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, not to Miller's Drug Store. 3 Notts coange of office boars, which in as follows V to 10 a. m., 2 to 3p. m.Tto 9p.m. mch 12 Conoley's Drug Store. 210 MARKET STREET. Q0LDEN 8PEC1FIC A positive cure f For sale by J. W. CONOLET, mch 2G r harmacist Dissolution. rpHE FIRM OF HUMPHREY & J1HKIM X bas been dissolved by mutual consent. C M. D. Humphrey, of the old firm, will here after continue the Fish and Oyster baslne at the head of the New Market, South Frost strecl. Thankful for past favors he wBeHi the continue ' patronage of the public. sT OYSTERS sent C. O. D. mchl If You Know A Good Thing When You See It! JUST LOOK AT THIS ! -1 TAMBS' TONGUES, 60 CENTS PBB 3 A ready for lunch DEVILED HAM. TONGUE, TUBOTl CiUCKEN. -ENGLISH DAISY, EDAM, NEUfCHAl Ekand KOQUEFOBT CHEESE. frasbftO the -dairy. . That CBEAMEBY BUTTEBED FlXWJt till surprising the Icooks and plearfK nousekeepers. Pickled Pigs' Feet Tripe in abundance. Tbey make a splendid bre fastjor eupp ijr dish. Three pound tor P. L. BEID&ERS & (Sj UO North Front St. mch 30 Board. FEW MOKE BOABDEA8.. table, reg nlar or trans'en t. can "Jfli dated with comfortab e roomsand u marker a ffbrds. BOBEBT UjJ 38 and 40 Front at novl8 if

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