MISCELLANEOUS. 0 I - THE g BEST TONIC. ? Ihis medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonic, quickly and completely urrn lyirpia. I id!etlon. Weakness . unure illnoi!, .Inla.ria, Chills And Fever, t. r.d Ncnralin. 'r fa imfaihnjr remedy for Diseases of tht Kilnoys Bnd Liver. 1: is invaluable for Diseases peculiar t. CY- men, an 1 all who lead sedentary li e . Is does not injaretho teeth, cause heads here i-ro Lice constitution ofb Iron mediriw it inches and purifies ike biood.rtir.; me appetite, aids the Bsidmilation !" f;i irves Heartburn t.vA ' ; :ii :e. nv.d fti ; i t'!' mnacle' and . n : I -r ir.tenoi.!c:.t Fev rs, I aesitudc, La? r .icrrpy. ifcc.. It has no equal. Qiy The genuine h nl ovc trrdc marl rroMed red line on wrapper. Take t.-Jr .! by SUI.' t lit 1111 A I ttt, C tl J !H jan 1 ly dw DO YOU KNOW THAT. LQBBILAHFS CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO with Red Tin Tat- ROSE LEAF Fine Cut ( hew log; NAVY CLIPPINGS, and rdack. Brown an l loiiow SNUhh are tne best and cheapest, quality considered? aug t ly ujew Dr. Moit's Powders NEVER FAIL TO CURE IN FLAM Ma tlon of the Kidneys. Gravel, Gleet. Sti lcl urea and all Urinary diseases. Nervous ana Phyeical Debility, Genital Weakness and ad those untold m series caused bv Indiscretion or Excesses. Syphilis In all Its forms perma nently eired. Yellow o Brown spots on Lce aad bo'ly.ore Throat sni Nose, Scrofula, old Sores, Kcaema, Tetter and all Blood and skin diseases. Urinary diseases cured In 3 days. Price f.L Enc'oso the money tc FRAKK STEVENS A CO., Baltimore, M i., and it will be sent by mall settled. For sale ly all drug gists; seat ly mfOl , . inly 7 lAwl y Dr. UodtTs Nervine No. 2. liTILL CURE NERVOCS, PHYSICAL V? :tid (ieiiltul Weakness caused by Indls cretlon and violating the law of iifcuitl-, Price $1 DK. HUNTER'S PILLS Cures Syphilis In ail U- forms and stages. Yellow or Brown pots on the face and body. Sore Throat and Nose, Scrofula, Tetter, Fcze ma, Itching sensation, Salt Kheum and all Blood and Skin Disease. Urinary Diseases and Strictures speedily cured P: ice $2 DR. HU T'S KKM CK KKIUND Never fal's to cure Irregularitler or Supprea slons, caused by coids or disease Married ladies and ladies in delicate state of health are cautioned to not use it. Price $3. Enclose the money rfor either medicine to FRANK STE VENS A CO , Baltimore, Mtf and it will be sent by mail or express sealed. For sale by all Druggists ; sent by mall or express, iuly 7 d&wlv FREE! RELIABLE SELF QUE? A favorite prescription of one of the most noted and successful snecialists in the IT. S Ww retired) for the cure of Kervoiu Debility, t Manhood, We:ilt.nei and Decay. Sen. ; plain sealed envelope Free. Druggists can fill it. ddress DR. WARD & CO.. Louisiana, Mo. HC r tor working peoo'e Send 10 EL mm wr cents postage, ana we will mall you free, a royal, valuable sample box of goods that will put you In the way of mak lng more money lu a few days than ou ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. You can live at hom and work in spare time only, or all the time. All of both gexc, of all ages, grandly successful. f0 cents to $5 easil? earned every evening. 'I hat all who want work mav test the business, we make this u n para lc led ofTer: To all wno are not well satisfied c will eend 1 to pay for the trouble f writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc., sent free. Immen e pay ab solutely sure for all who start at once. Don't delay. Address Stinson & Co, Poriland, M&lce. dec 2 d&wly IAI I kl more money 'ban at anything else WW I IH by taking an agency for the besj selling book out. Beginners succeed grandly. Nonef.nl. Terms free, allett BooKto . Portland, Maine. dec 2 diw ly AAA i AAA in presents given away Send ''"jVFVVf us 5,ccnts postage, and you will jret free a package of troods of large value. that will start you in work that will at once bring you In money faster than anything e'. e in America. All about the f 200,000 in presents with each box. Agents wanted everywhere, of either sex, of aliases, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for ail workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. H. Hallett & Co., Portland. Maine. dec 2 diw ly WEAK, UNDEVELOPED PARTS OP THE HUMAN BODY KNLAKitKD, DEVf'I- OPED. STRENGTHENED, Etcisan intcrrstinar B'lv.n i-.-nnnt. long run in our :iper. in reuiv tum quinea wevnTsay tbac there i j noeviqence ot hum bug ft bout t ti is. On t tie cont r&ry. the advertisers are Yfry hieliljr lmlorsett. inu'resien persons may get 15 III K. Sir. I'lQAt.t.'T'.. BatfaUi. .Y. Trtfla timing Me. apl 16 vdaw Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. feb 2 d&w cm tu th sat n rm MeniThin they know all about Mustang Lin iment. Few do. Not to know is not to have. feb ;d&w cm tu thjsa arm The Daily Review JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor & Prop WIJJKINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY. APRIL 7. 1885. entered at the Poetofflce at Wilmington, N. C. as second-class matter. In the early fall a Boston firm bought 5,000 cases of canned peas. The mar ket afterwards dropped, but after cons siderat ion the firm decided to protect the original investment, and according ly bought freely in Baltimore and other markets, until they held all the canned peas in the?country. From the bottom price paid there has been an advance of sixty-five cents per dozen, and they have sold thus far 13 000 dozen. The advance in canned peas has.affected other canned good and canned tomatoes and canned corn have advanced 10 percent. The corner in canned peas is so complete that the Bi-ston firm referred to is sending can ned ca3 to Baltimore, New York and other leading markets. The move has been a genuine trade surprise, and also thus far a great success? Ben Perley 'oore , the veteran Wash ington correspondent, does little active work in these days, but he still watches the course of events at the Capitol with interest, and occasionally summarizes the resu!t9 of bis observations. The testimony of a man ol of his experience i3 of no little value. "Never,'!' he sajs. "during the. City odd years that I have personally known ' asbington and the sueeesaivu Administrations, have I seen a new President take the helm so promptly and so efficiently as the Mau ot Destiny' from Boffaio has. Gen. Jackson had to reconstruct his! Cabinet before he was master of the situation as President Cleveland already is. fe is mueii impressed by the independence o! Senatorial dictation which JMrCleveland has declared. He reports that aimos! all of the Democratic Senators are "disgruntled" at his course, but he be 'ieves that thinking Democaats will sus tain the President. A strange fatality seems settling down upon the Per nsylvania postm'as ters. Within the last week or so three have gone two wrong and one right. The first, an eleventh hour appointment of the late Republican Administration, driven mad by the attacks of hungry Democrats and disappointed: Republi cans, drowned himself in a neighboring creek, and he has gone to his grave. The second, in the same couuty. by the way, troubled himself sdrtly about the real, inward meaning of Mr. Cleve land's civil service reform letter, till his mind also lost its equilibrium ; and he has gone to a lunatic asyidm. The third, having convinced himself that his official time whs short, robbed his ofh.ee of nearlyeverything but the stove and the letter boxes; and he has gone to jail. Moreover, a very s'mgularand a very sad thing haB happened concern ing still a fourth postmaster in Mr. Randall's domain. The two proprie tors of the local Democratic newspaper quarrelled with each other over the momentous question whether the Re publican incumbent should be retained or a Democrat appointed to the office- This difference ol opinion widened into a serious breach between the partners. and the result is that the publication of the paper has been suspended and the shutters of the business office haye been permanently put up. Thus does calam ity follow calamity amone the postal officials in the Keystone State and thus are we.lurnisbed with additional evi dence, it more were needed, of the evil effects of an uncertain tenure of office in the civil service. The Republicans, says the New York Ilcralcl. adjourned the Senate without acting on a number of the nominations sent in by the President. The nomina. tions thus left over are mostly of consuls and internal revenue officers. It is understood in Washington that the Republicans who control the Senate, and whose "advice and consent" are necessary to the con6rmatioti of Presi dential nominations, were -not inclined, without careful consideration,! to allow the President to displace officers in these two classes without "cause." Most of the subordinate executive officers nom inated by the President are by law named tor lour-year terms, and when their term3 expire it is held by custom that the President may, at his own choice, repominate them or name others to fill their places. But consuls and internal revenue officers are appointed for indefinite terms. We believe the public interests will be subserved if the Senate shall set and fix the precedent that these officers shall not be removed without c-use assigned. It would be a great poin1 gained for the public service if by the aboiiti m of the four year term all other offices were put in the same category. We believe firmly in the very great importance of the President's absolute control ever bis subordinates; but we hold that ibis is necessary, not for his own personal purpose, but lor the good of the service. If an officer has done his duty to the government, if be is capable and honest, efficient and obedient to his superiors, and has not I missed his place for partisan ends, why shouid be be removed? If, on the con trary, he is not capable, efficient or honest, if he is disobedient to his su periors, or if ho has misused his official place and influence for partisan purpos es, the country will uphold the Presi dent in removing him ; and the opposi tion of the Senate in such a case would be resented as monstrous and intolera ble. The Republican leaders have not been friendly to civil service reform, but the reverse, as their contemptuous rejection of Mr. Arlbur showed. It is possible that tbeir partisan desire to keep their own men in piace may, against their own intention, help the cause of civil service reform in a very important way. Hundreds of malcontents are leaving Chicago for the Canadian Northwest' and fears that the Fenians will aid Rie are expressed in Canada. A company of thirty scouts, composed of old land guide?, has been formed to patrol the j country along the international bound ary to prevent American Indians from crossing to jcin the Canadians, and to prevent provisions and arms being sent over. Gen. Terry, who is iu com mand of the United States troops in the Northwest, reports that no Indians are crossing the boundary. Tlie Vegetables You Eat. Asparagus is good diuretic. Sorrel is c ioling. Carrots are not very digesti ble. Lettuce is narcotie, Celery is good tor the .brain . and the nion something you don't want to eat when you are going courting. If you eat too much of a variety, and get dypep:-ia, take Brown's Iron Bitters and be well. Mr. A. Stevens, Woodberry. Mo., says. "I had dyspepsia badiy ; used Brown's Iron Bitters, and felt a great change lor the better after the first dose." FASHIONS FOB SPRING. Silver jewelry grows more fashiona ble every day. li'ack chenille fringes are finished with tiny gilt balls. Guillotine scarfs are the latest in la dies' neckwear. Needle-painting is a new name fur an era broidery. Iridic corahs, toulard si;ks and pon gee3 will be very popular lor summer dresses. Large checks are seen in new suit goods, a plain color forming the body of the dress. A large cluster of giit buttercups is one of thespreltiest of spring garnitures tor hats. An eagle's foot, with gold claws hold ing a ball, is a new style for an umbrel la handle. Decorative curtains are ot fine white bolting cloth, hand-painied in some Conventional design. Humming birds of bright tinsel, five or more in a spray, are seen among the new artificial flowers. A silk pillow, stuffed with odorous fir or pine, has for a motto: ' Such stuff asdreaujs are made ot;" A novel scrap-basket is a Cylinder of rough and mossy birch bark, with a large bow of cardinal satin ribbon. Black silk hose, with a faricitu! ar rangement of cards or dominoes, is a striking design for a fancy dress ball. White woollen lace with a thread of tinsel interwoven is a very pretty trim ming for morning house sacques. Jersey silk corset-covers aro in pale shades of blue, cream and pink, and have the neck cut low and edged with lace. Hand-bags, even though many new nntl beautiful styles are introduced, are becoming unfashionable for the street Wedding congratulations are now sent accompanied with a card covered with white satin, hand-painted and eelged with swan's down. New slippers are of chamois in all the new shades of gray and brown. Lisle hosing to match makes a very neat and tasteiul combination. Gentlemen's sleeve buttons-are "quite the style" when they are of gold, fiat, square, highly polished and have a real ruby set in one corner. Lamps to heat sealing wax are pretty ornaments for a lady's escritoire, when of hammered bronze with a lizard, snake or quaint figure for decoration. Lovers of art work arc now turning to the imitation of Gobelin tapes'ry, which consists of oil painting upon a Canvas especially prepared for the pur pose. A very curious fabric used for por- tlpreQ flnil wall Hranoro ia ranran r. f gold threads, and little round mirrors about the size of a silver dollar are thickly interspersed in the composition of this brilliant and costly web. ACTUAI. KlIXDESS IS NOT EASY TO Cure, but remember that disease of tbe eyes often results frrm impure blood. II you have reason to think .your sore eyes may have come from this cause lose no time in buying a bottle of Dr. David Kennedy's "Favorite Remedy" to cleanse you blocd. You can trust it $1.00 bottle. d&w Young Men! Head This. The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall. Mich., offer to send their Celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belt and other Electric Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men (young or old) afflicted with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neu ralgia, paralysis, and macy other dis eases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhocd guaranteed. No rist is incurred as thirty days trial ia allowed. Write them at once for illus trated pamphlet free, w s m & w lyR, J. H. Northrup, of Lansigburg, formerly captain of the Tmy police, writes: "Iknow that Dr. Kennedy's 'Favorite Remedy is an honest prep aration. I suffered from liver com plaint for years and was cured by 'Favorite Remedy.' Sold by all drug gists at one dollar bottle. d&w MISCELLANEOUS. A Cure for Gravel. A COMMON AND PAINFUL COMPLAINT A STATEMENT YOU MAY CONFIDE IN. There are few diseases with which the pa tient is called upon to endure greater inconve nience and- pain than with Grivel. In its more advanced stages the agonv l; producss is often so great as to call for the use.of narcot ics in extraordinary doses before any relief can be obtained. Young manhood and wo manhood are comparatively exempt from at tacks of Gravel, bnt young children of tea have it. and in middle life and age it is fearfully common. Like gout ant rheumrtim i-ravei is due to Imperfect digestion ar.d asslmilat on of fned, combined with other predltpotiog causes which vary with different hidividuais. H henHbe calculi, f r tone,are fairy formed in the k dneys or bladder the- render the suffer er's life one constant srere of misery and an prehension. Few pbysl Hcs or surgeon will promise or uniertake the removal of these stir es except by an orera'i n. They rarel? or never pretend 'o be able to do It by means of mtviiclne alone. It semj to have been reserved fr Dr. Da vid Ken'SSDY, of Rondout, N Y.. t - accom p lsb, thr' ugh his preparation widaly known a KKNNRoY'S Fa VoRITE liFMKDY, what others have failed to compass. The subjoin ed tettf-r will be foun 1 of vital Interest ti ml ferera from gravel, ar.d to the. general public : Albany, uareb -0, 1SS4 JJr. Tj. Kennedy, RomdMd, K. Y. : Dear ir: Let me tell : on frankly that I have "-ever been partial ti proprietary medl cin -s. a I believe the majo'i y of ihem fo be nothing better than methods of obtaining monev from- people whom suffering makes ready to ca ch st any hope ol relief They sre mean ehej'ts and delusions. But your "f'A VORiTfe RKMfcDY." I know by lupp expe rience to be a totally different thing. I had been a sufferer from Gravel for yer3, and had reso:ted to many emiaent physicians lor relief, but no pcrmarent good omc of it About thTee vears sgo vour "Favoime Uem Ebv" was viVommeLdG t to me. 1 can give you the result in a sentence: 1 tried it anl it cureq me completely. 1 am confident it saved my life. You can use this letur if you think ue?t. Yours, etc.. Nathan Ackley. Captain Nathan Ackley was for a long- time connected with the Canal Appraiser's ohice in Albany. He Is well knon and writes for lo other purpote but te d good to others. As a medicine lor all diseases cf the Flood, liver, Kidsc9sand digestive oigans, Kenne dy's Favorite Remedy has lairly won its h'gh imputation. Write If desirable to Dr Kennedy, Roundout, N. T. men 17 d&w nrra 1-TWftTER-PROOF, g2 or raitle. Is a'.-j A l 'BSTlTl'TK fofPLASTKK r.t l;iif the t ost. OnUasts the baUding. CARPETS z- Jd i. i ' of suae, douMe the wecr or oil cldths. Cataugi9 W.H.FAYCO.CABiDEN,NJ. rrch '"3 d&w 4w A FKIZE send six cents for postage and receive free, a costly 1-ox of gooiis which will help s ou to more money right away than anything else in this world" All ' f either sex, succeed from the first hour. The broal road to fortune opens before Ate w6rter8, absolutely sure. At once ad lsess Trite & Co., Augusta, Maine. mvv 2 d&w lv 1885. Harper Weokly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly ha- n w. for twenty years, maintained its position as tbe leadiUK Ilbastrated weuhly newspaper in America. With a constant increase of literary and art istic res urces, it is able to offer for tho ensu ing year attractions unequalled by anv prey! ous volume, embracing 'a capital illustrated serial story by W E Norrls; illustrated arti eleg with special reference to the West and sioulth, including the World's Exposition at Kew Orleans, entertaining short stories, most ly illustrated, and irurui taut pipers bv high authorities one tlie cidef topics of ihe '"ay. livery one who dosires a trustworthy politi cal guide, an entertaining and Inst; uciive fam il journal, entirely free from jbjcction-jble features In either letter -press or illustrations should sitbscribe to Hakfkk'S WEeicly" Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 CO HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 oO HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.... 2 0 HAlirBIt'S EKAJtKLIM SQUARE LIBRARY, One Year (5a Numcers 10 00 Tostage Free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January ot each year. When no time Is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber w ishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. The last Five Annual Volumes of Harper Weekly, in r eat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pease (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avo'd chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address HAP.rEB & BROTHERS, dec 3 New York 1885. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Bazar is the only paper in the world that comhbies fne choicest literature and the finest art UluatTati0ns.with tbe latest fashions and nu-thod3 of household adorn ment. Its -weekly Illustrations and descrip tions of the newest Paris and New York styles, with Its useful pattern-sheet supplements and cut patterns, by enabling ladles to be their own dressmakers', save many times the cost of subscription. Its papers on cooking, tne man agement ol servants, and housekeeping In Its various details are eminently practical, Much attention is Riven to the interesting topic of social etiquette, anrl its Illustrations of ari needie work are acknowledged to be unequal led. Its literary raeilt Is of the highest excel lence, and the unique character of its humor ous pictures has won for It the name of the American Punch. Harpers Periodicals. Per Year: HARPER'S BAZAR $4 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 W HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 HARPEH'S iSAHKLIN SQUARE LIBRA I. Y, One Y eat; (52 N umbers j 10 00 Postage t ree to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understod tnai the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. The last Five Annual Volumes of Harper's Bazar, In neat cloth binding, will re sent by mail,. postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for eacb volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of 1 00 eacb Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chanee of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper A Brothers. Address HARPER BROTHERS, CS New York. 1 MANILLA)1 1 MISCELLANEOUS Improved Life Insurance ! Challenges Criticism ! ProTident Sayings Life ! 55 Liberty St , Xew York CU . This corriptnv has shown by practical results 'hat it furnishes innrance by far the safest, j most economical ac3 equitable cjt any tystem mat uas ueen devised. . Actual average yearly cost in TnK Pbovi- dent ;AViG8 during the calendar vara 18S3 : and 1SS1, at age 40, for $U',10J was 79.25. INCOMPARABLY THE BEST I SHEPPARD IIOMANS, President snd Actuary JOHN K. LIPPITT, General Agent for Xrth Carolina. - Dr. K. A. Anderson, Medical Fxamlner for Wilmington. feb 10 Gilding! Send in your Christmas presents, such as Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Albums, &c.f and have name neatly stamped in Gold by a reliable and competent workman, j In tjhe meantime your orders for Printing, Ruling or'Bindlng could not be placed Jn better bauds. ! JACKSON & HELL. 1864. 1884. CHRISTMAS. AT D A. SMITH'S F u r d i t u re Warerooms, Can be found a large assort nent of VALUABLE GIFTS, suitable for everybody. The pub lc, and especially the ladles, are respectfully invited to call and examine prices, &c. D. A. SMITH. Furniture Dealer, N. irout Street 1ec 22 Health is Wealth. Clff?E GUARANTEED Dr E. C. WEST'S Nerve ad Brain Treatment, a guar anteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Con vulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nrrous Prostration caused by the use of al cohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental De pression, Softening of the Brain resulting lo insanity and leading to misery, decay and death. Premature v Id Age, Barrenness, Losj of power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and spermatorrhoea caused by ov r exertion ot the b?.in, scslf abuse or over-indulgenrn. Kach box contains one month's treatment. $1 00 a box, or six boxes for $5 00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt ot price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any cai. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied 1th $5.( 0, we will send the purchaser our written guar antee to refund the roney if the treatment does t ot effect a cure. Guarantees issued only Uy-IOHN V. W tST & CO , 862 W ftlaliison St., i:hi ago, 111. j oct 21 lyd&jv 1885. Harper's Magazine.! ILLUSTRATED With ihe new volume, beginning In Decern ber, Warper's Magazine will conclude its thirty fifth year. Ti e oldest periodical of i s type. It is yet in each new volume, a new mag azir.e. not simply because it presen s fre-h subjects au new pi tures, but also, and chief ly, becauj- it steadily advances In the method bse'f ot magaz'ne making. In a word, the Magazine becomes more the faithful mirror of current life and movement, l cadinr features in tfcr attractive progtBmme for 1885-are: new serial novels by Constance Fenimore Woolson and VV l Howells; a new novel entitled "At the Bed Olove;" descriptive illustrated papers by F D Millett, R Swala Clifford, E A Abbey, H ibson, and others; MoldBinlth'a ihe btocps to ' onqurr." illustrate! by Abbey; im portant papers rn Art Science, etc. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year : Harper's Magazine. 4 OP Harper's Weekly 4 08 Harper's Bazar ,J 4 oo Harper's Voung People. 2 00 harper's f rank lin square library, One Year (52 Numbers) 10 00 Postage Free to ail subscribers in the Unilca States or Canada, The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time is specified, it will be under stood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. The last eleven Semi annual Volumes cf Harper's Magazine, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt oi $3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 cents each by mall, postpaid. Index to Harper Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes 1 to 60, inclusive, front June, 1850, to June, 1880, one vol, avo, uiotn, $4 uo. Remittances should be made by Post -Office Money Order or Draft, to avo.d chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper A Bros. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, dec 3 Nftw York 1885. j Harper's Young People, AN ILLUSTRATED-WEEKLY. The serial and short stories In Harper's Youg Peonle have all tbe dramatic interest that juvenile fiction can possess, while they are whody free from what Is pernicious or vulgarly sensational. The hnmoious starlet ana pictures are lull of innocent fun, and t i'i'tin ju uatLuai lustury sou science, r i and the facts of llfp. rr hv vrltAr. names give the best assurance of accuracy and value. Illustrated papers on athletic sports, games, and pastimes give foil information on these subjects. There is nothing obeftp about it out its price. An epitome of everything that is attractive and desirable in juvenile literature. Bof ton Courier. A weekly feast of good thlrgs to hoe boys and clrls In every family wnlch itlisits Brooklyn Union. It is wonderful in its wealth of picture In formation; and interest. christian Advocate. 9 Y. TRMt:r Pofctasc Prepaid. $2.00 Per Year. Vol. VI. commences November 4, 1884. Single Numbers, FivcCenta each. Remittances should be made by Post Office Money (Arder or Draft, to avoid chance of loee. Newspapers arc not to copy this advertHe ment without the express order of Hiam Brothers. Address " HARPER A BROTHER. ec Vor T.-r. k. ASK YOUR GROCER- FOR FIRE PROOF OIL. THE PERFECTION OF FAMILY SAFETY quU?d hJ , ,otiier- perfect Lamp Bght It i absolutely free from Ben SUwS? m11 foreign mt iSL2fr frequently otogs the .SiofSr FWTent4i girloff a clear light. Gilding!! I Railroad Company. Orrzcss or Grxy&al Suraanmnr Wih.iagtoa.H.afMarch6.i5 ' Change of Schedule, ON AND AFTER March 6 in A. M.. Passenger Train. jJS' A. If.. Passenmr ' - ii ton A Weldon Railroad will rnVT....!H DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAJN8D Nos. 47 North akd 48 Socri. Leave Weldon.... ..." 3J. I Arrive at Wilm'gton, Front St. lV'p't, fSv 1 Fast Tmtni?na a-t m, d. " I WUflUQ Dailt No. 40 Soars, Leave Weldon 5 Sa ! Arrive at Wilm'gton, Front St. D'p;t ioftw'l MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN ft nu. AOTU1. Leave Wilmington. Arrive at Weldon... S.tO p. n Train No. 45 leaves Wllmlrgion at in w arrives at Weldon at 7. 88 A. Si. Train No 42 leaves Weldon at loi 4 aTlvea at Wilmington at 7.10 A, M Trrtin No. 42 dally except Moooay Train No. 45 dally except fcunda Train No. 40 South will atom or !y t tp,, Goldsboro and Magnolia. 7 K Wk Trains on Scotland Neck Bnnrh tl Halifax for Scotland Neck atSO p rrdng leave Scotland Neck kt 8MA Train No. 47 makes close eonnertv lM don for all points North DaSRS Bjchmond, and dally except Sunday 3fjg Train No. 43 runs dally and mak-u-nection for all Points North !s WchS08 Washington. mchbs0wJ AU trains run solid between Wi'aurwt Washington, and have Pullmau Ps.l, s," ers attacbeL ww For accommodation of local travels nu. ger coach will be attached to local freirfcTu Big Wilmington at 5.20 A. M DexSS Sunday. y eice! JOHN F. DIVIKl, 1 Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. R. Co. UFFICS OF QRKKRAL SUPKRWTKHDErt i Wilmington. N. C. March 6. 188&. Change of Schedule, ON AI?D AFTER MARCH 6, l&h, 5.C7 A. M., the following Passpoger Sehut u e will be run on this road : NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILT-Kos. 4 West and 47 East. ICave Wilmington 8.20 P. M Leave Florence. j 2.WA.I Arrive at C. C & A. Junction 5.20 A. U Arrive at Columbia r..w ak. Leave Columbia..... 9.KF.K 1-save C, C. & A; Junction ..lQJf'P.M. Leave Florence 5.1" A. I Arrive at Wilmington.. : MTA.I Night Mail ani Passkkgrk Tkadt, Diti j No. 4o West. Leave Wilmington.. ... ...... ..10. p, n 1 ffllA.I Arrive at Jt lorence MAIL AND PASSENGKR TRAIN Dm So. 43 East. Leave Florence at 4.15 p.i Arrive at Wilmington J .&,ni p. I Train No. 42 leaves Wl'nilrgtou at 7.80 AJfc arrives at r lorence at u.4ft A. H. Train No. 45 haves Florence at 10,00 P. TL, arriving at wiimicgtonat i.60 A. M. Tratn No. 42 daily except Monday. Ttain No. 45 dally except 8aiirrdav. Train 42 and 43 stops at all Stations. No. 4o stops only at Flemlngton, and Mart Pa-cngera for Columbia and all points om 4C.R.R..C., A R.R. Stations, Aikco Jot tlon, and all points beyond, should ttket 43 lftntjsxpress. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Aopatti Train 4 8. All trains run solid between Charlestosa' Wilinlagton. Local freight leaves Wilmington dailT t cept Sunday at 5.25 A. M. 7 I - JOHN F. DIVIH1, General Sunerintendot T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger K men 1 Carolina Central R. B Company. OVFIOB OF GENERAL SWKBINTKWDS51, i Wlhaington, N. C. Sept. 20. 1884 Change of Schedule. following sensanie will oc operated o RaUroad : PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TEal a a a nn t 1 r.x tr n a 1 .. r mi t -. - ..." u.fi. . ijvju m I Arrive at y,iua i ) iLeave Charlotte at f"?' No. 2. J Arrive Raleigh at. " 1 t WUmfnirtnn at. ...8.- n- Passennrer Trains stop at regular only, and points designaieu m u EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays. o I Leave Charlotte T Arrive at Shelby - "1 . I Leave Shelby J Arrive at Charlotte, V Hamlet with R. A. Trains w , . 7 ... 1 'WTAT 11.. ami Tr .SnftrtanuurK, Atbinta and all nolnts Sonthwet.. . L. C. JU.- . . est . TV m UVU WO anu Pine BLINDS AND D008& Guaranteed as good as tbe be Moulding, Brackets. Balusters men tal Wood Work. oct 16 PARSLEY