-EI3 PAP KB Daily wiu 'oadad to aepted by JOSH T. JAMES, Options postage PAm BiBCS 5ix months. $2.00. Tnree troa our friends oc any L snbjtcu Tat nmacf the writer mnn always to: Blahcd to the Editor. Orminnrdcatlfms rami be wtittaa oa on one aide of the paper. Personalities most be avoided.; Ann Ills especially and particularly cj0 F of., one month, 35 cent. soBt,s tn L delivered by carriers free P4'" y rSrt of the city, at toe above cr"' wtek. Urates law d ; ctood that toe Editor does not always exdoi Si( GO ! toe views of corrcspondgnifc njjee er tatt 1U7 ! in the editorial columns. VOL. IX. WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY. APRIL 30, 1885. i"" . rn report any and ali iai The Review. ry Dfktiy Revise bos the largest . f MM. i rinoTifru 7 t .r.v- gygf wruwmgwg. jVVwi.l give op his Washing--gin Jane and go to his old Au ru-n, wnere uc win a"" r.f the So aimer. 113 - , i-gaiithatibe recent explanation . nMh.CofHKrare bona purcnate ll U. IU " . ...... r . l r not tenable, sna mm i - - l . ... III 1 11 will repel it. m r . r I a. ill i r near Sacramento says his A faraie rayua this season will bring 13,000, of which 9 000 wiil be im c He bas twelve acres oi it. .ht of New Jersey, his dige3live faculties by okiag32!a33of orange juice every i, fef onrl lnnrhinr at oon on milk- ..A veritable purgatory" is what Up Loaisyuie wwrwr.'wnw v.s i-iaiotice rir.s that rules mat :.-.nru.nt. A b:t.' fight is to be i W T - " - the 1-ranKiort aeiegauou Uit: rooi Louisville this year. .. - If the Supreme Court decision shall and. Virginia becomes liable for $30,- .M-irtfkt with accrued inunvw ioi .,n vflM West Viririnia will be Hohi. tor nne-third ol the original I u i it iy v - - ,.nii.f np it a ine uu cuuiiuuiiwcsiiui. a 1. . ' ' 1 .n -w - rv "v -N cT r. WW he political results iu rugiiiirt i 1 ! iriMitl'n , n .-f West Virginia may be momentous. Tne name Metis, used frequently io .nnwiinn with the Ricl rebellion . was. , i.TnliDnno nr I a n 1 1 V n n- ilt'U IO all IU1."J inccuo ui lu i.ui ni- ' I i . . . I . v. v y.r . I n r I L ikn t . t . V, .. n, u ia e.r ( 'at c '1 ; 'i 11 -i an! the MetN Anglais, depcondants ol . n . - . . f f U . II,,-L,,n Unit Prtnriant' Tiie Nt-w Orleans Picayune values tro At Ur.n.' and Pjieine oceans as worth at least $250,000,000 to this country, annually, inasmuch a3 they and Asia, and make an attack upon Ltiese shores boneless, sparing us the itaesBiiy oi a siauutug ai m wi i.vw, . . . i . . - f For the extension and completion ol he network of German railroad?, ranis io ine extent ot w,700,uuo maiKS U A A I 1 f r r i. n i C LJCKEl tiMv. U Ur. tI LfllH Mil Ml iy- i m i ' l ro- ! 1 1 .t k i " " v avWg MWVI b ! 4. ft I IS . . Tina is r.m Ol I IaP hannmn n in f Where did the editor of the Philadel- nia t'ress learn that the Sidney La ier "in HfV hnH cuM..m iri,nrn,.n . AV his hnorlP" 'Tk;3 " - u a UIHIIiMQ t .. f . .. . . --. . . . ., w i 111.U nun, UUV. lit; CVpr 1 arlror1 clnnn I k,. . . . .. . , w.a.wfcuw ii ai , a rf'JLLlllL ha Kr1 n rrl nlllnn. II ..... .1 . , linnnr f. KJ ..nl . .1 i - Kill... j lYUilU V At laact ma nnrni U ...... I . .1 isc, says the Augusta Chronicle. An immense ledge of white metal has u.jva'vvi cu i ii Aiueiope v auey, '.u,.u eouniy, ai., ine naturo ot which - vp ail ujiuiug experts io wnorn Pecimens have been submitted. The om iu Ins uu . ni . .uu.u.c at uii, uuu nuer iae rst timo it xrlolj .. . u : . . jiDiuj iu uuiuiu except a . otius. rt. uuuuu oi roeir .I lMC lueiai, anu here ar mUliona of ! rat in t r,'.,. coataiaji Dlatioum. Wheat experts in ib Northwest csti nate that the yield this year will be ooot 1 13,000.000 bushels. This with be 131.000.000 bushels left orer will ake a tota! of 534,000.000 bushels. Of h s amount 315,000.000 bushels will hn eqoired for home consumption, leav 219.00(1000 hnal.al. r . , "-uiu iwi uApori. in Wirtbey estUQate that about W.000.000 bushels will he exnorted. pii- . i . ' ft njuji OU.UOU UOtl hUSha a -n aa as a surplus. BafUsh consols, which have of late liiuai waicneu quotation on ha ... - . ... . t- oi toe world, amount in WOe to S3 500.000,000, on which the nnn.l . - ai luieresi in $ Md,uuu,uuu. They tltute a oernetn! nhlira.tinn nf thm . . r - - - - . - ..... 0,led Kingdom, bearinir 3 ner cent. nt..-.. r " . r . . -inu representing an irrcdeem- principal. For seven vears back ha. 1. . u:iTL not been a noted as low as at u'. Ite r flnr.io;r,o Miuosiwcen 00 and 100. closinir er4y at 95 and a fraction. every IIoiiaplrp.rur a avarkd i4 .1.: -uai cook stove is an important Kgg. WUSI B UUU bUC . v , tnn J in a x . i i L. l ractorv nriroa ot .T a j"vto ! I I M Wrt - - . 'unsr.i I "cmw. r observe nnita M -t:i i lin tw r x - - -- utwvAte w wx pnce! o ... wj icwuuauie xxaroware iepot.T LOCAL NEWS. iHSEZ T8 EW AOYEff nSEMZITS. O W V Ai Uas'.cta aeiirtBsaoEB Kcw Bosks f C MIL.LEB Freeh Supp'y Time Tablb-C r & T V it B Iavi8 & Son S.ic thing Klce Mi:xds Bbotii eks Florida Water Opkba fioi'sE Wlaard Ull Company CM t. Ht'VPHRsr Vegetables an 1 Fruit There was no C ity Court this uiorn in. There were no tramps at the guard house last night. The receipts of cottcn at this port to day foot op 26 bales. Schr. Narragansclt, Corson, hence, arrived at New York April 28th. Swid. barque Aichilecl, Liewen. hence, anived at Hull, Eng.. April 27th. Ger. barque Julie, Mullen, hence, for Wolgast, Ger., sailed 'from Portland, Eng., April 27th The uniforms of the Seaside Base Ball Club were expected here this morning trom Chicago, where they were manufactured, but for some cause they failed to arrive. We know you like to have a good fit ting shirt ! And it costs only one dollar to have it made at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. No. 27 Market street, J-Ei-sbach. Prop. tf To morrow will be the first of May and we presume there will be many who will go to the woods during the day. should the weather prove favora ble, in quest of flowers. There are 16 games of base ball an nounced to be played here during the season, which wilh the operations of the Carolina Yacht Club ought to fur nish plenty ol good amusement for our people. On and after to-morrow the hours of opening the market houses in the city will be at daylight in the morning and 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and the hours or closing will be 11 o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock p. m . A sneak raided the premises of Mr. E. G. Benlely, watchmaker, on North Second street, this afternoon and stole therefrom a tine gold watch, hunting ease. He was seen as he left the store, and can easily be identified, and vill probably be overhauled in a few hours A stranger, evidently a saiior, look too much benzine aboard to-day and could not navigate, so he laid down in the gutter on Princess street, nearly in front of Capt. T. J. Southerland's stable. When taken in charge by an officer he seemed quite bewildered and wondered what harm he had ever done anybody. He was locked up. Indications. For the South Atlantic States, lair weather, follo'ved on Friday by local rains, variable winds generally shifting to Southerly, lower barometer and slight rise in temperature. For the Ladies. We are authorized instate that ladies will be admitted to the grand stand free of any extra charge at all the base bali games which will be played in this city during the season. The first game will be free to the ladies and children, as we announced in Tuesday's issue, but for all subsequent games the regu lar fee. as advertised will be charged with the above privilege added. Personal Capt V. V. Rjphardsoo. of Colum bus, is in the city: Mr. Bruce Williams, of Pender coun ty, arrived in the city last night. Hon. Walter L- Steele, of Richmond county, is in the city to-day on one of his rare visits. The Greensboro Patriot says; "Pres ident Gray returned home on Saturday night and talks confidently of the ex tension of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R. R. to Wilmington." At a meeting of the Vestry ot St Pauls' Chrtreb, held on Monday night, the loll owing were appointed, viz: R. E. Heide, DuBrnts Cutlar and J. If. Mitchell, with R. G. Rankin and Capt W. G. McRae as alternates. Mr. J. G. Bryce of the firm of An thony & Bryce, is in the city to-day. His residence is in Charlotte and he seldom comes to Wilmington, bnt haves the business here to be conduct ed by tbo senoir member of the firm. Good materials properly proportioned ; which are the essential requisites in j Beady mixed Paints can be best attain ed by using the K. Y. Enamel Punt sold at Jacobi's Depcx t I I Postal Changes. Postmaster General Wiiliam Vilas has issued an order to the effect , m and after the 1st of July, 1835, ! that on all domestic Grst elass matter through the maiis, inclaJing sent ; rop letters at letter carrier offices, must be j charged with postage at the rate of two cents per ounce or fraction thereof, in- ; stead ot two cents per half ounce or traction thereof. Drop le'ters at otner thin letter-car r:tr offices to be charged! r than letter-earner offic at the rate of one cent per ounce fraction thereof. Due postage, at tho ratAnrtAMili nmrku'lnnnwnr trf.1 tion thereof, shall be charged on par. ttnUy prepaid first-ciass matter maiied 1 on or before June 30. and hot reaching i its destination until on or after July ! 1st. Aoother change reduces the rale postage on second r1oa3 mrmm ' . ' . ' . j ..... ma ter from two cents per pouud, as at i Draurat authorized, to one eer.t ner ! pound, on and after the 1st of July, 1685. To nrovide for vtints t.hnt mav To provide for wants that may arise from this change in the rate of! second class postage, the Department has decided to issue a newspaper and periodical postage stamp of the denom ination of one cent, the design and c lor of which will ba the same as those of the present series of newspa per and periodical stamps of the de nominations of from two to ten cents. Stamps of this denomination will be ready for issue by the 1st of June, after which all postmasters needing them will make requisition for suitable sup piies. The Shoplifters, After our report ot yesterday was closed regarding the capture of stolen property and the arrest of a p trt of the trnr.rr rkf Ihipvajq OiTioprs Strrif?f ntr! " . , lsrcwington coniinuco mo search ur I plunder with quite successful results. The first search was in t he house occu pied by Mary McNeill, colored, on tbo North side ot the raiiroad. where they found a large Jot ot stoien property, among which were pieces of brocade silk and satinidentified as the pro ?er ty of Capt. R. M. Mclntire besides two coats, a pair of trousers, a pair ot shoes, a piece of mosquito netting, a lot of calicos, &c, which have not yet been identified. This property was taken possession of by the officers and brought to the sherifTs office where il was placed under lock and key. The woman, McNeil1, was also arrested and brought along with the gocds. and subsequently she. with Mag and Sophy Fisher, was taken to jail. At a still later hour officers Strode and Brewington, whose blood seemed to be fairly up. returned from another exploring expedition , this time with three more women and a large lot goods. The last arrests were. Ida and Fannie Fisher, living with Mag F.sher, and Lizzie Riley, who li red just oppo site the Fishers. In the house ofthe lat ter were found quite a quantity of stol en goods among which were trousers, dress patterns, shoes and other articles. These women all colored were sent to jail to keep the other three previous ly committed company. The house occupied by the Fisher women is elegantly furnished in a style that would do credit to the residences of some of our wealthy citizens and the women themselves have put on airs of superiority over their mote humble and more honest sisters, so that they have been the envy of some and the disgust of others One faithful, honest, indus trious colored woman, when told who were the thieves, burst oat in a shout, "Oh, my lord sakes. alive! Dey're'stoc racy niggers, dey is!" There was quite a crowd of people white aod colored, with a large prepon derance of the latter collected in front of the Court House this morning, some ol whom were drawn thither for the purpose of identifiyiog the stolen property, but a larger number by curiosity to learn what developments had been made during the night. The officers were busy and new discoveries were continnaliy being made. It is thought that the entire gang have now been arrested and are io "durance v"Ie,'; but it is not known what may be developed by the thorough search which has been iosti uted and which is being pushed vigorously by the? officers of the law. There-is undoubtedly other property which has not yet been found but will be discovered within a short time, and there may be other persons implicated in the robberies. The Boy Clipper Plow has earned a I reputation of being the best ever used j and are pronounced perfect by the best farmers. Sold wholesale and retail at the factory agency, Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t Religious Meetings. T U x-. : a - i . i iveuui;s wn.cn nave ncen in. progress at the Front Street Methodist Church for the last two weeks have bein attended with a remarkably deep and fervid !eeling, and 15 persons have ut;,, xoe meetings wm oe continued through this week and pos- sibly longer. School Exercises. Ti, . - : . mresimg exercises mis -I lorfn ouat me union (iratied School, on Sixt4i street, between Nun and: w'""vu v.....-v.U6 w. umu.-u. iu. -.I i j-. . . anmineuo anu reauing oy ine nrst and cond elapses. Quite a number of visitors were present and ail expressed themselves as highly delighted with the I (.;.L. i . . UCM,nc m latraiuwess oi ine teaca- ers and the proficiency ot the pup;is. An examination of the mioilg of all the Graded Schools will be held before the term close?, at which time the Pea- j uou mcoai Will DO awarcea Delegates to Convention. At a meeting of the Vestry of St. John's Church, held last even in tr, tbo following were elected delegates to the Convention of the Diocese of East Car olina, which convenes at Kinston on Wednesday, May 13tb. viz: Josh T. James, Gabriel Holmes, II. G. Smali- bonesandCol. S. L. Fremont, with O P. Meares. Jr., Col. I). K. McRae, Walter Rutland and W. H. Yopp as alternates. Sudden Death. Yestersday's Goldaboro Argus says: "On the 'arrival of the Wilmington train at this piacc yesterday, a negro was seen to get off and go over to Granger's office, near the Opera House, lie hailed a gentleman passing and r asked him to p! ease get him a drclor, as he was very sick. Dr. Cobb respou ded and found him suffering with some I pain in the heart, and went to Miller & Shannon's drug store to procure medi" cine. When he returned he found ihe negro had fallen over dead. The coro ner was summoned, but did not think a jury necessary, deciding, on investi gating, that he died of heart disease, probably angina pectoris. The deceas ed proved to be Ennis Nelson, formerly of this place, but of late living in Wil mington. On his person was found a certificate stating that ho was a Free Will Baptist preacher in the New Han- j over district, iu good stnuding. He has a wife living in this place, though he had abandoned her. Wah! Wab! Wall! la view of the immense preparations being made for the impending contest in Asia, all matters relating to military maneuvers in this quarter of the yiobe will be read with especial interest. The following, which is the latest, has just been issued from tbo headuuarters of the Wilmington Light Infantry : WAR DEPARTMENT YT. L. 1. April 29, 1886. 3 A report was rife on the streets to day that Lt. General Armour, of the WizardOilConcertLlub.jbad decided not to remain at this post any longer,- and had been ordered, with his body guard, to a station on ine ironuer. lie con tradicts this report and says he wiil remain over Friday : isht. May 1st, '85, to give another Concert for the benefit ol the Wilmington Light Pn fantrv. r a K..;,r rv,,. by the troops to come off victorious The town folks must help :hem. An entirely new programme will he given and a new farce to conclude it. as fo'lows: PROGRAMME PART f. Overture "Island City," (Eaffktt, W. O. Orchestra. Quartette 'The Gold Miners," 'Acme" Quartette. Sentimental Ballad "My Sally'' Frank W. Sanders. Humorous Song 4 My Gel who don't vas home," (Laurens), J. D. Laurens. Baritone Solo "Lei Kameau (Ecurc), Chas, Armour Character Solo "Stuttering Keily," hlenrv Sentimental Song -sweet Roses wm Come Again,".! S. Ludwick. Plantation Melody- ."Golden Shoe? . J. D. Lourens. PART II. Xylophone Solo "Selected." Frank j W- Sanders. Qnartette"Champagne Song." Ac-; me" Quartette. Piano Solo A "The Dying Poet." (Gottscbaik) Prof. I. Greenewald. Piano Soto B An Original Waltz, (Greenewald) PFof. I. Greenewald. Humorous Song "The Same Thins Over Again." Henry W. Chiids. Baritone Song Some Day." Chas. Armour. Comic Sone "The Irish Wedding,'" (McGinnii) J. I). Laurens. Motto bong "Old, and tnthe Way, Frank W. Sanders Plantation Melodv "Good Bye, Pm Gone," Henry W. Cbilds farce "A Ghost in a Pawn Shop. Isaac Finklesteid Chas. Armour. Jake H. W. Chiids. Jim. - .J. D. Laurens. To be Sent Away. TheM m a r4a meniion was made in yesterday's issue ; was heard lhi3 awning in lhc Mayor's private office, wb. ! to hold him until hen it was concluded he eou'd be shipped j OR bo,irri a l0 some foreign port, j which will probably be within a few clays. NEW AUVJSKTISJEMKNTS nD-pA UAiCe . i. r. tru mm mm By pariicular rcqueet, ihaiAil-71 rH Mil I nr.mnnw t no n itaiu um uunrpaiiy, Asaisted byPrcf. I. GBEEXEWALD, Piaaist, . witmFm. "tof towfto, tSn i - AO C,inuuc wun ine iagnau:e rarce.entlUed A Pawn Shop. T;jl. ITtnV )Aat i c f hoc . m.n . Jake Henrv W. Chlkls. Jim J D. Laurens; T1ISGII03T. Admission 50c; Galleiy 25c. Befervc d t ats can be secured at Hclnsberger's without extra charge. Coijcert begins promptly at 6 o'clock. apl3Ut CondensedTimeTable No.11 Cape Fear & Yadkin T al ley llailway Co. rjpo TAKE EFFECT AT 8:00 A. M , MON DAY, Jauuary 10th, 1S?5: TRAIN NOBTH. Arrive. Leave. 8 00 a. m. 10.00 LCO p. in. :; 25 4 :;s 5.40 Becnettsville 'hoe Hel 9.37 a. m Fayettcville 12.10 p. m. i?anford ;i.rft Ore Hlil 4 3 i Liberty ft.st j Gv-'cnsLoro 7.0c ci rainmes at jrayettevine foroianer TCAIN SOUTH. Arrive. Leave lGrceneboro . . 9 40 a. ra. Liberty .10.EC. a. m. 11 (X Ore Hill 11 50 12 05 Sanfcrd 1.1 u p. m. 1 .36 p. m . Fayettevlila "..45 4 03 Shoe Heel G 15 6.40 Benncttsvllle S.20 20 minutes for dinner at Sanfcrd. W. M. S. DUNN, Gcn'l Sup't JNO. M. E03E. Gen'i Paes. Atrent, apl 30 tf Something Nice. K WILL. HAVE FRESH MACKEREL w for bale at our Fish Market on Friday more Lr. Will Ire tiold cheap, apl 30 DAVI5 & SON. Vegetables and Fruit, TTAVING LEASED STALL NO. 1 IN THE N fc VV MARKET, on South Front Btreot, 1 am now prepared to f urnlsh all kinds of Vegeta bles and ruit8 in season. T.i e patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. C. M. D HUMPHREY, apt 33 Stall No. I, Sew Market Q.ENUINE MURRAY & LA NMAS'8 FLORIDA WATER, 25c per bottle. rjENUlNE CASTILE SOAP, FIVE YEARS OLD,2Cc pouni. MUNHS BROS.. Market and Second, Fourth and Hanover stf.. apl 29 ! statc r,f Norlh Carolina, j New Hanover County. ) John H. Struss in bchalr of himself and all otter creditors of John Mcltae; dee'd, Plt'ff, vs. William LirilEs and Dc.naid HcRac. execu tors of the last will and testament of Jcho McFas, decked. Defendants ! ir.e creditors oi me estate oi Joan Mcuaa. deceased, are hereby rotined thta creditor's bill has this day be:n filed by the plaintiff, asaln&t the defendants, to fceruie eettlement J testator s es-ate aecormnr to sw. an !fiCito art.ear tctore the nnertlirccd at bia cilice m tho city or wnmmgton. cn or t.etore too ilili day or ftla, ibio, and uie tne evider. ( t-3 of tbeir c.'ainn or they will be prevencd from participation In the aects ot taid estate. Clerk Superior Court Sew Hanover to. apl 2 law 6w th CriYcn Up ! EVERY ONK THAT JticGOWAVri ! j JY -a LOON keeps the Coolest, Fre heat Beer in the city, and bejt Wh:kc at only 10c for J piajj, apl 28 uoitoievs Drus store. KJ 21 MAKKKT STREET. IBUG3, AND PATENT MEDICINE. Clararr- and Cijrarettes; Birds j.nd Flowers. Pre- riptlons. prepared at any hnr. api - o . tt . wavuki, uinifziai. New Books. i i rrHE BOOK ANNEXED TO 1 HE REPORT c; the Joint Committee of the Eook of Cena n'u Prayer; $1.5). Ihe Book Opened, or Anal; Is of the Bible, bf Alfred Nevin, D. D. : ?t. Reslyn's Fortune, by CI i Uin Eeid; fl.23 Boat a aid Saddles, by Eh rU fi.90. B. Coster; Ben-liar. A Tale oi the Christ, y Wallace Worm ley's Ulcro Cnemistrr of Parse as cloth, For saleat HSIK&BKJtGKBrS, Live Book aad Masse Stoic aplJT NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For the Ladies. J AM STILL RKCEi V1NQ NEW GOODS and tope to be ahle to please all who mar 1ve me a call. I expect a choice lot of foods next week, and will he placed oebow them. MRS. KATE C. ROBINSON will af sist me la the tusuicss, atd all who favor as with a call nav be euic of receiving prompt axd po lite attention. Respectfully, MRS. KATE C. WINK", apl 7 If 119 North Second St, baskets! BASKETS I JASKETS OF kVfckV Dii.SCRiPT10N, Picnic, Work, Scrp atd Market BkcU; also Fancy Flower and Hair Pin Raskets. Croquet Sets, Ba-.c BalM and Rata, Ham mocks, &c., all at lowest prices at 1TATES', Rook end Statationery Store apl r. Hard Times. Y BUT WE ARE OFFKR1KG GOODS at prices to. suit the tlrnos. all and sec mil Farmer, Golden Harvest, Columbia and ouhl ern Oak Cookirijr Move. Inipj, Lamp Cr iinces and Burners at bottom pi ice. Tib are at reran ar,u wnoicsaic. Pure White Oil at PARKER TAYLOR'S, spl 27 23 South Front St R- cTOrrell's J I VERY, HALE AND FEED STABLES, Corner Fourth and Mulccrry streets. Hordes and Vehicles for hire at low prices. Fast hoiscs, comforlab e Carriages and careful and experienced drivers. Horsta fed and cared for by the day, week or month. K3" Cart House and Cattle Yard attached to the Stables. TERMS LOW. apl 25 OFFICE -OF WILMNGT'N & WELDON B. R. CO., Wilmington, N. C, April J3tb, 1885. MSETWfG OF THE STOCKHOLDERS o this Company will be teld at the ofllec of the Company, in Wilmington, on MONDAY THE 1ST DAY OF. JUNE ncx. at JO o'clock, a. m., for te pnrpo-e of considering and act lnp upon a lea60 by thi Company of the Uall road old property of the Wilmington, Colum bia & Augusta Railroad Compuoy, oud for the purpose of providing for the financial needs of this Company. Uv orter of the Board of Directors. B. B. BRIDGKRS, President. J. w. THOMPSON, secretary. apl 27 tdm OFFICE OF WIL . COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA B. B. CO. Wilminoi Off, N. G., April 26th, 186. MEETING OF THE ST '. K HOLDERS oi this Compiny will be hcid at 10 o'clock, a. m., on MONDAY, THE 1ST DAY OFJUSE neNt, at the office of the Company in Wllming ton. N. C, and at 10 o'clock, a. m., on TUEfl DAV, THE IK DAY OF JUNE text, at Florence , S. .'., for the purpose cf consider ing ?nd effecting a leare ol the road and all iu ; property to the Wl'.tcing'.on & Weldon Rail read Company. By order of (he Board of Directors. K. K. BRIDGKR', President J. W. THOMPSON, Secretary. apl 27 tdm ! OFFiCE OF SECRETARY A TREASURER, CAROLINA CENTRAL R. R. CO. Wu.misgtox, N. C, April 10th, 185. 3C f- fltV rjMiK REGULAR ANNUAL MLKTiNG OE tn- Stockholders cf H e Carolina Central Ball Read Company, will be In Id at tiue Coupa ny's CfBoe in the City of llmisgton, on T8CR3DAY, MAY 7th, at 11 o'clock, a ra JNO. 1L SHARP. Secretary api 10 14 Corneau's BED BUG "INTERCEPTIC." . irjTHE ONLY THING THAT WILL DO Ihe J work safely, quietly atd pJeasaatly. A posl 1 tive J re ven tire a4 Care For sale by all 1 drnggiaU. J AS. D. BUTT. Prop.. J apT k North Front fet., WUulngtoBNX