MISCELLANEOUS. MALARIA Enter the ytem wiitno Shatters the Hern, Impairs Digestion, and Enfeebles inn ran h The Daily Review J'SH. T. JAMES. Editor Prop WIIJIINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. MAY 2. 1885 SATU Entered st the PoetoSg al nw aeeond-flnjM at Wilmington. S. C. matter. THE BEST TDH! Quickly and oniplfily enrw ,Msilrtria,and Chills rticI Fevers. I. the best and cheapest, aue 6 ly d&w uitnd. I .ii pit of Knftirv. it has bo eonal enriches sad prifte3 the blood, rtinjubites the e,p- petite, and swenftnenstne mncies ana nerves. It does not iniv.ro tho teeth, canse headache, or produce constipe.tion ' oihrr lm. mMtirinm do. Fathkk T. J. Rxoxt, the patriotic sad scholarly Catholic Divine, of Arkansas, nays: "I havo used Brown's Iron Bitters with the fsat est satisfaction for Malaria, and a s preventive 6f Chilis and like diseases, end will always keep it on hand as a ready friend." Genuine has above tride mark and crossed red lines on wrapper Tnke no other. Blade only by BKOWN CHEMICAL CO.. BALTIMORE, HI). Ladies' Hand Book useful and attractive, con taining list of prizes for recipes, information aboat coins, etc., given away by all dealers in medicine, or mailed to any address on receipt of 2c. Btamn. janl ly dAw DO YOU KNOW THAT , LOERILARD'S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO with Red Tin Tag: ROSE LEAF Fine-Cut Chew !n? : MAW P.I IPPINGS. an-t lilackfBfbwn nn l Yellow SNUFFS are' quality connidered? Dr. Moil's Powders NEVEH FAIL TO CURE ISFLAMMA tlon of the Kidneys. Gravel. Gleet. Strict ares and ail Urinary diseases. Nervous anu Physical Debility, nenital Weakness and all those untold m'series eaueed by Indiscretion or Excesses. Syphilis in all P.s forn? perrna nently ctved. Yellow o Bro-vn spots on face and boriy.Sore Throat and Nc e, Scrofula, Old Sores, Eczema, Tetter and 11 Blod and Skin diseases. Urinary diseases cured In days. Price 3. Enclose the money tc FRANK STEV." NS & CO., BaUimore, Md.. and It will be sent by mail sealed For sale by all drag Kbits; sent by mall iuly 7 d&wly Dr. Uodd's Nervine No. 2. riLL CURE NERVOUS, PHYSICAL YV and Genital Weakness caused by Indis cretion and yiolatlng the laws of health, Price $1 a. DR. HUNTER'S P'LLfP Cures Syphilis In all It forms and stages, Yellow or Brown e ots on the fa"e and body. Sore Throat and Nose, Scrofula, Tetter, Ecze ma, Itching sensation. Salt Rheum and all Blood and Skin Diseases. Utinary Diseases and Strictures speedily cured Pilcc $2 DR. HU'l 4 F'KM LB FKlifND Never fails to cure Irregularities or Suppres sions, caused by colds or disease. Married ladies and ladies "in delicate stcte of health are cautioned to not use it. Price $3 Fncloee the money for either n.edlciuc to FRANK STE VENS A CO , BaUimore, Md and it will be sent by mail or cxpres sealed. Kor sale by all Druggists; sent by mall or express, iuly T d&wlv The King of the Belgians, who has just celebrated the completion of his .fiftieih year, may be eaid to enjoy one almost unique distinction among the reigning princes of Christendom. Born heir apparent to the crown, he sccceeded a talher who died a natural death at a good old age and ingseenre possession of his sceptre. The King of Italy was seventeen years old before a kingdom of Italy existed. The King of :he Greeks is the founder of a dyn asty. The Czar ascended the tbrone of a murdered predecessor. The Emperors of Austria acd Brazil derived their titles, in the first instince, from "acts ff abdication" in their favor consequent upon revolutions. The Kings of Prussia, Sweden and Portugal all started in life as younger sons, the King of Denmark as a distant cousin Queen Victoria, at the date of her birth, stood but fifth in succession to the crown. mm f RELIABLE SELF CURE A favorite prescription of one of the most noted and SUCCesstui specialists in tho U. S v retired) for the cure of Nervous Debility. rfst Hanhonil, Weakness and Decay. Sen. , plain sealed envelope Free. Druggists can fill it. ddress DR. WARD & CO., Louisiana, Mo. The English gun factories consist Of forces, smiih's shop, rolling mills, pat fern shop, brass and iron foundry, gun boring mill, tool rooms, turneries' lighting room, field gun section, engin6 repairing shop, with other branches. In these various departments are at work some f00 machines, lathes and boring machines, drilling ma chines, other machines for rifling, planing, slotting,. . shaping, milling screwing, lopping and wheel cutting. Twenty weighing machines record and regulate the production : two circular saws are at work, and 240 vises are waiting to erip anything they can get bold of. Then fifty-four furnaces contin ually do blow, with the aid of six blow ing lans, while there is engine power to the extent of 700 horses, and boilor power t a much greater extent. And tne lactones csnn nroducn fi.fiOO tons ot jun. from the light mountain howit zer to ':e carried on the back of a mule, to the latest Woolwich infant of 80 tons r more. At the head of the factories are two or more arid erv officers while the general stall consists of 21 clerk?, daugbtsmen. and timekeepers- 24 foremen. 38fi artificers, and 571 las- borers and boys ; while as for total an nual cost, the guns take in round num bers a quarter of a million from the annual estimates. HP" I for working peop'e Send 1C E Mm wr cents portage, ana we will mail yon frkk. a royal, valuable eiraple box of goods that will put you In the. way of mak lng more money in a few days than ou ever thought possible at any business. Capitol not required. You can live at horn. and work in snare time pnly, or all the time. A tl of both sexe, of all ages, grandly successful, f 0 cento to $5ea8il? earned every evening. That all who want work roav test tfcc buslnrea, we make this un paralleled offer: To allwnoaTC not well satisfied c will send $1 to pay fo? the trouble f writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc., sent free, lmmen-e pay ab solutely sure for all who start at once. Don't delav. Address -TINSON & Co, Por:land, Airtl e. doc2d&wly "SIB HO A in presents given atcay Wl Al morc money 'han at anything else 1 IV by taking an agency for the beat selling boob out Beginners succeed grandly. None ftli Terms fixe, h allktt Book Co . Portland, Maine. dec 2 d&w ly Send us 5nts Dostasre. and you will get free a package of goods of large value, that will start you In work that will at once bring you In money faster than anything e. c in America. All about the $200,000 In presents with each box. Agents wanted everywhere. of either sex, of all ages, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for all workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. H. Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine. dec 2 d&w ly Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. feb i dAw cm tu th sat mm Men Think . Ihey know all about Mustang Lin iment. Few do. Not to know is not to have. feb 2 d&w cm tu th sat arm I CURE FITS. When I say cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have them return ariin, I mean a radical cure. I h ve made the disease of ITS, EPI LEPSY OR FA LLIXG SICKNESS a life-long study, t an i ant inn i nmnrlT to rnrn thnimril r n Mm others haVeiailed is no reason f or not now reeetviBC care. Send at once for e Treatiae and a Free Bottle of my infallible remeay. oive turprrs ana ronomce. costs roa nothing for a trial, and I will cure you. Address Da. H. G BOOT, lb Pearl St., New York. si ve, and be took rank at once any where as ft strong masculine nature, worthy to"be listened to, and not easily to be put aside. Ilia intellectual powers were o a hiifh order. With greater mental pla cidity and evenness, be would have approached oor Franklin, for hi in tuitions were clear and profound, and his mind philosophical. He owed al most nothing to early instruction; was, as luliy as any man may be, self-made, wet his best informed associates con stantly lonnd cause to marvel at the extent of his knowledge, tor he seemed to have given study and reflection to a! most all themes ot human interest. His impulses were high and noble. The errors and vices ot society sadden ed and distressed him. His sentiments toward woman were pure and chivalric. He instinctively took the side of the weak against the strong, and longed to see men grow better. He hated can', hvprocriy. duplicity, all meannesses, with a steady, anery impatience of them, loved and practised sincerity, openness, plain speaking and dealing. 4 1 have been trying to think," said a friend ot bis to-day who knew him long well, ''how England would have treated a man who should come to bim with a mean proposal of any kind', meaning by this what form his indigna tion would take. No honester man ever lived. There are thousands of men whose honesty may; be swerved il the motives are strenuous enough. No one ever imag ined it of his, for It was fundamental and ingrained in his character. He was generous if one may be so to a fault. Sorrow and need were ready passports to his heart, He corrected the errors and chid the iaults ot the necessitous with biting speech, with tears in his eyes, and a helpiDg hand. He stoed, and this is the sum of al', a true man in his appointed place, doing ali duties honestly and to the best of his might, and his course ended in honor. He sleeps well amid the rural s?ene be loved with so much natural heartiness, while tbe world is poorer by the loss ot a sincere man. J. H. Bates. New Yokk. April 28. MISCELLANEOUS. PERSONAL Secretary Manning eats only an apple or banana for bis midday meal. Although Bismarck is so devoted to the home industries of Germany, it is said that for twelve years he has had all his clothes made in Vienna. The richest nun in the world are said to be Mack ay, $275 000,0(0; Roths child $200 000,000; Vanderbilt, $175. 000,000, and the Duke of Westminster. $80,000,000; poor Jay Gould ha3 only $80,000,000. Mr. H W. Hobson. who has been appointed as linited States Attorney for the District of Colorado, is a grand son of Henry A, Wise, and was former ly ol Richmond, which city he only left three or tour years ago. A Youthful Editor. HISTORY OF THE HARDEST STRUGGLE OF HIS LIFE OF DEEP INTEREST T8 AU PROFES SIONS. We beg to call your especial attention to the f oH iwln letter Very seldom has a more re maikable case appeared In the history of med icine. - The toryl absolutely truthful in every detail. Pare ts whose children are suf fering or have suffered from Salt Bbeom should not fl to read it If not now, the time may come when the Inform stion contaln oi in it mav be worth more than a mine o? cold. The youth referred to is a marrel of- editorial talent, and well known In the ranks of amateur j mmahsm. But peruse what his erateful father says : Worcester. Mass , March 23, 1834 Dr. D. Kennedy, Rondout : Dear SIR My son, a lai of 15, editor of the ao-Aherd." amateur iournal, cf this city, has been at different times most severely, and apparently hopelessly, afflicted with Salt Itheum When a very 'Small child' his body was almost entirely covered with this loath some eruption. It mostly pasted away, how ever, alter the tee'.hing period, and he was not seriously troubled with it araln nrtil about one ycr ago, when tbe Salt Rheum first appeared o his hands letween his fin eers. then on his limbs, then on his face and head in oce sord mass. His coud tlon was ter rible The rash resembled ivy poisoning and we at first fancied it might be something not so bad as his old troubles, but the physician? pronounced it Salt henm, and made every effort, without a-sil, to cure it We tried a preparation widely adyerilse i as a speciQc for ekin diseases, nuS 11 mde about as much of an i npreseion as so much cold water would have done. You can understand the si-nation when 1 say we were in despair of obtaining real help from any source. At this point, through the advice of Mr. J. W. Bacon, whose da ighier had been cured of Salt Rheum bv it. I tiled "KENNEDY'S FA VORITE REMEDY". This was the right and only thing at last ! 1 he skin b'gan to heal at once, ana to-day the evidences of the d'scase have wholly disappeared. How thankful we are, Dear Doctor, I Jea-veyouto imagine. YOUTB, J. W. BATC1U2LDER. No 17 Terrill street. The experience of years, and the testimony of thousands demonstrate DR. DAVID Kfc- NEDY'8 FAVORITE REMEDY to. be the most successful medicine for organic and blood diseases ever discovered. Prepared solely by Dr. David Kennedy, Phytidaa and surgeon, Rondout, N. Y . cpll3 d&w nrm . W ANTE I LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, In city or country, to receive light, slm pie, easy work at home aU the year round; work sent by mall; distance no objection; sal ary from $3 to 6 per day ; no canvas.-insr; no stamp required for repKT. Address UNION MANUFACTURING COMPANY, box r,V0, Bo- ton, Mass. apl 15 d & w lm MISCELLANEOUS Condensed Time Table No. 11 Gilding! Gilding!! While discussing the strained relat- tions existing between England and iussia the last actiou ot England should not he overlooked. By the seizure of P rt' Hamilton England has scoured the control of the Korean Strait and possesses a Gibraltar which guards tbe si uthern entrance to the Japan Sea. T L XT T r n. . . i ne nan now group oi isianas con sists of the two large islands Sodo and Sunhodo, with a smaller island called Observatory Island. Tbe larger Islands are deeply., indented, their northern tnds almost mee:ing, while Observa tory Island is situated between their southeastern points. Tormina the spa cious mid well sheltered harbor known ae Port Hamilton, ibe main entrance to which is in the southeastern part of the group. This entrance wiii admit vessels of the greatest draught, while he northern entrance, 250 yards wide, may be used by small vessels in line weather. The holding ground is ex cellent, and there is room in the harbor tor a large fleet. Port Hamilton is so well protected that it affords shelter in the worst weather. By occupying- the island England bas removed her base of supplies, in the event of war, over one hundred miles nearer to Vladivo stok, tbe principal Russian fort in Sibe ria. As Port Hamilton is onlv 140 miles from Nagasaki, where the inex haustible co-d mines are being worked, she can, within two weeks, make a depot of coal, which will last her fleet for months. The reasons which in fluenced the English Government to 3cize upon Port Hamilton are thus made plain. The Russian cruisers in the Sea of Japan must remain there. and those out in the North Pacific will be kept from reaching their base of supplies. Young or middle-aged men suffering from nervous debility, loss ot memory, premature old age, as the result of bad habits, should' send 10 cents in stamps for large illustrated treatise. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Asso ciation, 653 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y. MAY MOONSHINE. The surest political appointment is disappointment. Marathon Indepen dent. "I'm down on roller skates!" ex claimed he, as heclamly proceeded to regain his feet The Rink Send in your Christmas presents, such a3 Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Alburns, &c, and have name neatly stamped in Gold by a reliable and competent workman. In the meantime your orders for Printing, iRuling or "Binding could not be placed in better hands. JACKSON & BELL. Cape Fear & Yadkin Val ley Railway Co. rjTK TAKE EFFECT AT S:00 A. M , MON DAY, January J9A. 135 TRAlN NORTH. Arrive. lave. BacnettsviUe 8 00 "a. m. .-hoe Hcl r.. 9.37 a. m 10 00 Fayetteville 12.10 p. a. 1.C0 p. m. Santord 3.(9 t 25 OreHUl 4 S3 4 3S Liberty 34. 5.40 iirecul oro. 7.CC V 60 minutes at fayetteville for dinner TiiAIN SOUTH. Arrive. J-eave Greensboro 9 40 a. in. Liberty lO.fO a, m. 11 00 Ore Hill ...U i'.t 105 8n,rrd 1.1(1 p. m 1.30 p. m. FayettevIU-. 3 45 4 00 Shoe Ut el 6 15 6 40 . BsnECtisvlllc 3.20 20 minutes for dlmer at Sanf rd. t W. M. 8. DUNN, GenMSup't J NO. M . R04K, OenM Fass. Aent. apso u THE SXJXsr. N INDEPENDENT NBWSPAPEB OF Ltmocralic Principle-, but not Controlled by any Set f Politicians or Manipulators; Devo ted to Collecting and Publishing all the News of the Day in the most interesting Shape and with the greatest possible Promptness. Accu racy and Impartiality ; and to the Promotion of democratic leas and Policy in the affairs of Government, Society and Industry. Rates, by Mail, Postpaid : DAILY, ner Year 99 DAILY, per Month , 50 SUNDAY, per Year 1 tO daily and SUNDAY ner Year 7 00 WKKKLY. ner Yrar 1 00 Address, THE SUN, New York City dec 17 ft. Vegetable and Fruit 1 RATES IN 8HOOKS AND READY made. Our Crates arc made with Juniper Slats and Plnefcn -s, givirg strength and lightness and preventing splitting. Avoid delay ia ship ment, and get first prices by mifljr contracts ahead. PAKSLJiY & WlG-iLNs. WHITE CYPRESS AND YELLOW PINE Sash, Blinds and Doors, Guaranteed as good as the best. Moulding, Brackets. Balusters and Orns "Liauor strengthens the voice. says a great tenor. I his may be. It certamly strengthens tbe breath. Ceil I. Tbe boy whose hair is cut by his mother seldom takes off his hat when there arc any girls around. New York Journal. A New York man has a bulldog that can read. He acquired his literary tastes by biting book agents. Newman Independent. The labor depression grows worse and worse. A great many skating rinks are only running on halt time. Marathon Independent. A French physician has written a long letter on the advantages of groan ing and crying. One is that neither will be mistaken for singing, Boston Post. "Plant anything on your Kansas farm, Bill?" "Yaas, planted a mort gage and two cowboys, but I am afraid I can't raise nary one ot 'em." Burdetle. An exchange asks, "How shall we prevent mice from gnawing bark off truit trees?" Kill the mice, of course. A dead muse never gnaws bark. Graphic. A man may be loaded to the eye brows with philosophy, and yet become as helpless as a child when ho tries to get the last words with a woman. Chicago Ledger. mental Wood Work. apl 13 PARSLEY A WIGGINS. apl 4 3m eod d tw SWe have read many hanc'some obit uaries in our day, many well conceived and well expressed tributes to departed worth, but tbe following, which is dedi cated to the memory of the late Isaac W. England, publisher of the New York Sun, whose sudden death we have recently recorded, is one of the most eloquent, terse and sincere, yet at the same time undemonstrative tributes we have ever read. We would be glad to have one-half of it written of in truthfully when we are gone': To the Editor of the Sun Sir: I assisted to-day to place in lasting rest Mr. Isaac VV. England, now for so long tbe publisher of the Sun, and before the plenteous flowers strewn on his grave are faded. I ask a iittie space where, wilis fe rough strokes, I may sketch him as he seemed to me. He was a manly man. cast in a gea nrons mould, so that his taeii tries. i manners, habit?, whatever pertained to him, became noticeable and impres- Dr. David Kennedy, of Rohdout. N. Y., Proprietor af the great medi cine, called "Favorite Remedy'1 is a regular physican surgeon, and despises a humbug as heartily as any man. If you have anv complaint of tbe Blood, Kidneys or Liver, invest one dollar for "Favorite Remedy," and it will prove a Eood investment. Young leu:-teart This. The Voltaic Belt Co.,ot Marshall, Mich., offer to send their Celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belt and other Electric Appliances cn trial, for thirty days, to men (young or old) afflicted with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also lor rheumatism, neu ralgia, paralysis, and many other dis eases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred as thirty days trial is allowed. Write them at once for illus trated pamphlet free, w s m & w lyR, A. Card. To all who are suffering from the error a and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood. &c. J will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. eod d&w lv USE PtCTI31.TPS3 Digestible Cocoa Instead of Tea or Coffee. 1884. 1884. CHRISTMAS. AT D A. SMITH'S Furniture Warerooms, Can be found a large assort oaent of VALUABLE GIFTS, suitable for everybody. The pub ic, and especially the ladles, are respectfully Invited to call and examine prices, &c. D. A. SMITH. Furniture Dealer, N. Front Street dec 22 Health is Wealth. (UE GUAilNTE??D -Dr E. C WEST'S j Nkkvb km Rbain Trratmeht, a guar an teed ppefcinc for Hystcila, Dlzzines-3, Con vulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache Nvrvous Prostration caused by tbe use pf al cohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental De-pret-slon, Softening of the Brain lesuliinglK insanity and leading to misery, decay and Jeaih, Premature old Age, Barrennet-B, Loss of power in cither sex, InvOlnutary Losses and pei-matorrhoca caused by ovr exertion ot the b in, self abuse or over-indulgence. ach box contains one month's treatment. $1 eo a box, or six boxes for $5 00, sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX POXES To cure any case. W 1th each order received bv us for six boxes, accompanied 1th $3. o, we will send the purchaser our written guar antec to refund the money If the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only 0y JOHN C. WEST & CO , 862 W AladiBon St., Chicago, 111. oct 21 lyd&w frtij r Railroad Company Omca of flnnuL sm. 'to-ein:t.i8 Change of Schedule rN. 4?D AFTER March 6. M ,-Tralna uui c ww muiin r.iiwv.si i , 1 1 -. w.i roi . .a a.ij vuLt kr88 TRAI . ' NO. 47 Nobth jn ttT" Leave Weldon. 1 Fast Through pl Dlt-No. 40 South Leave Weldon.. Airtveat mB'gto,lYontSuivt JgLj-a. f Assflg THAI - -No. 43 North. Leave Wilmington Arrive at Weldon T. F- Train No. 45 leaves Wilmington at 9 m t arrives at Weldon at 7. 80 A. 10 .; Trin No 42 leaves Weldm, arrive at Wilmington at 7.10 a h Train No. 45 iaiiv extent Sun,!.' MAIL AND Train No. 40 South wlb itop '. Goldsboro and Magnolia. 1 n uns on rartwrojiranch Road !. it for Tarboro at S.44 P. LT,? DaUy Itetarnlag leave TartSJ ift J Trains on Tarboro Brnoh , Mount for Tarboro. atS.4 P. rI? A.M. Trains on Scotland Nock Bran. .. . Halifax for ScotLaatl Neck at S W VBr" - "W.it dofo? Tl? mond, and dally excedy A" rtUwt ar r THUD No- :jr and me.c L?lail p?lRts North vLwchS!?. -Blimg iwu. p All trains run solid between Wisi.t JOHS T. Dr?IKI T.M.EwSON.SS3w, Wilmington, ColumbU & Augusta K. R. Co. OVFIOS OT GENKSAL SUPNTHD.. Wagton. N. C. March 6, 18, j Whan properly prepared for the cup it makes a DELICIOUS AND NOURISHING DRINK. IT IS FREE FROM GREAS1NESS, and WILL NOT DISTURB DIGESTION. Unequalled by any Cocoa or Chocolate 40 Cets per Can. FOR SALE BY P. L. BEID&ERS & CO., A PEEPER I BREECH bOAUINC C U N. t- m mmm una in tw a ii n Uu 71 U 0 I D U n tor tbe least money ever offered to the public. or sale by all first-class Gun lealrs. t Wholesale only by (send for Catalogue) GH0VERUN6, DALY & GALES, 84 & 86 Chambers St New York. apl 37 HO Iortb Front St. W ANTED Ladies and Gentlemen to keep rmv crnrula nn Arhihltirtn. Acents make $3 io $7 dally. Send 10 cents for Illustrated Catalogue and begin at once. PARK MFG. CO , Box 1,521 239 Broadway, New York, apl 15 d&w lm Board. FEW MORE BOARDERS, EITHER table, regular or trans'ent. can be accommo dated with comfortab e rooms and the best the market affords, at MRS. ROBERT LEE'S, 113 V Market bet. Front and Second, nov 18 if r. ' S f. m V it i i i e'-.'-'r.-Ea Rp 1 Jink 1 jSJjBafJ r- E a . car- c -j k.VX!K - M w-.f C35- ' ttadicalCure for ::iiVOUs 2SBIIT3T, jrpme Weakness, ;PHYSIOA DECAY, in Young & Middle Aged Men. Tested for oveh8ix Years by use in many Thousand Cases. TRIAL w r HERVOySDEBlUTY Oa ai;io Weaekess Deca y,an numerous- eascroificaPes. oar- flins the skilled ?hy. siciaca. result frcci yonthfril indi rction. tnn frv 'nrJu'cTTiCfi. or overbrair. wcrfe'. Avoid ths impositic.i ot pfctcn tious reaaedks fur thes9 trouble. Get cur Free Circular BTidTri-l Pack see, and learn itnoortant I facta before t-king treat ment elsewhere. Take a I SURE Remedy that has CURED thousands, does not interfere with atten- jtion to business, or causa pain or rncon vejjience in any way. Founded on scientific medical princi ples. By direct application to the seat of disease its specific influence is felt iwuaoat aeiay. ne uas- lural functions ot tne flu. Iman organism is restored. Change of Schedule, OH AND AFTER MARCH 8, m, -5.07 A. M., the following Passenger bw uie will bo run on this road t NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAttT-!. West and 47 Matt. Leave Wilmington 8.20 P. M Leave Florence i.MA.E Arrive at C. C. A A. Junction 6.20 A. ui Arrive at Columbia . .40 A. M. Leave Columbia 9.56 P. M leave C..O. A. junction. 10.30 P. M. Ltave Florence - 5.0T A. M Arrive at Wl Imivjrton . a, if Night Mail asp r assknger Hum, Dxilt No. 40 West. 3 ave Wilmington ...10.30 P. il Arrive at Florence 1 30 A. It MAIL AND PASSENGER TKAU DAtLI No. tlfoat. Leave Florence at .....t.5 P. a. Arrive at Wilmington OP. S Train No. 4 learc-i Vt i mlngtou at7 80A.M; arrives st Florence at il.4f A. M. Train No. 45 leaves Florence at 10 OOP. .; arriving at W ilmington at t .0 A. M. Tram No. oaiiy except Mocday. Ti ain No. 45 datly except Saturday. Tram 42 and 43 stops at all Stations. No. 41 stops only at Flemlngton, and ltarta. PasBensers for Columbia and all noUa on H. A C. R. R., C, & A R. R. Stations, Alien Jon tlon, and all points beyond, should take tbe 43 Night Express. separate unman Sleepers ror August m Train 4 8. All train run solid between Charleston w Wilmington. . s Local freignt leaves WUmlnirton da7 tx ceyt Sunday at 5.25 A. M. JOlH r. LtiVUUs, General Superintendeat T. M. EMERSON , General Passenger Ami- mch-7 Carolina Central R. R Company. sit OBTXOB Ot GENERAL SUFKAWTEKU-HT, 1 WUndiwton. N. C. Sept. 20. 1884. m. 1 -. nf rft:gRnn-rrTf ?&trul o1 Change of Schedule. AND AFTER SEPT.2it, 1884, THI be operated on m TJi EA TMENT. One Month, - $3-004 Two Mentha, - C.oo! Three -Contha, 7.001 The animating clement) ch. nav k.and the pat it nt becomes cheer lof life, which wasted ore given bee! ve been I ful and ts pidly gains both I ssrengm ana sex ox vigor. HARRIS REMEDY CC2 M'FG CHEMISTS 30QX . xontn , uuia, u. SI! OTURED PERSONS ! Kola Tru: sr i Ask for terms nfo-ir Appliance. VVJeJ GIVE 53rf !; 1tTAl. nplS dw ly WANTED LADIES BY CRESCENT ART CO., o take light, pleasant employ ment at their own homes (sent by mall any u tance), $0 oo to $10.0 j per week can lje made ; o pho to painting; no canvassing. For fud information please address at ones, CRRSCENT ART CO., Revere, Mass. apl 15 d A w lm AUUT7P send six cents for postage A A M mi M. and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world. All cf either sex, succeed from the first hour. The broad road to fortune opens before toe wort era, absolutely sure. At once ad ress Tarns fc Co., Augusta. Maine, nov 2 d&w ly OFFICE OF Dr. S. C. Ellis, NO. 824 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, next to Miller's Drug Store. AST Note change of office hours, which axe as follows 9 to 10a.m., 2 to3p. m.7to9p.m. PTJRGELL HOUSE. TJNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, WILMINOTOH. K. L S. L. PERRY, Proprietor, late Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. Ftrat-Clasa n all tt s.Drotntun Term 2J50 to $3.00 dav. The Excursion and Pic Nic gEASON IS OVER AND THE THEATRI CAL AND B ALL Season has opentd again and JOHN WERNER, tbe practical German Bar ber and Perfumer, is personally In attendance at his Hair Dressing Saloon, 39 Market Street, between Water and Front, Wilmington, N. C. JUl following tJcneauMJ will Railroad : , PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPKK88 TRAIN Dally except Sundays. ) Leave WUmlngton st .7 p- J No. , S Leave Ralelghat 5 J Arrive at Charlotte at - Leave Charlotte at fj- J No, 2. S Arrive Raleigh at S al u ) Arrive at Wilmington at.----'" Passenger Trains stop at regnitf only, and points designated In the vw' Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION, PABSENtftt, EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Daily except Sundays. .... , o i Leave Charlotte .,cl No'3- j Airiveil Tsherby J No-4- i A-TaTc-a !,! Trains No. 1 and 2 make close eorjec Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to sndfro cit and Charlotte andBaleigh and Cbarto Western N C R R, Ashevllle andpoinw.r Also, for HpartanDurg, -Atlanta and all points Sontbweat. W. W. CIJLRK, Geo-ralEPaaaenger sept w sifficc ia ,VJ. "r. AO. rffjAlmpB s a apep' -aim mretm a' hce neara --T Zdbrh-i. Hcgn-roP'Tp , nk ind Tieatise sentrtree. im nUwar I rkt SHSau S1 0. lltAIESKROLE. No. 96 Job- St.. 5- apl 204 w dw Bedroom Sets. a P.ST AS80" rrHB iuxyw v ment ever oflered here. For sale bv i

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